Near 2:22:05 some mistake was made: If you pick 1 enemy MONSTER within 1" of this unit and roll 2D6, on a 7, nothing happens. On any other roll, that enemy MONSTER suffers a number of mortal wounds equal to the score of the dice used for the 2D6 roll multiplied together. For example, a 2D6 roll of 2 and 6 would inflict 12 mortal wounds (2 x 6 = 12). Great campaign!
Multiplied together? Now that is one hell of an entrance. Imagine rolling double 6 and just running THROUGH a 35 wound mega gargant! Kragnos is a beast.
I Love your Setup and camerawork
Near 2:22:05 some mistake was made:
If you pick 1 enemy MONSTER within 1" of this unit and roll 2D6, on a 7, nothing happens. On any other roll, that enemy MONSTER suffers a number of mortal wounds equal to the score of the dice used for the 2D6 roll multiplied together. For example, a 2D6 roll of 2 and 6 would inflict 12 mortal wounds (2 x 6 = 12).
Great campaign!
Multiplied together? Now that is one hell of an entrance. Imagine rolling double 6 and just running THROUGH a 35 wound mega gargant! Kragnos is a beast.
What an awesome game! Choke-slamming Gordrakk was such an epic move!
You done death grip twice on gordrakk
Hell yeah
Whoop! Next episode