I hung a ‘birdcage’ for my last batch… I used a large dog kennel, I hung a couple of 2 liter rabbit water bottles (works great), then hung a feeder on the outside of the cage, (so just enough of the feeder is inside, so they can’t poop on it. Lastly, I use hardware cloth for a floor. I scatter the shavings in the cage, so they clean their own cage by scratching! Perfect cleanliness!
I know this is old, but my chicks are 5 weeks old, and really tame as well. They love to be petted and a few of them love to jump on me to be petted. I have one that has to sit on my shoulder. There are 6 of them, 2 Amerucaunas (possibly EE), 3 Isa Browns, and one possible Speckled Sussex. Thanks for this video, I love your coup.
They sound adorable! Thanks for watching! We are starting the process of building a home so I will have chickens again in the future. Also a greenhouse. I will be posting videos of our home building journey. Take care!
@@colesbackyardcoop That's awesome! I started a garden this year in raised beds, but I would love to have a greenhouse. I'm going to subscribe and watch your journey so I can learn a few tips.
I've got 3 new black copper marans 5 weeks old. 2 boys and a girl. My little girl still bites the phar out of me now and then. lol Nothing like she used to starting a day after she hatched. Sweet as she can be, loves some lovin but still bites me. lol The boys are sweet too. One likes to be proper and all business, the other is a wild child. lol Gonna love having those birds around.
Hi, I got first-hatch chicks and I'm eager to get them outside in the coop which is framed and enclosed. But at six weeks, March 7, it will still floating around freezing where we are. Should I still put them out -- with or without heat? I do select only cold-hardy breeds.
Hello. You should keep them inside with heat until the bitter cold has passed. If you want to.put them out in the new coop, make sure it is insulated from the cold and keep a heat lamp on them. They are still too young and could get sick without heat. Good luck and thanks for watching!
Watch sow the land videos. This guy keeps 1 week olds outside with just one brooding lamp in 30 degree weather. Not recommending it, just amazed how well they adapt.
Thank you. I feed the chicks Purina Chick Starter and add vitamins to the water. Plus veggie treats. Makes the chicks grow fast and healthy. Thanks for watching!
Did the dark brown/black one i believe you call her Ducky come from he blue and splash as well? I just bought 15 Ameraucana chicks from he feed story and all are roosters lol. Thanks for the videos I am learning a lot. also sorry to keep bothering do you have the info on the people you go the eggs from on ebay really pretty Ameraucanas you have. @@colesbackyardcoop
Hi Derek, no bother. 😁 Ducky is an Easter egger from a feed store. That is terrible all of your chicks are roos. Usually the chicks at the feed store are females from a hatchery. It's been a while since I ordered eggs, so do a search on Ebay for ameraucana hatching eggs and several auctions will come up. Good luck.
I am raising a flock of chickens for the first time on my homestead this year. Early April, I received 38 isa-browns. I have since bought a few buff orpingtons, bared rocks and silkies. The silkies are relatively tame, but the rocks and orpingtons are nuts for some reason. They're 4 weeks, have been at my place for close to 3 weeks. I don't recall my isa-browns being so scared of me. I wonder if the kids in the original home were mean to them or they're still adjusting.
Hello. Sounds like you will have to work with them to gain their trust. Rocks and Orpingtons are usually pretty tame. Knee down to their level and feed them treats from your hand. Hard to say what spooked them at their previous home. You will win them over in time. Good luck and thanks for watching! Happy Chicken Keeping! Justine 🐔
Looks like a chicken penitentiary, concrete and steel. Just kidding cool stuff. Just adding in, that propping those feeders up a bit higher is a must to keep them as clean as possible. It's probably one of the the biggest issues with young chicks i've ran into. I've even hung them to dangle, but that just introduces other issues of its own.
Hello. No, you can give them veggies or grass without added grit. Once you put them outside in a run, they will eat some dirt naturally and that is all they need. Once they are laying age, I add a little oyster shell to their food for extra calcium. Good luck and thanks for watching! Be safe.
Hello. If you buy chicks from a feedstore or order them from a hatchery, you can purchase just hens. If you hatch the eggs yourself, you will get roosters. Thanks for watching and be safe!
👀👀 Oh, I'd be annoyed. Did you buy "free range farm mix"? Sounds like they sold you a batch of ones they sex checked OUT at the farm. Try to buy from reputable buyers who at least give them a FIRST sex check.
hey, I’m a new chicken owner. I haven’t kept track of how long we have had our chickens so I thought maybe you might know, and help me with a few things. They have recently been feathered, with very little fluff. - my next question, how do you get them to not run from you? I’ve sat in the coop with them for about 30 - 1hr a day. They still run from me, and make noise when I pick them up. I would like them to get used to me so they get down that I’m not here to hurt them. If you have any advice, I would appreciate it. Thanks so much, - Ashly
I would like to note that I’ve put my hand down in the coop, and rarely do they come up to me. I’ve never showed any sign of being mean to them, so I’m not exactly sure what else I should do.
Hello. This happens to me too. I offer treats to them like broccoli or pieces of apple from my hand so they get use to me. The older they get, the calmer they should be. Also the breed makes a difference too. My easter eggers and ameraucanas are always skittish. Buffs and Barred Rocks are my calmer birds and friendly. Hope this helps and good luck!
How far are the roost from the ground for the 6 week old? Mine are sleeping on the floor in the coop I need to get the roost up and sturdy for them I'm not sure how high to go with them
Dana Peters Hello Dana, I get down to their level and extend my hand to them so they can walk up to it and then slowly pet them so they will trust you. Good luck.
Cole's Backyard Coop thank you I have 17 a couple are 5 weeks and the rest are 2 weeks and they go crazy when anyone goes near them or if you would put your hand down and yours run right up to you I hope mine will eventually do that
Spend time with them every day, talk to them, give them some mealworms. I have 13 that are 4 1/2 weeks old and most come right up to me. The ISA Browns are a lot more skittish but the Barred Rocks and Rhode Island Reds will come over to me. If I squat down they'll hop up on my legs, or my hand if I'm holding it out. One RIR is a Roo for sure, he gets jealous if I'm not paying attention to him lol!
Get them newly hatched, provide warmth and food and good feelings with hands. Mine are getting to freeze for pickup which is a good sign! One won't allow themselves to be caught without a struggle and INCIDENTALLY has a larger comb than the others. I suspect a roo! They were "60% sexed" And I did wing/vent check when bought. Wing/vent said one of them was a roo, and that's the one who has the most obvious comb. Three out of four is an expected outcome. About $20, and my aim was a single hen to be spoilt and indulged with an indoor "human" life. Like the dog, they go to outdoor events, camping, etc. Stroller and carseat trained. The females rehomed to families and the roo......well, there is one local farmer who takes all extra roos. No questions asked. I handle the babies individually every single day. I have raised a few in downtown San Diego who never saw grass except on excursions to the park (and beach) They were perfectly adapted to city life and were very very calm in rather rambunctious human crowds. Accustomed to being petted by everyone who saw them. It works!
Have you found your roosters/cockerels stand differently? My richie stands like a t rex and my Alice stands like a duck👌 this is speculation though since they are only a couple weeks old
Hello. Kind of, I see what you are saying but it just depends on the roo and the breed. The main way I tell is their comb size and feather development. Thanks for watching and be safe!
Yes, they start to! check wings; their wing will have a single swoop to the end, or a two stage wing. The two stage wing is likely a hen. Vent checking is rather difficult and invasive for beginners. What she said about combs works too.
Mine are four weeks; all " TS prarie bluebells" (Americana X Leghorn) Nearly no comb growth on any of them. They are getting used to behind handled, and coming, or freezing for "the hand". Only one who is deliberately evasive, and I suspect a roo. A few more weeks and I'll be rehoming three of them; keeping one for an ESA indoor chicken. Remainder gifted to a new production farm. (families with kids given preference) I am using indoor cloth foldable living quarters to make for easier cleanup. Easily washable baby blankets for bedding and regular daily outdoor foraging time. They have access to a patient dog who tolerates them and provides warmth on occasion. All different colors. Preference will be given to those who particularly appreciate the human contact.
Nice new coop, what's the size, The chicks are really getting big fast. how old would they have to be before you introduced them to another fully grown flock? I just got 6 rhode island red 10 week old pullets and wondering when and how to combine them with my other 12 full grown red sex link full grown chickens. Thanks again, Looking forward to the full coop tour.
Thanks Ken. The new coop is 14 ft by 4 ft with 5 nestboxes. I will post a video tour soon. To introduce your young pullets to the older flock, they need to see each other through wire so the get used to seeing the young ones around. section off a small area of the large coop or run with wire so they can see but not touch. Do this for about 2 weeks then remove the division. The integration will be be seemless to the older flock then. There will be picking but not so bad. Just watch and see to be sure. Good luck.
kenneth I subscribed. I figured it would be better to start your you tube already having subscribers. If you check out my channel, I am an old autistic woman trying to start a mostly self sustaining autistic community. we have 3 houses so far. chickens, and we are planning to do some SPIN gardening. also, crafts, etc. It will be awesome for autistics to be able to be around more autistics because we get SO LONELY and can keep each other productive and happy. most people with autism also have extreme ptsd [ extremely sensitive amygdalas make the traumas. well. more traumatic. I have everything to learn about homesteading and hope to learn it from you all.
Hello. It will be hard to tame him if he is full grown now. You have to start when they are very young, holding him and showing him you are not a threat to his girls. You can try this and see if it works. If you can't hold him then you might have to consider rehoming him and start with a young rooster you can hold and make him tame as he grows up. Be careful and good luck! 🐓
Only had one like that. My daughter and I tried just for a kick to squat for him. He would inspect us, dance, then LEAN up against one of us. Then we were free to go. ??? As this seemed to work, we just kept doing it. Upon entering the structure, we'd squat until the roo gave us the green light, then we were free to collect eggs. He ALWAYS attacked my husband. Okay, that's catering to him...but it worked. Stewie (adopted as stella) got much calmer and was much easier to handle.
Jennifer Mackoul hello, no that was a hen. A beautiful red with blue mixed in. In later videos...comb development, you can see her more mature. Happy Chicken Keeping! Justine
Hello. No, each hen requires a minimum of 4 square feet per bird. I have 72 square feet total.....plenty of room to be happy. Thanks for watching and happy chicken keeping!
Hello and thanks so much! I enjoyed making videos. We are doing fine in this crazy 2020 year. We moved to a condo on the water last year so no more chickens unfortunately. My channel will stay up and I'm here to answer comments. Thanks for watching and be safe!
@@colesbackyardcoop I do have one question. I totally understand where you are coming from when you say, for egg laying reasons, you raise them for two or so years then switch out to new chickens. But I am wondering, do you ever get attached? I am just setting up to have chickens and I don't know how I will get away from thinking of them as pets that I can't let go of.
@@SureHowDoYouKnow Yes, it's a wonderful new adventure but I do miss the chickens. To answer your other comment, I did get a little attached to my first group of chickens and kept them for about 4 years but when laying slows down and you are paying to feed them with little return, it got easier. I always made sure they went to good homes and got 20 per hen and I sold eggs too so I needed high production. Good luck with yours.
Can I put my 4 and 5 week old outside in 60 degree because everyone on this website said no I did put them in a henhouse and they are a little warm but I love them and I’m worried I want the best for my kids they love me to they jump on me so I don’t know and I’m soooooo worried
Hello. They are old enough to put outside but you need to hang a red heat lamp about 3 to 4 feet off the ground on one side of the coop so they can get under it if they feel cold and if they aren't, they will not but you need to offer a heat source especially at night if it is 60 or below. Once they are 10 to 12 weeks old, then they are good without it. This is what I do with good success. Check with your local feedstore or online to purchase one. Thanks for watching and happy chicken keeping! Be safe!
Until I realize they are roosters. And then they go away. This is a rural area, but the houses are somewhat close together and I have neighbors. One house had three hens and I didn't even realize it until we got a few and I heard them walking by. There is a farm near us that advertises that they take unwanted roosters. Nobody asks. But I suspect that quite a few houses have one or two hens and no one is the wiser. (Until you hear that: "I laid an EEEEEEEGGG!" Come on, we all know what THAT chicken call means! (And on cue,one of them walks across the keyboard)
Hello. A golden comet chick can be sexed at birth by their color. If your golden comet is white and orange, it is a female. Male golden comet chicks are all yellow or white, with no orange mixed in. If yours look like mine, they are females. That breed will have a large comb at a young age. They are great layers. Thanks for watching!
@@colesbackyardcoop OK then for sure I definitely have a male which is great because we eventually want to have more chicks I'm about to build my chicken co-op the saturdy already have all the lumber here
@@colesbackyardcoop Pretty colours too I have won Americana that's pure white and another Americana that is a light grey And the other 2 Americas are a dark Brown at their base going up to a light Brown near their neck transitioning over towards a red colour
KittyKat_ Dash Yes, I am aware of the day old wing method and I have used it on chicks I hatch myself with much success but waiting till they are old enough to sex is the tried and true method. Wing and vent sexing is not 100% accurate. I have gotten many roos in my pullet orders from the hatcheries.
That's not good. What breed are they? Depending on the breed, like Leghorn, they have large combs at a young age but can be female. If you got them from a feed store, then they should all be females but if you hatched them then usually you will have lots of males. Good luck and thanks for watching! 🐥🐥🐥
@@alishaberrey4479 Hmmmm. Typically, Tractor Supply sells pullets (females) like most feed stores but it's not impossible that they get males from the hatchery in error. I've had it happen too. Wait and see how they look at 12 weeks. You will definitely know if they are males by then and they would be crowing. I've had buffs and my females had small combs until 16 to 20 weeks. I'm hoping you have all girls. My next flock in July will include two buffs again! Good luck and let me know how it goes. 🐓
Mi Mi hello, I purchase chicks from my local feed store or sometimes from Murray McMurray Hatchery. I also hatch eggs myself from time to time. Happy Chicken Keeping! Justine
Nice calm video, appreciate your care of your chicks.
I hung a ‘birdcage’ for my last batch… I used a large dog kennel,
I hung a couple of 2 liter rabbit water bottles (works great), then hung a feeder on the outside of the cage, (so just enough of the feeder is inside, so they can’t poop on it.
Lastly, I use hardware cloth for a floor. I scatter the shavings in the cage, so they clean their own cage by scratching! Perfect cleanliness!
Hello. Good tips. Thanks for watching and happy chicken keeping!
New subscriber 😊
Thanks for the video!
I love my girls ❤️🐥🐔
I know this is old, but my chicks are 5 weeks old, and really tame as well. They love to be petted and a few of them love to jump on me to be petted. I have one that has to sit on my shoulder. There are 6 of them, 2 Amerucaunas (possibly EE), 3 Isa Browns, and one possible Speckled Sussex. Thanks for this video, I love your coup.
They sound adorable! Thanks for watching! We are starting the process of building a home so I will have chickens again in the future. Also a greenhouse. I will be posting videos of our home building journey. Take care!
@@colesbackyardcoop That's awesome! I started a garden this year in raised beds, but I would love to have a greenhouse. I'm going to subscribe and watch your journey so I can learn a few tips.
@@guineapigmom8968 Thanks for subscribing! Good luck with your garden. More to come.
So precious! 🥰
Thanks for the video it was helpful to me!~
Your welcome Hannah and thanks for watching!
Nice! My chick's are 6 weeks. This helped affirm my hypothesize. Thanks!
I've got 3 new black copper marans 5 weeks old. 2 boys and a girl. My little girl still bites the phar out of me now and then. lol Nothing like she used to starting a day after she hatched. Sweet as she can be, loves some lovin but still bites me. lol The boys are sweet too. One likes to be proper and all business, the other is a wild child. lol Gonna love having those birds around.
They sound fun with a little personality. Gotta love them. Thanks for watching!
Love pullets. Their so beautiful and sweet
Hi, I got first-hatch chicks and I'm eager to get them outside in the coop which is framed and enclosed. But at six weeks, March 7, it will still floating around freezing where we are. Should I still put them out -- with or without heat? I do select only cold-hardy breeds.
Hello. You should keep them inside with heat until the bitter cold has passed. If you want to.put them out in the new coop, make sure it is insulated from the cold and keep a heat lamp on them. They are still too young and could get sick without heat. Good luck and thanks for watching!
Watch sow the land videos. This guy keeps 1 week olds outside with just one brooding lamp in 30 degree weather. Not recommending it, just amazed how well they adapt.
Gosh I really did not understand how and why it was so clear to you what sex they were. I'm glad you know .
I like the yellow chick so cute.....
Waooo... So cute chicks... What you feed them at home to gow faster?
And nice video and beautiful coop also..
Thank you. I feed the chicks Purina Chick Starter and add vitamins to the water. Plus veggie treats. Makes the chicks grow fast and healthy. Thanks for watching!
@@colesbackyardcoop thank you so much
Very nice yard.
Where do you buy all these beautiful varieties
Hello. I order chicks from Murray McMurray Hatchery. They have a beautiful variety of chicks. Thanks for watching!
Where do you get the eggs for the blue Ameraucana, very cool colors!
Hi Derek, I ordered fertile blue and splash ameraucana eggs on Ebay. Good luck and happy chicken keeping!
Did the dark brown/black one i believe you call her Ducky come from he blue and splash as well? I just bought 15 Ameraucana chicks from he feed story and all are roosters lol. Thanks for the videos I am learning a lot. also sorry to keep bothering do you have the info on the people you go the eggs from on ebay really pretty Ameraucanas you have. @@colesbackyardcoop
Hi Derek, no bother. 😁 Ducky is an Easter egger from a feed store. That is terrible all of your chicks are roos. Usually the chicks at the feed store are females from a hatchery. It's been a while since I ordered eggs, so do a search on Ebay for ameraucana hatching eggs and several auctions will come up. Good luck.
Awesome thank you again, now i need to find a home for all these roosters and find some chickens lol@@colesbackyardcoop
Are those black and white Barred Rock? Were they hens or roosters?
Hello. They were Barred Rocks....hens! Thanks for watching 😊
I fed my chicks some mealworms for the first time and now they won’t stop pecking my hand and it hurts 💔 I don’t know what to do haha
MORE mealworms! LOL They start to realize what is food and what is mommy hand but it takes a while!
I am raising a flock of chickens for the first time on my homestead this year. Early April, I received 38 isa-browns. I have since bought a few buff orpingtons, bared rocks and silkies. The silkies are relatively tame, but the rocks and orpingtons are nuts for some reason. They're 4 weeks, have been at my place for close to 3 weeks. I don't recall my isa-browns being so scared of me. I wonder if the kids in the original home were mean to them or they're still adjusting.
Hello. Sounds like you will have to work with them to gain their trust. Rocks and Orpingtons are usually pretty tame. Knee down to their level and feed them treats from your hand. Hard to say what spooked them at their previous home. You will win them over in time. Good luck and thanks for watching! Happy Chicken Keeping! Justine 🐔
Hello, may I ask the dimensions of the little pen they were in at the beginning of the video? It looks like a great growing pen.
Hello. That growing coop was 12 ft long x 4 ft wide. It was perfect for growing chicks. Thanks for watching and happy holidays!
Looks like a chicken penitentiary, concrete and steel. Just kidding cool stuff. Just adding in, that propping those feeders up a bit higher is a must to keep them as clean as possible. It's probably one of the the biggest issues with young chicks i've ran into. I've even hung them to dangle, but that just introduces other issues of its own.
Hi, Do I have to give my three week olds grit (sand) if I want to give them a little grass or clover ir treats?
Hello. No, you can give them veggies or grass without added grit. Once you put them outside in a run, they will eat some dirt naturally and that is all they need. Once they are laying age, I add a little oyster shell to their food for extra calcium. Good luck and thanks for watching! Be safe.
@@colesbackyardcoop Thanks so much!
I 12 chicks and 10 turned out to be roosters. Is there a way to prevent so many roosters??
Hello. If you buy chicks from a feedstore or order them from a hatchery, you can purchase just hens. If you hatch the eggs yourself, you will get roosters. Thanks for watching and be safe!
👀👀 Oh, I'd be annoyed. Did you buy "free range farm mix"? Sounds like they sold you a batch of ones they sex checked OUT at the farm. Try to buy from reputable buyers who at least give them a FIRST sex check.
hey, I’m a new chicken owner. I haven’t kept track of how long we have had our chickens so I thought maybe you might know, and help me with a few things. They have recently been feathered, with very little fluff.
my next question, how do you get them to not run from you? I’ve sat in the coop with them for about 30 - 1hr a day. They still run from me, and make noise when I pick them up. I would like them to get used to me so they get down that I’m not here to hurt them. If you have any advice, I would appreciate it. Thanks so much,
- Ashly
I would like to note that I’ve put my hand down in the coop, and rarely do they come up to me. I’ve never showed any sign of being mean to them, so I’m not exactly sure what else I should do.
Hello. This happens to me too. I offer treats to them like broccoli or pieces of apple from my hand so they get use to me. The older they get, the calmer they should be. Also the breed makes a difference too. My easter eggers and ameraucanas are always skittish. Buffs and Barred Rocks are my calmer birds and friendly. Hope this helps and good luck!
Cole's Backyard Coop thanks so much!! This really helps
Hi ma'am would you happen to have video's of the build of your coop. Just found you oh so informative
No, I don't have a video of the construction. I had a company build it for me. They are called Avian Structures.
How far are the roost from the ground for the 6 week old? Mine are sleeping on the floor in the coop I need to get the roost up and sturdy for them I'm not sure how high to go with them
How do you get them to be so friendly
Dana Peters Hello Dana, I get down to their level and extend my hand to them so they can walk up to it and then slowly pet them so they will trust you. Good luck.
Cole's Backyard Coop thank you I have 17 a couple are 5 weeks and the rest are 2 weeks and they go crazy when anyone goes near them or if you would put your hand down and yours run right up to you I hope mine will eventually do that
Spend time with them every day, talk to them, give them some mealworms. I have 13 that are 4 1/2 weeks old and most come right up to me. The ISA Browns are a lot more skittish but the Barred Rocks and Rhode Island Reds will come over to me. If I squat down they'll hop up on my legs, or my hand if I'm holding it out. One RIR is a Roo for sure, he gets jealous if I'm not paying attention to him lol!
Get them newly hatched, provide warmth and food and good feelings with hands. Mine are getting to freeze for pickup which is a good sign! One won't allow themselves to be caught without a struggle and INCIDENTALLY has a larger comb than the others. I suspect a roo! They were "60% sexed" And I did wing/vent check when bought. Wing/vent said one of them was a roo, and that's the one who has the most obvious comb. Three out of four is an expected outcome. About $20, and my aim was a single hen to be spoilt and indulged with an indoor "human" life. Like the dog, they go to outdoor events, camping, etc. Stroller and carseat trained. The females rehomed to families and the roo......well, there is one local farmer who takes all extra roos. No questions asked. I handle the babies individually every single day. I have raised a few in downtown San Diego who never saw grass except on excursions to the park (and beach) They were perfectly adapted to city life and were very very calm in rather rambunctious human crowds. Accustomed to being petted by everyone who saw them. It works!
Have you found your roosters/cockerels stand differently? My richie stands like a t rex and my Alice stands like a duck👌 this is speculation though since they are only a couple weeks old
Hello. Kind of, I see what you are saying but it just depends on the roo and the breed. The main way I tell is their comb size and feather development. Thanks for watching and be safe!
Yes, they start to! check wings; their wing will have a single swoop to the end, or a two stage wing. The two stage wing is likely a hen. Vent checking is rather difficult and invasive for beginners. What she said about combs works too.
Mine are four weeks; all " TS prarie bluebells" (Americana X Leghorn) Nearly no comb growth on any of them. They are getting used to behind handled, and coming, or freezing for "the hand". Only one who is deliberately evasive, and I suspect a roo. A few more weeks and I'll be rehoming three of them; keeping one for an ESA indoor chicken. Remainder gifted to a new production farm. (families with kids given preference) I am using indoor cloth foldable living quarters to make for easier cleanup. Easily washable baby blankets for bedding and regular daily outdoor foraging time. They have access to a patient dog who tolerates them and provides warmth on occasion. All different colors. Preference will be given to those who particularly appreciate the human contact.
Nice new coop, what's the size, The chicks are really getting big fast. how old would they have to be before you introduced them to another fully grown flock? I just got 6 rhode island red 10 week old pullets and wondering when and how to combine them with my other 12 full grown red sex link full grown chickens. Thanks again, Looking forward to the full coop tour.
Thanks Ken. The new coop is 14 ft by 4 ft with 5 nestboxes. I will post a video tour soon. To introduce your young pullets to the older flock, they need to see each other through wire so the get used to seeing the young ones around. section off a small area of the large coop or run with wire so they can see but not touch. Do this for about 2 weeks then remove the division. The integration will be be seemless to the older flock then. There will be picking but not so bad. Just watch and see to be sure. Good luck.
kenneth I subscribed. I figured it would be better to start your you tube already having subscribers. If you check out my channel, I am an old autistic woman trying to start a mostly self sustaining autistic community. we have 3 houses so far. chickens, and we are planning to do some SPIN gardening. also, crafts, etc. It will be awesome for autistics to be able to be around more autistics because we get SO LONELY and can keep each other productive and happy. most people with autism also have extreme ptsd [ extremely sensitive amygdalas make the traumas. well. more traumatic. I have everything to learn about homesteading and hope to learn it from you all.
Saw the nrw coop was 14x4ft. That seems small to house 12 birds. Its said to give 8to10sqft per bird. Those dimentions at most, allow for 7.
Can you tell me how to get my rooster to not attack me when ever I go into the pen? Please help! He's a beautiful big rooster.
Hello. It will be hard to tame him if he is full grown now. You have to start when they are very young, holding him and showing him you are not a threat to his girls. You can try this and see if it works. If you can't hold him then you might have to consider rehoming him and start with a young rooster you can hold and make him tame as he grows up. Be careful and good luck! 🐓
Only had one like that. My daughter and I tried just for a kick to squat for him. He would inspect us, dance, then LEAN up against one of us. Then we were free to go. ??? As this seemed to work, we just kept doing it. Upon entering the structure, we'd squat until the roo gave us the green light, then we were free to collect eggs. He ALWAYS attacked my husband. Okay, that's catering to him...but it worked. Stewie (adopted as stella) got much calmer and was much easier to handle.
Just curious about the reddish Ameraucana up on the roost in the video. Did that one turn out to be a cockerel?
Jennifer Mackoul hello, no that was a hen. A beautiful red with blue mixed in. In later videos...comb development, you can see her more mature. Happy Chicken Keeping! Justine
What do u feed them they have really grwn very fast
They eat a diet of vegetables and fruit and Purina growing food for chicks. They do grow fast. Thanks.
Cole's Backyard Coop hi could you be a bit more specific in what fruit and veggies you feed them?
12 chickens in the new coop? Want that be to small a space for 12 chickens?
Hello. No, each hen requires a minimum of 4 square feet per bird. I have 72 square feet total.....plenty of room to be happy. Thanks for watching and happy chicken keeping!
Love it!
I’m asking you if you agree that the hens have bigger tail feathers
Yes I would agree
And wing feathers too
my chicks are getting to 8 weeks... supposed to be hens but mayby i have a rooster.
Good luck with your chicks. By 8 weeks a roo will have a much larger comb than the female chicks. Thanks for watching! 😊
they are close to eight weeks. i will look at their combs. i kind of hope i have a rooster. @@colesbackyardcoop
When do they start laying
Corie Melendez Hello, depending on the breed, they could start laying at 20 weeks, usually 24 to 26 weeks. Thanks
Corie Melendez 4-6 months
I love your videos, wish you were still making them. Hope all is ok!!
Hello and thanks so much! I enjoyed making videos. We are doing fine in this crazy 2020 year. We moved to a condo on the water last year so no more chickens unfortunately. My channel will stay up and I'm here to answer comments. Thanks for watching and be safe!
@@colesbackyardcoop I do have one question. I totally understand where you are coming from when you say, for egg laying reasons, you raise them for two or so years then switch out to new chickens. But I am wondering, do you ever get attached? I am just setting up to have chickens and I don't know how I will get away from thinking of them as pets that I can't let go of.
@@colesbackyardcoop Thank you for replying!! I am delighted that you have found yourself on a new adventure!
@@SureHowDoYouKnow Yes, it's a wonderful new adventure but I do miss the chickens. To answer your other comment, I did get a little attached to my first group of chickens and kept them for about 4 years but when laying slows down and you are paying to feed them with little return, it got easier. I always made sure they went to good homes and got 20 per hen and I sold eggs too so I needed high production. Good luck with yours.
@@colesbackyardcoop Thank you!! All Best to you!
Can I put my 4 and 5 week old outside in 60 degree because everyone on this website said no I did put them in a henhouse and they are a little warm but I love them and I’m worried I want the best for my kids they love me to they jump on me so I don’t know and I’m soooooo worried
Hello. They are old enough to put outside but you need to hang a red heat lamp about 3 to 4 feet off the ground on one side of the coop so they can get under it if they feel cold and if they aren't, they will not but you need to offer a heat source especially at night if it is 60 or below. Once they are 10 to 12 weeks old, then they are good without it. This is what I do with good success. Check with your local feedstore or online to purchase one. Thanks for watching and happy chicken keeping! Be safe!
Cole's Backyard Coop ok
Where or how long do you keep your rooster's
Hello. I sell the young roosters at 8 to 12 weeks old when I determine it is a male for sure. Thanks for watching!
Thank you. Would love to see more chicken video's
Until I realize they are roosters. And then they go away. This is a rural area, but the houses are somewhat close together and I have neighbors. One house had three hens and I didn't even realize it until we got a few and I heard them walking by. There is a farm near us that advertises that they take unwanted roosters. Nobody asks. But I suspect that quite a few houses have one or two hens and no one is the wiser. (Until you hear that: "I laid an EEEEEEEGGG!" Come on, we all know what THAT chicken call means! (And on cue,one of them walks across the keyboard)
Hi, I have thousands of chicks like them. I am doing farming and we call them desi chicks.
Are you an Indian, I'm Pakistani and I have 4 desi chicks
This helps because mine are at 6 weeks now and I definitely know one golden comet is a male but the second golden comet looks like it may be a male
Hello. A golden comet chick can be sexed at birth by their color. If your golden comet is white and orange, it is a female. Male golden comet chicks are all yellow or white, with no orange mixed in. If yours look like mine, they are females. That breed will have a large comb at a young age. They are great layers. Thanks for watching!
@@colesbackyardcoop OK then for sure I definitely have a male which is great because we eventually want to have more chicks I'm about to build my chicken co-op the saturdy already have all the lumber here
@@colesbackyardcoop Now my Americana 's on the other hand all there combs are small and still in straight
@@colesbackyardcoop Pretty colours too I have won Americana that's pure white and another Americana that is a light grey And the other 2 Americas are a dark Brown at their base going up to a light Brown near their neck transitioning over towards a red colour
I used multivitamins for my 10 days chicks
How to tame them?
The best way to tame them is hold them and put your hand down so they can get used to you and touch. Gently pet them. Thanks for watching.
All hens sweet heart sorry
This is an old video, two grew up to be roos, the one I suspected and one of the blue ameraucanas which I didn't expect. Thanks for watching!
You can tell their gender from day one, look up "how to wing sex chicks"
KittyKat_ Dash Yes, I am aware of the day old wing method and I have used it on chicks I hatch myself with much success but waiting till they are old enough to sex is the tried and true method. Wing and vent sexing is not 100% accurate. I have gotten many roos in my pullet orders from the hatcheries.
To small of a coop for 12 chickens but its nice
Stay tuned. At our new property, my coop/run will be 8 x 30. Thanks for watching!
Do they comw out often? That run is way too small for all those.
Cheesy, you are looking at an old video of my original coop. I had a much larger coop/run built. I only kept 6 in that original coop.
Hens seams to have bigger tail feathers
They are fed well. Thanks for watching!
Mine isn’t been able to be sexed
As the chick gets older, you should be able to tell the sex. Thanks for watching!
Cole's Backyard Coop your welcome and thanks
They are too big for 6 weeks. It looks more lije 12 weeks old.
If this is true, I got 3 males and one female.
That's not good. What breed are they? Depending on the breed, like Leghorn, they have large combs at a young age but can be female. If you got them from a feed store, then they should all be females but if you hatched them then usually you will have lots of males. Good luck and thanks for watching! 🐥🐥🐥
They are Buff Orpingtons. Only 1 has a short comb. The others are red or orange and A little taller.I got them from a tractor supply store.
@@alishaberrey4479 Hmmmm. Typically, Tractor Supply sells pullets (females) like most feed stores but it's not impossible that they get males from the hatchery in error. I've had it happen too. Wait and see how they look at 12 weeks. You will definitely know if they are males by then and they would be crowing. I've had buffs and my females had small combs until 16 to 20 weeks. I'm hoping you have all girls. My next flock in July will include two buffs again! Good luck and let me know how it goes. 🐓
Where do you buy the chicken
Mi Mi hello, I purchase chicks from my local feed store or sometimes from Murray McMurray Hatchery. I also hatch eggs myself from time to time. Happy Chicken Keeping! Justine
all my chicks are roosters
Sorry to hear that. Let them mature more just to be sure. Good luck and thanks for watching!