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- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 6 ก.พ. 2025
Here are 20 FUNNIEST AND MOST EMBARRASSING MOMENTS IN SPORTS. For those of you interested on how I make my videos, I primarily use Final Cut Pro X to edit my videos. I use different stock footages (both free and paid), clips of videos that I can find related to the video and search images to visualize the narrative and story that I’m trying to tell. I hire different researchers and writers for the script for each video along with my our original commentary and hire different voice over actors that can properly convey the the theme of the video. Most importantly, find the best background music, usually royalty free from Incompetech to create an exciting atmosphere while watching the video.
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Wow, I really liked number 14.
WTF happened during editing
He must have cut it might be a copyright
14 is my fave too
It didn’t even have a full clip tho
2:39 embarrassing what? that was great haha
Its part of the trick
Yah,its like he was flying
That shit for sure hurt😂
To be good at basketball you must become the basketball
@@obeam6290 omg 😂😂
9:06 I thought these things only happened in anime.
Shhhh my parents think anime is completely harmless
I was searching the comments for this. You’re a real one
2:02 The reaction still gets me. 😂
Josh is like 🤨🤨🤨🤔🤔🤷♂️
@@Jorja_47 Yep! 😂
1:19 that’s not embarrassing, it’s actually a demonstration of hustle.
9:07 is the best
I agree
Hehe boi
Imagine they kissed😭
9:07 Watched more than 1000 times
At 2:28 he wasn’t embarrassing himself he just did the best play by taking the quote “be the ball” too literal.
The title also says “funny”
sheldon is a wise man
That's ballsy
I'm sure he did it on purpose, the full video of his team's performance contains a lot of stunts and spectacle
1:08- Sharapova- " new balls, please!" 🤣🤣
Nothing embarrassing at all about eating Nachos, and he didn’t “drop and break the trophy” that thinks broke in his hand causing him to drop it.
1:13 this is the best shot.
2:00 Josh Hart's Iconic reaction
That's the "bruh you good????" Look if I've ever seen it
Even more embarrassing is how someone can make 20 short clips last 10 minutes in total.
That’s what I’m saying
I don't get What is embarrassing about it
Its hitting the number to get payment.
Its hitting the number to get payment.
9:09 I'd like to see the continuation.
your not the only one
We aren't the only ones
You people should be ashamed of yourselves. But yeah, call me if you ever find that bro.
@@theindiediary5950 yo i just wanted to know how it died down sheesh
Randers vs FC Midtjylland in the danish handball league.. there's usually always a team represented in Champions league.
Lots of beautiful women.. but sadly many has a sports-body. Rarely bigger than b-cups, and many lesbians. but still... beautiful women who tussle and jump around
whenever I hear "make sure to hit that subscribe and like button" I absolutely don't.
must be a mcgowan thing
@@vincentmc5156 no I do it too
Always down vote.
Search PW on the TH-cam and watch any of his video You Will Never hear such words
its a good enough reason to downvote
8:22 he did not drop and break it. it broke while being held, absolutely not his fault unless there is only a certain way to hold it.
The comment I was looking for 👍
Yup agreed. Considering it was handed to him like that, probably can't blame him for that either.
What I was going to say.
Nah nah it broke cuz of how he was holding it. There was too much weight on the middle
Yeah, he was holding it by the cup and it was so heavy, the bottom part separated.
2:04 has me in tearsssss
Your editing and announcing are BRUTAL!!
1:21🥺🤭🤣I cant ..stop laughing
8:30 the trophy didn’t break from dropping it.
The trophy fell from his hands because it fell apart while he held it.
The cup wasn't screwed on the top correctly. Somebody dropped the ball backstage. (no pun)
@@furyiiiplate The trophy is never screwed on to the base, which is why they came apart once he lifted them.
10:05 Wow the anime fall IS possible
@Babybonnie 819 #14 got cut so it was probably 10:05 before, but because of the cut it got moved back to 9:05, I’d imagine
That nacho clip was delicious 😂
Why should I press the " Like" Button before the Start? Don't know if I will like it before having seen it. 😂😂😂
idk why
Yeah. Its not the idea of liking videos that you do so when someone says to do it...
Baad me daba dena
@@farhankalsekar7552 vinaka vaka levu , au domini iko
He didn't drop it the trophy broke in his hands
I agree, the league tries to save money and buys cheap crap, Then don't be surprised if cheap crap is what you get. There is no reason for a trophy to break like that by simply handling it.
indeed. i could see it separate as he was trying to hand it over
Agreed it broke in his hand and fell.
Thats what you get when yoi buy cheap from China with free shipping.
The only person who doesn’t want a high five from Collins, gets slapped in the face instead. Priceless!
6:51 "A female player" = Venus Ebony Starr Williams. Former world No. 1 in both singles and doubles, and generally regarded as one of the all-time greats of women's tennis.
she is actually a transgender. check out early trans sports videoa of her. cleary a guy taking meds.
@@karimbauer8720 trans women are women
Karim Bauer still a woman
@@arcenethereal1258 but biologically male, facts don’t care about ya feeling there pal
successful people don't become that way overnight.most people you see as a glance-wealth, a great career, purpose-is the result of hard work and hustle over time. I pray that anyone who reads this will be successful in life..
Money needs to be spent carefully, for me I choose
investing my money properly rather than spending like a fool.
I wish everyone to achieve their goals, fulfill who they are meant to be, & succeed in life even as you strive to be successful! Greetings from Los Angeles.
Crypto has been more lucrative than the stock market, just made my profit wish I knew about this earlier.
Absolutely, Bitcoin has been around since 2009 and still impressing us who invest in it🚀
@Xtega Ogis
I've been thinking of moving into crypto, can you help teach me Crypto trade.?
3:30 "thr... number fourteen" lol
Deagan Duttenhoffer YH WTHH
Nothing embarrassing at all about eating Nachos, and he didn’t “drop and break the trophy” that thinks broke in his hand causing him to drop it.
Number 14 made me laugh so hard XDD
Nothing happened
What's that🙄🙄🙄 Please anyone tell🙏🙏
2:41 when you've watched Space Jam too many times.
Djokovich : Give me best shot
Sharapova: Hold your #@$@😂😂
Sidemen reacts brought me here, totally loved number 14🤣
3:26 buggub
2:04 if this happened to me I would die 💀, but this dudes expression 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Good job
No clue why this video got recommended suddenly while I have been watching aquarium related videos for last two weeks
Same with me bruda
The tennis player that fell over the net is called Mardy Fish...
When he slap the kid in face took me out LMFAO God forgive me
The Great Algorithm has brought us together once again. Hello, my friends.
Hello friend 😂
Good evening😂
Hello 😅
Okay, number 1 approved✅
2:40 that was not embarrassing brother
That was impressive 👏
I’m sorry but that dude dunking himself was the best
4:11 I'm tired of this clip.
6:03 I bet he did it purposely he seen that kid is a prick hahahha good on him
No. 14 is the best, lol! 😁✌
Hello how are you doing today?
7:55 bro that’s not any female tennis player that’s Venus Williams Bruv. Anyways great video, had me laughing for 10 mins 🤣😂
I'm pretty sure that was intentional.
I was just thinking this when the guy says, " A female player.." I'm like, "Uh, that's Venus Williams!!" Who botches that??
If Serena Williams' strap had broken there would have been more to see.
#1 they say that can only happen in Anime now I know it can happen in real life 😭😂😂
"S-sensei we can't do it here"
@Broserhd because it was a "shoujo ai" real life
Some nice yuri action
2:17 he felt that second hand hahahaha
Good video to watch.
My Mom: What are you doing?
Me: Its complicated
Actually me:
3:25 🤣
Everyone:*Watches number 1 clip*
Anime weebs: "I feel your pain!"
1 reason why anime addicted weebs are weird
wtf ew
Your photo makes It better...
Best editing 😄
9:33 the cup broke before it dropped
@6:55 "In a tennis match, a female player's dress strap got opened..."
Lol. 😆 Dude, that's Venus Williams for crying out loud! (I.e one of the greatest tennis players of all-time (male or female).
In addition to being the first African American to reach #1 in the open era, the "female player" also has (23) total grand slam titles. The least you can do is say her name! Smh 😂😂😂
Biological male
Isn't Serena who has 23 Grand Slam titles ?
He very badly mispronounced Andre Agassi's (last) name earlier in the video, too.
@@cornichonsaucisse8243Venus has 23 GS titles altogether: 7 singles, 14 doubles and 2 mixed doubles. 7+14+2=23 The point is that she's far more accomplished than all of the other tennis players in this video that were mentioned by name.
9:06 that's some anime shit man😂
That time stamp isn’t in the video
Suposed to be 9:06
Well technically 9:09
@@CoDMKing oh crap yeah ur right idk why I put 10 lmao
Number 1 pog
3:25 number four- ………. Number thirteen
@@eternall2957 Your savage
#14 was so embarrassed that it could not even show itself.
9:15 he didn't drop and break the cup it fell apart in his hands! Also 10:15 awkward NOT perverted!!
Nice capture..!!
Lies, this only happens in anime
Real life ecchi
Zaptipaz haiku
@@baozi8979 Yeah Love Hina
Collins: I didn't slap that kid, I high-fived his face.
Y c
14 was great, so was the part where they showed every single number, especially number 12, number 11 was the best though, loved that one
Today i've subscribed ur ch😀
Ok that was hilarious😂😂😂😂😂💯
Yeh it was sooooo funny 🤣🤣
3:25 number 14 is my favorite LOL! XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
What happens here?
@@k-maniasilver3860 I CAN'T EVEN EXPLAIN IT!!!!
@2:21 #16 Sorry but this isn't embarrassing at all, I think it is awesome. To actually slam dunk yourself through a basket! That is amazing!
When you are asked to subscribe before even watching the video then you know it isn’t going to be great
1:35 Youre wrong. Running over tables and risking it all isn't embarrassing at all. This is pure hardwork and dedication. Any team would love to have him.
He was just keeping his eye on the ball, and his feet on the table!
9:08 Lucky Sukebe moments do happen in real life.
Lets be honest everyone clicked bc they were curious about the thumbnail
Nope, I watch butts on a different site.
@@tberg323 what the heck
@@ypcproduction5951 watch your mouth!
@@tberg323 I said heck
@@ypcproduction5951 there ya go again!
Great video
4:41 awesome 🤣
5:53 I can't stop laughing!
me neither
@@doggothemadborker5638 cvi
Me too, bt in this video no. 14 is missing. Are you also a you tuber?
10:06 anime at its finest 😂
hahaha i was looking for that comment x)
And only one ecchi for the female tennis player. I know the feeling of disfunctional clothing
I like all video, bro
6:06 i laughed so hard hahahahahahahaha
"Number fourt..."
"Number thirteen"
I heard that too.
i think number 14 was neither funny nor embarrassing. and that's why the video editing software was like. "nope i am not allowing this to be on the list". xD
@@torababdullah7952 IT was HILARIOUS!!! xD
Number 14 was the preview pic
Every tennis player in this video was mentioned by name, even the lesser known ones. So it is sad that a world renowned tennis star who has been playing for decades and one half of a dynamic sister duo was referred to as “a female tennis player”.
Eh they're over hyped and cocky. Remember when they thought they were so good bust lost to a 200 rank male. Or when she blamed race when she acted like a degenerate on the court. Nah fam.
Shut up
@@UpShir67 you still called her Serena's sister tho
@@devan124 Did the hype win 7 Grand Slams and become world #1, or did Venus have to achieve them?
5:55 the commentator "HA, HA, HA". but in the heart "what's so funny?"
I always found the front row seats in NBA crazy and dangerous for the people sitting and the players! Hasn't anyone gotten the ball in the face?
Yeah it’s pretty dangerous, when you buy the ticket you sign to say that you won’t sue for any injuries that you may incur
Wrong. You don’t sign anything.
Their legal disclaimer is on the back of every ticket.
@@OarsmanPower I mean sure there might be but when buying the ticket you accept a bunch of T&Cs and one of them is ‘you can’t sue if you a 7ft tall monster lands on you’. Think they need it when you are buying because if you end up getting to your seat and they are like “nah I ain’t dying today” they could easily get a refund
Does it work when players deliberately stomp you though ?
Sometimes they even get 2 balls in the face.
This one was (almost) 10 minutes of my life I'll never get back. :*/
Curious what you spent the last minute and 9 seconds doing seeing as this video is only 9 minutes and 51 seconds long....
@@edsbegaming507 I acquiesce.. I just returned from a trip in my home made time machine and was suffering from the lag. The fact remains that I lost that much time, which will I'll never get back. lol. (goes to fix typo)
Number 14 was so funny and embarrassing 🗿
Now it's not there where I can get it
I subscribed heartly
10:40 you know they both loved it
Yo wtf
@@luna.midnight8026 perfect aim😂
#1 is something you never see once in a blue moon. We hafta give it some respect xD
5:03WTF 😂
like how he falls at the vibing music in the background 1:35
Can we all just admit that the jump at 2:28 is pretty damn amazing?
I agree !!
At 9:20 where the trophy breaks, that’s just faulty design if the trophy. It literally broke in the guys hand.
9:15 He didn't drop and break it. It broke then it dropped.
14 is the best one..tht should be in number 1 😂😂
You should have added what Sharapova said after hitting him: '' New balls please!'' :DD
5:21 I hope now that kid still free from Corona 🙄
Are you arabic?
@@d3ckae121 I'm not, why?
That clip was probably recorded ages ago because there wouldn’t be a match if Corona is around
The clip wad filmed long ago
@@lokilaufeyson7193 ◼️ yeeeaayy Loki's hereee 🤸🏻♂️🤸🏼♂️
This was so enjoyable & fun to watch...
7:19 “Help step-bro I’m stuck”
that guy going in through the hoop after the ball was NOT embarrassing. It was epic!
8:30 in his defense, the thing broke while he was holding it.
A small cup attached poorly to a huge stand.. and the dude holds it sideways instead of straight. Yes it broke before falling, but jesus I saw that coming from miles away.
American Ice Hockey trophies are stupid that way. Just look at the Stanley Cup. The stand is bigger than the cup.
9:52 correction. IT BROKE IN HIS HAND!! That’s my luck right there!
Thank you
Itong Karyanto yeah
Good 👍👍👍
Imagine scientists in 1000 years trying to understand our humour.
That last 1 helps that the 2 athletes were amazingly attractive😂👏
Did I mind the "awkward" or "Embarrassing position?" Yeah... get real.
Steven Gibson 🤣
Couldn't agree more. Disappointed
So true
That nachos one that was not embarrassing because I would have done that😂😂😂
Oop same
Legends say that people still dont know whats number 14