This is actually one of the most optimistic (seriously) perspectives on AI right now. Ideas like giving most of us more free time, for example. Many look to the past, as recent as 1950s America, to see how technological innovation (vacuum cleaners, refrigerators, television, and decades later the Internet) has had the opposite effect for most. Planned obsolescence of products leads to endless cycles of updating and consuming products, rather than repairing and maintaining. A counter-perspective to this video, gaining momentum across the Internet, is that AI innovation will likely lead to higher demands on workers, lower wages, etc., without actually giving any but the uber-rich more leisure.
Neoliberalism In the early 1970s, a group of democrats and republicans formed a whole new type of American conservatism and social engineering and that type of engineering has been coined, neoliberalism. The concept of neoliberalism started in post ww2 europe when the western business leaders decided that since they are already the masters of industry they might as well be entitled to managing governments as well. The mission objective of neoliberalism in america was an ambitious one and can be confirmed by reading the powell memo from 1971 but much of what I have written here came during the Reagan administration. The plan: 1) talk the fortune 500 companies into pitching 10% of quarterly earnings into buying off all the American politicians of both parties, all government officials in every agency, all the media outlets and the anchors they pay and all the judges and courts. 2)pay the media to stop criticizing the private sector so car manufacturers can ship all jobs overseas and effectively turn America into a service economy instead of a production economy. 3)Pay government / cia to plan coups in oil rich nations so that an American / British oil oligopoly can control production / price of all global oil. 4)Pay the politicians of both parties to never pass working class legislation and only pass corporate laws and gerrymander districts so the corporate candidates always win. 5)Pay the courts and judges to hurt enemies and protect corporations. 6)social engineer wedge issues. the main objective here is a way to drive a wedge straight through the working class and get half of them to vote pro corporate without even realizing it, the Republican Party is built to constantly pass corporate law. (All mainstream media including msnbc steer viewers to the right, all social media is also meant to attract left leaning people and steer them to the right. Fox is the status quo, it keeps all republican voters from becoming too anti establishment while making their audience feel like a counter culture. The Democratic Party is historically for working class so when democrats win majority, the donors can only pay them to create “do nothing caucuses” and that’s exactly what they do. If dems were paid to pass corporate laws like republicans, they would face uncertain primaries much like Kristen sinema.) 7)platform evangelicals to get Christians to ignore pro abortion biblical texts (numbers 5 11 22) and become anti abortionist cafeteria Christians so they vote Republican. 8)Adopt a southern strategy that gives a black welfare queen scapegoat to all the southerners that used to vote democrat before the civil rights movement so they now vote Republican. 9)establish trickle down economics so that all mothers and housewives in lower and middle class households have to enter the workforce and much like abortion, feminism can become a huge wedge issue that helps more American vote republican, while at the same time the low labor market value will benefit the owners. (ironically enough, it was Reagan and the “conservatives” that promoted the nuclear family but ultimately pushed through these anti family policies with reaganomics and forced all low skilled conservative mothers and housewives into the workforce, it was not a surprise that crime exploded because no parents were at home anymore) 10)implement financialization: deregulate wallstreet to the point where corporations and the oligarchs that own them will never lose power. have the fed quantitatively ease gambling losses of those oligarchs and corporations so they never financially lose by printing more money. 11)Never allow competition in the market or an end to planned obsolescence by merging in new and successful companies into existing conglomerates that essentially function as oligopolies. 12)Make sure only laborers are taxed and never shareholders and owners. 13)when quantitative easement causes the inflation rate and interest rates to rise, sacrifice labor by laying off millions of corporate workers and kick them out of economy so they stop spending and it will ease interest rates and borrowing for corporations will become affordable again and gambling and quantitative easement can continue. 14)make certain lower class families never organize worker cooperatives and become financially independent of employers and government by simply adding a few positions to college campuses and firing leftist economic professors. Blacklist anyone from media that promotes worker cooperatives and make sure the narrative is always off economics and on trans people turning children trans or something and if economics are the topic make sure it’s capitalism vs the Soviet planned economy or capitalism vs social welfare programs and never capitalism vs worker cooperatives. After reading the memo, nixon made powell a Supreme Court justice just two weeks later. There were a few snags in this plan though, in 1973, Nixon and the neoliberal front which by this point probably included the cia, had access to opposition research on republican politicians that would never accept dark money so they could defeat them in primaries in 74 but they didn’t have any research on dems and had to break into offices to retrieve them. This came to be known as the watergate scandal. Carter getting elected in 76 also slowed down the movement. In 79, the neolibs and cia got the Iranian hostages(something caused by one of those oil coups) released but they decided to keep them held by their Iranian captors for 100+ more days than they were negotiated free so that carter would be hurt in the ‘80 election. Reagan was elected and was far more successful than nixon at implementing powells plan. Today we are living in powells neoliberal america where the donor class wants you to think they only donate to one party but even trump has admitted to donating to democrats because the system is entirely corrupt. The post 80s neoliberal infrastructure mostly works by main stream media making dem voters think everything is gops fault and republican voters think everything is dems fault. It’s called divide and conquer. There’s no such thing as Republican and democratic fighting, theres just one group that has both parties in their pocket. If there are any policies in this country you do not like, blame the people that own the politicians and courts and media and government. They are the fortune 88. They are an oligarchy. The oligarchy’s main motivation is to keep ALEC going as much as possible. ALEC is a corporate think tank that passes corporate legislation. This type of legislation and social policies like anti gay or anti abortion laws actually kills local economies. the neoliberal deep state dont care about red state economies though because they live in nyc and San Francisco where those social policies don’t reach them but all the corporate laws that kill small businesses do reach them in blue states. Anyone that gets in the way of ALEC has to be removed from the equation. Donald trump can’t win general (electoral) elections anymore because his personality motivates people that don’t even vote to get registered and vote against the gop. this hurts ALEC and ALEC is all that matters to the people who actually own everything in this country. They don’t care about aborted fetuses, they’ve owned the Supreme Court for 30 years and have allowed 30 years of fetal murder and only now shot down roe only to hurt trump and maga for a few election cycles so they can retake the Republican Party which they see as there’s.
Any gamer knows that while cheating can help you sometimes if you're stuck in the game, playing with cheats all the time makes the game too easy and extremely boring as a result. I have a feeling it somehow is connected to creative tasks and AI.
I really enjoyed this video - even if it was unsettling :/ I recently read Man’s Search for Meaning and the intro to your video reminded me of his argument. I think what I find most unsettling is the soon-to-be/already somewhat ubiquitous nature of AI. Even if I wanted to opt-out, as you discuss toward the end of the video, it could one day be unethical to not use it or unprovable with regard to human vs AI output. That is terrifying!
If this video was interesting or helped you in any way please like it and leave a comment for the TH-cam algorithm to recommend it. Also, let me know what you think below.
I actually think the more speculative “nihilism” hook, might be a distraction from the core content. The exposition is grounded in practical human experience in ways that audiences skeptical of philosophical themes might be receptive to. Ten out of ten though. I have watched a lot of AI reaction videos, and this one is so calm, well expressed, realistic, and not apparently wedded to any ideological camp. So good. Thank you.
The band "Bring me the Horizon" and Grimes (Ex of E.Musk) made a song together called "Nihilist Blues" - it touches this exact topic in an 'artsy' way. Highly recommend it!
Agree with much of what you’re saying. This is an unstoppable (and foolishly opposed) shift in society. However I disagree on one key point - the idea that suffering is necessary for satisfaction. I think video games clearly prove that wrong. Certainly to suffer and achieve is ONE type of satisfaction and one REQUIRED in society today. However the relationship with AI should be one of value and production, humans bringing the values and AI bringing the production.
@@Jesperdekleuver Yeah for a game that you love playing. But force yourself to play a game you don't like that is a struggle to beat then you wont say the same.
Use it. Be the curator of things. You're no longer a creator, just a curator. If that seems depressing and difficult to swallow, try Buddhism or meditation. Peace can be found with the emptiness. If anyone's struggling feel free to reach out. Humanity is much more than what we create or strive for. We're capable of love and that is meaningful in and of itself. Lean into the emptiness and see fear for what it is. Another empty biological response in the body. It's just discomfort. Everything is going to be okay. 😊
When people talk about artistic endeavor and creativity they forget the simple thing that makes it impossoble for an AI system to trully grasp: it doesn't have a goal. You do it because you want to. You do it because you feel like doing it. Art doesn't have an end beyond itself. AI will create stuff with what already exists, but it won't be able to come up with something like grunge 'cause it will never feel the need to express desperation, pain and heroin withdrawal. Also, your expression doesn't became meaningless as long as you have a social circle and a body (both of wich AI doesn't have). People need to stop tripping about robots. That being said, AI is truly dangerous. Human beings need to get their shit togheter, times are going to get rough.
@@obviativ123 I find it hard to believe AI's art will be more touching or inspiring since it neither feels touch nor breathes haha. I mean, sure, some people might like art that's generated by a robot that reproduces in a different way what already happened, but true human feeling that reflects the present day and human suffering... well, I don't think AI can do that.
@@SuperCarneseca That's because you think art is dependent on a human intention/feeling behind it. But art is not about the background, it is about the surface. AI could reproduce paintings, literature, poetry and music based on successful human art and psychological research. It could find out about the mechanisms of art and reproduce them in a creative way (just because it uses elements of human art many people say that it was not created; as if humans worked any different). It could perfect these mechanisms and create better art than a human could create. (Btw, the difference between a good and a bad artist is not true human feeling; it's talent and exercise.)
@@obviativ123 I like that you said "it could" every single time. I mean, a human "could" be way better in everyone of those aspects too if we're going to use those terms. Also, if you think art is about the surface and not the background I don't think you understand art at all. Art is about the historical period, the psychological state of societies and the advancement of knowledge through sound (music), movement (dance), vision (visual arts) and action (drama). And I'm a musician, I play 5 instruments and write poetry too. I know art is about practice but it's really not only that. Divorcing art from humanity is absurd to the core, art is exactly what makes our advancement possible, it's the first vision of the future and its possibilities. This talk that AI "could" be like God or something is almost comical. It's a computer/robot, get over it. When electricity is down it won't even work lol.
Read The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect. It's about the very same subject, except much further advanced. The Ai we have now is just an infant, but the Ai in this book is a pro athlete comparatively. What the humans do with their free time will blow your mind.
Really great video! But i don't agree with a couple of things: - playing chess (or other sports or even performing arts) won't be less fulfilling. AI doesn't suck out the passion out of the experience, it makes it more interesting. We all have access to the same tools, it's still human competition, we'll just adapt to these new tools - art made by humans will not disappear. it will become a genre (maybe the biggest and most expensive) and manifest itself differently. We didn't stop watching football just because we can now simulate players and matches. Wanted to add something else but i forgot. Anyway, keep up the good work!
Little kids who play games for the first time have to be constantly corrected. They don't understand the "purpose" of playing games. All they understand is that it's not fun to lose. The "joy" of playing chess for an adult is, at first, meaningless to them. There is no joy in tedious things which is what games are. Tedious exercise of obeying rules one had no part in concocting, all for the goal one sees no benefit in achieving. We fool ourselves when we play games. One wonders what tools programmers use to get computers to play games.
More to the point, we don't stop playing sports even though there are professional athletes who are vastly better at them than we could ever hope to be.
@@jimbaldwin5741 Sport has the benefit of physical enjoyment as well as growth. Games do what to the brain 🧠? To the mind it is nothing more than a pretext to overcoming a kind of ignorance. The "fascination" of games is that they present themselves as a path to end a certain kind of ignorance. Not the ignorance of intersolar space flight or curing disease - those things which are, as yet, unknown. No the ignorance it intrigues is the different permutations of win, lose, stalemate arguments or outcomes. An outcome which makes no difference to pressing issues of survival, just to ...boredom.
A few things: 1) Like all technology, AI will be shoddily made and poorly maintained, and so will keep breaking down, requiring human oversight of it forever. 2) Even if AI does replace humans in the workplace, the newly permanently unemployed will not be leisured dilettantes enjoying some kind of mythical universal income: they will just join the rest of the human race in starving to death in their own filth. Think Ethiopian famine, only in every country in the world. 3) Even if by some miracle no. 2 above did not happen, it is clearly inconceivable to people thinking about these issues - the possibility just never even occurs to them - that people "liberated from work" would engage in altruistic activites like feeding deprived children in Africa etc. 4) If the "presenter" of this video is not actually AI-generated "him"self - like so much of TH-cam and other online media is - then "he" is doing a very good impression of it by speaking and moving (when he does so, which is rare) in a very stilted and artificial manner.
Are there algorithms for everything humans "do"? Can A.I. automate the economy: generate and distribute wealth without any requirement of human values not associated with health and well being? Is there a human activity whose steps have no context to an A.I.? Simply, is there a programmer who can program what is not known? Practical fusion, antigravity, ftl travel, teleportation, x-ray vision, curing the common cold; how would any of these be programmed? Scientists have the benefit of experimentation: interacting with the Objects of Nature. What about A.I. would give it greater access to Nature than human consciousness?
They’ll create another system to occupy humans with spare time on their hands… I think the meta verse will be just that… get the robots, algorithms and drones do daily human tasks and keep the masses distracted inside the metaverse. Just my thoughts
Nihilism never went away. So no need for the "neo". Nihilism isn't bad because we don't need meaning or purpose in our lives to be happy. Nihilism is the correct way to view the world.
But you yourself can never truly know if life is meaningless. You come to this conclusion from solely your perception alone. Sure the environment will mold it, but there are many ways to "correctly" view the world, as your perception is not mine. I consider myself an absurdist, but claiming nihilism is the absolute correct way to view the world then implants an inherent "correctness" to it, which nihilism cannot claim because if nothing matters, then all that does matter is your perception to you.
Which is worse, Ben, nihilism or purpose? Humans can live with both, indeed nihilism is living by denying purpose and purpose is living by ignoring nihilism. From a western religious point of view the question arises, what is the greater sin? Doesn't the Seven Deadly Sins tell us that purpose really is a pretext to justify one's mode of sin? From pride to lust isn't purpose, any purpose, just a path to hell? One may tell oneself (and others) that one's sacrifice is for the greater good, but really weren't you proud of yourself? One can live just to exist, abandoning all pretexts to purpose except that of the evolutionary "urge" of survival. Wouldn't this be a form of nihilism? No voluntary goal, just the involuntary fight for survival. Without social or cultural responsibility, duty or desire. Wouldn't this "innocence" relieve you of any guilt you might acquire from purposefully avoiding your fellow man?
You're missing one crucial point whether or not ai can make better products than humans, there's always another human that can make products better than you can. This is the classic problem there's always a bigger fish in the sea. This is not new it's just typifies some thing that was already there.
I was thinking along the same line. I enjoy playing my guitar. I am no George Benson, or Eric Clapton. I still greatly enjoy playing. I'm no Jack Kirby or John Buscema, but I enjoy drawing superheroes anyway! AI in the mix does not change that equation.
This is actually one of the most optimistic (seriously) perspectives on AI right now. Ideas like giving most of us more free time, for example. Many look to the past, as recent as 1950s America, to see how technological innovation (vacuum cleaners, refrigerators, television, and decades later the Internet) has had the opposite effect for most. Planned obsolescence of products leads to endless cycles of updating and consuming products, rather than repairing and maintaining. A counter-perspective to this video, gaining momentum across the Internet, is that AI innovation will likely lead to higher demands on workers, lower wages, etc., without actually giving any but the uber-rich more leisure.
Nihilism is already here and it’s brought on by neoliberalism
In the early 1970s, a group of democrats and republicans formed a whole new type of American conservatism and social engineering and that type of engineering has been coined, neoliberalism. The concept of neoliberalism started in post ww2 europe when the western business leaders decided that since they are already the masters of industry they might as well be entitled to managing governments as well. The mission objective of neoliberalism in america was an ambitious one and can be confirmed by reading the powell memo from 1971 but much of what I have written here came during the Reagan administration. The plan:
1) talk the fortune 500 companies into pitching 10% of quarterly earnings into buying off all the American politicians of both parties, all government officials in every agency, all the media outlets and the anchors they pay and all the judges and courts.
2)pay the media to stop criticizing the private sector so car manufacturers can ship all jobs overseas and effectively turn America into a service economy instead of a production economy.
3)Pay government / cia to plan coups in oil rich nations so that an American / British oil oligopoly can control production / price of all global oil.
4)Pay the politicians of both parties to never pass working class legislation and only pass corporate laws and gerrymander districts so the corporate candidates always win.
5)Pay the courts and judges to hurt enemies and protect corporations.
6)social engineer wedge issues. the main objective here is a way to drive a wedge straight through the working class and get half of them to vote pro corporate without even realizing it, the Republican Party is built to constantly pass corporate law. (All mainstream media including msnbc steer viewers to the right, all social media is also meant to attract left leaning people and steer them to the right. Fox is the status quo, it keeps all republican voters from becoming too anti establishment while making their audience feel like a counter culture. The Democratic Party is historically for working class so when democrats win majority, the donors can only pay them to create “do nothing caucuses” and that’s exactly what they do. If dems were paid to pass corporate laws like republicans, they would face uncertain primaries much like Kristen sinema.)
7)platform evangelicals to get Christians to ignore pro abortion biblical texts (numbers 5 11 22) and become anti abortionist cafeteria Christians so they vote Republican.
8)Adopt a southern strategy that gives a black welfare queen scapegoat to all the southerners that used to vote democrat before the civil rights movement so they now vote Republican.
9)establish trickle down economics so that all mothers and housewives in lower and middle class households have to enter the workforce and much like abortion, feminism can become a huge wedge issue that helps more American vote republican, while at the same time the low labor market value will benefit the owners. (ironically enough, it was Reagan and the “conservatives” that promoted the nuclear family but ultimately pushed through these anti family policies with reaganomics and forced all low skilled conservative mothers and housewives into the workforce, it was not a surprise that crime exploded because no parents were at home anymore)
10)implement financialization: deregulate wallstreet to the point where corporations and the oligarchs that own them will never lose power. have the fed quantitatively ease gambling losses of those oligarchs and corporations so they never financially lose by printing more money.
11)Never allow competition in the market or an end to planned obsolescence by merging in new and successful companies into existing conglomerates that essentially function as oligopolies.
12)Make sure only laborers are taxed and never shareholders and owners.
13)when quantitative easement causes the inflation rate and interest rates to rise, sacrifice labor by laying off millions of corporate workers and kick them out of economy so they stop spending and it will ease interest rates and borrowing for corporations will become affordable again and gambling and quantitative easement can continue.
14)make certain lower class families never organize worker cooperatives and become financially independent of employers and government by simply adding a few positions to college campuses and firing leftist economic professors. Blacklist anyone from media that promotes worker cooperatives and make sure the narrative is always off economics and on trans people turning children trans or something and if economics are the topic make sure it’s capitalism vs the Soviet planned economy or capitalism vs social welfare programs and never capitalism vs worker cooperatives.
After reading the memo, nixon made powell a Supreme Court justice just two weeks later. There were a few snags in this plan though, in 1973, Nixon and the neoliberal front which by this point probably included the cia, had access to opposition research on republican politicians that would never accept dark money so they could defeat them in primaries in 74 but they didn’t have any research on dems and had to break into offices to retrieve them. This came to be known as the watergate scandal. Carter getting elected in 76 also slowed down the movement. In 79, the neolibs and cia got the Iranian hostages(something caused by one of those oil coups) released but they decided to keep them held by their Iranian captors for 100+ more days than they were negotiated free so that carter would be hurt in the ‘80 election. Reagan was elected and was far more successful than nixon at implementing powells plan. Today we are living in powells neoliberal america where the donor class wants you to think they only donate to one party but even trump has admitted to donating to democrats because the system is entirely corrupt.
The post 80s neoliberal infrastructure mostly works by main stream media making dem voters think everything is gops fault and republican voters think everything is dems fault. It’s called divide and conquer. There’s no such thing as Republican and democratic fighting, theres just one group that has both parties in their pocket. If there are any policies in this country you do not like, blame the people that own the politicians and courts and media and government. They are the fortune 88. They are an oligarchy. The oligarchy’s main motivation is to keep ALEC going as much as possible. ALEC is a corporate think tank that passes corporate legislation. This type of legislation and social policies like anti gay or anti abortion laws actually kills local economies. the neoliberal deep state dont care about red state economies though because they live in nyc and San Francisco where those social policies don’t reach them but all the corporate laws that kill small businesses do reach them in blue states. Anyone that gets in the way of ALEC has to be removed from the equation. Donald trump can’t win general (electoral) elections anymore because his personality motivates people that don’t even vote to get registered and vote against the gop. this hurts ALEC and ALEC is all that matters to the people who actually own everything in this country. They don’t care about aborted fetuses, they’ve owned the Supreme Court for 30 years and have allowed 30 years of fetal murder and only now shot down roe only to hurt trump and maga for a few election cycles so they can retake the Republican Party which they see as there’s.
Any gamer knows that while cheating can help you sometimes if you're stuck in the game, playing with cheats all the time makes the game too easy and extremely boring as a result. I have a feeling it somehow is connected to creative tasks and AI.
I really enjoyed this video - even if it was unsettling :/ I recently read Man’s Search for Meaning and the intro to your video reminded me of his argument.
I think what I find most unsettling is the soon-to-be/already somewhat ubiquitous nature of AI. Even if I wanted to opt-out, as you discuss toward the end of the video, it could one day be unethical to not use it or unprovable with regard to human vs AI output. That is terrifying!
If this video was interesting or helped you in any way please like it and leave a comment for the TH-cam algorithm to recommend it.
Also, let me know what you think below.
Absolutely excellent. This is the most simultaneously logical and pragmatic exposition of non-apocalyptic ANI outcomes I’ve seen.
Great and very relevant video. Thanks for making it.
I actually think the more speculative “nihilism” hook, might be a distraction from the core content. The exposition is grounded in practical human experience in ways that audiences skeptical of philosophical themes might be receptive to. Ten out of ten though. I have watched a lot of AI reaction videos, and this one is so calm, well expressed, realistic, and not apparently wedded to any ideological camp. So good. Thank you.
The band "Bring me the Horizon" and Grimes (Ex of E.Musk) made a song together called "Nihilist Blues" - it touches this exact topic in an 'artsy' way. Highly recommend it!
Agree with much of what you’re saying. This is an unstoppable (and foolishly opposed) shift in society. However I disagree on one key point - the idea that suffering is necessary for satisfaction. I think video games clearly prove that wrong. Certainly to suffer and achieve is ONE type of satisfaction and one REQUIRED in society today. However the relationship with AI should be one of value and production, humans bringing the values and AI bringing the production.
Getting better at video games requires struggle, that's where most enjoyment comes from imo
@@Jesperdekleuver Yeah for a game that you love playing. But force yourself to play a game you don't like that is a struggle to beat then you wont say the same.
Use it. Be the curator of things. You're no longer a creator, just a curator. If that seems depressing and difficult to swallow, try Buddhism or meditation. Peace can be found with the emptiness.
If anyone's struggling feel free to reach out. Humanity is much more than what we create or strive for. We're capable of love and that is meaningful in and of itself. Lean into the emptiness and see fear for what it is. Another empty biological response in the body. It's just discomfort. Everything is going to be okay. 😊
When people talk about artistic endeavor and creativity they forget the simple thing that makes it impossoble for an AI system to trully grasp: it doesn't have a goal. You do it because you want to. You do it because you feel like doing it. Art doesn't have an end beyond itself. AI will create stuff with what already exists, but it won't be able to come up with something like grunge 'cause it will never feel the need to express desperation, pain and heroin withdrawal.
Also, your expression doesn't became meaningless as long as you have a social circle and a body (both of wich AI doesn't have). People need to stop tripping about robots. That being said, AI is truly dangerous. Human beings need to get their shit togheter, times are going to get rough.
But maybe no one will appreciate any human's artistic expression when AI art is much better, more touching, more moving, more inspiring..
@@obviativ123 I find it hard to believe AI's art will be more touching or inspiring since it neither feels touch nor breathes haha. I mean, sure, some people might like art that's generated by a robot that reproduces in a different way what already happened, but true human feeling that reflects the present day and human suffering... well, I don't think AI can do that.
@@SuperCarneseca That's because you think art is dependent on a human intention/feeling behind it. But art is not about the background, it is about the surface. AI could reproduce paintings, literature, poetry and music based on successful human art and psychological research. It could find out about the mechanisms of art and reproduce them in a creative way (just because it uses elements of human art many people say that it was not created; as if humans worked any different). It could perfect these mechanisms and create better art than a human could create.
(Btw, the difference between a good and a bad artist is not true human feeling; it's talent and exercise.)
@@obviativ123 I like that you said "it could" every single time. I mean, a human "could" be way better in everyone of those aspects too if we're going to use those terms.
Also, if you think art is about the surface and not the background I don't think you understand art at all. Art is about the historical period, the psychological state of societies and the advancement of knowledge through sound (music), movement (dance), vision (visual arts) and action (drama).
And I'm a musician, I play 5 instruments and write poetry too. I know art is about practice but it's really not only that. Divorcing art from humanity is absurd to the core, art is exactly what makes our advancement possible, it's the first vision of the future and its possibilities.
This talk that AI "could" be like God or something is almost comical. It's a computer/robot, get over it. When electricity is down it won't even work lol.
Read The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect. It's about the very same subject, except much further advanced. The Ai we have now is just an infant, but the Ai in this book is a pro athlete comparatively. What the humans do with their free time will blow your mind.
I just discovered this book the other day, thanks for pushing it up my current reading list. 👍
Address how it will affect war. That is my biggest concerns.
Really great video! But i don't agree with a couple of things:
- playing chess (or other sports or even performing arts) won't be less fulfilling. AI doesn't suck out the passion out of the experience, it makes it more interesting. We all have access to the same tools, it's still human competition, we'll just adapt to these new tools
- art made by humans will not disappear. it will become a genre (maybe the biggest and most expensive) and manifest itself differently. We didn't stop watching football just because we can now simulate players and matches.
Wanted to add something else but i forgot. Anyway, keep up the good work!
Little kids who play games for the first time have to be constantly corrected. They don't understand the "purpose" of playing games. All they understand is that it's not fun to lose. The "joy" of playing chess for an adult is, at first, meaningless to them. There is no joy in tedious things which is what games are. Tedious exercise of obeying rules one had no part in concocting, all for the goal one sees no benefit in achieving. We fool ourselves when we play games. One wonders what tools programmers use to get computers to play games.
More to the point, we don't stop playing sports even though there are professional athletes who are vastly better at them than we could ever hope to be.
@@jimbaldwin5741 Sport has the benefit of physical enjoyment as well as growth. Games do what to the brain 🧠? To the mind it is nothing more than a pretext to overcoming a kind of ignorance. The "fascination" of games is that they present themselves as a path to end a certain kind of ignorance. Not the ignorance of intersolar space flight or curing disease - those things which are, as yet, unknown. No the ignorance it intrigues is the different permutations of win, lose, stalemate arguments or outcomes. An outcome which makes no difference to pressing issues of survival, just to ...boredom.
A few things:
1) Like all technology, AI will be shoddily made and poorly maintained, and so will keep breaking down, requiring human oversight of it forever.
2) Even if AI does replace humans in the workplace, the newly permanently unemployed will not be leisured dilettantes enjoying some kind of mythical universal income: they will just join the rest of the human race in starving to death in their own filth. Think Ethiopian famine, only in every country in the world.
3) Even if by some miracle no. 2 above did not happen, it is clearly inconceivable to people thinking about these issues - the possibility just never even occurs to them - that people "liberated from work" would engage in altruistic activites like feeding deprived children in Africa etc.
4) If the "presenter" of this video is not actually AI-generated "him"self - like so much of TH-cam and other online media is - then "he" is doing a very good impression of it by speaking and moving (when he does so, which is rare) in a very stilted and artificial manner.
and this phenomenon is why i'm reading infinite jest.
Are there algorithms for everything humans "do"? Can A.I. automate the economy: generate and distribute wealth without any requirement of human values not associated with health and well being?
Is there a human activity whose steps have no context to an A.I.? Simply, is there a programmer who can program what is not known?
Practical fusion, antigravity, ftl travel, teleportation, x-ray vision, curing the common cold; how would any of these be programmed?
Scientists have the benefit of experimentation: interacting with the Objects of Nature. What about A.I. would give it greater access to Nature than human consciousness?
The answer is to enforce accelerationalism
Damn. I really don't want to live in a world where 'human art' is believed to be 'worse'...
Right now the mandated meaning of life is making the bosses rich. Huminerals.
They’ll create another system to occupy humans with spare time on their hands… I think the meta verse will be just that… get the robots, algorithms and drones do daily human tasks and keep the masses distracted inside the metaverse. Just my thoughts
Nihilism never went away. So no need for the "neo".
Nihilism isn't bad because we don't need meaning or purpose in our lives to be happy.
Nihilism is the correct way to view the world.
But you yourself can never truly know if life is meaningless. You come to this conclusion from solely your perception alone. Sure the environment will mold it, but there are many ways to "correctly" view the world, as your perception is not mine. I consider myself an absurdist, but claiming nihilism is the absolute correct way to view the world then implants an inherent "correctness" to it, which nihilism cannot claim because if nothing matters, then all that does matter is your perception to you.
AI can't enjoy what it is doing but human can.
Enjoyment is just a reward function. Like dopamine in us, functions exists in AI.
thanks dude
Which is worse, Ben, nihilism or purpose?
Humans can live with both, indeed nihilism is living by denying purpose and purpose is living by ignoring nihilism. From a western religious point of view the question arises, what is the greater sin?
Doesn't the Seven Deadly Sins tell us that purpose really is a pretext to justify one's mode of sin? From pride to lust isn't purpose, any purpose, just a path to hell? One may tell oneself (and others) that one's sacrifice is for the greater good, but really weren't you proud of yourself?
One can live just to exist, abandoning all pretexts to purpose except that of the evolutionary "urge" of survival. Wouldn't this be a form of nihilism? No voluntary goal, just the involuntary fight for survival. Without social or cultural responsibility, duty or desire. Wouldn't this "innocence" relieve you of any guilt you might acquire from purposefully avoiding your fellow man?
You're missing one crucial point whether or not ai can make better products than humans, there's always another human that can make products better than you can. This is the classic problem there's always a bigger fish in the sea. This is not new it's just typifies some thing that was already there.
I was thinking along the same line. I enjoy playing my guitar. I am no George Benson, or Eric Clapton. I still greatly enjoy playing. I'm no Jack Kirby or John Buscema, but I enjoy drawing superheroes anyway! AI in the mix does not change that equation.
AI in conjunction with 3D printing technology. I think the algorithm will find a way of producing things.
Meh time for real foqing gnosis 🙏 screw the naive ai crap 😅