there's so much pride and deception in the homosexuality debate(if that's what we can call it), but your channel brings so much light and truth, real truth of the gospel. these videos have helped and encouraged me more than I can say, thank you.
thanks so much Greg Coles PhD. among all the theological books, testimonies, sermons, ministries, and therapists, your message has brought me the most hope. i hope that God will use me to help others as well in the future
This is not true Christianity. Identity is everything, we are either identifying with CHRIST as born again New Creations -John 3; or we're identifying with our sin nature... which is what he's doing.. Read the book of ROMANS, Jesus came to set us free! If we are crucified with Christ, then we have a NEW NATURE!! His death, burial and resurrection (THE GOSPEL) ARE THE POWER OF GOD TO SALVATION TO ANYONE WHO BELIEVES. Romans 1:16 Don't cheapen HIS MIGHTY SALVATION with talk of 'i'm a gay christian', that is not in the Word of GOD. He came to set the captive free! BE FREE IN JESUS NAME! We must all read the bible for ourselves, HIS Word is plain to anyone who has ears to hear and eyes to see. Matt 13:16
One of the great things about being a child of God is that you are given the power to fight your inner sin. Jesus said "If anyone wants to come after Me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow Me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it." A lot of people fail to understand why sin is so bad. The reason sin is so destructive to us is because it blinds us to the beauty of God. Matthew 5:8 says "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God." So what's the reward for being pure and holy? You get to see the face of God! That's the motivator that drives Christians to strive for holiness and sanctification. The reward isn't wealth, health, or earthly prosperity and Christians don't want any of that. Christians want intimacy with the Son of God. Psalm 63:1 says "O God, You are my God; earnestly I seek You; my soul thirsts for You; my flesh faints for You, as in a dry and weary land where there is no water." Another important thing to understand is that our brain chemicals are not God. Therefore we can tell them "no". They do not have the final say. But a lot of people mistakenly think that their brain chemistry is God! They wouldn't dare deny themselves or tell themselves no. Sadly, this country is filled with people who bow down to their own brain chemistry. They are enslaved to whatever their brain wants in the moment. They're always thinking in the short term and they never think about the long term consequences. It's this type of attitude that drives the pornography industry, the homosexual campaigns, and the transgender moments. I'm reminded of Judges 21:25 which reads "In those days there was no king in Israel. Everyone did what was right in his own eyes." This is of course ironic because Israel *did* have a King. The LORD was their King but sadly, they did not recognize Him as their King. In Luke 6:46 Jesus said "Why do you call Me Lord and don't do what I say?" It is idolatry to worship our brain chemistry. We are not God and are brains aren't God either. There is only One Creator and heaven is His throne and earth is His footstool. Didn't the LORD clearly say "You shall have no other god's before Me."
Love his wisdom. Kind of wish he would've elaborated more on points he made at 19:10: - What things does he get to say yes to as a single person that he couldn't if he chose the gay lifestyle? - In his experience, what has God 'nudged him' to that's so much better than all the things he thought he needed to be happy?' Feel like these talking points got brushed over.
Being single myself my whole life (currently age 56), I can tell you that I have had serving opportunities that a married person would never be able to easily navigate. First is that because I'm not financially responsible for a traditional family (wife and kids), I'm not obligated to work full time to pay for life's necessities. That frees up time for me to volunteer at my church which I do two full days a week. I serve both on Sundays where I make sure a group of staff and volunteers, about 35 people, get fed breakfast. On Tuesdays I serve in our college ministry where I'm able to share my life experiences with a group of interns as well as make sure people get fed a good dinner. In addition I serve on the production team. As a result, I literally "do life" with a huge (100+ people) Christian family. Being single, I'm also able to respond to last minute needs and long term needs like missionary work that a married person would not be able to do. I also have the financial means to meet needs when necessary because again, I'm not responsible for a traditional family. And I'm happier and more content than a lot of my married friends. Joy is truly found in following Jesus, not in the ways of the world. Hope this helps.
@@barcelona2112 wow, thank you that was a great answer. it's reassuring to hear you feel more content and happier than a lot of your married friends too.
The points made about God "allowing" people to be gay or any other perversion of sexuality are really good. All of us, every single one of us, experience not just sexuality, but all desires and motivations in a way that is not necessarily in alignment with God's will. Because I am a straight male, I want to screw every female I can get my hands on. But even if I had the power to do so, it would not be right. I have to place limits on that desire. Some people are born with inclinations none of us others have, inclinations to hurt others, or other things we all agree are wrong. But we don't say to them, "you were born that way, there can't be anything wrong with doing something you were born to want to do!"
Bless your heart. You cannot justify continuing to be a homosexual just because we’re all imperfect. It seems to me like using/choosing scripture to support/justify the sin. You cannot continue saying, “I’m ‘gay’,” and expect to change your ways. No! I’m to continually wage war, not using the Bible against God! “For those who are according to flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who are according to the Spirit, the things of the Spirit. For your mind set on the flesh is a death, but the mind set on the Spirit is life and peace, because the mind set on the flesh is hostile toward God; for it does not subject its self to the law of God, for it is not even able to do so, and those who are in the flesh cannot please God.” Romans 8:5-8. You’re misleading people! Just because people “are screwed up,” doesn’t mean we’re to continue to return to our own vomit.
“Don’t you know that the unrighteous will not inherit God’s kingdom? Do not be deceived: No sexually immoral people, idolaters, adulterers, or anyone practicing homosexuality, no thieves, greedy people, drunkards, verbally abusive people, or swindlers will inherit God’s kingdom. And some of you used to be like this. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.” 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 Don’t be deceived , no one practicing homosexuality or any other sin will be able to enter. Draw near to God in faith of Jesus Christ who died for sinners. Be broken over your sin, repent and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved!
This was very well stated. Though I must say, I've never once been in a room full of naked women, but on many occasions, I've been in locker rooms full of naked Men. For those who struggle with same sex attraction, avoiding locker rooms and other nude experiences with same sex persons would be a wise move. For straight persons, nude beaches or even beaches and pools in general could be a stumbling block and therefore should be avoided. For either experience, we need to have compassion for, and build up, those who struggle. Thank you for your insight!
Is he looking for ways to be straight as the bible say it’s the only way? Or does he actually believe that the bible is ok with homosexuality and thinks it’s only sin in the moment when one is “lusting” no matter the preference may be?
Does they way we think or perceive ourself define how God thinks or perceives us?? (In Christ Jesus) the old is past away and the new is come. New creations in Christ Jesus we are if we repent, turn from our sin and give to Jesus all of us (including the sins we struggle with). That is when He in turn will give you all of Him in terms of (salvation): deliverance, righteousness, peace, grace, power, love, SELF CONTROL and the Holy Spirit who is that voice inside of you reminding you of whose and who you are. You can not take your sin into heaven with you, you can not even take your background, experiences, or earthly thoughts with you to heaven. It’s (Christ’s righteousness) that takes you into heaven and is what makes you a Christian now on earth. Your pass sins don’t go with you because God doesn’t see it, it’s been covered by the blood of Jesus and now his power is able to keep you from stumbling if you continue in him and (YOUR FAITH THAT HE WASHED YOU OF YOUR PAST, PRESENT, AND FUTURE SINS). It’s not your own works or thoughts or your parents who took you to church as a kid but His righteousness. There’s a cost to follow Christ and that sacrifice requires your whole individual life under his lordship (Matt 16:24-25). The cost is “take my yoke upon you and learn of me” Jesus’ yoke is easy and his burden is light but you still need to make that sacrifice and drop your sin, put your hand in his out stretched hand and become a true disciple. (1 Corinthians 6:9-11) (1 Corinthians 15:50) you can not say I am a homosexual and say I am the righteousness of Christ at the same time.. that’s a mockery and lie against the Bible and our God, please beware flock of false teaching... “either make the tree good and it’s fruit good or else make the tree bad and its fruit bad; for a tree is known by its fruit” “New wine is for new wine skins”.
@@jenisebrooks4308 Definitely abstaining from sex before marriage is one of many, but becoming Christian and still identify as a gay but adding the Christian at the end is not biblical at all, but i do see a person who is not allowing the Holy Spirit to renew his mind and thoughts through the word of God. Ephesians 4: 17-24!! I do respect him and respect his life but I don’t support the way he is trying to share the Gospel but may God help us all indeed.
@@JoseSegoviaJr I understand it as he is being honest about his attraction but still submitting to God's will by denying his fleshly desires like all Christians do. Pick up their cross daily. I'm not sure if he walks around saying he is a GAY Christian or it's his way of getting the attention of others who have those attractions so he can share how he still submits to God.
@@jenisebrooks4308 while your perspective is understandable, it is super dangerous now a days, since a person can share their thoughts when they are uncertain or without clarity in what they want the audience to get from what they are sharing. The reason i feel a little uncomfortable with what he is sharing is the fact that he has a book named; SINGLE, GAY, CHRISTIAN, where he expressed how you can be gay and follow Jesus at the same time which leads me back to where the word of God says; Eph 4:22 throw off your old sinful nature and your former way of life, which is corrupted by lust and deception. Eph 4:23 Instead, let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes. Eph 4:24 Put on your new nature, created to be like God-truly righteous and holy. Jenise Brooks my point is simple, i had an addiction to pornography when Jesus found me, and He for sure accepted me the way i was but I didn’t leave me in the same condition since by submitting my life to Jesus then the Holy Spirit started the process of renewing my whole life until he comes back, but thank you since you are so nice and respectful in your replies. Respect 🫡
@@JoseSegoviaJr Not a problem. It may be that having an attraction in of itself is not sinful but once it turns lustful is where the sin comes in. Having a general attraction for the opposite gender does not mean one is constantly lusting. I have heard of some who completely change and others who are 80 and still have no attraction to the opposite gender. Some marry the opposite gender and still say they are attracted to the same. Take care
Hmmm… no talk of repentance , regeneration, still identifying as gay? More psychology than scripture in what he says…. Sounds like a progressive “Christian” to me…. Listen to Christopher Yuan… much more biblical!
Christopher Yuan is also lier in implying someone is born homo, and typically they are monogamous, when in fact most of them have random sexual encounters with strangers all the time.
The love between two is first and then the type of intimacy between a man is women is the act of joining together in going a step further and becoming one. We can experience that unity in another way as united in the Spirit and Christ in us as the Father is in the son and the son is in the father and they are one. God desires our love in the Spirit and others are one body and Christ the head. I believe the Spirit can reveal deeper understanding and experience a oneness cause of the love of God poured in us and the unity that is spoken of in His Word. Before I became a believer I didn't have any desire to be with anyone. The fact I was loved by them and I loved them had to be there and then the intimacy but only because I was being with them only cause the love was there otherwise I didn't have it in me to be intimate. After Christ, I come to realize I could fit into the category of the gift of celibacy. There is no marriage in heaven. They came to the conclusion it's better not to marry and Paul wished all were as he is for marriage could keep a person from wholly living for the lord and they have cares and concerns a married person and with a family would have. I completely understood this and I was glad to hear this. It explains a lot. The world would say you are missing out but in God administration not so. Possibly receive things for the kingdom of God or in the age to come. God's ways are not our ways, His ways are higher than ours and I seek to know Him more and be filled to over flowing of the things of the Spirit. Paul was ready to depart but for their sake he stayed. Always with the mind of others. As the lord says love God and others. This is great fulfillment. God will fill those voids and will not seem as we are giving up anything only gaining. God's love is what I want in me by His Spirit. But I believe there are great rewards in marriage too.
Love it!! Honest and still trying to live for GOD AWESOME. Like all Christians no sex outside of MARRIAGE...folks like to push gays on an island they are no more sinful than other prideful, gossipy, lying, cheating, lustful Christians 🤷🏾♀️
What it looks like for you to be obedient and follow Jesus is to repent and turn from your sin of lusting and desiring sex with other men and pray for the Lord to help you. What Bible do you read ? Are you actually even acting like a Godly man ? It doesn't seem like it to me I hope and pray you change the way you think because it Is not good, pure, or lovely or God honoring or fearing . 26¶For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature. What god are you serving and talking about ? Romans 1:27-28 27And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. 28¶And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;
@@victoriousvicz830 I didn't watch the whole interview but he definitely says it in his book, Single Gay Christian. If you look him up online you'll probably find him saying that. This channel also interviews Jackie Hill Perry who has definitely said that choosing to act on her homosexual urges was sinful.
It is so sad to see the lies and deception being advanced even in the church..........The Truth must be spoken in love, not in a better than the other person way, but as Scripture says..."Speak the Truth in love". The truth is very clear in the Scriptures, and the Scriptures are the authority. It doesn't matter how we feel, or what the world around us says, the Bible is the ultimate authority. My prayer for you and others is that you cling to the truth, and that the "truth will set you free." There is no way to deny God's teaching concerning homosexuality...Romans1:26 "For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. Likewise also the men leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due." For those struggling with this sin........agree with God and call it sin, then ask forgiveness and God promise to forgive and cleanse you. It doesn't mean you will have immediate victory, you will still have to battle sin, but you can be forgiven and cleansed by God. I John 1:8 and 9 "If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." Think of it like this........If a person is tempted to pornography....they can't just come to Jesus and say, ok Jesus I am a person who is always tempted by pornography, and so I am going to just give into the temptations and let pornography be a part of my life, but I still want to follow you. No they need to say dear Jesus, I have these sinful lusts and temptations to lust after pornography, will you forgive me, cleanse me, and give me victory over these sinful desires and temptations. God promises, that he will forgive and cleanse us.....that is the real truth that will set you free. Admit the sin, humble yourself before God and ask forgiveness and cleansing, and then you can truly experience the joy that God has for you.
1 Corinthians 6:9-11 9 Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men 10 nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. 11 And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.
This blessed me so much!! I’m same sex attracted and this helped me! Dr. Greg you are a blessing and you are loved! God bless you!
This really helps me have compassion on people in and outside the body of Christ.
there's so much pride and deception in the homosexuality debate(if that's what we can call it), but your channel brings so much light and truth, real truth of the gospel. these videos have helped and encouraged me more than I can say, thank you.
Idk who runs this account or why but thank you! You have and will save so many lives because of it.
I am so glad I ran across this interview good bless you I think you saved my life
Thank you Greg so much. Thank you for your boldness and honesty and for sharing your story.
We love you.
Reading your book right now. You said you would tell your 12-year old self, "You will have family wherever you go." That is so true!
teared up a few times during this video. so grateful for this ministry! ❤️
thanks so much Greg Coles PhD.
among all the theological books, testimonies, sermons, ministries, and therapists, your message has brought me the most hope. i hope that God will use me to help others as well in the future
grateful for his vulnerability and this ministry!
SOOOOO GOOD. Thank you!!!
Love this! Thank you for sharing your story. May we all take note of your boldness for Christ and His love for all.
Thank you for posting this. So insightful!
This is not true Christianity. Identity is everything, we are either identifying with CHRIST as born again New Creations -John 3;
or we're identifying with our sin nature... which is what he's doing.. Read the book of ROMANS, Jesus came to set us free! If we are crucified with Christ, then we have a NEW NATURE!! His death, burial and resurrection (THE GOSPEL) ARE THE POWER OF GOD TO SALVATION TO ANYONE WHO BELIEVES. Romans 1:16 Don't cheapen HIS MIGHTY SALVATION with talk of 'i'm a gay christian', that is not in the Word of GOD. He came to set the captive free! BE FREE IN JESUS NAME!
We must all read the bible for ourselves, HIS Word is plain to anyone who has ears to hear and eyes to see. Matt 13:16
This person seems to be confused at best.
Gay Christian is a term I find hard to accept.
Well spoken, as always, Greg! I think you are spot on.
Wonderful perspective on a difficult subject.
Thank you!
This brother is doing real work in opinion
Such good insight and information...
Character is far more than how a person expresses their sexuality is some of what hes saying i believe.
Thoughts about a same-sex companionate relationship in which there is love and tenderness yet the two remain celibate?
Yes I would like to know about that. There are other aspects to a "relationship" than sex
One of the great things about being a child of God is that you are given the power to fight your inner sin. Jesus said "If anyone wants to come after Me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow Me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it." A lot of people fail to understand why sin is so bad. The reason sin is so destructive to us is because it blinds us to the beauty of God. Matthew 5:8 says "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God." So what's the reward for being pure and holy? You get to see the face of God! That's the motivator that drives Christians to strive for holiness and sanctification. The reward isn't wealth, health, or earthly prosperity and Christians don't want any of that. Christians want intimacy with the Son of God. Psalm 63:1 says "O God, You are my God; earnestly I seek You; my soul thirsts for You; my flesh faints for You, as in a dry and weary land where there is no water."
Another important thing to understand is that our brain chemicals are not God. Therefore we can tell them "no". They do not have the final say. But a lot of people mistakenly think that their brain chemistry is God! They wouldn't dare deny themselves or tell themselves no. Sadly, this country is filled with people who bow down to their own brain chemistry. They are enslaved to whatever their brain wants in the moment. They're always thinking in the short term and they never think about the long term consequences. It's this type of attitude that drives the pornography industry, the homosexual campaigns, and the transgender moments. I'm reminded of Judges 21:25 which reads "In those days there was no king in Israel. Everyone did what was right in his own eyes." This is of course ironic because Israel *did* have a King. The LORD was their King but sadly, they did not recognize Him as their King. In Luke 6:46 Jesus said "Why do you call Me Lord and don't do what I say?" It is idolatry to worship our brain chemistry. We are not God and are brains aren't God either. There is only One Creator and heaven is His throne and earth is His footstool. Didn't the LORD clearly say "You shall have no other god's before Me."
So much good information man! Great and insightful!
Love his wisdom. Kind of wish he would've elaborated more on points he made at 19:10:
- What things does he get to say yes to as a single person that he couldn't if he chose the gay lifestyle?
- In his experience, what has God 'nudged him' to that's so much better than all the things he thought he needed to be happy?'
Feel like these talking points got brushed over.
Being single myself my whole life (currently age 56), I can tell you that I have had serving opportunities that a married person would never be able to easily navigate. First is that because I'm not financially responsible for a traditional family (wife and kids), I'm not obligated to work full time to pay for life's necessities. That frees up time for me to volunteer at my church which I do two full days a week. I serve both on Sundays where I make sure a group of staff and volunteers, about 35 people, get fed breakfast. On Tuesdays I serve in our college ministry where I'm able to share my life experiences with a group of interns as well as make sure people get fed a good dinner. In addition I serve on the production team. As a result, I literally "do life" with a huge (100+ people) Christian family. Being single, I'm also able to respond to last minute needs and long term needs like missionary work that a married person would not be able to do. I also have the financial means to meet needs when necessary because again, I'm not responsible for a traditional family. And I'm happier and more content than a lot of my married friends. Joy is truly found in following Jesus, not in the ways of the world. Hope this helps.
@@barcelona2112 wow, thank you that was a great answer. it's reassuring to hear you feel more content and happier than a lot of your married friends too.
The points made about God "allowing" people to be gay or any other perversion of sexuality are really good.
All of us, every single one of us, experience not just sexuality, but all desires and motivations in a way that is not necessarily in alignment with God's will. Because I am a straight male, I want to screw every female I can get my hands on. But even if I had the power to do so, it would not be right. I have to place limits on that desire. Some people are born with inclinations none of us others have, inclinations to hurt others, or other things we all agree are wrong. But we don't say to them, "you were born that way, there can't be anything wrong with doing something you were born to want to do!"
Bless your heart. You cannot justify continuing to be a homosexual just because we’re all imperfect. It seems to me like using/choosing scripture to support/justify the sin. You cannot continue saying, “I’m ‘gay’,” and expect to change your ways. No! I’m to continually wage war, not using the Bible against God! “For those who are according to flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who are according to the Spirit, the things of the Spirit. For your mind set on the flesh is a death, but the mind set on the Spirit is life and peace, because the mind set on the flesh is hostile toward God; for it does not subject its self to the law of God, for it is not even able to do so, and those who are in the flesh cannot please God.” Romans 8:5-8. You’re misleading people! Just because people “are screwed up,” doesn’t mean we’re to continue to return to our own vomit.
Exactly 💯
“Don’t you know that the unrighteous will not inherit God’s kingdom? Do not be deceived: No sexually immoral people, idolaters, adulterers, or anyone practicing homosexuality, no thieves, greedy people, drunkards, verbally abusive people, or swindlers will inherit God’s kingdom. And some of you used to be like this. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.”
1 Corinthians 6:9-11
Don’t be deceived , no one practicing homosexuality or any other sin will be able to enter. Draw near to God in faith of Jesus Christ who died for sinners. Be broken over your sin, repent and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved!
This was very well stated. Though I must say, I've never once been in a room full of naked women, but on many occasions, I've been in locker rooms full of naked Men.
For those who struggle with same sex attraction, avoiding locker rooms and other nude experiences with same sex persons would be a wise move. For straight persons, nude beaches or even beaches and pools in general could be a stumbling block and therefore should be avoided.
For either experience, we need to have compassion for, and build up, those who struggle.
Thank you for your insight!
Hot dang. That is very good.
Is he looking for ways to be straight as the bible say it’s the only way? Or does he actually believe that the bible is ok with homosexuality and thinks it’s only sin in the moment when one is “lusting” no matter the preference may be?
So good!!
There is so many married people that also feels lonely …
Does they way we think or perceive ourself define how God thinks or perceives us?? (In Christ Jesus) the old is past away and the new is come. New creations in Christ Jesus we are if we repent, turn from our sin and give to Jesus all of us (including the sins we struggle with). That is when He in turn will give you all of Him in terms of (salvation): deliverance, righteousness, peace, grace, power, love, SELF CONTROL and the Holy Spirit who is that voice inside of you reminding you of whose and who you are. You can not take your sin into heaven with you, you can not even take your background, experiences, or earthly thoughts with you to heaven. It’s (Christ’s righteousness) that takes you into heaven and is what makes you a Christian now on earth. Your pass sins don’t go with you because God doesn’t see it, it’s been covered by the blood of Jesus and now his power is able to keep you from stumbling if you continue in him and (YOUR FAITH THAT HE WASHED YOU OF YOUR PAST, PRESENT, AND FUTURE SINS). It’s not your own works or thoughts or your parents who took you to church as a kid but His righteousness. There’s a cost to follow Christ and that sacrifice requires your whole individual life under his lordship (Matt 16:24-25). The cost is “take my yoke upon you and learn of me” Jesus’ yoke is easy and his burden is light but you still need to make that sacrifice and drop your sin, put your hand in his out stretched hand and become a true disciple. (1 Corinthians 6:9-11) (1 Corinthians 15:50) you can not say I am a homosexual and say I am the righteousness of Christ at the same time.. that’s a mockery and lie against the Bible and our God, please beware flock of false teaching... “either make the tree good and it’s fruit good or else make the tree bad and its fruit bad; for a tree is known by its fruit” “New wine is for new wine skins”.
Question, so after all he said, is my understanding that he stills identify himself as gay? Or, gay christian?
It appears so but is abstaining from sex since he isn't married. Which is really the rule for all Christians 🤷🏾♀️
@@jenisebrooks4308 Definitely abstaining from sex before marriage is one of many, but becoming Christian and still identify as a gay but adding the Christian at the end is not biblical at all, but i do see a person who is not allowing the Holy Spirit to renew his mind and thoughts through the word of God. Ephesians 4: 17-24!!
I do respect him and respect his life but I don’t support the way he is trying to share the Gospel but may God help us all indeed.
@@JoseSegoviaJr I understand it as he is being honest about his attraction but still submitting to God's will by denying his fleshly desires like all Christians do. Pick up their cross daily. I'm not sure if he walks around saying he is a GAY Christian or it's his way of getting the attention of others who have those attractions so he can share how he still submits to God.
@@jenisebrooks4308 while your perspective is understandable, it is super dangerous now a days, since a person can share their thoughts when they are uncertain or without clarity in what they want the audience to get from what they are sharing. The reason i feel a little uncomfortable with what he is sharing is the fact that he has a book named; SINGLE, GAY, CHRISTIAN, where he expressed how you can be gay and follow Jesus at the same time which leads me back to where the word of God says; Eph 4:22 throw off your old sinful nature and your former way of life, which is corrupted by lust and deception.
Eph 4:23 Instead, let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes.
Eph 4:24 Put on your new nature, created to be like God-truly righteous and holy.
Jenise Brooks my point is simple, i had an addiction to pornography when Jesus found me, and He for sure accepted me the way i was but I didn’t leave me in the same condition since by submitting my life to Jesus then the Holy Spirit started the process of renewing my whole life until he comes back, but thank you since you are so nice and respectful in your replies.
Respect 🫡
@@JoseSegoviaJr Not a problem. It may be that having an attraction in of itself is not sinful but once it turns lustful is where the sin comes in. Having a general attraction for the opposite gender does not mean one is constantly lusting. I have heard of some who completely change and others who are 80 and still have no attraction to the opposite gender. Some marry the opposite gender and still say they are attracted to the same. Take care
Hmmm… no talk of repentance , regeneration, still identifying as gay? More psychology than scripture in what he says…. Sounds like a progressive “Christian” to me…. Listen to Christopher Yuan… much more biblical!
Christopher Yuan is also lier in implying someone is born homo, and typically they are monogamous, when in fact most of them have random sexual encounters with strangers all the time.
The love between two is first and then the type of intimacy between a man is women is the act of joining together in going a step further and becoming one. We can experience that unity in another way as united in the Spirit and Christ in us as the Father is in the son and the son is in the father and they are one. God desires our love in the Spirit and others are one body and Christ the head. I believe the Spirit can reveal deeper understanding and experience a oneness cause of the love of God poured in us and the unity that is spoken of in His Word. Before I became a believer I didn't have any desire to be with anyone. The fact I was loved by them and I loved them had to be there and then the intimacy but only because I was being with them only cause the love was there otherwise I didn't have it in me to be intimate. After Christ, I come to realize I could fit into the category of the gift of celibacy. There is no marriage in heaven. They came to the conclusion it's better not to marry and Paul wished all were as he is for marriage could keep a person from wholly living for the lord and they have cares and concerns a married person and with a family would have. I completely understood this and I was glad to hear this. It explains a lot. The world would say you are missing out but in God administration not so. Possibly receive things for the kingdom of God or in the age to come. God's ways are not our ways, His ways are higher than ours and I seek to know Him more and be filled to over flowing of the things of the Spirit. Paul was ready to depart but for their sake he stayed. Always with the mind of others. As the lord says love God and others. This is great fulfillment. God will fill those voids and will not seem as we are giving up anything only gaining. God's love is what I want in me by His Spirit. But I believe there are great rewards in marriage too.
Love it!! Honest and still trying to live for GOD AWESOME. Like all Christians no sex outside of MARRIAGE...folks like to push gays on an island they are no more sinful than other prideful, gossipy, lying, cheating, lustful Christians 🤷🏾♀️
What it looks like for you to be obedient and follow Jesus is to repent and turn from your sin of lusting and desiring sex with other men and pray for the Lord to help you. What Bible do you read ? Are you actually even acting like a Godly man ? It doesn't seem like it to me I hope and pray you change the way you think because it Is not good, pure, or lovely or God honoring or fearing . 26¶For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature. What god are you serving and talking about ?
Romans 1:27-28
27And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
28¶And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;
Everything this channel is saying is nothing short of blasphemy. They worship a god they created. God doesn’t change.
Are you aware that he believes it's sinful for him to act on his homosexual desires?
@@seancharrie8512 did he say that?
@@victoriousvicz830 I didn't watch the whole interview but he definitely says it in his book, Single Gay Christian. If you look him up online you'll probably find him saying that. This channel also interviews Jackie Hill Perry who has definitely said that choosing to act on her homosexual urges was sinful.
It is so sad to see the lies and deception being advanced even in the church..........The Truth must be spoken in love, not in a better than the other person way, but as Scripture says..."Speak the Truth in love". The truth is very clear in the Scriptures, and the Scriptures are the authority. It doesn't matter how we feel, or what the world around us says, the Bible is the ultimate authority. My prayer for you and others is that you cling to the truth, and that the "truth will set you free." There is no way to deny God's teaching concerning homosexuality...Romans1:26 "For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. Likewise also the men leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due."
For those struggling with this sin........agree with God and call it sin, then ask forgiveness and God promise to forgive and cleanse you. It doesn't mean you will have immediate victory, you will still have to battle sin, but you can be forgiven and cleansed by God. I John 1:8 and 9 "If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."
Think of it like this........If a person is tempted to pornography....they can't just come to Jesus and say, ok Jesus I am a person who is always tempted by pornography, and so I am going to just give into the temptations and let pornography be a part of my life, but I still want to follow you. No they need to say dear Jesus, I have these sinful lusts and temptations to lust after pornography, will you forgive me, cleanse me, and give me victory over these sinful desires and temptations. God promises, that he will forgive and cleanse us.....that is the real truth that will set you free. Admit the sin, humble yourself before God and ask forgiveness and cleansing, and then you can truly experience the joy that God has for you.
1 Corinthians 6:9-11
9 Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men
10 nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.
11 And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.
Jesus can deliver a homosexual from this evil sin, and the deception of these lies trying to justify this evil.
I have to look that up