Dr. Bogan, I can understand how John Wesley and William Morgan cared for Blair in prison and even helped pay his fine but it should be noted that although they cared and ministered to Blair, they didn't invite him to be a leader or pastor in the church, nor did they agree to perform a marriage ceremony for Blair and his same-sex lover
Sodom and Gomorrah is about sexual violence (which this is not) and about inhospitable behaviour (which is actually the opposite of what this is about). Trust me, the people you're talking about are very familiar with Genesis 19 & Judges 19 and the rest of the clobber passages... The way words have been twisted and taken out of context to do a great deal of harm.
Dr. Bogan, I can understand how John Wesley and William Morgan cared for Blair in prison and even helped pay his fine but it should be noted that although they cared and ministered to Blair, they didn't invite him to be a leader or pastor in the church, nor did they agree to perform a marriage ceremony for Blair and his same-sex lover
Are the going to tear out the part of the Bible where God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah because of the Perversion?
Sodom and Gomorrah is about sexual violence (which this is not) and about inhospitable behaviour (which is actually the opposite of what this is about). Trust me, the people you're talking about are very familiar with Genesis 19 & Judges 19 and the rest of the clobber passages... The way words have been twisted and taken out of context to do a great deal of harm.
@@eclipsestarersins below the belt will get you every time.
😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍GOD bless the church
So happy for this historic moment :) for the UMC
Still can't catch my breath! Finally!!!!!!