i'm from Illinois...the state of corncobs and corruption...i can tell you it's madigan and chicago's fault we're in this mess...we need to get rid of them BOTH
I have sold my house. My wife and I are taking our two 6 figure salaries and we are moving to Texas in 4 mths. We are gone! The Dems have driven us out !
And, the saddest thing is - the people living in North Carolina, Florida, and Kentucky will someday be required to pay the bill for the criminals in Illinois.
Kick your bleeding heart congressmen out. Drain the swamp of the greedy mudslingers. Sever the ties to corruption. Call the National Guard in to deal with Chicago. Take back your sanctuary cities.
Illinois has been screwed up for years, but every year elected officials made it worse. We stopped going to any conventions or symposiums in Chicago, make sure our company trucks do not gas up in Illinois, and when building a new facility we built in Missouri. Now Illinois has to pull out of Powerball, and still doesn't have a budget.
RINOs are "Republican's In Name Only" many of which are actually freemasons or other deep state operatives that infiltrate both parties so that no matter which party is in power -- THEY ARE IN POWER. RIONOs are not naturally occurring annoying obstructionists. They are placed in power to do exactly what they do.
@@Datacorrupter234 yeah you can see the Daly's one is on top of the grave,AL Capone and all the greatest gang bangers and all of the corrupt government workers who works hard to steal from you daily 😂
The Constitution of the United States doesn't mean anything anymore! Article One, Section 10, first parahraph says that, "No State shall... emit bills of credit, make any thing but gold and silver a tender in payment of debts." This is suppose to be the supreme law of the land! The governor and legislarors are sworn to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution against all enemies, domestic and foreign. I think they should all be arrested as traitors, and thrown in jail for treason. They are domestic enemies of the people who elected them.
Just leave. I was born there. Everybody worked in a factory when I was a kid. Not now. Trump's RIGHT. Drain the swamp, lower state taxes to attract the manufacturers.
I hear you, but it ain't gonna happen. People are too distracted with the usual cultural sedatives to even notice or care about what their government is doing.
Unions in the public sector should never have been allowed in at all , Even FDR who was a liberal said so .Because there is nobody there to bargain for the people-Tax payer , Unions will make huge demands with no opposition and the end result is what you see, You have some cops and fire fighters making more than most people with a Degree in the private sector.
cs292 how bout you hold the law makers accountable for promises made that cant be kept instead of getting pissy at tax payers who are done being bled dry. I love the police and firefighters but their retirement and benefits shouldn't have been leveraged so fucking far into the future on the backs of kids the havent even been born yet. And i fully intend to evacuate me n mine so that my kids wont have to know what its like to grow up an indentured servant of Illinois. And before you say good riddance, you can pay my portion of state taxes. Because im fucking done with this hell hole.
That is why my mother and I left 3 years ago. I've said and left the same comment on other Illinois videos, Illinois could become the first ghost state in the Union.
Wake UP! The solutions are simple and obvious to The People. Every State in the Union needs this. 1. Outlaw all political campaign donations from corporations. 2. Outlaw all campaign donations from anyone that has received money from the State within the last 72 months. 3. Outlaw all out of State lobby groups, lawyers, & consultants. 4. Outlaw all public employee collective bargaining agreements. 5. Establish an Illinois State Government owned bank and mandate all government money transactions go through this bank.
This is why I left in 2004. Even in the 90s they were all ready well on their way to disaster. I know Illinoisans will uniquely understand how corrupt the government is. It is something that the citizens of the state just accepted and sometimes even joked about. We all knew what was going on. It was printed in the papers and on T.V. But nothing was ever done. The answer to all the problems was always more taxes or take more money from the Lottery to pay for anything but schools. They even went so far as hiring more police (by more I mean many 1000s more) so they could generate more revenue. Where did that revenue go? Not to the services the citizens needed. Hell, one year we didn't even have salt for the roads in January. In freaking January we were out of salt. Why? Because we needed to save money. The city was shut down for 3 days because someone couldn't find money for salt. I couldn't stay there anymore. It was clear to me even then that I would never be able to retire there. The state would just continue to take my hard earned money to pay for their special interest groups. I knew I would have nothing to leave behind for my kids when I died. I encourage everyone to leave like I did. Sell everything you have for whatever you can get for it and put your ass on a plane. Doesn't matter where. Just go. No matter where it is you will be better off.
Or school administration! District 186 paid Milton over a quarter of a million annually to run the district into the ground, then sent him away with a cushy severance and retirement! And while he was here his children mysteriously won the lottery for magnet schools.
matty t Good point. Government unions are part of the problem. Politicians don't negotiate well with unions. FDR, who legalized unions, opposed government unions.
matty t That's only half of it.. They get to retire after 20 years of service with approx. half of their yearly income. Paid health care, and when they die, their wife gets half of their monthly check until she dies. Nice!!
As persons with income (the ones that pay the taxes) leave Illinois, it will become a poverty stricken welfare state, and everything that eventually comes with that condition.
And who makes sure their masters won't suffer CONSEQUENCES? Yes, the pigs who only apply "laws" to the peasants, NEVER their pay/pension/advancement controlling masters! Copsuckers and their mouth fillers disagree.
All that was said is very true. I and my family moved from Illinois for the various reasons mentioned but especially property and state taxes, it was absolutely ridiculous, Illinois was holding us back from getting ahead. Many moved close to Phoenix Arizona or we call West Chicago because of all the good things Chicago had and has. Why is Illinois running a sanctuary for illegals when they can't even help their own?
We have all heard of the "haves" and "have nots." In IL the "haves" are those people that enjoy public pensions. The "have nots" are those in the private sector that are paying dearly for it. We rely on social security which pays a fraction of what many public pension recipients receive. In many communities in northern IL, firemen and teachers retire in their 50s with pensions that more than double the maximum possible social security benefits And according to social security rules, full retirement age does not kick in until you are age 67 (for most people). And, these public pensions often include unrealistic annual escalations. I have heard of public workers being able to use accrued sick days to buy back pension time and the rate was 2 sick days = 1 month of buyback. Insane! This would never happen in the private sector. And make no mistake, public employees are not paid any less than the private sector! So, many public pension employees retire in their 50's while the rest of us continue to work for a dozen or more years longer only to receive social security benefits that are half of what the public workers receive from their pensions. No wonder the state is broke. Mathematically, it is likely beyond fixing. It is also sickening to hear in northeastern IL how teachers are underpaid. That's BS. Factor in their generous pensions and they are quite wealthy. My plan is to leave and watch from afar as the state implodes.
The Great American Rust-Belt. The only New American Factories are Over Seas. (Oreo's made in Mexico?) And these Un-American Greedy Companies keep their profits Over-Seas too in "Island Nation" Banks. The Bahama's are home to 500 foreign Banks. Do our astute politicians know this? Or do they bank there too? Ha !
I'm a public worker and union member in Illinois, and even I'll admit that our pensions are extremely generous, well beyond what could possibly be sustainable long-term. Changes will have to be made to them if we're going to fix the problem. Unfortunately, I'm afraid my union will likely fight tooth and nail against even reasonable changes. I would quit and stop giving them money in a heartbeat, except they provide me with a ton of liability protection that I can't afford to be without.
This lady is exactly right!!! The core problem are liberal policies. Dems have run this great state for far to long! Corruption and greed are hurting the good people of Illinois! Voters, elect leadership that will turn this around.
sadly, this is the case across the country. the working taxpayer is a minor interest compared to government employees, corporate and other special interests. I fled Illinois, especially Cook County, because of the taxes and high cost of living. best decision I ever made
I wouldn't live in the southern half of California for many of the same reasons. And at least California has decent weather. Why the hell would anyone move to (or stay) in Illinois??
Cause home is where the heart is. Family and familiarity keeps us in Illinois. Wish I wasn't born in this state. Tough to leave home , but I might have to.
@@phukit5456 I left right after I graduated. Best decision I ever made. My kids LOVE Nevada. Super low property taxes, no income tax and the state is flush with cash. The Raiders aren't moving here for the hack of it. Or... stay and struggle.
@@TheBandit7613 What area in Nevada do you live?Where in Illinois did you live? My wife and I have seriously thought about Nevada. Any other thoughts you have to convince me to move there would be helpful. Thanks.
We need an amendment to the Constitution, and it must be driven by the American people. Every government budget, at every level, must be a less than income. This is just common sense. What we have now are governments that are perpetually irrational. Until we elect leaders that are fundamentally committed to reducing government and expenditures we will continue this slow slide to destruction. There is a very good, and forget reason, why the Constitution is prefaced with "We The People". Today the people are lead by their government and it's just not working.
"Until we elect leaders" - Our system has been broken by special interests. In our current system a politician that does not align themselves with special interest groups can not get enough money to win an election. Our representatives don't represent us and this is the fundamental and likely terminal problem we face as a nation. The only reason we are not yet in as much trouble nationally is because the Fed can print money. States like Illinois will fall first because they can't just print money to pay debts, but if a solution is not found we face the same fate nationally. Another big problem is our politicians are too happy too provide and voters are too happy to let them provide social welfare programs which the government is neither qualified nor can afford. Social welfare concerns such as poverty used to be addressed by charities that did a much better job. Charities provide assistance, the government provides a hammock.
Every politician in the western world should watch this because right now every country has leaders that are currently promising unicorns and rainbows and it ain't gonna last. If people don't start electing leaders who will make the hard calls right away we are all gonna be like Illinois
All of the reasons she stated can also be applied to the Federal government. ....but the Federal government can just print more money whereas Illinois can not.
vote republican and behave and could be a nice place. Chicago D.A. decided not to prosecute driving on a suspended license, unless you've had four prior arrests! SO IS THERE LESS CRIME IF WE CHOOSE TO IGNORE. way to go democratic policy
and sell hope lmao kinda like the american dream , people keep dreaming refuse to wake up , politicians sell anything they can to keep stuffing their pockets including your children when needed
What causes it? A completely ignorant mass public: Our own families and friends that want to ignore the problems because of their own selfish lives and addictions.
AL(O)TM she sounded good to me. Blacks never want their freebies to end. When blacks free ride s look like they might end blacks fo the usual things..victim card...race card...threats ig violance. We cant parent you forever.
eric people dont realize the majority of people on welfare are whites but thats ok who needs facts right. people period need to get off welfare,racism puts blacks ahead on those stats but reality and doj stats shows its not true, carry on.
*African Americans form the largest number of welfare recipients*, at 745,237, followed by 724,267 non-Latino Whites and 345,685 Latinos. (Welfare Use by Racial/Ethnic Groups and Immigrants in Illinois, Rob Paral)
Find a method to bankruptcy and start over once you drain the state’s swamp! Insanity is doing the same thing and expecting a different outcome is insanity.
Corruption should come with very stiff prison sentences. It's time for them to clean up there or Trump sends in the FBI and clean it up. Free stuff needs to go aswell.
Keep votin’ for those Democrats. We have some winners coming up for the 2020 election. Harris, Booker, Pocahontas. AND we cannot forget Bernie the Bunyup
This video is simply a re-statement of the problems that everyone already knows. The real solution, challenge and question is how to convince and motivate Illinois citizens to elect new politicians who are aware of the fact that if they don't take real actions towards solvency they will be "one-termers".
rhugh02 I laughed out loud at that statement of hers. People like her look at a group of 1000 Democrats and one Republican and call that an equal representation. Don’t get me wrong; republicans are also addicted to spending, but they tend to be a lot more financially solvent in the long run.
ewetoobie keep telling yourself that. The fact of the matter is that the Democratic Party has been infested with left wing extremists and these kinds of rhetoric are their bread and butter. They use lies like this to appear “balanced” and “fair” while they are exactly the opposite
@@Nicholas_Terry “I think the governor, absolutely, on purpose, created this fiscal crisis. I say that without equivocation. Yes,” she says. “On the very eve getting a budget passed, when we were teetering on the brink of going into junk bond status, here I am telling the markets, ‘Don’t worry, I’m going to make the debt service payments no matter what.’ And then Gov. Rauner is saying, ‘Don’t listen to the markets! The people don’t want a tax increase. Don’t listen to Wall Street.’” “I thought, oh my God, he is metaphorically giving them the finger,” she says. “This madman is running this state into the ground.”
It's not the two party system... it's the politicians whom are destroying the platforms that they stand for. Get rid of the RINOs in the Republican Party. There's no hope for the Democratic Party.
I live in Missouri, about 40 minutes west of Illinois. I see what seems to be an increasing number of Illinois plates here everyday. I feel like it's too far to commute for work, is it that so many people are fleeing the dump that is Illinois and moving here?
Great video. It explains why Indianapolis Blvd just across the border is booming. That's where we shop because it's just 20 minutes from the South Side of Chicago.
BINGO!!!!! Oh but you're not allowed to say that word in public. Don't let anyone hear you say it.....or you'll get labeled neo nazi. FUCK EM!!! SPEAK OUT ABOUT IT!!! I DO!!!! Keep it clean and get your facts straight.
Last year my ex-wife retired from working in the office for the state police, she was told the state is broke and can only get 50% of her pension. 1 year later nothing has changed.
They don't worry about the huge pension deficits because when the state runs out of pension money the federal pension insurance kicks in and picks up the tab!
There's only one reason any government, business or individual is broke: interest. Since only the principal is ever issued, interest imposes an obligation to maintain a vital circulation by a perpetual cycle of reborrowing, which engenders an inevitable escalation of debt, taxes and prices, until the subject society is destroyed under terminal sum of debt. Fix the money, and you fix virtually all other injustices. Regulation can only temper an inherently terminal process.
Fixing Illinois budget problem must start by getting rid of south Chicago. Give them a 100k then send them to another country and let that country deal with them.
How to fix our almost bankrupt state:
1. Don’t spend money we DON’T HAVE
2. Get Michael Madigan OUT
4. Vote right wing liberty common sense republicans into the state legislature and make Illinois Affordable again
Eric Brackett and vote Randy Hultgren into senator
Travis 12 could not agree more.
Can it be fixed?
Do just stop with Uncle Michael Madigan, do a wholesale voting out of the entire state legislature. Start fresh with a clean slate.
Hey, credit is still good.....for another 11 days...THEN it goes to JUNK status. Give 'em a small break will ya....
this is gonna have a big crime fallout to nearby areas and states too if the gibs stop to gangs
+Jungles Bongles theres what 200k gang members in chiraq?
There is a juice, called Owens?
i'm from Illinois...the state of corncobs and corruption...i can tell you it's madigan and chicago's fault we're in this mess...we need to get rid of them BOTH
I have sold my house.
My wife and I are taking our two 6 figure salaries and we are moving to Texas in 4 mths.
We are gone! The Dems have driven us out !
Paul Borchardt
Please don't move to Texas and vote democrat .
Always Red!!!
Looking forward to a new Texas neighbor !
@Rick Nuss Did you make it out?
I did. I'm happily in Nevada now.
My wife and I are taking are 6 figure salaries and moving to Indiana.
And, the saddest thing is - the people living in North Carolina, Florida, and Kentucky will someday be required to pay the bill for the criminals in Illinois.
They shouldn't. This one's entirely on them.
Gotham states are popping up all over the country for sure
Kick your bleeding heart congressmen out. Drain the swamp of the greedy mudslingers. Sever the ties to corruption. Call the National Guard in to deal with Chicago. Take back your sanctuary cities.
Illinois has been screwed up for years, but every year elected officials made it worse. We stopped going to any conventions or symposiums in Chicago, make sure our company trucks do not gas up in Illinois, and when building a new facility we built in Missouri. Now Illinois has to pull out of Powerball, and still doesn't have a budget.
it is broke because its been run amok for decades
Liberalism and communism is a failure where ever its tried.
Guided Meditation But Republicans are ok? Suggestion: meditate more.
Lillian Ballard--balance budgets every year and don't spend what you don't have..
Lots of blame to go around but heavy on the Democrat side. The RINOs are also Dems. Don't forget that.
RINOs are "Republican's In Name Only" many of which are actually freemasons or other deep state operatives that infiltrate both parties so that no matter which party is in power -- THEY ARE IN POWER.
RIONOs are not naturally occurring annoying obstructionists. They are placed in power to do exactly what they do.
You need a good "Republican" in there to "Drain the swamp" !!!
please don't waste a Republican when one nuke will do a fair job
We just had a republican govener and he also failed,but at least he didn't go to prison like most of our prior goveners.
I can't wait to leave Illinois. My property taxes are killing me.
i wana plan a trip to illinois to see the countries most corrupt state with my family in person
Move to Russia 🇷🇺 or North Korea or China 🇨🇳
@@Datacorrupter234 yeah you can see the Daly's one is on top of the grave,AL Capone and all the greatest gang bangers and all of the corrupt government workers who works hard to steal from you daily 😂
@@thomasholt63 Na california will do
The Constitution of the United States doesn't mean anything anymore! Article One, Section 10, first parahraph says that, "No State shall... emit bills of credit, make any thing but gold and silver a tender in payment of debts." This is suppose to be the supreme law of the land! The governor and legislarors are sworn to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution against all enemies, domestic and foreign. I think they should all be arrested as traitors, and thrown in jail for treason. They are domestic enemies of the people who elected them.
Just leave. I was born there. Everybody worked in a factory when I was a kid. Not now.
Trump's RIGHT. Drain the swamp, lower state taxes to attract the manufacturers.
This is one of many reasons I left the Left.
Pitchforks and torches time.
From time to time the soil of Illinois must be watered with the blood of it's worthless politicians.
I hear you, but it ain't gonna happen. People are too distracted with the usual cultural sedatives to even notice or care about what their government is doing.
Unions in the public sector should never have been allowed in at all , Even FDR who was a liberal said so .Because there is nobody there to bargain for the people-Tax payer , Unions will make huge demands with no opposition and the end result is what you see, You have some cops and fire fighters making more than most people with a Degree in the private sector.
so fuck the police and firefighters I guess
cs292 how bout you hold the law makers accountable for promises made that cant be kept instead of getting pissy at tax payers who are done being bled dry.
I love the police and firefighters but their retirement and benefits shouldn't have been leveraged so fucking far into the future on the backs of kids the havent even been born yet.
And i fully intend to evacuate me n mine so that my kids wont have to know what its like to grow up an indentured servant of Illinois. And before you say good riddance, you can pay my portion of state taxes. Because im fucking done with this hell hole.
Good Luck!! My parents left Illinois in the 1930's and vowed NEVER to return; they didn't and I sure as hell won't go there.
l can't wait to leave this pos state!
Left when Al Capone was running the show 🤗 huh
One word:
two more , demoncrats and repugnants.
Blame it on Russia. Lol
Raymond Licon. Somehow it must be Trump's fault. Even though he had nothing to do with it.
Brought to you by the Democratic National Party.
Davey Givens preach✊
That is why my mother and I left 3 years ago. I've said and left the same comment on other Illinois videos, Illinois could become the first ghost state in the Union.
Take from private sector workers and give to government employee gangster thiefs!
Ever wonder why people are leaving? Your city is a combat zone. Go ahead. Cut someones pension. See what happens.
This is a problem nationwide,, not just Illinois. Corruption is a sickness most politicians come down with soon after they're elected.
Wake UP! The solutions are simple and obvious to The People. Every State in the Union needs this.
1. Outlaw all political campaign donations from corporations.
2. Outlaw all campaign donations from anyone that has received money from the State within the last 72 months.
3. Outlaw all out of State lobby groups, lawyers, & consultants.
4. Outlaw all public employee collective bargaining agreements.
5. Establish an Illinois State Government owned bank and mandate all government money transactions go through this bank.
This is why I left in 2004. Even in the 90s they were all ready well on their way to disaster.
I know Illinoisans will uniquely understand how corrupt the government is. It is something that the citizens of the state just accepted and sometimes even joked about. We all knew what was going on. It was printed in the papers and on T.V. But nothing was ever done. The answer to all the problems was always more taxes or take more money from the Lottery to pay for anything but schools. They even went so far as hiring more police (by more I mean many 1000s more) so they could generate more revenue. Where did that revenue go? Not to the services the citizens needed. Hell, one year we didn't even have salt for the roads in January. In freaking January we were out of salt. Why? Because we needed to save money. The city was shut down for 3 days because someone couldn't find money for salt. I couldn't stay there anymore.
It was clear to me even then that I would never be able to retire there. The state would just continue to take my hard earned money to pay for their special interest groups. I knew I would have nothing to leave behind for my kids when I died. I encourage everyone to leave like I did. Sell everything you have for whatever you can get for it and put your ass on a plane. Doesn't matter where. Just go. No matter where it is you will be better off.
how about stop paying them police and fire chiefs and captains 300,000 dollars a year
Or school administration! District 186 paid Milton over a quarter of a million annually to run the district into the ground, then sent him away with a cushy severance and retirement! And while he was here his children mysteriously won the lottery for magnet schools.
matty t Holy Shit!!! Really??? Damn im in the wrong business
matty t Good point. Government unions are part of the problem. Politicians don't negotiate well with unions. FDR, who legalized unions, opposed government unions.
even FDR knew unions for governement jobs was a bad idea
matty t That's only half of it.. They get to retire after 20 years of service with approx. half of their yearly income. Paid health care, and when they die, their wife gets half of their monthly check until she dies. Nice!!
Both sides of the isle, Illinois has only one side.
As persons with income (the ones that pay the taxes) leave Illinois, it will become a poverty stricken welfare state, and everything that eventually comes with that condition.
look if you want to know what the problem is? in a nutshell NO CONSEQUENCES. THESE POLITICIANS DON'T CARE.
And who makes sure their masters won't suffer CONSEQUENCES? Yes, the pigs who only apply "laws" to the peasants, NEVER their pay/pension/advancement controlling masters! Copsuckers and their mouth fillers disagree.
michael shampine so-rite-micheal-they-make-me-sick!and-the-same-happens-in-New-Zealand'-on-a-smaller-scale
Paying illegals money for votes did not help
it helps democrats stay in power so they can destroy the state.
You are exactly right. That is how the Socialists import their votes.
All that was said is very true. I and my family moved from Illinois for the various reasons mentioned but especially property and state taxes, it was absolutely ridiculous, Illinois was holding us back from getting ahead. Many moved close to Phoenix Arizona or we call West Chicago because of all the good things Chicago had and has.
Why is Illinois running a sanctuary for illegals when they can't even help their own?
We have all heard of the "haves" and "have nots." In IL the "haves" are those people that enjoy public pensions. The "have nots" are those in the private sector that are paying dearly for it. We rely on social security which pays a fraction of what many public pension recipients receive. In many communities in northern IL, firemen and teachers retire in their 50s with pensions that more than double the maximum possible social security benefits And according to social security rules, full retirement age does not kick in until you are age 67 (for most people). And, these public pensions often include unrealistic annual escalations. I have heard of public workers being able to use accrued sick days to buy back pension time and the rate was 2 sick days = 1 month of buyback. Insane! This would never happen in the private sector. And make no mistake, public employees are not paid any less than the private sector! So, many public pension employees retire in their 50's while the rest of us continue to work for a dozen or more years longer only to receive social security benefits that are half of what the public workers receive from their pensions. No wonder the state is broke. Mathematically, it is likely beyond fixing. It is also sickening to hear in northeastern IL how teachers are underpaid. That's BS. Factor in their generous pensions and they are quite wealthy. My plan is to leave and watch from afar as the state implodes.
“When the people find that they can vote themselves money that will herald the end of the republic.”
― Benjamin Franklin
Are you listening, Jerry Brown!!!??
elisa orozco no he's too busy trying to decide if the drought is over after record breaking rainfall in Mexifornia
Aye Jay and blaming it on goreball warming with new taxes to think of next.
Export all jobs= put everyone on government doles= all superwealthy tax exempt!
Chicago, Detroit. Baltimore, New Jersey, and it's coming to a city near you.
The Great American Rust-Belt. The only New American Factories are Over Seas. (Oreo's made in Mexico?) And these Un-American Greedy Companies keep their profits Over-Seas too in "Island Nation" Banks. The Bahama's are home to 500 foreign Banks. Do our astute politicians know this? Or do they bank there too? Ha !
Add san antonio, austin, houston, and dallas while you are at it.
I'm a public worker and union member in Illinois, and even I'll admit that our pensions are extremely generous, well beyond what could possibly be sustainable long-term. Changes will have to be made to them if we're going to fix the problem. Unfortunately, I'm afraid my union will likely fight tooth and nail against even reasonable changes. I would quit and stop giving them money in a heartbeat, except they provide me with a ton of liability protection that I can't afford to be without.
thanks to JB PRITZKER he broke us all
Illinois's industry is that of growing govt. bigger. There are, per capita, more govt. units in Illinois than any other state.
This lady is exactly right!!! The core problem are liberal policies. Dems have run this great state for far to long! Corruption and greed are hurting the good people of Illinois! Voters, elect leadership that will turn this around.
Move out of the way Illinois! New Jersey is coming your way!
I'm a contractor. An old contractor told me 25 years ago. We like to work for people who spend other people's money. I've never forgotten it.
sadly, this is the case across the country. the working taxpayer is a minor interest compared to government employees, corporate and other special interests. I fled Illinois, especially Cook County, because of the taxes and high cost of living. best decision I ever made
Venezuela, Syria, Illinois, Puerto Rico. Which of these should be given a chance as an American State?
I wouldn't live in the southern half of California for many of the same reasons. And at least California has decent weather. Why the hell would anyone move to (or stay) in Illinois??
Cause home is where the heart is. Family and familiarity keeps us in Illinois. Wish I wasn't born in this state. Tough to leave home , but I might have to.
@@phukit5456 I left right after I graduated. Best decision I ever made.
My kids LOVE Nevada. Super low property taxes, no income tax and the state is flush with cash. The Raiders aren't moving here for the hack of it.
Or... stay and struggle.
@@TheBandit7613 What area in Nevada do you live?Where in Illinois did you live? My wife and I have seriously thought about Nevada. Any other thoughts you have to convince me to move there would be helpful. Thanks.
I live here and I agree totally!
Just drove through Illinois last week, the roads are so bad I thought my damned truck was going to fall apart.
This is the reason why Missouri is better than Illinois.
@@Religious_man Indiana is even better.
Indiana is even better.
@@georgschnidt172, because your politicians legalized stuff that should never ever be legalized, is that it?
Missouri = North Arkansas. Yeehaw you meth-fiend inbreds...
Illinois = Detroit = Puerto Rico = obama
We need an amendment to the Constitution, and it must be driven by the American people. Every government budget, at every level, must be a less than income. This is just common sense. What we have now are governments that are perpetually irrational. Until we elect leaders that are fundamentally committed to reducing government and expenditures we will continue this slow slide to destruction. There is a very good, and forget reason, why the Constitution is prefaced with "We The People". Today the people are lead by their government and it's just not working.
Maybe so but it seems to me that we might as well pass laws preventing people from soiling their own underwear.
"Until we elect leaders" - Our system has been broken by special interests. In our current system a politician that does not align themselves with special interest groups can not get enough money to win an election. Our representatives don't represent us and this is the fundamental and likely terminal problem we face as a nation. The only reason we are not yet in as much trouble nationally is because the Fed can print money. States like Illinois will fall first because they can't just print money to pay debts, but if a solution is not found we face the same fate nationally.
Another big problem is our politicians are too happy too provide and voters are too happy to let them provide social welfare programs which the government is neither qualified nor can afford. Social welfare concerns such as poverty used to be addressed by charities that did a much better job. Charities provide assistance, the government provides a hammock.
When people fear the government - you have tyranny. When government fears the people, you have liberty - T. Jefferson 🗽
The only good thing I can think of about Illinois is that it's not a "right to work" state. Unions are corrupt but needed with certain jobs.
Every politician in the western world should watch this because right now every country has leaders that are currently promising unicorns and rainbows and it ain't gonna last. If people don't start electing leaders who will make the hard calls right away we are all gonna be like Illinois
Vote Democrat and watch this happen in your state.
Michigan went down and now Illinois isgoing down. The question is which democratic state is next? Will it be California, Washington or New York.
Rahem Emmanuel.... what have you got to say for yourself?
All of the reasons she stated can also be applied to the Federal government.
....but the Federal government can just print more money whereas Illinois can not.
I saw this coming 20 years ago. And these special interest fools have also been doing it in in California.
vote republican and behave and could be a nice place. Chicago D.A. decided not to prosecute driving on a suspended license, unless you've had four prior arrests! SO IS THERE LESS CRIME IF WE CHOOSE TO IGNORE. way to go democratic policy
No wonder there broke.
Admit past mistakes? LOL..that will never happen.
and sell hope lmao kinda like the american dream , people keep dreaming refuse to wake up , politicians sell anything they can to keep stuffing their pockets including your children when needed
Why not simply move to another state ? You will never change the system.
What causes it? A completely ignorant mass public: Our own families and friends that want to ignore the problems because of their own selfish lives and addictions.
None of those suggestions are good enough. The politicians must be held accountable.
High need residents.....chicago blacks.
Anton Bitchette That's not why at all, but thanks for your racism dumbass.
someone's gotta feed all my baby momas kids sheeeeeeit
AL(O)TM she sounded good to me. Blacks never want their freebies to end. When blacks free ride s look like they might end blacks fo the usual things..victim card...race card...threats ig violance. We cant parent you forever.
eric people dont realize the majority of people on welfare are whites but thats ok who needs facts right. people period need to get off welfare,racism puts blacks ahead on those stats but reality and doj stats shows its not true, carry on.
*African Americans form the largest number of welfare recipients*, at 745,237, followed by 724,267 non-Latino Whites and 345,685 Latinos. (Welfare Use by Racial/Ethnic Groups and Immigrants in Illinois, Rob Paral)
Time to have a Tea party and vote out your democratic elected officials.
Need to get rid of all Political parties GOVERNMENT NEEDS TO STOP STEALING FROM TAXPAYERS
Isn't this cute, she still has hope.
Find a method to bankruptcy and start over once you drain the state’s swamp! Insanity is doing the same thing and expecting a different outcome is insanity.
O'Hare went from the busiest airport to somewhere around 5th in part because of the huge taxes for flying into, out of, or through Chicago.
Obamas home no wonder!
That would be Kenya.
Sorry to say Obama did live here for a while but had nothing to do with the crisis we are in ,it was here long before he came on the scene.
*LeTs TaX PeoPLe FoR dRivInG*
This is the best Illinois can come up with.
Corruption should come with very stiff prison sentences. It's time for them to clean up there or Trump sends in the FBI and clean it up. Free stuff needs to go aswell.
PAUL GORRELL,good luck with that! The FBI is part of the problem! They have been bought like most of the Government agency’s!
let them fail; take away statehood. TERM LIMITS!
Go Barry! They don't call it Crooke county for nothing.
Keep votin’ for those Democrats. We have some winners coming up for the 2020 election. Harris, Booker, Pocahontas. AND we cannot forget Bernie the Bunyup
Democrats... that's why... and I want out of liberal Illinois.
"on both sides of the aisle." Look, you can deflect all you want but people aren't moving out of Illinois because of Republican policies.
This video is simply a re-statement of the problems that everyone already knows.
The real solution, challenge and question is how to convince and motivate Illinois citizens to elect new politicians who are aware of the fact that if they don't take real actions towards solvency they will be "one-termers".
I'm actually surprised the democrats of Illinois are not blaming the Russians for this fiasco.
Barack Hussein Obama's Legacy....
Both sides of the isle? WTF there's not a Republican anywhere in this disaster.
rhugh02 I laughed out loud at that statement of hers. People like her look at a group of 1000 Democrats and one Republican and call that an equal representation.
Don’t get me wrong; republicans are also addicted to spending, but they tend to be a lot more financially solvent in the long run.
@@Nicholas_Terry not even remotely close to being accurate.
ewetoobie keep telling yourself that. The fact of the matter is that the Democratic Party has been infested with left wing extremists and these kinds of rhetoric are their bread and butter. They use lies like this to appear “balanced” and “fair” while they are exactly the opposite
@@Nicholas_Terry “I think the governor, absolutely, on purpose, created this fiscal crisis. I say that without equivocation. Yes,” she says.
“On the very eve getting a budget passed, when we were teetering on the brink of going into junk bond status, here I am telling the markets, ‘Don’t worry, I’m going to make the debt service payments no matter what.’ And then Gov. Rauner is saying, ‘Don’t listen to the markets! The people don’t want a tax increase. Don’t listen to Wall Street.’”
“I thought, oh my God, he is metaphorically giving them the finger,” she says. “This madman is running this state into the ground.”
ewetoobie what are you talking about. Who are you quoting?
Perhaps changing voting patterns?
It is insane that there are public employees unions
Democratic lead state! Mayors house members senators democrat lead state!
#1 Don't vote Democrat!
weRdoomd #2 Don't vote Republicans or demonrats
Cameron Harper
Who then???
I no longer agree with the 2 party system! Seems like we ALWAYS have 2 Sh- tty choices! But who?
It's not the two party system... it's the politicians whom are destroying the platforms that they stand for. Get rid of the RINOs in the Republican Party. There's no hope for the Democratic Party.
Governor Rauner and Lt. Governor Sanguinetti are Republican. Been in office since 2015.
Lame, you know it...your broke because Democrats corruption..
California's next.
I live in Missouri, about 40 minutes west of Illinois. I see what seems to be an increasing number of Illinois plates here everyday. I feel like it's too far to commute for work, is it that so many people are fleeing the dump that is Illinois and moving here?
Great video. It explains why Indianapolis Blvd just across the border is booming. That's where we shop because it's just 20 minutes from the South Side of Chicago.
Just come move to Canada
And live with all your muslim's
From one socialist “paradise” to another; brilliant!
Move to one of the Rocky Mountain states instead, much less socialist bullshit here.
jews???? zio jews???
BINGO!!!!! Oh but you're not allowed to say that word in public. Don't let anyone hear you say it.....or you'll get labeled neo nazi. FUCK EM!!! SPEAK OUT ABOUT IT!!! I DO!!!! Keep it clean and get your facts straight.
it's a success story for politicians !
Last year my ex-wife retired from working in the office for the state police, she was told the state is broke and can only get 50% of her pension. 1 year later nothing has changed.
"...whistling past the graveyard."? They're already "six feet under"!
Too much supposedly free stuff promised by politicians who people vote for. Too many dependent on too few doesn't end well.
It’s 11/2022 5 years later post pandemic and Covid. How’s it looking now? I would like an update, as we continue into the future.
They don't worry about the huge pension deficits because when the state runs out of pension money the federal pension insurance kicks in and picks up the tab!
And Nanny Pelosi is going to take God out of the oath to your country.
If you can sue a doctor for malpractice can a politician be sued for malfeasance?
Ruhm Emanuel, is also part of 911.
Most of us have to pay for the inflated pensions that were never funded,and what do we see out of the deal?not jack shit.
There's only one reason any government, business or individual is broke: interest. Since only the principal is ever issued, interest imposes an obligation to maintain a vital circulation by a perpetual cycle of reborrowing, which engenders an inevitable escalation of debt, taxes and prices, until the subject society is destroyed under terminal sum of debt. Fix the money, and you fix virtually all other injustices. Regulation can only temper an inherently terminal process.
California is on the way to this😝😝😝😖😖😖
Great job thanks for shinning a light on this issue👍
Fixing Illinois budget problem must start by getting rid of south Chicago. Give them a 100k then send them to another country and let that country deal with them.