Awesome deck profile. Cant wait to see an update when the 3 new cards in lightning overdrive are released. Personally i have gone more for a cyberse build.
My build also runs the phantom knights, but instead of fire flint lady, i run edea the heavenly monarch squire for the isolde summon. Agter the pk engine runs its course (if i open that route), isolde drops sword of deep seated to special edea. Chain link 1, sword. Chain link 2 edea. Edea summons rappa, sword goes back to the top of the deck (which would get shuffled due to rappa effect). Mine runs a few more traps though to mitigate not being able to use the extra deck after edea, but it runs pretty smooth.
Awesome deck profile. Cant wait to see an update when the 3 new cards in lightning overdrive are released. Personally i have gone more for a cyberse build.
My build also runs the phantom knights, but instead of fire flint lady, i run edea the heavenly monarch squire for the isolde summon.
Agter the pk engine runs its course (if i open that route), isolde drops sword of deep seated to special edea. Chain link 1, sword. Chain link 2 edea. Edea summons rappa, sword goes back to the top of the deck (which would get shuffled due to rappa effect). Mine runs a few more traps though to mitigate not being able to use the extra deck after edea, but it runs pretty smooth.