Some very useful tips there. Around the 14 minutes point. When I add data like that to a sheet, I cut or copy the entire rows an then insert cut/copied rows at my intended point in the sheet. Would this also pick up the existing conditional formatting? That's assuming, of course, I haven't already converted the sheet into a Table which, after watching so many videos, is highly unlikely.
Glad you got something useful from the video 👍I haven't tested the insert copied cells / rows thing myself. My guess is that it won't split the formats unless what you are cutting in already has conditional formats on it...but that is only a guess. Maybe try it out and let us all know the result 👍John
I cannot understand how you do not have more subscribers
Thanks John
Thanks for your support John 👍 If you get a chance, let me know any video topics you think would be good for me to cover.
Some very useful tips there.
Around the 14 minutes point. When I add data like that to a sheet, I cut or copy the entire rows an then insert cut/copied rows at my intended point in the sheet. Would this also pick up the existing conditional formatting? That's assuming, of course, I haven't already converted the sheet into a Table which, after watching so many videos, is highly unlikely.
Glad you got something useful from the video 👍I haven't tested the insert copied cells / rows thing myself. My guess is that it won't split the formats unless what you are cutting in already has conditional formats on it...but that is only a guess. Maybe try it out and let us all know the result 👍John