I have families & friends of families who have died under his rule and yet if you ask any of them they will tell you he is the best leader the nation had ever produced. The majority of Ethiopians still love and respect him because we all finely saw what he was fighting against. Took 20+ years to wake up...
The whole country went in to turmoil because of him. Everything wrong with it started with him. To say he was the best leader and not seeing the damage he did is lunacy.
Mingistu might have killed thousands. But at the same time he saved thousands of Ethiopians from horror and slavery of Monarchist regime that used and abused the nation for decades. He also saved Ethiopia from brutal Somali invasion and Oromo up rising in 1970 s. Without Mingistu, there wouldn't be Ethiopia at all.The Derg was some times Genocidal, but they were not colossal evil. Millions of people went to school because of Derg. Medical care was free,the country was moving the right direction.
A true dictator. Everything will pass, no one thought anyone could defeat him, but he is gone. Every leader will pass or fall, the country will live forever
He was in power for 17 years if you understand what a dictator means. It was in his time Ethiopians suffered starvation and if you remember Michael Jackson sang his song " We are the world" for making the world pay attention to the Ethiopians famine.
I love the way this butcher is described as someone who made a lot of "mistakes" but loved Ethiopia... That's like saying Hitler was a bit misunderstood but he was a sweet old man who so loved his country....The mistakes they both made were strategical that resulted in them losing... the slaughter they brought about was no mistake it was deliberate...Loving your country means loving its people...
Say what U say about him , Even though he made some Big Mistakes .... He Truthfully honestly Loved Ethiopia from the bottom of his heart .... Now can we say the same thing about Melese Zenawi and his Bunch!?!
He loved himself and it showed by how he treated his own people that got him where he got to. He was a classic despotic ruler. Next thing I know you are going to argue that Pol Pot loved his country too.. He might have loved the land and soil but not the people.
mengistu is honest for his country!! he was not bribery when he was on power.it is well known that still to day he is poplular among ethiopians beacuse he did well. in fact he was dictator but he was kind for people and his country. weyane is bribery and led this country into fall. Long Life to Mengistu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mennem chiger yelam....undaya enda gena endensalen mengaya enam gena gebten, 50 million amahra yezhean enhedalen....gamu awhon mew yegeban gwad koneral 😂😂😂i wish i was born there doing this time ill be ur right hand man knowing what tplf and eplf ppl are...but never been late
هذا سفاك مثله مثل هيلي سلاسل في وطني ارتريا ارتكب الكثير من المجازر لكن بفضل الله استطاع ثوار ارتريا الانتصار عليه وتحرير أرضنا من دوله اثيوبيه الاستعمريه
I am not even in his generation. This guy is attitude is truly a hero. wow. I have a lot of relatives who grew up in his school for children who lost their families through war. They said he was a great guy when he visited them.
has he made Ethiopia rich & prosperous country ? no famine no problems after him, or he introduced cruel communist agenda that destroyed the country, just an other African military dictator
Here was the end of our Grace and Dignity. peace and security issue,Racism,poverty it all started here: Because we destroy our King which came through Solomonic Dynasty, it was possible to run the presence of both governmental system and also our King Presence like Great Britan through poletical diplomacy but we failed 😑 >>>>>>The Derg took power in the Ethiopian Revolution following the overthrow of Emperor Haile Selassie I in 1974, marking the end of the Solomonic dynasty which had ruled Ethiopia since the 13th century. Mengistu purged rivals for power from the Derg and made himself dictator of Ethiopia, attempting to modernize the feudal economy of Ethiopia through Marxist-Leninist-inspired policies such as nationalization and land redistribution.
13 ปีที่แล้ว +2
The only Ethiopian ruler who had the interests of Ethiopians at his heart
HadaMi 😅 hero don’t run away from his country 🤔 King Haile Selassie run away and MenGustu Run away from thier own country so both are wicked who doesn’t care about thier own country!
no we Ethiopians are free from u r kind and essayas regime,I like essayas b/c he treats u worse than every leader on earth he wipes u out of the earth!!!!!!!
but wanna be ats Tedros, left you behind. He just smart mouth. when the hero peasant come to get his a-s, he him self take off his pant and run off. have you remember that ? now you call that hero. intersting !
'Menge' the difference b/n u & Shaebia is one & one. That is trusting & convincing the public but rather u rushed on ammunitions that u thought was the only key. Demo ante man honeh new yesewn kit yemetewegaw? ayeh chegeru ezih gar new. And remember 'NO ONE OWNS NO BODY'.
እኛ የደርግ ተማሪዎቸ እውነትን ልንመሰክር እና እውነትን ለማያውቁ የማሳወቅም ግዴታ አለብን የማያውቅም ቢኖር እውነቱን ከኛ ከደርግ ተማሪዎች ጠይቆ የሃገር ፍቅርን መማር ይችላል የተማርነውም የሀገርን ፍቅር ብቻ ነው
ጓድ ፕሬዚዳንት መንግስቱ ሀይለማርያም ከሰራቸው ዋና ስራዎች ውስጥ
መሬትን ከመሬት ከበርቴ ቀምቶ መሬት ለሌለው ለመሬት ላራሹ አከፋፍሏል
የፊውዳል ስርአትን ከምድረ ገጽ አጥፍታል
የውጭ ወራሪን አሳፍሮ መልሳል ዳር ድንበሯንም አስከብሮ ኢትዮጵያ ባለችበት ሁኔታ አባቶቹ እንዳስረከቡት አስረክቧል
ትርፍ ቤት ካላቸው ላይ ቤት ለሌለው የቀበሌ ቤት ባለቤት አድርጎታል አሁንም ድረስ ህዝቡ በቀበሌ ቤት ውስጥ ይኖራል ይህ ባይሆን ኖሮ ይህ ቤት የሌለው ድሀ ህዝብ የት ይኖር ነበር
ያልተማረ ይማር የተማረ ያስተምር በማለት መሀይምነትን ለማጥፋት የመሰረተ ትምህርት ዘመቻ ከፍቶ ያልተማረውን ህዝብ በግዴታ በመሰረተ ትምህርት ዘመቻ አስተምሮታል እኛ የወቅቱ ተማሪዎች በፍላጎት የመሰረተ ትምህርት ዘመቻን ተሳትፈናል እኔ ራሴ የ 20 ውና የ 23 ኛው ዙር የመሰረተ ትምህርት ዘመቻ ዘማች አስተማሪ ነኝ
በየቦታው ዘመናዊ የአገራችንን መከላከያ ገንብቷል
በየትኛውም ሀገር የትም ቦታ የዜግነት ክብር ነበረ
የውስጥ አገር አፍራሾችንም አንድ ቀን እፈፍት ሳይሰጡት አገር በአንድነት አንድትቀጥል ታግሏል
ሰው ላይ አንድነትንና ሰላምን ፍቅርን እርስ በእርስ መዋደድን በህዝብ ላይ በትውልድ ላይ ፈቅርን ስርቷል
አገርን በአንድነት ሳይከፋፍል ሳይሸራርፍ እንዳለች ሙሉ ኢትዮጵያን ለሀገር አፍራሾች አስረክቧል
ከዚህ በላይ ጥሩ ነገር የሚባል ትልቅ ስራ የለም መነጋገር ካለብን ውጤቱ ላይ ነው
እሺ ወያኔ መጥቶ ምን ሰራ ምንስ ጥቅም ለህዝብ አመጣ
ወያኔ ሲመጣ ያጣናቸው ነገሮች አያሉ ቀይ ባህርን መጣት የዳህላክ ደሴቶችን መጣት የባህር በር ማጣት የኤርትራ ሀገራችን መገንጠል የኤርትራ ወንድሞቻችን መለየት ይህ ሁሉ ቁጭት እያለብን እያነገበገበን ወያኔዎች ምንቸገረኝ በማለት ከምንም ሳይቆትሩት ይባስ ብለው ለእኩይ አላማቸው የብሄር ፖለቲካ አምጥተው በልዩነት መከፋፈል ውጤቱም ብጥብጥ ረብሻ መጋደል ማፈናቀል ንብረት ማውደም ተወልዶ ባደገበት የክልሉ ቋንቋ በማለት ስራ መከልከል ከክልሌ ውጣልኝ ማለት የህዝብ ጦርነት ወዘተ
አንግዲህ በወያኔ ዘመን ምን የመሰለ ታላቅ የፍቅር ስርአት ትተን ሳናውቅ ልዩነትና ጭቅጭቅ ያለበት ስርአት ውስጥ ነው የገባነው
በመንግሰቱ ዘመን ይህ ሁሉ ጉድ ዘግናኝ ነገር በኢተዮጵያ የለም ስለዚህ መንግስቱ ተልቅ ስራ ለአገሩ ሰርቷል
እውነተኛው መሪያችን ፕሬዚደንት መንግስቱ መላው ኢትዮጵያን የሚወክል ኢትዮጵያዊ እንጂ እንደ አሁኖቹ መሪ በሄርተኛ ዘረኛ ኢትዮጵያዊ አይደለም
መንግስቱን የመሰለ እውነተኛ እና ሀቀኛ መሪ አይገኝም እንደሱ አይነት ሺ ይወለድ ለኢተዮጵያ አገራችን
በተለይ ሁሉንም ሳይሆን እናንተ አህያ እያላችሁ መንግስቱን የምትሳደቡ ሳታውቁ ነው የምትሳደቡት የናንተ መሪዎች ግን መንገስቱን ያከብሩታል እውነተኛ የአገር ወዳድ መሪ እንደሆነ ያውቁታል ይመሰክራሉ እሱም መስራት ያለበትን ሰርቷል
አናንተም በሱ ዘመን ብትሆኑ አገር እስካስተዳደራችሁ ድረስ እሱ የሰራውን ትሰራላችሁ ስለዚህ ስድብ አይገባውም
መነጋገር ካለብን ኢትዮጵያ ወያኔ ሳይገባ ምን ትመስል ነበር
ወያኔስ ገብቶ ምን መሰለች ነው መሆን ያለበት ጥያቄ
ኢትዮጵያን ለሚወድ እና በደንብ ለማያውቃት ሁሉ ኢትዮጵያን ለማወቅ ከፈለገ ከሌላ ከማንም ምንም ተጨማሪ አያስፈልገውም የመንጌን ንግግር ብቻ ፈልጎ ቢያዳምጥ ይበቃዋል ወይም እኘኛን ከ 1983 አም በፊት የነበሩትን የደርግ ተማሪዎች ጠይቆ እውነቱን ይረዳ
የመጨረሻው እውነተኛው ሀቀኛው የእድሜ ባለጸጋው መንጌ እንደምን ነህ አምላክ እድሜህን አሁንም በጣም ይጨምርልህ በወቅቱ ብቻህን ሆነህ ይህንን ብሄርተኛ ስርአት ሀገራችን እንዳይገባ ታግለሀል እኔ በዛን ጊዜ ገና ተማሪ ነበርኩ ምነው ደርሼልህ በነበር በወቅቱ ስለ ኢትዮጵያ ሲሉ በወያኔ ጦርነት የተሰዉ እንካን ይሄን ብሄርተኛ ስርአት አላዩ
ያ አገር ፍቅር ያልብት ውዱ ማርአቺን ሁሌም በ ልባቺን አልክ ማቸም አንርሳክም ውልታክ አለብን አገርክ በጣም ናፍቃካልች ሀዝቡም አንድዛው ባልክብት ባ ድጋሜ ሰልምክ ይብዛ 🙏🙏አንምሳግናለን
I have families & friends of families who have died under his rule and yet if you ask any of them they will tell you he is the best leader the nation had ever produced. The majority of Ethiopians still love and respect him because we all finely saw what he was fighting against. Took 20+ years to wake up...
Today he is enjoying his retirement. He killed 500 thousands people
The whole country went in to turmoil because of him. Everything wrong with it started with him. To say he was the best leader and not seeing the damage he did is lunacy.
Kibirt Ethiopia Tikidem Green Yellow and red Flag ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤.
Coronal Mengistu Hilemariamn One Ethiopia Hagerhin One Ethiopia silemitiwedat Everyone we love you all the time kibuir president ❤❤❤❤❤.
ሁሌም በልባችን ትኖራለህ ከሀገር ብትሰደድም ህሊናህ ንፁህ ነው
ሽንታሙ ያንተው ጌታ ሸሸ ኢንጂ አልተሰደደም
መንጌ አባታች ለምኑ ለምኖ የመገበን ለምኖ ያሰተማረን ፈጣሪ የጠብቅ
Abey degmo lemno lerasu betemengistu yaseral
መንግስቱ ጀግና ነው እውነት❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
ያለው ሁሉ እውነት ነበረ። ከ 30 አመትም ቦሃላ ኢትዮጵያን የመበታተኑ ሴር አልቆመም። እናሸንፋለን ።
ወዱ መርያችን ባለህበት ጠና ይብዛልህ
greatest ethiopian leader ever! we will always love you menge!!
Mingistu might have killed thousands. But at the same time he saved thousands of Ethiopians from horror and slavery of Monarchist regime that used and abused the nation for decades. He also saved Ethiopia from brutal Somali invasion and Oromo up rising in 1970 s. Without Mingistu, there wouldn't be Ethiopia at all.The Derg was some times Genocidal, but they were not colossal evil. Millions of people went to school because of Derg. Medical care was free,the country was moving the right direction.
The costs outweigh any benefits he maintained. He is a cold blooded murderer.
Shut ur mouth.
Thank you for speaking truth brother
What do you mean by oromo up rising ?
Viva Mengistu Hailemariam
ጠቅላይ ሚንስተር መግስቱ አይለማራም ለኔ 1 መሪ በጣም ጀግነ መሪ እድሜ ይስጥህ አቦ
በእኔ እምነት እውቀት ያነሰው ባዶ "የሀገር ፍቅር" ብቻ የነበረው መሪ ነው መንጌ
ክብር ለኢትዮጵያ አፍሪካ አንድ ያሰራችሁ ሰራዊታችን እጅግ ጠንካራ ውህድ ያሰራችሁ አፍሪካ ነው።
ጅላጅል የኢትዮጵያ ወዳጅ አንተ የጀመርከውን አማራ አብይ ጨረሠልህ አሁን በሠው ሀገር አርጅተህና ጃጅተህ ልትደሠትም እጅግ ልትፀፀትም እንደምትችል በጣም አምናለሁ።
A true dictator. Everything will pass, no one thought anyone could defeat him, but he is gone. Every leader will pass or fall, the country will live forever
He was not the first dictator nor will he be the last, they all vanish in time....
He was not a dictator to his people, He was a dictator to the westerns.
The west will only call you dictator when you against them
@@dagmawitadesse5193 He was the very definition of a dictator.
He was in power for 17 years if you understand what a dictator means. It was in his time Ethiopians suffered starvation and if you remember Michael Jackson sang his song " We are the world" for making the world pay attention to the Ethiopians famine.
Yes Menge You were right but nobody listened. You were an opportunity for us
The guy likes killing but not dying. እነሱ ይጥፉ ወይንስ እኛ ብሎ እሱ ራሱ ጠፋ።
This guy give me chill...real one. Thank you forever motivation. Korate malet yeheneew.
Mengestu and Meles were both Butchers! both murders!
How this chump motivate you to be Communist!!
He ah certified puzzy dat ran away
Yabateh kula yekoret
I love the way this butcher is described as someone who made a lot of "mistakes" but loved Ethiopia... That's like saying Hitler was a bit misunderstood but he was a sweet old man who so loved his country....The mistakes they both made were strategical that resulted in them losing... the slaughter they brought about was no mistake it was deliberate...Loving your country means loving its people...
Apples and oranges
@@tchrisbass5650 Both fruits.
@@ContentAutomationHub I speak only facts.
Say what U say about him , Even though he made some Big Mistakes .... He Truthfully honestly Loved Ethiopia from the bottom of his heart .... Now can we say the same thing about Melese Zenawi and his Bunch!?!
Oww he ran away so take urself as the president of Ethiopia and the anti-government aka woyane and u want to be killed by them or save urself
@@bradronald5338 he was convinced by Western and European governments to leave to save the country and the people. he didn't choose to leave.
"Loved"🤣 same guy that Said he would wipe out the eritrean and tigrayn ethnicity and killed millions of civilians from mostly tigray region.
He loved himself and it showed by how he treated his own people that got him where he got to. He was a classic despotic ruler. Next thing I know you are going to argue that Pol Pot loved his country too.. He might have loved the land and soil but not the people.
mengistu is honest for his country!! he was not bribery when he was on power.it is well known that still to day he is poplular among ethiopians beacuse he did well. in fact he was dictator but he was kind for people and his country. weyane is bribery and led this country into fall. Long Life to Mengistu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Best African Communist leader. 100x better than Thomas Sankara.
Bro sankara didn't kill his own people 😮😮
You are very right
Go to hell you pea brained idiot
Mennem chiger yelam....undaya enda gena endensalen mengaya enam gena gebten, 50 million amahra yezhean enhedalen....gamu awhon mew yegeban gwad koneral 😂😂😂i wish i was born there doing this time ill be ur right hand man knowing what tplf and eplf ppl are...but never been late
For all his faults, Mengistu was a great man.
👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👺👺👺👺👺👺👺👺👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹 የአህዮች አባት
هل يمكن لبعض الاخوة الاثيوبيون الذين يتحدثون العربيه ترجمة وملخص هذا الحديث لكي نفهم
هذا سفاك مثله مثل هيلي سلاسل في وطني ارتريا ارتكب الكثير من المجازر لكن بفضل الله استطاع ثوار ارتريا الانتصار عليه وتحرير أرضنا من دوله اثيوبيه الاستعمريه
ድንጋይ ራስ
“History repeats itself, first as a tragedy, second as a farce”
~~~ Karl Marx
ኧረ እናተን ከምደረገፅ ያጥፋችሁ መንግሥቱ ሀለማሪም. ጀግናና ሀብታምነበርአገር አይሸጥም አንደወያኔእና እንደጆሀር አይደለምነበር
I am not even in his generation. This guy is attitude is truly a hero. wow. I have a lot of relatives who grew up in his school for children who lost their families through war. They said he was a great guy when he visited them.
has he made Ethiopia rich & prosperous country ? no famine no problems after him, or he introduced cruel communist agenda that destroyed the country, just an other African military dictator
has he made Ethiopia rich prosperous country or not, if not he failed as a normal military dictator
Here was the end of our Grace and Dignity. peace and security issue,Racism,poverty it all started here: Because we destroy our King which came through Solomonic Dynasty, it was possible to run the presence of both governmental system and also our King Presence like Great Britan through poletical diplomacy but we failed 😑
>>>>>>The Derg took power in the Ethiopian Revolution following the overthrow of Emperor Haile Selassie I in 1974, marking the end of the Solomonic dynasty which had ruled Ethiopia since the 13th century. Mengistu purged rivals for power from the Derg and made himself dictator of Ethiopia, attempting to modernize the feudal economy of Ethiopia through Marxist-Leninist-inspired policies such as nationalization and land redistribution.
The only Ethiopian ruler who had the interests of Ethiopians at his heart
I don't know why I am here watching an ungary person 😎
i think this type of leader is required for ethiopia because people do not understand love
የኔ አበሳ እኔ በታሪክ ሠምቼ በጣምም እወድሐለው ❤❤መግዬ
Meseret Nazrayid He is a pice if shit 😂
Jaki Yafu ጥንባታም ግም የደርግ ትራፊ
@@jonnyleo5355 🦎🐞🐒
I dont understand Amharic language but am sure mengistu was nearly to explode with angry all the time
Mengisu was a bucher man
እነ ጨመዳ፡ፍስሓ ደስታ...ዪሄን ብታዩት ጥሩ ነው።መሪያቹ እውነቱን ተናግሮ ሸሽቷል።
He certified puzzy dat ran away & should’ve taken his people w him
እነዚህ መሰሪዎች መጥፋት አለባቸው ። አምላክ አይመልሳቸው። ዛሬ ነው በቁም የሞትነው ውድ መንጌ ።
Jegina mange
Almost a million people died under the red terror gen ye Ethiopia hezeb jegena yelewal menegestu.. beza zemen yalenebere ahya mawerat yewedal
Min chger ale yalew officer Birk Dejene yemibale ende Tewodros ejun le fascist Tplf alsetem belo yeteseraw jegna neber 💚💛❤ye harar yetor academy graduate neber. 💚💛❤be 1 gnent new yetmerekew 💚💛❤Koftananetu ende.jegnaw Mengistu hailemariyam new, melkum yemeslal
One of the greatest leaders in the world.
Jegna wendawend yhone meri be africa Co mengstu
😂😂😂😂😂mangistuu thanks
አባቴ በጣም ፈጣሪ ይባርክክ ነፁ ኢትዮጵያዊ አለ ካለ ይምጣና ያናግረኝ ምድረ ቀዳዳ ሁሉ ወንድ ነክ ወንድድድድድድድድድድድድድድድድድድድ
Ante deden gala neh meselegn
ቅቅቅቅ ወንድ ኸሆነ ለምን ዝምባዊ ሮጨ ምድረ በጥራቓ😄😃
@@TV-nm3fy ሀሀሀ እኔጃ
Shabya taqale snt merihachu leqeqe ena abarere eza ahun
ባለህበት ሰላም ይብዛ
Thank you very much. Amazing video quality.
For better or worse he ruled for 17 years.
Ethiopia wedefitm wedehualam yalyechiwu yematayewu dinkye mengist kezih bhuala yematagegnewu enku neber mn wagalewu ......
ችግር ከ ትግራይ ነው ያለው መንግሥቱ ሰላልተማረ እንጂ ተፈጥሮ ሀብት ማለት ሰንዴ ወይም የእህል ኣይነቶች ብቻ ኣይደለም መኣድናት በ ዎጋ ኣንፃር በብዙ እጥፍ ከ እህል ኣይነቶች ውድ ነው ትግራይ ም በ ከበሩ መኣድናት የበለፀገች ኣገር ናት ።።።
ወይ መጌ ጀግና ዛሬ በፈሳም በዘረኛ ተወርን
ፈሳም ፈሪ ነው ።
አረመኔው የኢትዮጵያ ጠላት
we were poor but did not hate each other as much
he is hero
Kekeru yalenore kemelekame ayenorem yebalale yekerta aderegelegn menga betame enwedehalen jebe kehade wesha chohe bihonem negeru lehagere yalehen fekere zegeyetome bihone gebetognale
He was hero bat he Miss with wrong people
My father is hero , he is fight for years because of Ethiopia land .
ሯጭ ሽንታም ደም ጠጪ ፈሪ የፈሪ ልጅ አፉ ኬሻ
አስመስሎ ሲፎክር ወንድ ይመስላል
The song at the end is great...manew zefagnu?
ሃዳሚ ዝም በል
ሰክት ድዱዕ
ጀግና ነበርክ ሰውመግደልህ ላይ ነው ስህተቱ
Mengistu Shankilaw 😮
Hero of Ethiopia
😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😢😢😢😙😙😘😘😚gobeze new mengisetu
Goebez Yena Yena neaw belel Kibirt Ethiopia she is not comfortable right now that means we the people first one.
Mengestu is the hi quality persan to ran the cantrey in pashen love&vison
ወያነ አንበሳ ክንዱ እንደሚያነድ ቀመስከው
peace Ethio Ethio peace የሰው ደም እየጥጣ እኮ ነው ጀግና የሆን ውሻ
ዘር የማታቅ መሪ ነበርክ ሁሌም አንረሳህም
I wishing you this time.you are my hero.you are very good for gangster
Jagena ❤❤❤❤
HadaMi 😅 hero don’t run away from his country 🤔 King Haile Selassie run away and MenGustu Run away from thier own country so both are wicked who doesn’t care about thier own country!
Thank you for posting!! and nice clip i was young to rember him but i like this guy Really loves his country God bless him.
🤣🤣🤣 fertach Ahya .
ሜንጋ ታጥቅ ጥር ስፍር ለመጀመርያ አንደጥያቃ ጥይቀወ ነበር የክፍለ ጥር ስብስባ 18 ክፍለ ጥር 19 ክፍለ ጥር 37. 38 39 41 42 ከስብስበን በወሃላ 4ጥያቃ እቀበላልህ አለ ምግብ ገንዘብ ነበር ጥያቀወ ብሳምንቱን 400 ከብት ወደ ትጥቅ ጥር ስፍር አስላከ ብኡነቱ ብሚኒተር ላይ ፍቅር የነበረወ መሪ ነበር
My lovely Eritrea is free from scavengers mengestu .
no we Ethiopians are free from u r kind and essayas regime,I like essayas b/c he treats u worse than every leader on earth he wipes u out of the earth!!!!!!!
@@elysiumelysium9951 No he doesn't, stupid. You must watch alot of western media. Typical Amhara diluted minds.
Menge abatye neh betam jegna nehe ewedehalehu yetenagerekew hullu tefeseme
Endi new enji wond malet Ethiopian hero menge
but wanna be ats Tedros, left you behind. He just smart mouth. when the hero peasant come to get his a-s, he him self take off his pant and run off. have you remember that ? now you call that hero. intersting !
ከከከከከከ ንገረው
ዳኛ በለው Meles is the best in Ethiopia
ዳኛ በለው Kkkk 😂yenante jegna eko ayenew ahya hula
ዳኛ በለው ኣማራ ጉራ ቢቻ ነው ወንድ የምቲሉት ኢንሲሳዎች። ብአፉ ሞተናል ኢያለ መንግስቱ ራሱ hero ቲላሉ አህያዎች
Mengistu a brutal Oromo dictator supporting Amhara fascism
መንጌ አንተ ለዘላለም ኑር የቻልከዉን ሠርተሐል ግን የፓርቲሕና የሠራዊቱ ባለሥልጣናት ዋጋ ይከከፍላሉ ለመና ውርደትደረሰባቸዉ ወያኔ ለበለጌዎች መቅጫ አገሬ ብለሕ ስትለፋ እነሡ ደግ አረጋችሁየሚባሉ መሠሎአቸው ነበር
Bariya Nafdenya
ስወደው ❤️❤️❤️
The butcher and military junta of Ethiopia! Hell on him
weyna bigriszabehar anete benathi seuo atemislem enigla yanetin kite neuo yeminuogau eshe
የት ይገኛል እንደ መንጌ ያለ መሪ
'Menge' the difference b/n u & Shaebia is one & one. That is trusting & convincing the public but rather u rushed on ammunitions that u thought was the only key. Demo ante man honeh new yesewn kit yemetewegaw? ayeh chegeru ezih gar new. And remember 'NO ONE OWNS NO BODY'.
all sabya by the time my hero president Menegstu hopes up ass
Nabar/Mangistu Dead/ long ago!!!! Nabar Hamdi!!!! Mangistum Nabar Qinew inda honooo!!!! Qana wait your Genocide!!!!!!
Ignorant dictator ! You lost every thing ! Eritreans Heros show you their bravery !!!!!!!
bay bay bariya
Yetegeray wenbeda yawekachew ante becha ne yena jegna
ከዙንባቢ ተመለሰ እዛ ነው
by what means do you come to Ethiopia