Hotel California Song - Hard Rock Cafe - Lan Kwai Fong, Hong Kong

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 6 ก.ย. 2024
  • The band at the Hard Rock Cafe, in the LKF district of Hong Kong, performing their rendition of the classic song, Hotel California.

ความคิดเห็น • 4

  • @remihalim9913
    @remihalim9913 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Yess not bad performings At H/K HardRock Cafe ...lives..local bands .. 👍..

  • @cwlau4172
    @cwlau4172 5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    man those two women left when the solo starts..........smh

  • @kwokkeungchau5246
    @kwokkeungchau5246 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hotel California浦調 加你方你呀 [粵音(廣東話)歌詞 及 譯文 ] On a dark desert highway, cool wind in my hair 按 呀 撻 擲上 鞋喂, 鵠 穎 咽 買 夏呀, [在沙漠漆黑公路上 涼風吹著我的頭髮, ] Warm smell of colitas, rising up through the air 往 斯戊 柯乎 公李踢氏, 懷剩噏夫打兀亞, [ 空氣中飄來一股大麻香] , Up ahead in the distance, I saw a shimmering light 噏 亞吃 咽 打 啲氏頓, [前面遠方閃爍著一道光.] My head grew heavy and my sight grew dim買 吃 咕 吃弗 ’N’ 買 西 咕 惦, [我頭重 我眼前漸模糊.] I had to stop for the night艾 吃 吐 斯嗒 科 打 泥t, [我得找個地方過夜。]
    There she stood in the doorway; 擲呀恕氏嘟咽打多喂[她站在門口.]I heard the mission bell 艾 噓 打 搣臣 飽[我听到陣陣鐘聲.] And I was thinking to myself, ‘N’ 艾 鑊氏 揈琼 吐 買紹乎 [而我心想.] “This could be Heaven or this could be Hell” 啲氏 括 必 吃分 柯呀 啲氏 括 必 巧, [這裡究竟是天堂還是地獄. ], Then she lit up a candle and she showed me the way 訂 恕 泥噏 亞 勤到’N’ 恕 穌 咪 打 呀喂, [接著她點起蠟燭引領著我前進. ] There were voices down the corridor, 擲亞 窩亞 和上氏 單 打 哥V多, [走廊上傳來人話聲.] I thought I heard them say…艾 霍t 艾 噓 擲 死 [我聽見他們說. ]
    Welcome to the Hotel California 搲妗 吐 打 浦調 加你方你呀 [歡迎來到加州旅館] ,Such a lovely place (Such a lovely place) 失柱 呀 立乎哩 呸氏 (失柱 呀 立乎哩 呸氏) [ 如此美好的地方. ],Such a lovely face 失柱 呀 立乎哩 菲氏, [她如此美麗的面容. ],Plenty of room at the Hotel California 平提 柯乎 窿 鴨 打 浦調 加你訪你呀, [這而有很多房間。]。
    Any time of year (Any time of year)You can find it here, ‘N’李 貪 柯乎 耳亞 ( ‘N’李 貪 柯乎 耳亞) ‘U’ 騎 發 衣 軒亞
    [整年隨時都歡迎你的到來, ] Her mind is Tiffany-twisted, she got the Mercedes Benz 靴 買 衣氏 鉄粉李-猝死, 恕 葛 打 孟死打 苯死 [她很高貴, 還有架賓士房車.] She got a lot of pretty, pretty boys she calls friends 恕 葛 呀 落t 柯乎 撇t 撇t 波氏 恕 歌氏 粉氏, [她有很多靚仔做朋友.] How they dance in the courtyard, sweet summer sweat. 敲 地 單氏 咽 打 各呀, 斯’V’ 心媽 斯’V’ [在庭院裡盡情跳舞 揮灑汗水.] Some dance to remember, some dance to forget 心 單氏 吐 ’V’文巴, 心 單氏 吐 伙茄, [有些舞能勾起回憶 有些則能忘卻傷心。]
    So I called up the Captain, 穌 艾 確 噏 屐頓 [於是我叫來侍者, ], “Please bring me my wine” ‘P’氏 丙 咪 買 宏 [給我到些酒吧, ] He said, “We haven’t had that spirit here since nineteen sixty nine” 軒 捨 ‘V’ 吃奮 吃 訂 斯標'V’ 嬉亞仙氏 賴田 食氏’T’ 賴, [他說 自從1969年就沒有那樣的烈酒了.] And still those voices are calling from far away, ‘N’ 斯挑 倒氏 和上氏 亞 確玲 忿 發 呀喂, [那些耳語不斷在我腦中迴盪.] Wake you up in the middle of the night 域 ‘U’ 噏 咽 打 搣到 柯乎 打 泥t [將我從睡夢中吵醒, ] Just to hear them say…則氏 吐 顯呀 掟 吐 死...[ 我聽見他們說..]
    Welcome to the Hotel California 搲妗 吐 打 浦調 加你方你呀 [歡迎來到加州旅館] ,Such a lovely place (Such a lovely place) 失柱 呀 立乎哩 呸氏 (失柱 呀 立乎哩 呸氏) [ 如此美好的樂園. ],Such a lovely face 失柱 呀 立乎哩 菲氏, [如此美麗的面容. ],They livin’ it up at the Hotel California 地 李揈 衣 噏 打 浦調 加你訪你呀, [他們在這兒狂歡. ] What a nice surprise (what a nice surprise) 鑊 呀 泥氏 實派氏 [好得令人吃驚.] , Bring your alibis 冰 喲 呀李巴氏 , [你沒理由拒絕這裡]。
    Mirrors on the ceiling, 咪拉氏 按 打 詩玲, [盯著天花板上鏡子.], The pink champagne on ice 打 平 尚檳 按 婑詩 [我喝著冰涼香檳. ] And she said “We are all just prisoners here, of our own device” ‘N’ 恕 鍚 ‘V’ 亞 柯 則氏 呸臣拿 嬉亞, 柯乎 搲亞 ‘D’嘩斯 , [而她說 我們都是自願來這的囚犯. ] And in the master’s chambers, ‘N’ 咽 打 馬斯打氏 杉把氏, [在主子的房間, ] They gathered for the feast 地 加打 伙 打 弗斯, [大家聚集赴宴, ] They stab it with their steely knives, 地 斯嗒 衣 ‘V;乎 擲亞 斯挑哩 泥乎氏, [他們用小刀刺向獵物.] But they just can’t kill the beast, 拔 地 則氏 簡 橋 打 必氏, [但沒有人能殺死那可怕的怪獸。]
    Last thing I remember, I was拉氏 揈 艾 ‘V’文巴, 艾 鑊氏 [我所記得的最後一件事, ] Running for the door 溫玲 伙 打 多亞, [ 是我朝著門口奔去, ] I had to find the passage back艾 吃 吐 發 打 爬死柱 帕,, [但怎麼也找不到路,] To the place I was before 吐 打 呸氏 艾 鑊氏 必科, [回不到我進來的地方. ] “Relax, ” said the night man, ‘V’拉氏 捨 打 亞 泥t 文, [放輕鬆點 守夜人突然對我說,] “We are programmed to receive. ‘V’ 亞 浦監 吐 ’V’斯 [我們照常接待旅客.] You can check-out any time you like, ‘U’ 鏡 尺歐 ‘N’哩 貪 ‘U’ 泥 [你隨時可以結帳.]But you can never leave! ” 拔 ‘U’ 鏡 領化 李乎, [但你永遠逃不出這裡。]