🚀 Install Star Trek Fleet Command for FREE now t2m.io/WillESTFC and enter the promo code WARPSPEED to unlock 10 Epic Shards of Kirk, enhancing your command instantly! How to easily redeem the promo code 👉 t2m.io/promo_STFC
I love how all the tooltips for the warrior spells say "Requires Mage" 3:134:375:12 Does this mean we have to carry around a frost mage to enragingly cc us and/or subsequently sacrifice?
Gladiator stance possibly making a return makes me excited. It was what got me into warrior in WoD - I loved the idea of sword & board DPS. I wish Blizzard would add it back into retail, so many people enjoyed it.
I quit in warlords. Never heard of gladiator stance. Haha. I remember having a warrior. In burning crusade and I had macros out the ass for switching stances and using abilities. Constantly switching stances. Like switching to berserker stance using intercept and if I was in another stance switching to battle to use charge.
@@MycketTuffYou’re just hating just to hate at this point.. Victory Rush healing is extremely proficient both for leveling and for pvp. Making you sacrifice another power to get healing is most likely a balancing thing especially for pvp as warriors gets better gear.
Willie what about the data mined spell reflect ability? Did you see that? Probably not available at 25 but we don't know about the level req of gladiator stance either. This could be a huge win for warrior tanks in raids if blizz lets it actually work for boss abilities
Warrior and rogue were the premier melee dps (and dps in general but whatever) but it does seem like warrors have had a bigger buff from their runes despite already being generally stronger than rogues.
I messed around with a multiswing arms prot build on horde that let me spam sunder armor form the whole Thaurissan fight without going out of rage once with no raid gear. With the extra rage from blood frenzy and a bleed proc weapon, sunder doing 150% weapon damage, and alliance getting windfury so i can do it with the human racial, it might end up meta.
That video was very much info liked it. Now i need the shaman video so that i can decide wich class i will play. 😊 ur vids for SoD makes it easy to understand how the runes work.
Naw warriors are going to be really really insane. You have to remember how much of a deficit other classes already had compared to warrior. And warrior didn't get any fancy runes, just damage increases and it's crazy
The fact that warrior is so overtuned makes me less excited to play. Ret: Omg I have Crusader strike and can cleave at the cost of my healer's mana bar! Warrior: lmao multiple extra attacks and permanent 35% more damage. Hey Rets it's like I have that really good cooldown Avenger's wrath on 100% uptime! Isn't that neat?
The was some extra info that just came out about some of these runes. Furious Thunder - Thunderclap also doing 50% more threat. Consumed by rage - doing 20% instead of 25% extra damage.
I don't think we can depend on having world buffs this time around, in fact I'm willing to bet that blizzard disables world buffs for raids due to how much stronger all classes are. Warriors got the most from world buffs, so much so that a blue geared warrior with full buffs would out damage a full epic warrior who lost his buffs. Losing 15% crit will really hurt that rage generation. Also do not forgot that more rage from bleeds = more procs of the 80 rage damage boost activation. I'm mostly looking forward to prot for both pve and pvp. Forget taking any of the "tank" runes (besides warbringer) just take all the damage runes as a prot warrior. With full block value gear + damage boosts, you'll crit people for 4 and 5k with shield slam while having the ability to stick to people full time. I think top dps will be fury warrior, MM hunter and destruction locks
Warriors will absolutely destroy DPS meters. Some of these runes arent THAT interesting at first glance, but the numbers dont lie. Stack Consumed by Rage, Flag, Death Wish.... Sheesh. Frenzied assault seems interesting with quick strike.
I hope that are new Elites and monster who will challange all this OP classes!! And i hope maybe there world bosses walking around like we saw in "Hellfire area - In TBC
@@monocerotis6917Bro how can you be this braindead? Every comment you make is a mistake, your mother should of swallowed you it seems. If you thibk the fel reaver is a world boss that cant be solo'd, why are you even playing this game? You are definitely the type of retard to whipe a group in hardcore wow because you didnt pull back your pet and it overpulled :)
You'll enjoy it even more with the level scalling to 25 then 40 and so on. It will allow people to don't rush levels as it is nowadays but take their time, enjoy regions and quests. Try different classes etc... I wish many potential new player will see here the opportunity to understand the really First history of The world of Warcraft and will love it as much as we did when we discovered it :). Welcome on board sir ! o7
Hello, first thanks a lot for the video ! I always really like your approach and I'm waiting for the next one every time one is finishing ;). There is one thing I would like to point out though : Problem of warrior in classic : They are doing too much dps in the dps metter as you showed but are relying on other for many things and lack utilities. What do we do in Sod ? : Give warrior more DPS... xd Really it's a joke, they'll stay absolute god in PVE but will be target dummies in PvP. Warbringer is a really cool talent, why don't bring more things like this and buttons to press instead of flat DPS ? I'm quite disappointed, I expected something like warbringer and this will feel really satisfying, but I expected more like Stormblade, 2 x 2H weapons, lmobility boost, maybe a fear that instead of throwing the enemy away would attract him in melee until take some hits... This kind of things and not everything in the same time. I love the way runes are implemented because it forces people to make choices and it's how life is ! I didn't took warbringer to do more dammage and now I'm root by a mage that I can't reach, it is how it is and next time I will bring warbringer. But maybe this time I would lake 50hp dps to kill my ennemi... ;) Here are my thoughts, I'm super hype by SoD and really think it's gonna be a blast. Just wish warrior would have a bit of love in the funny wtf way all class are having. I'm open to friendly discussions guys even more if you don't agree with me. Much love, Rascarkapac
I am happy, that the give the Thunder Clap Rune. So you not need to switch stances and you also can use Charge in Defence Stance. So it looks here the want to strenght the Shield/One Hand Warrior in Defence Stance. I look forward to the Shaman Overview. I thing the Tanksbuffs on this class, looks decend.
Thank you for your insight on these early runes. I am looking to get into WoW come SoD and try out a warrior but so far I know nothing about them. Is there an in depth guide on how to play? I remember there was a player who revolutionized warrior in Vanilla (?) when at the time warriors were deemed a weak class but after his awakening Blizzard even had to nerf warriors? The individual was named something with a _C_ and there was also a _q_ and probably an _x_ for good measure in the name. I could also remember this completely wrong though. Anyon know who or what "warrior revolution" I am referring to?
@FrogLover-nh3mu You know again 25 and 3 Roon slots of A potential 10 or 14. And blizzard tinted at new items too We don't know what things are going to look like at 60 till we get thar
Probably still top dogs but if the runes continue to offer more utility they may be fitted into more varied groups thus brining the total per raid down. I know we are only getting 25 to start but it carries over. In classic the best pumper groups were Horde: 4x Warrior, 1x Resto Shaman doing totem twisting. Alliance: 4x Warriors, 1x Priest for PoH during AOE. (Could sub for paladin for auras or Hunter for AP/NR or another warrior if none of those were necessary) However just with the runes that have been released so far I could see Horde: 3x Warrior, 1x Hunter, 1x Enhance Shaman Alliance: 3x Warrior, 1x Feral Druid, 1x Ret Paladin Makes for a drop in total number of warriors and increase in formerly non-meta specs even if individually those warriors would be doing more damage due to having WF/Kings
What I want to see is fast 2-handers being viable, unfortunately even with these changes slower weapons will still be preferred over faster ones because of windfury and being able to proc it with instant attacks, not to mention whirlwind.
i thought about this as well, i think we're defo gonna be wearing a mix all the way upto 60, but i do kinda hope they add more plate loot for pre-raid BIS between 55-60 just to free up loot tables a bit. Ngl doesnt feel good as a warrior rogue or hunter if your all fighting over the loot, and now enhancement shamans are a proper think and feral druids, they'll be wanting some of the leather pieces also.
Paladin got giganerfed before release. Seal of Martyrdom used to be a 3 target cleave in the blizzcon demo, dealing 2% of the damage you do as damage to your life. Its now a single target effect only, and it deals 10% of damage done to youeself as well. It was needed though. 3 person cleave on every swing is just too good. Especially now with divine storm and crusader strike available.
Fury just seems even stronger with the rest of the cast of classes getting a lot better, but not even better to the point they would have been better then vanillia fury.
As they even buff the tanks damage, i really hope they make the mobs stronger, otherwise this will be as boring as leveling in wrath where u can just pull as many mobs as you want without being able to die.
It will be a slog and I don’t think they ll buff mobs statwise after SoM. Sadly ppl tend to overreact to things like pve content buffs cause old men hands
It's Season of Discovery. A special new kind of wow with classic as base to make some experimentation, balance classes, add some contents and several other things that we ignore at the moment :)
I think the only viable thing on 25 is a Fury Warrior Tank with 2H Weapon & Runes. Protection, even with Devastate, could never hold threat against anything. The other tanks are just miles ahead. And as a normal DPS? They just miss all their abilities! However, 2H DPS will still get their raid spot should 2H Tank prove too squishy, because your Hunters, Rogues and Rets want Sunder & Shout. Warriors will be crazy at 40 though ^^ I'm looking forward to this!
We'll see, I think the prot devastate build will prove to be decent at 25. Hard to say late game since we don't know all of the runes we will have by then, but I think a prot fury type spec with devastate and more aggro runes will be very strong later on for both threat and survivability.
@@willwatson3343 Devastate requires a shield though. So it's probably a niche rune for bosses that you'd usually wear one on, like Lashlayer. Same for Lv. 25 by the way. But I still believe Fury are the talents to pick. It's more flexible and you'll be expected to bring Imp. Battle Shout.
@@bisalissy3846 We'll have to see, I'd guess end game bosses are going to be stronger given how many runes we'll have by 60 so maybe shields will be more suirable.
@@bisalissy3846you’re seriously devaluing Devastate spam. If you have enough rage you will be like a rogue with infinite energy. The loss of the offhand is nominal as the dual wield penalty and glancing blows make your offhand not so great, especially before having 15% hit or so
@@CH-es1ri Well before you have enough Hit & Weapon Skill, 2H is the way to go ^^ Especially with the new runes. And 10 Man Raids usually don't generate enough rage anyway. Shield will just always be worse for Damage & Threat - either compared to 2H or compared to DW. Unless they add something like "You deal 50% more Damage / Threat while wearing a shield" later on.
It's about time. Though i don't think they will be the underdogs, more like middle of the pack perhaps as other classes start pushing high, as it should be. Game being dominated by 1 or 2 classes is not good at all.
@@JR-wf5kg Ye, being able to charge in combat will turn them into insane, unhinged wrecking balls, it's their one weakness in current Classic era against kiters. Thank green jesus devs didn't give em Heroic leap, that would have been f**ked.
Heroic strike should only generate threat if you're prot and should scale based on weapon damage. Also cleave should hit 5 targets and when any enrage effect is active warriors should auto-crit everything with 0% miss chance. Thunder clap should also benefit from windfury and shield wall should just be a bubble usable by all specs even if you've not wearing a shield. Come on blizz, warriors are only going to barely be in the top 2 dps classes, step it up!
I think WillE is sleeping on warriors. As a Warrior main for the last 16ish years I can say that these changes look friggin' juicy. 2 ways to get 25% bonus damage and it stacks? Multiple new abilities that just do instant raw damage? Rend actually being more useful than just preventing rogues from going stealth? Bonus rage generation? I mean my pants are wet looking at all these options. And with the additional Warbringer perk I can honestly say that classes that needed to kite Warriors before better learn to do it better now because we are going to be even MORE deadly in the pocket.
From my experience warrior will be a pwn0r class in the end. no matter how much they scale down or buff other classes, the design and item dependency both works for benefit of warriors more than any other classes. as for hunters; its quite the opposite in that manner. 1 goes up and up and up and other goes , no "stays" almost the same dmg out put. thats why ppl cryout the sod begining hunters op and now no one f about this.
WillE, call blizz up and buff SMITE! 👊🏻 we need Angel form, cherubim’s blade, and seraphim’s harp! Rune 1:Angel Form 1. +10% hit for holy spells 2. +5% crit 3. -15% spell damage taken 4. Cannot cast heals nor shadow spells. Rune 2: cherubim sword and seraphim’s harp. Cherubim’s Sword 1. Permanent ranged pet (untargetable) 2. Casts blade beam on a 2.5 second cast. Blade Beam that hits a target and splits off to 2 nearby targets. 10% chance to cause Holy Fire to be instant cast and 50% spell cost. 3. Party buff: increases party spell haste by %. 4. CD: parries for the priest, increases priests parry by % at low HP. 5. CD: disarms target target for 5-seconds Seraphim’s Harp 1. Permanent ranged pet (untargetable) 2. Channels a song for damage to target and increases spell damage taken by %. 3. Seraphim’s song can reset the CD on Penance. 4. CD to increase party’s healing received by%. 5. Increases priests movement speed at low HP. 6. 3 min CD to pacifies enemy target for x-seconds. Surge Of Light Talent Cherubim sword’s Blade Beam and Seraphim’s Harp song can also trigger SoL.
I've been making the joke that "You asked for Classic Plus, and they gave you Classic Different." This isn't even that close. It's more like "Retail Minus." I can't wait for all of you to get off my realms. Have fun!
2H is more prevalent for this level 25 cap simply because playing fury dual wield sub-60 is just bad. We will definitely see more runes as SoD goes on geared towards fury dual wield
The only reason why warriors were so good in Classic was world buffs. They benefited a lot more than any other class did and those world buffs dropped constantly.
So many of these runes are just boring buffs for Warriors... Kind of missing the point of what runes should be IMO. versions of shockwave, titans grip, shattering throw, bladestorm, heroic leap, ravager... I'm sure some of those are coming in the future but wow are many of these current ones zzz
06:34 correction: BRE slam spec for horde actually did more than what dual spec can do in end game, but it requires a really good player that follows swingtimer perfectly.
Clickbait title? Warriors did like 1k+ in complete runs basically 50-100% than other classes. Now they will do like 1,3-1,5k in complete raids and like 2-3k on bosses while other classes maybe do half lol
I watch these and wonder to myself... Is this Classic+ or do people expect even more? Personally I'm so hyped I think about coming back after leaving after Karazhan.
Some expected more and some less. I see this seson as an experiment and I think it is a really good move from Blizz to just throw something at us and watch what works or not. If they have a good learning from this then I am optimistic we get some crazy wow classic content in the future
A good way to think about it imo is that this is all expermental and Blizz has been very clear they will be adding and changing things around! So even if something is OP/underpowered for a few weeks/month it won’t be permanent like it is in classic vanilla
So all these cooldowns and things stacked up together with death wish at max level, seems like it’s going to be ridiculous on top of what warriors could already do. And bosses last what less than a minute. Sounds OP to me
I really don't like the rune that makes 2-h warriors hit faster. I'd much rather hit harder, than faster, from a class fantasy perspective. Fury already makes you hit fast, so why not make arms hit hard and slow.
so warriors in theory can get 180% damage with all buffs running and kings/windfury on both factions? and people think this class wont compete? maybe early sure but past the 25 bracket it wont be fair
🚀 Install Star Trek Fleet Command for FREE now t2m.io/WillESTFC and enter the promo code WARPSPEED to unlock 10 Epic Shards of Kirk, enhancing your command instantly! How to easily redeem the promo code 👉 t2m.io/promo_STFC
I love how all the tooltips for the warrior spells say "Requires Mage" 3:13 4:37 5:12
Does this mean we have to carry around a frost mage to enragingly cc us and/or subsequently sacrifice?
My RL friend plays a warrior and I play frost mage. This is pretty much standard practice already.
My guess is that those "requires mage" spells are spells that the mage can cast after spellsteal or something like that.
Yes, all warriors must be escorted by a mage until at least level 40
@@WillEmmo Gonna burn through a lot of lvl 1 Gnome Mages, might need like 40 stacks, a worthy sacrifice, however.
Or maybe they require a mage to apply?
Gladiator stance possibly making a return makes me excited. It was what got me into warrior in WoD - I loved the idea of sword & board DPS. I wish Blizzard would add it back into retail, so many people enjoyed it.
I quit in warlords. Never heard of gladiator stance. Haha. I remember having a warrior. In burning crusade and I had macros out the ass for switching stances and using abilities. Constantly switching stances. Like switching to berserker stance using intercept and if I was in another stance switching to battle to use charge.
Victory rush heal will make leveling so much better.
It's a horrible skill and skill slot that is only there to solve a problem lazily
yes so looking forward
@@MycketTuff STFU. Nobody want's you, or your negativity.
@@MycketTuffyou’re not getting enraged regen bro sorry
@@MycketTuffYou’re just hating just to hate at this point.. Victory Rush healing is extremely proficient both for leveling and for pvp. Making you sacrifice another power to get healing is most likely a balancing thing especially for pvp as warriors gets better gear.
Willie what about the data mined spell reflect ability? Did you see that? Probably not available at 25 but we don't know about the level req of gladiator stance either.
This could be a huge win for warrior tanks in raids if blizz lets it actually work for boss abilities
Warrior and rogue were the premier melee dps (and dps in general but whatever) but it does seem like warrors have had a bigger buff from their runes despite already being generally stronger than rogues.
But maybe rogues will make better tanks.. maybe
I messed around with a multiswing arms prot build on horde that let me spam sunder armor form the whole Thaurissan fight without going out of rage once with no raid gear.
With the extra rage from blood frenzy and a bleed proc weapon, sunder doing 150% weapon damage, and alliance getting windfury so i can do it with the human racial, it might end up meta.
The language of the virgin
That video was very much info liked it. Now i need the shaman video so that i can decide wich class i will play. 😊 ur vids for SoD makes it easy to understand how the runes work.
Naw warriors are going to be really really insane. You have to remember how much of a deficit other classes already had compared to warrior. And warrior didn't get any fancy runes, just damage increases and it's crazy
And threat increases that also do damage now!!!!
The fact that warrior is so overtuned makes me less excited to play.
Ret: Omg I have Crusader strike and can cleave at the cost of my healer's mana bar!
Warrior: lmao multiple extra attacks and permanent 35% more damage. Hey Rets it's like I have that really good cooldown Avenger's wrath on 100% uptime! Isn't that neat?
The was some extra info that just came out about some of these runes.
Furious Thunder - Thunderclap also doing 50% more threat.
Consumed by rage - doing 20% instead of 25% extra damage.
I don't think we can depend on having world buffs this time around, in fact I'm willing to bet that blizzard disables world buffs for raids due to how much stronger all classes are. Warriors got the most from world buffs, so much so that a blue geared warrior with full buffs would out damage a full epic warrior who lost his buffs. Losing 15% crit will really hurt that rage generation. Also do not forgot that more rage from bleeds = more procs of the 80 rage damage boost activation.
I'm mostly looking forward to prot for both pve and pvp. Forget taking any of the "tank" runes (besides warbringer) just take all the damage runes as a prot warrior. With full block value gear + damage boosts, you'll crit people for 4 and 5k with shield slam while having the ability to stick to people full time.
I think top dps will be fury warrior, MM hunter and destruction locks
Warriors will absolutely destroy DPS meters. Some of these runes arent THAT interesting at first glance, but the numbers dont lie. Stack Consumed by Rage, Flag, Death Wish.... Sheesh. Frenzied assault seems interesting with quick strike.
I hope that are new Elites and monster who will challange all this OP classes!! And i hope maybe there world bosses walking around like we saw in "Hellfire area - In TBC
Fel Reavers were not world bosses
There is one. His name is Stitches.
@@Sistik123 ok, but it was something you dident do alone =)
@@monocerotis6917 Generally you could solo with a pet class.
@@monocerotis6917Bro how can you be this braindead?
Every comment you make is a mistake, your mother should of swallowed you it seems.
If you thibk the fel reaver is a world boss that cant be solo'd, why are you even playing this game? You are definitely the type of retard to whipe a group in hardcore wow because you didnt pull back your pet and it overpulled :)
I have never played wow in my life (31 yo) these changes to the classic game are making me want to pick the game up for the first time ever!
if you have enough free time I recommend classic wow :)
😄 THIS isn't the Classic game.
You'll enjoy it even more with the level scalling to 25 then 40 and so on. It will allow people to don't rush levels as it is nowadays but take their time, enjoy regions and quests. Try different classes etc...
I wish many potential new player will see here the opportunity to understand the really First history of The world of Warcraft and will love it as much as we did when we discovered it :).
Welcome on board sir ! o7
@@chrisoconor9314 nobody suggested it was either
You feel like Devestate 1H/S could work in world pvp?
Hello, first thanks a lot for the video ! I always really like your approach and I'm waiting for the next one every time one is finishing ;).
There is one thing I would like to point out though :
Problem of warrior in classic : They are doing too much dps in the dps metter as you showed but are relying on other for many things and lack utilities.
What do we do in Sod ? : Give warrior more DPS... xd
Really it's a joke, they'll stay absolute god in PVE but will be target dummies in PvP. Warbringer is a really cool talent, why don't bring more things like this and buttons to press instead of flat DPS ?
I'm quite disappointed, I expected something like warbringer and this will feel really satisfying, but I expected more like Stormblade, 2 x 2H weapons, lmobility boost, maybe a fear that instead of throwing the enemy away would attract him in melee until take some hits... This kind of things and not everything in the same time. I love the way runes are implemented because it forces people to make choices and it's how life is !
I didn't took warbringer to do more dammage and now I'm root by a mage that I can't reach, it is how it is and next time I will bring warbringer. But maybe this time I would lake 50hp dps to kill my ennemi... ;)
Here are my thoughts, I'm super hype by SoD and really think it's gonna be a blast. Just wish warrior would have a bit of love in the funny wtf way all class are having.
I'm open to friendly discussions guys even more if you don't agree with me.
Much love,
Man, gladiator stance was amazing. I loved it so much.
Warriors charging in combat, and healing. It's a game charger for sure.
Gladiator stance? My beloved may return?! I was looking at playing Hunter or Priest but getting Gladiator Stance back would change my mind.
I am happy, that the give the Thunder Clap Rune. So you not need to switch stances and you also can use Charge in Defence Stance. So it looks here the want to strenght the Shield/One Hand Warrior in Defence Stance.
I look forward to the Shaman Overview. I thing the Tanksbuffs on this class, looks decend.
Even if Warrior is 'bad' at the beginning I will still play it, warr for life zug zug 😂
Thank you for your insight on these early runes.
I am looking to get into WoW come SoD and try out a warrior but so far I know nothing about them.
Is there an in depth guide on how to play?
I remember there was a player who revolutionized warrior in Vanilla (?) when at the time warriors were deemed a weak class but after his awakening Blizzard even had to nerf warriors?
The individual was named something with a _C_ and there was also a _q_ and probably an _x_ for good measure in the name. I could also remember this completely wrong though.
Anyon know who or what "warrior revolution" I am referring to?
His name was Indalamar, and he was actually hired by Blizzard. He's passed away now though, at 41.
Can't wait for your paladin breakdown
Especially after martyrdom nerf
@FrogLover-nh3mu You know again 25 and 3 Roon slots of A potential 10 or 14.
And blizzard tinted at new items too We don't know what things are going to look like at 60 till we get thar
2H Fury is very slept on and can compete with DW with decent RNG
Yoooo gladiator stance hype!
Warrior hype! Warrior hype!
I feel like 2 handed fury will be beast mode at max lvl
Tanking specs or hybrid tanks I feel like are gonna be menacing in pvp.
With 150% weapon damage on devastate I wonder if tanking with a two-hander will be viable.
Read tooltip, you can't use Devestate without a shield equipped and in protection stance. So its a pure Sword n Board rune.
"When in defensive stance and have a shield equipped".
My thought exactly. I heard that the quad rewards will be revamped but the staff from WC would he so overpowered at that level lol
I should have actually read the tooltip, thanks for pointing that out haha@@Willias
Probably still top dogs but if the runes continue to offer more utility they may be fitted into more varied groups thus brining the total per raid down.
I know we are only getting 25 to start but it carries over.
In classic the best pumper groups were
Horde: 4x Warrior, 1x Resto Shaman doing totem twisting.
Alliance: 4x Warriors, 1x Priest for PoH during AOE. (Could sub for paladin for auras or Hunter for AP/NR or another warrior if none of those were necessary)
However just with the runes that have been released so far I could see
Horde: 3x Warrior, 1x Hunter, 1x Enhance Shaman
Alliance: 3x Warrior, 1x Feral Druid, 1x Ret Paladin
Makes for a drop in total number of warriors and increase in formerly non-meta specs even if individually those warriors would be doing more damage due to having WF/Kings
Blood Frenzy looks cool. I love going impale on my warriors
Please bring back Glad Stance. I know I’m biased because I actually liked WoD, that stance is so fun and amazing though it made me get a warrior.
2 hand fury will be an absolut beast in SOD
If the runes have solved the rage generation problem, warrior will be even greater.
I'm Just a bit Concerned about weapon skill affecting melee specs
are there any News about that ?
Maybe enchants for + skill or something
Yes, they said they will add items in the future with weapon skill so that racials don’t feel mandatory
What I want to see is fast 2-handers being viable, unfortunately even with these changes slower weapons will still be preferred over faster ones because of windfury and being able to proc it with instant attacks, not to mention whirlwind.
As long as I don't have to walk around wearing leather I'm happy! Looking like pretty much all classes will be awesome.
i thought about this as well, i think we're defo gonna be wearing a mix all the way upto 60, but i do kinda hope they add more plate loot for pre-raid BIS between 55-60 just to free up loot tables a bit.
Ngl doesnt feel good as a warrior rogue or hunter if your all fighting over the loot, and now enhancement shamans are a proper think and feral druids, they'll be wanting some of the leather pieces also.
It feels personal that I’m still waiting for Paladin
I feel the same way about Shaman.
feel the same way about getting my pipi sucked
@@WillEmmolook forward to it! Loving the SoD content
Paladin got giganerfed before release. Seal of Martyrdom used to be a 3 target cleave in the blizzcon demo, dealing 2% of the damage you do as damage to your life. Its now a single target effect only, and it deals 10% of damage done to youeself as well. It was needed though. 3 person cleave on every swing is just too good. Especially now with divine storm and crusader strike available.
Fury just seems even stronger with the rest of the cast of classes getting a lot better, but not even better to the point they would have been better then vanillia fury.
2h fury was very viable back then. Glad its even more viable. :)
I like how they want warriors to go full berserker mode in Season of Mastery 👍
So in SOD warriors should go fury while leveling?
I’m hoping glad stance gets back
Down with warrior dominance!
Devastate is going to be amazing.
As they even buff the tanks damage, i really hope they make the mobs stronger, otherwise this will be as boring as leveling in wrath where u can just pull as many mobs as you want without being able to die.
It will be a slog and I don’t think they ll buff mobs statwise after SoM. Sadly ppl tend to overreact to things like pve content buffs cause old men hands
I dont understand, so blizz is changing classic wow classes?
It's Season of Discovery. A special new kind of wow with classic as base to make some experimentation, balance classes, add some contents and several other things that we ignore at the moment :)
@@Thibrahimovic You can clearly tell you are a wow player, a naruto profile picture sure is something for 40 year olds at this point in time
Love your vids wille
Im actually more hyped for warrior now than in any other classic Iteration. Being the best by default is off putting for me.
I think the only viable thing on 25 is a Fury Warrior Tank with 2H Weapon & Runes. Protection, even with Devastate, could never hold threat against anything. The other tanks are just miles ahead. And as a normal DPS? They just miss all their abilities! However, 2H DPS will still get their raid spot should 2H Tank prove too squishy, because your Hunters, Rogues and Rets want Sunder & Shout.
Warriors will be crazy at 40 though ^^ I'm looking forward to this!
We'll see, I think the prot devastate build will prove to be decent at 25. Hard to say late game since we don't know all of the runes we will have by then, but I think a prot fury type spec with devastate and more aggro runes will be very strong later on for both threat and survivability.
@@willwatson3343 Devastate requires a shield though. So it's probably a niche rune for bosses that you'd usually wear one on, like Lashlayer.
Same for Lv. 25 by the way. But I still believe Fury are the talents to pick. It's more flexible and you'll be expected to bring Imp. Battle Shout.
@@bisalissy3846 We'll have to see, I'd guess end game bosses are going to be stronger given how many runes we'll have by 60 so maybe shields will be more suirable.
@@bisalissy3846you’re seriously devaluing Devastate spam. If you have enough rage you will be like a rogue with infinite energy. The loss of the offhand is nominal as the dual wield penalty and glancing blows make your offhand not so great, especially before having 15% hit or so
@@CH-es1ri Well before you have enough Hit & Weapon Skill, 2H is the way to go ^^ Especially with the new runes. And 10 Man Raids usually don't generate enough rage anyway.
Shield will just always be worse for Damage & Threat - either compared to 2H or compared to DW. Unless they add something like "You deal 50% more Damage / Threat while wearing a shield" later on.
It's about time. Though i don't think they will be the underdogs, more like middle of the pack perhaps as other classes start pushing high, as it should be. Game being dominated by 1 or 2 classes is not good at all.
I just hope they are viable in PVP
@@Nick-fb9nt A good warrior with potions/engi were already monsters in pvp. They are going to be nuts with the warbringer.
@@JR-wf5kg Ye, being able to charge in combat will turn them into insane, unhinged wrecking balls, it's their one weakness in current Classic era against kiters. Thank green jesus devs didn't give em Heroic leap, that would have been f**ked.
There isn't enough information to form any kind of opinion about how warriors will perform at end game.
@@robertp457We already know Warriors are the best dps in raids, they can only go up with buffs
Which best race for horde and allianc3 as warrior hmm
Heroic strike should only generate threat if you're prot and should scale based on weapon damage. Also cleave should hit 5 targets and when any enrage effect is active warriors should auto-crit everything with 0% miss chance. Thunder clap should also benefit from windfury and shield wall should just be a bubble usable by all specs even if you've not wearing a shield. Come on blizz, warriors are only going to barely be in the top 2 dps classes, step it up!
I think WillE is sleeping on warriors. As a Warrior main for the last 16ish years I can say that these changes look friggin' juicy. 2 ways to get 25% bonus damage and it stacks? Multiple new abilities that just do instant raw damage? Rend actually being more useful than just preventing rogues from going stealth? Bonus rage generation? I mean my pants are wet looking at all these options. And with the additional Warbringer perk I can honestly say that classes that needed to kite Warriors before better learn to do it better now because we are going to be even MORE deadly in the pocket.
From my experience warrior will be a pwn0r class in the end. no matter how much they scale down or buff other classes, the design and item dependency both works for benefit of warriors more than any other classes.
as for hunters; its quite the opposite in that manner. 1 goes up and up and up and other goes , no "stays" almost the same dmg out put. thats why ppl cryout the sod begining hunters op and now no one f about this.
WillE, call blizz up and buff SMITE! 👊🏻 we need Angel form, cherubim’s blade, and seraphim’s harp!
Rune 1:Angel Form
1. +10% hit for holy spells
2. +5% crit
3. -15% spell damage taken
4. Cannot cast heals nor shadow spells.
Rune 2: cherubim sword and seraphim’s harp.
Cherubim’s Sword
1. Permanent ranged pet (untargetable)
2. Casts blade beam on a 2.5 second cast. Blade Beam that hits a target and splits off to 2 nearby targets. 10% chance to cause Holy Fire to be instant cast and 50% spell cost.
3. Party buff: increases party spell haste by %.
4. CD: parries for the priest, increases priests parry by % at low HP.
5. CD: disarms target target for 5-seconds
Seraphim’s Harp
1. Permanent ranged pet (untargetable)
2. Channels a song for damage to target and increases spell damage taken by %.
3. Seraphim’s song can reset the CD on Penance.
4. CD to increase party’s healing received by%.
5. Increases priests movement speed at low HP.
6. 3 min CD to pacifies enemy target for x-seconds.
Surge Of Light Talent
Cherubim sword’s Blade Beam and Seraphim’s Harp song can also trigger SoL.
New Wille video to start the day. LFG!
I've been making the joke that "You asked for Classic Plus, and they gave you Classic Different." This isn't even that close. It's more like "Retail Minus." I can't wait for all of you to get off my realms. Have fun!
2 handed dps has always been viable
As he mentioned they performed well. still wasen't really close to dualwield though.
I am making a two-handed fury warrior after watching this.
My prediction is that Warriors will be a late bloomer where other classes will peak early and fall off
Yo WillE Flagellation is 20% damage now after the nerfs not 25
2H is more prevalent for this level 25 cap simply because playing fury dual wield sub-60 is just bad. We will definitely see more runes as SoD goes on geared towards fury dual wield
2:21 vid starts.
I’ll shit myself if Gladiator Stance is real. Omg I can’t wait
Wow turbonerds cumming over having an ability that literally does nothing
They gonna make me play fury again, damn them. xD
Gotta wait 30 seconds for the tank to build aggro then you can DPS.
I think Warlock tank builds will be end-game, and PvP gods.
The only reason why warriors were so good in Classic was world buffs. They benefited a lot more than any other class did and those world buffs dropped constantly.
So many of these runes are just boring buffs for Warriors... Kind of missing the point of what runes should be IMO. versions of shockwave, titans grip, shattering throw, bladestorm, heroic leap, ravager... I'm sure some of those are coming in the future but wow are many of these current ones zzz
completely agree.
DO we have TO HAVE the clickbait TITLE ???1????1111
Your video is good... no need to sell yourself short.
This information is outdated as the SoD patch yesterday changed a ton of runes.
God dang WillE is grinding out these videos. He's going to be burned out before the SoD hits.
Tell me you haven't had a job without telling me you never had a job
@@MycketTuffthis is his job 😂
06:34 correction: BRE slam spec for horde actually did more than what dual spec can do in end game, but it requires a really good player that follows swingtimer perfectly.
Yea, this is a lie. It was pretty good in BWL, but then got worse and worse with more phases and gear and never out-parsed dual wield, except for AoE
Do we even know how realms there will be at launch?
It’s going to be a mess isn’t it?
Clickbait title? Warriors did like 1k+ in complete runs basically 50-100% than other classes. Now they will do like 1,3-1,5k in complete raids and like 2-3k on bosses while other classes maybe do half lol
What do we want? More content!
When do we want it? ASAP
still gonna tank as furry if runes are swap on demand, kinda upset we dont get the 6% crit reduction other tanking runes got
other tanks don't have shield block
@@Willias Are you sure about that?
What makes you think they won't get it later on?
Warrior is pretty much already crit immune with shield block
Can't swap runes in combat though, but still
removing stance requirements is BAD, this is classic. they should just make the current effect better or different than removing a core class feature.
Rend: We are so Back!
I literally thought he said flatulation
I watch these and wonder to myself... Is this Classic+ or do people expect even more? Personally I'm so hyped I think about coming back after leaving after Karazhan.
Some expected more and some less. I see this seson as an experiment and I think it is a really good move from Blizz to just throw something at us and watch what works or not. If they have a good learning from this then I am optimistic we get some crazy wow classic content in the future
It's nowhere near classic plus, but it's something. An interesting experiment at least.
A good way to think about it imo is that this is all expermental and Blizz has been very clear they will be adding and changing things around! So even if something is OP/underpowered for a few weeks/month it won’t be permanent like it is in classic vanilla
holy smokes im going fury warrior
They always were in pvp tho.
Gladiator Stance, My Beloved.
Please make it be true.
glad stance please I BEG YOU
So all these cooldowns and things stacked up together with death wish at max level, seems like it’s going to be ridiculous on top of what warriors could already do. And bosses last what less than a minute. Sounds OP to me
Pushing 2h warriors but not 2h enhancer is bonkers
Dont cry and feel the pain from ret pala!!!
I really don't like the rune that makes 2-h warriors hit faster. I'd much rather hit harder, than faster, from a class fantasy perspective. Fury already makes you hit fast, so why not make arms hit hard and slow.
2h warrs were able to compete with dual wield... well only on horde tho
Warriors will still be the top.
This video aged like MILK. And it only took 2 weeks 😅
Warriors are trash lol what are you talking about
"Warrior was the undisputed king...." **laughs in Shadow Priest PvP**
The new balance update is not included in this video. This vid is outdated
Come on ,make paladin!!
Challenge Accepted
Warriors will never yield never submit
so warriors in theory can get 180% damage with all buffs running and kings/windfury on both factions? and people think this class wont compete? maybe early sure but past the 25 bracket it wont be fair