Park golf is a sport that began in Hokkaido in 1983. Currently, there are 1,283 courses throughout Japan and 64 courses in 10 countries overseas. There is also Destroyer Park Golf (Akron, NY) in the United States. It was built on the grounds of The Destroyer, a former professional wrestler who became fond of park golf after his retirement, on the grounds of his home and farm. There are 1.24 million enthusiasts worldwide. Gateball, which also originated in Japan, originated in Hokkaido.
You traveld more than I did. I lived in the US 32 years and just moved back to Seoul last month. Learning so much from you and makes me want to explore my own culture. Thanks Nick. Travel safely ❤
I really appreciate the way you talk about Korea’s history. I agree someone will take what you said about colonists in different countries vs Korea in the wrong way, but I agree with you. Every Korean dealt with Japanese colonists on the daily back then. I was born and raised in California, but I grew up unknowingly using some Japanese words for random items because my grandma still had the Japanese she was forced to learn ingrained in her. She also had a lot of stories of her friends disappearing and later finding out they were sent as comfort women. Extremely sad history.
Merry Christmas 🎅✌Love all things Korean. It's really nice to see your 'real' view of Korea and meeting/seeing all the local people and places along the way.
Wait, your Korean translation here went terribly wrong. It interpreted 'miss' as 'long for' and especially In the Korean context, it makes it seem like you're someone who longs for the Japanese colonial period. lol
Merry Christmas Nick I just returned from San Antonio TX where my Texan man's funeral took place I meant to introduce your channel to him as he loved Korean food and culture. I just regret that it was too late. Your accent reminds me of him. He once got a job offer from Texas Tech at Rubbock but declined. lol. Thank you Nick for showing many parts of Korea
More than a few things in common. He was both tough and intelligent. He loved history. Enjoyed shirtless freedom and minimalism being ready to leave anytime. Wearing shorts and sandals even in winter at IL and MA. He fed his friends with babeuques in graduate school days. I was able to.understand him better by watching your channel. In his funeral reception shorts, history books, and bebeques are brought up by his friends. He wanted to retire in Korea. So I was interested in your channel to look around different parts of Korea.
It's Christmas, we can't sit still at home on Christmas lol Today is Christmas, but I am having a party with my friends as well as a year-end party. It's 10:25 p.m. in Korea! (🍾🥂🍸) l feel like I drank this.😵💫🤑😵 🤣
브롬톤같은 특수한 사이즈의 타이어 튜브는 따로 여유분을 준비해서 갖고 다니는게 좋습니다. 큰 자전거 샵이나 브롬톤 전용샵이 아니라면 잘 갖추고 있지 않을 가능성이 높기 때문입니다. 그리고 Nick T의 몸무게와 많은 짐들은 브롬톤이 버틸 수 있는 한계 중량을 많이 초과한 듯 보이네요.
Thank you for the video, Nick and Macho Man! I could really feel Macho Man's struggle while pumping the patched tire. I had no idea Gunsan had such a strong Catholic presence, but a quick Google search explained why. Park golf looks so fascinating too! Wishing a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to both Nicks!
Japan deported a lot of rice through gunsan port. that rice enabled japan's militaristic industrialization and set the base for the avaricious expansion eventually pearl harbor surprise attack. many koreans had no choice but to move out to mainly Manchuria and other counturies including America for survival due to intentional systematic famine by japanese imperial colonial government as Stalin had done Holodomor in Ukraine.
경성일보 1934년 3월 8일에 「난폭한 이야기 내지농회의 광태」라고 하는 기사가 발신되고 있습니다. 이는 수출처인 일본으로, 저렴한 조선미 유입에 일본 국내 농가가 압박되어 일본 국내 농가를 곤궁하게 만들었다. 이 때문에 일본은 조선미 수입 제한을 걸려고 했다. 이에 조선인 농가가 대반발해 시위를 벌여 총독부를 휘말린 대소동이 되어 일본 국내 농가와의 대립이 됐다. 라는 당시의 기사입니다. 총독부는 토지소유자를 조사하여 소유자가 없는 토지를 접수하고 동양 탁식에 사들여 진출한 일본인과 조선인 유력자에게 분배했다. 이것으로 대기업이 된 것이 HYUNDAI 재벌. 실제로 총독부가 접수한 농지는 전경작지의 3.26% 정도이다. 철도선의 부설이나 일본 제철(기요쓰 제철소)이나 미쓰비시 제철(가네이우라 제철소)에 의한 제철소의 건설, 일본 질소 비료(현:치소)의 진출에 의한 수력 발전소 건설인 이들이 행해져 조선총독부로부터의 보조금에 의한 1,527건의 농업용 댐과 410건의 수로의 건설, 40억 본 심기나 사방 댐 건설 등의 수리 사업도 행해졌다. 1920~30년대 한반도의 경제성장률은 연간 약 4%로, 같은 기간의 유럽(1%대)이나 일본·미국(3%대)에 비해 보다 높은 성장을 하고 있으며, 한반도 1인당 생산성장률도 약 2.4%로 높은 성장률을 기록한 결과가 나온다. 이러한 결과에서 서울대 교수 이영훈은 한국에서 가르치고 있는 '일제에 의한 토지수탈론'은 신화라고 한다.
The March 8, 1934 issue of the Keijo Nippo newspaper carried an article titled "Brutal Stories: The Crazy Behavior of the Inland Agricultural Association." The influx of cheap Korean rice into Japan, the export destination, put pressure on domestic farmers, causing hardship for Japanese farmers. As a result, Japan tried to impose import restrictions on Korean rice. Korean farmers protested strongly, holding demonstrations, which led to a major uproar that involved the Government-General and led to conflict with domestic Japanese farmers. This is the article from that time. The Government-General investigated landowners and confiscated ownerless land, had Toyo Takushoku buy it, and distributed it to influential Japanese and Koreans who had moved into the area. This is how the Hyundai conglomerate became a large corporation. In fact, the farmland confiscated by the Government-General was about 3.26% of the total cultivated land. Railways were laid, steelworks were built by Nippon Steel (Chongjin Steel Works) and Mitsubishi Steel (Kenjiura Steel Works), and hydroelectric power plants were built by Nippon Nitrogen Fertilizer (now Chisso). 1,527 agricultural dams and 410 waterways were built with subsidies from the Government-General of Korea, and water conservation projects such as planting 4 billion trees and constructing erosion control dams were also carried out. The economic growth rate of the Korean Peninsula from the 1920s to the 1930s was about 4% per year, which was higher than Europe (1% range) and Japan and the United States (3% range) during the same period, and the per capita production growth rate of the Korean Peninsula was also high at about 2.4%. Based on these results, Seoul National University Professor Lee Young-hoon claims that the "land grabbing theory by the Japanese Empire" taught in Korea is a myth.
According to British scholar Alleyne Ireland's book "The New Korea," Chapter 10: Medical Care, Public Health, and Social Welfare (published in the United States in 1926), an unprecedented drought occurred in 1919 during the Japanese colonial period. Thanks to the prompt response of the Government-General, not a single person died of starvation. The Government-General invested 4 million yen (approximately 80 billion yen in today's value) in famine relief, purchasing food from Japan and distributing it to the people throughout the country. In 1939, Korea was hit by an unprecedented drought, and the rice harvest in Korea was nearly halved from 24.14 million koku in 1938 to 14.27 million koku, but thanks to the Government-General's appropriate response, such as importing large amounts of rice from Japan, not a single person died of starvation on the Korean peninsula.
@@winnerpsk-p8x Positive Understanding of the Japanese Colonial Period / Park Chan-woong (President of the Toronto Korean Association, Graduated from the Faculty of Law at Seoul National University in 1954 and the Graduate School of Public Administration at New York University in 1964) [I was born in Gyeongseong (Seoul) in 1926. It was 16 years after the Japan-Korea Annexation (1910). When I was old enough to understand, the city of Gyeongseong had trains running on the main roads, electricity, water, telephones, radios, etc. were introduced, and buildings such as the Government General of Korea, Gyeongseong Provincial Office, and Gyeongseong Station were standing tall, showing the appearance of a large city that was beginning to modernize. The city of Gyeongseong was roughly divided, although not clearly, by the Cheonggyecheon Stream that runs east to west, with the Korean town in the north and the Japanese town in the south. The residents, of course, could walk freely anywhere in the city in any traditional costume without any worries or inconvenience. In 1942, the population of Korea was 26,278,232, of which 25,525,409 were Korean (97.14%) and 752,823 were Japanese (2.86%). The population of Gyeongseong was 1,108,441, of which 941,101 were Korean (84.9%) and 167,340 were Japanese (15.1%). (The population of Seoul around 1894-1897 was about 250,000.) My father (Park Jeong-o) did not care if the people he met were Korean, whether it was for lodging, going to restaurants or department stores, or visiting a doctor. In recent years, most Koreans are taught that the Japanese were arrogant and trampled on Koreans during the colonial period, but in reality, even if they felt that they were foreigners, there was no hostility. I remember when I went to a Japanese restaurant with my family, a Japanese female employee in a cute uniform cried and apologized for our order being late, and I also remember the kindness of an older woman at a Japanese general store in the countryside. When I ordered ice cream at a Japanese tea shop, it came with wafers, and when I dropped and broke the medicine bottle I had been given at the ear, nose and throat clinic, the nurse from the hospital came out and refilled the medicine into a new bottle, and the Japanese dentist was very kind. Japanese people are all very kind.
Nick: you are a true student of language….you’ve innately understood Korean when you didn’t even realize it and when the bicycle guy spoke to you you were 100% on understanding what he said 👏
Nick, let me tell you an interesting fact. Historically, the trend of the world seems to be similar. Just as Britain went to the United States and founded the United States, ancient Korea also went to the Japanese island to build a country called Japan and spread and develop civilization. The Japanese emperor also announced on TV that my ancestors were in ancient Korea. However, this history was not officially recognized because of the positions of the two governments. I wanted to let you know that Korea and Japan were of the same ethnicities in ancient times. The language that most resembles Japanese is Korean. Think of it as the difference between English and German.
최근 한국의 경제사학자. 서울대 경제학 명예 교수 이영훈, 경제사학자 서울대 경제학 명예 교수 안병직, 역사학자 이대근 등의 연구로 쌀이나 토지 수탈은 전혀 없었다는 증거가 나온다 있습니다. 당시 일본으로의 쌀 수출은 한국 전체에서 상당한 경제발전에 기여하고 있어 쌀 수출기업으로서 대기업이 된 것이 HYUNDAI 재벌입니다.
@@인간이지구를망치는방 1934년 3월 8일 경성일보에 '잔혹 이야기 내지농협의 광기'라는 기사가 게재되었다. 수출처인 일본으로 유입된 저렴한 조선미는 국내 농가를 압박해 일본 농가를 괴롭혔다. 그 때문에 일본은 조선미의 수입 제한을 부과하려고 했다. 조선농민은 격렬하게 항의해 시위를 벌여 총독부를 휘말려 국내 일본 농가와 대립하는 큰 소동이 됐다. 이것은 당시 기사이다. 총독부는 지주를 조사해 무주지를 몰수하고 동양 탁식에 사들여 이주해온 유력한 일본인과 조선인에게 분배했다. 이렇게 HYUNDAI 재벌은 대기업이 되었다. 실제로 총독부가 몰수한 농지는 경작지 전체의 약 3.26%였다.
@@인간이지구를망치는방 영국인 학자 Alleyne Ireland의 저서 "The New Korea" "제10장 의료·공중 위생·사회 복지 사업”(1926년 미국에서 출판)에 의하면, 일본의 통치 시대의 1919년에 발생한 전례가 없을 정도의 가뭄이 발생. 이 때 총독부의 신속한 대응 덕분에 한 명의 굶주림 피해자도 내지 않고 가뭄을 종식시켰다. 총독부가 굶주림의 구제 지원에 400만엔(현재 가치로 약 800억엔)을 던져 일본에서 식량을 구입해 전국 국민에게 배포했다. 또 1939년에도 조선은 미증유의 가뭄이 발생하여 전국의 쌀 수확량이 1938년 2414만석에서 1427만석으로 절반 가까이 감소했지만 일본에서 대량의 쌀 수입 등 총독부의 적절한 대응으로 한반도에서 굶주림을 한 명도 발생시키지 않았다.
@@인간이지구를망치는방 각 길에 자혜병원 13, 지방병원 42, 대학병원, 철도병원, 적십자병원, 각지의 결핵요양소 종합대학 1개, 사범학교 9개, 전문학교 18개, 실업보수학교 132개, 실업학교 82개, 고등여자학교 57개, 중학교 53개, 간이학교 1227개, 초등학교 4271개 등 총 6533개 서울과 평양에 박물관, 각 도로 41곳에 도서관(1923년시), 전국 33노선, 4000킬로미터 이상의 철도와 터널·다리·599의 역사와 기관차·객차·화차 등 건설. 1910년부터 1939년까지 29년간 도로 건설이 이루어졌으며 총독부의 계획과 지도와 비용에 따라 한반도 전역에 국도 1만2274킬로미터, 지방도 1만8375킬로미터, 총연장 3만킬로미터 이상의 도로망을 구축(「총독부 연보 1941」의 「제12장 토목」의 토목 행정의 원격” 및 “제2절 도로 개수”). 수풍댐, 경성상하수도공비, 인천상하수도공비, 평양상하수도공비, 진남포상하수도공사 조선산에 묘목을 40억개 심기 이씨 조선시대에 전등은 0개였지만, 1910년 이후 급속히 전력 공급량이 확대, 1939년에는 전등이 200만등 보급. 일본은 국가예산의 1.5배의 자금을 투입해 1939년까지 철도를 33노선 총연장 4000킬로미터 이상의 철도망을 건설했습니다.
Is this Korea's new hottest sport?
이게 한국의 최신 인기 스포츠일까?
10 년 쯤 전에 일본에서 넘어온 스포츠라고 합니다
다만 시골에 노인들을 위해 여기저기 경기장을 만들어놨으나 생각보다 인기 없더라구요 ... 그들만의리그 라고 생각 하시면 될듯 ..
Park golf is a sport that began in Hokkaido in 1983. Currently, there are 1,283 courses throughout Japan and 64 courses in 10 countries overseas. There is also Destroyer Park Golf (Akron, NY) in the United States. It was built on the grounds of The Destroyer, a former professional wrestler who became fond of park golf after his retirement, on the grounds of his home and farm. There are 1.24 million enthusiasts worldwide. Gateball, which also originated in Japan, originated in Hokkaido.
Screen golf is pretty popular lol. Prolly cos u don’t need space for that!
@@NangNangEE 친일친일 거리는 애들 보면 거의 민주빠 또는 중국인 또는 조선족애들임
Nick, will you watch the NFL matches on Christmas eve? Texans vs Ravens?? 🔥🔥🔥
Thanks to everyone who tunes in and hits the like button! I really appreciate it!
시청하고 좋아요 버튼을 눌러주신 모든 분들께 감사드립니다! 정말 감사합니다!
Merry Christmas Nick!❤ Happy holiday😊
닉! 당연히 먼저 좋아요 버튼 누르고 시청합니다 영상도 재밌게 볼게요!!❤❤❤😍🤩😘🥳🎉
Nick, will you watch the NFL matches on Christmas eve? Texans vs Ravens?? 🔥🔥🔥
Happy❤ Happy❤ Happy❤Christmas!!~~~❤❤❤
좋아요 먼저 입니다~😊
닉❤ 메리크리스마스 ^^
heyyy thanks so much Jellyandicecream! Merry Christmas to you too and thanks for your support!
캬아 닉~우리에게 보여줄 영상이 아직도 많이 남았나요? 아니 더 많이 남아서 계속 올려주면 좋지요!! 부지런한 닉^^ 아주 칭찬해 ㅋ😅🙆♀️
maybe just a couple more from Korea! thanks always for your support Lime!
You traveld more than I did. I lived in the US 32 years and just moved back to Seoul last month. Learning so much from you and makes me want to explore my own culture. Thanks Nick. Travel safely ❤
와 이 아저씨 진짜 많은 곳 돌아다녔었구나 또 오세요
You're memorizing all those places you've been, that's great.
of course! I could do that to just about every place I've visited
억양이 거의 원어민 수준임.
I really appreciate the way you talk about Korea’s history. I agree someone will take what you said about colonists in different countries vs Korea in the wrong way, but I agree with you. Every Korean dealt with Japanese colonists on the daily back then. I was born and raised in California, but I grew up unknowingly using some Japanese words for random items because my grandma still had the Japanese she was forced to learn ingrained in her. She also had a lot of stories of her friends disappearing and later finding out they were sent as comfort women. Extremely sad history.
It was a short time, but nice to meet you. This is Mrs. Hotteok. ^^. Always have a safe trip.
Hey! It was nice meeting you too! thanks for the hot hotteok! ✌️
Merry Christmas 🎅✌Love all things Korean. It's really nice to see your 'real' view of Korea and meeting/seeing all the local people and places along the way.
1 월에 한국에 가실거라 들었어요.. 무척 추워요 ㄷㄷㄷ 따듯한 옷 많이 챙겨 가세요🚴♂️🚴♂️🚴♂️
Dear Nick! Merry Christmas! 🎅🎄🎁✨️ Nick^^ Always be happy!
라임님!! 메리크리스마스😊
아! 동구리님도 메리 크리스마스!🎄🎅 하늘엔 영광 땅에는 평화를 기원하며..😂❤
라임님 메리크리스마스 🎉
감사합니다! Verkor님도 메리크리스마스♡🎄🎅 🙋♀️
LIME! Merry Christmas to you too! It's been a great year because of you and everyone's support this year! Let's have a great 2025! ✌❤😁
닉 Nick!!!❤
좋아요부터 누르고 볼께요😊
Thankyou for information.. Mr. Nick
I appreciate your help and support korea without expecting anything in return.we will not forget america
Have a wonderful Christmas!
Are there more Japanese colonial buildings in Korea that I didn’t notice.
내가 눈치채지 못한 한국에는 더 많은 일본 식민지 건물이 있나요?
Wait, your Korean translation here went terribly wrong. It interpreted 'miss' as 'long for' and especially In the Korean context, it makes it seem like you're someone who longs for the Japanese colonial period. lol
Well, Koreans have worked on demolishing, replacing, etc. them so harder to find!
서울에 남아 있는 대표적인 일제 시대 건물은 서울역 한국은행 서울시청(현재는 도서관) 등이며...그외도 서울에 일제.시대 건물 찾아보면 많음..
닉 다음에 한국에 오면 동인천에 가보세요
Oops, I should have said “missed” but that still would have translated it wrong maybe. I’ll try again lol
Merry Christmas and happy holidays! 🎄✨
thanks so much! you too!
Merry Christmas to both Nicks!
Hope Nick T will get to enjoy the game a bit more next time with the right(or left) club!
yeahhh he def would do better with the right club
닉은 이제 한국에서 유명인사네요~ 미국서도 건강 하시길 바랍니다~
Merry Christmas Nick I just returned from San Antonio TX where my Texan man's funeral took place I meant to introduce your channel to him as he loved Korean food and culture. I just regret that it was too late. Your accent reminds me of him. He once got a job offer from Texas Tech at Rubbock but declined. lol. Thank you Nick for showing many parts of Korea
Oh I'm so sorry for your loss. Sounds like we had a few things in common. Thanks for your support 🙏
More than a few things in common. He was both tough and intelligent. He loved history. Enjoyed shirtless freedom and minimalism being ready to leave anytime. Wearing shorts and sandals even in winter at IL and MA. He fed his friends with babeuques in graduate school days. I was able to.understand him better by watching your channel. In his funeral reception shorts, history books, and bebeques are brought up by his friends. He wanted to retire in Korea. So I was interested in your channel to look around different parts of Korea.
Merry Christmas nick 😀🎄🎄
군산을 잘몰랐는데 닉 덕분에 조금 알게 되었습니다^^ 닉!! 해피❤❤ 크리스마스~~😊
첫 경험에 보기면 아주 잘 하신거네요...파크골프가 한국 노인인구 급증으로 앞으로 큰 인기를 얻게될 듯 합니다..
Next time I want to play an entire round!
오마이갓 닉이 나의 고향을 지나갔다니!! 신창다리가 내 고향 김제시 청하면이다!! 일제시대 일제가 쌀 수탈하려고 만든 백년넘은 다리!! 만경강 사람들이 골프치는곳도 청하!! 쭈욱 따라가면 익산과 전주로…
It's Christmas, we can't sit still at home on Christmas lol Today is Christmas, but I am having a party with my friends as well as a year-end party. It's 10:25 p.m. in Korea! (🍾🥂🍸) l feel like I drank this.😵💫🤑😵 🤣
Sounds like a great time! Enjoy! 😉✌️
Thank you, Nick!🫶
브롬톤같은 특수한 사이즈의 타이어 튜브는 따로 여유분을 준비해서 갖고 다니는게 좋습니다.
큰 자전거 샵이나 브롬톤 전용샵이 아니라면 잘 갖추고 있지 않을 가능성이 높기 때문입니다.
그리고 Nick T의 몸무게와 많은 짐들은 브롬톤이 버틸 수 있는 한계 중량을 많이 초과한 듯 보이네요.
한국 제대로 즐기시네 ㅋㅋㅋ
12:14 cant wait for your cycling video through SEA and finalizing in Indonesia Nick and maybe Nick T too 😅,
Merry Christmas 🎄🎉
Thank you for the video, Nick and Macho Man! I could really feel Macho Man's struggle while pumping the patched tire. I had no idea Gunsan had such a strong Catholic presence, but a quick Google search explained why. Park golf looks so fascinating too! Wishing a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to both Nicks!
you're welcome! thanks for always tuning in! yeah Macho Man got his workout in for sure lol
Good job
Japan deported a lot of rice through gunsan port. that rice enabled japan's militaristic industrialization and set the base for the avaricious expansion eventually pearl harbor surprise attack. many koreans had no choice but to move out to mainly Manchuria and other counturies including America for survival due to intentional systematic famine by japanese imperial colonial government as Stalin had done Holodomor in Ukraine.
경성일보 1934년 3월 8일에 「난폭한 이야기 내지농회의 광태」라고 하는 기사가 발신되고 있습니다.
이는 수출처인 일본으로, 저렴한 조선미 유입에 일본 국내 농가가 압박되어 일본 국내 농가를 곤궁하게 만들었다. 이 때문에 일본은 조선미 수입 제한을 걸려고 했다. 이에 조선인 농가가 대반발해 시위를 벌여 총독부를 휘말린 대소동이 되어 일본 국내 농가와의 대립이 됐다. 라는 당시의 기사입니다.
총독부는 토지소유자를 조사하여 소유자가 없는 토지를 접수하고 동양 탁식에 사들여 진출한 일본인과 조선인 유력자에게 분배했다. 이것으로 대기업이 된 것이 HYUNDAI 재벌.
실제로 총독부가 접수한 농지는 전경작지의 3.26% 정도이다.
철도선의 부설이나 일본 제철(기요쓰 제철소)이나 미쓰비시 제철(가네이우라 제철소)에 의한 제철소의 건설, 일본 질소 비료(현:치소)의 진출에 의한 수력 발전소 건설인 이들이 행해져 조선총독부로부터의 보조금에 의한 1,527건의 농업용 댐과 410건의 수로의 건설, 40억 본 심기나 사방 댐 건설 등의 수리 사업도 행해졌다.
1920~30년대 한반도의 경제성장률은 연간 약 4%로, 같은 기간의 유럽(1%대)이나 일본·미국(3%대)에 비해 보다 높은 성장을 하고 있으며, 한반도 1인당 생산성장률도 약 2.4%로 높은 성장률을 기록한 결과가 나온다.
이러한 결과에서 서울대 교수 이영훈은 한국에서 가르치고 있는 '일제에 의한 토지수탈론'은 신화라고 한다.
The March 8, 1934 issue of the Keijo Nippo newspaper carried an article titled "Brutal Stories: The Crazy Behavior of the Inland Agricultural Association."
The influx of cheap Korean rice into Japan, the export destination, put pressure on domestic farmers, causing hardship for Japanese farmers. As a result, Japan tried to impose import restrictions on Korean rice. Korean farmers protested strongly, holding demonstrations, which led to a major uproar that involved the Government-General and led to conflict with domestic Japanese farmers. This is the article from that time.
The Government-General investigated landowners and confiscated ownerless land, had Toyo Takushoku buy it, and distributed it to influential Japanese and Koreans who had moved into the area. This is how the Hyundai conglomerate became a large corporation.
In fact, the farmland confiscated by the Government-General was about 3.26% of the total cultivated land.
Railways were laid, steelworks were built by Nippon Steel (Chongjin Steel Works) and Mitsubishi Steel (Kenjiura Steel Works), and hydroelectric power plants were built by Nippon Nitrogen Fertilizer (now Chisso). 1,527 agricultural dams and 410 waterways were built with subsidies from the Government-General of Korea, and water conservation projects such as planting 4 billion trees and constructing erosion control dams were also carried out.
The economic growth rate of the Korean Peninsula from the 1920s to the 1930s was about 4% per year, which was higher than Europe (1% range) and Japan and the United States (3% range) during the same period, and the per capita production growth rate of the Korean Peninsula was also high at about 2.4%.
Based on these results, Seoul National University Professor Lee Young-hoon claims that the "land grabbing theory by the Japanese Empire" taught in Korea is a myth.
According to British scholar Alleyne Ireland's book "The New Korea," Chapter 10: Medical Care, Public Health, and Social Welfare (published in the United States in 1926), an unprecedented drought occurred in 1919 during the Japanese colonial period. Thanks to the prompt response of the Government-General, not a single person died of starvation. The Government-General invested 4 million yen (approximately 80 billion yen in today's value) in famine relief, purchasing food from Japan and distributing it to the people throughout the country.
In 1939, Korea was hit by an unprecedented drought, and the rice harvest in Korea was nearly halved from 24.14 million koku in 1938 to 14.27 million koku, but thanks to the Government-General's appropriate response, such as importing large amounts of rice from Japan, not a single person died of starvation on the Korean peninsula.
@winwin48-x5q typical colonialist view. More study required. Very misleading
@@winnerpsk-p8x Positive Understanding of the Japanese Colonial Period / Park Chan-woong (President of the Toronto Korean Association, Graduated from the Faculty of Law at Seoul National University in 1954 and the Graduate School of Public Administration at New York University in 1964)
[I was born in Gyeongseong (Seoul) in 1926. It was 16 years after the Japan-Korea Annexation (1910). When I was old enough to understand, the city of Gyeongseong had trains running on the main roads, electricity, water, telephones, radios, etc. were introduced, and buildings such as the Government General of Korea, Gyeongseong Provincial Office, and Gyeongseong Station were standing tall, showing the appearance of a large city that was beginning to modernize.
The city of Gyeongseong was roughly divided, although not clearly, by the Cheonggyecheon Stream that runs east to west, with the Korean town in the north and the Japanese town in the south.
The residents, of course, could walk freely anywhere in the city in any traditional costume without any worries or inconvenience. In 1942, the population of Korea was 26,278,232, of which 25,525,409 were Korean (97.14%) and 752,823 were Japanese (2.86%). The population of Gyeongseong was 1,108,441, of which 941,101 were Korean (84.9%) and 167,340 were Japanese (15.1%). (The population of Seoul around 1894-1897 was about 250,000.)
My father (Park Jeong-o) did not care if the people he met were Korean, whether it was for lodging, going to restaurants or department stores, or visiting a doctor. In recent years, most Koreans are taught that the Japanese were arrogant and trampled on Koreans during the colonial period, but in reality, even if they felt that they were foreigners, there was no hostility.
I remember when I went to a Japanese restaurant with my family, a Japanese female employee in a cute uniform cried and apologized for our order being late, and I also remember the kindness of an older woman at a Japanese general store in the countryside. When I ordered ice cream at a Japanese tea shop, it came with wafers, and when I dropped and broke the medicine bottle I had been given at the ear, nose and throat clinic, the nurse from the hospital came out and refilled the medicine into a new bottle, and the Japanese dentist was very kind.
Japanese people are all very kind.
'안녕하세요'발음이 완벽
Will you be doing a Christmas live today?😆
sorry, no Live for Christmas but I might do one later just to show what I got and talk again with everyone
벌써 재밋다
I’m good ✝️
I appreciate your thoughtful historiography having a graduate degree in History. You truly are a scholar and a gentleman!
thank you! If I could go back, I would do college completely different lol
Why not run tubeless tires
too heavy
me three man.
Looks challenging to discuss history while trying ur best to tell it from a neutral stance.
tell me about it! lol
that club was way too short for you.
haha probably! that's why I whiffed right! lol
아들과 함께 낚시하던 아저씨 아주 드문 전형적인 옛날 사람처럼 보이네요. 외국인을 대하는게 얼마나 불편했으면 인사하는 닉에게 눈길한번 주지 않고 낚시대만 만지작거리며 바쁜척하는 모습이 짠합니다.
I miss you. Nick. From KOREA.
I heard International Culture Village (Formerly called A-town for American town) is where the entertainment is at Gunsan!
Nick: you are a true student of language….you’ve innately understood Korean when you didn’t even realize it and when the bicycle guy spoke to you you were 100% on understanding what he said 👏
I remember the live mukbang with budejjige 😊
Nick, let me tell you an interesting fact. Historically, the trend of the world seems to be similar. Just as Britain went to the United States and founded the United States, ancient Korea also went to the Japanese island to build a country called Japan and spread and develop civilization. The Japanese emperor also announced on TV that my ancestors were in ancient Korea. However, this history was not officially recognized because of the positions of the two governments. I wanted to let you know that Korea and Japan were of the same ethnicities in ancient times. The language that most resembles Japanese is Korean. Think of it as the difference between English and German.
최근 한국의 경제사학자. 서울대 경제학 명예 교수 이영훈, 경제사학자 서울대 경제학 명예 교수 안병직, 역사학자 이대근 등의 연구로 쌀이나 토지 수탈은 전혀 없었다는 증거가 나온다 있습니다.
당시 일본으로의 쌀 수출은 한국 전체에서 상당한 경제발전에 기여하고 있어 쌀 수출기업으로서 대기업이 된 것이 HYUNDAI 재벌입니다.
뉴라이트 들의 외곡된역사관 입니다
일본이 무역을 했다고 했는데
그게 정상적 가격을 주고 가져간것도 아니고.
당신이 정상적 무역이라 주장 하겠지만
국민들 대부분은 쌀이 없어. 풀뿌리 캐서. 먹던 시기 입니다
초근 목피 이야기가 왜 나왔겠습니까
@@인간이지구를망치는방 1934년 3월 8일 경성일보에 '잔혹 이야기 내지농협의 광기'라는 기사가 게재되었다.
수출처인 일본으로 유입된 저렴한 조선미는 국내 농가를 압박해 일본 농가를 괴롭혔다. 그 때문에 일본은 조선미의 수입 제한을 부과하려고 했다. 조선농민은 격렬하게 항의해 시위를 벌여 총독부를 휘말려 국내 일본 농가와 대립하는 큰 소동이 됐다. 이것은 당시 기사이다.
총독부는 지주를 조사해 무주지를 몰수하고 동양 탁식에 사들여 이주해온 유력한 일본인과 조선인에게 분배했다. 이렇게 HYUNDAI 재벌은 대기업이 되었다.
실제로 총독부가 몰수한 농지는 경작지 전체의 약 3.26%였다.
@@인간이지구를망치는방 영국인 학자 Alleyne Ireland의 저서 "The New Korea" "제10장 의료·공중 위생·사회 복지 사업”(1926년 미국에서 출판)에 의하면, 일본의 통치 시대의 1919년에 발생한 전례가 없을 정도의 가뭄이 발생.
이 때 총독부의 신속한 대응 덕분에 한 명의 굶주림 피해자도 내지 않고 가뭄을 종식시켰다.
총독부가 굶주림의 구제 지원에 400만엔(현재 가치로 약 800억엔)을 던져 일본에서 식량을 구입해 전국 국민에게 배포했다.
또 1939년에도 조선은 미증유의 가뭄이 발생하여 전국의 쌀 수확량이 1938년 2414만석에서 1427만석으로 절반 가까이 감소했지만 일본에서 대량의 쌀 수입 등 총독부의 적절한 대응으로 한반도에서 굶주림을 한 명도 발생시키지 않았다.
@@인간이지구를망치는방 각 길에 자혜병원 13, 지방병원 42, 대학병원, 철도병원, 적십자병원, 각지의 결핵요양소
종합대학 1개, 사범학교 9개, 전문학교 18개, 실업보수학교 132개, 실업학교 82개, 고등여자학교 57개, 중학교 53개, 간이학교 1227개, 초등학교 4271개 등 총 6533개
서울과 평양에 박물관, 각 도로 41곳에 도서관(1923년시), 전국 33노선, 4000킬로미터 이상의 철도와 터널·다리·599의 역사와 기관차·객차·화차 등 건설.
1910년부터 1939년까지 29년간 도로 건설이 이루어졌으며 총독부의 계획과 지도와 비용에 따라 한반도 전역에 국도 1만2274킬로미터, 지방도 1만8375킬로미터, 총연장 3만킬로미터 이상의 도로망을 구축(「총독부 연보 1941」의 「제12장 토목」의 토목 행정의 원격” 및 “제2절 도로 개수”).
수풍댐, 경성상하수도공비, 인천상하수도공비, 평양상하수도공비, 진남포상하수도공사
조선산에 묘목을 40억개 심기
이씨 조선시대에 전등은 0개였지만, 1910년 이후 급속히 전력 공급량이 확대, 1939년에는 전등이 200만등 보급.
일본은 국가예산의 1.5배의 자금을 투입해 1939년까지 철도를 33노선 총연장 4000킬로미터 이상의 철도망을 건설했습니다.
닉 충청도에도 방문해주세요~