Curious => if the rapture is what the BOC has been looking for => and every so called Christian since Paul’s mystery revelations have died w/o seeing it => including Les Feldick => how glorious could it be and why spend any time teaching it? Les clearly believed less than 3% would become believers and since 100% of the BOC have went to the grave for the last 2000 years => then => even less than 1% of 1% will live to see it, so why teach like it’s important ? IMO => Les and others are believers like me (in grace alone by the D,B & R)…..but I’m a partial preterist…..and believe Les and the overwhelming vast majority of believers are deceived by Satan (just like the world) regarding WHEN we live => on the biblical timeline…..
We love lesfeldick and his family and his ministry. we've been watching him for years because I recorded his programs and we play them over and over again while we are playing Scrabble and that way we get to hear the true teaching of the Bible. When you tell other people about rightly dividing the word they don't want to hear it. They just have it all blenderized like Les says. Thank God for Les and his ministry. We will see you and your family and the ministry family in heaven one day! We love you we watch you almost everyday! You're the best! I just wish other people would listen. But we do tell other people to watch your program so I hope that they will. Lots of love Cathy and Marvin
AMEN TO THAT, brother Wade!!!!! God bless you and your family, and may you continue to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!!!!❤❤❤❤😊😊😊😊
Thank you for these precious uploads. I never truly appreciated the Apostle Paul until I listened to our BRILLIANT Brother Les. I learn something new & deeper every day. Thank you for all the uploads cause 1/2 hour on telly is just not enough. See y'all here, there, or IN THE AIR 😙🤗
AMEN TO THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!❤❤❤😊😊😊 God bless you and your family, and may you continue to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.❤❤❤❤😊😊😊😊
Denominations held me captive in what I was learning. I was taught these men who studied under leadership knew and understood the truth. BUT each demonmination differed. I did not trust myself to know. BUT PAUL opened my eyes and answered my questions. I knew I was sed and my search had ended. No one listens to what I try to tell them but I count on the Holy Spirit to use what I said in a further time
AMEN TO THAT, sister Janice!!!!!! God bless you and your family, and may you continue to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!❤❤❤❤😊😊😊😊
AMEN TO THAT!!!!! God bless you and your family, and may you continue to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!!❤❤❤❤😊😊😊😊
There have been few people in human history as biblically literate as Origen of Alexandria. He published the first ever critical edition of the Old Testament, comparing the Proto-Masoretic Hebrew to multiple Greek versions of the text. He wrote commentaries on nearly every book of the Bible. With all due respect, you don't know what you're talking about.
@@ElasticGiraffe Replacement theology is the most destructive heresy that has brought Christendom to a level of un-sound doctrine and taught people to believe they are Israel or spiritual Israel and goes against right dividing dispenssationally. Origen did that. Whatever good they may have done, it's the heresy they will be remembered for. Faith is taking God at his word and the sun, the moon and the stars are still in the heavens, so is Israel a nation today.
AMEN TO THAT!!!!!! God bless you and your family, and may you continue to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!!❤❤❤❤😊😊😊😊
IT REALLY BLOWS my mind!! 🤭Old sentence"( I'm 69) . Back in the day!.. . When I was TRYING TO BE HYPER CHARISMATIC" .. Turned off Les FELDICK. . Thinking I could DO everything ..our LORD JESUS CHRIST did! . ( was soooo"! Dumb) . DIDN'T KNOW/ Understand DESPENSATIONAL TEACHING.!! . got STUCK. In a church THAT REALLY ignored APOSTLE PAUL!! . church people Trusting in Their ,," GIFTS" . SAD,!!!! GALATIANS CHAPTER 1 SAYS.. if! We or an ANGEL!!! ( you know the rest) . APOSTLE PAUL'S GOSPEL Or 🔥🔥🔥🔥.
AMEN TO THAT, brother Kent!!!!! Also see: MARK 7:*6-9,*13; COL. 2:*4,*8,(9),13,*14-15,16-17,(18-23); 2 PET. 3:*15-16; 1 COR. 15:*1-4; 2 COR. 4:(2),*3-4; GAL. 1:*1,*(6-9),*11-12,*15-16; TIT. 1:*14,*(15-16). God bless you and your family!❤❤❤❤😊😊😊😊
2,000 years until Gen 12, 2,000 years under law until Christ death, 2,000 years of the Grace age. It is know 2018. Christ died at 33 yes. old do you think this world will go on any longer than the age Christ was crucified at? and oh yes the last 1,000 years back under law. We are a heavenly body. The Jews are an earthly body. This leads one to think would Christ be 18 today pleading with the world because of what's to come.
Also...another Church Father that Les forgot to mention was a man called Justin Martyr. He was a 2nd Century Christian apologist who vehemently defended the faith, all the way to his martyrdom in AD 165. Justin Martyr wrote many defenses of the Church, one of which had to do with Christian worship. The Romans were hearing many stories concerning Christian rituals involving, among other things, cannibalism. Justin Martyr, writing in about AD 150, explained how a Christian worship service went. As he describes it, you'd think he was talking about a modern day Catholic service. Here is what he has to say when it came time to celebrate the Eucharist: “We call this food Eucharist, and no one else is permitted to partake of it, except one who believes our teaching to be true and who has been washed in the washing that is for the remission of sins and for regeneration [i.e., has received baptism] and is thereby living as Christ enjoined. For not as common bread nor common drink do we receive these; but since Jesus Christ our Savior was made incarnate by the word of God and had both flesh and blood for our salvation, so too, as we have been taught, the food that has been made into the Eucharist by the eucharistic prayer set down by him, and by the change of which our blood and flesh is nurtured, is both the flesh and the blood of that incarnated Jesus” (First Apology, AD 151) So this idea of the Real Presence in the Eucharist (Transubstantiation) was being routinely practiced even before Irenaeus began writing on the subject around 25-30 years later. Just for kicks and giggles, here's what Ignatius of Antioch, writing 44 years BEFORE Justin Martyr, had to say about the Eucharist: “Take note of those who hold heterodox opinions on the grace of Jesus Christ, which have come to us, and see how contrary their opinions are to the mind of God. . . . They abstain from the Eucharist and from prayer because they do not confess that the Eucharist is the flesh of our Savior Jesus Christ, flesh that suffered for our sins and that the Father, in his goodness, raised up again. They who deny the gift of God are perishing in their disputes.” (Letter to the Smyrnaeans, AD 107). Remember, Ignatius was a man who learned the faith directly from the Big Three (Peter, Paul and John). He was ordained a priest by both Peter and Paul and was the third Bishop of Antioch after Peter and Evodius. As I said, he personally knew and was heavily influenced by the Apostle John, who wrote in his own Gospel: "So Jesus said to them, 'Very truly, I tell you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you. Those who eat my flesh and drink my blood have eternal life; and I will raise them up on the last day; for my flesh is true food and my blood is true drink. Those who eat my flesh and drink my blood abide in me, and I in them.'" (John 6:53-56) Sounds like even the earliest Christians, going back as early as the 1st Century, believed that Christ was truly present in the Eucharist.
Justin C That is what I call verseology, the Church of England cut the Apostolic vine and has starved to death, the Lutheran Church of Germany and Sweden cut the Apostolic vine and has starved to death. All of Protestantism is dying in Western Europe and we in central europe was killed like odious vermin because we were catholics. The atheists-communists were evil and knew who the enemy is. The Protestants used Romans 13-2 to safeguard their lives, we survived the death Protestants didn't, different rewards for the faithful and the cowards. The secret police said of Protestants, they are a bag of farts, they may smell bad, but they will not oppose us. So much for verseology. Panocrator and Theotokos is over the doors of the Kremlin once more, the Orthodox remained in the vine after 42 million dead. Eucharistic miracles and the Holy Fire are real your self selected verseology is not.
So what. Both Justin Martyr and Ignatius got it wrong. They were the "earthy church fathers", but not of the true Christian church. They were the early church fathers of the false ROMAN catholic church. Just like the early churches that Paul created turned against his teaching while he was still alive, all these people were confused early church members that got it wrong. It makes sense that these two you mentioned were taught under Peter and John. Both Peter and John even got it wrong early on. That's because the mystery was given to Paul by Christ, and it was not revealed to Peter and John. They had to learn it from Paul and it took them a while to figure it out. In the meantime they wrote letters in their confusion thinking they still needed to perform some of the law. They could not accept the pure grace message. Paul had to rebuke them for trying to steal his freedom in Christ. So it makes sense that they would teach their followers you had to eat bread in order to ingest Jesus. But once you understand Paul's message, it is very clear Jesus doesn't live in bread. He's the creator of the universe. Give me a break. We eat the Lord's supper to remember his sacrifice, as he told us to do this in memory of me. Yes he called it the bread of life and he called it real food. Just like he called himself a Vine and a gate, but we do not build religions around worshiping Vines and Gates. Clearly Jesus spoke in parables and spiritualized physical created objects to help us understand what is happening in the spiritual realm. So who cares about early church fathers. All I care about is my apostle that God gave revolution that applies to me today. That is pure grace and nothing else. Not water baptism. Not bread. Not sacraments. These are all man-made inventions by the Catholic church. The same church that burned alive anyone who dared to question the absolute authority of the Pope. The reason you can't read the writings of all the people that disagreed with your two Church fathers was because they were burned alive and their writings were all destroyed by your Catholic Church.
One last thing, John Chrysostom was born in the mid-4th Century and so could not have possibly been writing in the early-3rd Century. He was born in AD 349 (12 years after the death of the Emperor Constantine and 24 years after the Council of Nicaea) and died in AD 407. I have no doubt that Les's intentions are pure but he is severely misleading you as any Google search will be able to tell you. By that time, many of the doctrines that Les claims Chrysostom helped to pioneer had been laid down more than 250 years before he was even born. Also...Constantine didn't make Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire with his Edict of Milan in AD 313. He merely made it legal. In fact, Constantine didn't become a Christian himself until just before he died and the religion wasn't made the official religion of the Roman Empire until AD 380.
Well the reason why he follows Paul more than Christ is because Christ had to fulfill the covenants of Abraham and it didn't have a thing to do with the Gentiles dogs and Paul was divinely choosn after Jesus's death to bring the age of grace and the mysteries that was never know, look at 3 Peter and read what he has to say about Paul, and remember the Gentiles were without Christ or God in the world the then known world until Paul came on the scene because the Bible Old Testament and part of the new are for Jews only at that time and if you have any questions don't be scared to call him he won't bite you he will simply answer your questions, I really don't like to discuss anything like this unless I can look you in the eyes I'm not trying to be rude it's just cuz it's usually a waste of time, but that is the truth
God Bless you for Helping with the full teachings of our Lord. I would strongly reccomend people to listen to the EWTN show called The Journey Home. Many are on You Tube. I so admire so many Heads of non-Catholic Faiths Looking Back to those Early Church Fathers to see what the church looked before any divisions and from those who learned from the deciples or deciplrs of the deciples. This os what caused almost all of them to realized which church of today is the same as back then. To claim that St Paul revealed new secrets the Jesus did not teach in the Gospels makes no sense. Paul was a deciple of Jesus. And any deciple teaching other than what Jesus taught would cease to be a Christian. Why do you think Jesus showed us the final Judgement in the Gospel? When he separated the Goats (those going to hell) from the Sheep (Those going to heaven). They were all baptized..yet those who did not help the Least of their Brothers and Sisters Did not do that to Jesus and went to Hell. Those who fed the hungry, clothed the naked, visited prisoners..etc. They did that to Jesus. Both groups asked Lord when did not or did I do this to you? And those who do not eat of the son of Man have no life in you..And his blood of the new covenant... "For my Body is True Food...etc. And my Blood is true drink.. Over One third of our Lord's Followers walked away after this teaching. Jesus did not call them back saying it was just a symbol. He then turned to his deciples and asked will you too leave me? Peter given the answer from God the Father answered.. You are the Christ, the son of Living God.. This is when our Lord Changes Simons name to Peter the Rock...I will build my church on you..Thus making him the first Papa or Pope to stand in as head of his church after our Lord leaves our earthly world. And gave the doctrine of infallability for church teachings only by saying the Gates of Hell shall not Prevail... Protect your Salvation with Fear and Trembling.. Also refutes Once saved, do nothing or do evil breaking every commandment, no works of mercy. God gave us free will to live as he taught us to or not. We choose Heaven or Hell with how we choose to live each and everyday of our life. Do we live as Jesus taught us to or not. Please Read the Beatitudes and how Jesus seperated the Goats from the Lambs...
American Woman you are very mislead and the catholic religion is pagan. You need to watch Les Feldick videos starting with Genesis or jump in at Romans. Les will help you understand the truth either way.
We Christians, both young and old must flock to listen to these clever and well versed speakers because we cannot understand the Bible ourselves. Now, was the Bible written by Yahweh so that we couldn't make sense of most of it? Of course He wouldn't have done such a thing ... but it happened. It happened not by Him but by evil and sometimes ignorant men who translated it incorrectly by error or deliberate means. They've also altered, added, changed and/or removed a lot of text in the Bible so that what we have in a convoluted mixture of confusing stories and and verses we cannot understand. That's where our so-called Bible "experts" descend upon us or we go to them in order to "help us understand." A few are well meaning but many are know-it-all types who think they know and some are well paid shills for the evil one.
Redsky B Do you really have that much trouble understanding the Bible? You shouldn’t if you rightly divide, follow Coverdale, and understand dispensations. Do you really believe our KJ Bible is that flawed? “Altered, added, changed, removed” parts of God’s Word...allowed by God? Not hardly. God would not give us His directives “flawed.” I think you forgot that He oversaw it all. God would not mislead us like you say.
@@deannewilliams6897 Yes the KJV is with errors and mis-translations. Satan wouldn't have it any other way. Maybe in time you'll come to understand this or maybe you'll continue to blindly believe it's 100% accurate.
RedSky You give Satan too much power and God too little. All Bible translations could not possibly be polluted by Satan. How would God get the Truth out if they were? How could “these clever and well versed speakers” understand the Bible if their Bibles were incorrect? I know for a fact Les Feldick only uses the King James Bible. Using the King James Bible is the only one to use if you are following Paul’s instructions in ll Timothy 2:15. All it’s scripture fit like a puzzle with all its pieces. Are there a few errors in the King James Bible? Of course. But you won’t find a closer translation from the pure word of God than the KJB. Modern translations are junk. They are a far cry from the pure original and are Satanically produced by unbelieving Bible Scholars. You have also left the Holy Spirit out of your argument. Aren’t Believers promised guidance from the Holy Spirit? Therein is the real secret to understanding the Bible ourselves along with God’s instructions to “rightly divide the Word of Truth.” For this you do need gifted teachers filled with the Holy Spirit to teach you. Les is an excellent teacher of “rightly dividing.”
@@deannewilliams6897 "Rightly Dividing" That's Les's schtick and he's used it for decades. So the Bible is translated absolutely correct right? Luke 14:26 says: If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, ... Do you follow that verse? Do you hate your parents and children? Do you hate yourself?Do you hate your spouse, your siblings and do they ALL hate you? What a dysfunctional family !! If the answer is no (according to the verse) then none of you are His disciples, nor Les. Can't you even consider that something isn't right with this verse? There is no rational explanation other than this verse was mis-translated either by error or deliberately. Can you also explain why when Elisha cursed many children in "the Lord's" name God immediately sent 2 bears from the woods to attack and kill 42 of the children? (2nd Kings 2:23-24). Accurate verses .... but NOT Christ-like what Elisha did. Elisha did no wrong, his curse brought an direct response. According to the New Testament Elisha would be the one who got whacked. So confusing isn't it.
RedSky I did not say that the Bible is translated absolutely correct. Please read my comment again. Oh my dear, Luke 14:26 is not mis-translated or in error. In the days when Christ was here on Earth there was a division among the people because of Jesus. There was even a greater division after His death and resurrection in the days of the apostles. There is a still greater division in the world today because of Jesus (Luke 11:23; John 7:41, 43; John 9:16; John 10:19-21). Luke 12:51, “ Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division.” Look at all the divided nations, cities, and communities divided because of Jesus. Do you think it doesn’t happen in families? I assure you I know it does. The parents are devout Christians, but their child wants nothing to do with God. You think this doesn’t cause hate? Division in families has always existed. Parents turn their backs on children who don’t love God. A side has to be picked. Jesus or the child because Christ declares, “he that is not with me is against Me” (Luke 11:23). Even God hates unbelievers. He says in Malachi 1:3 and Paul repeats in Romans 9:13, “Jacob I loved, but Esau I hated. It is supposed , because of the greek words, qutan na’ar, in ll Kings2, that the translator used the wrong word and the mockers were not “little children.” It’s clear they had a good amount of theological understanding. As for the “NOT Christ-like behavior” of Elisha, God didn’t disagree, for they were really mocking God. They were from a corrupt nation that had turned its back on God. God punished a lot of unbelievers, the heathen, in the Old Testament.
This is background Info, only! Jesus was addressing the 12 JEWISH Disciples and ISRAEL, UNDER THE LAW, [KINGDOM ground/the Gospel of the Kingdom message/a JEWISH message to a JEWISH audience], NOT the GENTILE (predominantly) Body of Christ, UNDER GRACE (in this Dispensation/Age of GRACE) we're living in, today.
They turned away from the teachings from God,to the ideas from men,falsely regarded as "church fathers" and the writings of "reformers",The Bible doesn't need interpreters.The Holy Spirit has that job.Disregard and ignore the later ammendments of men.
Okay...this guy is either ignorant of history or is willfully misleading his audience. For one...he skipped right over the writings of Ignatius of Antioch (AD 35-AD 108), a bishop of the early Church who was ordained by both Peter and Paul, and who also had been schooled personally by the Apostle John. He was martyred in Rome during the reign of the Emperor Trajan. Before he died, he managed to write seven letters to six different churches, plus a personal letter to a man named Polycarp (also a student of the Apostle John). In them he laid out the doctrine of transubstantiation, the importance of the role of the clergy in the early Church, the primacy of the Church in Rome, and also gave us the first known written use of the phrase "Catholic Church." He was writing in AD 107. Speaking of the primacy in the Church in Rome, a chap writing even earlier than Ignatius, a man by the name of Clement of Rome, gave us the first instance of this primacy. In his Epistle to the Corinthians, written somewhere between AD 85 and AD 95, Clement (who was the Bishop of Rome at the time) basically told the Church in Corinth to straighten up and fly right or risk being excommunicated. What were they doing? The younger members of the Corinthian Church were expelling the clergy from their midst. Concerned parishioners in Corinth wrote to Rome to settle the issue. Clement mentions this in his Epistle. The Corinthians listened to him and read aloud his epistle in church once a year all the way into the 6th Century. Now let's tackle Irenaeus. Your friend Les got the dates mixed up. Irenaeus wrote BEFORE Origen. Irenaeus was born sometime around AD 120 and was writing about Christianity by the mid-2nd Century. Guess who taught him about the faith? Our old friend Polycarp from my first paragraph. Irenaeus learned the faith from a man who had learned the faith from the Apostle John. Polycarp was only 27 years old in AD 107 when Ignatius was on his way to be martyred in Rome. He lived long enough to tutor Irenaeus before he, too, was martyred in AD 167. As for Origen? He wasn't born until about AD 184 and didn't write his first tome until sometime in the early 3rd Century, at least a decade after Irenaeus's death.
RollTide Roll Don't call Him ignorant call him by phone and he will explain whatever questions you have, I did and he knows his history very well, so you better be prepared for what your are asking, have it all wrote out, then make your comment.
If he knew his history he would not have gotten the Church Fathers or the dates they wrote from mixed up. There is also no reason to debate this guy as he completely discounts the Church Fathers' writings and also holds to a twisted interpretation of Paul's writings. Just listening to him talk, he seems to love Paul more than he loves Christ.
RollTide1987 But this is Protestant history, where Peter is not the primary Apostle but Paul, where Acts 9-31 "ekklesia katholikos" does not mean Catholic as mentioned by St Ignatius, but the ancestors of 48162 denominations. The church comes from the Bible not the Bible from the church. By 397AD all the Roman empire was Protestant Because they had the King James Bible, which Jesus dropped from his pocket into the sands of the sea of Galilee.
So called "early church fathers" are the pagans who gave us (not me I know better) the concept of hell as being an everlasting eternal fire in which the lost burn forever and ever. They should all be relegated to the dustbin of false teachers...
Thread Tools Search Thread Display #1 Old Jan 14, '15, 1:04 am RollTide1987 RollTide1987 is offline Junior Member Join Date: March 29, 2013 Posts: 107 Religion: Catholic Default Protestants who spread blatantly false information Below is a link to a video from a Baptist speaker sitting up in front of a lecture hall talking about the early Church Fathers. The pertinent information starts at the 36:00 mark in the video. This guy is so inaccurate it almost makes me believe he is doing this intentionally. A simple Google search on my iPhone could prove this guy wrong. For one, he places Origen as a writer in the second century when we get a vast majority of his stuff in the third century. He then places St. Irenaeus as a strictly third century Christian writer even though we all know he wrote in the middle and latter parts of the second century. He then places St. John Chrysostom as an author writing right after Irenaeus in the third century (even though Chrysostom wasn't born until the mid-fourth century). All the while he is attributing these guys as making up dogma as they go along, completely ignoring the writings of St. Ignatius of Antioch, St. Clement of Rome, St. Polycarp of Smyrna and St. Justin Martyr - writers who are writing too early for comfort for this guy. He then has the gall to suggest that St. Augustine invented Roman Catholicism in the fifth century. How do we save people from things like this? Especially uninformed Catholics (who this guy admits to converting to the Baptist denomination later on in the video). Reply With Quote #2 Old Jan 14, '15, 4:24 am LaVieDevote LaVieDevote is offline Trial Membership Join Date: January 4, 2015 Posts: 16 Religion: Catholic Default Re: Protestants who spread blatantly false information Consider his audience. He's most likely speaking to people who already hold disdain for the church, and they don't need any further convincing in their minds, so there's no need for him to present accurate information, the crowd will simply go along with it and take it as truth because it reinforces their already formed notions of the church. It's like Fulton Sheen once said. "There are not one hundred people in the United States who hate The Catholic Church, but there are millions who hate what they wrongly perceive the Catholic Church to be.” The best way to fight that is to counter ignorance and lies with knowledge and truth. In terms of how to protect Catholics in general, the same applies. A thorough grounding in Catholic beliefs and history, or at the very least the knowledge to assess claims made by others and judge their veracity. Reply With Quote #3 Old Jan 14, '15, 4:38 am Memaw Memaw is offline Regular Member Join Date: October 30, 2006 Posts: 4,910 Religion: Catholic Default Re: Protestants who spread blatantly false information Quote: Originally Posted by LaVieDevote View Post Consider his audience. He's most likely speaking to people who already hold disdain for the church, and they don't need any further convincing in their minds, so there's no need for him to present accurate information, the crowd will simply go along with it and take it as truth because it reinforces their already formed notions of the church. It's like Fulton Sheen once said. "There are not one hundred people in the United States who hate The Catholic Church, but there are millions who hate what they wrongly perceive the Catholic Church to be.” The best way to fight that is to counter ignorance and lies with knowledge and truth. In terms of how to protect Catholics in general, the same applies. A thorough grounding in Catholic beliefs and history, or at the very least the knowledge to assess claims made by others and judge their veracity. I always ask them if they believe in the 8th Commandment! What do you gain by winning converts with lies. Certainly not God's blessings! God Bless, Memaw Reply With Quote #4 Old Jan 14, '15, 4:49 am agnes therese's Avatar agnes therese agnes therese is offline Regular Member Book Club Member Join Date: August 18, 2010 Posts: 4,684 Religion: Roman Catholic Default Re: Protestants who spread blatantly false information Quote: Originally Posted by Memaw View Post I always ask them if they believe in the 8th Commandment! What do you gain by winning converts with lies. Certainly not God's blessings! God Bless, Memaw I don't know about this man in particular, but with many of these folks, it's not lies, it's ignorance. This is what they've been taught for years, and they've never felt the need to research it for themselves. And when you call them out on it, they really can't believe you. It's kind of sad, really. __________________ "When all is said and done, we are infinitely loved." Pope Francis, Evangelii Gaudium Reply With Quote #5 Old Jan 14, '15, 4:54 am Memaw Memaw is offline Regular Member Join Date: October 30, 2006 Posts: 4,910 Religion: Catholic Default Re: Protestants who spread blatantly false information Quote: Originally Posted by agnes therese View Post I don't know about this man in particular, but with many of these folks, it's not lies, it's ignorance. This is what they've been taught for years, and they've never felt the need to research it for themselves. And when you call them out on it, they really can't believe you. It's kind of sad, really. It's really hard to understand how in today's access to information, they can believe all that garbage. They close their minds to the TRUTH and continue to spread lies. If someone tells me the moon is made of green cheese, I'm gonna research until I find out if it's really true before I book a flight there! ( I love cheese). God Bless, Memaw Reply With Quote #6 Old Jan 14, '15, 6:08 am Hodegetria Hodegetria is offline Trial Membership Join Date: January 3, 2015 Posts: 187 Religion: Roman Catholic Default Re: Protestants who spread blatantly false information I suspect he'll disable his comments soon enough...he's got many people correcting him. That rapture stuff is a mystery indeed. My husband's best friend (now deceased) sold everything he owned in the 90's, gave it all to the Jehovah's Witnesses, and moved up to Maine in an old school bus to watch the end of the world come in on a small tract of land he owned... He came back about 4-5 years later completely broke and had to park his house-bus from place to place on friends' properties. That's commitment! But I felt sorry for his wife. Reply With Quote #7 Old Jan 14, '15, 7:33 am ProdglArchitect ProdglArchitect is online now Regular Member Join Date: July 18, 2012 Posts: 3,115 Religion: Roman Catholic Default Re: Protestants who spread blatantly false information Quote: Originally Posted by Memaw View Post They close their minds to the TRUTH and continue to spread lies. If someone tells me the moon is made of green cheese, I'm gonna research until I find out if it's really true before I book a flight there! ( I love cheese). God Bless, Memaw Honestly, I think it would depends on the type of cheese. If the moon were made of sharp cheddar, I'd probably already be there. To the OP, as others have said, it's usually not willfully lying, it's ignorance. As for why they don't research it, how many people do you know who willing challenge their own beliefs? Reply With Quote #8 Old Jan 14, '15, 7:38 am MaryT777 MaryT777 is online now Senior Member Join Date: November 23, 2012 Posts: 7,049 Religion: Catholic Default Re: Protestants who spread blatantly false information Quote: Originally Posted by Memaw View Post I always ask them if they believe in the 8th Commandment! What do you gain by winning converts with lies. Certainly not God's blessings! God Bless, Memaw Well said. Mary. Reply With Quote #9 Old Jan 14, '15, 8:07 am Church Militant's Avatar Church Militant Church Militant is offline Forum Elder Greeter Prayer Warrior Forum Supporter Book Club Member Join Date: November 10, 2004 Posts: 25,704 Religion: Catholic: Revert Cool Re: Protestants who spread blatantly false information Well Tide, you certainly stated a good case in your comments there. One of the things that struck me is his remarks about how about half his audience is "ex-Catholics", which is not all that surprising since there are some who themselves are ignorant of their faith and history (as I was for about 35 years) and so when someone like this fellow comes along, with a Bible in hand and quoting scripture as he does, it gives the impression of accuracy and credibility in spite of his errors. I noticed that he totally botched his teaching on what transubstantiation is since we know it takes place at the consecration and not upon reception. He goes on to state that Paul never taught that, which is completely wrong in the context of the following passages. 1st Corinthians 10:16-17 "16 The chalice of benediction, which we bless, is it not the communion of the blood of Christ? And the bread, which we break, is it not the partaking of the body of the Lord? 17 For we, being many, are one bread, one body, all that partake of one bread." 1st Corinthians 11:23-30 "23 For I have received of the Lord that which also I delivered unto you, that the Lord Jesus, the same night in which he was betrayed, took bread. 24 And giving thanks, broke, and said: Take ye, and eat: this is my body, which shall be delivered for you: this do for the commemoration of me. 25 In like manner also the chalice, after he had supped, saying: This chalice is the new testament in my blood: this do ye, as often as you shall drink, for the commemoration of me. 26 For as often as you shall eat this bread, and drink the chalice, you shall shew the death of the Lord, until he come. 27 Therefore whosoever shall eat this bread, or drink the chalice of the Lord unworthily, shall be guilty of the body and of the blood of the Lord. 28 But let a man prove himself: and so let him eat of that bread, and drink of the chalice. 29 For he that eateth and drinketh unworthily, eateth and drinketh judgment to himself, not discerning the body of the Lord. 30 Therefore are there many infirm and weak among you, and many sleep. " None of that would apply if St. Paul was speaking of a symbolic Eucharist. It defies all simple logic because you cannot become guilty of someone's body and blood by abusing a symbol. You're right that he seems to have ignored Justin Martyr which I bring up in my blog article What Was Authentic Early Christian Worship Really Like? __________________ Dominus meus et Deus meus Michael Apocalypsis Last edited by Church Militant; Jan 14, '15 at 8:22 am. Reply With Quote #10 Old Jan 14, '15, 9:25 am TimothyH TimothyH is offline Veteran Member Join Date: March 26, 2010 Posts: 9,784 Default Re: Protestants who spread blatantly false information Quote: Originally Posted by agnes therese View Post I don't know about this man in particular, but with many of these folks, it's not lies, it's ignorance. This is what they've been taught for years, and they've never felt the need to research it for themselves. And when you call them out on it, they really can't believe you. It's kind of sad, really. Non-Catholics don't have a monopoly on ignorance. I've heard some whoppers here on CAF. Recently someone said that John the Baptists is only quoted in John's Gospel and that Nicodemus had a conversation with John the Baptist in the Bible. It is a good bet that when someone says the word "Modernism" they don't have a clue what they are talking about. Limbo, physical vs real presence in the Eucharist... the list goes on. Sometimes I think it isn't even ignorance but people just making stuff up. We need to take the log out of our own eye and knowing when not to speak is sometimes a great virtue. -Tim- __________________ The beginning of the way, at the end of which you will find yourself completely carried away with love for Jesus, is a trusting love for Mary. - St. Josemaria Escriva Reply With Quote #11 Old Jan 14, '15, 10:35 am Gorgias Gorgias is offline Regular Member Forum Supporter Join Date: December 26, 2011 Posts: 4,774 Religion: Catholic Default Re: Protestants who spread blatantly false information Anybody who doesn't even know how to pronounce the names of the ECFs doesn't get my vote as someone who knows what he's talking about. (That being said, that doesn't mean that he's deliberately twisting the truth; maybe he's just indoctrinated. ) EDITED TO ADD: Oh. My. Goodness. Is this guy for real? I just got to the end of the video. "The mass of Christendom has turned away from Paul's message, and they've gone back to the Four Gospels... on which Roman Catholicism is totally based... The Gospels are the Word of God, but that's not where the Gospel for us is... the Gospel of grace, the Gospel of Paul." Wow. Just... wow. I think, if I ever met this man, I'd gently point him to 1 Cor 1:12-13 -- "I mean that each of you is saying, 'I belong to Paul' ... Was Paul crucified for you? Or were you baptized in the name of Paul?" I'll pray for this man; if he says 'yes' to Paul and 'no' to the Gospels... wow. __________________ Since a person should not be influenced by a like or dislike for the one stating the opinion, but rather by the truth, Aristotle says that we must respect both those whose opinion we follow and those we reject. For both have diligently sought the truth and have aided us in this. --St Thomas Aquinas Last edited by Gorgias; Jan 14, '15 at 10:55 am. Reply With Quote #12 Old Jan 14, '15, 1:02 pm zz912's Avatar zz912 zz912 is offline Regular Member Join Date: September 11, 2009 Posts: 3,262 Religion: Catholic Since 4/3/10 Default Re: Protestants who spread blatantly false information Great comments on the TH-cam page RollTide!! Reply With Quote #13 Old Jan 14, '15, 6:48 pm Cathoholic Cathoholic is offline Regular Member Forum Supporter Join Date: June 8, 2005 Posts: 1,281 Religion: Catholic Default Re: Protestants who spread blatantly false information Thanks RollTide for going onto TH-cam and defending the Faith. An act of charity to be sure. Inspiring and perhaps even a little convicting (maybe I should be doing such too) to people like me. God bless. Cathoholic Reply With Quote #14 Old Jan 14, '15, 8:33 pm TxGodfollower TxGodfollower is offline Junior Member Join Date: September 14, 2014 Posts: 279 Religion: None, personal relationship with Christ. Default Re: Protestants who spread blatantly false information Quote: Originally Posted by RollTide1987 View Post Below is a link to a video from a Baptist speaker sitting up in front of a lecture hall talking about the early Church Fathers. The pertinent information starts at the 36:00 mark in the video. This guy is so inaccurate it almost makes me believe he is doing this intentionally. A simple Google search on my iPhone could prove this guy wrong. For one, he places Origen as a writer in the second century when we get a vast majority of his stuff in the third century. He then places St. Irenaeus as a strictly third century Christian writer even though we all know he wrote in the middle and latter parts of the second century. He then places St. John Chrysostom as an author writing right after Irenaeus in the third century (even though Chrysostom wasn't born until the mid-fourth century). All the while he is attributing these guys as making up dogma as they go along, completely ignoring the writings of St. Ignatius of Antioch, St. Clement of Rome, St. Polycarp of Smyrna and St. Justin Martyr - writers who are writing too early for comfort for this guy. He then has the gall to suggest that St. Augustine invented Roman Catholicism in the fifth century. How do we save people from things like this? Especially uninformed Catholics (who this guy admits to converting to the Baptist denomination later on in the video). It seems your more upset that he got dates wrong, rather than his accusation on Augustine inventing Catholicism __________________ God Bless to all my Brothers and Sisters in Christ. p.s. please vote in my poll: Reply With Quote #15 Old Jan 14, '15, 9:25 pm Gorgias Gorgias is offline Regular Member Forum Supporter Join Date: December 26, 2011 Posts: 4,774 Religion: Catholic Default Re: Protestants who spread blatantly false information Quote: Originally Posted by TxGodfollower View Post It seems your more upset that he got dates wrong, rather than his accusation on Augustine inventing Catholicism The law of low-hanging fruit: if we want to demonstrate that he doesn't know what he's talking about, it's easier to point to the fact that he can't even get the time frame right. The notion that "Augustine invented Catholicism" is just as laughable -- but, people will believe what they want to believe, even if it's demonstrably wrong. But, if someone wants to dispute our claims, it's easier for them to say "you're wrong about Augustine" than it is to say "you're wrong about the ECFs' birthdates"... __________________ Since a person should not be influenced by a like or dislike for the one stating the opinion, but rather by the truth, Aristotle says that we must respect both those whose opinion we follow and those we reject. For both have diligently sought the truth and have aided us in this. --St Thomas Aquinas
The gospel of the kingdom, even though it's not written to us (gentiles), it's still truth. That's why the Apostle Paul instructs us to rightly divide the scriptures.
Origen also created the fraudulent Septuagint…not 72 rabbis a few hundred years earlier. Not sue what Les means when he says Origen wrote some good stuff. His examples are horrible things.
Ironically, Athanasius was one of the few prominent church fathers to NOT teach baptismal regeneration. There were men teaching baptismal regeneration long before Athanasius (like Justin, Irenaeus, Tertullian, Cyprian, etc.), and Athanasius didn’t even teach baptismal regeneration. Again, abject ignorance, but he’ll speak as if he knows what he’s talking about.
"For as we are all from earth and die in Adam, so being regenerated from above of water and Spirit, in the Christ we are all quickened." Athanasius, Four Discourses Against the Arians, Book III This sounds like a fairly standard affirmation of baptismal regeneration, though I find it wildly unlikely that Les Feldick ever read a word of Athanasius. I don't know of any major theological figure in the East or the West who disputed the doctrine prior to Zwingli, who said, revealingly, “In this matter of baptism-if I may be pardoned for saying it-I can only conclude that all the doctors have been in error from the time of the apostles." Calvin followed his lead, of course. Even within magisterial Protestantism, the rejection of baptismal regeneration was peculiar to the Swiss Reformation and the "Reformed" tradition.
@@ElasticGiraffe, He's literally quoting John 3:5. If that makes you affirm a sacramental baptismal regenerationist ex opere operato, then I guess we're all a bunch of heretics XD
Theophilus of Antioch also seems to deny baptismal regeneration Timothy Kauffman wrote an awesome series on the ECF denying BR Gavin Ortlund also sheds light on this "the things proceeding from the waters were blessed by God, that this also might be a sign of men’s being destined to receive repentance and remission of sins, through the water and laver of regeneration, - *as many as come to the truth, and are born again, and receive blessing from God.*" -Theophilus of Antioch someone cannot be born again without baptism according to BR Gavin Ortlund also uses an analogy that a graduate is technically still a graduate before the graduation ceremony but not formally they can apply for jobs as a graduate but they won't be formally a graduate which is what leads me to believe that Theophilus was referring to a formal "remission of sin" also you don't receive repentance through water
@@joshpeterson2451 He's alluding to John 3. Denying that water baptism plays a "regenerative" role in the life of the Christian is indeed novel and unorthodox from a long historical perspective. Baptism isn't just a symbolic skit that God insists we perform. Zwinglian or Baptist sacramentology is, not to put too fine a point on it, pointless and stupid.
@@ElasticGiraffe, That's not the case. In fact, there was a council in Elvira in the 4th century that explicitly said those who aren't baptized but die in the faith are justified because of their faith, not by their baptism. The early church fathers weren't afraid to use biblical language like, "born of water and of Spirit," "repent and be baptized for the forgiveness of sins," "baptism now saves you," "be baptized and wash away your sins," "baptism for the forgiveness of sins." Those are all biblical phrases, but so is, "Not the washing of dirt from the body, but an appeal to God for a good conscience through the resurrection of Jesus Christ." The church fathers didn't unanimously affirm baptismal regeneration, not at all. You need to keep reading the church fathers in order to understand what they actually taught about justification. Don't just yoink quotes and assume their theology.
You guys all have access to the internet, and perhaps libraries back home, so I'd very strongly recommend looking up the Church Fathers he's mentioning for yourselves and their teachings. I'd also recommend doing a little research on the Early Church itself and how the Bible was put together. I'm not sure if he himself is willfully ignorant, or he's just banking on his listeners being ignorant of some very basic Church history and not caring enough to fact-check him.
I really like and admire Les Feldick as a person, but his radically dispensationalist theology--emphasizing the Pauline epistles nearly to the point of dismissing the Gospels as irrelevant for non-Jewish Christians--is dangerously confused, and his knowledge of the Church Fathers is abysmal. :/
The Gospels are Old Testament, no matter how the pagan early church fools or any other group of Catholics divided them up. They have very little relevance for a Grace Age Christian... they are purely Jewish. Jesus was a Jew...a law keeping tithe paying temple worshiping sacrificing JEW.
Deplorable Me, An extreme sect within (already heterodox) late 19th-century dispensationalism decides the entire Christian world has gotten the New Testament wrong from the beginning, preaching a Judaizing "works-righteousness" based on the teachings of Christ Himself, and that the Gospels have no practical relevance for Christian life because Christ is Jewish and His immediate audience was Jewish. Perhaps following Jesus Christ and affirming one universal Gospel and Way of salvation for both Jews and Gentiles constitutes "paganism" or "Catholicism" where you come from, but here on Earth we call it Christianity.
A liberal church is one that takes liberty with the Word of God, twisting what God's Word says to justify a certain agenda or sin. Culminates by not righty dividing the scriptures.
One has to wonder if Paul and Elijah would have gotten along. I think Paul would've castigated Elijah for what he did, Elisha too. And you can be sure Elijah and Elisha would've ripped Paul a new rear exit. The unblemished lamb was sacrificed (Christ) for the House of Israel. Those of the unblemished Adamic race are Israel. Feldick and his wife say this is not so. Seems right to me.
You are blantonly wrong. No rapture, you are not a sinner as the Bible states that those only under the law were sinners. That is no one today. Paul was only talking to the lost sheep of Israel as God promised. That's no one today. Life will go one perpetually. The Bible was for Israel Only.
BY FAR the best Bible teacher ever, this side of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and our Apostle of GRACE ----- PAUL!!!!!!!!❤❤❤❤😊😊😊😊
I am soooooo grateful for Les Feldick...soooooo grateful he was called by God into his service
AMEN TO THAT, brother Taylor!!!!! God bless you and your family!❤❤❤❤😊😊😊😊
Curious => if the rapture is what the BOC has been looking for => and every so called Christian since Paul’s mystery revelations have died w/o seeing it => including Les Feldick => how glorious could it be and why spend any time teaching it? Les clearly believed less than 3% would become believers and since 100% of the BOC have went to the grave for the last 2000 years => then => even less than 1% of 1% will live to see it, so why teach like it’s important ?
IMO => Les and others are believers like me (in grace alone by the D,B & R)…..but I’m a partial preterist…..and believe Les and the overwhelming vast majority of believers are deceived by Satan (just like the world) regarding WHEN we live => on the biblical timeline…..
Les is the Best teacher ever.
After the Lord Jesus and Paul 😁🙏❤
@@jp194 true
DEFINATELY, this side of our precious Lord and Savior, JESUS CHRIST, and our Apostle of GRACE --------- PAUL!!!!!!!!!❤❤❤❤😊😊😊😊
We love lesfeldick and his family and his ministry. we've been watching him for years because I recorded his programs and we play them over and over again while we are playing Scrabble and that way we get to hear the true teaching of the Bible. When you tell other people about rightly dividing the word they don't want to hear it. They just have it all blenderized like Les says. Thank God for Les and his ministry. We will see you and your family and the ministry family in heaven one day! We love you we watch you almost everyday! You're the best! I just wish other people would listen. But we do tell other people to watch your program so I hope that they will. Lots of love Cathy and Marvin
AMEN TO THAT, brother Marvin!!!!! God bless you, Cathy, and the rest of your family!!!!❤❤❤❤😊😊😊😊
His teaching makes so much sense to me. It will be a remnant of believers. As the growing pains are all around us.
AMEN TO THAT, brother Ronald!!!!! God bless you and your family!!!!!❤❤❤❤😊😊😊😊
Best Bible teacher ever.
AMEN TO THAT, brother Wade!!!!! God bless you and your family, and may you continue to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!!!!❤❤❤❤😊😊😊😊
May God Bless you! Thanks for posting! Les Feldick is God's teacher of our Gospel. If people could only see how very simple salvation is!😇
AMEN TO THAT, Bell!!!!! God bless you and your family!!!!!❤❤❤❤😊😊😊😊
Thank you for these precious uploads. I never truly appreciated the Apostle Paul until I listened to our BRILLIANT Brother Les. I learn something new & deeper every day. Thank you for all the uploads cause 1/2 hour on telly is just not enough. See y'all here, there, or IN THE AIR 😙🤗
AMEN TO THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!❤❤❤😊😊😊 God bless you and your family, and may you continue to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.❤❤❤❤😊😊😊😊
Rejoice always rest Christ rose again, the finished work of the cross, the good news, the new covenant 🌷🌑👍
Please see: JER. 31:31-37; EPH. 2:11-12,13; HEB. 8:(6-7),*8-13.
Thanks again Rome. This is probably my 3rd or 4th time to listen to the sermon. : )
AMEN TO THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!❤❤❤❤😊😊😊😊
Glory to God❤
AMEN TO THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!❤❤❤❤😊😊😊😊
Denominations held me captive in what I was learning. I was taught these men who studied under leadership knew and understood the truth. BUT each demonmination differed. I did not trust myself to know. BUT PAUL opened my eyes and answered my questions. I knew I was sed and my search had ended. No one listens to what I try to tell them but I count on the Holy Spirit to use what I said in a further time
AMEN TO THAT, sister Janice!!!!!! God bless you and your family, and may you continue to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!❤❤❤❤😊😊😊😊
Love you Les!!
Faith in the Finished work of the cross + Nothing = Saved!
I enjoy listening to Brother Les
Kasper Petersen It sure does feel good! :)
AMEN TO THAT, sister Rosemarie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! God bless you and your family!❤❤❤❤😊😊😊😊
Amen!!! Folks don't or won't believe that simple message
Bless you Les, in Jesus's name. ❤🙏
AMEN TO THAT, sister Eileen!!!!! God bless you and your family!!!!!❤❤❤❤😊😊😊😊
Your teaching and that of Jim Devenys is just as Paul teaches perfect
Amen brother Les.
AMEN TO THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!❤❤❤❤😊😊😊😊
les anointed teacher and Spirit recognized Spirit amen
AMEN TO THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!❤❤❤❤😊😊😊😊
AMEN TO THAT, brother Anthony!!!! God bless you and your family!!!!❤❤❤❤😊😊😊😊
rest and rejoice in the finished work of the cross Paul's good news
AMEN TO THAT!!!!! God bless you and your family!!!!!❤❤❤❤😊😊😊😊
rejoice rejoice rest in the good news the finished work of the cross
AMEN TO THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!❤❤❤❤😊😊😊😊
Les, Les he’s the best 😇😇😇😘
AMEN TO THAT, sister Kim!!!!! God bless you and your family!!!!!❤❤❤❤😊😊😊😊
Praise the Lord
AMEN TO THAT!!!!!! God bless you and your family!
Power in Simplicity.
AMEN TO THAT!!!!!! God bless you and your family!❤❤❤❤😊😊😊😊
Great history of scripture twisters from Origen (replacement theology) to Augustine and beyond.
C. Fitzpatrick Don’t forget that Paul says if you add works to your salvation, Christ will profit you NOTHING! Galatians 5:2.
@@deannewilliams6897 Exactly
AMEN TO THAT!!!!! God bless you and your family, and may you continue to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!!❤❤❤❤😊😊😊😊
There have been few people in human history as biblically literate as Origen of Alexandria. He published the first ever critical edition of the Old Testament, comparing the Proto-Masoretic Hebrew to multiple Greek versions of the text. He wrote commentaries on nearly every book of the Bible. With all due respect, you don't know what you're talking about.
@@ElasticGiraffe Replacement theology is the most destructive heresy that has brought Christendom to a level of un-sound doctrine and taught people to believe they are Israel or spiritual Israel and goes against right dividing dispenssationally. Origen did that. Whatever good they may have done, it's the heresy they will be remembered for. Faith is taking God at his word and the sun, the moon and the stars are still in the heavens, so is Israel a nation today.
Wow I’ve learned so much
AMEN TO THAT!!!!!! God bless you and your family, and may you continue to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!!❤❤❤❤😊😊😊😊
rest rejoice in the good news the finished work of the cross
AMEN TO THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!❤❤❤❤😊😊😊😊
🤭Old sentence"( I'm 69)
Back in the day!..
Turned off Les FELDICK.
Thinking I could DO everything ..our LORD JESUS CHRIST did!
( was soooo"! Dumb)
DIDN'T KNOW/ Understand
got STUCK. In a church
church people Trusting in
Their ,," GIFTS"
if! We or an ANGEL!!!
( you know the rest)
Or 🔥🔥🔥🔥.
I wish Les had said origen used replacement which for all extents& purposes is what roman catholicism IS!
Paul spoke a few mysterys.. Not too sure where they all go.
The four gospels are old testament.
Hebrews 9:16,17
Very true!!!!! Also see HEB. **6:1-2. These Scriptures are like Cryptonite to pretty much ALL of Christendom. God bless you and your family!❤❤❤❤😊😊😊😊
But in vain do they worship me,teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.Matthew15:9
AMEN TO THAT, brother Kent!!!!! Also see: MARK 7:*6-9,*13; COL. 2:*4,*8,(9),13,*14-15,16-17,(18-23); 2 PET. 3:*15-16; 1 COR. 15:*1-4; 2 COR. 4:(2),*3-4; GAL. 1:*1,*(6-9),*11-12,*15-16; TIT. 1:*14,*(15-16). God bless you and your family!❤❤❤❤😊😊😊😊
Truth time radio on youtube. Check him out.
2,000 years until Gen 12, 2,000 years under law until Christ death, 2,000 years of the Grace age. It is know 2018. Christ died at 33 yes. old do you think this world will go on any longer than the age Christ was crucified at? and oh yes the last 1,000 years back under law. We are a heavenly body. The Jews are an earthly body. This leads one to think would Christ be 18 today pleading with the world because of what's to come.
Also...another Church Father that Les forgot to mention was a man called Justin Martyr. He was a 2nd Century Christian apologist who vehemently defended the faith, all the way to his martyrdom in AD 165. Justin Martyr wrote many defenses of the Church, one of which had to do with Christian worship. The Romans were hearing many stories concerning Christian rituals involving, among other things, cannibalism. Justin Martyr, writing in about AD 150, explained how a Christian worship service went. As he describes it, you'd think he was talking about a modern day Catholic service. Here is what he has to say when it came time to celebrate the Eucharist:
“We call this food Eucharist, and no one else is permitted to partake of it, except one who believes our teaching to be true and who has been washed in the washing that is for the remission of sins and for regeneration [i.e., has received baptism] and is thereby living as Christ enjoined. For not as common bread nor common drink do we receive these; but since Jesus Christ our Savior was made incarnate by the word of God and had both flesh and blood for our salvation, so too, as we have been taught, the food that has been made into the Eucharist by the eucharistic prayer set down by him, and by the change of which our blood and flesh is nurtured, is both the flesh and the blood of that incarnated Jesus” (First Apology, AD 151)
So this idea of the Real Presence in the Eucharist (Transubstantiation) was being routinely practiced even before Irenaeus began writing on the subject around 25-30 years later.
Just for kicks and giggles, here's what Ignatius of Antioch, writing 44 years BEFORE Justin Martyr, had to say about the Eucharist:
“Take note of those who hold heterodox opinions on the grace of Jesus Christ, which have come to us, and see how contrary their opinions are to the mind of God. . . . They abstain from the Eucharist and from prayer because they do not confess that the Eucharist is the flesh of our Savior Jesus Christ, flesh that suffered for our sins and that the Father, in his goodness, raised up again. They who deny the gift of God are perishing in their disputes.” (Letter to the Smyrnaeans, AD 107).
Remember, Ignatius was a man who learned the faith directly from the Big Three (Peter, Paul and John). He was ordained a priest by both Peter and Paul and was the third Bishop of Antioch after Peter and Evodius. As I said, he personally knew and was heavily influenced by the Apostle John, who wrote in his own Gospel:
"So Jesus said to them, 'Very truly, I tell you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you. Those who eat my flesh and drink my blood have eternal life; and I will raise them up on the last day; for my flesh is true food and my blood is true drink. Those who eat my flesh and drink my blood abide in me, and I in them.'" (John 6:53-56)
Sounds like even the earliest Christians, going back as early as the 1st Century, believed that Christ was truly present in the Eucharist.
Justin C That is what I call verseology, the Church of England cut the Apostolic vine and has starved to death, the Lutheran Church of Germany and Sweden cut the Apostolic vine and has starved to death. All of Protestantism is dying in Western Europe and we in central europe was killed like odious vermin because we were catholics. The atheists-communists were evil and knew who the enemy is. The Protestants used Romans 13-2 to safeguard their lives, we survived the death Protestants didn't, different rewards for the faithful and the cowards. The secret police said of Protestants, they are a bag of farts, they may smell bad, but they will not oppose us. So much for verseology. Panocrator and Theotokos is over the doors of the Kremlin once more, the Orthodox remained in the vine after 42 million dead. Eucharistic miracles and the Holy Fire are real your self selected verseology is not.
So what. Both Justin Martyr and Ignatius got it wrong. They were the "earthy church fathers", but not of the true Christian church. They were the early church fathers of the false ROMAN catholic church.
Just like the early churches that Paul created turned against his teaching while he was still alive, all these people were confused early church members that got it wrong.
It makes sense that these two you mentioned were taught under Peter and John. Both Peter and John even got it wrong early on. That's because the mystery was given to Paul by Christ, and it was not revealed to Peter and John. They had to learn it from Paul and it took them a while to figure it out. In the meantime they wrote letters in their confusion thinking they still needed to perform some of the law. They could not accept the pure grace message. Paul had to rebuke them for trying to steal his freedom in Christ.
So it makes sense that they would teach their followers you had to eat bread in order to ingest Jesus. But once you understand Paul's message, it is very clear Jesus doesn't live in bread. He's the creator of the universe. Give me a break. We eat the Lord's supper to remember his sacrifice, as he told us to do this in memory of me. Yes he called it the bread of life and he called it real food. Just like he called himself a Vine and a gate, but we do not build religions around worshiping Vines and Gates. Clearly Jesus spoke in parables and spiritualized physical created objects to help us understand what is happening in the spiritual realm.
So who cares about early church fathers. All I care about is my apostle that God gave revolution that applies to me today. That is pure grace and nothing else. Not water baptism. Not bread. Not sacraments. These are all man-made inventions by the Catholic church. The same church that burned alive anyone who dared to question the absolute authority of the Pope.
The reason you can't read the writings of all the people that disagreed with your two Church fathers was because they were burned alive and their writings were all destroyed by your Catholic Church.
@@thomasmcewen5493 Nonsense
One last thing, John Chrysostom was born in the mid-4th Century and so could not have possibly been writing in the early-3rd Century. He was born in AD 349 (12 years after the death of the Emperor Constantine and 24 years after the Council of Nicaea) and died in AD 407. I have no doubt that Les's intentions are pure but he is severely misleading you as any Google search will be able to tell you. By that time, many of the doctrines that Les claims Chrysostom helped to pioneer had been laid down more than 250 years before he was even born.
Also...Constantine didn't make Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire with his Edict of Milan in AD 313. He merely made it legal. In fact, Constantine didn't become a Christian himself until just before he died and the religion wasn't made the official religion of the Roman Empire until AD 380.
Well the reason why he follows Paul more than Christ is because Christ had to fulfill the covenants of Abraham and it didn't have a thing to do with the Gentiles dogs and Paul was divinely choosn after Jesus's death to bring the age of grace and the mysteries that was never know, look at 3 Peter and read what he has to say about Paul, and remember the Gentiles were without Christ or God in the world the then known world until Paul came on the scene because the Bible Old Testament and part of the new are for Jews only at that time and if you have any questions don't be scared to call him he won't bite you he will simply answer your questions, I really don't like to discuss anything like this unless I can look you in the eyes I'm not trying to be rude it's just cuz it's usually a waste of time, but that is the truth
God Bless you for Helping with the full teachings of our Lord. I would strongly reccomend people to listen to the EWTN show called The Journey Home. Many are on You Tube. I so admire so many Heads of non-Catholic Faiths Looking Back to those Early Church Fathers to see what the church looked before any divisions and from those who learned from the deciples or deciplrs of the deciples. This os what caused almost all of them to realized which church of today is the same as back then.
To claim that St Paul revealed new secrets the Jesus did not teach in the Gospels makes no sense. Paul was a deciple of Jesus. And any deciple teaching other than what Jesus taught would cease to be a Christian.
Why do you think Jesus showed us the final Judgement in the Gospel? When he separated the Goats (those going to hell) from the Sheep (Those going to heaven).
They were all baptized..yet those who did not help the Least of their Brothers and Sisters Did not do that to Jesus and went to Hell.
Those who fed the hungry, clothed the naked, visited prisoners..etc.
They did that to Jesus. Both groups asked Lord when did not or did I do this to you?
And those who do not eat of the son of Man have no life in you..And his blood of the new covenant...
"For my Body is True Food...etc.
And my Blood is true drink..
Over One third of our Lord's Followers walked away after this teaching. Jesus did not call them back saying it was just a symbol.
He then turned to his deciples and asked will you too leave me? Peter given the answer from God the Father answered.. You are the Christ, the son of Living God..
This is when our Lord Changes Simons name to Peter the Rock...I will build my church on you..Thus making him the first Papa or Pope to stand in as head of his church after our Lord leaves our earthly world. And gave the doctrine of infallability for church teachings only by saying the Gates of Hell shall not Prevail...
Protect your Salvation with Fear and Trembling..
Also refutes Once saved, do nothing or do evil breaking every commandment, no
works of mercy.
God gave us free will to live as he taught us to or not.
We choose Heaven or Hell with how we choose to live each and everyday of our life. Do we live as Jesus taught us to or not. Please Read the Beatitudes and how Jesus seperated the Goats from the Lambs...
American Woman you are very mislead and the catholic religion is pagan. You need to watch Les Feldick videos starting with Genesis or jump in at Romans. Les will help you understand the truth either way.
We Christians, both young and old must flock to listen to these clever and well versed speakers because we cannot understand the Bible ourselves. Now, was the Bible written by Yahweh so that we couldn't make sense of most of it? Of course He wouldn't have done such a thing ... but it happened. It happened not by Him but by evil and sometimes ignorant men who translated it incorrectly by error or deliberate means. They've also altered, added, changed and/or removed a lot of text in the Bible so that what we have in a convoluted mixture of confusing stories and and verses we cannot understand. That's where our so-called Bible "experts" descend upon us or we go to them in order to "help us understand." A few are well meaning but many are know-it-all types who think they know and some are well paid shills for the evil one.
Redsky B Do you really have that much trouble understanding the Bible? You shouldn’t if you rightly divide, follow Coverdale, and understand dispensations. Do you really believe our KJ Bible is that flawed? “Altered, added, changed, removed” parts of God’s Word...allowed by God? Not hardly. God would not give us His directives “flawed.” I think you forgot that He oversaw it all. God would not mislead us like you say.
@@deannewilliams6897 Yes the KJV is with errors and mis-translations. Satan wouldn't have it any other way. Maybe in time you'll come to understand this or maybe you'll continue to blindly believe it's 100% accurate.
RedSky You give Satan too much power and God too little. All Bible translations could not possibly be polluted by Satan. How would God get the Truth out if they were? How could “these clever and well versed speakers” understand the Bible if their Bibles were incorrect? I know for a fact Les Feldick only uses the King James Bible.
Using the King James Bible is the only one to use if you are following Paul’s instructions in ll Timothy 2:15. All it’s scripture fit like a puzzle with all its pieces. Are there a few errors in the King James Bible? Of course. But you won’t find a closer translation from the pure word of God than the KJB. Modern translations are junk. They are a far cry from the pure original and are Satanically produced by unbelieving Bible Scholars.
You have also left the Holy Spirit out of your argument. Aren’t Believers promised guidance from the Holy Spirit? Therein is the real secret to understanding the Bible ourselves along with God’s instructions to “rightly divide the Word of Truth.” For this you do need gifted teachers filled with the Holy Spirit to teach you. Les is an excellent teacher of “rightly dividing.”
@@deannewilliams6897 "Rightly Dividing" That's Les's schtick and he's used it for decades.
So the Bible is translated absolutely correct right?
Luke 14:26 says: If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, ...
Do you follow that verse? Do you hate your parents and children? Do you hate yourself?Do you hate your spouse, your siblings and do they ALL hate you? What a dysfunctional family !!
If the answer is no (according to the verse) then none of you are His disciples, nor Les. Can't you even consider that something isn't right with this verse? There is no rational explanation other than this verse was mis-translated either by error or deliberately.
Can you also explain why when Elisha cursed many children in "the Lord's" name God immediately sent 2 bears from the woods to attack and kill 42 of the children?
(2nd Kings 2:23-24). Accurate verses .... but NOT Christ-like what Elisha did. Elisha did no wrong, his curse brought an direct response. According to the New Testament Elisha would be the one who got whacked.
So confusing isn't it.
RedSky I did not say that the Bible is translated absolutely correct. Please read my comment again.
Oh my dear, Luke 14:26 is not mis-translated or in error. In the days when Christ was here on Earth there was a division among the people because of Jesus. There was even a greater division after His death and resurrection in the days of the apostles. There is a still greater division in the world today because of Jesus (Luke 11:23; John 7:41, 43; John 9:16; John 10:19-21).
Luke 12:51, “ Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division.” Look at all the divided nations, cities, and communities divided because of Jesus. Do you think it doesn’t happen in families? I assure you I know it does. The parents are devout Christians, but their child wants nothing to do with God. You think this doesn’t cause hate? Division in families has always existed. Parents turn their backs on children who don’t love God. A side has to be picked. Jesus or the child because Christ declares, “he that is not with me is against Me” (Luke 11:23). Even God hates unbelievers. He says in Malachi 1:3 and Paul repeats in Romans 9:13, “Jacob I loved, but Esau I hated.
It is supposed , because of the greek words, qutan na’ar, in ll Kings2, that the translator used the wrong word and the mockers were not “little children.” It’s clear they had a good amount of theological understanding.
As for the “NOT Christ-like behavior” of Elisha, God didn’t disagree, for they were really mocking God. They were from a corrupt nation that had turned its back on God. God punished a lot of unbelievers, the heathen, in the Old Testament.
knot head taken over
BTW I suggest that everyone read John Chapter 6
This is background Info, only! Jesus was addressing the 12 JEWISH Disciples and ISRAEL, UNDER THE LAW, [KINGDOM ground/the Gospel of the Kingdom message/a JEWISH message to a JEWISH audience], NOT the GENTILE (predominantly) Body of Christ, UNDER GRACE (in this Dispensation/Age of GRACE) we're living in, today.
They turned away from the teachings from God,to the ideas from men,falsely regarded as "church fathers" and the writings of "reformers",The Bible doesn't need interpreters.The Holy Spirit has that job.Disregard and ignore the later ammendments of men.
Okay...this guy is either ignorant of history or is willfully misleading his audience. For one...he skipped right over the writings of Ignatius of Antioch (AD 35-AD 108), a bishop of the early Church who was ordained by both Peter and Paul, and who also had been schooled personally by the Apostle John. He was martyred in Rome during the reign of the Emperor Trajan. Before he died, he managed to write seven letters to six different churches, plus a personal letter to a man named Polycarp (also a student of the Apostle John). In them he laid out the doctrine of transubstantiation, the importance of the role of the clergy in the early Church, the primacy of the Church in Rome, and also gave us the first known written use of the phrase "Catholic Church." He was writing in AD 107.
Speaking of the primacy in the Church in Rome, a chap writing even earlier than Ignatius, a man by the name of Clement of Rome, gave us the first instance of this primacy. In his Epistle to the Corinthians, written somewhere between AD 85 and AD 95, Clement (who was the Bishop of Rome at the time) basically told the Church in Corinth to straighten up and fly right or risk being excommunicated. What were they doing? The younger members of the Corinthian Church were expelling the clergy from their midst. Concerned parishioners in Corinth wrote to Rome to settle the issue. Clement mentions this in his Epistle. The Corinthians listened to him and read aloud his epistle in church once a year all the way into the 6th Century.
Now let's tackle Irenaeus. Your friend Les got the dates mixed up. Irenaeus wrote BEFORE Origen. Irenaeus was born sometime around AD 120 and was writing about Christianity by the mid-2nd Century. Guess who taught him about the faith? Our old friend Polycarp from my first paragraph. Irenaeus learned the faith from a man who had learned the faith from the Apostle John. Polycarp was only 27 years old in AD 107 when Ignatius was on his way to be martyred in Rome. He lived long enough to tutor Irenaeus before he, too, was martyred in AD 167.
As for Origen? He wasn't born until about AD 184 and didn't write his first tome until sometime in the early 3rd Century, at least a decade after Irenaeus's death.
RollTide Roll Don't call Him ignorant call him by phone and he will explain whatever questions you have, I did and he knows his history very well, so you better be prepared for what your are asking, have it all wrote out, then make your comment.
If he knew his history he would not have gotten the Church Fathers or the dates they wrote from mixed up. There is also no reason to debate this guy as he completely discounts the Church Fathers' writings and also holds to a twisted interpretation of Paul's writings. Just listening to him talk, he seems to love Paul more than he loves Christ.
RollTide1987 But this is Protestant history, where Peter is not the primary Apostle but Paul, where Acts 9-31 "ekklesia katholikos" does not mean Catholic as mentioned by St Ignatius, but the ancestors of 48162 denominations. The church comes from the Bible not the Bible from the church. By 397AD all the Roman empire was Protestant Because they had the King James Bible, which Jesus dropped from his pocket into the sands of the sea of Galilee.
Maybe he wanted to skip over false teachers
So called "early church fathers" are the pagans who gave us (not me I know better) the concept of hell as being an everlasting eternal fire in which the lost burn forever and ever. They should all be relegated to the dustbin of false teachers...
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Old Jan 14, '15, 1:04 am
RollTide1987 RollTide1987 is offline
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Default Protestants who spread blatantly false information
Below is a link to a video from a Baptist speaker sitting up in front of a lecture hall talking about the early Church Fathers. The pertinent information starts at the 36:00 mark in the video.
This guy is so inaccurate it almost makes me believe he is doing this intentionally. A simple Google search on my iPhone could prove this guy wrong. For one, he places Origen as a writer in the second century when we get a vast majority of his stuff in the third century. He then places St. Irenaeus as a strictly third century Christian writer even though we all know he wrote in the middle and latter parts of the second century. He then places St. John Chrysostom as an author writing right after Irenaeus in the third century (even though Chrysostom wasn't born until the mid-fourth century).
All the while he is attributing these guys as making up dogma as they go along, completely ignoring the writings of St. Ignatius of Antioch, St. Clement of Rome, St. Polycarp of Smyrna and St. Justin Martyr - writers who are writing too early for comfort for this guy.
He then has the gall to suggest that St. Augustine invented Roman Catholicism in the fifth century.
How do we save people from things like this? Especially uninformed Catholics (who this guy admits to converting to the Baptist denomination later on in the video).
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Old Jan 14, '15, 4:24 am
LaVieDevote LaVieDevote is offline
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Consider his audience. He's most likely speaking to people who already hold disdain for the church, and they don't need any further convincing in their minds, so there's no need for him to present accurate information, the crowd will simply go along with it and take it as truth because it reinforces their already formed notions of the church.
It's like Fulton Sheen once said. "There are not one hundred people in the United States who hate The Catholic Church, but there are millions who hate what they wrongly perceive the Catholic Church to be.”
The best way to fight that is to counter ignorance and lies with knowledge and truth. In terms of how to protect Catholics in general, the same applies. A thorough grounding in Catholic beliefs and history, or at the very least the knowledge to assess claims made by others and judge their veracity.
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Old Jan 14, '15, 4:38 am
Memaw Memaw is offline
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Default Re: Protestants who spread blatantly false information
Originally Posted by LaVieDevote View Post
Consider his audience. He's most likely speaking to people who already hold disdain for the church, and they don't need any further convincing in their minds, so there's no need for him to present accurate information, the crowd will simply go along with it and take it as truth because it reinforces their already formed notions of the church.
It's like Fulton Sheen once said. "There are not one hundred people in the United States who hate The Catholic Church, but there are millions who hate what they wrongly perceive the Catholic Church to be.”
The best way to fight that is to counter ignorance and lies with knowledge and truth. In terms of how to protect Catholics in general, the same applies. A thorough grounding in Catholic beliefs and history, or at the very least the knowledge to assess claims made by others and judge their veracity.
I always ask them if they believe in the 8th Commandment! What do you gain by winning converts with lies. Certainly not God's blessings! God Bless, Memaw
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Old Jan 14, '15, 4:49 am
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Default Re: Protestants who spread blatantly false information
Originally Posted by Memaw View Post
I always ask them if they believe in the 8th Commandment! What do you gain by winning converts with lies. Certainly not God's blessings! God Bless, Memaw
I don't know about this man in particular, but with many of these folks, it's not lies, it's ignorance. This is what they've been taught for years, and they've never felt the need to research it for themselves. And when you call them out on it, they really can't believe you. It's kind of sad, really.
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Old Jan 14, '15, 4:54 am
Memaw Memaw is offline
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Default Re: Protestants who spread blatantly false information
Originally Posted by agnes therese View Post
I don't know about this man in particular, but with many of these folks, it's not lies, it's ignorance. This is what they've been taught for years, and they've never felt the need to research it for themselves. And when you call them out on it, they really can't believe you. It's kind of sad, really.
It's really hard to understand how in today's access to information, they can believe all that garbage. They close their minds to the TRUTH and continue to spread lies. If someone tells me the moon is made of green cheese, I'm gonna research until I find out if it's really true before I book a flight there! ( I love cheese). God Bless, Memaw
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Old Jan 14, '15, 6:08 am
Hodegetria Hodegetria is offline
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Default Re: Protestants who spread blatantly false information
I suspect he'll disable his comments soon enough...he's got many people correcting him.
That rapture stuff is a mystery indeed. My husband's best friend (now deceased) sold everything he owned in the 90's, gave it all to the Jehovah's Witnesses, and moved up to Maine in an old school bus to watch the end of the world come in on a small tract of land he owned... He came back about 4-5 years later completely broke and had to park his house-bus from place to place on friends' properties.
That's commitment! But I felt sorry for his wife.
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Old Jan 14, '15, 7:33 am
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Default Re: Protestants who spread blatantly false information
Originally Posted by Memaw View Post
They close their minds to the TRUTH and continue to spread lies. If someone tells me the moon is made of green cheese, I'm gonna research until I find out if it's really true before I book a flight there! ( I love cheese). God Bless, Memaw
Honestly, I think it would depends on the type of cheese. If the moon were made of sharp cheddar, I'd probably already be there.
To the OP, as others have said, it's usually not willfully lying, it's ignorance. As for why they don't research it, how many people do you know who willing challenge their own beliefs?
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Old Jan 14, '15, 7:38 am
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Default Re: Protestants who spread blatantly false information
Originally Posted by Memaw View Post
I always ask them if they believe in the 8th Commandment! What do you gain by winning converts with lies. Certainly not God's blessings! God Bless, Memaw
Well said.
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Old Jan 14, '15, 8:07 am
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Cool Re: Protestants who spread blatantly false information
Well Tide, you certainly stated a good case in your comments there.
One of the things that struck me is his remarks about how about half his audience is "ex-Catholics", which is not all that surprising since there are some who themselves are ignorant of their faith and history (as I was for about 35 years) and so when someone like this fellow comes along, with a Bible in hand and quoting scripture as he does, it gives the impression of accuracy and credibility in spite of his errors.
I noticed that he totally botched his teaching on what transubstantiation is since we know it takes place at the consecration and not upon reception. He goes on to state that Paul never taught that, which is completely wrong in the context of the following passages.
1st Corinthians 10:16-17
"16 The chalice of benediction, which we bless, is it not the communion of the blood of Christ? And the bread, which we break, is it not the partaking of the body of the Lord? 17 For we, being many, are one bread, one body, all that partake of one bread."
1st Corinthians 11:23-30
"23 For I have received of the Lord that which also I delivered unto you, that the Lord Jesus, the same night in which he was betrayed, took bread. 24 And giving thanks, broke, and said: Take ye, and eat: this is my body, which shall be delivered for you: this do for the commemoration of me. 25 In like manner also the chalice, after he had supped, saying: This chalice is the new testament in my blood: this do ye, as often as you shall drink, for the commemoration of me.
26 For as often as you shall eat this bread, and drink the chalice, you shall shew the death of the Lord, until he come. 27 Therefore whosoever shall eat this bread, or drink the chalice of the Lord unworthily, shall be guilty of the body and of the blood of the Lord. 28 But let a man prove himself: and so let him eat of that bread, and drink of the chalice. 29 For he that eateth and drinketh unworthily, eateth and drinketh judgment to himself, not discerning the body of the Lord. 30 Therefore are there many infirm and weak among you, and many sleep. "
None of that would apply if St. Paul was speaking of a symbolic Eucharist. It defies all simple logic because you cannot become guilty of someone's body and blood by abusing a symbol.
You're right that he seems to have ignored Justin Martyr which I bring up in my blog article What Was Authentic Early Christian Worship Really Like?
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Old Jan 14, '15, 9:25 am
TimothyH TimothyH is offline
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Default Re: Protestants who spread blatantly false information
Originally Posted by agnes therese View Post
I don't know about this man in particular, but with many of these folks, it's not lies, it's ignorance. This is what they've been taught for years, and they've never felt the need to research it for themselves. And when you call them out on it, they really can't believe you. It's kind of sad, really.
Non-Catholics don't have a monopoly on ignorance. I've heard some whoppers here on CAF.
Recently someone said that John the Baptists is only quoted in John's Gospel and that Nicodemus had a conversation with John the Baptist in the Bible. It is a good bet that when someone says the word "Modernism" they don't have a clue what they are talking about. Limbo, physical vs real presence in the Eucharist... the list goes on.
Sometimes I think it isn't even ignorance but people just making stuff up. We need to take the log out of our own eye and knowing when not to speak is sometimes a great virtue.
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Old Jan 14, '15, 10:35 am
Gorgias Gorgias is offline
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Default Re: Protestants who spread blatantly false information
Anybody who doesn't even know how to pronounce the names of the ECFs doesn't get my vote as someone who knows what he's talking about.
(That being said, that doesn't mean that he's deliberately twisting the truth; maybe he's just indoctrinated. )
Oh. My. Goodness. Is this guy for real? I just got to the end of the video. "The mass of Christendom has turned away from Paul's message, and they've gone back to the Four Gospels... on which Roman Catholicism is totally based... The Gospels are the Word of God, but that's not where the Gospel for us is... the Gospel of grace, the Gospel of Paul."
Wow. Just... wow.
I think, if I ever met this man, I'd gently point him to 1 Cor 1:12-13 -- "I mean that each of you is saying, 'I belong to Paul' ... Was Paul crucified for you? Or were you baptized in the name of Paul?"
I'll pray for this man; if he says 'yes' to Paul and 'no' to the Gospels... wow.
Since a person should not be influenced by a like or dislike for the one stating the opinion, but rather by the truth, Aristotle says that we must respect both those whose opinion we follow and those we reject. For both have diligently sought the truth and have aided us in this.
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Last edited by Gorgias; Jan 14, '15 at 10:55 am.
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Old Jan 14, '15, 1:02 pm
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Default Re: Protestants who spread blatantly false information
Great comments on the TH-cam page RollTide!!
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Old Jan 14, '15, 6:48 pm
Cathoholic Cathoholic is offline
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Default Re: Protestants who spread blatantly false information
Thanks RollTide for going onto TH-cam and defending the Faith.
An act of charity to be sure.
Inspiring and perhaps even a little convicting (maybe I should be doing such too) to people like me.
God bless.
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Old Jan 14, '15, 8:33 pm
TxGodfollower TxGodfollower is offline
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Default Re: Protestants who spread blatantly false information
Originally Posted by RollTide1987 View Post
Below is a link to a video from a Baptist speaker sitting up in front of a lecture hall talking about the early Church Fathers. The pertinent information starts at the 36:00 mark in the video.
This guy is so inaccurate it almost makes me believe he is doing this intentionally. A simple Google search on my iPhone could prove this guy wrong. For one, he places Origen as a writer in the second century when we get a vast majority of his stuff in the third century. He then places St. Irenaeus as a strictly third century Christian writer even though we all know he wrote in the middle and latter parts of the second century. He then places St. John Chrysostom as an author writing right after Irenaeus in the third century (even though Chrysostom wasn't born until the mid-fourth century).
All the while he is attributing these guys as making up dogma as they go along, completely ignoring the writings of St. Ignatius of Antioch, St. Clement of Rome, St. Polycarp of Smyrna and St. Justin Martyr - writers who are writing too early for comfort for this guy.
He then has the gall to suggest that St. Augustine invented Roman Catholicism in the fifth century.
How do we save people from things like this? Especially uninformed Catholics (who this guy admits to converting to the Baptist denomination later on in the video).
It seems your more upset that he got dates wrong, rather than his accusation on Augustine inventing Catholicism
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Old Jan 14, '15, 9:25 pm
Gorgias Gorgias is offline
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Default Re: Protestants who spread blatantly false information
Originally Posted by TxGodfollower View Post
It seems your more upset that he got dates wrong, rather than his accusation on Augustine inventing Catholicism
The law of low-hanging fruit: if we want to demonstrate that he doesn't know what he's talking about, it's easier to point to the fact that he can't even get the time frame right. The notion that "Augustine invented Catholicism" is just as laughable -- but, people will believe what they want to believe, even if it's demonstrably wrong. But, if someone wants to dispute our claims, it's easier for them to say "you're wrong about Augustine" than it is to say "you're wrong about the ECFs' birthdates"...
Since a person should not be influenced by a like or dislike for the one stating the opinion, but rather by the truth, Aristotle says that we must respect both those whose opinion we follow and those we reject. For both have diligently sought the truth and have aided us in this.
--St Thomas Aquinas
How is going to the gospel of the kingdom NOT paganism, replacement theology and the rest he mentioned???
The gospel of the kingdom, even though it's not written to us (gentiles), it's still truth. That's why the Apostle Paul instructs us to rightly divide the scriptures.
@faithplusnothing, AMEN TO THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!❤❤❤❤😊😊😊😊
Origen also created the fraudulent Septuagint…not 72 rabbis a few hundred years earlier. Not sue what Les means when he says Origen wrote some good stuff. His examples are horrible things.
Ironically, Athanasius was one of the few prominent church fathers to NOT teach baptismal regeneration. There were men teaching baptismal regeneration long before Athanasius (like Justin, Irenaeus, Tertullian, Cyprian, etc.), and Athanasius didn’t even teach baptismal regeneration. Again, abject ignorance, but he’ll speak as if he knows what he’s talking about.
"For as we are all from earth and die in Adam, so being regenerated from above of water and Spirit, in the Christ we are all quickened." Athanasius, Four Discourses Against the Arians, Book III
This sounds like a fairly standard affirmation of baptismal regeneration, though I find it wildly unlikely that Les Feldick ever read a word of Athanasius. I don't know of any major theological figure in the East or the West who disputed the doctrine prior to Zwingli, who said, revealingly,
“In this matter of baptism-if I may be pardoned for saying it-I can only conclude that all the doctors have been in error from the time of the apostles."
Calvin followed his lead, of course. Even within magisterial Protestantism, the rejection of baptismal regeneration was peculiar to the Swiss Reformation and the "Reformed" tradition.
He's literally quoting John 3:5. If that makes you affirm a sacramental baptismal regenerationist ex opere operato, then I guess we're all a bunch of heretics XD
Theophilus of Antioch also seems to deny baptismal regeneration Timothy Kauffman wrote an awesome series on the ECF denying BR Gavin Ortlund also sheds light on this "the things proceeding from the waters were blessed by God, that this also might be a sign of men’s being destined to receive repentance and remission of sins, through the water and laver of regeneration, - *as many as come to the truth, and are born again, and receive blessing from God.*" -Theophilus of Antioch someone cannot be born again without baptism according to BR Gavin Ortlund also uses an analogy that a graduate is technically still a graduate before the graduation ceremony but not formally they can apply for jobs as a graduate but they won't be formally a graduate which is what leads me to believe that Theophilus was referring to a formal "remission of sin" also you don't receive repentance through water
@@joshpeterson2451 He's alluding to John 3. Denying that water baptism plays a "regenerative" role in the life of the Christian is indeed novel and unorthodox from a long historical perspective. Baptism isn't just a symbolic skit that God insists we perform. Zwinglian or Baptist sacramentology is, not to put too fine a point on it, pointless and stupid.
That's not the case. In fact, there was a council in Elvira in the 4th century that explicitly said those who aren't baptized but die in the faith are justified because of their faith, not by their baptism. The early church fathers weren't afraid to use biblical language like, "born of water and of Spirit," "repent and be baptized for the forgiveness of sins," "baptism now saves you," "be baptized and wash away your sins," "baptism for the forgiveness of sins." Those are all biblical phrases, but so is, "Not the washing of dirt from the body, but an appeal to God for a good conscience through the resurrection of Jesus Christ." The church fathers didn't unanimously affirm baptismal regeneration, not at all. You need to keep reading the church fathers in order to understand what they actually taught about justification. Don't just yoink quotes and assume their theology.
You guys all have access to the internet, and perhaps libraries back home, so I'd very strongly recommend looking up the Church Fathers he's mentioning for yourselves and their teachings. I'd also recommend doing a little research on the Early Church itself and how the Bible was put together.
I'm not sure if he himself is willfully ignorant, or he's just banking on his listeners being ignorant of some very basic Church history and not caring enough to fact-check him.
That depends on who you read
I really like and admire Les Feldick as a person, but his radically dispensationalist theology--emphasizing the Pauline epistles nearly to the point of dismissing the Gospels as irrelevant for non-Jewish Christians--is dangerously confused, and his knowledge of the Church Fathers is abysmal. :/
The Gospels are Old Testament, no matter how the pagan early church fools or any other group of Catholics divided them up. They have very little relevance for a Grace Age Christian... they are purely Jewish. Jesus was a Jew...a law keeping tithe paying temple worshiping sacrificing JEW.
Deplorable Me, An extreme sect within (already heterodox) late 19th-century dispensationalism decides the entire Christian world has gotten the New Testament wrong from the beginning, preaching a Judaizing "works-righteousness" based on the teachings of Christ Himself, and that the Gospels have no practical relevance for Christian life because Christ is Jewish and His immediate audience was Jewish.
Perhaps following Jesus Christ and affirming one universal Gospel and Way of salvation for both Jews and Gentiles constitutes "paganism" or "Catholicism" where you come from, but here on Earth we call it Christianity.
what is a liberal church? One that believes in science?
A liberal church is one that takes liberty with the Word of God, twisting what God's Word says to justify a certain agenda or sin.
Culminates by not righty dividing the scriptures.
Science like the trans agenda.
@faithplusnothing, AMEN TO THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!❤❤❤❤😊😊😊😊
One has to wonder if Paul and Elijah would have gotten along. I think Paul would've castigated Elijah for what he did, Elisha too. And you can be sure Elijah and Elisha would've ripped Paul a new rear exit.
The unblemished lamb was sacrificed (Christ) for the House of Israel. Those of the unblemished Adamic race are Israel. Feldick and his wife say this is not so. Seems right to me.
You are blantonly wrong. No rapture, you are not a sinner as the Bible states that those only under the law were sinners. That is no one today. Paul was only talking to the lost sheep of Israel as God promised. That's no one today. Life will go one perpetually. The Bible was for Israel Only.
Nonsense. Paul clearly says he is the apostle to the gentiles, not the Jews. Clearly you have not ever read the Bible.