Skully. jpg Maybe not in English. Thats why it has borrowed from so many languages and most words don't even follow the languages own spelling conventions but keep those from the language it came from in most cases making English a very artificial language. Yet in Welsh and other other languages (like French or Japanese) we can use a Welsh spelling and a foreign spelling for names of things, places and people. Google - gwgl Twitter - trwydar Coke - côc Etc The rules of every language is different. So don't try to get the world to conform to English standards. THY RIWLS O EFERI LANGWIJ IS DIFFERNT. SÔ DOWNT TREI TY GET THY WORLD TY CONFFORM TY ENGLIS STANDANDS.
Remember when you sing it’s gonna come from the gut and the soul it’s what comes out that makes the difference I’m more traditional myself personally when I sing I sing from the soul I sing from the gut I sing from my heart it sounds completely different to how you sing you send send tinny if that makes sense like you singing in a king in a tin can put it that way it gotta come from the heart in the song and the gut and then you can’t go wrong. Trust me I’ve done it for years🇦🇺🏴👍
Never heard of this band before. Found this song while listening to Ffa Coffi Pawb. it's a great song
Can grêt! Chwaer fi’n obsest!!
HAHAHAHa Ia. MAER gan yma yn gret ddo😂😂😂😂😂
Brilliant o riff!
The guitar in this song is awesome.
wyt ti yn deall o
siarad cymraeg
@@Monke_monke1 Na, dw i isho siarad Saesneg ;-p
Riff andros o wych, canwr yn amazing hefyd.
Dwi'n dod yn ol i'r gan yma yn aml oherwydd mae o mor dda! :D
Mae’n gân gwych!
I love your song
They came to my school just boffor lock down I loved it!!!😍😍😘
Caught some of your live tracks on BBC Wales last night.
Enjoyed it. Here to check some more stuff out
I like it
Chan mwyaf gwych yn y byd!
The singer of this band has serious star quality and should do stuff in other languages. He'd be massive.
these came to my school to preform. they were amzing
+ecc206 yeah
Pobol y Cwm brought me here. Chester was listening to it.
chwaraeodd rhain yn ein ysgol ni. Roedden nhwn grêt.
yeah nhw yn dda
cool dwi'n hofi dy can my arddechog
my fravrote song
so cool
Would be great if CC were available on this. It would help greatly with my Welsh learning.
Iê, a dydy'r acen ddim yn helpu, ond mae taflenni lyrics am ddim ar lein- Ond dydw i ddim yn gwybod os mae nhw am gael.
Lyrics for this song (and some of their other songs) are available in Spotify and YT Music
Dwi yn Cari Candelas gymaint!! Mor falch o fod yn Gymraeg ❤
Tipyn fel Arctic Myncis
Alex yn gwybod Cymraeg?
Omg lej
Skully. jpg Maybe not in English. Thats why it has borrowed from so many languages and most words don't even follow the languages own spelling conventions but keep those from the language it came from in most cases making English a very artificial language. Yet in Welsh and other other languages (like French or Japanese) we can use a Welsh spelling and a foreign spelling for names of things, places and people.
Google - gwgl
Twitter - trwydar
Coke - côc
The rules of every language is different. So don't try to get the world to conform to English standards.
Skully. jpg you change everything in welsh you ignorant prick. Welsh is a logical language that spells things phonetically.
You guys should really consider committing
Maer can ma yn gwych diolch I chdi I canu rwyf wedi gweithio gyda band ma wealth nhw dod ir ysgol gyda project mais a b
Pov: your teacher is making you rate songs and you're commenting out of boredom
So true happy welsh music day lol
da iawn
Hen yin
Remember when you sing it’s gonna come from the gut and the soul it’s what comes out that makes the difference I’m more traditional myself personally when I sing I sing from the soul I sing from the gut I sing from my heart it sounds completely different to how you sing you send send tinny if that makes sense like you singing in a king in a tin can put it that way it gotta come from the heart in the song and the gut and then you can’t go wrong. Trust me I’ve done it for years🇦🇺🏴👍
Diolch am ddod I ysgol no candelas
Caniad anhygoel
Da lawn Rowan 8
cân wych
8 roea yn
+Apemanwithcalculator 1. It's not British it's WELSH, and unlike US! I'm Welsh as well
Welsh rock scene is certainly growing from what I've seen Candelas is doing loads to get out there and make sure people know about them
It doesent make a difference to the quality of music whichever language they sing in tbh
Ti'n dalld be mae nhw yn ei ddweud?
Bob from monsters vs aliens did some one say poo
Definitely Arctic monkeys
da iawn