The fighting dogs have to take a piss or a dump some point in the battle. Quite impossible as there are no empty places around or standing trees or poles nearby. Dogs might turn around and go home.
Bro really tried to see who would win. A fully trained mighty dog or a fricking full armoured with shield and weapons trained soldier. This is pointless
Это не дрессирваность собак. Просто натасксные на человека
Да эти породы изначально выводились на войну один пёс стоил 5,6 солдат в боевойсвалке
Реклама индрайва и Temu уже зай***л
The fighting dogs have to take a piss or a dump some point in the battle. Quite impossible as there are no empty places around or standing trees or poles nearby. Dogs might turn around and go home.
So what drove you to play and then record such a pointless battle?
전쟁이 시원하지 않타,
Древние дураками не были как вы показываете? Зажгли бы факелы и собаки сожрали бы своих хозяев, любое животное боится огня.
Ba cái phim hình nộm không mà coi cái quái gì,,,
Bro really tried to see who would win. A fully trained mighty dog or a fricking full armoured with shield and weapons trained soldier. This is pointless
Вы видать не знаете как нападает обученная собака, создавали бы хотя бы немного правдоподобно , а это полная шняга хрень полная
In reality Dog would Won.... Because they are not traind but savage beast😂
Арвтая битва
Poor Dogs lol