hi fawzia, the books are as follows: luce irigaray's "to be two", simone de beavoir' "the second sex", carol gilligan, "in a different voice", bell hooks "about love", beyonce's "lemonade", betty friedan "the feminine mystique", judith butler "gender trouble", mary wollstonecraft, "a vindication of the rights of woman"
I disagree completely with the analysis of the French #metoo mouvement - if anything, French society is far more sexist than the US, and women have internalised that sexism to the point that they can't/won't recognise when harrassement takes place.
Its a very good lecture on Irigaray and introduction of "waves of feminisam"
Very interesting introduction to Irigaray's thought, thank you!
You are an icon!
Please guys help me to know which are the books she has mentioned! I wasn’t able to follow up
hi fawzia, the books are as follows: luce irigaray's "to be two", simone de beavoir' "the second sex", carol gilligan, "in a different voice", bell hooks "about love", beyonce's "lemonade", betty friedan "the feminine mystique", judith butler "gender trouble", mary wollstonecraft, "a vindication of the rights of woman"
I disagree completely with the analysis of the French #metoo mouvement - if anything, French society is far more sexist than the US, and women have internalised that sexism to the point that they can't/won't recognise when harrassement takes place.