Thank you for this! I had like 30 tabs open looking into all the different recommended *best* ways to run Deus Ex in 2022. This ended up being exactly what I wanted. I'm running it on Linux, SteamOS on Steam Deck, so had to adjust accordingly. Other than your setup, I also added the the Map Fix Patch, Confix, & Deus Ex Unofficial Patch v2.
Thank you so much for this video! I bought Deus Ex on a steam sale recently and saw a bunch of reviews bemoaning the lack of support for modern PC's. Major thumbs up for enhancing the vanilla experience for a new player like myself, as so many other guides insist on their favorite texture packs and trying to make it run and look like a 'new game', but I'm a sucker for keeping things OG since I do enjoy the 'retro' appeal of these older PC games and am looking to play a PC game from the early 2000's without it looking like it came off the shelf in 2010.
I knew something was missing when I followed modern deus ex guides. I've always agreed with your philosophy on how to mod old games, and am really excited to set this up your way. Thanks Logan! Also, any chance we can get that Tonnochi Road design released as a sweatshirt too?
you saved my game, Deus ex has become my favorite game since the first time i played, but i completed the game in totally dark because i didn't know how to fix brigthness, so i decided to fix that after i buyed on steam, but all the guides says to use opengl, the problem is that my pc is terrible to run that renderer, basically all the games that need opengl lags on my pc making it impossible to play, so i found your video and followed your steps, when i saw you first important note wich says "Brightness can ONLY be controlled in fullscreen mode if you are using Direct3D9 mode." and it works, i feel so happy like the first time i played this masterpiece, thanks for your help.
dx10 is definitely the way to go. the lighting changes aren’t from dx10, it’s just an option that can be disabled. And i think in kentie’s latest version the new effects are off by default. It shows up as “classic lighting = true” in kentie’s ingame preferences utility.
Old games and apps are the reason i still have a top spec P4 3.6ghz + HD4670 Win XP machine and a 3.4ghz E8400 core2duo + HD6670 Win XP machine in my workshop.
@@branislavweber7635 Despite its flaws, Invisible War actually had a decent story at least, instead of that junk they managed to come up with for Human Revolution.
Perfect Video! Always wanted to replay this classic and was overwhelmed by the many mods that are available and it was upmost important to me to maintain the OG vibe. Thank you
I played Revision and it with no modding at all, just used the GOG alternate version and it was awesome. Amazing what they did, stable and no stuffing around
Please do not do this. Revision completely ruins the game. The character models look weird and it loses much of it's charm. I forget it if changes the music too, but if it does then it's committed an unforgivable sin. Try it this way and you'll see.
@@teksyndicate man I just finished it haha. Will give it a go old school again the next time I play it. Cool video but man, still playing morrowind going off your modding video though
@@teksyndicate HDTP characters are not enabled by default in Deus Ex: Revision. You have to turn those on to get to them, and all HDTP is toggleable. New Vision 1.5 can also be disabled in the settings. It does not alter SFX. It has music changes it defaults to, but you can turn those off as well. Finally, it has map alterations, and as of recently, you can turn those off as well. I guess my big caveat would be the spirit of "Don't play Revision" is inaccurate, but "Don't play Revision without the right settings" checks out.
@@YCCCm7 Yeah. Turns out that the best way to play a vanilla fixed Deus Ex in 2023 without too much hassle is actually Revision with HDTP, New Vision and new maps off, and unlike most options out there, it's available in a few clicks on steam.
Got it up and running, really appreciate the guide and links m8. Enjoying the hell out of my first playthrough, it really lives up to the decades of hype.
@@blissseeker4719 I don’t remember what all mods I used, but it was pretty much just graphic mods, widescreen fix, UI scaling, that sort of thing, from what I’m sure about.
@@praetorxyn no problem. I'm happy you enjoyed it. About time I played this game instead of just enjoying the masterpiece of a art that is my profile picture
@@blissseeker4719 I'd say the setup Logan recommends is probably pretty good. I know that I couldn't play it without graphics mods, all the environments just had this hideous green hue if I remember correctly. And that was 13 years ago, so I imagine it would be way more intolerable now.
@@praetorxyn well I'll give it a go first. There's a popular graphics mod called GMDX or something but, even the creators themselves recommend an original playthrough
IMPORTANT: New Vision 2.0a textures will not work with OpenGL or DX9 renderers. The reason for this is due to the hot loading feature that requires D3D10. New Vision 1.5 works with all of the renderers but make sure to enable S3TC in your DX9 and OGL. New Vision 2.0a causes a lot of stutter in Dx10 because the files were not recompressed, you can do this manually using the New Vision SDK so I would just recommend sticking with New Vision 1.5 for Dx10. Nvidia users need to disable FPS Lock in you Deus Ex.ini - use the drivers fps lock instead. Disable Vsync and enable classic lighting. DX10 should run smooth. Here's my Deus Ex Ini setup for Dx10 running on a 3080rtx in 4k. Fps locked at 120 in drivers. Using NV 1.5 with no stutter or fps drops. [D3D10Drv.D3D10RenderDevice] DetailTextures=True Coronas=True HighDetailActors=True VolumetricLighting=True ShinySurfaces=True Precache=False Antialiasing=8 Anisotropy=16 VSync=False ParallaxOcclusionMapping=True LODBias=0 BumpMapping=False ClassicLighting=True AlphaToCoverage=False AutoFOV=True FPSLimit=0 simulateMultipassTexturing=True unlimitedViewDistance=True DescFlags=0 Description=
look man.. i probably wont watch most of your videos nor can i promise any kind of continuous support but, simply for this video and your damn Ivan mug, i'mma like and subscribe, and want you to know I really appreciate you taking the time out. What a legend. All the best
I disagree that the audio is perfect cause i played 90% of the game with the background music muted and still enjoyed the Hell out of it. I assumed Deus Ex could run on a modern pc no problems…i didnt know one had to do extra tasks to get it to work…i originally played it on a Win XP pc in 2008 tho…
I remember being a bit confined in Deus Ex 2, but never really hated it, just wished I got a more advanced version of the first game. Like Hidden & Dangerous 2 compared to the first game. But after playing the two newer Deus Ex games, Invisible War makes them look like someone who copied things from Deus Ex without knowing what any of those things were actually for. I was riding high on nostalgia when I jumped into Human Revolution and had fun the first playthrough, but on the second playthrough I realized that every build could still accomplish the same exact things because of the condescending level design. Simple would've been fine, but they just drop vents everywhere there are enemies and then drop grenades in rooms with mechs, all the while making you starve for bullets and not letting the sniper rifle be silenced without preorder... it was... frustrating...
I played the original on a Pentium 2 450Mhz 128Mb, nVIDIA RivaTNT2 Ultra 32Mb SDRAM. I replayed this game on modern hardware I prefer to keep models original & improved textures. Although I prefer Direct X 11. I just now fired the game up to compare DX9 vs DX11 but Ill go with DX11 ran on Xeon 2678v3 2080 Super 8Gb @ 1440P
man this is my favourite RP game of all time, i remember i could be playing unlimited party or big flying party when i was in my teens for like 8-12 hours straight. shit was lit
now there is a new Directx 12 renderer for Deus Ex 2000 but is a work in progress I prefer the DirectX11 Renderer for Deus Ex 2000 and Unreal and unreal tournament 1999 thank you
GMDX is amazing, but to me it strays too far from the vanilla DX experience for my tastes. It's more like a total conversion, like if the OG Deus Ex was made today, this is what it would play like. But for me, the jank is part of the charm of Deus Ex. It doesn't feel right without it, if you understand what I'm saying.
Detailed instructions and and links: Deus Ex shirts and mugs:
Although not needed to play the game, but the ini needs updating to use a current masterserver for multiplay. Epic still host a master on the same domain but it now only works for UT99. The open source 333networks is the main replacement (with mirrors and their status displayed at Oldunreal), but ideally users should add multiple masters for redundancy.
That one was kinda a pain to get running on my ultrawide... It did work eventually, but I'll have to remember what I did.... Anyway, I eventually started playing on my CRT instead, lol.
I'm not really interested in doing all of this, I just have two issues, can't turn up the brightness and for some reason the audio cuts off during dialogue.
Take away thr goofy shared ammo pool and invisible war isn't half bad. I loved running past a large mech and hitting it with a hacking sword before disappearing into a vent and progressing the level with soldiers screaming in the background.
does anybody else encounter audio popping and crackling on the music tracks? Is this caused by using DX9? Currently I'm playing the game with the DirectSound box checked. Any help would be much appreciated Thank you
Hello Logan! I just started to play Deus Ex this way and it's amazing but I can't enable EAX from my Soundblaster X-FI through the Alchemy and game settings. It just wont work but I am not 100% sure I did everything right. Please, would you help me enable it? What should I do exactly? And thank you for this great video.
I did all the steps accordingly, although, in the ini file, the direct3D9 paragraph is nowhere to be found. Not at the bottom, and, not anywhere else... I was excited to start playing soon.
The gog and steam versions are the same if that's what you're asking... so the game (without these mods) will have a larger interface, worse fov, poor widescreen support, and lower resolution textures.
Tbf, Revision mod is very malleable. Don't like new maps? You can disable em and switch to vanilla, don't like gameplay changes? There's two other gameplay styles on top of vanilla that you can chose, you can chose "normal"(Revision gameplay changes), biomod, shifter or vanilla. It also has tons of difficulty changes(there's custom difficulty and there's also game modifiers like baggy coats which drastically redues your inventory space which makes it all the more important to think about what you actually need)and achievements. It's a small additions but I love em and again it's very customisable and you can disable junk you don't like, unfortunately most achievements are tied to revision maps so if you achievement Hunter(like me) you'll have to suffer some bad Revision maps 😅
got this game on sale recently and it keeps crashing on start up with or without the launcher and ive tried multiple renderers to no avail, i just really dont want to experience this game for the first time on a ps2 emulator. i haven't even been able to reach the main menu
Translate this from Brazilian portuguese: Bem, eu sou experiente em duke nukem 3d, baldur gate(classics), fallout(classics),Dungeon Crawlers e TES. Estou realmente MUITO interessado em começar a franquia Deus Ex que sempre me gerou muito interesse. Pretendo começar mas nao sei se começo pelo primeiro titulo da franquia e adciono mods se houver necessidade ou se escolho algum outro titulo da franquia, mas se assim for, qual seria a escolha recomendada ???
@@3iikka yeah same 3D10 stutters alot (I use Windows 11 btw), I tried using Dx9 but it won't let me turn up the brightness, like when you mess with the brightness setting in game nothing happens using Direct3D9 are you having the same problem, I even launch the game in fullscreen like he recommends in his website?
@@zeldagamer5651 Brightness works for me and I have Windows 11. I guess I'll play with the normal textures. The AI upscaled textures don't seem to make that much of a difference anyway. By googling I found some supposed solutions, like setting "UseS3TC=True" in the ini file, but none of them worked for me.
There's a dx 11 renderer on moddb just use that one. There's 2 versions and only one works for deus ex I believe it's the file second from the top on the file page.
You're the first person saying the second game was a good game.. i can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not but.. i love the second game and hate how much people rip on it without giving it a chance. yea i know it was dumbed down a bit and consolified and i don't typically like it when games do that but.. it's still a great game.
Thanks for this, I need some help for step three, you say we should interact with the ini file and override it, but I looked into my system files and there isn't one, and looking around online tells me that there isn't normally one, and you say that accessing it in launcher could be overridden, wdid?
Wondering if any of this runs in WINE 🤔 (I can't install Windows on my computer because the installer keeps asking me to insert a CD (or floppy lol) with a USB driver... after... having booted from USB lol. But whatever who needs windows?)
Followed these instructions and can't get the game into 1920x1080 resolution. Also looks like I have 2 different ini files. The one in the folder appears to be different from the one you can access by the Deus Ex launcher link. The one in the folder had no reference to a D3D9 renderer. I pasted the renderer info into it but it's still not working. Any ideas?
I installed GMDX with no other mods, and I can run 4k 144 fps with a bunch of new options and improvements. It was super simple and uses an installer. Would recommend this.
hey Tek, ive been trying to get New vision to work with dx9, but on all the install guides it says to use dx10 or 11. Is there something you did to make it work with dx9? or is it even working for you at all?
New Vision 1.5 was noted for significant departures from the game's intended art style. New Vision 2.0a is much closer to home (but still has some glitches on characters, unfortunately), however, it uses the DDS texture swap method, which is not supported on D3D9 at all. D3D10 also has issues with performance as of an NVidia driver update, and needs veronika's HDR fix to not have edge cases where the game is unplayable for a few seconds due to brightness issues (being lit on fire will turn your entire screen pure white, for instance). But yeah. D3D11 has 2 versions, one is just Kentie's D3D11, which is D3D10 he built with slightly different dependencies. The other one has serious configuration issues when ran for Deus Ex, and ends up altering the experience.
I can't tell if you were being sarcastic about IW being "a pretty damn good game". I need to know because I need to send this to a friend to mod the game to get it to work and I don't need him hearing any disinformation.
Hi. Do somebody know how change Language while using Kentie's launcher? I installed "polish" language but when I turn on game with Kentie's launcher game is still english :/
does anyone know if theres an equivalent of what OpenMW is for Morrowind for this game? I have an m1 MacBook pro, playing OpenMW on it was a beautiful experience. Hoping to find the same thing for Deus Ex!
i get a black screen flashing flickering when playing at full screen in 5120x1440 resolution. Is there any fix to that issue ? PS. I think i fixed it . i enabled VRR in monitor settings
New Vision 1.5 is bundled with Revision, and it does not support 2.0a (as they don't support d3d10/11, but default to d3d9, which is good news), and NV 1.5 is known to depart from the intended art style substantially... Hence a return to roots in 2.0a. They have HDTP available but it's very often recommended not to do human HDTP models because they are hot garbage in most people's opinions (myself included), but luckily HDTP humans is off by default. Music changes are made, but you can turn those off in the options. Map changes are made, but you can turn those off in options as well, and for first timers I'd highly recommend doing so. No SFX changes are made. Some gameplay tweaks are bundled, but you can choose between them. In summary: Revision could be interesting for playthroughs if you just want a change of scenery, but to get to a truly vanilla experience it's much more recommended you install Deus Ex: Transcended, which ports all of Revision's many, many fixes and pieces of QOL to the vanilla game, without making all the other changes.
It's the kind of game you have to use your imagination with because the graphics and animations have aged like milk. Everything else holds up though and you really can't beat the story. I want a remake of this game in a new engine with all the modern polishes so badly.
I'm having trouble with the DeusEx.ini file. When I open the DeusEx.ini file from the game system folder, [D3D9Drv.D3D9RenderDevice] and all the setting below aren't showing up, but when I choose to edit the DeusEx.ini file from the Deus Exe launcher, [D3D9Drv.D3D9RenderDevice] and all the setting below then shows up. After I launch the game and then close the game, when I open the the DeusEx.ini file from the system folder, it still doesn't have [D3D9Drv.D3D9RenderDevice] or any of the settings. I also have a draw distance issue where about ten feet in front of me there is an obvious point where the texture is changing to a lower resolution and then another ten feet beyond that it does it again. Any help would be appreciated. Thankyou
yea same with me, but after hours of tinkering the past 2 days, I figured it out. I'm assuming you have the steam version, because in the steam version, it creates a new ini file in documents/deus ex/system. steam will use this file instead of the one in the actual game folder. so you only need to modify the file in documents/deus ex/system. keep in mind, the ini file in documents/deus ex/system will only show up AFTER you modify the configuration in Kentie's launcher and press OK. Also, I've noticed that the New Vision high res textures do NOT work with Dx9. So don't even bother installing them, they were not even working in this video. All you need is Kentie's Launcher, and Dx9, both into the Main game folder's system folder. Then copy the Config for D3D9 into the ini file in Documents/deus ex/system. hope that helps.
@@tictac4949 Thank you so much! That has solved the issues I was having, how strange for the DeusEx.ini to be in a different location. Luckily I wasn't too interested in the updated textures so I skipped that part. Thanks again!
This game was so far ahead of it's time, such a classic
Best game ever
@dustymetso hell yeah brother
It's been so long since I last played the OG Deus Ex. I think I'll give it another go this Spring. It's time. It is the way!
Still true to this day: “Every time you mention Deus Ex, someone will reinstall it.”
Deus Ex? I should install it.
I played the OG a few weeks ago. Still love it
Thats why Deus Ex is the GOAT
Thank you for this! I had like 30 tabs open looking into all the different recommended *best* ways to run Deus Ex in 2022. This ended up being exactly what I wanted. I'm running it on Linux, SteamOS on Steam Deck, so had to adjust accordingly. Other than your setup, I also added the the Map Fix Patch, Confix, & Deus Ex Unofficial Patch v2.
Thank you so much for this video! I bought Deus Ex on a steam sale recently and saw a bunch of reviews bemoaning the lack of support for modern PC's. Major thumbs up for enhancing the vanilla experience for a new player like myself, as so many other guides insist on their favorite texture packs and trying to make it run and look like a 'new game', but I'm a sucker for keeping things OG since I do enjoy the 'retro' appeal of these older PC games and am looking to play a PC game from the early 2000's without it looking like it came off the shelf in 2010.
I knew something was missing when I followed modern deus ex guides. I've always agreed with your philosophy on how to mod old games, and am really excited to set this up your way. Thanks Logan!
Also, any chance we can get that Tonnochi Road design released as a sweatshirt too?
you saved my game, Deus ex has become my favorite game since the first time i played, but i completed the game in totally dark because i didn't know how to fix brigthness, so i decided to fix that after i buyed on steam, but all the guides says to use opengl, the problem is that my pc is terrible to run that renderer, basically all the games that need opengl lags on my pc making it impossible to play, so i found your video and followed your steps, when i saw you first important note wich says "Brightness can ONLY be controlled in fullscreen mode if you are using Direct3D9 mode." and it works, i feel so happy like the first time i played this masterpiece, thanks for your help.
dx10 is definitely the way to go. the lighting changes aren’t from dx10, it’s just an option that can be disabled. And i think in kentie’s latest version the new effects are off by default. It shows up as “classic lighting = true” in kentie’s ingame preferences utility.
Old games and apps are the reason i still have a top spec P4 3.6ghz + HD4670 Win XP machine and a 3.4ghz E8400 core2duo + HD6670 Win XP machine in my workshop.
_"Invisible War... Pretty damn good game."_
Oh you little troll... 😂
Still better then human revolution
I didn't mind the world of human revolution, felt like a convincing reality to our own bar Hengsha
@@MILDMONSTER1234Human Revolution was great, tf are you on.
More like Invisible War was better than The Fall
@@branislavweber7635 They're all good ya schmucks
@@branislavweber7635 Despite its flaws, Invisible War actually had a decent story at least, instead of that junk they managed to come up with for Human Revolution.
Perfect Video! Always wanted to replay this classic and was overwhelmed by the many mods that are available and it was upmost important to me to maintain the OG vibe. Thank you
I played Revision and it with no modding at all, just used the GOG alternate version and it was awesome. Amazing what they did, stable and no stuffing around
Please do not do this. Revision completely ruins the game. The character models look weird and it loses much of it's charm. I forget it if changes the music too, but if it does then it's committed an unforgivable sin. Try it this way and you'll see.
@@teksyndicate man I just finished it haha. Will give it a go old school again the next time I play it. Cool video but man, still playing morrowind going off your modding video though
@@teksyndicate you can disable the HDTP and NV skins though?
@@teksyndicate HDTP characters are not enabled by default in Deus Ex: Revision. You have to turn those on to get to them, and all HDTP is toggleable. New Vision 1.5 can also be disabled in the settings. It does not alter SFX. It has music changes it defaults to, but you can turn those off as well. Finally, it has map alterations, and as of recently, you can turn those off as well.
I guess my big caveat would be the spirit of "Don't play Revision" is inaccurate, but "Don't play Revision without the right settings" checks out.
@@YCCCm7 Yeah. Turns out that the best way to play a vanilla fixed Deus Ex in 2023 without too much hassle is actually Revision with HDTP, New Vision and new maps off, and unlike most options out there, it's available in a few clicks on steam.
Got it up and running, really appreciate the guide and links m8. Enjoying the hell out of my first playthrough, it really lives up to the decades of hype.
Played Deus Ex for the first time in 2010. It's a masterpiece.
Do you recommend vanilla or gmdx for first playthrough?
@@blissseeker4719 I don’t remember what all mods I used, but it was pretty much just graphic mods, widescreen fix, UI scaling, that sort of thing, from what I’m sure about.
@@praetorxyn no problem. I'm happy you enjoyed it. About time I played this game instead of just enjoying the masterpiece of a art that is my profile picture
@@blissseeker4719 I'd say the setup Logan recommends is probably pretty good. I know that I couldn't play it without graphics mods, all the environments just had this hideous green hue if I remember correctly. And that was 13 years ago, so I imagine it would be way more intolerable now.
@@praetorxyn well I'll give it a go first. There's a popular graphics mod called GMDX or something but, even the creators themselves recommend an original playthrough
That's so unreal engine looking and so nostalgic. Never played the original, but Mankind Divided is amazing too
So true. Despite Square Enix's extreme selfishness, Deus Ex: Mankind Divided is an amazing game. Clearly, Eidos-Montreal knows that they're doing.
You have to play the original it's one of the best stealth games ever made.
@@darthnigus For the best, "Thief -- The Dark Project." ;) But absolute hearty agreement on Deus Ex.
I always come back to this video when I want to replay Deus Ex. Thanks for the guide dude
Just when I wanted to finally try it out after bying it a while back on gog. Thank you so much!
Best ever. Thanks for the guide - appreciate the attention to detail in keeping to the original. Plays fantastic.
My game is running smoothly now. Thanks for the guide.
This guy owns DX on both steam and gog. What a Chad!
thumbs up for recreating the box on your thumbnail :D
Thanks for that. I bought the game ages ago and not used it. So many thanks :)
IMPORTANT: New Vision 2.0a textures will not work with OpenGL or DX9 renderers. The reason for this is due to the hot loading feature that requires D3D10. New Vision 1.5 works with all of the renderers but make sure to enable S3TC in your DX9 and OGL.
New Vision 2.0a causes a lot of stutter in Dx10 because the files were not recompressed, you can do this manually using the New Vision SDK so I would just recommend sticking with New Vision 1.5 for Dx10.
Nvidia users need to disable FPS Lock in you Deus Ex.ini - use the drivers fps lock instead. Disable Vsync and enable classic lighting. DX10 should run smooth.
Here's my Deus Ex Ini setup for Dx10 running on a 3080rtx in 4k. Fps locked at 120 in drivers. Using NV 1.5 with no stutter or fps drops.
Thx for this 😊 I only ever got to play playstation 2 version and have wanted to play the PC vanilla version with just updated graphics.
I've been waiting YEARS for a HD remake of this game. Might try this to tide me over until I get fed up of waiting.
Tested it briefly on an AMD 5600G and it works fine and looks great (no cigarettes so far, though). Thanks!
I wanted to see some old GODZ Server vids and ran across your vid. Thanks for taking the time. I might have to re install!
look man.. i probably wont watch most of your videos nor can i promise any kind of continuous support but, simply for this video and your damn Ivan mug, i'mma like and subscribe, and want you to know I really appreciate you taking the time out. What a legend. All the best
Holy hell thank you so much man, you are hella awesome
One of the best games ever made
You look more and more like an 90s B movie villain everyday.
Had a blast with morrowind after watching your vids, now time to shred deus ex
Thoughts on GMDX?
"Mista JC Denton, in da fresh."
I love this and your morrowind videos, would love to see more like them!
I disagree that the audio is perfect cause i played 90% of the game with the background music muted and still enjoyed the Hell out of it. I assumed Deus Ex could run on a modern pc no problems…i didnt know one had to do extra tasks to get it to work…i originally played it on a Win XP pc in 2008 tho…
I remember being a bit confined in Deus Ex 2, but never really hated it, just wished I got a more advanced version of the first game. Like Hidden & Dangerous 2 compared to the first game. But after playing the two newer Deus Ex games, Invisible War makes them look like someone who copied things from Deus Ex without knowing what any of those things were actually for. I was riding high on nostalgia when I jumped into Human Revolution and had fun the first playthrough, but on the second playthrough I realized that every build could still accomplish the same exact things because of the condescending level design. Simple would've been fine, but they just drop vents everywhere there are enemies and then drop grenades in rooms with mechs, all the while making you starve for bullets and not letting the sniper rifle be silenced without preorder... it was... frustrating...
I played the original on a Pentium 2 450Mhz 128Mb, nVIDIA RivaTNT2 Ultra 32Mb SDRAM. I replayed this game on modern hardware I prefer to keep models original & improved textures. Although I prefer Direct X 11. I just now fired the game up to compare DX9 vs DX11 but Ill go with DX11 ran on Xeon 2678v3 2080 Super 8Gb @ 1440P
That drop down menu that's not a cog, that's a few stacked horizontal lines - that's called a "Burger Menu".
I know, right?
What do you mean "reinstall"? I never uninstall. New system, new Deus Ex playthrough.
man this is my favourite RP game of all time, i remember i could be playing unlimited party or big flying party when i was in my teens for like 8-12 hours straight. shit was lit
BRO, YOU ARE THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
now there is a new Directx 12 renderer for Deus Ex 2000 but is a work in progress I prefer the DirectX11 Renderer for Deus Ex 2000 and Unreal and unreal tournament 1999 thank you
This is the correct way to play the GAME
oh man please PLEASE do one of these for Interstate '76
For returning players, I also suggest the mod GMDX, you can find it on ModDB, it's a real nice way to refresh the experience :)
GMDX is amazing, but to me it strays too far from the vanilla DX experience for my tastes. It's more like a total conversion, like if the OG Deus Ex was made today, this is what it would play like. But for me, the jank is part of the charm of Deus Ex. It doesn't feel right without it, if you understand what I'm saying.
Deus seems like a hidden gem most people, myself included don't know much about. This video should help with that. lol
It's funny how one of the most influential games is so under the radar. Even during its time a lot of people overlooked it.
@@allypezz is it influential? If it was, games wouldn't get that trash as they are today
@@pauldenton1497 Good point. I guess influential doesn't always mean better.
Hey man I love you from Katatonia
Thank you for the video.
Detailed instructions and and links:
Deus Ex shirts and mugs:
Although not needed to play the game, but the ini needs updating to use a current masterserver for multiplay.
Epic still host a master on the same domain but it now only works for UT99.
The open source 333networks is the main replacement (with mirrors and their status displayed at Oldunreal), but ideally users should add multiple masters for redundancy.
Thank you for this
Thanks, did you try to play on ThinkPad ? And what do you think about revision mod?
Drakkhen !!! Wait... WAT the WTF? (speechless) >> Proceeding to sub, immediately.
Good guide.. Now, how about Anachronox?
That one was kinda a pain to get running on my ultrawide... It did work eventually, but I'll have to remember what I did.... Anyway, I eventually started playing on my CRT instead, lol.
I'm not really interested in doing all of this, I just have two issues, can't turn up the brightness and for some reason the audio cuts off during dialogue.
Gotta get me one of those "I SPILL my drink" mug
Here after the Morrowind video!
Man of culture spotted.
Cool mods!
Take away thr goofy shared ammo pool and invisible war isn't half bad. I loved running past a large mech and hitting it with a hacking sword before disappearing into a vent and progressing the level with soldiers screaming in the background.
does anybody else encounter audio popping and crackling on the music tracks? Is this caused by using DX9? Currently I'm playing the game with the DirectSound box checked.
Any help would be much appreciated
Thank you
They tell you then they do it... it's all there if you take the shades off.
Question. What are your opinions on the HDTP, GMDX, and New Vision mods?
I’m interested in hearing anyone’s opinions on these
Just stumbled on this video, I assume it's trolling when claiming DX:2 Revenge of the Loading Screen was better than DX:1
Hello Logan! I just started to play Deus Ex this way and it's amazing but I can't enable EAX from my Soundblaster X-FI through the Alchemy and game settings. It just wont work but I am not 100% sure I did everything right. Please, would you help me enable it? What should I do exactly? And thank you for this great video.
Thanks Logan.
I did all the steps accordingly, although, in the ini file, the direct3D9 paragraph is nowhere to be found. Not at the bottom, and, not anywhere else... I was excited to start playing soon.
nevermind! It's here
anyone has that dx9 file??? i can t download it from that link , every browser blocks it cause of " phising "
GOG is selling GOTY edition then the revision can be downloaded for free. Simples, total cost £0.69
how does this way differ from the version I have on STEAM ? Just curious
The gog and steam versions are the same if that's what you're asking... so the game (without these mods) will have a larger interface, worse fov, poor widescreen support, and lower resolution textures.
@@teksyndicate ah so I can mod it and just get into how it was meant to be played without issue.. nice! Thanks , had no clue
Tbf, Revision mod is very malleable. Don't like new maps? You can disable em and switch to vanilla, don't like gameplay changes? There's two other gameplay styles on top of vanilla that you can chose, you can chose "normal"(Revision gameplay changes), biomod, shifter or vanilla.
It also has tons of difficulty changes(there's custom difficulty and there's also game modifiers like baggy coats which drastically redues your inventory space which makes it all the more important to think about what you actually need)and achievements. It's a small additions but I love em and again it's very customisable and you can disable junk you don't like, unfortunately most achievements are tied to revision maps so if you achievement Hunter(like me) you'll have to suffer some bad Revision maps 😅
10:29 I followed everything correctly but the fog doesn't work for me. Any suggestions plz
Deus Ex. Every time someone mentions it, I will reinstall it.
Thanks Logan !!
I can't tell if you were being sarcastic but I agree, Invisible War IS a pretty good game
got this game on sale recently and it keeps crashing on start up with or without the launcher and ive tried multiple renderers to no avail, i just really dont want to experience this game for the first time on a ps2 emulator. i haven't even been able to reach the main menu
No bug fix patch or confix or maps patch? What?
Translate this from Brazilian portuguese:
Bem, eu sou experiente em duke nukem 3d, baldur gate(classics), fallout(classics),Dungeon Crawlers e TES. Estou realmente MUITO interessado em começar a franquia Deus Ex que sempre me gerou muito interesse. Pretendo começar mas nao sei se começo pelo primeiro titulo da franquia e adciono mods se houver necessidade ou se escolho algum outro titulo da franquia, mas se assim for, qual seria a escolha recomendada ???
Deus Ex. Primeiros título, sem dúvida.
How come the upscsaled textures only work with directx10? it doesn't work with 9
I noticed that too. And Direct3D10 sucks because it stutters, so I can't use that
@@3iikka yeah same 3D10 stutters alot (I use Windows 11 btw), I tried using Dx9 but it won't let me turn up the brightness, like when you mess with the brightness setting in game nothing happens using Direct3D9 are you having the same problem, I even launch the game in fullscreen like he recommends in his website?
@@zeldagamer5651 Brightness works for me and I have Windows 11. I guess I'll play with the normal textures. The AI upscaled textures don't seem to make that much of a difference anyway. By googling I found some supposed solutions, like setting "UseS3TC=True" in the ini file, but none of them worked for me.
There's a dx 11 renderer on moddb just use that one. There's 2 versions and only one works for deus ex I believe it's the file second from the top on the file page.
The launcher makes it so the main menu doesn't show up. I just see the spinning deus ex logo. Does anyone know what I can do to fix it?
You're the first person saying the second game was a good game.. i can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not but.. i love the second game and hate how much people rip on it without giving it a chance. yea i know it was dumbed down a bit and consolified and i don't typically like it when games do that but.. it's still a great game.
Thanks for this, I need some help for step three, you say we should interact with the ini file and override it, but I looked into my system files and there isn't one, and looking around online tells me that there isn't normally one, and you say that accessing it in launcher could be overridden, wdid?
Wondering if any of this runs in WINE 🤔
(I can't install Windows on my computer because the installer keeps asking me to insert a CD (or floppy lol) with a USB driver... after... having booted from USB lol. But whatever who needs windows?)
Followed these instructions and can't get the game into 1920x1080 resolution. Also looks like I have 2 different ini files. The one in the folder appears to be different from the one you can access by the Deus Ex launcher link. The one in the folder had no reference to a D3D9 renderer. I pasted the renderer info into it but it's still not working. Any ideas?
I installed GMDX with no other mods, and I can run 4k 144 fps with a bunch of new options and improvements.
It was super simple and uses an installer.
Would recommend this.
Why do people even uninstall? I like invisible war but it crashes all the time
hey Tek, ive been trying to get New vision to work with dx9, but on all the install guides it says to use dx10 or 11. Is there something you did to make it work with dx9? or is it even working for you at all?
New Vision 1.5 was noted for significant departures from the game's intended art style. New Vision 2.0a is much closer to home (but still has some glitches on characters, unfortunately), however, it uses the DDS texture swap method, which is not supported on D3D9 at all. D3D10 also has issues with performance as of an NVidia driver update, and needs veronika's HDR fix to not have edge cases where the game is unplayable for a few seconds due to brightness issues (being lit on fire will turn your entire screen pure white, for instance). But yeah. D3D11 has 2 versions, one is just Kentie's D3D11, which is D3D10 he built with slightly different dependencies. The other one has serious configuration issues when ran for Deus Ex, and ends up altering the experience.
I can't tell if you were being sarcastic about IW being "a pretty damn good game". I need to know because I need to send this to a friend to mod the game to get it to work and I don't need him hearing any disinformation.
I hate the interface and the constant loading... And the tiny levels... And a ton of other things... But the writing is pretty good
@@teksyndicate I hated the story. I hated the whole thing. Such a fall from greatness. I need to buy that mug and t-shirt though.
Thanks, i hate modding and just want to play the game as soon as possible. 👍🏻
Hi. Do somebody know how change Language while using Kentie's launcher? I installed "polish" language but when I turn on game with Kentie's launcher game is still english :/
I always tried but never could play without crashing to desktop (win 10 x64).
I wanted the GEP gun. It gave me lemon-lime
does anyone know if theres an equivalent of what OpenMW is for Morrowind for this game? I have an m1 MacBook pro, playing OpenMW on it was a beautiful experience. Hoping to find the same thing for Deus Ex!
can you also play multiplayer with this version?
I am so surprised that they never remade this game with modern graphics.
Thank God for that.
Because the rights to the game keeps getting tossed around
i get a black screen flashing flickering when playing at full screen in 5120x1440 resolution. Is there any fix to that issue ?
PS. I think i fixed it . i enabled VRR in monitor settings
0:40 WHERE can I get that mug?!
How does this compare with DX revision that’s on Steam that seems to do all this?
New Vision 1.5 is bundled with Revision, and it does not support 2.0a (as they don't support d3d10/11, but default to d3d9, which is good news), and NV 1.5 is known to depart from the intended art style substantially... Hence a return to roots in 2.0a. They have HDTP available but it's very often recommended not to do human HDTP models because they are hot garbage in most people's opinions (myself included), but luckily HDTP humans is off by default. Music changes are made, but you can turn those off in the options. Map changes are made, but you can turn those off in options as well, and for first timers I'd highly recommend doing so. No SFX changes are made. Some gameplay tweaks are bundled, but you can choose between them.
In summary: Revision could be interesting for playthroughs if you just want a change of scenery, but to get to a truly vanilla experience it's much more recommended you install Deus Ex: Transcended, which ports all of Revision's many, many fixes and pieces of QOL to the vanilla game, without making all the other changes.
hm I followed tthis tutorial and mirrors arent workiing...
5:54 its actually sticks and stones
It's the kind of game you have to use your imagination with because the graphics and animations have aged like milk. Everything else holds up though and you really can't beat the story. I want a remake of this game in a new engine with all the modern polishes so badly.
I'm having trouble with the DeusEx.ini file.
When I open the DeusEx.ini file from the game system folder, [D3D9Drv.D3D9RenderDevice] and all the setting below aren't showing up, but when I choose to edit the DeusEx.ini file from the Deus Exe launcher, [D3D9Drv.D3D9RenderDevice] and all the setting below then shows up.
After I launch the game and then close the game, when I open the the DeusEx.ini file from the system folder, it still doesn't have [D3D9Drv.D3D9RenderDevice] or any of the settings.
I also have a draw distance issue where about ten feet in front of me there is an obvious point where the texture is changing to a lower resolution and then another ten feet beyond that it does it again.
Any help would be appreciated.
yea same with me, but after hours of tinkering the past 2 days, I figured it out. I'm assuming you have the steam version, because in the steam version, it creates a new ini file in documents/deus ex/system. steam will use this file instead of the one in the actual game folder. so you only need to modify the file in documents/deus ex/system. keep in mind, the ini file in documents/deus ex/system will only show up AFTER you modify the configuration in Kentie's launcher and press OK. Also, I've noticed that the New Vision high res textures do NOT work with Dx9. So don't even bother installing them, they were not even working in this video. All you need is Kentie's Launcher, and Dx9, both into the Main game folder's system folder. Then copy the Config for D3D9 into the ini file in Documents/deus ex/system. hope that helps.
@@tictac4949 Thank you so much! That has solved the issues I was having, how strange for the DeusEx.ini to be in a different location.
Luckily I wasn't too interested in the updated textures so I skipped that part.
Thanks again!
@@tictac4949 Did you ever experience audio crackling in some of the music track?