Is the Dyson Sphere Realizable?

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 3 ก.ค. 2024
  • Major breakthrough, hello everyone, I am Lv Xiaolong. Theory about the birth and age of the universe! First release in the universe, shocking release, subverting everyone's cognition! Eliminate the Big Bang theory! It is well known that the diameter of the Milky Way is 100,000 light years, and the Milky Way is only 2.5 million light years away from the Andromeda Galaxy. Scientists have calculated that they will collide in 4 billion years. The distance of 2.5 million light years is equivalent to 25 times the diameter of the Milky Way, which is equivalent to a person with a height of 1.7 meters and a distance of about 40 meters from another person. This distance is very close, only 40 steps are needed, but it is so close yet so far away, and it takes 4 billion years to shake hands face to face重大突破,哈喽大家好我是吕小龙。关于宇宙诞生和年龄的理论!宇宙首发,震撼发布,颠覆所有人认知!淘汰宇宙大爆炸理论!众所周知银河系直径10万光年,银河系距离仙女座星系仅有250万光年距离,科学家计算得知它们将在40亿年后碰撞,250万光年的距离相当于银河系直径的25倍,相当于一个人身高1.7米与另一个人距离40米左右,这个距离是非常近的,只需走40步,然而近在咫尺却遥不可及,却需40亿年才能贴脸握手,相当于1亿年只走一步,1年只走10纳米,指甲长的速度是每秒1纳米,人一辈子是无法感知到物体在移动。由此可见速度是有多慢!假如这两个星系是从距离彼此2500万光年双向奔赴,那么就需要400亿年才能碰撞,直接比宇宙大爆炸年龄多几百亿年!验证方法:观察两个已经碰撞或即将碰撞星系的尾迹,然后算出星系的速度在这段距离互相移动的用了多长时间!是否超越138亿年,只需普通望远镜就可以验证,银河系距离巨引源2.2亿光年,可以观察银河系被巨引源吸引时的起点到当前位置的距离,计算出这段距离走了多少亿年。宇宙大爆炸理论忽悠人的!诺贝尔物理学奖预定!永动机筹钱,载入史册的机会,机不可失,时不再来!

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