This was FUN in the 80s! Or was it?

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 11 ก.ย. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 99

  • @stephenthomas1492
    @stephenthomas1492 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +11

    I swear to everything holy that I KNEW what you were going to say. I said to myself, "was it playing in dumpsters"? Sure enough. I don't know what the odds are, but I sure enough KNEW. Maybe I was just a fellow poor kid, but we played in those things and found all kinds of cool stuff that people had thrown away. No regrets. Even used to chase cars like dogs. We were pretty feral come to think about it.

  • @JackieWohlenhaus
    @JackieWohlenhaus 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +9

    The only thing I remember about dumpsters from when I was little was when they found a hobo frozen in one. It was the ones down by the train station.

    • @ronfroehlich4697
      @ronfroehlich4697 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      One time when I was a kid some disembodied human legs were found in a dumpster near my grandma's house.

    • @JackieWohlenhaus
      @JackieWohlenhaus 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@ronfroehlich4697 Someone probably needed those!

  • @DCFCfanatic
    @DCFCfanatic 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    I don't remember playing in one but I do remember dumpster diving for toys and other things that walmart would throw away. many of those toys were still good. I never ever did until this friend of mine asked me to go with him to walmart. the store was located directly behind my grandparent's house in a shopping area. When we got there he wanted to go to the dumpsters and he told me he would find toys and books and other things. He just jumped up and climbed in. So I joined him. I only did it a few times and managed to walk away with toys from GI Joe, Transformers, Thundercats and Masters of the Universe. I even found that small robot from MASK that turned unto a scooter. I guess walmart would just throw away stuff that was left open. The best time was when they had their toy fair. They would set up a small area with tons of toys and just let the kids play with them until most of the stuff was either destroyed or stolen. I remember they had a barbie play house so all the girls could play with it. both snake mountain and Castle Greyskull playset opened. Tons of action figures and playset, vehicles, RC stuff and of course other toys for the girls. Almost every day the toy fair was on, there was something to be found in the dumpster. Of course the same guy who showed me all this, went and blabbed about it to other kids, so he never managed to find good stuff again.

  • @Tr0nzoid
    @Tr0nzoid 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I never crawled into a dumpster. I remember kids gathering to watch the garbage truck pick them up.

  • @JohnPrepuce
    @JohnPrepuce 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    My younger brother and I would hang around a mini junkyard behind my dad's apartment building. It was the most fun I had as a kid. We would find all sorts of weird things back there. Garbage is very fascinating. Broken TVs, discarded tools, car parts, furniture, appliances, you name it. It felt like that scene from Armed and Dangerous where John Candy and Eugene Levy have to guard a waste site. One day, a hurricane blew a down a tree into the center of the junkyard and for about 6 months we had a cool sideways tree to climb on too.
    Concerning the fart rocks, I don't know where the other kids got them, but every few days someone would step on a fart rock in the school hallway. It was awesome. Black little porous things.

  • @jimjam51075
    @jimjam51075 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    You really missed out!
    Those flourscent tube lights would dimly glow if you stood under a set of those BIG power lines.
    My buddy lived across the street from a Piggly Wiggly and those lines were in a field behind his house. Perfect storm.
    We'd fish those tubes from the grocery dumpster, stand under the power lines and (no lie) they would glow at about 20% brightness in our hands!

  • @artcollector9715
    @artcollector9715 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    When I was a little kid there was a huge bin that people would put their old newspapers for recycling. I would climb in and search for the funny papers. I would collect all the Garfield comic strips and paste them in a notebook. Wish I still had them. I spent hours in there!

  • @russellharrell2747
    @russellharrell2747 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I hope no one is surprised that JUNKman played in garbage bins as a kid.
    Junkman going dumpster diving today though…yeah I’d believe that too.
    Luv ya Junkster!

  • @sithcritic8906
    @sithcritic8906 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I didn’t jump in the school dumpster, but I sure did rummage through my small town dump. A mountain of trash bags, sometimes we found old toys, and don’t get me started on what we found in the magazine container.

  • @stephenthomas1492
    @stephenthomas1492 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +9

    Upon reflection, I don't see kids climbing trees any longer. We used to climb those tall Georgia pines and grab bird's nests. Always on the hunt for eggs to throw around. Pretty cruel now I think about it. Or even flying kites! There used to be kites sold in every place you went with your mom in those days. You'd get your cheap plastic kite with MOTU on it and fly that sucker until it crashed so many times the thing ripped to shreds. That or a tree ate it. Now I think on it, kids just don't really play outside in large, unsupervised groups any more. No more mobs of kids riding bikes across the county getting into things until the street lights came on. And after supper, going outside and collecting lighting-bugs! Oh man, I miss those simple days so much.

    • @3Storms
      @3Storms 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      We used to have what was called a "high trust society" where kids could wander around on their own and be totally safe. Social decline paired with a massive influx of different cultures that don't share the same norms ended it.

    • @stephenthomas1492
      @stephenthomas1492 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      @@3Storms - I'm sure that has something to do with it, but kids could still do the same things if they wanted. Most aren't interested in doing those kinds of things anymore. They're spoiled for choice in their entertainment options. Not to mention that parents would be sued for child neglect if they allowed their children to roam free. Whatever the case, it's a multifaceted issue and cannot be just summed up in one reason.

    • @RunyaEithelNar
      @RunyaEithelNar 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Lone poor kid's version of kites were plastic bags on threads ^^". And watter ballon also was made from plastic bags. And collecting Pepsi/Cola's bottle caps from plastic bins for rewards ^^". Poke holes in bottle cap and you have water "gun". Man, plastic was a treasure for kids orz.

  • @marcusdarkallius1194BC
    @marcusdarkallius1194BC 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    I used to play down by the creek as a kids catching crawdads. I lived in the country so,yeah.

  • @captlazer5509
    @captlazer5509 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Didn't dumpster dive but delivered newspapers early in the morning and would find crazy stuff being tossed out on garabage day. On one haul, I found a large bayonet, webbing, army jackets, and army canteens. Didn't think of it at the time but these were former soldiers of the greatest generation who died and their families were dumping their gear.

  • @jjdigitalvideosolutionsllc5343
    @jjdigitalvideosolutionsllc5343 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I don't recall just jumping into dumpsters, but we did dig through them in the 70s/80s looking for treasures as kids, behind shopping centers or at the local elementary school. As long as they weren't too nasty. Scavengers could find some neat stuff. It was a step below going to the yard sales. Trash to treasure.

  • @TheCrabbyArchives
    @TheCrabbyArchives 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    I also want to know what the heck that "green sulfur rock machine" was now lol

  • @user-gm1cs2ny5j
    @user-gm1cs2ny5j 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I wasn’t from the 80s but I did rummage thru dumpsters at school once or twice when I was in 4th grade.
    I thought I was going to find test answer sheets or something cool. Instead, I ended up finding peoples fancy plastic binders. One was a blue plastic one and another was a hard, fabric one that you could zip up on the side. Like with that in your possession you didn’t even need a backpack as it held your papers, possibly a medium sized textbook, and it even had a built-in pencil case. I took them, also someone threw away a brand new pack of binder paper. I thought it was a neat find as I didn’t have to bug my parents to take me to the dollar store for a pack of binder paper. I still have that fabric red one all these years.
    My friend found a car battery in there and he slammed it into the ground and all the acid poured out. I was shocked because we were…like you said, “real cautious”. By lunch time it was all over the school that someone poured battery acid on the ground. My friend was paranoid and wanted to fess up. I wanted to strangle him, I told him there are no cameras and we were all alone. He thought the police would launch an investigation. I told him to get a grip on life, no way would the cops waste time to solve the curious case of the “acid drop.”
    Another time I went with a friend to the school over the weekend. We were playing around and then he said he had to use the bathroom. The bathrooms were closed so we walked around the school for a bit then he went to the top of the jungle gym slide while I was fascinated by the hardened sand (it rained 2 days before…also…idk why I thought hard sand was cool)
    My friend starts laughing and I start to smell poop. This man pooped at the top of the slide and it slid down to the bottom leaving a skid mark. I couldn’t stop laughing and gagging.
    Monday morning hits.
    I enter the school via the playground gate, everyone’s at the jungle gym, and it looked like a scene from a movie were people are standing around looking at a dead body. I walk over and ask what’s the deal and I get informed that someone pooped on the slide. I gasped “oh my! Who would do that!” and someone said, “someone left behind their coat and the pooper wiped himself with the sleeve!”
    I couldn’t hold back and this Joker laugh came out

  • @MrChristopoop
    @MrChristopoop 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Pet Dairy (the maker of those Coolies) is a southern company. When we lived in Florida in 78-79, my dad worked at Pet Dairy plant in either Clearwater or St. Petersburg, I really don’t remember which it was. I bet that stuff didn’t come out Until a couple years later because we had all kinds of Pet Dairy products. Not spoiled milk but it was probably close to expiration date. White milk, chocolate, cottage cheese with pineapple (they must have made a shit ton of that and it was not a popular seller, cause we had a ton ourselves)! Oh yeah, I never played in dumpsters either, we were outside all the time as kids, built forts, played army, rode bikes, mini bikes, played football and basketball, played with our toys together, but never remember playing a in a dumpster. Maybe it is a GA thing🤷‍♂️

  • @bobs3302
    @bobs3302 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    My grandparents had a dairy farm. We have a pic of my brother and I playing on a manure pile. Can't say I remember, I was probably 4 at the time. Late 70's.

  • @ericpuckett2948
    @ericpuckett2948 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    I remember someone setting the dumpster on fire. I also had fluorescent tube "light saber" fights.

    • @BrutishYetDelightful
      @BrutishYetDelightful 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      One time we made a magical discovery. We were loitering out behind TG&Y (affectionately known as Turtles, Girdles & Yo-yos) Discount Center when we noticed a big box of fluorescent tubes leaned up against the building. Somebody took one of the tubes and hurled it like a spear directly into the cinderblock wall. The little metal cap on the end hit the wall nice and flat and the whole tube disintegrated into tiny shards as it contacted the wall. It looked like the tube was disappearing into the wall, except for the pile of tiny glass bits on the asphalt. We all started spearing the wall with the tubes, giggling as we tried to get the metal cap on the aft end to hit the wall. We were most of the way through the big box of fluorescent tubes when the manager of the TG&Y came out to smoke. He hollered at us as we scampered down the storm drain that let out into a long tunnel that came out at the apartment complex in the southeast corner of my neighborhood. We were halfway home while that poor guy was realizing how many bulbs he was short and how much glass he had to clean up.

  • @rustydelorean6405
    @rustydelorean6405 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    This was one of the best videos ever. Im about the same age as you but grew up about 1000 miles north of GA. So many anecdotes and stories that many kids of the 80s and 90s share with you. That era is gone and no one will have the experiences we had. We were not the cool kids but we had fun.

  • @joshuaross4644
    @joshuaross4644 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    “Into the garbage chute flyboy” 😅

  • @BioFactory1
    @BioFactory1 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    80's. Our playground used to have a big sliding board that went from the top of the hill all the way to the bottom, like the height of a pavillion roof to the ground. Twice the height that they allow these days, lol.. So I was up at the playground riding my brother's bike around the baseball field. The one girl Amy was there on the bleechers with friends so one kid betted me $20 that I couldn't ride the bike down the big slide. When there's girls around I always took on the dumbest of bets, so yeah, I had two kids lift the bike up to the top of the slide to me and like an idiot I went zooming fast as hell down the slide not the bottom when the slide ends, that front bike tire was gonna wedge between the slide and ground and flip me up in the air and whack me back first into the ground. Lickily it was a grass hill or I would have been paralized.....the front bike wheel bent into a sideways weird L shape, pedals broke, welll, the bike was kinda dead. LOL. But I learned a valuable lesson: You can make $20 with a $35 bike.

  • @bgab2211
    @bgab2211 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    We need to know about this sulfur rock machine!

    • @SniffHeinkel
      @SniffHeinkel หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      One of the boys in my 7th grade class threw a wadded-up paper towel in the trash can by the classroom door that had this yellow stuff on it that made the entire class smell like sulfur. The teacher eventually found it and got rid of it. I don't know what was on that paper towel, but it smelled so bad it made your eyes water.

  • @BioFactory1
    @BioFactory1 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Oh! We used to sniff model glue. And schools always said to never smoke cigarettes, so we found a weird blueish leafed bush in the alley and we'd take the leaves off it and roll them in tracing paper and smoke that instead of cigarettes. We never knew what the heck was so funny but we sure laughed alot. Laughed so much the littler kids would run away scared as heck.

  • @JohnnyTong215
    @JohnnyTong215 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Backyard Wrestling and Deathmatch Wrestling signature weapons are light tubes!!!

  • @stevedenis8292
    @stevedenis8292 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Ah back as a kid dumpster diving was somthing if you found one at a building being cleaned out or renovated the treasures you could find. Flash forward to now I still pick up salvageable things at the garbage dump . one of the best finds recently was a compound sliding miter saw that only needed the power switch re mounted.

  • @McFarlaneDragonClan
    @McFarlaneDragonClan 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    As boys we would explore tunnels that ran under highways. I remember finding all kinds of crazy stuff. We got lost once and couldn't find a way out. We had to make a torch out of a white t shirt and luckily had a lighter probably for cigarettes we stole. Long story short we made it out safely at a fenced in factory. A guy let us out the gate and told us never do it again are they will call the cops. We didn't want to say how we got in! It was scary as a kid

    • @ThatJunkman
      @ThatJunkman  7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      we loved the pipes that ran under the road, today i wouldnt go in them for anything

    • @McFarlaneDragonClan
      @McFarlaneDragonClan 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@ThatJunkman Shoot no. I wouldn't either. I wouldn't collect snakes or nothing like I did as a kid.

  • @211inprogress
    @211inprogress 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    My and my friend's used to hang out behind buildings and the rooftops, there was a giant bin full of cardboard we used to sit in you know make a base. Lol. 😂 Great memories Junkman.

  • @3Storms
    @3Storms 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    I never did that. The dumpsters always had an unpleasant smell to me.

  • @NealHunterHyde
    @NealHunterHyde 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Oh, I forgot about dumpster diving - haven’t done that since, like, 1987.

  • @necron99.aka-sammyboy92
    @necron99.aka-sammyboy92 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I loved setting the dumpster on fire.
    And as an adult, we'd take those long light bulbs, and we'd "spear" unsuspecting cars that'd drive by. It'd be dark. And wait for certain cars to stop at the offramp stop sign, then we'd fire away! POP POP POP!! the cars would just peel out and fly down the road. Yeah.... We did heavy alcohol n weed consumption. Worked too much, and in between GF's
    Man I miss those days.
    We'd even have police detectives come to our house, and my roommate played it off by nicely

  • @MarkERoth
    @MarkERoth 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    We didn't play in dumpsters but I did hear about kids more recently searching dumpsters around gamestop looking for free games and consoles

  • @AnakinStarkiller1974
    @AnakinStarkiller1974 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I grew up close to a cemetery and a junkyard near the woods and me and my friends had all kinds of fun there. You can only imagine!😅

  • @NintendoSuperstar93
    @NintendoSuperstar93 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    I would’ve loved to have experienced the 80’s but unfortunately was a bit before my time, but I bet those foul smelling rocks that smelled like sulfur could probably be used in a good prank or something, activate the scent and hide it in a spot where it can’t be seen or make it where it’s hard to find.

  • @shanester1832
    @shanester1832 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    I thought the thumbnail had a candy cigarette and a pack. I don't know how long i watched before i realized there are no candy cigarettes in this story, only flourecent bulbs and trash bins.

    • @michaelkibble740
      @michaelkibble740 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      I loved candy cigarettes and bubble gum cigars as well

    • @shanester1832
      @shanester1832 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @michaelkibble740 how about the ones that weren't candy but had a fine powder at the tip that you'd blow on to give the effect of smoke.
      The look on adults faces as they saw a child puffing away like a 1905 child coal miner. Exquisite.
      I had a bubble pipe too you put soapy water in.

  • @justinjolley9453
    @justinjolley9453 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I played in one behind an auto parts store and would find spray paint cans and once a folding chair that we put in a fort we built!!

  • @freeman4871
    @freeman4871 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I never played in dumpsters but I did enjoy hearing about Butt Face Isabelle.

  • @CJWhite-bg3vl
    @CJWhite-bg3vl 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Caught a white water snake in the creek and put it in a 3 liter cola bottle.

  • @nerdcraftercoley7305
    @nerdcraftercoley7305 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    When I was a kid we used to dumpster dive looking for stuff sometimes we could find toys sometimes we would find shoes that were defects.My girlfriend usef to go thru the dumpster behind the GameStop I've seen her pull hard drives out of there.

  • @fdeadlycommasir
    @fdeadlycommasir 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Playing in a dumpster? Who are you, Oscar the Grouch?
    Never played in dumpsters, just in the fields & woods behind my house.

  • @Straight0uttaCrofton
    @Straight0uttaCrofton 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    this was also one of the plotlines in the movie "Gummo"

  • @johnw8578
    @johnw8578 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Not a dumpster for me but a giant metal magazine recycling container at a recycling center nearby (in the 1980s) that had only small holes on the side where one could throw in magazines to recycle. The openings were big enough to crawl in and if the container was pretty full, we would go in and look through all the magazines. We were looking for curious magazine finds, if you know what I mean. I always came away with about 30 magazines or so of different content just because they were cool -- like Nation Geographic or Omni or foreign magazines that were really odd. I would read them and then take them back to the recycling container. It started because we were looking for magazine pictures for school projects.

    • @btetschner
      @btetschner 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      That is awesome!

  • @Joe-Exit
    @Joe-Exit 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I abused a lot of port a potties back in the day. I would knock them over or throw a whole string of black cat fire crackers or cherry bomb the full toilet tank. What a mess that made. I would laugh until I couldn't breathe while I was doing it.

  • @trooper326
    @trooper326 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    This cured my insomnia😴👍

  • @mattsalamone8215
    @mattsalamone8215 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    We could have been good friends back in the day.

  • @douglasnichols6116
    @douglasnichols6116 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    In between m y moms house and neighbors was a drain ditch with a manhole cover I was a kid and removed it and holy hell ther was a room down there we played army Ann other thing before a neighbor complained and a guy wearing a orange vest came and closed it saying you can’t be in there.

    • @ThatJunkman
      @ThatJunkman  7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      god we be in the pipes under the road all the time

    • @johnw8578
      @johnw8578 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Near me, there is a decommissioned Nike missile base that was turned into a park. My friend who lived right by it said there were tunnels underneath the park that the kids would play Dungeons & Dragons in -- until parents complained and the tunnels were sealed. I was never in them but it was a cool story nonetheless.

  • @benjaminkitaura498
    @benjaminkitaura498 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    In the 1980s and 1990s people would dumpster dive and find all kinds of stuff. Some people still dumpster dive at GameStop apparently they throw out a lot of working video game stuff.

  • @qwaurk985
    @qwaurk985 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Were you seeing the fartrock machine before or after sniffing white out?

  • @211inprogress
    @211inprogress 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Love this episode, Always Great to hear your stories Junkman.

  • @tombuir
    @tombuir 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    They had BFI here, also!

  • @JohnnyTong215
    @JohnnyTong215 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    I will never do something like that as a kid!!!

  • @chrisdavis9400
    @chrisdavis9400 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Oh yeah junk kid was feeling that dumpster love

  • @Bear-nu8xm
    @Bear-nu8xm 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    We would go in the recycling cardboard dumpster and smoke cigarettes

  • @noguytest
    @noguytest 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    this was historic

  • @ciscodeer9094
    @ciscodeer9094 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I was a kid there was no playing in the dumpster.

  • @constancecherry3996
    @constancecherry3996 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Yes i remver

  • @btetschner
    @btetschner 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    A+ video!
    A new Gen X Classic Tale!

  • @bonebreakingaction6815
    @bonebreakingaction6815 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    The good ol days when you could play in dumpsters and not worry about getting poked by some junkies needle 😀👍

  • @rex-rant4322
    @rex-rant4322 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    It's amazing what you can find in a dumpster. Parents did get mad about it 😅

  • @samjimenez
    @samjimenez 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Kids nowadays don't go outside at all! When we were kids we were always outside, playing and getting dirty. 😊 It's a shame technology has ruined childhoods. 🤔👎🏼

  • @chrisdavis9400
    @chrisdavis9400 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    We would throw freshman in the dumpster at school . Nowadays you can get into a lot of trouble for that stuff they call it hazing and it is a big time no no. SMH the good old days

  • @btetschner
    @btetschner 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    But seriously...awesome story!

  • @cody-en7nt
    @cody-en7nt 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Bro?? You might need to seek help..,.I too am a child of the eighties. I think maybe your school had a contract to dispose nuclear waste?? Not judging 😢. Just saying g

  • @youroldtoys1257
    @youroldtoys1257 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Well, you’re so lucky. I wish I had the life you had as a kid. The only thing that I could get close to comparing to your story is me and my build a fire in a storm sewer. I get hated for having toys. This generation is messed up. I’m lone ranger Gen X.

    • @ThatJunkman
      @ThatJunkman  7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      We did that and the fire department showed up !!

    • @youroldtoys1257
      @youroldtoys1257 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      You should do a video about that.

    • @youroldtoys1257
      @youroldtoys1257 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@ThatJunkman sometime, you should have me on a live stream.

  • @richcreed4564
    @richcreed4564 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Trashman! 🗑 Great story, loved it. Good Times! 😅🤣😂

  • @masonwallace0572
    @masonwallace0572 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Heck ya, we played in the dumpster behind the true value hardware store. To all the haters whining about JM’s rambling….DON’T WATCH!

  • @_The_Worst_
    @_The_Worst_ 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    You can find a lot of good✨️stuff in the dumpsters...🤘🏼💯✔️ And if people around here didn't enjoy listening to this video then they don't deserve to be here...👎🏼

  • @powerturtlebusters
    @powerturtlebusters 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Junkie was a ginger?

  • @cosmicwartoad2587
    @cosmicwartoad2587 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Was playing in one of those dumpsters an American thing?

    • @ThatJunkman
      @ThatJunkman  3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Just me thing I believe

  • @michaeldumas9203
    @michaeldumas9203 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    And then you did have cancer. Gum cancer.

  • @alexianemp
    @alexianemp 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Not eaten by dianoga? Well might want to get yourelves checked for leukemia after your mercury poisoning, OMG

  • @Arnold_Rimmer
    @Arnold_Rimmer 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    "This is Was Fun"? Slow down and review the titles a bit more. Please. I beg you.

  • @PaulBloomlittledevil
    @PaulBloomlittledevil 7 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @user-yt2hv8lv2s
    @user-yt2hv8lv2s 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I never played it the dumpster as a kid but I did my share of dumpster diving and would find all kinds of cool stuff it was like a treasure hunt I would find toys knives Atari games my dad would dive to the rich section and we would find furniture that looked like new I always assumed it was a south thing to do on the weekends now I wonder if anyone else actually did it at all

  • @erraticstatic70
    @erraticstatic70 7 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @erraticstatic70
    @erraticstatic70 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +2


  • @erraticstatic70
    @erraticstatic70 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1


    • @ThatJunkman
      @ThatJunkman  7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      There no point to get to.

    • @Arnold_Rimmer
      @Arnold_Rimmer 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      "You're", not "your". Everyone seems to be confusing these two words...