I am now 82 years of age and only started Archery 2 years ago at Southern Field Archers in South Australia. Was never explained to me about the difference between Right handed and Right Eye Dominant and Right Handed with left Eye Dominant as I now am I spent three years in the British army shooting Pistols, Rifles and Sten guns with no problems and no comments from my instuctors when I used my left eye to focus. When I started archery I was all over the place until I pointed out that I was left eye dominant and, of course, that explained everything :-) Advice of all kinds came from everywhere and was of all sorts. Ranging from changing to a left handed bow, keeping both eyes open, closing my left eye, wearing a patch and you'll get used to it after a few years etc etc. Tried everything but I loved the bow I had bought. Now have four bow and all right handed. I am a Longbow man using a Falco Spirit 37 lb bow with carbon and bamboo inserts. Lovely bow, very smooth and great service. With it in my first year I was able, much to my surprise, to win a trophy for coming 1st at the 3D shoot (C Class) and a medal for coming 3rd in the Paper shoot (C Class). Now improviing much since, a couple of weeks ago I switched to shooting with my left eye and looking directly down the target. What a difference that made. My verticle line was really great at 20 metres, about 3 or 4 inches each side of dead centre. Naturally it shortened my draw so I have tightened up my bow to 41 lbs and working with that. What a difference that it makes to me now to see my arrows actually hitting close to dead centre. Now to work on getting my horiental line within 3 to 4 inches. I shoot with both eyes open but everything comes from my left eyes. Spoke to my optrician a couple of weeks ago and told him of my problems and the previous advice I had had. He said thay trying to change left eye dominance to a right hand dominance would do as muh damage as trying to teach a left handed person to become right handed and it can confuse the brain.
I know what you mean, i always shot rifles and guns left handed, i am 100% lefty and cannot shoot right handed even if i wanted to.. now i am cross dominant it seems and realy realy is a problem now i want to shoot bow, i still gotto figure this out how i am going to deal with that.. maybe bows are just not for me
I am right handed and left eye dominant. I shoot a right handed bow and I have been pretty successful so far. I'm a split vision shooter and i have learned to consciously use my week eye to sight down the arrow. i never tried shooting left handed. my control with my left arm/hand is awful.
I'm right handed and left eye dominant, which I see as a positive thing as I can shoot left-handed, holding the bow in my strongest arm, which makes it easier to hold it steady! Also we are taught to use back muscles when drawing back, so my weaker left arm just acts as a connecting rod/lever arm..
I'm left-handed but right eye dominant, luckily the world being more right-handed and making equipment and everything for right-handed people I have developed strength and coordination with my right hand so I just use a right-handed bow
Holy crap! That was a revelation to watch .. thank you. I've been doing archery for a short while and I'm right handed but never thought my left eye would be dominant. Thanks again.
Great vid, thankyou. I have a head scratcher for experienced archers or better yet any coaches out there: I'm left handed, left eye dominant. When I started shooting I just picked up a cheap fibreglass bow (now shooting a flatbow, looking to move into recurve) the basic instructions that came with the bow showed a right handed archer & the tab that came with the kit was a right handed one. Being totally green & not having a sight on it, I didn't appreciate the importance handedness & eye dominance. So I learned to shoot right handed now a few years down the line & getting serious about archery, and as mentioned making the leap into recurve (driving down to Merlin Archery wednesday to pick one up! whoop whoop); I'm unsure whether to stick with what I know or to be clumsy again & make the switch to left handed gear? Shooting my flatbow I have to close my left eye to sight down the string & arrow tip, I've been wondering how will this affect the use of a sight? Don't recurve coaches insist that you shoot with both eyes open? To complicate matters further my right eye is lazy (amblyopia) & opticians I've seen have remarked that my eyes work independently of one another (no, I don't use them like a chameleon lol) when gauging distance. I said to the optician well how come I'm not knocking things over & missing things I grab for? She said my brain has developed compensation methods over the years to gauge distance. Now obviously I'm going to ask the guys/gals at merlin for their input on the matter but I'm keen to get as many opinions as I can, so would be really really grateful for anyone else's opinion on it! Many thanks!
I've had to deal with left eye/right hand cross dominance using a rifle for my entire military career! 10 years ago I started out shooting lefty cuz it's my stronger eye and scored expert, but then switched to righty because my hands are more coordinated that way for reload, switching, etc. It's taken me years to figure out why I could barely qualify right-handed, even when I wore glasses. For most tactical rifle sights, you shoot with both eyes open. I'm a beginner to archery so gonna try righty shooting. Since more of what I've read so far talks about the importance of "form" over "aiming," this seems like a good approach for me. I think a patch or some kinda "blinder" would be a little weird, so I'll attempt just gently squinting my left eye to aim at that step in the sequence, so my brain can use the aligned perspective from my right eye. Will repost in a few weeks and share how that's workin out. In the meantime, it is cool to finally realize that I am in fact "left-eye-dominant." All my life I just thought my left eye saw more clearly, but didn't realize it actually affected how my brain perceived the world around me. Learned something about myself today! So thanks for that NUSensei!
I went in recently to buy my first bow (never having tried archery before).. and was anticipating buying a right-handed bow, as I am right-handed. However, when taking a few test shots at the store, I realized I was having trouble siting the target. The store salesman noticed this, and asked if I might try a left-handed bow, just for fun. I hesitated, but did it. The arrow hit the bullseye. That's all I needed to convince me: I am officially a left-hand shooter (but still shoot a gun with my right hand!)..... Thanks for your great videos!
I did everything the wrong way around - decided to take up archery, looked up a nice Damon Hyatt recurve from the 1950's and didn't know if it was left or right. After watching your video, I found out that I am left eye dominant and since I am ambidextrous, I can comfortably learn how to shoot with my left hand. It is all a matter of which hand you start learning with, same goes for the guitar. I write with my right hand, but hold most tools in my left hand, suppose I am an odd ball ;o)
Im right handed, left eyed dominant. I learned on a compound bow using my right hand and I managed to adapt without much trouble. As my love for archery grew, and as I researched more I decided I wanted to train for the Olympics, so I bought a left handed re-curve bow, my first few months using a re-curve and my left hand was difficult. but now I can shoot both, right handed and left handed, with little difficulty but I still shoot with a left handed re-curve.
I am left eye dominant but I'm right handed. I'm looking into buying a bow tomorrow and I will probally buy a right handed bow because changing your eye dominance (or atleast improving your non-dominant eye) is way easier than training your weak arm wich will (probally) never change. BTW, great video mate!
Love you videos! They are always right on target (bet you never heard that one before). I am right handed and left eye dominant. I can shoot a hand gun, throw a knife right handed, but shoot a rifle, sling shot or do archery left handed. I never had a problem switching hands. Left eye wink to all my cross dominant brothers out there.
i can switch focus and make either eye the dominant eye. I shoot left handed but i am right eye dominant normally. However i can switch to left eye dominance when i shoot my bow.
I remember struggling with a right handed bow the first time and then insisted on trying out the left handed one until the coach let me. He was saying that it wouldn’t be easier since I think he’d assumed that I was right-right. I’m cross handed and it went much better when I used the left handed bow, actually hit the target first shot and I’d been way off the first time. Being cross handed has made me naturally favour doing certain things using my left hand, despite otherwise mainly using my right, but I didn’t know that people could be somewhere in between ambidextrous and either left or right handed until someone else that did told us that his chopping hand for chopping vegetables was his left, despite being otherwise right handed and it wasn’t as dangerous as it looked. It had confused me at times why it felt forced to use my dominant hand, but definitely don’t try to chop vegetables like a pro with your off hand or you might be stuck using it unintentionally. It definitely helped that not everyone cared what hand I used (happened to be around a time when they introduced a lot of left handed items and in school you’d get told that NO those are for the LEFT HANDED in a “shame on you” way. Grandad never cared about that things like that, more just be careful with knives and saws and things in general. I don’t mind at all that he “had no idea how to raise girls” because what’s wrong with knowing how to use a handsaw or things like that? I wasn’t forced to do anything, instead I felt accepted in being a tomboy and while I do wear dresses now, I don’t think I’ll ever get into using makeup. I’m just not a morning person, I’d rather catch some extra Z’s than waste time to fake my appearance 🥱 I’ve never questioned my gender either, it’s okay to not be a stereotypical female and still be female and he taught me that by always accepting me despite not always being happy with things I did. Like purple hair to go with my dresses, dresses were fine but I knew he was too old for purple haired young women, lots of prejudice by older people against the alternative crowd but I’ve been told that people that knew me before learnt that despite looking “alternative” people can still be NICE 😅 I mean I’m still me despite listening to industrial music, it just happened to be what I like, it felt like such a strange thing to tell someone 😂 and I don’t use my knowledge on how to use knives to sacrifice animals to the devil either, does he even like fish? 🤔 I’m a fish murderer since childhood 😐)
I'm right handed left eyed dominant - My first instructors gave me right handed bows. every single arrow flew far from the target. I had no knowledge of left handed bows, and I figured I was just bad at archery. My next instructor immediately handed me a left handed bow and I managed to hit the target every time. It's amazing
Countering mismatched eye dominance to dominant hand is a tough task. I am right handed and when I started archery I was right eye dominant. I keep both eyes open while shooting and wear eye lenses. After couple of years I realised that my eye dominance started switching from right to left and was very inconsistent. One day the Miles test would show right and the next day left. It was very stressful when you are aiming and left eye takes dominance. I tried the idea of eye patch though it looked awkward. There were also options with having a eye blocker attached to your hat which blocks the target to be seen from left eye when in position. Ultimately, I adopted a method where I would temporarily close my left eye to aim with right eye and then open my left eye maintaining focus with right eye. It was tough but over a course of few months, I think my brain rewired to see with right eye dominance while shooting.
I didn't even realize there was such a thing as eye dominance or cross dominant and how it affects you. I'm fairly new to archery and have always been interested :) I am teaching my self with the help of your videos (I appreciate you btw, NuSensei!) I am right handed and try to shoot with both eyes open but could not, so I try to shoot with my left eye open. I don't even know which eye is my dominant eye because I can't seem to close my left eye and keep the right eye open 🙃 (anyone else having the same problem??) But this video has been really informativeand helpful. I will try to figure out what my dominant eye actually is, and find out if I'm better off with a left handed bow. Or if anyone knows how to wink with their right eye open let me know! 😃
I'm left-eye dominant and I tried both left and right handed bow today at the Aim for Fun session. Obviously being a total noob, it didn't make much difference. Next week at the beginner's course, I'll have to ask the instructor to help me suss it out. In snooker, I learned to shoot with my right hand but I suspect that's why I'm not a consistent player. Some days I can play like a pro, some days I play like a noob. I don't want to make the same mistake in archery.
I am just a beginner, having just completed a 3 week introductory course to archery at my local club. I am left eye dominant and left handed. I was given a left handed bow (holding it in my right hand, pulling the string back with my left hand). I sometimes think that a right hand bow would be easier to use but I will have a chat to the club and see what they suggest.
Thank you very much for an really inspiring video. My son has just startet in a club (been there 3 times). He is normally left handed, but he shoots with RH. He had complaned to see the target double. I think that's the reason he sees it double. Last time he was introdused to shoot instintive which he really likes and will keep trying. I Will test him tomorrow to see if he is cross dominated :-)
I am blind in my right eye, but I'm right handed. I've learned to shoot a rifle left handed, but archery is different due to the physicality involved. I don't see any alternative, I will have to learn to shoot with my physically weaker side so I can effectively use my strong eye. This has always been a handicap for me in sports... my depth perception is purely estimated... have never been consistently accurate throwing a ball, not good for a water polo player!
Thank goodness I'm right eyed and right handed, cross-dominance seems like one hell of a challenge. I've never experienced any problems aiming like you described, like most people btw but left eyed and right handed seems quite tricky to shoot with
Eye dominance can be removed with practice. When I shot action air practical pistol there were some stages where u are required to shoot weak handed. Obvs you can shoot a pistol weak handed and use dominant eye quite easily. No anchor points for a pistol just the gun over. But after many weak handed stages and target practice runs I started to pick up my sights with my left eye when using left hand and right eye using right hand, btw both eyes are open. Peripheral vision is v important in practical shooting as you are on the move and targets can move too. At the very beginning I used to habitually wink my dominant eye to encourage a sight picture through my left for lefty shooting but now I can pick up sights from either. I know someone who shoots weak handed due to eye dominance. But given the choice I wouldn’t as my eye dominance was trained out quite easily.
My situation is that I'm left legged but right handed (primarily). However, for some things I'm a lefty. For instance, when I put on my shoes I use my left thumb to help squeeze in. When I deal playing cards I deal like a lefty. And when I was young I shot a bow like a lefty. But when I as maybe 12 years old I tried Archery for the first time and did it as a lefty. The instructor asked if I was left handed. I said no and he gave me a right handed bow from then on. It felt a bit weird at first but I got used to it. However, I didn't do Archery for long because I was too young to travel so far to training (parents didn't want to drive me that far) and it just got lost. Recently I started Archery again (almost 20 years later) and I now find it normal to shoot as a right handed shooter. However! This time I figure out that I'm also left eye dominant. It's so frustrating! I don't feel like switching hands again so now I tend to just try shutting my left eye a bit and focus on using my right eye. Don't really have problems hitting the target so far so it'll just have do be like that I guess. Besides... my left shoulder isn't that great so I think it's probably best if I'd just keep using my right hand.
I'm right-handed, left-eye dominant and have always been interested in archery. :D It's something I hope to learn properly at some point and I've done a trial session here or there and loved it. I didn't realise my struggle was due to cross dominance at the time. If I get enough extra cash to train, I'll likely try a left-handed bow. Thankfully I'm a violinist so my left arm is stronger than most. :) Still, I'm not sure what will happen 'til I actually try. Wish me luck. :) Thank you for the videos! :D
I'm right handed, but strongly left-eye dominant, and just from playing around with toy bows and stuff, I've always instinctively gone for a left handed shooting style. Even just practicing basic archery forms without holding a bow, right handed just feels... off. I know my brother was the same when he was doing archery, right handed, left eye dominant, shot left handed. It'll be interesting to do a Learn Archery day some time soon so I can actually try a bow, and see which feels more comfortable for me.
I'm left-handed and left-eyed. I shoot my recurve and compound left. Back in school I attempted to draw a bow right-handed, as it felt 'normal'. Looking over the string, I ended up grazing my bare forearm with the string. At the time, I didn't know anything about archery or eye- dominance. Left a nice bruise. I'd hate to do that with my 70lb Hoyt!
As a left handed person like most left handed people I have learned to be ambidextrous because of all the right handed freaks in the world. So the fact my right eye is dominant is no real problem for me. It also helped that I used firearms before starting to learn archery.
I have a " lazy" left eye, but I'm mixed-domonant; I use the right for distance, the left for close work. When I use one eye my brain just ignores input from the other, so my depth perception is weak. Makes shooting anything challenging. If you have a "lazy" eye you'll have to practice like crazy! :)
I'm cross dominant and I shoot left-handed with both bow and rifle. I can shoot a pistol right handed because the pistol is fired from a fair distance from the face. I can not shoot rifle or bow right-handed at all. And holding the bow in my right hand is not a problem. Also, using an assault rifle when I was in the Army, I had no problem shooting from the left hand. And combat shooting drills were not a problem at all.
Been shooting recurve for about 8 months as a right hander. Found I'd been left eye dominant after about 5 months. Always just closed my left eye, have no problem with accuracy or distance. In fact I'm quite accurate in this and other target shooting sports as well. Don't thinking I'd want to swap to a left handed bow either to be honest.
I'm cross dominant (right eye strong). You are the first person I have ever heard, claim that one can change eye dominance. If you have a source I would appreciate you pointing to it. My understanding is that while you may train yourself to shot with a non dominant eye you are not changing the dominance (i.e. using anyone of the objective methods to determine dominance). I have always shot bows since university right handed without a problem despite being very left hand dominant. Muscularly I have been very systematic though. I also play violin, guitar, and flute right handed. I shoot rifles right handed but pistols left handed. I recently purchased a new compound bow, and as I am older (54) and out of shape have had problems with the pull (50lb). I hope to overcome that with more practice and development.
My right eye cannot see far so I have to shoot left. However my fuzzy right eye tries to be dominant. I mostly shoot left but I am going to try right again when I get a new glasses prescription. Ultimately I think I will have to shoot left and that is ok because years of my eyes like this has made my left side quite strong.
I'm left handed with right eye dominance, and naturally shoot bows and rifles right handed, because it just makes sense, however, I am able to shoot left handed as well. If the strength in my shoulders and back were the same, I could be as accurate both ways, though right handed is more comfortable. When it comes to writing, baseball, golf, I'm left handed only. I can't switch hit at all. But I mop and sweep both ways, and write with both hands.
I had a hard time in school with archery because I was shooting right handed and couldn't aim. I did the miles test and found out I'm left eye dominant years later. should I just try out both hands and decide how to shoot based on comfort?
I'm cross dominant only in the sense that I prefer using my right hand (I'm ambidextrous). Although I can use my left hand for everything I use my right hand for, my left has become weaker due to lack of use. But since I'm left eye dominant, I figure I'll use a left handed bow and re-build the strength in my left side.
If I were cross-dominant, I would switch hands. Sometimes I still have trouble getting a clear sight picture. Not sure why. It's getting better though. I think it has to do with whether I'm focusing on the target or looking closer at my aperture.
I am cross eyed dominant. Left handed but Right eye dominant. I shoot right handed. This works for me and I don't think I would be able to shoot left. For the simple fact that my right arm is stronger and acts more dominant than my left (yes... I'm strange) this is possibly due to the fact that I was ambidextrous but due to the pressure from primary school to use one hand to write and the seating arrangement of my primary school classroom, I ended up writing and doing most stuff with my left hand My leftie best friend has it harder though. When she shoots her eyes switch between dominance... you can see how this could be difficult!
I always thought cross dominant people like myself shot on the side of their eye. Its interesting... I am left handed for hockey, golf, baseball(bat) but right handed for writing, throwing, eating, brushing my teeth. I guess I had a fairly good level of strength in my left arm because I never noticed any difficulty shooting with it even though it was my weak arm.
I am right eye dominant and unable to close my left eye alone. I found it interesting that you mentioned the eye patch, because this is what I have to do. Most other archers look at me weird and there are a few that suggested I even try shooting with both eyes opened. I tried that and I found I consistently missed the target all together towards the left. Needless to say, I am back with the eye patch. Arrgh Matey! On another topic, can you please do a comparison of a finger tab versus the glove. I prefer the glove and it has recently been suggested I try a finger tab for a consistent grip. Looking forward to watching that video.
I have the same problem, after a fractured zygomatic and a metal plate implant, my left lower eyelid muscle is no longer working. But I was lucky to find out that I am left eye dominant and can close my right eye :o)
Man, I wish I saw this video before ordering my first bow! I'm left handed so I purchased a left handed riser. Though just now I learned I'm very right-eye dominant. Now I need to decide if I keep the left handed riser or return it for a right handed one. I really want to avoid developing bad habits in the beginning of my archery training.
@@mangojuic3e I ended up returning that left handed riser. I have a right handed one now so I hold the bow in my left hand and nock arrows with my right. It feels so much more natural even though I'm normally left handed. Go with your dominant eye for sure.
I am cross dominant. Shoot firearms right handed and right eye but i am a lefty.. Shoot a bow left handed and am still right eye dominant.. I am just using a pvc bow i made but remembered I have a cheap barebone compount bow stuffed away that is right hand. I think im going to be stubborn and shoot the right handed bow left handed.
wow,just discovered Im a left eye dominant,but Im (extremely) right hand dominant.To the point I often say that I have left hand just because I wouldnt be without one.I really have NO coordinaton in left hand
I'm really weird when it comes to dominance, I'm right handed and right eye dominant, but I'm left foot dominant... This doesn't effect my archery at all
I shoot bow and rifle right handed always thought i was left eye dominant Thats how i always shoot Rifles if i can. then finally realized ive been shooting my bow right eyed the whole time guess rifle left feels more Sturdy with the bow right eye feels more Sturdy
I was, in my youth, right handed and right eye dominant. I've practice and compete in archery (cadet and junior) and had some experience (and medals!). Because of my personal life, I left archery. A few weeks ago, I began archery again, and I found that I still have all the stance and muscle memory in good shape (despite my white hair). The problem is: with age, my right eye became tired and my dominant eye is now the left one. I've tried to change to left handed shouter but my "muscle memory" does not allow it. I close the left eye and aim with the right one, losing some target focus. In a short range (10 to 20 meters) I can group all my arrows in the yellow, but in long range, the target became so out of focus... My destiny is to compete only indoor...or have you any advice for me? (I wear glasses, but I can aim better without them). Many thanks for sharing yours videos.
I want to get into archery. Due to my profession, I am trying to figure out if I should use a left handed bow. I am right handed and left eye dominant. I shoot my handgun with my left eye, however I sighted my rifle (AR) in with my right eye and shoot it right handed. I shoot my rifle with good accuracy but only because it was sighted in, not because I can switch eye dominance. I wanted to know if anyone had any insight. Should I try to shoot a bow left handed? Thanks.
Help!! im right handed, i just checked using the two hands and it seems im right eyed dominance but im am only comfortable when im pulling the string with my left hand and holding the bow on my right hand.... Now im looking to purchase a hunting bow but i cant seem to find any left handed ones except for 50-60lbs ones (which i def cant pull yet). Should i just get the right handed ones and retrain my self from what is comfortable?? Same as when im.snowboarding or skate boarding, im always goofy/lefty but boxing and day to day stuff im a righty... Ooh, i also can write with both hands since middle school.
What happens if your dominant eye is the only eye you use? Due to visual impairment? And what happens if your dominant hand is the opposite to the only (dominant) eye that you use?
I've tried both tests you mentioned and my eye dominance keeps changing. If I concentrate then I can actually chose which eye I want to be dominant at any time.
I have the same problem, I'm trying to figure out which eye is dominant but using the tests mentioned, If I focus I can choose which eye becomes dominant
I'm very comfy with an eye-patch. just try it! My problem is that my eye-dpminance changes when I'm getting tired...so suddenly while Training the arrow went 10m to the left...so for me there is no point in shooting with 2 eyes open :-)
Hey Nu-sensei, i just found your channel some days ago and it's AMAZING! Always enjoyed archery and now more than ever, I hope that you can help me with something that is bugging me a lot: I did the test and my left eye was the one that saw the object, so i'm left eye dominant, right? The problem is, I don't have a bow but like many people i keep aiming and shooting with my "air bow" similar to a "air guitar" and the hand that i pull the string is the LEFT one....although i am completely right-handed in every aspect of my day....what am I?
Hi, good video. But too late for me I had to change my riser and sight. I have being a right hand archer for two years. But I was a left eye. My teacher said me to use my right hand but when I put my sight was very dificult. I started closing my left eye but I did not feel good at the end; Today I have being shooting left handed for nearly 1 year...feel great. Is what you said...it depends on what do you feel.
Question,I'm legally blind in my right eye,I can see with it but it's blurry close and so I'm stuck with only my left eye, this eye thing is a little confusing,does this mean I need to shoot right handed?, thanks for your help and great videos btw.
+Lentsku same here glad I found out after I went to an introductory lesson thank goodness well on the plus side less people can shoot your bow left handed LOL
how weird after asking you this question few days ago this comes up in the list of recommended videos? I did the target test with closing 1 eye and all seem to be right eye HOWEVER when moving hand back to the eye it seems to switch eye sometimes? Would this indicate slight cross eye dominant at various distance?
I'm left handed, and my dominant eye is my left eye I've learnt how to shoot using my friends right handed compound bow I am looking to buy my first bow hopefully recurve. Do you think I should I should get right handed bow or get a left handed bow and relearn how to shoot Side note, it's really hard to find cheep left handed bows.
Everything would be on the wrong side. The arrow would be on the wrong side, the sight would be on the wrong side, and the grip is not correctly shaped for the opposite hand. The archer's paradox would also be reversed, which means the arrow will not correctly flex around the bow. Basically, you would be using a setup that is completely the opposite of what you need.
I am just getting into archery after doing a bunch of research. I got an old compound bow from my uncle but i think a recurve is more my style. Im just having trouble deciding which one. Im kind of on a budget. Would you recommend the Win & Win SF Axiom Recurve? Im mainly just shooting for fun.
Rainbow Lion For a cheap entry level Olympic-style recurve, the Axiom does the job. Nothing fine about it - it's a hunk of metal - but it's an affordable start.
Hi. I shoot with recurve and a beginner. I am right handed and left eye dominant (I did one test). But when i shoot with my left bow with left hand then suddently during shooting my right eye becomes more dominant. What should i do?
I've only recently taken up my my first steps in the archery world. I know from back when I played pool billiard competition that my right eye is dominant. I'm also right handed so in the future I would be looking for a right handed bow. However from playing pool I also remember that I have the issue that my eye dominance isn't very strong and dominance sometimes shifts to the left eye. Is closing the eye / eyepatch the only solution or are there other things I can work on? ( Btw nice channel you have, haven't worked my way through all the channels but pick up lots of usefull info. ) Greetings from the Netherlands.
Eye dominance shift can happen, but this is mostly in young children. Adults can also change, but only through rigorous training. Some shooters do have chronic problems with eye dominance and will have to close one eye or use a patch. However, continual training with your dominant eye will also strengthen its dominance.
From my understanding it's not one eye seeing farther.. it's just because we have two eyes side by side, and the brain can calculate the amount of cross over the eyes are doing to see something, then knows the distance based off of that angle. We do he same to measure the distance of far away planets, by using a satellite when it's at one side of Earth and then the other side of earth and then calculating the angle. Which is like super far apart eyeballs lol. As an easy to understand example.. if you put your finger close enough between your eyes, the angle is so extreme that you go cross-eyed.. then your brain really knows that the object is very close indeed.
NU先生, I am right handed and right eye dominant. Ive been told my left eye is a lazy eye. When I try to shoot with both eyes open my sight seems to fade away. Is there any case where it's better to shoot with my lazy eye closed? i have been shooting with my dominant eye only and it seems to be quite clear now.
i am a right hander,but i got left dominant eye. i went to the club and the instructor said it'd be fine to shoot right hand,and they got no left hand bow any way. my aiming kinda suck so i want to change hand,my left hand is strong enough. is it okay to use right hand bow on my left hand? they got NO LEFT HAND BOW :(((
This one's tough. The arrow will be on the wrong side of the bow, making it much more difficult to aim and keep the arrow on. The grip will also be uncomfortable, as it is shaped to fit the hand.
do you have any advice or idea for me? i'm frustrated. perhaps i should stick to the right hand until i got my own bow,and then i'll train all over again on the other side
One of the members of my club mistook his right eye for being dominant. About a month later he switched to a left-handed bow. In his opinion it was the best thing for him - he already knew how to do it on the other side. His form became a lot better after the switch being able to concentrate on certain details without being overwhelmed by the process as a whole.
hello NUsensei im right handed, and using my right eye to aim but the problem is my left eye sees better I thought because of the glasses i went to doctor and change it but nothing changed still my left eye sees better what should i do ?
DeltaXLR There's a difference between eye dominance and vision - one doesn't affect the other (i.e. you may still be right-eye dominant if your right eye has poorer vision). If you are indeed cross-dominant, you need to make a choice over shooting with your dominant hand (and training or working around your non-dominant eye), or training up your non-dominant hand.
Hey man, great videos, watched them all now! I'm a new archer, couple of months, I'm left eye dominant but shoot right handed. I just close my left eye and have to move the sight to the far left or aim right without a sight. Im shooting ok for a beginner, around 500 scores, so will this stop me from improving etc? what do you think?
Closing your eye uses muscles that you don't need to use. Your face should be relaxed as possible to ensure consistent alignment and sight picture, and constantly having to close an eye can be tiring.
Anthony bermudez Most people use both eyes to focus. Eye dominance is more of a matter of which eye takes "control", which you can test using the method outlined in the video. Some people are less specific with handedness, but eye dominance is usually set (but can be trained). If you really can't decide, go with whichever hand you're stronger with.
It seems that I'm cross eye dominant (archery, pool) I use my right arm and hand for most tasks (writing, hammering etc) i shoot every week and I use a left handed bow and I can't do in any other way, feels strange and unnatural and my groupings aren't bad at all and I have both eyes open. To be honest I didn't understand. Should my arrow be on the left as well when shooting Mediterranean style?. Thank you
If you are using an left-hand bow with a bow window your arrow rest is on the right side of your riser. But i have a question. Why does it feel unnatural to use an right-hand bow if you are right-handed?
Nusensei, if I am aiming with both eyes open I can see 2 sights. Assuming my dominany eye is right would I see those sights in different positions if I had my left eye dominant? I think not but I am not sure.
Nevermind, I just figured that I would see different things. If I were right eye dominant then I should use left sight(when I aim) and when I am left eye dominant then I should use right.
ggFTW im the same ....and i tired this, covering the lens , when it always covered you get abit disoriented , but if you just close one eyes for that little time to aim then it fine....
Countering mismatched eye dominance to dominant hand is a tough task. I am right handed and when I started archery I was right eye dominant. I keep both eyes open while shooting and wear eye lenses. After couple of years I realised that my eye dominance started switching from right to left and was very inconsistent. One day the Miles test would show right and the next day left. It was very stressful when you are aiming and left eye takes dominance. I tried the idea of eye patch though it looked awkward. There were also options with having a eye blocker attached to your hat which blocks the target to be seen from left eye when in position. Ultimately, I adopted a method where I would temporarily close my left eye to aim with right eye and then open my left eye maintaining focus with right eye. It was tough but over a course of few months, I think my brain rewired to see with right eye dominance while shooting.
I am now 82 years of age and only started Archery 2 years ago at Southern Field Archers in South Australia. Was never explained to me about the difference between Right handed and Right Eye Dominant and Right Handed with left Eye Dominant as I now am I spent three years in the British army shooting Pistols, Rifles and Sten guns with no problems and no comments from my instuctors when I used my left eye to focus.
When I started archery I was all over the place until I pointed out that I was left eye dominant and, of course, that explained everything :-) Advice of all kinds came from everywhere and was of all sorts. Ranging from changing to a left handed bow, keeping both eyes open, closing my left eye, wearing a patch and you'll get used to it after a few years etc etc. Tried everything but I loved the bow I had bought. Now have four bow and all right handed.
I am a Longbow man using a Falco Spirit 37 lb bow with carbon and bamboo inserts. Lovely bow, very smooth and great service. With it in my first year I was able, much to my surprise, to win a trophy for coming 1st at the 3D shoot (C Class) and a medal for coming 3rd in the Paper shoot (C Class).
Now improviing much since, a couple of weeks ago I switched to shooting with my left eye and looking directly down the target. What a difference that made. My verticle line was really great at 20 metres, about 3 or 4 inches each side of dead centre. Naturally it shortened my draw so I have tightened up my bow to 41 lbs and working with that. What a difference that it makes to me now to see my arrows actually hitting close to dead centre. Now to work on getting my horiental line within 3 to 4 inches. I shoot with both eyes open but everything comes from my left eyes.
Spoke to my optrician a couple of weeks ago and told him of my problems and the previous advice I had had. He said thay trying to change left eye dominance to a right hand dominance would do as muh damage as trying to teach a left handed person to become right handed and it can confuse the brain.
I know what you mean, i always shot rifles and guns left handed, i am 100% lefty and cannot shoot right handed even if i wanted to.. now i am cross dominant it seems and realy realy is a problem now i want to shoot bow, i still gotto figure this out how i am going to deal with that.. maybe bows are just not for me
I am right handed and left eye dominant. I shoot a right handed bow and I have been pretty successful so far. I'm a split vision shooter and i have learned to consciously use my week eye to sight down the arrow. i never tried shooting left handed. my control with my left arm/hand is awful.
I'm right handed and left eye dominant, which I see as a positive thing as I can shoot left-handed, holding the bow in my strongest arm, which makes it easier to hold it steady! Also we are taught to use back muscles when drawing back, so my weaker left arm just acts as a connecting rod/lever arm..
I'm left-handed but right eye dominant, luckily the world being more right-handed and making equipment and everything for right-handed people I have developed strength and coordination with my right hand so I just use a right-handed bow
Me too, but I decided to use a left-handed bow, and train my right arm to carry the bow instead.
Holy crap! That was a revelation to watch .. thank you. I've been doing archery for a short while and I'm right handed but never thought my left eye would be dominant. Thanks again.
already saw all of your archery videos, it's always a good moment when you put up a new one o\ love your videos
I've got cross dominance, but I've got a slight advantage: my nose is so big that I can literally not even see the arrow with my weak eye
Great vid, thankyou. I have a head scratcher for experienced archers or better yet any coaches out there:
I'm left handed, left eye dominant. When I started shooting I just picked up a cheap fibreglass bow (now shooting a flatbow, looking to move into recurve) the basic instructions that came with the bow showed a right handed archer & the tab that came with the kit was a right handed one. Being totally green & not having a sight on it, I didn't appreciate the importance handedness & eye dominance. So I learned to shoot right handed now a few years down the line & getting serious about archery, and as mentioned making the leap into recurve (driving down to Merlin Archery wednesday to pick one up! whoop whoop); I'm unsure whether to stick with what I know or to be clumsy again & make the switch to left handed gear?
Shooting my flatbow I have to close my left eye to sight down the string & arrow tip, I've been wondering how will this affect the use of a sight? Don't recurve coaches insist that you shoot with both eyes open? To complicate matters further my right eye is lazy (amblyopia) & opticians I've seen have remarked that my eyes work independently of one another (no, I don't use them like a chameleon lol) when gauging distance. I said to the optician well how come I'm not knocking things over & missing things I grab for? She said my brain has developed compensation methods over the years to gauge distance.
Now obviously I'm going to ask the guys/gals at merlin for their input on the matter but I'm keen to get as many opinions as I can, so would be really really grateful for anyone else's opinion on it! Many thanks!
I've had to deal with left eye/right hand cross dominance using a rifle for my entire military career! 10 years ago I started out shooting lefty cuz it's my stronger eye and scored expert, but then switched to righty because my hands are more coordinated that way for reload, switching, etc. It's taken me years to figure out why I could barely qualify right-handed, even when I wore glasses. For most tactical rifle sights, you shoot with both eyes open.
I'm a beginner to archery so gonna try righty shooting. Since more of what I've read so far talks about the importance of "form" over "aiming," this seems like a good approach for me. I think a patch or some kinda "blinder" would be a little weird, so I'll attempt just gently squinting my left eye to aim at that step in the sequence, so my brain can use the aligned perspective from my right eye. Will repost in a few weeks and share how that's workin out.
In the meantime, it is cool to finally realize that I am in fact "left-eye-dominant." All my life I just thought my left eye saw more clearly, but didn't realize it actually affected how my brain perceived the world around me. Learned something about myself today! So thanks for that NUSensei!
I went in recently to buy my first bow (never having tried archery before).. and was anticipating buying a right-handed bow, as I am right-handed. However, when taking a few test shots at the store, I realized I was having trouble siting the target. The store salesman noticed this, and asked if I might try a left-handed bow, just for fun. I hesitated, but did it. The arrow hit the bullseye. That's all I needed to convince me: I am officially a left-hand shooter (but still shoot a gun with my right hand!)..... Thanks for your great videos!
I did everything the wrong way around - decided to take up archery, looked up a nice Damon Hyatt recurve from the 1950's and didn't know if it was left or right. After watching your video, I found out that I am left eye dominant and since I am ambidextrous, I can comfortably learn how to shoot with my left hand.
It is all a matter of which hand you start learning with, same goes for the guitar. I write with my right hand, but hold most tools in my left hand, suppose I am an odd ball ;o)
Im right handed, left eyed dominant. I learned on a compound bow using my right hand and I managed to adapt without much trouble. As my love for archery grew, and as I researched more I decided I wanted to train for the Olympics, so I bought a left handed re-curve bow, my first few months using a re-curve and my left hand was difficult. but now I can shoot both, right handed and left handed, with little difficulty but I still shoot with a left handed re-curve.
I am left eye dominant but I'm right handed. I'm looking into buying a bow tomorrow and I will probally buy a right handed bow because changing your eye dominance (or atleast improving your non-dominant eye) is way easier than training your weak arm wich will (probally) never change. BTW, great video mate!
Love you videos! They are always right on target (bet you never heard that one before).
I am right handed and left eye dominant. I can shoot a hand gun, throw a knife right handed, but shoot a rifle, sling shot or do archery left handed. I never had a problem switching hands. Left eye wink to all my cross dominant brothers out there.
i can switch focus and make either eye the dominant eye. I shoot left handed but i am right eye dominant normally. However i can switch to left eye dominance when i shoot my bow.
KathrynHazuka I can switch focus to make either eye dominant too. Glad I'm not the only one here.
I remember struggling with a right handed bow the first time and then insisted on trying out the left handed one until the coach let me. He was saying that it wouldn’t be easier since I think he’d assumed that I was right-right. I’m cross handed and it went much better when I used the left handed bow, actually hit the target first shot and I’d been way off the first time. Being cross handed has made me naturally favour doing certain things using my left hand, despite otherwise mainly using my right, but I didn’t know that people could be somewhere in between ambidextrous and either left or right handed until someone else that did told us that his chopping hand for chopping vegetables was his left, despite being otherwise right handed and it wasn’t as dangerous as it looked. It had confused me at times why it felt forced to use my dominant hand, but definitely don’t try to chop vegetables like a pro with your off hand or you might be stuck using it unintentionally. It definitely helped that not everyone cared what hand I used (happened to be around a time when they introduced a lot of left handed items and in school you’d get told that NO those are for the LEFT HANDED in a “shame on you” way. Grandad never cared about that things like that, more just be careful with knives and saws and things in general. I don’t mind at all that he “had no idea how to raise girls” because what’s wrong with knowing how to use a handsaw or things like that? I wasn’t forced to do anything, instead I felt accepted in being a tomboy and while I do wear dresses now, I don’t think I’ll ever get into using makeup. I’m just not a morning person, I’d rather catch some extra Z’s than waste time to fake my appearance 🥱 I’ve never questioned my gender either, it’s okay to not be a stereotypical female and still be female and he taught me that by always accepting me despite not always being happy with things I did. Like purple hair to go with my dresses, dresses were fine but I knew he was too old for purple haired young women, lots of prejudice by older people against the alternative crowd but I’ve been told that people that knew me before learnt that despite looking “alternative” people can still be NICE 😅 I mean I’m still me despite listening to industrial music, it just happened to be what I like, it felt like such a strange thing to tell someone 😂 and I don’t use my knowledge on how to use knives to sacrifice animals to the devil either, does he even like fish? 🤔 I’m a fish murderer since childhood 😐)
I'm right handed left eyed dominant - My first instructors gave me right handed bows. every single arrow flew far from the target. I had no knowledge of left handed bows, and I figured I was just bad at archery. My next instructor immediately handed me a left handed bow and I managed to hit the target every time. It's amazing
Countering mismatched eye dominance to dominant hand is a tough task. I am right handed and when I started archery I was right eye dominant. I keep both eyes open while shooting and wear eye lenses. After couple of years I realised that my eye dominance started switching from right to left and was very inconsistent. One day the Miles test would show right and the next day left. It was very stressful when you are aiming and left eye takes dominance. I tried the idea of eye patch though it looked awkward. There were also options with having a eye blocker attached to your hat which blocks the target to be seen from left eye when in position.
Ultimately, I adopted a method where I would temporarily close my left eye to aim with right eye and then open my left eye maintaining focus with right eye. It was tough but over a course of few months, I think my brain rewired to see with right eye dominance while shooting.
I didn't even realize there was such a thing as eye dominance or cross dominant and how it affects you. I'm fairly new to archery and have always been interested :) I am teaching my self with the help of your videos (I appreciate you btw, NuSensei!)
I am right handed and try to shoot with both eyes open but could not, so I try to shoot with my left eye open. I don't even know which eye is my dominant eye because I can't seem to close my left eye and keep the right eye open 🙃 (anyone else having the same problem??)
But this video has been really informativeand helpful. I will try to figure out what my dominant eye actually is, and find out if I'm better off with a left handed bow.
Or if anyone knows how to wink with their right eye open let me know! 😃
I'm left-eye dominant and I tried both left and right handed bow today at the Aim for Fun session. Obviously being a total noob, it didn't make much difference. Next week at the beginner's course, I'll have to ask the instructor to help me suss it out. In snooker, I learned to shoot with my right hand but I suspect that's why I'm not a consistent player. Some days I can play like a pro, some days I play like a noob. I don't want to make the same mistake in archery.
I am just a beginner, having just completed a 3 week introductory course to archery at my local club. I am left eye dominant and left handed. I was given a left handed bow (holding it in my right hand, pulling the string back with my left hand). I sometimes think that a right hand bow would be easier to use but I will have a chat to the club and see what they suggest.
Thank you very much for an really inspiring video. My son has just startet in a club (been there 3 times). He is normally left handed, but he shoots with RH. He had complaned to see the target double. I think that's the reason he sees it double. Last time he was introdused to shoot instintive which he really likes and will keep trying. I Will test him tomorrow to see if he is cross dominated :-)
I am blind in my right eye, but I'm right handed. I've learned to shoot a rifle left handed, but archery is different due to the physicality involved. I don't see any alternative, I will have to learn to shoot with my physically weaker side so I can effectively use my strong eye. This has always been a handicap for me in sports... my depth perception is purely estimated... have never been consistently accurate throwing a ball, not good for a water polo player!
Great topic! Nobody approach cross dominance! Tks!
Thank goodness I'm right eyed and right handed, cross-dominance seems like one hell of a challenge. I've never experienced any problems aiming like you described, like most people btw but left eyed and right handed seems quite tricky to shoot with
Eye dominance can be removed with practice. When I shot action air practical pistol there were some stages where u are required to shoot weak handed. Obvs you can shoot a pistol weak handed and use dominant eye quite easily. No anchor points for a pistol just the gun over. But after many weak handed stages and target practice runs I started to pick up my sights with my left eye when using left hand and right eye using right hand, btw both eyes are open. Peripheral vision is v important in practical shooting as you are on the move and targets can move too.
At the very beginning I used to habitually wink my dominant eye to encourage a sight picture through my left for lefty shooting but now I can pick up sights from either.
I know someone who shoots weak handed due to eye dominance. But given the choice I wouldn’t as my eye dominance was trained out quite easily.
My situation is that I'm left legged but right handed (primarily). However, for some things I'm a lefty. For instance, when I put on my shoes I use my left thumb to help squeeze in. When I deal playing cards I deal like a lefty. And when I was young I shot a bow like a lefty. But when I as maybe 12 years old I tried Archery for the first time and did it as a lefty. The instructor asked if I was left handed. I said no and he gave me a right handed bow from then on. It felt a bit weird at first but I got used to it. However, I didn't do Archery for long because I was too young to travel so far to training (parents didn't want to drive me that far) and it just got lost.
Recently I started Archery again (almost 20 years later) and I now find it normal to shoot as a right handed shooter. However! This time I figure out that I'm also left eye dominant. It's so frustrating! I don't feel like switching hands again so now I tend to just try shutting my left eye a bit and focus on using my right eye. Don't really have problems hitting the target so far so it'll just have do be like that I guess. Besides... my left shoulder isn't that great so I think it's probably best if I'd just keep using my right hand.
+Kaj “disco” Olsen thats exactly like me.
I'm right-handed, left-eye dominant and have always been interested in archery. :D It's something I hope to learn properly at some point and I've done a trial session here or there and loved it. I didn't realise my struggle was due to cross dominance at the time. If I get enough extra cash to train, I'll likely try a left-handed bow. Thankfully I'm a violinist so my left arm is stronger than most. :) Still, I'm not sure what will happen 'til I actually try. Wish me luck. :) Thank you for the videos! :D
I'm right handed, but strongly left-eye dominant, and just from playing around with toy bows and stuff, I've always instinctively gone for a left handed shooting style. Even just practicing basic archery forms without holding a bow, right handed just feels... off. I know my brother was the same when he was doing archery, right handed, left eye dominant, shot left handed.
It'll be interesting to do a Learn Archery day some time soon so I can actually try a bow, and see which feels more comfortable for me.
I'm left-handed and left-eyed. I shoot my recurve and compound left. Back in school I attempted to draw a bow right-handed, as it felt 'normal'.
Looking over the string, I ended up grazing my bare forearm with the string. At the time, I didn't know anything about archery or eye- dominance.
Left a nice bruise. I'd hate to do that with my 70lb Hoyt!
As a left handed person like most left handed people I have learned to be ambidextrous because of all the right handed freaks in the world. So the fact my right eye is dominant is no real problem for me. It also helped that I used firearms before starting to learn archery.
I have a " lazy" left eye, but I'm mixed-domonant; I use the right for distance, the left for close work. When I use one eye my brain just ignores input from the other, so my depth perception is weak. Makes shooting anything challenging. If you have a "lazy" eye you'll have to practice like crazy! :)
I'm cross dominant and I shoot left-handed with both bow and rifle. I can shoot a pistol right handed because the pistol is fired from a fair distance from the face. I can not shoot rifle or bow right-handed at all. And holding the bow in my right hand is not a problem. Also, using an assault rifle when I was in the Army, I had no problem shooting from the left hand. And combat shooting drills were not a problem at all.
Been shooting recurve for about 8 months as a right hander. Found I'd been left eye dominant after about 5 months. Always just closed my left eye, have no problem with accuracy or distance. In fact I'm quite accurate in this and other target shooting sports as well. Don't thinking I'd want to swap to a left handed bow either to be honest.
I'm cross dominant (right eye strong). You are the first person I have ever heard, claim that one can change eye dominance. If you have a source I would appreciate you pointing to it. My understanding is that while you may train yourself to shot with a non dominant eye you are not changing the dominance (i.e. using anyone of the objective methods to determine dominance). I have always shot bows since university right handed without a problem despite being very left hand dominant. Muscularly I have been very systematic though. I also play violin, guitar, and flute right handed. I shoot rifles right handed but pistols left handed. I recently purchased a new compound bow, and as I am older (54) and out of shape have had problems with the pull (50lb). I hope to overcome that with more practice and development.
My right eye cannot see far so I have to shoot left. However my fuzzy right eye tries to be dominant. I mostly shoot left but I am going to try right again when I get a new glasses prescription. Ultimately I think I will have to shoot left and that is ok because years of my eyes like this has made my left side quite strong.
Left eyed, right handed so a right handed bow. Never had a problem with barebow
I'm left handed with right eye dominance, and naturally shoot bows and rifles right handed, because it just makes sense, however, I am able to shoot left handed as well. If the strength in my shoulders and back were the same, I could be as accurate both ways, though right handed is more comfortable. When it comes to writing, baseball, golf, I'm left handed only. I can't switch hit at all. But I mop and sweep both ways, and write with both hands.
I had a hard time in school with archery because I was shooting right handed and couldn't aim. I did the miles test and found out I'm left eye dominant years later.
should I just try out both hands and decide how to shoot based on comfort?
I'm cross dominant only in the sense that I prefer using my right hand (I'm ambidextrous). Although I can use my left hand for everything I use my right hand for, my left has become weaker due to lack of use. But since I'm left eye dominant, I figure I'll use a left handed bow and re-build the strength in my left side.
If I were cross-dominant, I would switch hands. Sometimes I still have trouble getting a clear sight picture. Not sure why. It's getting better though. I think it has to do with whether I'm focusing on the target or looking closer at my aperture.
I am cross eyed dominant. Left handed but Right eye dominant. I shoot right handed. This works for me and I don't think I would be able to shoot left. For the simple fact that my right arm is stronger and acts more dominant than my left (yes... I'm strange) this is possibly due to the fact that I was ambidextrous but due to the pressure from primary school to use one hand to write and the seating arrangement of my primary school classroom, I ended up writing and doing most stuff with my left hand
My leftie best friend has it harder though. When she shoots her eyes switch between dominance... you can see how this could be difficult!
I always thought cross dominant people like myself shot on the side of their eye.
Its interesting...
I am left handed for hockey, golf, baseball(bat) but right handed for writing, throwing, eating, brushing my teeth.
I guess I had a fairly good level of strength in my left arm because I never noticed any difficulty shooting with it even though it was my weak arm.
I am right eye dominant and unable to close my left eye alone. I found it interesting that you mentioned the eye patch, because this is what I have to do. Most other archers look at me weird and there are a few that suggested I even try shooting with both eyes opened. I tried that and I found I consistently missed the target all together towards the left. Needless to say, I am back with the eye patch. Arrgh Matey!
On another topic, can you please do a comparison of a finger tab versus the glove. I prefer the glove and it has recently been suggested I try a finger tab for a consistent grip. Looking forward to watching that video.
Will be doing a tab vs glove video in the near future.
I have the same problem, after a fractured zygomatic and a metal plate implant, my left lower eyelid muscle is no longer working. But I was lucky to find out that I am left eye dominant and can close my right eye :o)
Same thing
my left eye is stronger than my right and am cross dominant thank goodness I trained my left side before I got into archery.
Man, I wish I saw this video before ordering my first bow! I'm left handed so I purchased a left handed riser. Though just now I learned I'm very right-eye dominant. Now I need to decide if I keep the left handed riser or return it for a right handed one. I really want to avoid developing bad habits in the beginning of my archery training.
hi what did you end up doing im also left handed right eye dominant
@@mangojuic3e I ended up returning that left handed riser. I have a right handed one now so I hold the bow in my left hand and nock arrows with my right. It feels so much more natural even though I'm normally left handed. Go with your dominant eye for sure.
I am cross dominant. Shoot firearms right handed and right eye but i am a lefty.. Shoot a bow left handed and am still right eye dominant.. I am just using a pvc bow i made but remembered I have a cheap barebone compount bow stuffed away that is right hand.
I think im going to be stubborn and shoot the right handed bow left handed.
wow,just discovered Im a left eye dominant,but Im (extremely) right hand dominant.To the point I often say that I have left hand just because I wouldnt be without one.I really have NO coordinaton in left hand
I think my eye dominance could go either way, so I just shoot with what's most comfortable for my arms
I'm really weird when it comes to dominance, I'm right handed and right eye dominant, but I'm left foot dominant... This doesn't effect my archery at all
I am left handed and left eye dominant! When I close my left eye the object shifts.
I shoot bow and rifle right handed always thought i was left eye dominant Thats how i always shoot Rifles if i can. then finally realized ive been shooting my bow right eyed the whole time guess rifle left feels more Sturdy with the bow right eye feels more Sturdy
I'm cross dominant (left eyed right handed) but seem to have no problem using my right eye.
I'm still wanting to begin to train archery (i'll do it when i start working) and i found now i'm cross dominant (right hand left eye).
I was, in my youth, right handed and right eye dominant. I've practice and compete in archery (cadet and junior) and had some experience (and medals!). Because of my personal life, I left archery. A few weeks ago, I began archery again, and I found that I still have all the stance and muscle memory in good shape (despite my white hair). The problem is: with age, my right eye became tired and my dominant eye is now the left one. I've tried to change to left handed shouter but my "muscle memory" does not allow it. I close the left eye and aim with the right one, losing some target focus. In a short range (10 to 20 meters) I can group all my arrows in the yellow, but in long range, the target became so out of focus... My destiny is to compete only indoor...or have you any advice for me? (I wear glasses, but I can aim better without them). Many thanks for sharing yours videos.
I want to get into archery. Due to my profession, I am trying to figure out if I should use a left handed bow. I am right handed and left eye dominant. I shoot my handgun with my left eye, however I sighted my rifle (AR) in with my right eye and shoot it right handed. I shoot my rifle with good accuracy but only because it was sighted in, not because I can switch eye dominance. I wanted to know if anyone had any insight. Should I try to shoot a bow left handed? Thanks.
this is very informative especially for me.
I was born left-handed ( like my dad) broke my collar bone and went right dommanent. I'm right eye dommanent.. Any suggestions?
Help!! im right handed, i just checked using the two hands and it seems im right eyed dominance but im am only comfortable when im pulling the string with my left hand and holding the bow on my right hand.... Now im looking to purchase a hunting bow but i cant seem to find any left handed ones except for 50-60lbs ones (which i def cant pull yet). Should i just get the right handed ones and retrain my self from what is comfortable?? Same as when im.snowboarding or skate boarding, im always goofy/lefty but boxing and day to day stuff im a righty... Ooh, i also can write with both hands since middle school.
What happens if your dominant eye is the only eye you use? Due to visual impairment? And what happens if your dominant hand is the opposite to the only (dominant) eye that you use?
I'm left eye dominant, but right handed. Though I've been told I should have been left handed.
I've tried both tests you mentioned and my eye dominance keeps changing. If I concentrate then I can actually chose which eye I want to be dominant at any time.
I have the same problem, I'm trying to figure out which eye is dominant but using the tests mentioned, If I focus I can choose which eye becomes dominant
@Nu Sensei ok Thank you So iam left eye dominant but i pick up my bow with right hand but i write with my left hand so i shoot with my left hand😁
I'm very comfy with an eye-patch. just try it!
My problem is that my eye-dpminance changes when I'm getting tired...so suddenly while Training the arrow went 10m to the left...so for me there is no point in shooting with 2 eyes open :-)
Hey Nu-sensei, i just found your channel some days ago and it's AMAZING! Always enjoyed archery and now more than ever, I hope that you can help me with something that is bugging me a lot:
I did the test and my left eye was the one that saw the object, so i'm left eye dominant, right? The problem is, I don't have a bow but like many people i keep aiming and shooting with my "air bow" similar to a "air guitar" and the hand that i pull the string is the LEFT one....although i am completely right-handed in every aspect of my day....what am I?
Hi, good video. But too late for me I had to change my riser and sight. I have being a right hand archer for two years. But I was a left eye. My teacher said me to use my right hand but when I put my sight was very dificult. I started closing my left eye but I did not feel good at the end; Today I have being shooting left handed for nearly 1 year...feel great. Is what you said...it depends on what do you feel.
We have been told to use one eye... Why should/shouldnt i use one eye?
I am left eyed shooting right handed bow and just close my left hasent been a problem
Question,I'm legally blind in my right eye,I can see with it but it's blurry close and so I'm stuck with only my left eye, this eye thing is a little confusing,does this mean I need to shoot right handed?, thanks for your help and great videos btw.
I'm left-eye dominant and right-handed and I shoot with a left-handed bow with no problem
Lentsku Same for me, seems to me that cross dominance is quite uncommon, at least in my circles.
+Lentsku same here glad I found out after I went to an introductory lesson thank goodness well on the plus side less people can shoot your bow left handed LOL
Same thing here. Right handed but shooting lefty bow, cause of dominant left eye.
how weird after asking you this question few days ago this comes up in the list of recommended videos? I did the target test with closing 1 eye and all seem to be right eye HOWEVER when moving hand back to the eye it seems to switch eye sometimes? Would this indicate slight cross eye dominant at various distance?
I'm left handed, and my dominant eye is my left eye I've learnt how to shoot using my friends right handed compound bow I am looking to buy my first bow hopefully recurve. Do you think I should I should get right handed bow or get a left handed bow and relearn how to shoot
Side note, it's really hard to find cheep left handed bows.
If you're left-hand left-eye dominant, definitely get a left-handed bow, especially if you're learning recurve.
Can't you shoot a left handed bow with your right hand if you are left eye dominant and right handed? As I don't see why someone couldn't do this.
Everything would be on the wrong side. The arrow would be on the wrong side, the sight would be on the wrong side, and the grip is not correctly shaped for the opposite hand. The archer's paradox would also be reversed, which means the arrow will not correctly flex around the bow. Basically, you would be using a setup that is completely the opposite of what you need.
I am just getting into archery after doing a bunch of research. I got an old compound bow from my uncle but i think a recurve is more my style. Im just having trouble deciding which one. Im kind of on a budget. Would you recommend the Win & Win SF Axiom Recurve? Im mainly just shooting for fun.
Rainbow Lion For a cheap entry level Olympic-style recurve, the Axiom does the job. Nothing fine about it - it's a hunk of metal - but it's an affordable start.
Thanks. I just wanted to make sure it wasn't a bad bow. Keep up the awesome videos! :)
Hi. I shoot with recurve and a beginner. I am right handed and left eye dominant (I did one test). But when i shoot with my left bow with left hand then suddently during shooting my right eye becomes more dominant. What should i do?
If you are able to shoot clearly with your right eye, shoot right-handed.
I've only recently taken up my my first steps in the archery world. I know from back when I played pool billiard competition that my right eye is dominant. I'm also right handed so in the future I would be looking for a right handed bow.
However from playing pool I also remember that I have the issue that my eye dominance isn't very strong and dominance sometimes shifts to the left eye. Is closing the eye / eyepatch the only solution or are there other things I can work on?
( Btw nice channel you have, haven't worked my way through all the channels but pick up lots of usefull info. )
Greetings from the Netherlands.
Eye dominance shift can happen, but this is mostly in young children. Adults can also change, but only through rigorous training. Some shooters do have chronic problems with eye dominance and will have to close one eye or use a patch. However, continual training with your dominant eye will also strengthen its dominance.
I just close my dominant eye. After a while, you can do it without straining.
From my understanding it's not one eye seeing farther.. it's just because we have two eyes side by side, and the brain can calculate the amount of cross over the eyes are doing to see something, then knows the distance based off of that angle. We do he same to measure the distance of far away planets, by using a satellite when it's at one side of Earth and then the other side of earth and then calculating the angle. Which is like super far apart eyeballs lol.
As an easy to understand example.. if you put your finger close enough between your eyes, the angle is so extreme that you go cross-eyed.. then your brain really knows that the object is very close indeed.
NU先生, I am right handed and right eye dominant. Ive been told my left eye is a lazy eye. When I try to shoot with both eyes open my sight seems to fade away. Is there any case where it's better to shoot with my lazy eye closed? i have been shooting with my dominant eye only and it seems to be quite clear now.
If it works for you, I can't say you should change it. This sounds like something that can be overcome with consistent, frequent practice, however.
i am a right hander,but i got left dominant eye. i went to the club and the instructor said it'd be fine to shoot right hand,and they got no left hand bow any way. my aiming kinda suck so i want to change hand,my left hand is strong enough.
is it okay to use right hand bow on my left hand? they got NO LEFT HAND BOW :(((
This one's tough. The arrow will be on the wrong side of the bow, making it much more difficult to aim and keep the arrow on. The grip will also be uncomfortable, as it is shaped to fit the hand.
do you have any advice or idea for me? i'm frustrated. perhaps i should stick to the right hand until i got my own bow,and then i'll train all over again on the other side
One of the members of my club mistook his right eye for being dominant. About a month later he switched to a left-handed bow. In his opinion it was the best thing for him - he already knew how to do it on the other side. His form became a lot better after the switch being able to concentrate on certain details without being overwhelmed by the process as a whole.
hello NUsensei im right handed, and using my right eye to aim but the problem is my left eye sees better I thought because of the glasses i went to doctor and change it but nothing changed still my left eye sees better what should i do ?
DeltaXLR There's a difference between eye dominance and vision - one doesn't affect the other (i.e. you may still be right-eye dominant if your right eye has poorer vision). If you are indeed cross-dominant, you need to make a choice over shooting with your dominant hand (and training or working around your non-dominant eye), or training up your non-dominant hand.
+DeltaXLR both mine see the same doe.
I'm right and left handed but left eye dominate should I get a left handed bow
Hey man, great videos, watched them all now! I'm a new archer, couple of months, I'm left eye dominant but shoot right handed. I just close my left eye and have to move the sight to the far left or aim right without a sight. Im shooting ok for a beginner, around 500 scores, so will this stop me from improving etc? what do you think?
Cian McCasual Nothing wrong with shooting with the non-dominant eye. You may want to consider an eye patch instead of closing your eye.
Oh ok thanks for responding! Why is that better than eye closing then?
Closing your eye uses muscles that you don't need to use. Your face should be relaxed as possible to ensure consistent alignment and sight picture, and constantly having to close an eye can be tiring.
Ah ok thanks, very helpful, i guess that's how the pirates did it ;)
Any suggestions for someone that doesn't have a particular eye dominance (I use both eyes to focus on an object)?
Anthony bermudez Most people use both eyes to focus. Eye dominance is more of a matter of which eye takes "control", which you can test using the method outlined in the video. Some people are less specific with handedness, but eye dominance is usually set (but can be trained). If you really can't decide, go with whichever hand you're stronger with.
It seems that I'm cross eye dominant (archery, pool) I use my right arm and hand for most tasks (writing, hammering etc) i shoot every week and I use a left handed bow and I can't do in any other way, feels strange and unnatural and my groupings aren't bad at all and I have both eyes open.
To be honest I didn't understand.
Should my arrow be on the left as well when shooting Mediterranean style?.
Thank you
If you are using an left-hand bow with a bow window your arrow rest is on the right side of your riser.
But i have a question. Why does it feel unnatural to use an right-hand bow if you are right-handed?
I'm left handed, use a right handed recurve bow and am left eye dominant, figure that one out!
Nusensei, if I am aiming with both eyes open I can see 2 sights. Assuming my dominany eye is right would I see those sights in different positions if I had my left eye dominant? I think not but I am not sure.
Nevermind, I just figured that I would see different things. If I were right eye dominant then I should use left sight(when I aim) and when I am left eye dominant then I should use right.
i haven't started archery yet but i will be soon. I've done a bunch of research and I'm right handed but have a dominant left eye. is this a problem?
It means you have a dilemma in choosing whether to shoot right-handed or left-handed (see the video)
NUSensei thank you for the info :D i will be going to a "try before you buy" type day in a few weeks so i'll see what work there.
im cross but right handed bow for me as I naturally find it easier like that.
RandomVideos4U I use both eyes
+RandomVideos4U cross eyed??? lol
I think your non hand dominate hand will strengthen in time. Your not writing calligraphe with your left hand.
Well fuck, I just found out that I'm cross dominant. Wouldn't even consider shooting with my non-dominant arm though.
Right handed, Right eye dominance but shoot with both eyes open :)
I'm right-handed, but I have left-eye dominance. Can I just close my left eye while shooting?
That's one way to get around it (although an eyepatch is less straining).
I guess I'll use some tape to cover the left lens of my glasses then. Thanks for the reply!
ggFTW im the same ....and i tired this, covering the lens , when it always covered you get abit disoriented , but if you just close one eyes for that little time to aim then it fine....
illyounotme Instinctive shooting, eh? I will look into it, it sounds very interesting!
yup and half the videos on tube have this backward.
Answer from 2020, I picked my eye.
Tries test for eye dominance. Right hand dominant, right handed bow. Completely certain Im cross dominant. Fuq.....
What's the name of the bow in the vid?
W&W Inno CXT
Im right hand and eye dominant
Illuminati confirmed
I have that drawer 😂
Countering mismatched eye dominance to dominant hand is a tough task. I am right handed and when I started archery I was right eye dominant. I keep both eyes open while shooting and wear eye lenses. After couple of years I realised that my eye dominance started switching from right to left and was very inconsistent. One day the Miles test would show right and the next day left. It was very stressful when you are aiming and left eye takes dominance. I tried the idea of eye patch though it looked awkward. There were also options with having a eye blocker attached to your hat which blocks the target to be seen from left eye when in position.
Ultimately, I adopted a method where I would temporarily close my left eye to aim with right eye and then open my left eye maintaining focus with right eye. It was tough but over a course of few months, I think my brain rewired to see with right eye dominance while shooting.