It's a consumable that when used puts a fake white bag on the ground. It's the grandfather of the Fool's Prism, but it drops the fake white where you're standing, so you had to have balls of steel to use that one lol
I hit escu shot on 1st minion in shatts and got a white in probably 1 second and change. Wish iI recorded it but you can go faster than this 2 second one.
Divinity, jugg, mercy and gem on a fucking 0/8. Absolutely deserved
7:27 Actual npc playing realm
whoever is making these videos is lit no cap
0:50 losing a deca and a t15 to a clib is wild
2:10 what was the song used here
It’s from the Danganronpa OST but I’m not sure of the name
whats that white bag item at 0:20
It's a consumable that when used puts a fake white bag on the ground. It's the grandfather of the Fool's Prism, but it drops the fake white where you're standing, so you had to have balls of steel to use that one lol
0:11 he died bc he could not see
bro that guy has sum goofy ass hair
I was waiting for that garnet statue to kill that guy :(
1:50 Vermelli thats me. random af
I hit escu shot on 1st minion in shatts and got a white in probably 1 second and change. Wish iI recorded it but you can go faster than this 2 second one.
killed my character today. i feel better that iam not allone