"Oh my," says god, "You've sent of my archangels, the purest expression of my thought, back to me all broken. I guess I'll just have to remake reality. How did that little guy Thanos do it (when I let him do it)? It was so understated and dramatic at the same time. Oh yeah.... snap."
Everyone else was demolished except put up a real fight. If all the armies was iron man, the titans would’ve made it that easily. I’m surprised the angels did not damage.
Это ж надо так отстойно всё делать! Даже элементарного знакомства с армией не может замострячить. Простейшего крупного плана перед битвой по главным действующим лицам!.. Пролетел наспех (а кто-там-чего?!..), и вперёд побыстрее своё тяп-ляп фигачить... Ужоснах... Не стал смотреть.
I’ve seen what Chuck Norris can do to hulk in this game. What can he do to titans
Titans stamina is ridiculous. Gods, angels, tanks practically all but nukes and they just kept coming.
That's not stamina that is durability and endurance.
And it's the armor titan
Clearly. They cut them up with swords, modern weaponry should have no problem blowing them up with concentrated firepower.
Perhaps you could make the argument that in a battle involving millions of units the titans were meant to be a one-of.
Eren Jaeger: Muwahahahahahahahaha No one can stop the rumbling!!!!
Yaaaay!!!! Go Titans! That was awesome. 👍👍👍😎
Damn even the angels didn't stand a chance.... do they have Archangels?
Like to see more with the titans.... how abouts Hulks against them too!
"Oh my," says god, "You've sent of my archangels, the purest expression of my thought, back to me all broken. I guess I'll just have to remake reality. How did that little guy Thanos do it (when I let him do it)? It was so understated and dramatic at the same time. Oh yeah.... snap."
Everyone else was demolished except put up a real fight. If all the armies was iron man, the titans would’ve made it that easily. I’m surprised the angels did not damage.
Try 1 million titans vs 1 chuck norris :)))
That was cool. I want to see more of this with titans, heros and gods.
Yes there will be more parts :)
So what can beat these titans?
Where do you get the Zeus model? Because I’ve been looking I just can’t find it anywhere.
That was amazing….
how much health does this titan have to be so strong
Ударь меня растопыренными пальцами😅
combine them
rather than putting in line
Titans a little bit too much health huh? Just spammed 9 for a minute or 2 when inputting hp. Dumb unit then, no point putting them in any fight.
What's the hit point on the titans
Это ж надо так отстойно всё делать! Даже элементарного знакомства с армией не может замострячить. Простейшего крупного плана перед битвой по главным действующим лицам!.. Пролетел наспех (а кто-там-чего?!..), и вперёд побыстрее своё тяп-ляп фигачить... Ужоснах... Не стал смотреть.