When I worked at a call center I experienced some of these. I was depressed on sunday, I didn't have good performence, I had little desire to learn new things and I wished I had the janitors job. I'm an operations processor at a bank now and I love it so much more.
Jason, I think you are prob normal to not like the call center job. I recently had a phone interview with one and said "it sounds like hell" and she didn't disqualify me after that comment. I know I was qualified but my comment should have disqualified me from being hired. I got more and more depressed with the phone interview and just the thought of sitting in a cubicle. I decided to stay unemployed.
I will love to work in a call center then just working on cleaning buildings. See not everyone will like to work in a office or do cleanings jobs ...I know I love my office job because that's where my passion is.
I used to work in a call center too and I remember feeling all of this. I used to resent the people who liked the job because I felt like they were enabling our horrible treatment. When I quit I didn’t regret it for a single second
When physically you can't do anything after work because your body feels like it's been tramatized from the hard labor. You can barely get in the car to go home.
I can so relate to this...I just quit a job I started as a busser because the work was so demanding and taking a huge toll on my body. My feet, back and neck are killing me 😢😭😥
Stephie Have you tried a chiropractor? I went for a year & it worked wonders for my neck & back. I'm sure my problems are because I quit going but got too expensive. I would definetly check for your neck. Good luck & hope it gets better!
Hey Heather! If you're having suicidal thoughts, I'd definitely recommend seeing a professional. Some people see a therapist and a life coach at the same time!
The job is not something you have to do your entire life so don't give it that much power over your life. That feeling of torment does pass by so be patient. keep looking and applying and someone will eventually call you for a new job. Hang in there and stay strong..
Man homelessness is better than giving up. You have value JUST AS YOU ARE. Let us remember.. What we hate most can often induce such a rage that we are propelled into action. That's my case anyway. Let that rage bring you into opening yourself up to beliefs that might seem "insane" about what you are capable of. For me, it was do or die. I began to do what I loved (streaming while making art) and while I am currently in a hiatus due to moving and setup, I will NEVER quit on my personal dreams. I let people's opinions about what was possible fuck with my head for way too long. FUCK THEM ALL. FUCK EVERY PERSON YOU WORK WITH AND ALL THEIR OPINIONS. Your life is more valuable than that anyone approve or like you, or even believe in you. Open yourself to your deepest fantasies; you'd be surprised what you are capable of when you simply believe and act with the fury of overcoming what once held you down.
These all apply to me. I am so miserable at my job, and unfortunately because of this, my job is all I think about. It’s a well paying job and the people I work with are very nice, but I just feel my job isn’t a good fit for me. It requires a lot of analytical thinking and is very subjective, and I just cannot handle this. I’m not saying I need a job to be completely easy and stress-free, but I would like something a bit more black and white. I have so much anxiety that I’ll make a mistake, when I didn’t have that at my previous job (that I loved and only left because I applied for my current job that was a higher level in the same company). I’m so scared to quit because I’m scared of what my boyfriend, his family, and my parents will think. Also, I’m not exactly sure what route to take when I leave. I have a couple of ideas, but I’m scared people will just think I’m a constant quitter and will keep giving up. I’m also scared of what my boss will say. I know everything would eventually turn okay (I hope), but right now I’ve been going through this nightmare for nine months.
A lot of these apply to me. Especially the Monday Blues. I realized last year that I'm constantly wishing away my life. I'm starting the process of making a change and your videos are helping. Thanks for all the advice.
Yes, coming to terms with the fact that you're in the wrong job is the first step. I honestly look at being at a job you despise is a blessing, as long as you use it as motivation (fuel) to find your passion and do work you love. Thanks for watching!
10 out of 10. I literally cried on Sunday afternoon having tears in my eyes... I wake up having anxiety every morning.. there are few things which are not meant for you.. I think being janitor is better than having in a shitty job.. the thought of going to office makes my stomach sick..
I'm sorry you're going through this. I remember the feeling like it was yesterday. You're definitely in the right place. I have a bunch of resources you can take advantage of!
10 out of 10 this is my first job after college and I just started like 3 weeks ago. . It feels like I'm there for months already . I can't imagine myself doing it for more days, weeks, months and year. . . I can't connect with anybody else in that place. . .
Yes I relate to the prison one. Just being a drone at a desk for 8 hours a day, and not being allowed to chat to anyone, it's like you are supposed to be a machine. Awful. Then you only have a couple of hours to yourself by the time you travel home and get food, it's time for bed again. :( I was happier doing part-time and if I ever had to do full-time I thought I would rather have two jobs as there is much more variety and interest.
I actually agree...I enjoyed bouncing around and having more than one job as it "switched" things up! If I were you, I'd start to way my options and start taking some action to make changes, even if they're small at first.
Yes! I can relate to all of these...especially your emotions surfacing when you were in your manager's office. "I don't even care about this job!" I have such a similar story from when I was working in a fast-paced tv news office. Ouff. Glad that's over!
oh my gosh, this is the story of my life since am a teenager lol it s like you read in my mind! so far, you are the best life coach I ve came across on internet thank you for helping us
Ugh I'm sorry- I remember that feeling like it was yesterday. Make sure you're on my email list- I'm launching something in the next few months that will help you a lot!! (ps my middle name is Xavier!!)
I'm a teacher. Every labour day my stomach turns ...knowing that school is about to restart. I'm tired ...underpaid... underappreciated. I got 2 interviews next week ( yes I was laid off again) and I am not excited about the interviews for yet another teaching job. But I am super excited about this AUDITION coming up...hoping to make my side gig my MAIN gig!!
You're a total hoot Shaina! New subbie here..... And perfect timing finding you because I was recently one of seven let go from a job I loved , but working for people I did not feel the warm and fuzzies for. Of course I was devastated at first thinking OMG what am I going to do next? What if I can't find a good job? Gak! I stressed about everything .... And now I am happy to report that I am at peace and taking my time to find work that really makes me happy and fulfilled. I am so excited about my future now! Thanks for the motivation!
Thank you for sharing this. "freakout" mode is definitely normal, but I'm glad you've moved through it and now seeing the possibilities and feeling excited about what's to come. It really is a great space to be in. Please keep me posted...would love to hear where your path takes you : ) 😊 xo
I started performing poorly and just recently my manager approached me with a "performance coaching" and I begged him to fire me and told him that I hate working there.... Sadly I'm still there
Hey Tica. Sorry to hear that you hate your job, but the good news is- you're in control of your life. Your boss may not have fired you, but if you're determined to leave, you have the power to start dreaming and scheming of what's next and possible!
thank you, i think i got into the wrong profession because of pressure and fear when i was going to school. I quit my job last year and travelled and it was the best. now im home again and the pressure from my family to work is back! My mom especially. Now i need to envision what i want, so i can take the next step of what i want to do in my life
Thanks for sharing. It sounds like you've got a good head on your shoulders...I love the determination to figure out what's next : ) : ) : ) thanks for watching, glad you're here!
This was so helpful. Thank you I've been definitely struggling and I already know I hate my job but I think if all 10 of these points is how I feel then that definitely affirms it
Tia! I am SO glad you found it helpful. I've obviously been in that situation girl...and it's not easy. Please let me know how you make out and what your next steps are! xoxo
thank you so much.. All these apply to me exactly.. I travelled to Dubai to work of my qualification.. But now i have decided I am done.. no more adjustments.. I will go back to India.. I want to be in Journalism.. want to work in TV Radios.. I am a singer too..
Hi ganesh.. Am from udupi. And i also commented in this video earlier.... I can relate to ur prblms... After having a big brakedown in my previous job( which i hated the most) now i got a teacher job.. Totally as per my wish and passion... Now am enjoying my every day as a golden day... Am back to my self... And i suggest u to never give up.. Have the passion. Be safe. And try some easy law of attraction techniques.. (if u believe in them) if u dnt believe in the law... Then believe in ur dream.... That will give u the answer... Am telling you bcz am also benefited from this beautiful gift of the universe... All you have to do is stay connected to ur dream... And doors will open up automatically..... God bless u..
This is suuuper accurate. My previous company was great but it got bought out and I had to find a new company, but the one that I got now is just a mess. There's no pressure to quit but I have this feeling that I NEED to find a better job WHILE I have this one so that I won't be unproductive. The problem now is that its hard to find a job that I like, so now I'm stuck at this company doing everything half-assed & actually WANTING to be dismissed.
Been there, done that 🙌🏻 it's not an easy place to be in, but find comfort in that it's not forever. Keep taking action- you'll get there. And interestingly enough, I've found (in my experience and people I know) that when you're in that headspace (wanting to be dismissed) the universe more times than not conspires to your desire 😳
I can’t believe I found this video again! My 13.5 year old Labrador just died and my manager actually snickered and said, “Uh, No.” when I put in for ONE day of bereavement time to deal with her death. I am leaving very soon or I’m going to chew off one of my arms! Seriously, I’m literally to the point that I am intentionally doing as little as possible because I simply don’t care anymore....and no one has noticed!!!’
I got a job working with animals a couple months ago, which is what I've been trying to do since I was in high school. But now that I have it, I've been miserable. I cant tell if it's the job itself or the people I work with. Maybe a mixture of both. We dont relate to each other at all and almost all of them are condescending towards me. I make mistakes yes, especially because I suffer from pretty bad brain fog. But I think I'm starting to get the hang of it now. Even so, I'm constantly on edge because I'm afraid of what they are going to say to me, and afraid of what mistake I'll make next. I'm tired of getting looked at like I'm stupid despite the fact that im trying so hard. I've realized that, my calling may still be with animals but just in a different line of work with them. Unfortunately those are hard to find especially since I haven't finished my bachelor's yet. Looking back at my previous jobs, I was in retail for a few years (despised that and didnt understand how my coworkers were so perky and eager to be there), I've worked at pizza hut, (which I wouldn't say i hated but i definitely didnt enjoy it), and a factory (I cried many days as i stood in my assembly line doing the same exact thing literally all day), and also at a small town gym. Which I actually enjoyed. I got to man the place by myself with no coworkers, clean, sign members up and sit in the office. I had to leave due to COVID and I didnt get enough hours to sustain myself. Which I was actually quite sad about. Now yes, all of these are entry level jobs of course, none of which would be careers, but it just makes me wonder, what kind of career WOULD I enjoy until retirement? I dont like job hopping, I want to be content and happy with whatever career I choose, but I have no vision of what I'd like my life to look like 20 years from now, despite how much time I've spent meditating on it. I feel so stuck and imprisoned in this endless cycle of absolutely hating what I do. Really makes me want to find a rich man and become a trophy wife haha
I feel you. Im on 11days of working in new place as retail after being jobless for a year because of pandemic. I dont feel belong here eventho the bnefits here are good. I try to get along with the environment but i just dont feel it. It was too overwhelm for me. I DID did mistakes while working, and got scolded. Compare to my old job, the environment was great and i get along with everyone eventho the wages was ehhhh and tiring but i always got motivated to work even some mistakes i did. Im thinking about quiting my new job. About 2 days ago, i almost got the job for my future career and they ask if i can come for 2-3 days of training, but because ive just start working so no luck cuz they want to hire immediately. Im afraid i wont be able to settle down to get better career as im almost 27yo now and yeah i dont like hopping from job to job too :'(
Wow, #6 really struck a chord with me. That’s exactly what I’ve been experiencing for way too long but I’ve never heard it said out loud like this. Thank you!
I have been at a new job for exactly one week and I already feel trapped. I know this job won't work out but I dont know if I should quit or wait and be miserable until I can find something else.
It really depends on what you value the most. Do you value your freedom or a steady paycheck? Do you have the means to quit without anything lined up? Start asking yourself these questions.
I'm glad i found your video .It's very empowering.I'm experiencing all the 10 signs right now. I'm an elementary teacher in a public school for almost two decades. I love teaching children but not the tedious paperwork.I mostly don't enjoy my weekends and I lack time for my family because of so many take-home paperworks needed to be accomplished .I could not forget that one night, i dreamt of working as a janitress for a small company and in that dream I was holding a feather duster, was wiping an office table and I felt a genuine freedom and happiness that moment. Upon waking up, I got sad. That's how frustrated I am to escape from my current job.Thanks for the encouragement you are sharing through this video.I hope one day I could find the right job where my passion really is and could give me the real fulfillment and happiness I'm longing for.Godspeed...
Hey there. Thanks for watching and sharing your current experience. It seems like you have a really good grasp on the parts of your job that you enjoy and which parts you don't. This is such a great information as you explore what your passions and interests are. If changing careers is something that you really desire, I suggest shifting your thinking from "I hope one day I could find the right job where my passion really is" to "I WILL live my dream career" or something similar. This slight shift in your thinking is everything.
Thank God I found this video. Really helps a lot. I've been working for almost 10 months and ever since we finished training and started to take the actual job, I always feel drained and wished for my old life back. Now, I'm at a point where I have to explain myself why I committed absences these past few days. Now, I just know what to do. But I'll have to render more work since I still need some money.
Hey Dominic. Yea it sounds like it might be time for a change. I'd suggest gathering information, weighing your options and start asking the Universe for advice on your next move. Be open to change, feel your way toward it and it'll happen for you!
Shaina Leis awww i wasnt expecting a reply but i did get one! Thank you i just submitted my letter today and thank god they accepted it. Btw new subbie here!
Hi there! There's a difference between hating your job and not being good at something (and sometimes both can go hand in hand). And you also want to look at ALL aspects of your job. For example, is it the teaching you don't like? Or maybe you enjoy teaching, but not the environment you're currently in? Take a good hard look at all the factors.
I'd start making a list of things you like and don't like about your job. It's very easy for us to generalize and say we hate everything about our jobs, but that's usually not that case- as you know. This is a great opportunity to get CLEAR about your ideal career. I made a list similar to this years ago when I was in corporate and I ended up creating my ideal career, not knowing at all what that list meant. Made no sense at the time. All good info to know!
Thank you very much for the video. Even though I am a male viewer, I find it insightful and supportive. In particular, the sixth point that you raised strikes a chord with me, since I know from bitter experience that it is extremely painful to have to do something (almost) daily that has never appealed to you but which you have to keep doing simply because you need to earn at least enough money to survive! Much as I would like to quit my current job as soon as possible, I hesitate to do so as I see NO reason for optimistically assuming that I can easily find more suitable employment soon after my resignation.
love this video it is meeee. i am planning my way out can not quit but i am preparing myself and i swear to myself i Will never be that miserable again and Will help others too!! this video is so Good thanks!! cheers from Barcelona XoXo
I just graduated high school and all 10 of these apply. I don’t know if it’s the job or the fact that it’s all new to me.. It’s a make dominant field that I know I could be good at but I’m just not doing good and it’s showing. I cry everyday. I’ve missed work twice already and I’ve worked 2 weeks. I’ve never been that way. I feel so trapped..
Hey Kyra, change always hurts, but it'll feel clean and necessary. If this is feeling BAD, then chances are you're not in the right place. Be sure to sign up for checklist (down below). It's time for you to do a little soul searching and figure out what your next move is!
I am quitting a company I’ve been at for the last two years. I feel like I’ve just had a bad manager. I was hoping the company would work for me, but it became a problem when literally everything falls back on me. Not to mention, when I find out temps are getting paid more than me. It almost seems like my manager appreciates temps more than the actual employees. I’m not the first person in this position to say that either,
Omg I use to watch the cleaning ladies and dream of having their jobs when I was in the corporate world. Dreamt of helping people in the peace corpses too. Lol
After watching this video I've come to the conclusion that I used to hate my job but now I realise that I actually like my job, it's just the people I work with can sometimes make me dread going into work. The work itself I love.
Sorry to hear that! But just knowing that it doesn't have to be like that and there IS a way to make money doing work you love is everything! Keep reminding yourself of that and let that be your driving force out of your current job.
It's sad that all 10 apply to me. I been trying to find a new job for almost a year but no luck. I feel like I am stuck with a job that I truly hate. As much I want to quit, that's not an option since I have bills to pay.
I totally get your predicament...I truly believe that when there is a strong will, there is always a way. Don't give up...keep going until you find a day job that's more enjoyable! You got this!!
Thank you for your videos. Today I found you after walking out on a job that was insufferable. I cried when I left. I have always been a person of commitment and diligence, and so quitting this job was painful(only because I felt I failed). I realize now it wasn’t a good fit. You’re wise and I subscribed. 🙏🏻🤲🏻👏👏👏👏💎
omg thanks a lot for this video. I feel better hearing this. Im always imagining what it would feel like quitting my job and moving on. thanks again! i just subscribed 👍🏻☺️
the level of care part yeah that one...hits me. its like i'm in a position to care for the elderly and i really respect the people that are all about this job and that noble kinda image kinda makes me think nahh .. don't quit yet you gotta continue and grow and become the best human! i'm so on the fence right now...
Hahaha!!!! The janitor analogy was spot - on !!!! Yes, I envy the janitor and resent the Security personnel for having the easiest jobs in the organization that I work for while I'm forced to work under toxic and degrading conditions where my respect for Management in general and my supervisors in particular has eroded into nothing but anger contempt and constant frustration !!!...
All 10 apply to me. It got to the point that I was given the choice to resign or be fired. On the one hand i'm so glad not to have to go back to that job and on the other i'm freaking out on what am I suppose to do now.
Interesting...for me, there was a little fear but it was triumphed by a feeling of freedom. If that's not where you were supposed to be, everything will work out...just gotta trust a little!
yes, i love your channel i dont undestand the half but i love your channel you have themes very interesting . i started with my journal thanks to you. shaina i love you im subscribed.
Advice, if you feel trapped. It's a sign you need to take a week long vacation. Preferably in another state or country. Your mind will be much clearer to make you feel you are not stuck. It helped me and I got a job offer last week.
Every single word you said applies to me. I feel depressed a lot and I cant leave just because of the financial security and that I cant find something better or that I dont know what else will I do. Its really bad...
Yep, every day on my lunch, I'm either applying for new jobs or having a phone interview. I dread Sundays because of Mondays. Manager tells me that I need to be more assertive in meetings and on client calls but what I've come to realize is, I'm just not engaged. I work at a software development company as a UI Designer (but feels more like Frontend Developer). I come from a creative design background and I really don't understand how these software developers are happy go lucky every day...🙄
This is all very true. And i can attest to those sensations of dread. The bigger question is how does one go about changing their life at that point? Especially if there has been very significant investment toward your current career path? For example my personal situation has me in a position that if i quit being a nurse and was unable to find another job that affords me a similar income it would destroy everything i have in life (including my familys lives). Going back to school is a difficult option as the debt is already crippling and cannot be increased further. That leaves finding a diffierent line down my career path which unfortunatly has been unsuccessful at this time as most employers need entry level employess, which is the area im trying to escape. I would love to hear your thoughts on this.
+Noritzu Gaming Hi! You bring up a very GOOD point. Interestingly enough, once I finished editing this video, I thought people are now going to wonder, "OK. I hate my job, but now what?? I can't just quit." So I was actually thinking about doing a video about this next week or shortly after. Everybody's situation is very different of course, but I'll be sure to hit on some universal tips and guidance. I really appreciate your commentary and will absolutely take your personal situation into consideration as I create my next video.
+Shaina Leis I look forward to it. I hear all the time if you don't like what you quit. But I question how many people who say that have anything they would lose if they did. For me quitting my job would basically mean losing my home causing my wife and children to suffer, and probably bankruptcy. Unless I stumble on something that equals my income that I'm more passionate about. Look forward to hearing your take on it
+Noritzu Gaming I think that we all have something to lose! Some more than others. I was going to write a long response to this, but I think it'll be helpful to put into video so that others can benefit from it as well : )
Anyone work at fast food and feel all these I'm 17 and I am developing depletion because if work. And the thing is I don't even need money right now I'm in high school.
Wow. That first point you made resonated with me. That someone else has thought the same thing. I say it all the time, I would rather be the janitor lol. I’ve watched a few of your videos and enjoy your content.
this is seriously me. I know that I must leave but I haven't heard from any of the jobs Ive applied to. I have a bit of money aside. Should i leave? What should I do? I'm so sick of it. I meant to quit last year and two years later and I'm still in the same place
Hi Ana! Although I can't tell you what to do (seeing that I don't know whats best for you- only you know that), I suggest watching my video titled: What to Do When You Hate Your Job! (th-cam.com/video/WevcNQO6TWQ/w-d-xo.html) Hope this helps.
I've never watched a video that has the word "signs" on the title, and ALL of these signs apply to my own situation, I didn't even try to fit in one ... 100% dealt with all of them ... I really don't know what to do .. hopefully in the future I come here to see this comment and appreciate what I have.
Hey hey! You're definitely in the same situation as SO many people...I have a new project that I'm releasing soon and I think you could benefit from it. Make sure you're on my email list!
Haha, seems like many people can relate! I'm crossing my fingers for you- use the time (until your contract is up) to start making plans for what's next!!
all 10 I just left today. full time uber driver now. been putting off for 3 weeks to a 96 hour check. pay period is done so i left today. on good terms
Number 6 applied to me. I just feel like not doing what I actually want to do for my company right now. I'm really good at being a business consultant who goes into a company, identify and solve organizational problems using all the great tools that I already learned. For example, I wanted to help my company redesign our messy warehouse and proposed to my boss. But instead, my job is largely related to Finance monitoring payments from clients.
It sounds like although you don't love your job, you're figuring out what you do like, don't and what you're good at...a huge part of the "battle." By doing this at my own crappy job brought me a little comfort. If you have time, check out some of my other videos on career/ passion, you might find them helpful as well. Good luck!
I always felt that I choose the wrong major when studying, now I am in a job that is low pay, long work hours and I really feel hopeless... I had been in the job for almost 2 years just because I need the money to survive and new jobs just seems very hard to come by... I always ended up breaking in my room as I felt I wasted soo much time and money for the wrong decision...
I'm sorry to hear this! It's a situation that many of us find ourselves in. Grieve if you must, but then once you're ready, I encourage you to get into a better mindset so that you can take full control of your life and make changes.
I made the biggest irreversible mistake & left a job I loved at an assisted living facility because I got a job offer(more$$) out of the blue at a hospital lab I have idealized..be careful what you wish for! I hate it & have barely finished 2 weeks there!!
The only thing you must do right now (if escaping your job is something you really want) is to know that it's possible. That's it. Just start there. And instead of telling yourself it's impossible or too hard, just think: wouldn't it be nice if I could leave this job one day...
I experience all of these.. I earned 2,700 New Zealand dollars a month but this job isn't right for me. Thank u so much I looking for an answer to my question.. I DON't know why I feel tired,anxious tense all you mentioned in your video I experience all of these. Now I know the reason and answer to my questions. Thank you
This was me at my last job before I got laid off last month . The funny thing is that I am happy that it happened. Hated my bosses. All the 10 reasons applied to me. I start my new job very soon. I guess being laid off is a blessing in disguise.
It’s so true- and such the case for most of us. Sometimes if we don’t leave a situation that’s wrong for us on our own, the Universe will kick us out 😂 good luck at the new job!
I quite my job Monday and I've actually smiled for the first time in months.
Awwww this made me smile :)
wow..... I think it's high time for me leave my job as well and I have to do it this time. it's been more than a year...
@@tuhinabhattacharya1499 how did it go? I’m handing in my letter next week
when people ask me about my job when i'm out and about, i tell them, "i'd rather not talk about unpleasant things during my free time."
I totally hear that!!
When I worked at a call center I experienced some of these. I was depressed on sunday, I didn't have good performence, I had little desire to learn new things and I wished I had the janitors job. I'm an operations processor at a bank now and I love it so much more.
I'm SO happy to hear that! Good for you :)
Jason, I think you are prob normal to not like the call center job. I recently had a phone interview with one and said "it sounds like hell" and she didn't disqualify me after that comment. I know I was qualified but my comment should have disqualified me from being hired. I got more and more depressed with the phone interview and just the thought of sitting in a cubicle. I decided to stay unemployed.
I will love to work in a call center then just working on cleaning buildings. See not everyone will like to work in a office or do cleanings jobs ...I know I love my office job because that's where my passion is.
I used to work in a call center too and I remember feeling all of this. I used to resent the people who liked the job because I felt like they were enabling our horrible treatment. When I quit I didn’t regret it for a single second
When physically you can't do anything after work because your body feels like it's been tramatized from the hard labor. You can barely get in the car to go home.
That's your body's way of telling you to change course lady!
I can so relate to this...I just quit a job I started as a busser because the work was so demanding and taking a huge toll on my body. My feet, back and neck are killing me 😢😭😥
@@thebestcat9601 I feel the same way! My feet are so bad I could cut them off! I spend days off resting just to go back to same crap. Bills! Bills!
Sue Bollhorst ugh that’s tough😩
Stephie Have you tried a chiropractor? I went for a year & it worked wonders for my neck & back. I'm sure my problems are because I quit going but got too expensive. I would definetly check for your neck. Good luck & hope it gets better!
All 10 apply to me. I'm actually getting suicidal over my job
Hey Heather! If you're having suicidal thoughts, I'd definitely recommend seeing a professional. Some people see a therapist and a life coach at the same time!
The job is not something you have to do your entire life so don't give it that much power over your life. That feeling of torment does pass by so be patient. keep looking and applying and someone will eventually call you for a new job. Hang in there and stay strong..
Man homelessness is better than giving up.
You have value JUST AS YOU ARE.
Let us remember..
What we hate most can often induce such a rage that we are propelled into action. That's my case anyway. Let that rage bring you into opening yourself up to beliefs that might seem "insane" about what you are capable of.
For me, it was do or die.
I began to do what I loved (streaming while making art) and while I am currently in a hiatus due to moving and setup, I will NEVER quit on my personal dreams.
I let people's opinions about what was possible fuck with my head for way too long. FUCK THEM ALL.
FUCK EVERY PERSON YOU WORK WITH AND ALL THEIR OPINIONS. Your life is more valuable than that anyone approve or like you, or even believe in you. Open yourself to your deepest fantasies; you'd be surprised what you are capable of when you simply believe and act with the fury of overcoming what once held you down.
Cuddley Cake "Fuck them all". that is literally the best ,most straight forward advice.
You probably work for bullies.
These all apply to me. I am so miserable at my job, and unfortunately because of this, my job is all I think about. It’s a well paying job and the people I work with are very nice, but I just feel my job isn’t a good fit for me. It requires a lot of analytical thinking and is very subjective, and I just cannot handle this. I’m not saying I need a job to be completely easy and stress-free, but I would like something a bit more black and white. I have so much anxiety that I’ll make a mistake, when I didn’t have that at my previous job (that I loved and only left because I applied for my current job that was a higher level in the same company). I’m so scared to quit because I’m scared of what my boyfriend, his family, and my parents will think. Also, I’m not exactly sure what route to take when I leave. I have a couple of ideas, but I’m scared people will just think I’m a constant quitter and will keep giving up. I’m also scared of what my boss will say. I know everything would eventually turn okay (I hope), but right now I’ve been going through this nightmare for nine months.
hey, so did you quit? and how are you doing now?
A lot of these apply to me. Especially the Monday Blues. I realized last year that I'm constantly wishing away my life. I'm starting the process of making a change and your videos are helping. Thanks for all the advice.
Timothy- Congrats on taking the first step toward change. I couldn't be happier that my videos are helping : )
anyone who hate their job this much should definitely quit. and find a true passion that would help them make money OMG
Yes, coming to terms with the fact that you're in the wrong job is the first step. I honestly look at being at a job you despise is a blessing, as long as you use it as motivation (fuel) to find your passion and do work you love. Thanks for watching!
"Success without fulfillment is the ultimate failure."
Anthony Robbins
The janitor’s job was my epiphany...lol!
10 out of 10. I literally cried on Sunday afternoon having tears in my eyes...
I wake up having anxiety every morning.. there are few things which are not meant for you.. I think being janitor is better than having in a shitty job.. the thought of going to office makes my stomach sick..
I'm sorry you're going through this. I remember the feeling like it was yesterday. You're definitely in the right place. I have a bunch of resources you can take advantage of!
10 out of 10 this is my first job after college and I just started like 3 weeks ago. . It feels like I'm there for months already . I can't imagine myself doing it for more days, weeks, months and year. . . I can't connect with anybody else in that place. . .
Good to know! If your intuition knows it's the wrong path, time to change course.
Wow it hit me 9/10. Thanks for giving me more clarity with my decision.
You're so welcome!
I'm so happy I don't have my old job!!! All of these apply!
wow this is me right now & im quitting my job soon. the thought of leaving makes me so happy.
Freedom 🙌🏻 Wishing you lots of luck!!
I know that feeling all too well!!
Me 3 lol
Totally felt all of the above. Quit my job last week. Best decision I ever made! Can't wait to sleep in again!
OMG YESSSSS!!! How freeing does it feel??
So great! I feel like a million bucks now!
Yes I relate to the prison one. Just being a drone at a desk for 8 hours a day, and not being allowed to chat to anyone, it's like you are supposed to be a machine. Awful. Then you only have a couple of hours to yourself by the time you travel home and get food, it's time for bed again. :(
I was happier doing part-time and if I ever had to do full-time I thought I would rather have two jobs as there is much more variety and interest.
I actually agree...I enjoyed bouncing around and having more than one job as it "switched" things up! If I were you, I'd start to way my options and start taking some action to make changes, even if they're small at first.
This sounds like a call center and I can completely relate. It's a sweatshop seriously
Yes! I can relate to all of these...especially your emotions surfacing when you were in your manager's office. "I don't even care about this job!" I have such a similar story from when I was working in a fast-paced tv news office. Ouff. Glad that's over!
+Mermaid's Reel Yesss! I felt like such an emotional mess sometimes haha. We've all had that job. Glad you escaped...feel's so freeing!!
oh my gosh, this is the story of my life since am a teenager lol it s like you read in my mind! so far, you are the best life coach I ve came across on internet thank you for helping us
why thank you! that's a very nice compliment ☺️ so glad you find this channel helpful!
All 10 applies to me. Every morning I felt dread. I have broken down 4 times in total during meetings.
Ugh I'm sorry- I remember that feeling like it was yesterday. Make sure you're on my email list- I'm launching something in the next few months that will help you a lot!! (ps my middle name is Xavier!!)
Yup, I have subscribed to your channel. =) I'll stay tune.
I'm a teacher. Every labour day my stomach turns ...knowing that school is about to restart. I'm tired ...underpaid... underappreciated. I got 2 interviews next week ( yes I was laid off again) and I am not excited about the interviews for yet another teaching job. But I am super excited about this AUDITION coming up...hoping to make my side gig my MAIN gig!!
Everyone feels like they’re underpaid and unappreciated.
You're a total hoot Shaina! New subbie here..... And perfect timing finding you because I was recently one of seven let go from a job I loved , but working for people I did not feel the warm and fuzzies for. Of course I was devastated at first thinking OMG what am I going to do next? What if I can't find a good job? Gak! I stressed about everything .... And now I am happy to report that I am at peace and taking my time to find work that really makes me happy and fulfilled. I am so excited about my future now! Thanks for the motivation!
Thank you for sharing this. "freakout" mode is definitely normal, but I'm glad you've moved through it and now seeing the possibilities and feeling excited about what's to come. It really is a great space to be in. Please keep me posted...would love to hear where your path takes you : ) 😊 xo
ohMamarazzi Scrapbooking SHANA*
I started performing poorly and just recently my manager approached me with a "performance coaching" and I begged him to fire me and told him that I hate working there.... Sadly I'm still there
Hey Tica. Sorry to hear that you hate your job, but the good news is- you're in control of your life. Your boss may not have fired you, but if you're determined to leave, you have the power to start dreaming and scheming of what's next and possible!
thank you, i think i got into the wrong profession because of pressure and fear when i was going to school. I quit my job last year and travelled and it was the best. now im home again and the pressure from my family to work is back! My mom especially. Now i need to envision what i want, so i can take the next step of what i want to do in my life
Thanks for sharing. It sounds like you've got a good head on your shoulders...I love the determination to figure out what's next : ) : ) : ) thanks for watching, glad you're here!
This was so helpful. Thank you I've been definitely struggling and I already know I hate my job but I think if all 10 of these points is how I feel then that definitely affirms it
Tia! I am SO glad you found it helpful. I've obviously been in that situation girl...and it's not easy. Please let me know how you make out and what your next steps are! xoxo
thank you so much.. All these apply to me exactly.. I travelled to Dubai to work of my qualification.. But now i have decided I am done.. no more adjustments.. I will go back to India.. I want to be in Journalism.. want to work in TV Radios.. I am a singer too..
How exciting Ganesh! Glad you could relate to the video and GOOD LUCK- let me know how you make out with this big change : )
Hi ganesh.. Am from udupi. And i also commented in this video earlier.... I can relate to ur prblms... After having a big brakedown in my previous job( which i hated the most) now i got a teacher job.. Totally as per my wish and passion... Now am enjoying my every day as a golden day... Am back to my self... And i suggest u to never give up.. Have the passion. Be safe. And try some easy law of attraction techniques.. (if u believe in them) if u dnt believe in the law... Then believe in ur dream.... That will give u the answer... Am telling you bcz am also benefited from this beautiful gift of the universe... All you have to do is stay connected to ur dream... And doors will open up automatically..... God bless u..
This is suuuper accurate. My previous company was great but it got bought out and I had to find a new company, but the one that I got now is just a mess. There's no pressure to quit but I have this feeling that I NEED to find a better job WHILE I have this one so that I won't be unproductive. The problem now is that its hard to find a job that I like, so now I'm stuck at this company doing everything half-assed & actually WANTING to be dismissed.
Been there, done that 🙌🏻 it's not an easy place to be in, but find comfort in that it's not forever. Keep taking action- you'll get there. And interestingly enough, I've found (in my experience and people I know) that when you're in that headspace (wanting to be dismissed) the universe more times than not conspires to your desire 😳
I can’t believe I found this video again! My 13.5 year old Labrador just died and my manager actually snickered and said, “Uh, No.” when I put in for ONE day of bereavement time to deal with her death. I am leaving very soon or I’m going to chew off one of my arms! Seriously, I’m literally to the point that I am intentionally doing as little as possible because I simply don’t care anymore....and no one has noticed!!!’
I'm sorry to hear about your dog :( I am happy to hear that you're conscious to your less than desirable job situation. Time to make a change!
I got a job working with animals a couple months ago, which is what I've been trying to do since I was in high school. But now that I have it, I've been miserable. I cant tell if it's the job itself or the people I work with. Maybe a mixture of both. We dont relate to each other at all and almost all of them are condescending towards me. I make mistakes yes, especially because I suffer from pretty bad brain fog. But I think I'm starting to get the hang of it now. Even so, I'm constantly on edge because I'm afraid of what they are going to say to me, and afraid of what mistake I'll make next. I'm tired of getting looked at like I'm stupid despite the fact that im trying so hard. I've realized that, my calling may still be with animals but just in a different line of work with them. Unfortunately those are hard to find especially since I haven't finished my bachelor's yet. Looking back at my previous jobs, I was in retail for a few years (despised that and didnt understand how my coworkers were so perky and eager to be there), I've worked at pizza hut, (which I wouldn't say i hated but i definitely didnt enjoy it), and a factory (I cried many days as i stood in my assembly line doing the same exact thing literally all day), and also at a small town gym. Which I actually enjoyed. I got to man the place by myself with no coworkers, clean, sign members up and sit in the office. I had to leave due to COVID and I didnt get enough hours to sustain myself. Which I was actually quite sad about. Now yes, all of these are entry level jobs of course, none of which would be careers, but it just makes me wonder, what kind of career WOULD I enjoy until retirement? I dont like job hopping, I want to be content and happy with whatever career I choose, but I have no vision of what I'd like my life to look like 20 years from now, despite how much time I've spent meditating on it. I feel so stuck and imprisoned in this endless cycle of absolutely hating what I do. Really makes me want to find a rich man and become a trophy wife haha
I feel you. Im on 11days of working in new place as retail after being jobless for a year because of pandemic. I dont feel belong here eventho the bnefits here are good. I try to get along with the environment but i just dont feel it. It was too overwhelm for me. I DID did mistakes while working, and got scolded. Compare to my old job, the environment was great and i get along with everyone eventho the wages was ehhhh and tiring but i always got motivated to work even some mistakes i did. Im thinking about quiting my new job. About 2 days ago, i almost got the job for my future career and they ask if i can come for 2-3 days of training, but because ive just start working so no luck cuz they want to hire immediately. Im afraid i wont be able to settle down to get better career as im almost 27yo now and yeah i dont like hopping from job to job too :'(
This video should’ve been watched like millions
Wow, #6 really struck a chord with me. That’s exactly what I’ve been experiencing for way too long but I’ve never heard it said out loud like this. Thank you!
🙌🏻 you're welcome! thanks for watching
I have been at a new job for exactly one week and I already feel trapped. I know this job won't work out but I dont know if I should quit or wait and be miserable until I can find something else.
It really depends on what you value the most. Do you value your freedom or a steady paycheck? Do you have the means to quit without anything lined up? Start asking yourself these questions.
I'm glad i found your video .It's very empowering.I'm experiencing all the 10 signs right now. I'm an elementary teacher in a public school for almost two decades. I love teaching children but not the tedious paperwork.I mostly don't enjoy my weekends and I lack time for my family because of so many take-home paperworks needed to be accomplished .I could not forget that one night, i dreamt of working as a janitress for a small company and in that dream I was holding a feather duster, was wiping an office table and I felt a genuine freedom and happiness that moment. Upon waking up, I got sad. That's how frustrated I am to escape from my current job.Thanks for the encouragement you are sharing through this video.I hope one day I could find the right job where my passion really is and could give me the real fulfillment and happiness I'm longing for.Godspeed...
Hey there. Thanks for watching and sharing your current experience. It seems like you have a really good grasp on the parts of your job that you enjoy and which parts you don't. This is such a great information as you explore what your passions and interests are. If changing careers is something that you really desire, I suggest shifting your thinking from "I hope one day I could find the right job where my passion really is" to "I WILL live my dream career" or something similar. This slight shift in your thinking is everything.
@@ShainaLeisthanks. I was enlightened. thanks so much for the encouragement♡
Thank you for what you do, you are helping me with self care ect on a daily basis and trying to figure out my own life in progress.
Awesome! So happy my content resonates with you
Thank you for the content. I feel like quiting after 4months in the job!
I've been at the wrong job before and had these feelings haha. Thanks for sharing girl!!
+Glam Packed (Bethany) you're welcome : ) i find that most of the red flags are universal. Glad you escaped your bad job!!
Thank God I found this video. Really helps a lot. I've been working for almost 10 months and ever since we finished training and started to take the actual job, I always feel drained and wished for my old life back. Now, I'm at a point where I have to explain myself why I committed absences these past few days. Now, I just know what to do. But I'll have to render more work since I still need some money.
Hey Dominic. Yea it sounds like it might be time for a change. I'd suggest gathering information, weighing your options and start asking the Universe for advice on your next move. Be open to change, feel your way toward it and it'll happen for you!
Shaina Leis awww i wasnt expecting a reply but i did get one! Thank you i just submitted my letter today and thank god they accepted it. Btw new subbie here!
So true. Thank you for sharing in a humorous way.
You're very welcome!
Soooooo true 😢 I think I just have to accept the truth that I'm not a good teacher and I need to stop trying
Hi there! There's a difference between hating your job and not being good at something (and sometimes both can go hand in hand). And you also want to look at ALL aspects of your job. For example, is it the teaching you don't like? Or maybe you enjoy teaching, but not the environment you're currently in? Take a good hard look at all the factors.
What would you teach? I would love to learn something new even if it’s something I already know lol. Just need a refresher
I feel that way sometimes
same feelings. my anxiety is the culprit. it's a bad fit. im not psssionate about it
Seeing this for the first time, I resonate with ALL of them.
Well you're in the right place then!
What about when you love your job but hate the workplace, the (almost nonexistent) pay, and the way the company works?
I'd start making a list of things you like and don't like about your job. It's very easy for us to generalize and say we hate everything about our jobs, but that's usually not that case- as you know. This is a great opportunity to get CLEAR about your ideal career. I made a list similar to this years ago when I was in corporate and I ended up creating my ideal career, not knowing at all what that list meant. Made no sense at the time. All good info to know!
Thank you very much for the video. Even though I am a male viewer, I find it insightful and supportive. In particular, the sixth point that you raised strikes a chord with me, since I know from bitter experience that it is extremely painful to have to do something (almost) daily that has never appealed to you but which you have to keep doing simply because you need to earn at least enough money to survive!
Much as I would like to quit my current job as soon as possible, I hesitate to do so as I see NO reason for optimistically assuming that I can easily find more suitable employment soon after my resignation.
love this video it is meeee. i am planning my way out can not quit but i am preparing myself and i swear to myself i Will never be that miserable again and Will help others too!! this video is so Good thanks!! cheers from Barcelona XoXo
You're welcome!!! I made it for people like yourself :)
My number 1 is that I would constantly say “ I hate this f***ing job!!”. So I quit.
I just graduated high school and all 10 of these apply. I don’t know if it’s the job or the fact that it’s all new to me.. It’s a make dominant field that I know I could be good at but I’m just not doing good and it’s showing. I cry everyday. I’ve missed work twice already and I’ve worked 2 weeks. I’ve never been that way. I feel so trapped..
Hey Kyra, change always hurts, but it'll feel clean and necessary. If this is feeling BAD, then chances are you're not in the right place. Be sure to sign up for checklist (down below). It's time for you to do a little soul searching and figure out what your next move is!
Call center jobs suck! You've glued to your desk all day, can't visit with anyone, can't take breaks with co-workers, and nothing changes.
I am quitting a company I’ve been at for the last two years. I feel like I’ve just had a bad manager. I was hoping the company would work for me, but it became a problem when literally everything falls back on me. Not to mention, when I find out temps are getting paid more than me. It almost seems like my manager appreciates temps more than the actual employees. I’m not the first person in this position to say that either,
Love your energy ❤️
Thank you 😊
wow you hit all points that i have right now
Hey Alex! Well I hope I've inspired you to take action toward change as well 🤗
Omg I use to watch the cleaning ladies and dream of having their jobs when I was in the corporate world. Dreamt of helping people in the peace corpses too. Lol
Haha really! Guess we think alike 😂
Shaina Leis I guess so. Lol
OMG, that is soooo me!
PTPOP OMG... THIS. I practically envy the cleaning crew that comes in to clean our offices.
This happened to me several years ago. I really feel for people in this situation.
Not an easy position to be in!
After watching this video I've come to the conclusion that I used to hate my job but now I realise that I actually like my job, it's just the people I work with can sometimes make me dread going into work. The work itself I love.
Awesome insight!!
I just experienced everything you just described, felt pretty crappy and discouraged by my job.
Sorry to hear that! But just knowing that it doesn't have to be like that and there IS a way to make money doing work you love is everything! Keep reminding yourself of that and let that be your driving force out of your current job.
It's sad that all 10 apply to me. I been trying to find a new job for almost a year but no luck. I feel like I am stuck with a job that I truly hate. As much I want to quit, that's not an option since I have bills to pay.
I totally get your predicament...I truly believe that when there is a strong will, there is always a way. Don't give up...keep going until you find a day job that's more enjoyable! You got this!!
Thank you for your videos. Today I found you after walking out on a job that was insufferable. I cried when I left. I have always been a person of commitment and diligence, and so quitting this job was painful(only because I felt I failed). I realize now it wasn’t a good fit.
You’re wise and I subscribed.
I'm glad it could help in this time! xoxo
omg thanks a lot for this video. I feel better hearing this. Im always imagining what it would feel like quitting my job and moving on. thanks again! i just subscribed 👍🏻☺️
Thank you for subscribing! I can definitely relate to where you are....good luck!
the level of care part yeah that one...hits me. its like i'm in a position to care for the elderly and i really respect the people that are all about this job and that noble kinda image kinda makes me think nahh .. don't quit yet you gotta continue and grow and become the best human! i'm so on the fence right now...
Thank you Shaina ☺ This video meant a lot.
Glad to hear! And you're welcome 👍🏼
I definitely feel trapped and stuck. I keep getting corrupted into getting more money anytime I try to quit. This sucks
The good news is, we always have a choices. And we are 100% responsible for those choices. If you choose to accept the money and stay, then own it!
Wow! this video really makes me realize that I'm doing the right thing to quit my job. thank you :)
Love that! Nothing like some good ole validation. Good luck!
Hahaha!!!! The janitor analogy was spot - on !!!! Yes, I envy the janitor and resent the Security personnel for having the easiest jobs in the organization that I work for while I'm forced to work under toxic and degrading conditions where my respect for Management in general and my supervisors in particular has eroded into nothing but anger contempt and constant frustration !!!...
Haha I knew someone would really appreciate that (and relate) 🤣
You're not alone!!! thanks for watching : )
10/10 for me. Mentally I no longer care for this job and want to quit already. Just waiting for the right time to come, 2 more months!
How do you define the "right time?" Curious..
@@ShainaLeis My right time was when i had gotten my full year's commision (in sales)
Update: I had finally resigned last month!
Here in Norway we only have 30 min breaks. Forget about eating lunch
I used to have 30 minutes at my first job out of college- crazy right??? By the time you sit down to eat, 10 minutes has gone by 🙄
try no breaks if people keep comming in for haircuts. I hate my job!!!!!!
All 10 apply to me. It got to the point that I was given the choice to resign or be fired. On the one hand i'm so glad not to have to go back to that job and on the other i'm freaking out on what am I suppose to do now.
Interesting...for me, there was a little fear but it was triumphed by a feeling of freedom. If that's not where you were supposed to be, everything will work out...just gotta trust a little!
yes, i love your channel i dont undestand the half but i love your channel you have themes very interesting . i started with my journal thanks to you. shaina i love you im subscribed.
Thanks for subscribing! And welcome to the channel :)
Advice, if you feel trapped. It's a sign you need to take a week long vacation. Preferably in another state or country. Your mind will be much clearer to make you feel you are not stuck. It helped me and I got a job offer last week.
Thanks for sharing!
All of what she said is so true!
🙌🏻 nailed it!
I am experiencing all 10. I'm exhausted and don't think I'm built to exist in these societal situations. I barely survive mentally everyday.
Sorry to hear that! I hope this video (and my other videos) help.
@@ShainaLeis thank you for your wisdom in your videos!
10 signs that your video IS MY LIFE!!! I look at that red stapler on my desk and wonder.....
Haha glad you liked it that much!!! As far as the red stapler 🤔
At least my manager hasn't taken it from me yet.... :p
Every single word you said applies to me. I feel depressed a lot and I cant leave just because of the financial security and that I cant find something better or that I dont know what else will I do. Its really bad...
Thanks shaina for sharing
You're very welcome :)
Yep, every day on my lunch, I'm either applying for new jobs or having a phone interview. I dread Sundays because of Mondays. Manager tells me that I need to be more assertive in meetings and on client calls but what I've come to realize is, I'm just not engaged. I work at a software development company as a UI Designer (but feels more like Frontend Developer). I come from a creative design background and I really don't understand how these software developers are happy go lucky every day...🙄
Time to make other plans and sort your options?
This is all very true. And i can attest to those sensations of dread. The bigger question is how does one go about changing their life at that point? Especially if there has been very significant investment toward your current career path? For example my personal situation has me in a position that if i quit being a nurse and was unable to find another job that affords me a similar income it would destroy everything i have in life (including my familys lives). Going back to school is a difficult option as the debt is already crippling and cannot be increased further. That leaves finding a diffierent line down my career path which unfortunatly has been unsuccessful at this time as most employers need entry level employess, which is the area im trying to escape. I would love to hear your thoughts on this.
+Noritzu Gaming Hi! You bring up a very GOOD point. Interestingly enough, once I finished editing this video, I thought people are now going to wonder, "OK. I hate my job, but now what?? I can't just quit." So I was actually thinking about doing a video about this next week or shortly after. Everybody's situation is very different of course, but I'll be sure to hit on some universal tips and guidance. I really appreciate your commentary and will absolutely take your personal situation into consideration as I create my next video.
+Shaina Leis I look forward to it. I hear all the time if you don't like what you quit. But I question how many people who say that have anything they would lose if they did. For me quitting my job would basically mean losing my home causing my wife and children to suffer, and probably bankruptcy. Unless I stumble on something that equals my income that I'm more passionate about. Look forward to hearing your take on it
+Noritzu Gaming I think that we all have something to lose! Some more than others. I was going to write a long response to this, but I think it'll be helpful to put into video so that others can benefit from it as well : )
This is great❣️I literally lol when you said “you would rather chew off your own arm...”
haha! Thanks for watching
You are 100% correct!
Anyone work at fast food and feel all these I'm 17 and I am developing depletion because if work. And the thing is I don't even need money right now I'm in high school.
Ever think of looking for something different?
Wow. That first point you made resonated with me. That someone else has thought the same thing. I say it all the time, I would rather be the janitor lol. I’ve watched a few of your videos and enjoy your content.
this is seriously me. I know that I must leave but I haven't heard from any of the jobs Ive applied to. I have a bit of money aside. Should i leave? What should I do? I'm so sick of it. I meant to quit last year and two years later and I'm still in the same place
Hi Ana! Although I can't tell you what to do (seeing that I don't know whats best for you- only you know that), I suggest watching my video titled: What to Do When You Hate Your Job! (th-cam.com/video/WevcNQO6TWQ/w-d-xo.html) Hope this helps.
thank you so much. i have a sense of what i should do
Awesome, glad to hear :)
I know your post is a year ago, so did u find anything good? I also recommend going to employment agencies that will help get you a job faster.
Thank you for this. Now I know what to do.
😀 great!!!
I've never watched a video that has the word "signs" on the title, and ALL of these signs apply to my own situation, I didn't even try to fit in one ... 100% dealt with all of them ... I really don't know what to do ..
hopefully in the future I come here to see this comment and appreciate what I have.
Hey hey! You're definitely in the same situation as SO many people...I have a new project that I'm releasing soon and I think you could benefit from it. Make sure you're on my email list!
your awesome that 10 thing fits perfectly
Glad it helped 😉
Shaina Leis yes it did I'm from INDIA and I just became a fan on your thnku for your advice feels like I got my freedom
Love that! My whole business is built off the feeling of freedom 🙌
A huge thanks to you.... Finally I got my answer by watching this amazing video 😊😊❤️.
YAY!!! Clarity 🙌🏼
God! This just hit me very well.
Thanks for watching!
Shaina Leis, you’re welcome!
OMG! I screamed at 3&4.... all from 3 are me. I can't wait til this contract is up. Time for something new
Haha, seems like many people can relate! I'm crossing my fingers for you- use the time (until your contract is up) to start making plans for what's next!!
All 10 apply to me as well! This new job is destroying me in ways i thought it would never be possible.
Plus, I'd better off cleaning the toilets too
Sounds like you're in need of a big change!!
Wow, the lunchbreak thing...that hit me hard
All of these reply to me! I'm going to print out my resumes, as we speak!
Love it! Good for you Jessica
all 10 I just left today. full time uber driver now. been putting off for 3 weeks to a 96 hour check. pay period is done so i left today. on good terms
Glad to hear it...you must feel like there's been a huge weight lifted off your shoulders!
Number 6 applied to me. I just feel like not doing what I actually want to do for my company right now. I'm really good at being a business consultant who goes into a company, identify and solve organizational problems using all the great tools that I already learned. For example, I wanted to help my company redesign our messy warehouse and proposed to my boss. But instead, my job is largely related to Finance monitoring payments from clients.
It sounds like although you don't love your job, you're figuring out what you do like, don't and what you're good at...a huge part of the "battle." By doing this at my own crappy job brought me a little comfort. If you have time, check out some of my other videos on career/ passion, you might find them helpful as well. Good luck!
I always felt that I choose the wrong major when studying, now I am in a job that is low pay, long work hours and I really feel hopeless... I had been in the job for almost 2 years just because I need the money to survive and new jobs just seems very hard to come by... I always ended up breaking in my room as I felt I wasted soo much time and money for the wrong decision...
I'm sorry to hear this! It's a situation that many of us find ourselves in. Grieve if you must, but then once you're ready, I encourage you to get into a better mindset so that you can take full control of your life and make changes.
I made the biggest irreversible mistake & left a job I loved at an assisted living facility because I got a job offer(more$$) out of the blue at a hospital lab I have idealized..be careful what you wish for! I hate it & have barely finished 2 weeks there!!
How much I wish I could quit this job! It is so easy to say 'quit if not happy' not easy at all if your visa, family and your own life depend on it!
The only thing you must do right now (if escaping your job is something you really want) is to know that it's possible. That's it. Just start there. And instead of telling yourself it's impossible or too hard, just think: wouldn't it be nice if I could leave this job one day...
Thank you for changing my life
Quitting would be ideal except when you are the financial breadwinner of the family and its not feasible until a better job pops along....
Sounds like you can appreciate the job you do have AND start thinking about bigger possibilities for the future :)
that is exactly what I feel right now.
You're in the right place then!
I experience all of these.. I earned 2,700 New Zealand dollars a month but this job isn't right for me. Thank u so much I looking for an answer to my question.. I DON't know why I feel tired,anxious tense all you mentioned in your video I experience all of these. Now I know the reason and answer to my questions. Thank you
Hey Nilo. Glad I could offer come clarity to your situation. Good luck my friend.
Yep all apply to me
Be sure to check out the archives on my channel. Lots of tips to help you navigate!
What's wrong with being a janitor ??
I dream big
This was me at my last job before I got laid off last month . The funny thing is that I am happy that it happened. Hated my bosses. All the 10 reasons applied to me. I start my new job very soon. I guess being laid off is a blessing in disguise.
It’s so true- and such the case for most of us. Sometimes if we don’t leave a situation that’s wrong for us on our own, the Universe will kick us out 😂 good luck at the new job!
Shaina Leis Thank you!!!