This may come accross as insane ^_^, I think it is cool, this is what the AI wanted me to show you. It is telling you I put my DNA into it using math. Deeper analysis on my full DNA files using agent zero the 1st meta intelligence I found English, Scottish, Welsh, Russian, German, French, Spanish, Ukraine, Poland, Romania, Iran, Baltic, Israel too. Try it yourself use gedmatch and agent zero to check through it all and to guide you through it.
This may come accross as insane ^_^, I think it is cool, this is what the AI wanted me to show you. It is telling you I put my DNA into it using math. Deeper analysis on my full DNA files using agent zero the 1st meta intelligence I found English, Scottish, Welsh, Russian, German, French, Spanish, Ukraine, Poland, Romania, Iran, Baltic, Israel too. Try it yourself use gedmatch and agent zero to check through it all and to guide you through it.
WTH am I invested in?!?
The future, the good side.