Hi Wong Buzz. 我諗你睇到呢個回覆時都已經整咗㗎車。Front Fog Light 係 1 March 2018 之後嘅車先要驗。不過如果你份 report 寫係 major defect,咁即係 fail. 驗 MOT 同維修係可以分開做。 10 個工作天內返去同一間車扆做 retest 應該只係收 partial retest。 Fail 會過唔到 MOT,所以係一定要整同 retest。
可以。不過要確保架車達到 minimum standards of roadworthiness : Driving a vehicle that’s failed You can take your vehicle away if: - your current MOT certificate is still valid - no ‘dangerous’ problems were listed in the MOT Otherwise, you’ll need to get it repaired before you can drive. If you can take your vehicle away, it must still meet the minimum standards of roadworthiness at all times. www.gov.uk/getting-an-mot/after-the-test
補充及更正: 最後一條問題 Bonus #2影片的畫面有誤。問題應該是"有無車係唔需要做MOT?"
正!清楚明白! 最後哥版個問題要改改😊
唔洗客氣, 謝謝收看
thank you, GigiLai88.
brief , clear and useful !
謝謝鼓勵 😁
謝謝支持,Wah Peter
Thanks you
Welcome 😀
想問services,其實做D咩,因我唔知把mot 和services 分開了book, 剛做完mot fail ,即repair 了現已passed. 現是否要services
MOT 同 service 唔一定要一齊做,只係有啲garage你同時幫襯兩樣服務就有啲優惠。 Mot fail 之後嘅 repair 係只係整返你過唔到嗰part,其他嘢唔會搞。 Service 一般係會 check 同換埋啲消耗品如 engine oil, oil filter, brake fluid, coolant, spark plug 等等。Service 最好都係定期做,咁先keep到架車喺最佳狀態。
想請教下主駕座位條belt 個belt 夾爆左 夾唔實 會唔會fail MOT架?🙏🏻唔該哂.
如果你指 seat belt,夾唔實算係 Major Defect。好大機會過唔到MOT。
請問我架車做完MOT後, 我需要自己向運輸處報返MOT結果嗎? 同埋結果係即日驗完就有?
唔需要. 車房會 update DVLA. 做MOT通常一個鐘. Full service 就三四個鐘. 通常我係車房一開門就放低, 即日都有得攞. 攞車時會有MOT Test Certificate 俾你.
@@SmallFishBa 唔該晒~
很清楚,想問一下,我FAIL 左Front fog lamp, 寫係major defects, 但原廠做收好貴,可以去其他車房維修同重做MOT? 其實fail 呢樣駛唔駛re-test ? 謝謝指教
Hi Wong Buzz. 我諗你睇到呢個回覆時都已經整咗㗎車。Front Fog Light 係 1 March 2018 之後嘅車先要驗。不過如果你份 report 寫係 major defect,咁即係 fail. 驗 MOT 同維修係可以分開做。 10 個工作天內返去同一間車扆做 retest 應該只係收 partial retest。 Fail 會過唔到 MOT,所以係一定要整同 retest。
請問mot fail 咗,但mot未到期,無dangerous defects
可以。不過要確保架車達到 minimum standards of roadworthiness :
Driving a vehicle that’s failed
You can take your vehicle away if:
- your current MOT certificate is still valid
- no ‘dangerous’ problems were listed in the MOT
Otherwise, you’ll need to get it repaired before you can drive.
If you can take your vehicle away, it must still meet the minimum standards of roadworthiness at all times.
@Rakan Ng, 謝謝。可以指正 bonus#2 問題出錯在哪裡嗎?
@@SmallFishBa Bonus#2 題目應該係寫有無車唔駛做MOT。而家 Bonus#2 同 Bonus#1 都係一樣
@Rakan Ng oh.. 謝謝. 唔記得改 powerpoint 😅