They've always been Empty Suits. ALL authority is, really. THat's why we LIBERals love LIBERty and HATE police, military, judges, the IRS, etc. WE DON'T TRUST HUMANS IN POWER, b/c power corrupts most ppl. EX: Police couldn't lower or stop crime if we paid them to! ("if the policeman stops the crime / he ends up on the unemployment line")
When you have doctors that care more about their Democratic identity than their own livelihood, saying Trump shouldn't even be alive at this point but bidens in perfect health
Wait, nobody made a fuss when Don, Jr. was clearly on one aka coked up during his speech. But there was no regime attempt being put in place (said with sarcasam). Though almost all of his kids have an official position in his presidency bypassing more qualified individuals?? America, the new Jonestown... koolaiddrinkers.
same here in the UK - some politicians can be totally useless, provided they are Labour, but MSM will do anything to beat Boris Johnson up. I don't particularly care - except I like to see fairness and the role of the press is to GIVE THE NEWS, INFORMATION AND REMAIN UNBIAS.
Three different companies have created three different effect vaccines within months, it usually takes years for one vaccine to be created. Whos excited to get vaccinated?
@stick935 well the trump's all had dealings with China including were trump's ties were made. We all give to.China. Check label on your clothes appliances, kitchen wear. Bed sheets. We used to be mass producers now we are just glutinous consumers. I buy American made only or I go to thrift store. Stop supporting China and we can make a come back. Made in America
CNN's idea is to get you to hate Trump's guts to get you to think he was an illegitimate president oh, and to get you to think that he's not doing anything for the country, therefore they're spreading their hatred of Donald Trump everyday, and they're covering for biting, I think the Democrats on the mainstream news media them in China!🤨
@@Mozart1220 I like how you believe it's alternative facts, I mean any intelligent can puzzle what's factual and what isn't. But clearly, when most of media are saying one thing, but the one who gets mocked at isn't then I do believe that is to be questioned, and researched. Like, do you believe the Pentagon said just today, that they need to stop the transition of Biden's presidency?
@@Mozart1220 You are somewhat right but let's be clear. There are two sides and you should have enough common sense to make a decision on what side is close to being right. But then again most do not like to make decisions. They want to be sheep and follow.
@@Mozart1220 but is IS their responsibility to give you ALL the facts all the facts ...and let You make up your mind !!! and the mainstream news media does not do this!!!
Is that supposed to be any better? He's not even loyal to his own wife? We should trust him with a chinese spy? Edit: Haha i read your name and see your angle now. Prob saying the same thing i said
@@benny360 🤡 can not believe how down right ignorant you truly are 🤯 that or you truly have been brainwashed by the mainstream media 🙈🙉🙊 in either case that's pretty sad
He would not do an interview. He would spend the whole thing coughing and checking on every lie that falls out of his mouth. I say string him up in handcuffs and ankle chains for crimes against the American people.
@@davidarbogast37 DEAR TRUMPSTER, every adult knows that EVERY politician of both parties USES THEIR POWER TO LINE THE POCKETS OF THEIR FAMILY, so your argument that Biden-Trump didn't IS CHILDISH.
@@dumpygoodness4086 you're 2 wrongs fallacy is tarded & Democrats spent 4 years looking for anything. The courts also helped anyway the could. Meanwhile 21 states cant get the scotus to even look at evidence.
2 Timothy 3 English Standard Version “But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. 2 For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3 heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, 4 treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, 5 having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people.”
@always pro choice Joe and Jill walked up the hill, to fetch a pail of dollars. Joe fell down, and broke his 'crown', while Jill came tumbling after. You just wait...God is on His throne; it isn't over yet.
Shock? I think it will be heard around the world. They will seem to melt and regurgitate something in line with the past 4 years. It's our turn for the next 4 with control of both houses. Oh boy will this hurt their ass's.... I love my President !
@@michaelduda787 sad to say i agree. But i heard from someone that bidens def secretary choice is actually against Biden and taking notes of everything said.
@@chillm8t You've probably been saying this same old song and dance for the last four years, "We'll get him this time." 4 years of wasting our money to fuel your TDS. Sad
@Donald Failed how you could overlook this information is beyond me. You're either stupid or you just don't care that your party is absolutely corrupt.
@@MADguitar Except tunneling 50 000 dollars a month from poor country of Ukraine in very same time it's doctors sallary was about 600 and it's sons were dying in fight with Russians with help of crappy US radios and used Humvees.
Nathaniel W. *** Yep. Evil of the past 5 years will only continue to breed more evil. It doesn't go away unless it's cut out like a poisonous tumor. Seriously, just watch. No one was ever held accountable for the sedition, treason, and insurrection against our president, his administration and intereference in a United States of America presidential election ... yes, it will only grow worse WITHIN THEIR OWN SOCIALIST-MARXIST so called party. Their own criminal behaviors will be their downfall.
@donald epstein you've got to be kidding... Keep pushing a debunked and ridiculous conspiracy theory while actual conspiracies and collusion exist among the people perpetrating that garbage to you... It's called deflection, look it up
In order to make arrests you will need authority...which you will be losing on Jan 5th. McConnell already congratulated Biden, capitulate and salvage some semblance of dignity.
At least remove from seat!!!! If a officer fires his weapon he/she is on administrative duty until the investigation is clear! Yet a Intel Official of the United States of American is in bed with (literally), with a Chinese Spy, is no big deal!
This guy asks questions that imply untruths and you Trumpies think that it is true. It's sad. I hope that you come to realize that Trump has been using you for his personal gain.
It’s not wrong that they would be all over Trump Jr. lmao ITS WRONG that they WERENT all over this story !!!!! Both CNN and Fox News are biased and they prove it through their selective content and context and as American citizens we should fall for their bias tendencies !!!!! I watch biased News from both sides in order to come to my own conclusions
With all do respect, Mr Hunt, President Trump is blessed by God. So many wonderful things have in the last four years because President Trump has sought to do what was right for the American people and he has been very selfless in serving the country. He has not been afraid to honor and give praise to God. God is the reason for Trump's success.
@@waynestewart7792 I agree Mr. Stewart! I have been blessed to follow the most amazing accomplishments in my lifetime. I was responding to the fools that stated that the only possible way a vaccine would be produced within the year would require a miracle. Thank you
I guess it's time to use the newspapers from New York Times, CNN and many others MSM as Toilet Papers. Including news from Toilet Paper Reporter Jim Acosta. Totally not credible. The list excludes Sean Hannity, and Lou Dobb who had courage and integrity to stand up for TRUTH.
Stop... Trump lost fairly. He was a terrible president. Before Election Day their were record numbers of people voting. They weren’t voting for Trump. Everyone knows it. President Trump is just being a sore loser and it’s dangerous because many people are following his behavior.
That's funny. Who is China's greatest support? Us, the consumer! Just look at the label on your clothes? shoes? appliances? sheets, towels, blankets, etc We can keeping China afloat because we want, more clothes, more shoes, more stuff. Remember your grandma fridge? your granda's tools lasted forever because they were Made in America. Stop supporting China. USA used to be mass producers, now we just glutenous consumers. Ivanka's clothes line - Made in China Donalds - Ties and other apparel Made in China. Why don't we just buy American? If we don't make it, we don't need it. Mind your gaming equipment, and all your electronics, as well. Me, I'm Made in America, if I can't get USA product I'll go to a thrift store or consgnment shop before I'd pay retail $$$ to China.
Don't just invite stuff, come up with some actual facts that can easily be fleshed out to be true or not. Hannity is a talking head putting his personal spin / twist in the news and facts. He is giving his version of the information out there. Stop the Hannity / Trump worship and get a life.
@@catmando4914 Hannity pointed out that many said a vaccine wasn't go to be here in 2020. Are you so out of touch that you don't understand he's telling the truth about all of it, the vaccine is finished, Biden and son are so corrupt, the lack of media coverage. If you're going to spew nonsense back, start with the vaccine, the one that wouldn't get finished by the end of 2020.
@@billhamilton6819 why would media look at small potatoe crimes when trump and his MULTIPLE family members are so blatantly corrupt and void of decency. You have no leader right now
Covid-19 is NOT the Flue fcol. Influenza viruses are NOT Corona viruses!! AND, thjs CCP virus is only the tip of the Iceberg and as Chinese Bat woman said!!! (Man made virus as was the SARS-COV-1, leaked 4 times from CDC Beijing in 2004!!! Chinese labs manipulate Coronaviruses taken from bats! Educate yourself, enough research to find from almost every country in the world, all in English. Omg, beneath which rock were you lying this year?
@@jamesvertin8676 Oops, sore pinky didn't hit the 9 button pff, just a typo and you know that. Btw, as you did meant btw? Oh, sorry for my Vd??? Huh? Vd is a part of may family name. What did you mean sorry for your Vd Britt? Will you tell me that? I love to learn. (I'm not English-speaking) Have a great and healthy new year.
“The genius of our ruling class is that it has kept a majority of the people from ever questioning the inequity of a system where most people drudge along paying heavy taxes for which they get nothing in return.” ― Gore Vidal
Actually, information from the government gets funneled to the preferred Trump Channels for news, conspiracy sites spin it, and the liberal press gets it after the reports. When liberal press asks for information, they are given selected items and have to work harder because Trumps people don't share. This way Trump can point to media and condemn them while claiming to be the hero. Give it a few weeks of interviews and fact checking.
@@papafranknunya201 YOU are a communist and PROUD of it, no? DO YOU NOT LOVE BIG GOVT MONOPOLIES like POLICE AND MILITARY (Stalin's faves!)?? YES YOU DO. You don't want Cops or military open to CAPITALISM, ha ha ha ha!!
@@jasondavid8213 SPREAD THE TRUTH: any news outlet that gets more than a couple stories wrong CANNOT LEGALLY STAY IN BUSINESS. That'd be like a fake doctor who kills his patients staying in biz! THE LEFT AND RIGHT WING PRESS ALL ADMIT THAT MILLIONS OF THEIR STORIES LATER PROVED PERFECTLY FALSE, from WMDs to 2016 Poll Numbers to Theranos to Vietnam and a million more. This means they cannot LEGALLY continue in business. PERFECTLY illegal malpractice, see? But our society has normalized insanity. (Like endless wars the Pentagon says "we will NEVER EVER win!")
@@MrSebear , that's ok. Don't trouble yourself spreading fake news, there are literally thousands of paid actors doing this every minute of every day, let them do their job, they get paid for it, after-all. Think about this episode of Hannity in the coming weeks when you will learn the truth, and thankfully we will usher in a "new normal" ...just not at all what they had in mind when they started this war. They started it, but we will end it. Get prepared.
@J Kasten What ever Biden is, he NEVER called into Howard Stein's nationally broadcast radio program and told Stern that he could call Ivanka, Trump's 16 YEAR OLD daughter, a PIECE OF A$$. You probably admire Trump for that and do the same to your daughter.
@@JC-ss6xj atheism hey? Your complete lack of self awareness is fascinating. You do realize that you take your faith on blind faith as you accuse others of doing the same. The hypocrisy is unreal...but again because you have a complete lack of self awareness. You take the word of some men just because they have a ph.d after their name. And those men take the word of other men who theorized something that has never been proven by the scientific method. So you are in the exact same boat. Firstly you believe that the entire universe and everything in existence violated the first law of physics and then build your entire theory upon a violation of the 1st law of physic. Secondly evolution has never been proven. The scientific method states that something must be observable, repeatable and able to be used to make predictions. Never in history has there ever been observable proof of darwinian evolution. No one has ever observed one kind of creature evolve into a different kind. I use the term "kind" cuz its easier to fathom that the word "species" (which has over 40 different definitions). When I say "kind" I mean eg) a feline has never evolved into anything else than another type of feline. Same with canines, bacteria etc. There are sligh variations (micro evolution) and Christians never deny that happens. But there is no observable proof that any bacteria has ever evolved into anything other than a slightly different version of that bacteria. So you just trust some ph.ds who have also never witnessed it because they say so. Even though any self respecting biologist admits there is a massive gap in evidence and that gap is the evidence they need to prove their theory otherwise its just that a theory taken on blind faith. So maybe before you attack someone else like a petulant child, you do some self reflecting on your own blind faith and stop being a hypocrite
It has been proven via investigative teams that President Trump had no dealings with Russia in the manner you are speaking out about; however, my first question still remains unanswered? 🤔
@@AdeleJ2 actually its been proven that he prevented a proper investigation from being done. Now by pardoning people he has put himself in to self destruct. The investigation is and was ongoing and all the cards will crumble. All these people he has pardoned can be summoned to court and they cant lie this time. Honestly hbo coildnt wrote this stuff lol
@@AdeleJ2 also it will be proven that Donald's entire family is guilty of crimes. More than 50 percent of the country wants donald to go away. Stop whining
"Why the hell can't we demand that they be investigated ?" For the same reason that Dipshit Donald should not be permitted to make such demands -- the DOJ is supposed to be a non-partisan agency working on behalf of the _nation,_ not as the president's personal law firm. We especially don't want the dimwitted public to be making pre-judgments about guilt or innocence. But don't worry -- Dipshit Donald is again busy trying to appoint a new AG who will pledge loyalty to the King and do his bidding.
The problem is not you or fox except for a few but it has been the problem has been out here for at least 4 year Nobody that is guilty in the government or media or crime gets prosecuted . This is a crime heaven ,would not be surprised if we were sold to China already they are waiting for us to die. Well look at it. You and most on Fox have done a great job. Too many evil ones is the problem.
@Sherri Pie really can't even complete a sentence without studdering . I wouldn't vote for a criminal my president is trump. And he's not gonna let creepy biden steal it . The funniest part of this is you . I bet my loyalty to trump that you can't tell me one good thing biden has done in 48 years of service not one . Y is that 😳.
@Sherri Pie would say the same thing to you keep watching all the left wing media as they ruin our country and my family values and beliefs everyday. I'm a American and I ll died for that man if need be . It's all going to come out really soon hope you're on the rightside or able to see the light
@Robert Miner Dan Rather has more credibility and patriotism than anyone on this also probably think Senator McCain was not a patriot. Dopes. 300K plus dead and rising by 3K daily??? Ignorant idiots....
you turned your back by believing this dishonest snake oil salesmen of a president.......everyone in NJ NY Conn. all know what a grifter and conniver this guy is you all fell for his BS that he's been doing for years.
Heidi Moore,"" just more trash talk,"" just believe in yourself and President Trump.!!!"" He"s gonna be reelected."" that's all that matters .!! God bless and God speed.!!!
Yep! And we almost just lost it!! Great job America, coming together to vote the wanna-be-a-tyrant out of office before it was too late!! Democracy won and is saved again!
"Something Stinks" is the greatest headline when talking about a woman who sleeps around trying to get Intel lol. I'm almost CERTAIN that it really does stink!! REALLY REALLY BAD!!! 😂😂😂
@steve smith Sore loser. We on the left have been waiting for this post for 4 long years, of course you were unable to concede with any modicum of grace, but alas reality has set lost. Now simmer in it you LOSERS
@@QueekHeadtaker Are you self aware to know what a hypocrite you are? You spent3 1/2 years denying the results of the 2016 elections. Your comment is why the Democrats are such a useless party. No common sense.. The only reason they win any election is because there are so many people as stupid as you are. You a party liner who just accepts whatever the Democrats do without question. You're nothing but a brainless stooge.
As angry as all this makes me, I take heart in knowing that all this has to happen as the Bible predicts. Evil will win the battle for now but God has won in the end. Nothing happens that God doesn’t know about and allow.
Also God allows us to pray in his name in the name of Jesus, and we can pray about this, maybe this is God's way of exposing all of the evil letting us have a look at it and it's coming to light so maybe now we can do something about it, God bless you
Cause Biden “won” the election and the Electoral College “certified” it which means he’s “assured” to be President and nothing can change that (they’re *wrong* )
@Carol Harris yes, however I’m beginning to think they shut it up so that the ByeThen team would incriminate themselves further. All is well. They’re all going to a very tiny room.
Yes very scary when you start hearing stories that China is telling Canada ( Trudeau) or Castro that they will give northern states that Canada should have had and telling Mexico that they will give California and Texas and they already own Biden and the democrats you wonder if there could be truth in this story,, apparently China has militia in all of these countries now,, what do we believe,
@@delbovingdon1824 there was documents and the freedom of information act we have here they have something similar in Canada rebel news had documents that Trudeau said treat China as our military ally not the USA that blows my mind yes I’m Streamley worried I’m 61 years old grade school they teach us how to get under our desks for nuclear tax and right now the United States is the most vulnerable we’ve ever been. And have a buffoon like Biden in there will get us all killed
@Sherri Pie i would not call idiots someone i don't now, all TV channels are working same way, they are selling news to get up to you to watch one or the others, same idiots you will find in any channel you'll watch...this is my opinion
"IF THE POLICEMAN STOPS THE CRIME..../ HE ENDS UP ON THE UNEMPLOYMENT LINE". GET IT? If there were no fake wars, and no crime (like most of the planet!).... THE AMERICAN PRESS WOULD GO OUT OF BUSINESS. THIS is why they help create fake wars, and WHY they cover up for endless govt crimes, and WHY they cover up that our Departments of "Correction" have never ONCE corrected anyone, in every case MADE THEM MORE DANGEROUS before dumping them back on our streets. (TAXPAYERS even funded WEIGHT-LIFTING EQUIPMENT for all ppl in jail!!!!) (!!!!) IF THIS REVOLVING DOOR OF ENDLESS CRIME STOPPED.... [easy to do!]...then ALL those cops....judges.... attornesy....journalists.........ALL LOSE THEIR JOBS. GET IT? None of this is legal, BTW. WE HAVE A RIGHT TO SELF DEFENSE
Let's just ignore all the money the Trump family has received from China before and during his time in office because "Biden bad", amirite? It's no surprise why they call you guys Trumptards.
Everything I’ve experienced and seen in the media in 2020 really shows me the “experts” have lost most if not all of their credibility.
They've always been Empty Suits. ALL authority is, really. THat's why we LIBERals love LIBERty and HATE police, military, judges, the IRS, etc. WE DON'T TRUST HUMANS IN POWER, b/c power corrupts most ppl.
Police couldn't lower or stop crime if we paid them to!
("if the policeman stops the crime / he ends up on the unemployment line")
When you have doctors that care more about their Democratic identity than their own livelihood, saying Trump shouldn't even be alive at this point but bidens in perfect health
**I saw Joe Biden today stumbling into Jill Biden getting onto the stage, it appeared.*
The bastards accomplished what I though was impossible! They brainwashed 1/2 our Nation
@@dumpygoodness4086 You make absolutely no sense at all.
We can only imagine the chaos if this were one of theTrump kids!!!!
indeed. Leftist hypocrisy knows no bounds.
It would be every second of every day...!
Wait, nobody made a fuss when Don, Jr. was clearly on one aka coked up during his speech. But there was no regime attempt being put in place (said with sarcasam). Though almost all of his kids have an official position in his presidency bypassing more qualified individuals?? America, the new Jonestown... koolaiddrinkers.
same here in the UK - some politicians can be totally useless, provided they are Labour, but MSM will do anything to beat Boris Johnson up. I don't particularly care - except I like to see fairness and the role of the press is to GIVE THE NEWS, INFORMATION AND REMAIN UNBIAS.
"They even believe their own lies." Indeed.
When mental illness advances to dangerous levels, without treatment...
That was one of Hitler's motto...
Three different companies have created three different effect vaccines within months, it usually takes years for one vaccine to be created. Whos excited to get vaccinated?
That's how all narcissists are!
And they kept telling us how intelligence they are... very sad groups.
Criminal Politicians all need to be held accountable for their crimes!
Don't hold your breath
Criminal politicians are the one's who take down criminal politicians it will just never happen if trump doesn't take another 4 years
OH great then who will run the government?
"New york toilet paper times & compost time" the name calling is golden comedy with a side of truth
😂😂😂"New york toilet paper times & compost time"
Yes because spammity is a bastion of truth and
Something stinks to high heaven with this "swallow it all" guy.
Swallow it all guy? Trump? I don't think he can swallow anymore
It does but it’s been going on! This is just a distraction. Nothing with happen go this guy! He is still in office and still on the Intel Board.
@stick935 well the trump's all had dealings with China including were trump's ties were made. We all give to.China. Check label on your clothes appliances, kitchen wear. Bed sheets. We used to be mass producers now we are just glutinous consumers. I buy American made only or I go to thrift store. Stop supporting China and we can make a come back. Made in America
@stick935 negative everything trump's admin said for 4 yrs was projection meaning they actually were talking about themselves
@@pamelacostello8585 You're a typical useful idiot, The left has perfected the art of projection.
Isn’t it absurd for a foreign student to be accepted as an intern at the U.S.Intelligence Dept?
How stupid does that make us And corrupt
My son was n the army trust me they are in the military flying home to China on leave! I’m
Depends where is he from?
Why isn't Bidens son in prison, Why isn't CNN covering anything that has to do with the Bidens or anyone but Trump
Nothing on the Beijing biden crime family because they all have ties to china $$$$.none of them care about the American people.Merry Christmas
CNN's idea is to get you to hate Trump's guts to get you to think he was an illegitimate president oh, and to get you to think that he's not doing anything for the country, therefore they're spreading their hatred of Donald Trump everyday, and they're covering for biting, I think the Democrats on the mainstream news media them in China!🤨
CNN, could it stand for communist non news? Socialism is a hidden enslavement of all peoples.
@@grannygrunt5211 I mean biden btw
I agree with you but why isn't Hillary in prison. All cover ups.
More and more people are watching alternative news for the real stories.
And getting "alternative facts" LOL It's not the media's job to tell you what you WANT to hear.
@@Mozart1220 we just want the truth not biased reporting...
@@Mozart1220 I like how you believe it's alternative facts, I mean any intelligent can puzzle what's factual and what isn't. But clearly, when most of media are saying one thing, but the one who gets mocked at isn't then I do believe that is to be questioned, and researched.
Like, do you believe the Pentagon said just today, that they need to stop the transition of Biden's presidency?
@@Mozart1220 You are somewhat right but let's be clear. There are two sides and you should have enough common sense to make a decision on what side is close to being right. But then again most do not like to make decisions. They want to be sheep and follow.
@@Mozart1220 but is IS their responsibility to give you ALL the facts all the facts ...and let You make up your mind !!! and the mainstream news media does not do this!!!
Swallow wasn't 'dating' the spy, he was having an affair, he's MARRIED.
Is that supposed to be any better? He's not even loyal to his own wife? We should trust him with a chinese spy? Edit: Haha i read your name and see your angle now. Prob saying the same thing i said
@@SuperCoopdogg haha, trump wasn’t loyal to his wife and is also a Russian asset.
Trump had marital affairs that led to children anybody wanna talk about that???
@@chrisgeraldbyrd1379 Marital? or extramarital?
@@benny360 🤡 can not believe how down right ignorant you truly are 🤯 that or you truly have been brainwashed by the mainstream media 🙈🙉🙊 in either case that's pretty sad
Swamp creatures protect each other especially when they are cornered.
Yes, luckily the swamp is leaving the white house. We will finally have a good president 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
@@JC-ss6xj Yes open borders and communism. I see civil war for the future of America.
@@sharko121 you should leave then! 🤣😂🤣😂 They are coming for your guns! Hurry!!! 😂🤣😂🤣🤣😂🤣 Losers...
@Michael Lewis yea should’ve seen all the flu deaths 2 years Pryor you mark.
Who is cornered?trump facing indictments doesn't mean he's cornered-yet.he still has time to fleece dumb fucks like you for money.
I wanna know who these said experts are. Just calling someone an expert doesn't make them so.
At this point I would trust the National Enquirer over main stream media.
Mainstream media plays identity politics, its painful to watch.
You guys are so delusional in that cult.
@@dcgm78 I agree, these dimwits are bat chit crazy
Because you are stupid - that's all there is.
You cant bring up National Enquirer without mentioning Fox news.
I heard one time that the greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist.
Yes, that's Hannity. Jesus....
@@stevusmaximus all main stream media clawing their way to the top viewed spot really.
Mike Wazowski that is very true
When are you going to get biden for an interview and ask him the questions that we the people want to know
He would not do an interview. He would spend the whole thing coughing and checking on every lie that falls out of his mouth. I say string him up in handcuffs and ankle chains for crimes against the American people.
They won't because it's fake news
@@davidarbogast37 DEAR TRUMPSTER, every adult knows that EVERY politician of both parties USES THEIR POWER TO LINE THE POCKETS OF THEIR FAMILY, so your argument that Biden-Trump didn't IS CHILDISH.
@@dumpygoodness4086 you're 2 wrongs fallacy is tarded & Democrats spent 4 years looking for anything. The courts also helped anyway the could.
Meanwhile 21 states cant get the scotus to even look at evidence.
I think they thought they could wear him down and just make him leave at the end of 4 years I sure hope he's here for 2020
Your name says it all NUTT all
@@guym1234 your the one idiot throughout all the comments I see hating on trump. Hm. Must feel bad to be alone
no we voted him out, that guys is bad news and he glows in the dark.
We will never know the truth. The world is obsessed with money and lying
2 Timothy 3 English Standard Version
“But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. 2 For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3 heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, 4 treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, 5 having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people.”
We might never know, but nothing gets past God.
Well this is what I say: The more you lie the more you will fry.
The scriptures tell us that everything that has been kept hidden in the dark ..will eventually be brought to light
@@ahope4u2 Amen
Take away his security clearance. It's a felony.
Who? You mean Take away CNN's Jim Acosta the Security Clearance as White House Correspondent? Can't agree with you more.
It is treason
Cody James "why " haven't Americans demanded his Whitehouse security clearances been ganked ??? Seriously !
I second TREASON.. Unfortunately ,I believe nothing will be done
Sean Hannity is great. We cannot trust Fox as long as they have Chris Wallace.
He whines more than trump. He lies more than him as well.
This story is wild! Hollywood could never write a script this good.
Especially since they have to please the radical left and the mob😂
JOE and JILL, those two are a JOKE
But you want be laughing for the next four years will ya🤡😂😂😂
@always pro choice Joe and Jill walked up the hill, to fetch a pail of dollars. Joe fell down, and broke his 'crown', while Jill came tumbling after. You just wait...God is on His throne; it isn't over yet.
@always pro choice I pray you find the truth. It’s out there. You will see.
@always pro choice 😂🤣😅 poor little Democrap. You don’t phase me one bit.
@always pro choice 😂🤣😅🖕🏻💩
The harder the battle the sweeter the victory, their in for a shock of their life at the end of this matter...
Shock? I think it will be heard around the world. They will seem to melt and regurgitate something in line with the past 4 years. It's our turn for the next 4 with control of both houses. Oh boy will this hurt their ass's.... I love my President !
Hate to say but I think this will end the wrong way
@@michaelduda787 only the right way is required to be accepted by all who voted to ensure the power of their vote...
@@michaelduda787 sad to say i agree. But i heard from someone that bidens def secretary choice is actually against Biden and taking notes of everything said.
Where's Hunter? He is in a country that has no extradition agreements with the United States. I hope Joe joins him.
Hunter is eating a cheeseburger.. nothing will happen because there is no proof of anything that Fox & trump can stir up..
Where’s your tax money going
@@chillm8t You've probably been saying this same old song and dance for the last four years, "We'll get him this time." 4 years of wasting our money to fuel your TDS. Sad
@Donald Failed how you could overlook this information is beyond me. You're either stupid or you just don't care that your party is absolutely corrupt.
@@MADguitar Except tunneling 50 000 dollars a month from poor country of Ukraine in very same time it's doctors sallary was about 600 and it's sons were dying in fight with Russians with help of crappy US radios and used Humvees.
It is expected that " drain the swamp " will be seen soon
yes trump will be gone
@@guym1234 Did you even listen to anything Mr. Hannity said? or r u just blinded by your hatred for TRUMP?
@@hicars1441 He probably listens to CNN who won't even talk about Hunter!
2021 the cabal will be exposed pack sleepy joe the f*** up
drain the racist trump swamp for good.....
"Washington Compost" -That's a good one because it's true.
Go back to RT news vlad!
When there is silence on a topic, they are being paid for their silence.
They are roaches who scatter when the lights are turned on! 1776 2.0. Get your affairs in order!
and for their political activism.
But, that silence just brings more attention to it.
Nathaniel W. *** Yep. Evil of the past 5 years will only continue to breed more evil. It doesn't go away unless it's cut out like a poisonous tumor. Seriously, just watch. No one was ever held accountable for the sedition, treason, and insurrection against our president, his administration and intereference in a United States of America presidential election ... yes, it will only grow worse WITHIN THEIR OWN SOCIALIST-MARXIST so called party. Their own criminal behaviors will be their downfall.
@@christopherboatmun8262 ng h
Any pillow talk between you and djt.
Talk about "The New York Toilet paper Times."
Good one! Toilet paper times!!!!
@donald epstein you've got to be kidding... Keep pushing a debunked and ridiculous conspiracy theory while actual conspiracies and collusion exist among the people perpetrating that garbage to you... It's called deflection, look it up
Yes!! Toilet paper and garbage media 😡
That should be Top Headlines and dealt with immediately
Don’t you think we have had enough talking, when on earth we going to do some frecken arrest?????? I think we should start now 🙏❤️
Let's save the best for the last we're still headed to the climax
In order to make arrests you will need authority...which you will be losing on Jan 5th. McConnell already congratulated Biden, capitulate and salvage some semblance of dignity.
Never. It's a soap opera for the dumb asses. It just goes to the next distraction.
At least remove from seat!!!! If a officer fires his weapon he/she is on administrative duty until the investigation is clear! Yet a Intel Official of the United States of American is in bed with (literally), with a Chinese Spy, is no big deal!
Wrong, the twelve Amendment, Trump can impose Martial law.
Do some research, this will affect all of us and our children's children.
“Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.”
- Benjamin Franklin
Treason possible
And as usual your quote is out of context 🤣😂🤣😂😂... Joe Biden 2020
@Jo Rivers Ghost Deny what truth?
@Jo Rivers Ghost science PROVES GOD EXISTS,it's all about the DESIGN
@@JC-ss6xj jo biden's lie died today😉
The mobb never left they just changed suits and became politician
Politicians ARE the mob, always have been.
This guy asks questions that imply untruths and you Trumpies think that it is true. It's sad. I hope that you come to realize that Trump has been using you for his personal gain.
You are just a communist Chinese troll.
saveAMERICA saveAMERICA what a stupid comment
@@rationalguy2744 lol go back on ur knees to biden and keep that slurping sound going cause that's all ur good for in his eyes.
If it was Trump JR. they will be all over that’s totally wrong
It’s not wrong that they would be all over Trump Jr. lmao ITS WRONG that they WERENT all over this story !!!!! Both CNN and Fox News are biased and they prove it through their selective content and context and as American citizens we should fall for their bias tendencies !!!!! I watch biased News from both sides in order to come to my own conclusions
Marshal Law, clean the swamp. Clorox!!!
@Yourname Here a product of the public education system.
Trump loves the uneducated & unenlightened. How perfect
Our President has shown the World he can create Miracles!
With all do respect, Mr Hunt, President Trump is blessed by God. So many wonderful things have in the last four years because President Trump has sought to do what was right for the American people and he has been very selfless in serving the country. He has not been afraid to honor and give praise to God. God is the reason for Trump's success.
@@waynestewart7792 I agree Mr. Stewart! I have been blessed to follow the most amazing accomplishments in my lifetime. I was responding to the fools that stated that the only possible way a vaccine would be produced within the year would require a miracle. Thank you
Will he best pull a rabbit out of his hat because we are to close to the cliff and there won't be any coming back if we survive this war !!!
@@michaeldemaranville7645 Patience, Michael, patience. You'll see soon. TRUMP 2020!
‘New York toilet paper times’, that deserves a thumbs up!
I guess it's time to use the newspapers from New York Times, CNN and many others MSM as Toilet Papers. Including news from Toilet Paper Reporter Jim Acosta. Totally not credible. The list excludes Sean Hannity, and Lou Dobb who had courage and integrity to stand up for TRUTH.
Swamp is real and it’s revealing it’s self -I hope enough Americans care
Good job Hannity:it's about time this come's out -truth is good-
I'm still waiting to hear michael admit he put one over on our nation. . . Amazing anyone thought he was a fine upstanding woman.
your nothing but a dumb trumpee sheep....baa baa all you want ,,,,your little prick lost...just like you..
So what do we do about it? They stole our votes and censored our speech.
@@happylucky6689 go to HELL U NASTY BIDEN SOCIALIST
@@happylucky6689 F off
Stop... Trump lost fairly. He was a terrible president. Before Election Day their were record numbers of people voting. They weren’t voting for Trump. Everyone knows it. President Trump is just being a sore loser and it’s dangerous because many people are following his behavior.
@@Greenmike17 Go live in China communist lover.
@@Greenmike17 record numbers of dead people?😂
@@Greenmike17 also, do you even know a quarter of the things he’s done?🧐
@@Greenmike17 please explain why he was a terrible president
We are trying so hard to peacefully resolve this... but they keep spitting in our face
The same way Republicans keep spitting on democracy.
You sound like a minority in America...
Resolve what? There's nothing to resolve.
@Johnny Hammersticks Donald trump needs to read the constitution
@@justinwalker6476 The Democrats need it read to them.
Keep the truth coming Shaun. If the Dems do get this election America is finished along with the free world.
God bless President Trump.
Dude Hunters merely a pawn in the game. Hes merely middling the deals for "The Big Guy" Joe reaps all the benefits
Think bigger picture joe isnt the big guy POTUS is still just a puppet
He prob doesn’t have a choice
Then he can have banishment other than the gallows
*I'll bet IF Hunter was looking at decades in prison, he'd fold on everything and everyone!*
That's funny. Who is China's greatest support? Us, the consumer! Just look at the label on your clothes? shoes? appliances? sheets, towels, blankets, etc We can keeping China afloat because we want, more clothes, more shoes, more stuff. Remember your grandma fridge? your granda's tools lasted forever because they were Made in America. Stop supporting China. USA used to be mass producers, now we just glutenous consumers. Ivanka's clothes line - Made in China Donalds - Ties and other apparel Made in China. Why don't we just buy American? If we don't make it, we don't need it. Mind your gaming equipment, and all your electronics, as well. Me, I'm Made in America, if I can't get USA product I'll go to a thrift store or consgnment shop before I'd pay retail $$$ to China.
When is something going to be done about the Bidens..
Don't just invite stuff, come up with some actual facts that can easily be fleshed out to be true or not. Hannity is a talking head putting his personal spin / twist in the news and facts. He is giving his version of the information out there. Stop the Hannity / Trump worship and get a life.
You forgot to end it with "take a look". It adds credibility.
@@catmando4914 Hannity pointed out that many said a vaccine wasn't go to be here in 2020. Are you so out of touch that you don't understand he's telling the truth about all of it, the vaccine is finished, Biden and son are so corrupt, the lack of media coverage. If you're going to spew nonsense back, start with the vaccine, the one that wouldn't get finished by the end of 2020.
Something was done and more than half your country voted for him
@@billhamilton6819 why would media look at small potatoe crimes when trump and his MULTIPLE family members are so blatantly corrupt and void of decency. You have no leader right now
There's a storm coming!!!
Really, when?
Yes for sure though!
I hope so,will it be red?
Right! Some places in the NE are forecasting up to a foot of snow!
Clean that dirty swamp
HANNITY IS “EN FUEGO”!!! It’s about time!! GOOD ON ‘YA!!🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
"It is the first duty of the press to undermine the foundation of the existing political system." -- Karl Marx
Yes. They do follow Marxism. If is sad
correct !
2020 Started with the flue ending with a Coup
@James How are you doing
Hope we gget to know each other with time and patience?
Covid-19 is NOT the Flue fcol.
Influenza viruses are NOT Corona viruses!!
AND, thjs CCP virus is only the tip of the Iceberg and as Chinese Bat woman said!!!
(Man made virus as was the SARS-COV-1, leaked 4 times from CDC Beijing in 2004!!!
Chinese labs manipulate Coronaviruses taken from bats!
Educate yourself, enough research to find from almost every country in the world, all in English.
Omg, beneath which rock were you lying this year?
@@brittvdr806 sorry about your Vd Britt
@@brittvdr806 bty what is fcol ? And what is Covid 1 ? You're way to caught up girl, Sorry 😞 about your under the rock Vd situation .
@@jamesvertin8676 Oops, sore pinky didn't hit the 9 button pff, just a typo and you know that.
Btw, as you did meant btw?
Oh, sorry for my Vd??? Huh?
Vd is a part of may family name.
What did you mean sorry for your Vd Britt? Will you tell me that?
I love to learn. (I'm not English-speaking)
Have a great and healthy new year.
*Hannity: the voice of reason!* Thank you, Mr. Hannity! I am so very sick of the lies coming out of the Dem bunkers. TRUMP 2020!
"Do nothing democrats" and "nothing will be done republicans"
Talk!..Talk!..Talk!!..and more Talk!...Talk!..Talk!...and nothing done!...Time is of the essence!...Time to stand up!..Time to act!..
Don’t quote the, and don’t support them-haven’t listened to them for years and Fox News is going down the same route except for a few.
The good ones at Fox will leave for Trump’s new media empire
Just came here to hear the mainstream media act like it’s calling out the mainstream media
“Quid pro quo Joe”!!! Well done Mr. Hannity!!
They're shameless. No one listens to them anymore.
I need a phone call, what’s going on? Now !
This is the most horrible, injustice, I’ve ever seen! People will be accountable
“The genius of our ruling class is that it has kept a majority of the people from ever questioning the inequity of a system where most people drudge along paying heavy taxes for which they get nothing in return.”
― Gore Vidal
"Control the media an you control the minds" Jim Morrison 1968
Actually, information from the government gets funneled to the preferred Trump Channels for news, conspiracy sites spin it, and the liberal press gets it after the reports.
When liberal press asks for information, they are given selected items and have to work harder because Trumps people don't share.
This way Trump can point to media and condemn them while claiming to be the hero.
Give it a few weeks of interviews and fact checking.
So what about trump channels ? what are they controling since 4 years ?
Yes you are right on Mr
@@jamesc7894 Your a communist joke just like biden!
@@papafranknunya201 YOU are a communist and PROUD of it, no?
You don't want Cops or military open to CAPITALISM, ha ha ha ha!!
Sean, keep doing the amazing work you do. I know it’s frustrating but you’re doing an awesome job! 🙌🏽 🇺🇸
Big Tech and MSM must be held accountable for misleading the public trust
Sounds like the USA is getting DP by China and Russia LMAO.
"New York toilet paper Times" Best insult to fake news outlet I've heard so far.
You can cure a virus with a vaccine but you can’t cure MMS (MAGA Maggot Stupid) with out injecting a little bleach into the gene 🧬 pool.
The Washington compost wasn't bad either😂
right on my friend !
yet Sean works for another corrupt network
@@jasondavid8213 SPREAD THE TRUTH: any news outlet that gets more than a couple stories wrong CANNOT LEGALLY STAY IN BUSINESS. That'd be like a fake doctor who kills his patients staying in biz!
This means they cannot LEGALLY continue in business. PERFECTLY illegal malpractice, see?
But our society has normalized insanity. (Like endless wars the Pentagon says "we will NEVER EVER win!")
Haven't listened to MSM since mid-summer of this year. Quality of life has improved 100%.
Well, then I have to tell you that Trump lost the election.
@@MrSebear , that's ok. Don't trouble yourself spreading fake news, there are literally thousands of paid actors doing this every minute of every day, let them do their job, they get paid for it, after-all.
Think about this episode of Hannity in the coming weeks when you will learn the truth, and thankfully we will usher in a "new normal" ...just not at all what they had in mind when they started this war.
They started it, but we will end it.
Get prepared.
Oh that's lovely😊 hello beautiful how are you doing today hope you are having a wonderful day today I guess so 😀
@J Kasten What ever Biden is, he NEVER called into Howard Stein's nationally broadcast radio program and told Stern that he could call Ivanka, Trump's 16 YEAR OLD daughter, a PIECE OF A$$. You probably admire Trump for that and do the same to your daughter.
I ended MSM since they claimed covid is worse than a flu.
A Liar knows that they are lying, a Fool is one that believes their own lies.
Trump to a tee.
I see you've followed Hannity for some time...
Problem is, if Biden goes away, we are stuck with Horrible Harris.
Never fear, if Biden isnt sworn in harris has no grounds as vp..
And Boozed up Pelosi will be the VP.
I love this guy, he speaks with no filters 👍
Love Hannity everyone should watch this, We The People watch this the sheep don't care they follow the donkeys, Trump 2020 he is my President.
*"Any kingdom divided against itself is laid waste; and any city or house divided against itself will not stand."
Absolutely true. God help us as this country is going in that direction.
@@jenniferberrios6157 God? Lol... Still believe in fairly tales? Haha Let's fix this by voting blue, not by praying to Santa and the tooth fairy
@@JC-ss6xj atheism hey? Your complete lack of self awareness is fascinating. You do realize that you take your faith on blind faith as you accuse others of doing the same. The hypocrisy is unreal...but again because you have a complete lack of self awareness. You take the word of some men just because they have a ph.d after their name. And those men take the word of other men who theorized something that has never been proven by the scientific method. So you are in the exact same boat. Firstly you believe that the entire universe and everything in existence violated the first law of physics and then build your entire theory upon a violation of the 1st law of physic. Secondly evolution has never been proven. The scientific method states that something must be observable, repeatable and able to be used to make predictions. Never in history has there ever been observable proof of darwinian evolution. No one has ever observed one kind of creature evolve into a different kind. I use the term "kind" cuz its easier to fathom that the word "species" (which has over 40 different definitions). When I say "kind" I mean eg) a feline has never evolved into anything else than another type of feline. Same with canines, bacteria etc. There are sligh variations (micro evolution) and Christians never deny that happens. But there is no observable proof that any bacteria has ever evolved into anything other than a slightly different version of that bacteria. So you just trust some ph.ds who have also never witnessed it because they say so. Even though any self respecting biologist admits there is a massive gap in evidence and that gap is the evidence they need to prove their theory otherwise its just that a theory taken on blind faith. So maybe before you attack someone else like a petulant child, you do some self reflecting on your own blind faith and stop being a hypocrite
@@TinkerBell-bt6vu Go preach elsewhere. Im here to enjoy the tears of trumpists losers 😂🤣😂🤣😂😂🤣😂😂😂 Biden 2020.
Sorry 59.8 million Hispanics were brought into USA because Ca, Tx, Az, and NM were given statehood.
The question that should be addressed is how did Hunter get involved with China from the beginning?
It has been proven via investigative teams that President Trump had no dealings with Russia in the manner you are speaking out about; however, my first question still remains unanswered? 🤔
@@AdeleJ2 actually its been proven that he prevented a proper investigation from being done. Now by pardoning people he has put himself in to self destruct. The investigation is and was ongoing and all the cards will crumble. All these people he has pardoned can be summoned to court and they cant lie this time. Honestly hbo coildnt wrote this stuff lol
@@AdeleJ2 also it will be proven that Donald's entire family is guilty of crimes. More than 50 percent of the country wants donald to go away. Stop whining
Always follow the money. In this case, Chinese money
And all their big accounts here as will as around the world... We'll eventually find all of them.. And uncover their agenda..
Why the hell can't we demand that they be investigated ?
Because of the first amendment?
Why trump is not in prison by now? The system is so corrupt !
@@Joselinema100 ❓ in prison for what?
"Why the hell can't we demand that they be investigated ?"
For the same reason that Dipshit Donald should not be permitted to make such demands -- the DOJ is supposed to be a non-partisan agency working on behalf of the _nation,_ not as the president's personal law firm. We especially don't want the dimwitted public to be making pre-judgments about guilt or innocence. But don't worry -- Dipshit Donald is again busy trying to appoint a new AG who will pledge loyalty to the King and do his bidding.
@@Joselinema100 in prison for what??
"New York Toilet Paper Post"
"Washington ComPost"
Love these
The problem is not you or fox except for a few but it has been the problem has been out here for at least 4 year Nobody that is guilty in the government or media or crime gets prosecuted . This is a crime heaven ,would not be surprised if we were sold to China already they are waiting for us to die. Well look at it. You and most on Fox have done a great job. Too many evil ones is the problem.
How about Fakes news you like that too?
They are maybe slightly humorous maybe worth flexing one cheek.
“New York Toilet Paper Times” hahaha 🤣 good one!!
They only wish they were as smart as my president.
I agree! Can't wait for Biden to replace the current clown
@Sherri Pie really can't even complete a sentence without studdering . I wouldn't vote for a criminal my president is trump. And he's not gonna let creepy biden steal it . The funniest part of this is you . I bet my loyalty to trump that you can't tell me one good thing biden has done in 48 years of service not one . Y is that 😳.
@@jc4evur661 well get use to it cause he's not
@Sherri Pie would say the same thing to you keep watching all the left wing media as they ruin our country and my family values and beliefs everyday. I'm a American and I ll died for that man if need be . It's all going to come out really soon hope you're on the rightside or able to see the light
@Sherri Pie I know history i think you need to learn it.
"New York toilet paper times" so very accurate
@@louiseevans5752nyt is below dirt.
Junk another spanish news like univision are the worst of
All And poor people believes crazy things.
It was so sad to see Dan Rather cave cower and turn his back on america and gave pathetic misleading news
@Robert Miner Dan Rather has more credibility and patriotism than anyone on this also probably think Senator McCain was not a patriot. Dopes. 300K plus dead and rising by 3K daily??? Ignorant idiots....
@@redevil7081 Stay ignorant my friend.
you turned your back by believing this dishonest snake oil salesmen of a president.......everyone in NJ NY Conn. all know what a grifter and conniver this guy is you all fell for his BS that he's been doing for years.
Someone has to take this seriously! Someone has to let me know what is going on here! The world deserves to know!’
Heidi Moore,"" just more trash talk,"" just believe in yourself and President Trump.!!!"" He"s gonna be reelected."" that's all that matters .!! God bless and God speed.!!!
"The New York Toilet Paper Times" 😂😂
You think that's funny? Seriously?
You have a seriously low bar for humor.
@@HUGEACT-MAN you have no humor 😶😶😶
Washington Compost 🤣🤣🤣🤣
He isn't wrong, hahahaha...
The New York Times should be used during toilet paper shortages...
@@HUGEACT-MAN they’re kids 🤷🏻♂️
"A Constitution of Government once changed from Freedom, can never be restored. Liberty, once lost, is lost forever.”
It’s not lost , it needs to be reprinted from the blood of tyrants.
Yep! And we almost just lost it!! Great job America, coming together to vote the wanna-be-a-tyrant out of office before it was too late!! Democracy won and is saved again!
I don’t know how National Enquirer will survive with such competition, CBS, ABC, MSNBC, CNN.
you said it LOL.. everything has become propaganda news.
"Something Stinks" is the greatest headline when talking about a woman who sleeps around trying to get Intel lol. I'm almost CERTAIN that it really does stink!! REALLY REALLY BAD!!! 😂😂😂
@steve smith Thumbs up #1 wish I could give a hundred more!!
@steve smith Sore loser. We on the left have been waiting for this post for 4 long years, of course you were unable to concede with any modicum of grace, but alas reality has set lost. Now simmer in it you LOSERS
@@QueekHeadtaker Are you self aware to know what a hypocrite you are? You spent3 1/2 years denying the results of the 2016 elections. Your comment is why the Democrats are such a useless party. No common sense.. The only reason they win any election is because there are so many people as stupid as you are. You a party liner who just accepts whatever the Democrats do without question. You're nothing but a brainless stooge.
@steve smith you were the first one to call names.
@@QueekHeadtaker America lost. Even people like you will see that sooner than later.
As angry as all this makes me, I take heart in knowing that all this has to happen as the Bible predicts. Evil will win the battle for now but God has won in the end. Nothing happens that God doesn’t know about and allow.
Also God allows us to pray in his name in the name of Jesus, and we can pray about this, maybe this is God's way of exposing all of the evil letting us have a look at it and it's coming to light so maybe now we can do something about it, God bless you
I prayed that God healing upon the nation
I am with you
I prayed that you morons would wake up and stop believing fairytales
The media, big tech and anyone who had anything to do with election interference should be held accountable.
Honestly, I can’t tell the difference between the “journalists” and the Democrat guests on their shows.
Why did the media wait until after the election to report this? 🤔
Why did the msm wait until after the election to release this? 🤔
Because they’re back peddling cause they know they’re in it up to their eyeballs.
Cause Biden “won” the election and the Electoral College “certified” it which means he’s “assured” to be President and nothing can change that (they’re *wrong* )
@@theunknownone_ you surely don’t understand the American Constitution. I’m Australian and I know it better than you😂
@Carol Harris yes, however I’m beginning to think they shut it up so that the ByeThen team would incriminate themselves further. All is well. They’re all going to a very tiny room.
This whole event is a huge threat not just to the US but the west in general. Our thoughts are with you 🇬🇧
Yes very scary when you start hearing stories that China is telling Canada ( Trudeau) or Castro that they will give northern states that Canada should have had and telling Mexico that they will give California and Texas and they already own Biden and the democrats you wonder if there could be truth in this story,, apparently China has militia in all of these countries now,, what do we believe,
@@delbovingdon1824 there was documents and the freedom of information act we have here they have something similar in Canada rebel news had documents that Trudeau said treat China as our military ally not the USA that blows my mind yes I’m Streamley worried I’m 61 years old grade school they teach us how to get under our desks for nuclear tax and right now the United States is the most vulnerable we’ve ever been. And have a buffoon like Biden in there will get us all killed
Did I hear him saying "the New York Toilet Paper Times"? lmfao
The only difference is that toilet paper has more substance.
@james.....but like Trumps legal argument
Hunter is making more like billions ok
Only hanity tucker and Laura worth listening to on fox
@Sherri Pie do you think to be better than'em? you count nothing at least they have audience
And fox and friends
@@williambryant5844 excuse me William i didnt get you...
@Sherri Pie i would not call idiots someone i don't now, all TV channels are working same way, they are selling news to get up to you to watch one or the others, same idiots you will find in any channel you'll watch...this is my opinion
Face it; all the "journalists" want to do is create discourse . . . .
Television programming
yeah I agree, Hannity needs to chill out, he has a huge obsession with Bidens kid.
If there were no fake wars, and no crime (like most of the planet!).... THE AMERICAN PRESS WOULD GO OUT OF BUSINESS.
THIS is why they help create fake wars, and WHY they cover up for endless govt crimes, and WHY they cover up that our Departments of "Correction" have never ONCE corrected anyone, in every case MADE THEM MORE DANGEROUS before dumping them back on our streets. (TAXPAYERS even funded WEIGHT-LIFTING EQUIPMENT for all ppl in jail!!!!) (!!!!)
IF THIS REVOLVING DOOR OF ENDLESS CRIME STOPPED.... [easy to do!]...then ALL those cops....judges.... attornesy....journalists.........ALL LOSE THEIR JOBS.
None of this is legal, BTW.
Sean Sir! I’ve Never Seen Anything So Criminal. In My Life!!
“Might is right and thought is wrong
It’s a long road to nowhere
Enjoy the ride with blinders on”
A mushroomhead for hannity?
He knew
He's compromised
Don't worry, he will be gone in January
@J Kasten yes Biden is every bit of that for sure
"The Washington comPost". That was funny. That made me laugh.
Me too.
Me too
Why would god do that? So stupid
" New York toilet paper times " the pain is felt in bidens basement and in china
Let's just ignore all the money the Trump family has received from China before and during his time in office because "Biden bad", amirite? It's no surprise why they call you guys Trumptards.
When you turn on the other channels it's almost hilarious how much they're lying and bashing Trump that's not journalism.
Trump's kids are barred from ever running a charity for as long as they live. Too bad it doesn't include their other areas of corruption.
@@earls682 what have they done to you? Your hatred seems rather absurd from someone who’s never had any contact with the objects of their hatred.
Joe is proud of his Son. Like Father Like Son!
If it's even possible, Joe is even worse than O-crap and the Hillery thing. I am so discussed and injured. God, take me home.