Why do some not go to worship in the Millennium
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 4 ก.พ. 2025
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If we don’t get to meet you in this life, we will definitely meet you in heaven. Thanks, and God bless!
Thank you so much for speaking about the millennium kingdom!
With all the despair of the end of the Grace, it's nice to get excited about our upcoming future!
Would love to hear more!❤❤
Check out Lee Brainard. He has 20 videos of biblical accurate millennial reign videos. They help me a lot
@ronedwards6478 perfect ! I will. Thank you for spreading the word of our Lord. Blessings to you!
Another great answer. Love listening Thank You
Another great explanation! So appreciate your channel! Thanks very much! 🙏
Thank you dear Brother! Eyes up! Ephesians 2:8-9 "For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the GIFT of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast." Acts 16:31 "And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house." Colossians 1:14 "In whom we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins:" Salvation is obtained by simply believing in Jesus' death (Blood sacrifice), burial and resurrection with all your heart for payment of all your sins, past, present and future.
Thank you for a great answer! I guess we will still need evangelists during the millennial kingdom.
Yeah, we will be able to literally lead them to Christ!
Israel will be the evangelists on earth. They will be the light unto the Gentiles. Every family on earth will be blessed through them. The Body of Christ Church will be eternally in the Heavens (2 Cor 5:1). Our citizenship is in Heaven (Philippians 3:20). The earthly kingdom is Israel's promised inheritance. We also have an inheritance, but it isn't earth. Eph 1:9-11
My understanding (which could absolutely be wrong) is the only people who die at Armegeddon are those soldiers who follow the Antichrist to destroy Israel. All others will still be alive (at least those who survive the great tribulation). Isaiah 66 also describes these events. There will be many on the earth who haven’t put faith in Christ. People will have to choose. And a lot of people don’t like being told what they can and can’t do. Thank you for the video!
It's so sad to think of all the Jewish people that will be in Hades and Lake of Fire down through history.
Pastor Brian can you help me with this..........I have never understood quite why there needs to be a temple in the millennium kingdom or why sacrifices are necessary. Jesus has been the ultimate sacrifice once and for all and will be on the earth as ultimate ruler in this kingdom so why the existence of a fourth temple and a sacrifice system?
The ac confirms Israel's covenant with the MANY (Daniel 9:27), as opposed to the few, the remnant of Israel that will be saved. The 144,000 will be preaching all over the world for the 1st half of Israel's 70th week and raptured at the halfway point. Then believing Israel (who were part of the MANY, but now believe when they see the AoD) will run to the wilderness (Rev 12 sign). The 144,000 will be preaching against the temple and sacrifices, but until they see the Abomination, they won't believe what the 144k are preaching.
I know you asked Pastor Brian and he will answer clearer than I could, but it is for sacrifice, not to pay for sin- no that has been done completely by Christ as you mentioned. Instead, the sacrifices are reflections back on what Chris DID just as the sacrifices of the OT were a shadow of what Christ would ultimately DO. The people in the Mill who are born in a perfect environment with a perfect King etc. do not completely understand the price that was paid- these sacrifices are a remembrance of Christ’s sacrifice… hope this helps if Pastor Brian doesn’t make a video on it.
It is all about resurrection and which one we will be apart of. The first resurrection mentioned in Revelation 20:4-6
Or the one at the end of the thousand year reign.
The second death has no power over he who hath part in the first resurrection.
Hebrews 11:35
"A better resurrection."
1 Corinthians 15:20-29
In Adam all die but in Christ shall all be made alive. But each in his own order. Christ the first fruits then they at His coming then the end. For Christ must reign until all enemies are put under His feet then He will deliver the kingdom up to God even the Father.
Hi!! I’ve been a follower of your channel here for about a month now. I just wanted to say that I really appreciate your teachings. I was wondering if you could do a small Bible study on something that is important because are you aware that we have people now ( and it is a very huge following) that actually believe that that Jesus already came back, the millennium is over and we are living in Satan‘s short season. When I first heard that my mouth dropped open, I said you’ve got to be kidding me. But it is true. It has really been circulating for the past 6 to 8 months now they have an answer for everything and they come against us. If we try to give them scripture they act like we’re idiots. They act like we’re dumb because we don’t get it. I would love to have a Bible study on this if you could. Thank you !!
I know what you mean. Two things to keep in mind about that crazy doctrine: 1) Nowhere in Scripture does it say that Christ came back already. If Scripture doesn't teach it, it absolutely can not be sound Biblical doctrine. It just another man made doctrine. It's just more fables (2 Tim 4:3-4). 2) (and you should research this. There are videos on yt addressing it) the moon is actually, literally turning to blood as we speak. Before the day of the Lord, the moon will turn to blood. They chalk that up as an eclipse (so did I), but it literally is turning to blood right now and scientists are baffled by it.
No more grace in the 1000 years? Why sacrifices when Christ was the final sacrifice? Now that does not make sense.
The 1000 year reign will be Jesus saving the last sheep, I believe we are going to be consecrated in heaven and perhaps preach/teach to people still in a flesh body. I pray all will be saved the He wills
Hello pastor Brian. As you may know I do a monthly Bible Prophecy study on you tube. This Friday i intend to post my next video and want to credit you on the story you told about the friends who went over the guys house and the guys wife made them sandwichs whos husband was not saved. I will give you and your channel and church a shout out WITH YOUR PERMISSION. Im going to tell the story anyway but I'd like to give you credit. FYI My subject is tribulation zombies Rev ch. 9 vs 1-11. Specifically vs 5-6. Thank you and God bless 🙏
@@papajoefortner1817 hey brother, that’s fine, but I can remember hearing that story a long, long time ago, but I can’t verify the veracity of it. I think it’s a great illustration, but I can’t recall for sure if it was a true account or just a story that I had heard. I think/hope I conveyed that in my video!
@CalvaryChapelFranklin You did pastor and I will state that disclaimer.
Dumb question. Will there still be planes for those from far away places to get to Israel. What of those who don’t have enough money to go each year, or won’t there be any poor in the Millennial kingdom.
If the curse is lifted on animals as Isaiah seems to imply, then blood sacrifices seem rather odd in the millennial temple!🤔
How so? If the fauna is not predatory anymore, but they are mortal all the same, and humans demonstrate their devotion by offering them and it is a sweet aroma to the Most High.
There is no curse on animals. Only mankind is under the curse in Adam. The animals are not born in Adam
When Christ's return comes, it's the end!
The final judgement and those who will be with him or without. The Eternal State.
Completely false
because that is corrupted Nonsense ofcourse .
Zechariah - where that idea comes from - is one of the most corrupted books in the Scroll .
Sir, you need to reread Revelations Chapter 20 as you are mistaken in your teaching. Satan will be bound for the 1,000 years and locked in the abyss. Then released for short time. The righteous who have been raptured do not come back yet. It is only those who were martyred who come back to reign with Jesus for the 1,000 year period. We come back after this time. Please be careful to not be a stumbling block to anyone.
Actually, the Body of Christ Church does not come back to earth permanently. We are eternally in the Heavens (2 Cor 5:1). Our citizenship is in Heaven (Philippians 3:20).