Correct answers 🎊🎊🎊 Translations as below: 1. Warm humid air is more buoyant than warm dry air. 溫暖潮濕的空氣浮力比溫暖乾燥的空氣還要高。 2. I used to sleep with the humidifier on when I studied in Tokyo. 我以前在東京讀書時,睡覺都會開著加濕器。 3. The clerk recommended me an app for controlling the humidity of the clothes’ closet. 店員推薦我一個應用程式,可以控制衣櫥的濕度。
Correct answers 🎉🎉🎉 Translations as below: 1. Warm humid air is more buoyant than warm dry air. 溫暖潮濕的空氣浮力比溫暖乾燥的空氣還要高。 2. I used to sleep with the humidifier on when I studied in Tokyo. 我以前在東京讀書時,睡覺都會開著加濕器。 3. The clerk recommended me an app for controlling the humidity of the clothes’ closet. 店員推薦我一個應用程式,可以控制衣櫥的濕度。
Correct answers 👏🏻 👏🏻 👏🏻 Translations as below: 1. Warm humid air is more buoyant than warm dry air. 溫暖潮濕的空氣浮力比溫暖乾燥的空氣還要高。 2. I used to sleep with the humidifier on when I studied in Tokyo. 我以前在東京讀書時,睡覺都會開著加濕器。 3. The clerk recommended me an app for controlling the humidity of the clothes’ closet. 店員推薦我一個應用程式,可以控制衣櫥的濕度。
Correct answers 👏🏻 👏🏻 👏🏻 Translations as below: 1. Warm humid air is more buoyant than warm dry air. 溫暖潮濕的空氣浮力比溫暖乾燥的空氣還要高。 2. I used to sleep with the humidifier on when I studied in Tokyo. 我以前在東京讀書時,睡覺都會開著加濕器。 3. The clerk recommended me an app for controlling the humidity of the clothes’ closet. 店員推薦我一個應用程式,可以控制衣櫥的濕度。
Correct answers 👏🏻 👏🏻 👏🏻 Translations as below: 1. Warm humid air is more buoyant than warm dry air. 溫暖潮濕的空氣浮力比溫暖乾燥的空氣還要高。 2. I used to sleep with the humidifier on when I studied in Tokyo. 我以前在東京讀書時,睡覺都會開著加濕器。 3. The clerk recommended me an app for controlling the humidity of the clothes’ closet. 店員推薦我一個應用程式,可以控制衣櫥的濕度。
Correct answers 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼 Translations as below: 1. Warm humid air is more buoyant than warm dry air. 溫暖潮濕的空氣浮力比溫暖乾燥的空氣還要高。 2. I used to sleep with the humidifier on when I studied in Tokyo. 我以前在東京讀書時,睡覺都會開著加濕器。 3. The clerk recommended me an app for controlling the humidity of the clothes’ closet. 店員推薦我一個應用程式,可以控制衣櫥的濕度。
Correct answers 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼 Translations as below: 1. Warm humid air is more buoyant than warm dry air. 溫暖潮濕的空氣浮力比溫暖乾燥的空氣還要高。 2. I used to sleep with the humidifier on when I studied in Tokyo. 我以前在東京讀書時,睡覺都會開著加濕器。 3. The clerk recommended me an app for controlling the humidity of the clothes’ closet. 店員推薦我一個應用程式,可以控制衣櫥的濕度。
Correct answers 👏🏻 👏🏻 👏🏻 Translations as below: 1. Warm humid air is more buoyant than warm dry air. 溫暖潮濕的空氣浮力比溫暖乾燥的空氣還要高。 2. I used to sleep with the humidifier on when I studied in Tokyo. 我以前在東京讀書時,睡覺都會開著加濕器。 3. The clerk recommended me an app for controlling the humidity of the clothes’ closet. 店員推薦我一個應用程式,可以控制衣櫥的濕度。
Correct answers 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼 Translations as below: 1. Warm humid air is more buoyant than warm dry air. 溫暖潮濕的空氣浮力比溫暖乾燥的空氣還要高。 2. I used to sleep with the humidifier on when I studied in Tokyo. 我以前在東京讀書時,睡覺都會開著加濕器。 3. The clerk recommended me an app for controlling the humidity of the clothes’ closet. 店員推薦我一個應用程式,可以控制衣櫥的濕度。
Correct answers 🎉🎉🎉 Translations as below: 1. Warm humid air is more buoyant than warm dry air. 溫暖潮濕的空氣浮力比溫暖乾燥的空氣還要高。 2. I used to sleep with the humidifier on when I studied in Tokyo. 我以前在東京讀書時,睡覺都會開著加濕器。 3. The clerk recommended me an app for controlling the humidity of the clothes’ closet. 店員推薦我一個應用程式,可以控制衣櫥的濕度。
Correct answers 🎉🎉🎉 Translations as below: 1. Warm humid air is more buoyant than warm dry air. 溫暖潮濕的空氣浮力比溫暖乾燥的空氣還要高。 2. I used to sleep with the humidifier on when I studied in Tokyo. 我以前在東京讀書時,睡覺都會開著加濕器。 3. The clerk recommended me an app for controlling the humidity of the clothes’ closet. 店員推薦我一個應用程式,可以控制衣櫥的濕度。
Correct answers 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼 Translations as below: 1. Warm humid air is more buoyant than warm dry air. 溫暖潮濕的空氣浮力比溫暖乾燥的空氣還要高。 2. I used to sleep with the humidifier on when I studied in Tokyo. 我以前在東京讀書時,睡覺都會開著加濕器。 3. The clerk recommended me an app for controlling the humidity of the clothes’ closet. 店員推薦我一個應用程式,可以控制衣櫥的濕度。
Correct answers 🎉🎉🎉 Translations as below: 1. Warm humid air is more buoyant than warm dry air. 溫暖潮濕的空氣浮力比溫暖乾燥的空氣還要高。 2. I used to sleep with the humidifier on when I studied in Tokyo. 我以前在東京讀書時,睡覺都會開著加濕器。 3. The clerk recommended me an app for controlling the humidity of the clothes’ closet. 店員推薦我一個應用程式,可以控制衣櫥的濕度。
Correct answers 👏🏻 👏🏻 👏🏻 Translations as below: 1. Warm humid air is more buoyant than warm dry air. 溫暖潮濕的空氣浮力比溫暖乾燥的空氣還要高。 2. I used to sleep with the humidifier on when I studied in Tokyo. 我以前在東京讀書時,睡覺都會開著加濕器。 3. The clerk recommended me an app for controlling the humidity of the clothes’ closet. 店員推薦我一個應用程式,可以控制衣櫥的濕度。
Correct answers 👏🏻 👏🏻 👏🏻 Translations as below: 1. Warm humid air is more buoyant than warm dry air. 溫暖潮濕的空氣浮力比溫暖乾燥的空氣還要高。 2. I used to sleep with the humidifier on when I studied in Tokyo. 我以前在東京讀書時,睡覺都會開著加濕器。 3. The clerk recommended me an app for controlling the humidity of the clothes’ closet. 店員推薦我一個應用程式,可以控制衣櫥的濕度。
precipitation 降水 1:45
the change of precipitation 降水機率
hurricane 颶風 2:40
fatality 喪生者
mild 溫和的 3:15
subside 趨緩平息 3:40
cloudy 陰天的多雲的 4:10
hazard 4:30 危險(n)
hail 冰雹 5:55(n,v)
downpour 大雨 (n)6:25
chilly adj 寒冷的 6:50
intermittent adj 間接的 7:15
splash v. 使潑濺 7:40
dense adj. 濃密的,稠密的 8:40
the chance of precipitation 降雨機率
11 Weather
thunderstorm n.雷雨
temperature n.溫度
precipitation n.降雨
non-stop adj/adv.不停頓的
hurricane n.颶風
mild adj.溫和的
subside v.平緩
cloudy adj.陰天的、多雲的
hazard n.危險
sunset n.日落
forecast n/v.預測
hail n/v.(下)冰雹
downpour n.暴雨
chilly adj.寒冷的
intermittent adj.間歇的
splash v.潑濺
humid adj.潮濕的
dense n.稠密的
torrential adj.傾瀉的
endless adj.無止境的
disaster n.災難
shower n.陣雨、淋浴
gradual adj.逐漸的
drought n.旱災、乾旱
shadow n.影子
drench v.使...濕透、淋濕
dehydration n.脫水
freezing adj.極冷的
drastic adj.猛然的、激烈的
flood n.洪水 v淹沒
您12集以後就沒有類似這個圖表了 好可惜XDD
😁 感謝你還記得我捏~ 在這邊遇上了也不錯呀
2023.6.17 複習簽到
感謝老師。 英文進步很多
感謝老師. 好用心~.很實用
😉 喜歡影片內容再請多多幫我分享出去唷
Cathy 嘴巴怎麼那麼甜 😍
Correct answers 🎊🎊🎊
Translations as below:
1. Warm humid air is more buoyant than warm dry air.
2. I used to sleep with the humidifier on when I studied in Tokyo.
3. The clerk recommended me an app for controlling the humidity of the clothes’ closet.
😁 加油加油,可以照順序觀看,也可以先從比較生活化的主題下手,慢慢累積單字量
warm humid air 溫暖潮濕的空氣
buoyant 有浮力的
sleep with the humidifier 和加濕器睡在一起
controlling the humidity of clothes’ closets 控制衣櫥的濕度
Correct answers 🎉🎉🎉
Translations as below:
1. Warm humid air is more buoyant than warm dry air.
2. I used to sleep with the humidifier on when I studied in Tokyo.
3. The clerk recommended me an app for controlling the humidity of the clothes’ closet.
BDA ✨Thank you. 🤩
Correct answers 👏🏻 👏🏻 👏🏻
Translations as below:
1. Warm humid air is more buoyant than warm dry air.
2. I used to sleep with the humidifier on when I studied in Tokyo.
3. The clerk recommended me an app for controlling the humidity of the clothes’ closet.
BDA! 希望我答對~真的被單字要被詞性ㄟ!在填空題會是個很好的解題方法~!
Correct answers 👏🏻 👏🏻 👏🏻
Translations as below:
1. Warm humid air is more buoyant than warm dry air.
2. I used to sleep with the humidifier on when I studied in Tokyo.
3. The clerk recommended me an app for controlling the humidity of the clothes’ closet.
詞性真的 超 重 要 !!! 特別是多益考試,詞性題每場考試都會出現
3.7.revage破壞.9.12 .
感謝分享~~ 🥳
BDA, 謝謝🙏
1.B 2.D 3.A
Correct answers 👏🏻 👏🏻 👏🏻
Translations as below:
1. Warm humid air is more buoyant than warm dry air.
2. I used to sleep with the humidifier on when I studied in Tokyo.
3. The clerk recommended me an app for controlling the humidity of the clothes’ closet.
句中的 below 就是用以前凸顯車子和房子是在下方,被冰雹由上往下砸的位置。
請問 hazard 的中文句子翻譯是 乾燥的天氣可能會使聖誕樹引發火災 嗎~
@@王喵喵-f3b 😉
好問題耶~ 我原先把兩個字是為同義詞看待,但經查證了一下,有以下結果:
以定義來說,chilly 是會讓人顫抖的冷;而 freezing 是會結霜的冷,所以對應中文的話,chilly 像是「冷颼颼的」,freezing 則像是「冷冰冰的、凍僵的」。
但英文母語者會覺得 cold, chilly , freezing 這些字的程度順序比較主觀,也就是說不一定用哪個字就一定比較冷,但我看到大多數的排列會是:[比較不冷-比較冷]
cool - chilly - cold - freezing
(B) (D) (A)
Correct answers 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼
Translations as below:
1. Warm humid air is more buoyant than warm dry air.
2. I used to sleep with the humidifier on when I studied in Tokyo.
3. The clerk recommended me an app for controlling the humidity of the clothes’ closet.
Correct answers 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼
Translations as below:
1. Warm humid air is more buoyant than warm dry air.
2. I used to sleep with the humidifier on when I studied in Tokyo.
3. The clerk recommended me an app for controlling the humidity of the clothes’ closet.
Correct answers 👏🏻 👏🏻 👏🏻
Translations as below:
1. Warm humid air is more buoyant than warm dry air.
2. I used to sleep with the humidifier on when I studied in Tokyo.
3. The clerk recommended me an app for controlling the humidity of the clothes’ closet.
Correct answers 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼
Translations as below:
1. Warm humid air is more buoyant than warm dry air.
2. I used to sleep with the humidifier on when I studied in Tokyo.
3. The clerk recommended me an app for controlling the humidity of the clothes’ closet.
10/3 go
Correct answers 🎉🎉🎉
Translations as below:
1. Warm humid air is more buoyant than warm dry air.
2. I used to sleep with the humidifier on when I studied in Tokyo.
3. The clerk recommended me an app for controlling the humidity of the clothes’ closet.
Correct answers 🎉🎉🎉
Translations as below:
1. Warm humid air is more buoyant than warm dry air.
2. I used to sleep with the humidifier on when I studied in Tokyo.
3. The clerk recommended me an app for controlling the humidity of the clothes’ closet.
Correct answers 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼
Translations as below:
1. Warm humid air is more buoyant than warm dry air.
2. I used to sleep with the humidifier on when I studied in Tokyo.
3. The clerk recommended me an app for controlling the humidity of the clothes’ closet.
Correct answers 🎉🎉🎉
Translations as below:
1. Warm humid air is more buoyant than warm dry air.
2. I used to sleep with the humidifier on when I studied in Tokyo.
3. The clerk recommended me an app for controlling the humidity of the clothes’ closet.
Correct answers 👏🏻 👏🏻 👏🏻
Translations as below:
1. Warm humid air is more buoyant than warm dry air.
2. I used to sleep with the humidifier on when I studied in Tokyo.
3. The clerk recommended me an app for controlling the humidity of the clothes’ closet.
Correct answers 👏🏻 👏🏻 👏🏻
Translations as below:
1. Warm humid air is more buoyant than warm dry air.
2. I used to sleep with the humidifier on when I studied in Tokyo.
3. The clerk recommended me an app for controlling the humidity of the clothes’ closet.