Twenty Minutes Of Violet Flame 3

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 9 ก.พ. 2025
    This compilation of Decrees has some old favourites plus the short version of the “Tube of Light” and “Set The Elementals Free” for some much needed assistance to elemental life. If you can only spare fifteen minutes, stop after doing “More Violet Fire” nine times.
    In the name of the beloved mighty victorious Presence of God, I AM in me, and
    my very own beloved Holy Christ Self, I call to beloved Alpha and Omega in the
    heart of God in our Great Central Sun, beloved Saint Germain, beloved Portia,
    beloved Archangel Zadkiel, beloved Holy Amethyst, beloved Mighty Arcturus
    and Victoria, beloved Kuan Yin, Goddess of Mercy, beloved Oromasis and
    Diana, beloved Mother Mary, beloved Jesus, beloved Omri-Tas, ruler of the
    violet planet, beloved great Karmic Board, beloved Lanello, the entire Spirit of
    the Great White Brotherhood and the World Mother, elemental life-fire, air,
    water, and earth!
    To expand the Violet Flame within my heart, purify my four lower bodies,
    transmute all misqualified energy I have ever imposed upon life, and blaze
    mercy's healing ray throughout the earth, the elementals, and all mankind and
    answer this my call infinitely, presently, and forever:
    TUBE OF LIGHT (6x)
    Beloved I AM Presence bright,
    Round me seal your Tube of Light
    From Ascended Master flame
    Called forth now in God's own name.
    Let it keep my temple free
    From all discord sent to me.
    I AM calling forth Violet Fire
    To blaze and transmute all desire,
    Keeping on in Freedom's name
    Till I AM one with the Violet Flame.
    Radiant spiral Violet Flame,
    Descend, now blaze through me!
    Radiant spiral Violet Flame,
    Set free, set free, set free!
    Radiant Violet Flame, 0 come,
    Expand and blaze thy Light through me!
    Radiant Violet Flame, 0 come,
    Reveal God's Power for all to see!
    Radiant Violet Flame, 0 come,
    Awake the earth and set it free!
    Radiance of the Violet Flame,
    Expand and blaze through me!
    Radiance of the Violet Flame,
    Expand for all to see!
    Radiance of the Violet Flame,
    Establish Mercy's outpost here!
    Radiance of the Violet Flame,
    Come, transmute now all fear!
    Seal, seal, seal in an ovoid bright
    Of the violet fire's clear light
    Every elemental, set and keep them free
    From all human discord instantly.
    1. Beloved I AM (3x)
    2. By Christ-command (3x)
    3. By God's blue ray (3x)
    4. By God's violet ray (3x)
    5. By God's love ray (3x)
    6. By Hercules' might (3x)
    7. By Jesus' Light (3x)
    8. By Michael's sword (3x)
    9. It's done today, it's done to stay, it's done God's way
    5.02 MORE VIOLET FIRE (18x)
    Lovely God Presence, I AM in me,
    Hear me now I do decree:
    Bring to pass each blessing for which I call
    Upon the Holy Christ Self of each and all.
    Let Violet Fire of Freedom roll
    Round the world to make all whole;
    Saturate the earth and its people, too,
    With increasing Christ-radiance shining through.
    I AM this action from God above,
    Sustained by the hand of heaven's Love,
    Transmuting the causes of discord here,
    Removing the cores so that none do fear.
    I AM, I AM, I AM
    The full power of Freedom's Love
    Raising all earth to heaven above.
    Violet Fire now blazing bright,
    In living beauty is God's own Light
    Which right now and forever
    Sets the world, myself, and all life
    Eternally free in Ascended Master Perfection.
    Almighty I AM! Almighty I AM! Almighty I AM!
    70.11 I AM THE VIOLET FLAME (12x)
    I AM the Violet Flame In action in me now
    I AM the Violet Flame To Light alone I bow
    I AM the Violet Flame
    In mighty Cosmic Power
    I AM the Light of God
    Shining every hour
    I AM the Violet Flame
    Blazing like a sun
    I AM God's sacred power Freeing every one
    I AM the immortal Flame of Cosmic Freedom!
    I demand that all of my energies in outer concentration submit to the great God
    Flame within my heart!
    I demand that all outer conditions come within effective God-control! I demand
    that all that is not of the Light be transmuted and changed
    and that I be the fullness of all that which I already AM! For I AM the full
    perfection of God!
    I AM the living Flame of Cosmic Freedom!
    I AM the buoyant, dancing joy of God that passes through my entire four lower
    bodies and descends from the heart of my Presence to give me my Freedom
    I AM the raising power of the Spirit of light and fire which lifts me to the victory
    of my ascension and is the full-gathered momentum of victory of the saints and
    ascended beings of all ages to ascend back to the very heart of God and the
    immortal consciousness thereof. So help me, God!
    And in full Faith I consciously accept this manifest, manifest, manifest! (3x) right
    here and now with full Power, eternally sustained, all-powerfully active, ever
    expanding, and world enfolding until all are wholly ascended in the Light and
    free! Beloved I AM! Beloved I AM! Beloved I AM!
    © 1962, 1963, 1965 Summit Publications, Inc.

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