No comments?! This is incredible content. Brave seems like such a friendly and helpful Corp. Thank you so much for making these classes public. Old player returning. I never took the game too seriously past hi-sec mission running. But now that I'm back playing and trying to take all the game has to offer, these classes are priceless.
No comments?! This is incredible content. Brave seems like such a friendly and helpful Corp. Thank you so much for making these classes public. Old player returning. I never took the game too seriously past hi-sec mission running. But now that I'm back playing and trying to take all the game has to offer, these classes are priceless.
Thank you for this! I'm hoping to get into some of these classes soon!
Great class, super useful
Oh man, this takes me back
Is Brave recruiting? I checked Corps and there are so many Brave Corps is difficult to tell which are real or not?
Brave is always recruiting - checkout or our wiki to find out more.