I’m a newcomer and I’m super disappointed by the pacing. It’s going way too fast and isn’t focusing on the starting exposition enough. I j feel super disconnected to everyone
If facehuggers invaded, skynet became self aware, and the bugs from starship troopers all began their assault on the beta for territory id be happy as helium. They'd probably have a better chance at wiping them out than the super transformers they got flying around trying to shot up the beta
Guy getting melted was a bit disturbing x__x I was about to shout, this is why pilots in animes need to wear helmets to protect your head..then I was like.. ah never mind.
As a Muv-Luv faithfull who just finished this anime i can say it's exactly what i expected it to be. Slightly better, even. It has all the pacing and budget problems that were bound to drag it down into the mediocrity that it is, but i still think the makers did their homework and it often looks really good.
@@stephenbyrne2170 saturated nuclear strike, nuclear explosion is much cleaner than a nuclear meltdown and radiation will dissipate in less than a few years
what's always annoyed me about muv-luv anime in general is that we very rarely see humans actully fighting the BETA, like seriously, I think 90% of the entire screen time of the BETA is in episode 1. Every single Muv-Luv story is about humans against each other using the crisis for their own ends.... which is cool, but not every time, especially when the hook of Muv-Luv is the fight vs the unstopable alien threat, and that hook is so often immediately sidelined.
That is the reason I dropped the show after realizing the aliens are basically gone in favor of human vs human If i wanted that then I'd watch gundam or LotGH or Votoms
@@Duong-dc6cm Obviously, people in this anime are very stupid. Simply because if they used bombers against Beta it would be much more effective and completely safe for the personnel.
Because Laser Class BETA will shoot down almost everything from the sky. Shells are cheaper than missiles. Anything computerized will be targeted with higher priority. Imagine all aircraft deemed obsolete overnight.
@@Kai-ow9gi TE and Schwarzesmarken connect to this, but at the same time aren't really connected. It depends. Like, they all take place in the same world timeline. And if you play the TE VN, there are plenty of stuff from another perspective that connect with what you saw in Unlimited and Alternative. Time wise, Schwarzesmarken is the first since it's a prequel. That said, its more a treat for veterans since a lot of the higher level references are to things that may or may ot play out later in future works. TE takes place in 2000, 2001 of the same altverse, its just from a different perspective. When Operation Ouka happens in Alt, it happens in TE (and for that battle in particular, it connects in a very significant way). But I really shouldn't say much since its spoilers then. The problem is there's a lot of works across LOTS of media. And stuff still to come out. There is no real watch order. Bear in mind that this adaptation of VN is a disappointment in a lot of ways to old time fans, since, there is like, HUGE amounts of stuff you're missing. Granted, it had to be done, since otherwise you'd be looking at LOTGH levels of length, and they couldn't afford it. Plus art style changes, etc. Its still alright.
@angryeric2961 Actually, for me the best episodes were the 12/5 incident ones, and my favorites are all the Operation 21st ones. The beach landing is hands down one of the coolest battle scenes I've ever scene and for the rest of the battle it kept that high for me.
I look at these things as aliens with an array of forms Also me "I wonder could I throw an armoured command unit at this thing and watch it destroy them with overwhelming production?"
For reference an ACU or Armored command unit is the pinnacle of military Technology a unit that operated both as a commander and a producer capable of creating an entire army producing base within the span of hours from nano-technology that can also reclaim wreckages or biomatter as a resource on top of using a type of mineral called mass as it essential resource for army creation as well as high production power structure and energy convertors that create mass if it's not available. Oh did I mention it can produce cataclysmic Titans machine that are the definition of overkill.
That'd be a great idea if SC ACU's, or let alone Commanders from Total Annihilation existed in 1974, let alone 1990s, when this episode takes place. But they do not have ACUs. Humanity is only on one planet.
14:13 as a nerd of biological science, how the Beta came to have this kind of adaptations has always pick my attention, I know that the BETA is suppose be a hive of biological drones which is dedicated to collect materials by any means necessary for someone or something, and they have a degree of adaptability to function in hostile environments. The problem is that the BETA could have been traveling in space for hundreds of thousands of years before finding at least a basic living form, so how are they so well fitted to attack humanity since the begining? I would understand if they were some kind of super adaptive beings like the Zergs or the Tiranides from WH 40K, but the BETA are actually kind of slow to adapt, this is why humanity has resisted for decades, but in the other hand many BETA forms are against the rules of physics, nothing much bigger than a Destroyer-class BETA should be able to be functional as living being on planet's earth gravity, IRL a destroyer would be able to barely move, let alone run as they do in the anime (the fortress class is against any rule of physics). I mean I love the franchise and the human drama, but this kind of questions don't let me sleep at night. XD
@@animeturnMMD They actually aren't that well fitted to fight against humanity, humanity is just kinda weak. In terms of adapting, they do adapt somewhat, in that they are able to develop and create new strains of themselves to counter humanity. You actually see the peak of this in the ending of Total eclipse (VN).
@@banzai1690 Yes but they adap slowly and for some reason didn't take humanity seriosly until humans used a big deathly laser to blast one of their hives in one shot.
Kind of but later I also learnt that the BETA were doing intelligence on humanity but still they got serious (at least some of them) when the OO destroyed that hive, I can't tell you more because it would spoil you the of the season.
Probably the only emotionally engaging episode of the entire season. The rest of it fails to leave an impression, and I'm a huge fan of the VNs. Probably should've crammed key points of Extra into episode 2 and had season 1 be Unlimited, but with visual depictions of things like the defense of Niigata and other glimpses of the war taking place (as not a single BETA appears in Unlimited)
@@judyhopps9380 Good to see you're upholding the reputation of seasonals as morons who can only bother watching something if there's explosions and blood every five minutres otherwise they snooze out.
The horrible part in all of this is that the BETA are not evil. They are simply programmed organic carbon based tools designed for mining and extracting minerals and resources that is then sent to the homeworld or colony of their creators a silicon based race. They do have a intelligent super attendant that does manage all the BETA on each mining world and it is intelligent enough to reason, and does indeed is curious of items and relics of the worlds they mine on. Problem was for it, it was trying to figure out if humans were actually sentient or not and it was disturbing it as it believed they might have been encountering another carbon based mining rival or just hostile alien life. As its programmed to believe that only silicon based sentient life was possible not carbon based life. Essentially they just think humans are just like them carbon based machines (technically he isn't incorrect in that, humans are just biological computers and the body essentially a machine) The difference is that humans don't rely on instinct like non-sentient life forms do or runs on programs. Humans like their silicon based creators are capable of free thought. Unfortunatly the BETA well they do consider the possibility find it unlikely.
@@Noito1 Its establised in the lore. Through the games and the various animes that came out. Also its true that carbon based lifeforms are just organic computers/machines.
Until they do a G-Bombardment which irradiated the planet leaving just one Beta hive on the bottom of the ocean floor and it's impossible to destroy. While all of humanity are fighting for what land they have left. Still waiting for this to happen in anime form rather than seeing Takeru's flashback scenes or whatever.
Man they could really use some sort of disposable, easy to use system that can be adapted to basically any role and can come in ludicrously large numbers especially when you take into account the whole desperate struggle to survive. Nah what am I saying, clearly sending “highly trained” individuals in complicated machines that are bound to be difficult maintain to costly replace into melee combat with a horde of hungry hippos and Godzilla monsters is clearly the best course of action.
The aliens have laser weapons which can bring down fast jets, drones don't do anything to them. They have a weakness though they wont shoot at their own, so close range is their only chance. At that range a few one use drones vs a massive cannon which can fire multiple shells, the cannons make more sense.
@@IconOfSin24148 how about tanks? Take those guns that the mechs use and slap them on a tank. Now you can easily put ten or twenty times that many tanks on the field and it's far easier to train a crew to use a tank than some VTOL mech thing.
Also. It is so dumb for not even the skilled and trained workers from the command to evacuate...at least make the radar/tech/mechanics and engineers...and some talented young commanders evacuate. That was actually a big flaw during the battle of midway IRL...The last of the kido butai of the last carrier of that was left...instead of retreating...they went in for a last suicide level attack against USA..So the people who knew how to run the carriers, the best veteran pilots...the best flight crew...and all that...they all ended up dead. So Japan really didnt have any veterans left to train any new pilots. Which caused them to eventually rely on kamikaze attacks...and no more naval air craft that was effective. Big mistake. Ironic since the ww2 idea of bushido had never really existed historically...and was 20th century propaganda...and it really hurt Japan's capability in war. Living to fight another day. Especially when you are a pilot or aircraft carrier personal that is considered the best in the world...living to train others is better than a pointless death
Congrats, you just by chance identified a major dilemma and frustration of the main character from Alt, who comes from "our world" and no, even in the VN, this isn't "praised". Characters find the code of conduct faultless, but its overall seen as stupid from the meta perspective.
Muv-Luv Alternative's best mecha anime of 2021, such as 86 Eighty-Six, Kyoukai Senki, Rumble Garanndoll and even Sakugan. Along with Schwarzesmarken is the greatest mecha anime since between Guilty Crown and Majestic Prince.
Anyone got the name of the song that plays during the Wall defense? Where they're taking on the multiple Fort Classes and the first wall has already fallen?
@@Admiral-General_Aladeenin the lore, they are not effective as a tactic weapon, and left too much radiation for living life (BETAs seems to not care)
@@matiasfpm thats really stupid for a couple of reasons anything that can be killed by a conventional weapon can be killed by a nuke also radiation is really not a problem First air burst tactical nukes have basically no long term effects on the enviroment for example people live in hiroshima exactly where the nuke was dropped without any problem people in general overestimate fallout because they have no idea about radiation Second to my understanding half the world is already covered by the monsters if they don't want to use nukes because of radiation at that point why don't they just give up It seems to me the author just wanted to have an excuse not to use these extremly useful weapons that would defenetly work
@@Admiral-General_AladeenNukes WERE used but they left more harm than good. BETAS also have countermeasures against nuclear warheads anyways with their laser class BETAS and by burrowing deep underground. A good majority of the world was already taken over at this point in time, nuking would only leave a inhabitable wasteland and would result in the destruction of humanity by their own weapons. BETAS don’t care about radiation as well, so it makes sense that nukes aren’t the ideal weapons at all.
I hope someone answers this comment why they hold new story not continue the old one and basically make a harem for the mc like I now watching the season cuz I was so busy but like what is this 😮
Total Eclipse and Schwarzesmarken are both spinoffs, this is an adaptation of the original Muv-Luv Alternative Visual Novel (which is the third part of a trilogy of VN's)
No, he's just there to show you how brutal the story can be...the first half of the episode made him act like a decent side protagonist, probably to show viewers how it simply didn't matter for him. This anime is the 3rd VN in a trilogy, and the anime only adapts part 3, so the actual MC shows up next episode. Hope that helps
One thing that I’ve always hated about these shows aside from one of them is the first episode is often times extremely misleading. Take for instance, the total eclipse version. The first episode or rather, I should say the first two episodes give us the impression that the main character is going to be Yui. And of course it’s going to be a giant robot combat show. Now if you’re like me and you literally just stumbled across this franchise many years ago and you didn’t know all of the internal background stuff and all that by the time of episode, I believe three comes around Where we are introduced to the actual protagonist you get at least in my mind extremely confused. I mean again at the start of the show you’re given the impression that this is going to be a show centered around, fighting aliens with giant robots, that you know are named after fighter jets. Although, at the very beginning of the first episode, it seems more like a high school comedy. Regardless the show like I said before starts out, essentially is one thing and then becomes something completely different and I feel that in this one alternative it is even more egregious. Again, we are led to believe that the show is going to focus primarily on the combat. And that the glasses check that we are introduced to at the beginning is going to be the main character, but then everything gets you know thrown onto its head basically. The only version of this franchise, that at least I know of that actually focused on the fighting, and everything was the absolutely terrible version that took place from the perspective of the Soviet union.
@@benz505 i’m well aware of what world building is. But what we had in pretty much all of these shows has been not world building so much as misdirection. I understand that they’re trying to make it to show that this conflict that they are in is very intense and that the enemy is for the lack of a better term unrelenting. And the fact that it doesn’t matter who you are or what walk of life you’re from or anything like that. You are just as fallible as anyone else. Honestly, if they had kept the show in the more action oriented stuff, I would’ve been a lot more interested than not. I mean, I’m not saying that they can’t have shows like this and have them be kind of goofy and all that. But at the same time something like that has to be well-balanced with the action oriented stuff. They could do a whole bunch of the action and combat sequences for you know two or three episodes and then have one or two episodes for I guess you could say “breather” episodes.
You sound like the kind of person who hated the vital episode of DBZ where Goku and Piccolo were sent to driving school, and demanded all filler be taken out and just fighting action.
There’s a few things i don’t understand with this series. Why do none of the mechs use some form of grenades? Why do none of the soldiers use grenades? Why wasn’t the shore littered with mines and explosives? Why the wall in this episode wasn’t reinforced with supports on the base side? And if the beta don’t consider humans as alive, how do they know that they are hiding in a shelter? Food for thought questions.
Ok, let's do this in order: 1. Why would the TSFs use grenades? They would just take extra space and weigh a lot. One of their weapon settings does carry missile launchers, though, and that's for the rearmost elements, not the vanguard. And shrapnel does not really work on anything bigger than warrior class BETA (the one that took the head off of that one soldier). Rifle and pistol calibers, however, work well with both the Warrior and Soldier classes. 2. The sea was littered with mines and explosives. See how at one point they just started shelling them instead of trusting the minefields? That means they probably ran out of mines at some point. 3. The wall WAS reinforced with supports on the base side as well as constructed in a triangular-ish way, pointing outwards. I suggest re watching the scene after Kusano's death. 4. If they didn't attack humans *because* they don't consider them as living beings, the war would have never even started in the first place. At this point, humanity had literally nuked hives left and right around the world, which the Superordinate saw as a threat to their operations on Earth and as such, actively sent forces to attack human population centers. Also, Tank, Soldier and Warrior-class BETA have the best human detection capability out of all the subspecies, and that's how they sensed the presence of the refugees in the shelter.
I dunno, I found the imperialistic debate between human vs human in a world where aliens rule much more engaging and also meaningful than mindless alien shooting.
I felt cheated, this first episode is not representative of the series at all, I cancelled my Crunchyroll sub I dont even trust is as a platform with how much of a lie this video is.
@@AlohaMilton my dude...Crunchyroll gets the promo material given by the production yeh? CR is great to watch older stuff and other new shows. It is anime. Don't have high expectations lol
That is quite inaccurate to reality tho..but idk about in beta universe. But irl? USA would have gone almost all out to defend japan... or any allies. Why? Because we would prefer to fight an enemy on another nations soil. Than ours >.>
Their world is a bit different. Japan is still a sovereign empire in this universe, so we didn't have the military presence there that we do now. The US supported Japan's defenses in the battle for Kyoto (if you watch Total Eclipse, an earlier spin-off series), but afterwards they were wishy washy about intervening such as here. Most of the best characters in this universe come from the US or UN anyway, but that's just a personal opinion.
@@jjhh320 IIRC It's not that USA didn't want to help Japan in Sadogashima, the problem was that around that time Sicily was in danger, and if it fell it would've caused the fall of the Suez Front in the Middle East, leading to the BETA reaching Africa and losing the entire Eastern Hemisphere, as Europe (or what's left of it) and Southeast Asia receive resources from there. That's why USA pulled out of Sadogashima, to help in Sicily.
The Muv-Luv universe's history is vastly different from our history. The US nuked most of Canada to stop a BETA Landing Hive, rendering Canada inhospitable. The US still plans to rule the world and remain in power. Among that this conflict against the BETA is worldwide. Not even the US has that kind of force projection due to Phyrric Victories. The sheer casualties and resources spent is non-sustainable.
To pile on what others have already mentioned, keep in mind that it's only the US that's practically left untouched that has the industry and capability to actually keep the war effort going. It's like WW2 all over again except the US is lend leasing to everyone else who isnt dead. Even still with these technology, industry and resources, it still has to pick and choose its fights and cant be everywhere at once
It’s because nukes aren’t effective in the grand scheme of things. They were used at the start and was successful to some degree, but eventually they are no longer practical. For example, when the BETA’s landed in Canada, the US did nuke them, however, as a result, a good portion of Canada is no longer habitable and is a radioactive wasteland. If nukes are to be used continuously, it would only bring more harm than good. The BETA’s also have methods to avoid a nuclear attack anyways, whether from LASER class BETA’s that can shoot them down with pinpoint accuracy, or burrowing deep underground to avoid them. There are alternative weapons more effective than the nuke, but without going into spoilery territory, they are last resort weapons.
In lore; there was serious strains of command between the IJA and US forces and there was a growing crisis in Sicily that would of saw the collapse and eventual conquest of all of Africa.
dont have naphalm, and other masive destruction weapons is just nuts, they are defending a city like 1000 years ago, what a disgusting defeat, any medium grade officer could do better
Can someone in the comments help? So is this a newer anime about Muv Luv? I remember watching 2 other ones. One takes place in Japan, and the other takes place in a divided Germany. So this is now the 3rd anime adaptation?
The ones you mentioned are Schwarzesmarken and Total Eclipse. Those are spin-off stories. This is an anime adaptation of the original story, Muv-Luv Alternative (the other two do take place in the Alternative timeline too, though).
@@deoxal7947 LOL imagine thinking one of the best visual novel series of all time has "bad writing." If you want to "rip out your hair" over fiction, you need help.
@@GiuseppeNelva Lol do you know what figurative vs literal means? And like I said I've never heard of this series and was planning on watching it. I was translating the comment above for you because you're so dense.
they did actually, but it was too late and had little effect (though it stalled the advance of the first hive) as the hive was able to take hold/fortify (as China initially assaulted it with conventional means). The hive extends deep underground, so it can be assumed that it can withstand nukes explosions outside. The US on other hand immediately used nukes when a hive landed in Canada (learning from the mistakes from the first hive) so that hive didn't have the chance to fortify itself.
All equally shot down by the Laser Class. And Miniguns won't do squat against the larger strains. The main weapons in the TSF are 35mm/120mm. Miniguns are typically 20mm IIRC.
The mechs are because most combat aircraft have been rendered completely pointless with the introduction of Laser-class BETA. They didn't do a good job explaining it in this episode, but that's why the Commander says "If they land Laser classes, this is all over". As the name suggests, Laser classes are ayyys that have giant laser cannons as organic weapons. And they can see you, and shoot you, from miles and miles away. The mechs (TSFs) are what humanity did to at least retain some of the capability of combat planes. They aren't "better" than planes, they are an adaptation. Their main strength is they have full axis, 3 dimensional movement. They do not operate by themselves, they still work in combined arms warfare like normal with infantry, armor, naval assets, and when possible, air. Also drones with miniguns wouldn't be able to do much more than annoy bigger strains.
@@matiasfpm Railguns are only starting to be developed by 2000 in ML world, which is when this takes place. Eventually tanks may have them, but right now little point.
The "old" one is actually the spin off to this, (I think you refer to Muv Luv Alternative Total Eclips), Muv Luv Alternative here is the original story. Total Eclips is a spin off.
Yeah they are holding out on showing more of the BETA for now since they are still cadets. Tho in general, this is a filler episode that mainly explores the state of the world and everything in this season for now is the calm before the storm.
In the novels it taken a long time before you get to see a BETA, always building up tension for their eventual appearance without even knowing what they look like... And then suddenly by midway through 3rd novel they finally show up and it leaves a huge impact on both the player and Takeru.
Absolutely. Only issue is that it's practically the US, Canada and UK that's left standing since most... all..? of Western Europe fell already and there's a massive refugee crisis all over
It's a adapation of the infamous Visual Novel, Muv Luv Alternative. The third one of a trilogy. The setting is that of a isekai/alien v mecha/war analogy hybrid where humanity has been at war with an alien race for over 30 years, the wounds of ww2 never healed and most of Europo is overrun.
@@nicovoth7243 The first part of the series is just as simple dating sim. Then the protagonist gets teleported to the end the world for the next 2 games.
Watch episode 2 here! got.cr/Watch-MLAFE
Ay can I get the ost name at 11:24 please
Fun fact: Muv Luv is one of Hajime Isayama's inspirations to create Attack on Titan.
Yeah, that's how I got into it.
Bem louco
Oh, i didn't knew that 😳😯😯
Fun fact: did we ask
Jk love you
@@Judah677 you are annoying
What's funny is that new comers are disappointed by lack of action while old fans are offended by fast pacing studio did just to rush into juicy staff
I’m a newcomer and I’m super disappointed by the pacing. It’s going way too fast and isn’t focusing on the starting exposition enough. I j feel super disconnected to everyone
@@kaleburns9347 this was the first episode and it's anime original.
The real story start next episode...
@@ShinJack_ oh I was about to say. I’m glad to hear that cuz this episode was all over the place
They should fkin adapt at least Unlimited first before Alternative tbh
@@kaleburns9347 u should feel that, they cut plenty of stuff
As someone who read the VN’s I wish they would’ve made more episodes like this. Filling in the blanks or adding to the lore
I was just thinking this is giving me an attack on titan vibes.
Where can I read the VN at?
it was in the VN these there the Prolouge you need to buy Extra called Muv-luv Alternative the Day Befor
@@corneliuselbourne1044because Muv Luv is the direct inspiration for AOT? AOT’s main concepts and ideas are primarily from Muv Luv
@@odd-ov4gfOn PC through Steam
11:02 gorgeous shot
If facehuggers invaded, skynet became self aware, and the bugs from starship troopers all began their assault on the beta for territory id be happy as helium. They'd probably have a better chance at wiping them out than the super transformers they got flying around trying to shot up the beta
I checked this comment section to see all the "this was Hajime Isayama's main influence for attack on titan" comments
Guy getting melted was a bit disturbing x__x I was about to shout, this is why pilots in animes need to wear helmets to protect your head..then I was like.. ah never mind.
@workingZen people get eaten. You get to see that in the VN and in Alternative Total Eclipse.
4:49Wow that girl, I could see some striking resemblance to Mari Makinami
As a Muv-Luv faithfull who just finished this anime i can say it's exactly what i expected it to be. Slightly better, even.
It has all the pacing and budget problems that were bound to drag it down into the mediocrity that it is, but i still think the makers did their homework and it often looks really good.
the TSF animation and new OS are outstanding but Takeru and his squadmates are butchererd as there is no character development
Then tell me, how can we defeat these alien monsters?
@@stephenbyrne2170 saturated nuclear strike, nuclear explosion is much cleaner than a nuclear meltdown and radiation will dissipate in less than a few years
@@shepherdlavellen3301 We nuke the planet?
@@stephenbyrne2170 not the entire planet but the Eurasia continent, it's way more efficient than TSF
Basically Helldivers but with mechs as default.
Who's ready to watch Takeru be a b- I mean a respectable human being
20:48-20:59 Warriors who die in battle, go straight to Valhalla.
what's always annoyed me about muv-luv anime in general is that we very rarely see humans actully fighting the BETA, like seriously, I think 90% of the entire screen time of the BETA is in episode 1.
Every single Muv-Luv story is about humans against each other using the crisis for their own ends.... which is cool, but not every time, especially when the hook of Muv-Luv is the fight vs the unstopable alien threat, and that hook is so often immediately sidelined.
There is muv luv series. Human fought Beta with tanks and guns, then get absolute slaughtered
That is the reason I dropped the show after realizing the aliens are basically gone in favor of human vs human
If i wanted that then I'd watch gundam or LotGH or Votoms
@@SolazLive You should have kept watching until S2. IIRC you've got 4 full episodes of Operation 21st + The Yokohama Base Incident
@@Duong-dc6cm Obviously, people in this anime are very stupid. Simply because if they used bombers against Beta it would be much more effective and completely safe for the personnel.
@@sergeypanferov9758 only beta that had ranged weapons was the lazer ones ...
lol it so funny how they used artilleries ranging from tank turrets to rocket launcher to even ww2 battleship main guns
Because Laser Class BETA will shoot down almost everything from the sky. Shells are cheaper than missiles. Anything computerized will be targeted with higher priority. Imagine all aircraft deemed obsolete overnight.
dayum this series has like different versions crazy how its still going
You may be referring to the spin-offs Schwarzesmarken and Total Eclipse. Alternative was never in anime format
@@benz505do you know what the watch order is by chance? Like do the spinoffs connect to this or no?
@@Kai-ow9gi TE and Schwarzesmarken connect to this, but at the same time aren't really connected. It depends. Like, they all take place in the same world timeline. And if you play the TE VN, there are plenty of stuff from another perspective that connect with what you saw in Unlimited and Alternative.
Time wise, Schwarzesmarken is the first since it's a prequel. That said, its more a treat for veterans since a lot of the higher level references are to things that may or may ot play out later in future works. TE takes place in 2000, 2001 of the same altverse, its just from a different perspective. When Operation Ouka happens in Alt, it happens in TE (and for that battle in particular, it connects in a very significant way). But I really shouldn't say much since its spoilers then.
The problem is there's a lot of works across LOTS of media. And stuff still to come out.
There is no real watch order. Bear in mind that this adaptation of VN is a disappointment in a lot of ways to old time fans, since, there is like, HUGE amounts of stuff you're missing. Granted, it had to be done, since otherwise you'd be looking at LOTGH levels of length, and they couldn't afford it. Plus art style changes, etc. Its still alright.
This anime and episode got me hooked into muv luv. I'm super engrossed into the series and universe
I felt like this episode was the best of both series. What are your thoughts?
@angryeric2961 The collapse of Kyoto in Muv-Luv Alternative Total Eclipse was great too.
@angryeric2961 Actually, for me the best episodes were the 12/5 incident ones, and my favorites are all the Operation 21st ones. The beach landing is hands down one of the coolest battle scenes I've ever scene and for the rest of the battle it kept that high for me.
@@christiangarcia5348Agreed 100%
Why do i remember watching muv luv but its only airing now?
Two of its side-story prequels got anime before the original VN did. You may have seen either Total Eclipse or Schwarzesmarken.
Muv luv have best politics among all anime
I look at these things as aliens with an array of forms Also me "I wonder could I throw an armoured command unit at this thing and watch it destroy them with overwhelming production?"
For reference an ACU or Armored command unit is the pinnacle of military Technology a unit that operated both as a commander and a producer capable of creating an entire army producing base within the span of hours from nano-technology that can also reclaim wreckages or biomatter as a resource on top of using a type of mineral called mass as it essential resource for army creation as well as high production power structure and energy convertors that create mass if it's not available. Oh did I mention it can produce cataclysmic Titans machine that are the definition of overkill.
That'd be a great idea if SC ACU's, or let alone Commanders from Total Annihilation existed in 1974, let alone 1990s, when this episode takes place. But they do not have ACUs. Humanity is only on one planet.
Congrats to the people here during the Premiere
Yup. I can definitely see the inspiration for AoT.
14:13 as a nerd of biological science, how the Beta came to have this kind of adaptations has always pick my attention, I know that the BETA is suppose be a hive of biological drones which is dedicated to collect materials by any means necessary for someone or something, and they have a degree of adaptability to function in hostile environments. The problem is that the BETA could have been traveling in space for hundreds of thousands of years before finding at least a basic living form, so how are they so well fitted to attack humanity since the begining?
I would understand if they were some kind of super adaptive beings like the Zergs or the Tiranides from WH 40K, but the BETA are actually kind of slow to adapt, this is why humanity has resisted for decades, but in the other hand many BETA forms are against the rules of physics, nothing much bigger than a Destroyer-class BETA should be able to be functional as living being on planet's earth gravity, IRL a destroyer would be able to barely move, let alone run as they do in the anime (the fortress class is against any rule of physics). I mean I love the franchise and the human drama, but this kind of questions don't let me sleep at night. XD
@black bear Yeah, well this is no the first time that the Fortress class and Laser Class appeared, but quite the interesting creatures.
@@animeturnMMD They actually aren't that well fitted to fight against humanity, humanity is just kinda weak. In terms of adapting, they do adapt somewhat, in that they are able to develop and create new strains of themselves to counter humanity. You actually see the peak of this in the ending of Total eclipse (VN).
@@banzai1690 Yes but they adap slowly and for some reason didn't take humanity seriosly until humans used a big deathly laser to blast one of their hives in one shot.
@@animeturnMMD oh unit 00? so it makes things worse...
Kind of but later I also learnt that the BETA were doing intelligence on humanity but still they got serious (at least some of them) when the OO destroyed that hive, I can't tell you more because it would spoil you the of the season.
Music be like Violet EverGundam XD
Evan Call is apparently a huge fan of the Muv-Luv franchise!
Probably the only emotionally engaging episode of the entire season. The rest of it fails to leave an impression, and I'm a huge fan of the VNs. Probably should've crammed key points of Extra into episode 2 and had season 1 be Unlimited, but with visual depictions of things like the defense of Niigata and other glimpses of the war taking place (as not a single BETA appears in Unlimited)
So it's like total eclipse? first episode good = rest of the series absolutely lame?
@@judyhopps9380 Good to see you're upholding the reputation of seasonals as morons who can only bother watching something if there's explosions and blood every five minutres otherwise they snooze out.
This should get interesting.
ok so this is before Total Eclipse okay got it XD
The actual show, not prequel stuff, is concurrent with TE. Or rather TE is concurrent with this, since it was the original. 2000-2001 timeframe
Awesome Muv-Luv Alternative Video.
I wish there was a crossover anime with Metroid and Muv Luv combined.
The horrible part in all of this is that the BETA are not evil. They are simply programmed organic carbon based tools designed for mining and extracting minerals and resources that is then sent to the homeworld or colony of their creators a silicon based race.
They do have a intelligent super attendant that does manage all the BETA on each mining world and it is intelligent enough to reason, and does indeed is curious of items and relics of the worlds they mine on. Problem was for it, it was trying to figure out if humans were actually sentient or not and it was disturbing it as it believed they might have been encountering another carbon based mining rival or just hostile alien life. As its programmed to believe that only silicon based sentient life was possible not carbon based life.
Essentially they just think humans are just like them carbon based machines (technically he isn't incorrect in that, humans are just biological computers and the body essentially a machine) The difference is that humans don't rely on instinct like non-sentient life forms do or runs on programs. Humans like their silicon based creators are capable of free thought.
Unfortunatly the BETA well they do consider the possibility find it unlikely.
Onde viu essa teoria?
@@Noito1 Its establised in the lore. Through the games and the various animes that came out.
Also its true that carbon based lifeforms are just organic computers/machines.
Alright guys, no need for the rest of the 11 episodes and Season 2. We all saw Japan getting screwed, Muv Luv can just end right here :D
Until they do a G-Bombardment which irradiated the planet leaving just one Beta hive on the bottom of the ocean floor and it's impossible to destroy. While all of humanity are fighting for what land they have left. Still waiting for this to happen in anime form rather than seeing Takeru's flashback scenes or whatever.
@@GhostChild808 'The Day After' has been on Steam for a while. Set in the Unlimited timeline and not the Alternative timeline.
@@achronos8088 still, I would like to see it in anime format
Man they could really use some sort of disposable, easy to use system that can be adapted to basically any role and can come in ludicrously large numbers especially when you take into account the whole desperate struggle to survive.
Nah what am I saying, clearly sending “highly trained” individuals in complicated machines that are bound to be difficult maintain to costly replace into melee combat with a horde of hungry hippos and Godzilla monsters is clearly the best course of action.
And what exactly would this disposable easy to use system that can be adapted to any role and come in huge numbers wunderwaffen be?
@@IconOfSin24148 civilian drones with grenades attached to them!
@@saber2802 Most BETA lifeforms are more resilient than Russians on motorbikes with cope cages. Destroyer's cope cage actually works.
The aliens have laser weapons which can bring down fast jets, drones don't do anything to them. They have a weakness though they wont shoot at their own, so close range is their only chance. At that range a few one use drones vs a massive cannon which can fire multiple shells, the cannons make more sense.
@@IconOfSin24148 how about tanks? Take those guns that the mechs use and slap them on a tank. Now you can easily put ten or twenty times that many tanks on the field and it's far easier to train a crew to use a tank than some VTOL mech thing.
It's been 11 years lol
I even forgot the plot of the 2012 anime, does Total Eclipse even factor in this timeline?
Total Eclipse occurs mainly on Alaska.
This happens on Japan.
Also. It is so dumb for not even the skilled and trained workers from the command to evacuate...at least make the radar/tech/mechanics and engineers...and some talented young commanders evacuate.
That was actually a big flaw during the battle of midway IRL...The last of the kido butai of the last carrier of that was left...instead of retreating...they went in for a last suicide level attack against USA..So the people who knew how to run the carriers, the best veteran pilots...the best flight crew...and all that...they all ended up dead.
So Japan really didnt have any veterans left to train any new pilots. Which caused them to eventually rely on kamikaze attacks...and no more naval air craft that was effective.
Big mistake.
Ironic since the ww2 idea of bushido had never really existed historically...and was 20th century propaganda...and it really hurt Japan's capability in war.
Living to fight another day.
Especially when you are a pilot or aircraft carrier personal that is considered the best in the world...living to train others is better than a pointless death
Funny you mention that since Japan in the Muv Luv universe is not the modern Japan we know, it's still called the Empire of Japan
@@CallsignYukiMizuki yup. Strange af
Congrats, you just by chance identified a major dilemma and frustration of the main character from Alt, who comes from "our world" and no, even in the VN, this isn't "praised". Characters find the code of conduct faultless, but its overall seen as stupid from the meta perspective.
If you watch the scene, only the two highest ranking commanders stayed.
Muv-Luv Alternative's best mecha anime of 2021, such as 86 Eighty-Six, Kyoukai Senki, Rumble Garanndoll and even Sakugan. Along with Schwarzesmarken is the greatest mecha anime since between Guilty Crown and Majestic Prince.
For me 86 tops em all
I skip 86,only muv luv
@@leszeksykacz5929 how dare you skip 86
Only rumble and sakugan have actual quality
Eighty six is leagues ahead of them all
Ah so nice to see another anime for the Muv-Luv Series was worried total eclipse would be a stand alone 🥲
theres swarz marken or something as well
This is like Attack on Titan but with mechs
AoT was greatly inspired by Muv-Luv Alternative.
I love this show
Overall this want a good show. This episode is easily the best episode
Anyone know that insert song in the mid of the battle? Its fucken amazing!
Not yet dead by Evan Call
@@CallsignYukiMizukiI love you, thank you so much aaaaaa
Anybody knows the name of music in the end of this episode ?
The music is so good
What it this music 11:28
Anyone got the name of the song that plays during the Wall defense? Where they're taking on the multiple Fort Classes and the first wall has already fallen?
Not Yet Dead is the song
@@Agrothewarhorse Bless
Thank you.
13:23 either a rifle I don't know of or this weapon looks furiously like a FAMAS G2.
It’s a famas alright.
And a P90
so bullets and blasts from battleships work, but not nukes with glass paneling.
Do nukes really not work or do they just have a stupid reason not to use them?
@@Admiral-General_Aladeenin the lore, they are not effective as a tactic weapon, and left too much radiation for living life (BETAs seems to not care)
@@matiasfpm thats really stupid for a couple of reasons anything that can be killed by a conventional weapon can be killed by a nuke also radiation is really not a problem
First air burst tactical nukes have basically no long term effects on the enviroment for example people live in hiroshima exactly where the nuke was dropped without any problem people in general overestimate fallout because they have no idea about radiation
Second to my understanding half the world is already covered by the monsters if they don't want to use nukes because of radiation at that point why don't they just give up
It seems to me the author just wanted to have an excuse not to use these extremly useful weapons that would defenetly work
All a nuke is; is a giant blast. Yes; it vaporizes BETA but the fall-out poisons us. The BETA don't care plus; laser class.
@@Admiral-General_AladeenNukes WERE used but they left more harm than good. BETAS also have countermeasures against nuclear warheads anyways with their laser class BETAS and by burrowing deep underground. A good majority of the world was already taken over at this point in time, nuking would only leave a inhabitable wasteland and would result in the destruction of humanity by their own weapons.
BETAS don’t care about radiation as well, so it makes sense that nukes aren’t the ideal weapons at all.
Damn, attack on titan II lookin lit
I Can't Wait
Reminds me of attack on titan
It's Isayamas main inspiration to create Attack On Titan.
Is there nothing we can do? Is there no way we can stop these monsters?
Yup. Not being RE-TAR-DED. 😂
2nd seson is fu 10/10 next to this but i love mu luv
Where were the hell diver when we needed them?
4:45, subtitle error, "but they'd bs abandoning..."
I can wait
You should it's really bad
Well you kind of have too
Crossovers 👻 In The 🐚/Terminator
Muv- luv alternative total eclipse gundam seed
I hope someone answers this comment why they hold new story not continue the old one and basically make a harem for the mc like I now watching the season cuz I was so busy but like what is this 😮
anyone know the song at 17:09 ?
Is this a different interpretation of Total Eclipse or are they the same?
Total Eclipse and Schwarzesmarken are both spinoffs, this is an adaptation of the original Muv-Luv Alternative Visual Novel (which is the third part of a trilogy of VN's)
Sountrack 16:31?
The beta be the tyranids from wish
Who’s the guy that got melted by acid? Is it the one at the start of episode two? If anybody can awnser me I’m confused.😅
No, he's just there to show you how brutal the story can be...the first half of the episode made him act like a decent side protagonist, probably to show viewers how it simply didn't matter for him. This anime is the 3rd VN in a trilogy, and the anime only adapts part 3, so the actual MC shows up next episode. Hope that helps
@@yamamotomechbattles thank you I just liked that guy lol
I’m watching code geass for the second time
@@Edward12135 Yeah I was pretty bummed when he bought it lol
One thing that I’ve always hated about these shows aside from one of them is the first episode is often times extremely misleading.
Take for instance, the total eclipse version. The first episode or rather, I should say the first two episodes give us the impression that the main character is going to be Yui.
And of course it’s going to be a giant robot combat show. Now if you’re like me and you literally just stumbled across this franchise many years ago and you didn’t know all of the internal background stuff and all that by the time of episode, I believe three comes around Where we are introduced to the actual protagonist you get at least in my mind extremely confused.
I mean again at the start of the show you’re given the impression that this is going to be a show centered around, fighting aliens with giant robots, that you know are named after fighter jets. Although, at the very beginning of the first episode, it seems more like a high school comedy. Regardless the show like I said before starts out, essentially is one thing and then becomes something completely different and I feel that in this one alternative it is even more egregious.
Again, we are led to believe that the show is going to focus primarily on the combat. And that the glasses check that we are introduced to at the beginning is going to be the main character, but then everything gets you know thrown onto its head basically.
The only version of this franchise, that at least I know of that actually focused on the fighting, and everything was the absolutely terrible version that took place from the perspective of the Soviet union.
Mf doesn't understand worldbuilding
@@benz505 i’m well aware of what world building is. But what we had in pretty much all of these shows has been not world building so much as misdirection. I understand that they’re trying to make it to show that this conflict that they are in is very intense and that the enemy is for the lack of a better term unrelenting. And the fact that it doesn’t matter who you are or what walk of life you’re from or anything like that. You are just as fallible as anyone else.
Honestly, if they had kept the show in the more action oriented stuff, I would’ve been a lot more interested than not.
I mean, I’m not saying that they can’t have shows like this and have them be kind of goofy and all that. But at the same time something like that has to be well-balanced with the action oriented stuff.
They could do a whole bunch of the action and combat sequences for you know two or three episodes and then have one or two episodes for I guess you could say “breather” episodes.
Ah, yes. Its called "Bait and Switch" 😅😂
You sound like the kind of person who hated the vital episode of DBZ where Goku and Piccolo were sent to driving school, and demanded all filler be taken out and just fighting action.
@@IconOfSin24148 I didn’t mind the driving school
I’m here for it
There’s a few things i don’t understand with this series. Why do none of the mechs use some form of grenades? Why do none of the soldiers use grenades? Why wasn’t the shore littered with mines and explosives? Why the wall in this episode wasn’t reinforced with supports on the base side? And if the beta don’t consider humans as alive, how do they know that they are hiding in a shelter? Food for thought questions.
Ok, let's do this in order:
1. Why would the TSFs use grenades? They would just take extra space and weigh a lot. One of their weapon settings does carry missile launchers, though, and that's for the rearmost elements, not the vanguard. And shrapnel does not really work on anything bigger than warrior class BETA (the one that took the head off of that one soldier). Rifle and pistol calibers, however, work well with both the Warrior and Soldier classes.
2. The sea was littered with mines and explosives. See how at one point they just started shelling them instead of trusting the minefields? That means they probably ran out of mines at some point.
3. The wall WAS reinforced with supports on the base side as well as constructed in a triangular-ish way, pointing outwards. I suggest re watching the scene after Kusano's death.
4. If they didn't attack humans *because* they don't consider them as living beings, the war would have never even started in the first place. At this point, humanity had literally nuked hives left and right around the world, which the Superordinate saw as a threat to their operations on Earth and as such, actively sent forces to attack human population centers.
Also, Tank, Soldier and Warrior-class BETA have the best human detection capability out of all the subspecies, and that's how they sensed the presence of the refugees in the shelter.
120mm is technically HE, but each gun only has 6 rounds per mag. And it's really only used destroyers as a last resort
@@beefueater4586 and Any large strain, too.
We are 11 episodes in and so far this was the only decent episode, everything else was just forgetful.
I dunno, I found the imperialistic debate between human vs human in a world where aliens rule much more engaging and also meaningful than mindless alien shooting.
I felt cheated, this first episode is not representative of the series at all, I cancelled my Crunchyroll sub I dont even trust is as a platform with how much of a lie this video is.
@@AlohaMilton my dude...Crunchyroll gets the promo material given by the production yeh?
CR is great to watch older stuff and other new shows. It is anime. Don't have high expectations lol
@@nicovoth7243 I want more alien battles!
Name of this anime pleas
That is quite inaccurate to reality tho..but idk about in beta universe. But irl? USA would have gone almost all out to defend japan... or any allies. Why? Because we would prefer to fight an enemy on another nations soil. Than ours >.>
Their world is a bit different. Japan is still a sovereign empire in this universe, so we didn't have the military presence there that we do now. The US supported Japan's defenses in the battle for Kyoto (if you watch Total Eclipse, an earlier spin-off series), but afterwards they were wishy washy about intervening such as here. Most of the best characters in this universe come from the US or UN anyway, but that's just a personal opinion.
@@jjhh320 IIRC It's not that USA didn't want to help Japan in Sadogashima, the problem was that around that time Sicily was in danger, and if it fell it would've caused the fall of the Suez Front in the Middle East, leading to the BETA reaching Africa and losing the entire Eastern Hemisphere, as Europe (or what's left of it) and Southeast Asia receive resources from there. That's why USA pulled out of Sadogashima, to help in Sicily.
The Muv-Luv universe's history is vastly different from our history. The US nuked most of Canada to stop a BETA Landing Hive, rendering Canada inhospitable. The US still plans to rule the world and remain in power. Among that this conflict against the BETA is worldwide. Not even the US has that kind of force projection due to Phyrric Victories. The sheer casualties and resources spent is non-sustainable.
To pile on what others have already mentioned, keep in mind that it's only the US that's practically left untouched that has the industry and capability to actually keep the war effort going. It's like WW2 all over again except the US is lend leasing to everyone else who isnt dead. Even still with these technology, industry and resources, it still has to pick and choose its fights and cant be everywhere at once
@@CallsignYukiMizuki except south america. The only place that didnt change in an alternate universe 😁🤷♂️👍
Why no nuke?
Because author don't want nukes because they too strong
Because the Laser Class BETA can directly counter aircraft, so nukes cannot be used.
It’s because nukes aren’t effective in the grand scheme of things. They were used at the start and was successful to some degree, but eventually they are no longer practical. For example, when the BETA’s landed in Canada, the US did nuke them, however, as a result, a good portion of Canada is no longer habitable and is a radioactive wasteland.
If nukes are to be used continuously, it would only bring more harm than good. The BETA’s also have methods to avoid a nuclear attack anyways, whether from LASER class BETA’s that can shoot them down with pinpoint accuracy, or burrowing deep underground to avoid them.
There are alternative weapons more effective than the nuke, but without going into spoilery territory, they are last resort weapons.
Can't Wait To Watch...
Yes same ❤ will soon episodes 2 can't wait ❤🥰
As expected from America, always plots something
In lore; there was serious strains of command between the IJA and US forces and there was a growing crisis in Sicily that would of saw the collapse and eventual conquest of all of Africa.
dont have naphalm, and other masive destruction weapons is just nuts, they are defending a city like 1000 years ago, what a disgusting defeat, any medium grade officer could do better
you cant do better
No cgi very bad show
Can someone in the comments help? So is this a newer anime about Muv Luv? I remember watching 2 other ones. One takes place in Japan, and the other takes place in a divided Germany. So this is now the 3rd anime adaptation?
The ones you mentioned are Schwarzesmarken and Total Eclipse. Those are spin-off stories. This is an anime adaptation of the original story, Muv-Luv Alternative (the other two do take place in the Alternative timeline too, though).
@@benz505 Got it! Thank you
@@madamemars2219 The main problem is that it skips the first two games.
I've suffered multiple headdesks on this story's politics.
It's called "fiction." Chill.
@@GiuseppeNelva More like bad writing. I've never heard of this before but that's the only time I want to rip out my hair over fiction.
@@deoxal7947 LOL imagine thinking one of the best visual novel series of all time has "bad writing." If you want to "rip out your hair" over fiction, you need help.
@@GiuseppeNelva Lol do you know what figurative vs literal means?
And like I said I've never heard of this series and was planning on watching it. I was translating the comment above for you because you're so dense.
>Watches one episode
>Says Politics of story sucks
>Refuses to elaborate
The Chad autistic critc
Idk if it's just me or is the pacing weird?
Too rushed compared to the original source, too convulse for a series
This show and most of its side stories all suffer from an extreme case of identity crisis in my mind.
Not only yours m8. Lots of fans too
Where am I?
@@casanimated1715 huh, ok….what show is this for anyway?
@@rennac3152 If you know the meme of "Try to scream ... And I'll choke you with my breast" well this is it
@@rennac3152 for suffering and DESPAIR
How to defeat the beta?
I will give you a hint:
The same stuff that made an "mass extinction event" ...
Asteroids, or if you dont want the planet destroyed, Meteorites...
...so somehow the aliens weren't nuked into oblivion by Russia or China...?
they did actually, but it was too late and had little effect (though it stalled the advance of the first hive) as the hive was able to take hold/fortify (as China initially assaulted it with conventional means). The hive extends deep underground, so it can be assumed that it can withstand nukes explosions outside. The US on other hand immediately used nukes when a hive landed in Canada (learning from the mistakes from the first hive) so that hive didn't have the chance to fortify itself.
@@aceyamby3417 Yes but 1/2 of Canada is an irradiated wasteland because of it.
It's not Japanese without giant mech suits. I'd prefer the helicopter drones with mini guns of The Tomorrow War.
Or big tanks with rail cannons 😎
All equally shot down by the Laser Class. And Miniguns won't do squat against the larger strains. The main weapons in the TSF are 35mm/120mm. Miniguns are typically 20mm IIRC.
The mechs are because most combat aircraft have been rendered completely pointless with the introduction of Laser-class BETA. They didn't do a good job explaining it in this episode, but that's why the Commander says "If they land Laser classes, this is all over". As the name suggests, Laser classes are ayyys that have giant laser cannons as organic weapons. And they can see you, and shoot you, from miles and miles away. The mechs (TSFs) are what humanity did to at least retain some of the capability of combat planes. They aren't "better" than planes, they are an adaptation. Their main strength is they have full axis, 3 dimensional movement. They do not operate by themselves, they still work in combined arms warfare like normal with infantry, armor, naval assets, and when possible, air.
Also drones with miniguns wouldn't be able to do much more than annoy bigger strains.
@@matiasfpm Railguns are only starting to be developed by 2000 in ML world, which is when this takes place. Eventually tanks may have them, but right now little point.
@@IconOfSin24148yeah, they are REALLY slow to develop stuff. Like, for 30 years...
Also, in TE that railgun looks more like a RAYgun. 😅
even if the cgi isn't very good. i still like it. ive seen waaaayyy worse
OK so is this a new story or just a re hash of the old 1?
new story
The "old" one is actually the spin off to this, (I think you refer to Muv Luv Alternative Total Eclips), Muv Luv Alternative here is the original story. Total Eclips is a spin off.
400 like 26 comment and it happened in 19 hours
What a fake out following this episode. Since then barely seen the aliens and the story feels mad fast paced for the narrative they’re trying to build
Yeah they are holding out on showing more of the BETA for now since they are still cadets.
Tho in general, this is a filler episode that mainly explores the state of the world and everything in this season for now is the calm before the storm.
@@nicovoth7243 ahh I see. I was getting peeved coz I was like where’s the aliens & blood.
Aliens are for desert
In the novels it taken a long time before you get to see a BETA, always building up tension for their eventual appearance without even knowing what they look like...
And then suddenly by midway through 3rd novel they finally show up and it leaves a huge impact on both the player and Takeru.
Does NATO even exist in the Muv Luv series?
Yes she exists
Absolutely. Only issue is that it's practically the US, Canada and UK that's left standing since most... all..? of Western Europe fell already and there's a massive refugee crisis all over
What’s it about?
It's a adapation of the infamous Visual Novel, Muv Luv Alternative. The third one of a trilogy.
The setting is that of a isekai/alien v mecha/war analogy hybrid where humanity has been at war with an alien race for over 30 years, the wounds of ww2 never healed and most of Europo is overrun.
@@nicovoth7243 The first part of the series is just as simple dating sim. Then the protagonist gets teleported to the end the world for the next 2 games.
@@harlannguyen4048 I mean ik. It's a isekai after all.
Gundam seed
What is the name of anime
is this supposed to be like season 2 of Schwarzesmarken???
Nah, Schwarzesmarken is a Muv-Luv spin-off.
Yay :)
Muv-Luv Alternative
Muito bom recomendo 😍 😊 ☺ 😍 😊 ☺ 😊🥰🥰🤩🥳🥳🤗😍😍☺😚☺😊☺🥰☺🤩🥳☺🤗☺☺🤗🥳☺🤩😚🥰😚😊😚😊😚😊☺🤩☺🥳☺🤗☺🤗😚🤩🥰☺😊😚😊😚🥰☺🤩☺🥳☺🤗☺🤗🥳🤩☺🥰☺🤩☺🥳☺🤗😍😚🥳😚🤩🥰😚😊😚🤩☺🥳☺🤗🤗🤗☺🥰☺😊😚🥰☺🥰🤩☺🤩☺🥳☺🤗😍🥳☺🤩😚😊😚😊😚😊🤩☺🤩☺🤗🤗😚🤩☺🥰☺🥰☺🥰☺🤩☺🤗🥳☺🤩😚🥰☺🥰☺🥰☺🤩😚🤩☺🤗☺🥳☺🤩☺🥰☺😊☺🥰☺🥰☺🤩☺🤗😚🥳🤩☺🥰☺😊😍🥰😍🤩😍🤩😚🥳😚🤩☺🥳☺🥳🤩☺🥰😍🥰☺🥰😚🥰😍🤩😍🤩🥳😚🥳😚🤩😊☺🥰☺🥰☺🤩☺🤩🥳☺🤩☺🥰☺🥳☺☺🤗🥳☺🤩☺☺☺🤗🤗☺🤩☺🥰😊☺☺🤩🥳☺🥳☺🤩☺🥰☺😊
Go home ur drunk
sux it's not dubbed
If it’s not in English it’s not worth watching.