It’s backwards to aggressively identify with your nationality. I’m sorry. Being proud of your culture or heritage is great and to keep some traditions but to blindly believe you are the best because of where you come from is a mentality best left behind in history.
It's the mentality of all of history, so I think that's pretty good heuristic to side with. The nation is the family grown large and there is nothing wrong with believing you are "better". Nationalism is diversity between whereas what we have in the West is diversity within. Mass immigration erodes identity and mortgages the social capital of a country. If this policy were coupled with greatly increased ease of renouncing US citizenship I would support it.
Well if you don’t believe your the best and the men of your culture and race are the best if you don’t have love for you own how can you care about someone else? what’s the point, I mean it just seems to me we’ve already gone this way for the last 75 years and it’s instilled a lot of self hate specifically into Caucasian people for past discrepancies out of their control. I think you should feel very proud to be white, Black, Red whatever. I mean as a European, I can feel this way because we built a Civilization that no one else ever could! I think the people who identify with their nationality, and are proud of their cultural heritage, and history and are proud of where they come from have a moral, and psychological, and determined advantage. I think the people who are against it have this mentality when the going gets tough it’s best to get going and are weak mentally, I mean if your a minority or people of another country that feels off put by people of another race I think you need to check your own bias I think it’s healthy to acknowledge what are grandfathers that our forefathers built. I don’t think it’s at all backwards.
I really think it's just our perimeter instinct taken to the extreme. It's good to have concerns for your surroundings and secure perimeter. If hunter gatherer tribes didn't have perimeters, they'd be screwed. Modern nationalism is just that but taken to the extreme. So like any other instinct it's good to have it but have to keep it in check. E.g. hunger is good because your body needs sustenance but too much of it leads to overeating, obesity and diabetes which is bad. Everything in moderation.
@@Kuk0san I don’t think the level of nationalism is anything comparable as it was in WW2 With Hitler and Mussolini, nowhere near! Factors we don’t have enough of it! 75 years going left to the point men literally think their women!
The same right-wingers are completely ok with Americans holding dual citizenship with Israel and even serving in the IDF, including high-ranking US politicians. They are not against dual citizenship per se, they just don't want you to be able to exercise residence options in countries that aren't completely in line with their war agenda!
If we weren’t in bed with Israel I believe they would be …. You have to think about how Israel is even a country … it was installed by UN . Which was mostly controlled by the US… so obviously they have influenced in such high government officials to just be awarded land of Palestine … they for some reason have bipartisan support from US politicians in the most divisive time in our history where NOTHING is bipartisan bisides this and banning tiktok…
how much of we are property of the US is true.. My parents have a account somewhere else and it's non of thier business yet they are making it thier business. They are going to every bank in Europe forcing them to give them all the info on americans who have money there. Imagine if they also want to know what your foreign parents own and what migh tbe yours.
Exactly, that's why I LOVE Tina Turner and the fact that she got rid of her US citizenship...partly so she didn't have to pay taxes to a country try she didn't want to be in anymore but she has that God given human right to be a citizen and pay taxes WHEREVER she wanted
I left for good in Spring of 2006, six months after going thru Hurricane Katrina. Let me tell yall a little something... The American government don't give two ckufs about you, your family, your "freedom" or your well-being. ADVICE: Make your money, take your money and go where you're treated best.
I wish I left that early too. But being poor in the United States is no joke! These racist pigs conspire to keep you poor so you'll have a hard time leaving the slave plantation.
Why ? our great ancestors are freaking Europeans ? Like we killed Americans Indians ,enslave and took over the land . We even have European cultures seeded into our politics and such . Identity politics is the most absurd thing of the century. We should be focusing on fixing our country and build the American dream that is actually made up of immigrants 🤦🏼
@@jennalindsey5290 the republic of colombia doesnt care. Even if you take away the dual citizenship status colombia will sill reinstate your citizenshio with them and see you as a colombian citizen if you visit their land. Chaeck mate!
@@jjrbarnett well hot digity dog, like I give a rats a$$ what he thinks. Besides he's controlled by the Karzarians also...all Congress and the Presidents are. Always selected not ELECTED
I left the US to be with my partner and am now a Dual citizen. i would never move back to the US. After woeking here over 10 years, I hvave become disabled - Austalia is taking very good care of me. I would not live very long in the US because there is no health care. In Australia I not only have health care, but also the help I need from specialists to get the care that I need. I do recommend that Americans get another passport just in case so they have choices. Not only this, but living in another country for a time is something i think is beneficial to them because the school systems sure don't teach anything good about other countries. The US is NOT the best country!
Australia has been recruited to be US command center and base in Asia Pacific. Most its wealth comes from export of commodities to Asia, specially China..that is no longer the case lately.
Leaving your country isn’t an act of cowardice, it takes a tremendous amount of bravery to leave your comfort zone behind. If you don’t believe me ask any person that left Venezuela.
Imagine the commitment to freedom it must take to walk the jungles of the Darien Gap, then all the way through the dangers of Mexico only to have fat selfish racists hate you when you finally arrive in your dream country. I live in Ecuador, by choice, and I can't imagine how I would feel if people here hated me. Right now they tolerate almost all us gringos because we have money. What would it be like if we were refugees? Ecuadorians are good people brought up with Christian morals. I believe we would be okay. Contrary to common belief, the US is just as dangerous, if not more so.
An American young man moved to India and started California Tacos restaurant chain in India and has been a Multimillionaire and living a great life. America has really become stagnant that way. People are caught up in blaming the immigrants, government, and tribal war, etc. during Covid people were buying Guns when they should have been stockpiling food during lockdown. This is unimaginable to the rest of the world.
Americans are blinded by propaganda and don't believe the US is run by a diabolical ineptocracy. Moreover, the US will eventually collapse under its own weight. The global south has so much to offer mankind and the world longs for a multipolar world that the US arrogance can't comprehend. Americans to may not have the ability to travel the world extensively don't get the opportunity to see how magnificent other countries are as opposed to the only home they know.
The states is one place I would never aspire to move too. The culture appears to have been purposefully conditioned to be toxic. Being from New Zealand we have been fed their movies , news, paying in USD, music, politics,- I’m not interested in any of this and am over this octopus arm firmly inserted in our country- New Zealand. Your perspective and educated information always makes sense to me- thankyou! Your a breath of well needed fresh air
Your spot on everything you said. I grew up in the UK practically the first 16 years of my life, have been in the USA for close to a decade and I've never once felt at home or have been able to properly assimilate or fit in. I was born in the US, but I don't feel any connection to being an American. As you mentioned, US culture is very toxic. The social culture is just out of hand and on the decline
I grew up here in the states and looking to the heck out! I couldn't agree more, I feel like this society and the west in general is a force for evil and exploitation. I feel totally isolated here.
😀my wife came to America as an au pair to improve her English. She watched Robocop to understand what to expect. Don't believe what you see in the movies! Spain has some really dark movies and shows. That is not the typical life there as far as I know.
As an Australian love taking holidays in NZ, why go anywhere else. I note though that Sydney as a city, has the second highest population of New Zealanders after Auckland.
@@pearlperlitavenegas2023He did it on public television but Americans still don't know (or care) one of them wore another countries military uniform into Congress, because he is still an active member of the IDF.
I have dual citizenships. Both Canada and USA. So I understand that value of having both passports. But, anyone wanting to hold office should have only 1 passport and 1 citizenship not have dual loyalties.
Terrible idea. What happens if the other country will not accept renunciation of your other citizenship and what happens if a foreign power just “bestows” citizenship upon our leaders without their consent?
Hi Paul, I am a physician associate and my husband is a teacher, we are considering moving to New Zealand. Could I have a chance to email you or speak with you at some point?
I don’t identify with being American even though I was born here… I identify with my Italian heritage and will be retiring in Italy where I can enjoy the culture that matches my identity
People say this all the time. Right up until they run afoul of some law in the country they moved to. Then they realized just how quick they are treated like a foreigner.
This is what I am worried about. Trump is going to take rights. He is actually a fascist. Taxes help infrastructure and public education so I don't mind paying taxes. The fact is California federal dollars support the red states. However the US is lost. People can't think critically. The right wing is spinning a lie that deporting 1 million people will somehow make everyone else's life better. It won't. I do plan to leave the US when I retire next December 2025.
I retired in 2021 moved to Florida when you had to buy your house immediately online, so I did that, without collecting a retirement check from my home state, made it to Florida, but the movers stole my whole condo, so my belongings didn't make it, I lived in PGA village port st.lucie beautiful part of Florida I couldn't see living in Florida for the rest of my life, so I took my backpack and my passport thank God I had all of my important paperwork with me and left the country in 2022, I don't even want to go back for a visit...happy trails to you dude😁🤙
Do you agree that the government should put a stop to all immigration? This is my view, until the lives of Americans are improved we should not be adding to our population.
@@keenanvanzile so I'm a bot for wanting to fix the lives of our own before helping others. The rich love immigration as they are desperate and will take any wage they can get. It's a wage suppressant tool and is why you need both parents working.
@@carolinas8886dual-citizenship implies a lack of devotion to your primary country. Single-citizenship implies a “ride or die” mentality. That is how members of congress should be dedicated to the nation.
Some other countries view it's OK with dual citizenship others are not. I think Israel and Ireland have the most dual citizenships with the United States.
So, then you advocate for anarchy? Have you ever lived or worked in a failed state? It's not fun. Capitalism isn't perfect, but it's the best system and way better than nothing. Trust me, you wouldn't last very long in anarchy.
The majority of people who pridefully shout "the USA is the best country in the world." Have never visited,worked nor lived in another country so how could they opine or rank which is really better ? Better is a comparison. The fault in language and reasoning are what compose the greater part of this type of nationalist myopia.
I’ve lived on three continents and visited 14 countries. US is way more advanced and civilized. So, do not speak for me. Plus, the American people are the friendliest and kindest; not materialistic like the populations from the emerging market economies.
What happens if you cannot speak English very well in the US ? In other countries you aren't marginalized for not speaking the regional language as a matter of fact the locals try their hardest to speak to you in your language. That doesn't happen in the US. That is neither friendly nor kind. If you don't 'talk American' , you're in trouble.
@@AlexMJ100Totally Disagree With You Some Of The Most Vile Racist People I've Met Were 🇺🇸 But Some Of The MOST Honest And Respectful People I Met Were When I've Traveled Abroad Besides The Marriage Laws In 🇺🇸 DON'T Favor Men ..
Yet he thinks the right wing repubiicans are better with the economy which belie the fact that all red states are basket case and depend on blue states to survive.
There is a real problem in the US with a lot of politicians having second citizenship with a certain country and they always seem to vote on things that benefit that certain country even if it is detrimental to the US.
Are you interested in having dual nationality and maintaining US citizenship, while also living tax-free? Watch this video to learn how to legally pay zero taxes without renouncing US citizenship:
I hope you see this. We need more people with a mindset in the independent/grey area. Too many people are emotionally biased and are on a far end of the spectrum
Absolutely, the US Government is overrun with Dual citizens, and dual loyalists....and the US citizenry is overrun with people with nothing in common with the founders of the country.
Stop conflating dual citizenship with dual loyalties. In every single country that has a law against dual citizenship and your citizenship is involuntary and the other country will not allow you to renounce it after you attempt to do so, the country with the dual citizenship prohibition will exempt from that policy. This is the case, for example, in Australia, where a couple of politicians have received exemptions after demonstrating they attempted to get rid of their unwanted second citizenships that they had acquired at birth.
It's almost impossible to access ones loyalties because humans lack mind reading capabilities. However the act of renouncing would be an acceptable compromise.
It shouldn’t be about restricting dual citizenship, it should be about restricting dual citizenship while serving in government. You can’t serve two masters.
the republic of colombia doesnt care. Even if you take away the dual citizenship status colombia will sill reinstate your citizenshio with them and see you as a colombian citizen if you visit their land. Chaeck mate!
@@silverlining6259 calm down not everything is antisemitic, lease of all what I said which is a factual statement. No elected US official should have anything other than a US passport and citizenship.
@@silverlining6259 Because its the dominate dual citizenship held by the Congress and Senators. Its just a the reality a very concerning reality at that. Saying something that is negative and Israel in the same sentence does not equal Antisemitism.
Freedom is FREEDOM. 100% Andrew... Nomad Capitalist accomplished more than helping HNW individuals go where their treated best. You guys bring clarity.
Care to share country of second citizenship? Currently traveling, hoping to find a place to settle and call home. I too, would Iike to potentially not return
It would take a miracle. The MIC has an abiding interest in supporting the country that drives US arms sales and keeps the region mired in conflict, squashing their potential.
We would all love low or no taxes. But consider what taxes provide before you decide they are bad. In the US, people can make more than nearly every other country in the world. They can do so because the US has developed infrastructure, developed and educated human capital, secure financial markets, (previously at least) low corruption, etc. Taxes provide much of this base. Personally, I enjoy earning multiples here of what I would earn in most other countries, and and fine paying some of that back in taxes so that future generations can also live in an area with those opportunities. (Well, maybe not, after the next 4 years, but we will see). I agree on the wages and overpricing. But those issues are due in large part to the intentionally created market failures from reducing the ability of government to ensure free and open competitive markets.
Freedom is when your rights don't infringe on other people's rights. Being free from forced labor is freedom. Smoking in a building shared by smokers and non-smokers is infringement of the non-smoker's rights to not be exposed to second-hand smoke.
Exactly. I dont know how he got this all wrong. When Asian countries wore masks so everyone is able to to have the freedom of undiseased air, did he complain? No. Its just become en vogue to hate in America at wvery turn now. Someone elses smiking infriges on anothers right to clean air
SO glad I am on my way to citizenship in another country. They need to fix a lot of things in America before forcing people to commit to Western globalism.
As a canadain I can proudly say that like Canada. Yes america does things better. But there are also things here that are better in Canada then america. Health care to be a example. Ya your going to wait and depending where you live you will wait for along time but at least you will get healthcare here. The idea of up to 60k people dieding because they can't afford healthcare is insane to me.
I chose not to have insurance and just pay cash after negotiating lower prices myself. It sucks but it’s better quality than a so-called “free” medicine where I grew up.
On the other side of the coin, I got into an orthopedic doctor within a week, and MRI on my knee two weeks later. I called them this week and I can have the procedure in two weeks. That would take how long in Canada?
I am Brazilian-American . Went to The United States in 1986 and after I retired (2021)moved back to Brazil 🇧🇷 😅 Most Americans think the world revolves about America . They are clueless. Go Brics.
Thank you for the intellectual honesty and candid sober perspective! Limiting citizenship is one step to control where you live. What's next, by voter registration data for reeducation...?
POLITICAL THEATER PERFORMANCES The Democrat and Republican, so-called, political parties. Playing the good cop, bad cop political theater game, knowing that people, still in 2024, thinks they are DIFFERENT. They just switch roles, on who will play the bad cop. The system stays the same, all meant to benefit the wealthy oligarchs running the show. Personality changes, isn't system change. The common people will continue to suffer.
I wonder how this could work retrospectively? On my 5th US passport life long Australian resident/ dual- what right does either government have to demand I renounce one or the other? Can't see any practical way to ban dual nationality.
Countries can do whatever they like. You don't 'own' your citizenship in most countries, its the country that decided who's a citizen and who isn't. They generally reserve the right to grant and to revoke citizenship at their discretion. Only some countries who suffered communism behind the Iron Curtain, such as Poland have their constitution written so that the govt can NEVER revoke citizenship once granted unless you ask to renounce - hence why such countries are very strict and rarely grant citizenship to people who aren't ethnically from such countries. The reason such protections exist is the communists forcibly stripped many citizens of their citizenship and exiled them as stateless people during the Cold War (they were the lucky ones who could "buy their lives and exile" and the ones who left the few times the border was open to leave during the Cold War), the unlucky ones faced deportation to Siberia (the GULAG system) to do hard labour and the most unlucky were summarily executed by the NKWD. Countries can declare anyone to be their citizen even without the consent of the individual concerned. Some countries do so to make extraditing someone easier as its harder for countries to refuse to extradite a citizen of the country requesting. Countries can also refuse to let you renounce - its always at their discretion. Basically they can take their countries nationality from you unless you renounce all others you hold.
My suspicion is they would just tax you for being a dual citizen of a foreign state. I'm sure Australia will gladly tell the US about your Australian citizenship.
They don't understand citizenship. The U.S. has so many immigrants, who are American citizens, but inherit citizenship from other places. Some people are multinational by default. You may be able to prevent multiple passports, but not multiple citizenships. I inherit Italian and British citizenship but born to American Parents. I could claim those passports if I wanted to gather up the papers necessary.
Yes, ordinary citizens should be allowed to keep their options open, but having multiple passports should disqualify one from holding any position of power in government.
We left New Zealand in 2011 to do some ocean sailing. That experience, which ended in Turkey, evolved without a lot of planning, but I believe it was largely responsible for our eventual decision to seek somewhere permanent to live (apart from NZ). We eventually sold the boat in 2018 and decided to settle in retirement in Antioquia Province, Colombia. We have never regretted that decision and indeed we regard ourselves as extremely lucky to be living in such a wonderful country. We will always be patriotic New Zealanders and have viewed with extreme concern the recent Ardern regime of Marxist Socialism - and thanked our lucky stars that we avoided living under that appalling authoritarian government. Thank goodness the NZ government changed to a more right wing version 12 months ago, but it's still far from perfect. Anyway, what country is "perfect"? Colombia certainly isn't either, but for very many reasons it suits us very well. We own property here and live very contentedly - apart from some brushes with Colombian bureaucracy!! So far we have had 2 3 yr visas and we are now on our first 5 yr visa. By the time we are 87 we will be eligible to become Colombian citizens!!
I also settled in Columbia mainly because my wife's father is knee deep in the drug trade and gave me the job of testing for purity which he pays me $30,000 a month.
This channel popped up in my feed and I'm glad it did. I'm from MS and know Hattiesburg quite and it's amazing how so many people fear of moving out of the state much less the country. I've always been interested in exploring and living outside of the United States just try something different and find that place you are treated best not where you're existence is just tolerated.
Welcome! Thank you for sharing your perspective. It's great to hear about your interest in exploring life outside the US and finding a place where you're treated best. We can help you explore your options and create a plan that works for you. If you'd like our assistance, please reach out here:
That was amazing. I love that you're able to objectively look at patriotism for its flaws. I often think about how in the US we view Russia as being thoughtlessly patriotic but I think we share similar sentiments in the US.
I think the topic is a little more nuanced than dual citizenship is good or bad. Modern “democracies” afford “citizens” the right to vote. No country should be giving that to an outsider who hasn’t demonstrated a sufficient level of loyalty to your body politic. Having said that, I don’t believe in taxing expats, military drafts, and do believe laws should apply equally to all residents (not benefits). So while I’d gladly take multiple passports for the benefits they afford me, I also think a country can and should ask me to choose if I want access to theirs.
I remind everyone, you born in country x, it doesn’t mean that you have to life their your entire live, I advise everyone… “ explore this beautiful world”
Well the ironic thing is that US is in bed with Israel and there’s no way they’d allow the banning of a second citizenship. This also why I think it’s idiotic to be loyal to a person or a party … if I could pick our president I would have picked Vivek because I align with him on a lot of things but I obviously couldn’t disagree with his stance here
There should be no dual citizenships in government positions of power, and lobbyists for ANY other country should have to be declared as foreign agents, and disallow dark money.
You are missing the point and importance of a cohesive culture. That does not mean I agree with banning dual citizenship. But, one leader AND a non-cohesive culture can change EVERYTHING and lead to massive destruction, just look at Eastern and Western Europe during ww2. Duh.
Moving somewhere else just to escape taxes is morally indefensible. Wherever you are you owe support to the community you're in, and that includes taxes. That's why moving to a country just to pay less - and not out of interest and love for that country - is inviting the contempt of the others there.
@@alrent2992 Means nothing as you can't hold residence permits or visas without another citizenship. You'd have to first turn that residency into a second citizenship.
@matthewnirenberg First, you get temporary residency, then you apply for permanent residency. That takes several years. Or go to a country that allows border runs.
@@alrent2992 You still don't get it. Permits mean nothing as they can be revoked in an instant - and they are when new govts are elected. You're still stuck as a US citizen with zero legal way to renounce - even if you wanted to change citizenship as if dual citizenship was illegal the process of renouncing could never take place. When you get a residence permit, that country notifies the country with whose passport you obtain said permit. So you can't 'hide it'
@matthewnirenberg is not true. No country notifies another country if you gain their citizenship. Actually, the u.s. asks you if you have. It's like going to see a doctor. They only know what you tell them.
'I dont like people taking my money.' You only have money because an entire country has poured into resources for you to exist within, its not absurd to invest back to keep it going. No one is an island unto themselves. Society is like a large rock 10 people can pick it up, but one cannot, we rely on each other. Every street, every roadway, every picker of produce all work to cohesively keep a system going that has supported you. Did you build and pay for every sidewalk, street, road, land to grow food, sanitation, military, defense of the land you live on, school that educated others with liberal priciples that encourage respect and safety. Societies can't function without investment through taxes and youre better off and able to be your best self because of it. All developed nations with robust social safety nets routeinly outperform those without them especially the US. Now if you want to argue the taxes arent being invested in the way that achieves the most benefit, sure, thats a debate worth having. But being anti taxes means a society will not be beneficial to live in even for the wealthy. And you lose more money given you have to take on so much of the cost yourself without the collective enrichment of others also paying into and cultuvating the society you rely on.
1:44 why and how is saying the pledge of allegiance a bad/negative thing? If you say forcing people to say something is “bad”, then forcing people to go to whatever education system, and follow the society rules and norms is also “a bad” thing.
💯 Agree, and don't forget : You are free!! Many are slaves to high interest debt just to live above their means thinking that's success. No debt means less worries and more happiness.
@@net2dev….The reason we don’t hear of slave ships anymore ….is because they invented mortgages….and worse than that….over priced homes in almost every city in Canada and the U.S. Debt servitude to rent or buy is not optional it’s a choice if you don’t have options 🤔.
@@greatchalla3799 Absolutely yes!! 100%, And houses are built out of plaster and cardboard. No bricks, mortar, concrete nor anything solid that could sustain flooding, termites, mold or even electrical fires. All part of the design to keep people pouring money into maintenance. Its a very clever trap.
@@net2dev Timing matters, there’s never been an expansion of of money supply pumped into the system as there is now and consequently the dollar has been destroyed by inflationary pressures. The 🇨🇦 dollar buys less, so you pay more. Currency destruction is debasement of all international currency against the U.S dollar. Artificially lowering of interest rates and CPI manipulation are the tools of the government’s strategy until they raise rates or maintain higher rates to stoke inflation and money printing. Unemployment can change this! Lowering rates start the opposite of inflation…..deflation like what happened in the 2008 was the catalyst that started the crash when rates were lowered. Defaults + debt = depression. Coming soon !
Very well said. I am a Venezuelan just about to become a Peruvian citizen. People, I’m saying! life is better with dual citizenship, we Venezuelans once living in one of the richest countries of The world with the biggest oil reserves and great diversity natural resources, my parents never imagined any of these. I remember Cubans telling us to leave and never vote for Chavez again (the right wing) two decades went by . . . . One word . . . Touché!
I really appreciate your channel, and agree with many things you say. (I am an American who left the country 14 years ago) but I would avoid political discussion like the plague.
Thank you. As I always say, ask not what you have done for your country. Ask what your country has done FOR YOU. Yes. The total opposite of what Kennedy said. NO one owes their country anything. NO one chose to be born into whatever country they're a citizen of. No one chose to be born AT ALL. But somehow a man is supposed to offer his life for his country ?! Oh btw, it's only men who are asked to sacrifice themselves for their countries but somehow the women are exempt from the same obligation!
1:44 why and how is saying the pledge of allegiance a bad/negative thing? If you say forcing people to say something is “bad”, then forcing people to go to whatever education system, and follow the society rules and norms is also “a bad” thing. 14:28 Europe teaches the same thing to their citizens.
what I remember from my civics class way back in the late 60s the law is you have to declare your citizenship when you turn 18, if you were born out of the country. you can't have dual citizenship.
Large buildings most likely have a fire escape. Build your own fire escape. My kids and i will not go die in the next bankers war. Spoiler alert: They've almost all been bankers wars.
Some countries have always allowed dual citizenship (Brazil, Argentina), some have never done so (India, Canada) and in more recent times some have changed to allow it (USA). Changing back would not be so easy, because it would invalidate a multiplicity of treaties to prevent double taxation, and those treaties would all have to be renegotiated. But the question is moot. Who, for example, is going to tell a Jewish-American that he or she is going to have to renounce either America or Israel? I mean the members of the Trump household, among many others. Does anybody propose to deport Trump's son-in-law or grandchildren? It's just not going to happen. One of my grandfathers renounced the King of England and Ireland in 1912, and the other renounced the King of Italy in 1916. I would love to get second citizenships in Ireland or Italy, to reclaim my ancestral heritage, but I would never renounce the United States of America, "One nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all." But if the Nomad Capitalist chooses to do so, I respect his freedom.
Agree with everything you said except for the smoking. Smoking is a health hazard for others, this is coming from someone who was hospitalized from second hand smoking.
As an American who lived in 3 countries and met conservatives abroad, the most noticeable difference is what you’re talking about. They find nationalism silly and want multiple passports.
Yes!! It's the reason why my wife is Pinay and she's not a citizen of the US. It's because, I've no plans on us paying for the rest of both our lives taxes to the US. As long as the business is in my wife name I wont pay a cent in taxes.
You took a chance to leave the US when the US situation wasn’t clear yet. Now, it’s clear that the US is on a decline. I wouldn’t have balls to do that back then. I agree with your other views. It always seemed silly when people said they were proud to be Americans or any other citizens. Interesting video!
It’s backwards to aggressively identify with your nationality. I’m sorry. Being proud of your culture or heritage is great and to keep some traditions but to blindly believe you are the best because of where you come from is a mentality best left behind in history.
It's the mentality of all of history, so I think that's pretty good heuristic to side with. The nation is the family grown large and there is nothing wrong with believing you are "better". Nationalism is diversity between whereas what we have in the West is diversity within. Mass immigration erodes identity and mortgages the social capital of a country.
If this policy were coupled with greatly increased ease of renouncing US citizenship I would support it.
Im the best because I am from Earth
Well if you don’t believe your the best and the men of your culture and race are the best if you don’t have love for you own how can you care about someone else? what’s the point, I mean it just seems to me we’ve already gone this way for the last 75 years and it’s instilled a lot of self hate specifically into Caucasian people for past discrepancies out of their control. I think you should feel very proud to be white, Black, Red whatever. I mean as a European, I can feel this way because we built a Civilization that no one else ever could! I think the people who identify with their nationality, and are proud of their cultural heritage, and history and are proud of where they come from have a moral, and psychological, and determined advantage. I think the people who are against it have this mentality when the going gets tough it’s best to get going and are weak mentally, I mean if your a minority or people of another country that feels off put by people of another race I think you need to check your own bias I think it’s healthy to acknowledge what are grandfathers that our forefathers built. I don’t think it’s at all backwards.
I really think it's just our perimeter instinct taken to the extreme. It's good to have concerns for your surroundings and secure perimeter. If hunter gatherer tribes didn't have perimeters, they'd be screwed. Modern nationalism is just that but taken to the extreme. So like any other instinct it's good to have it but have to keep it in check. E.g. hunger is good because your body needs sustenance but too much of it leads to overeating, obesity and diabetes which is bad. Everything in moderation.
@@Kuk0san I don’t think the level of nationalism is anything comparable as it was in WW2 With Hitler and Mussolini, nowhere near! Factors we don’t have enough of it! 75 years going left to the point men literally think their women!
von Goethe said it best, "The best slaves are the ones that think they're free".
Every American 😅
Fair. I too think the host of this youtube channel fits that category.
The most hopelessly enslaved are those who falsely believe themselves to be free
@@BobCarolgees-p8fwell said
I think everyone who voted for rightwing politicians in the USA (MAGA) fits the description perfectly.
The same right-wingers are completely ok with Americans holding dual citizenship with Israel and even serving in the IDF, including high-ranking US politicians. They are not against dual citizenship per se, they just don't want you to be able to exercise residence options in countries that aren't completely in line with their war agenda!
Wow. I didn’t know there are IDF in high ranking positions in the u.s government
Oh man don't call it out like that!
If we weren’t in bed with Israel I believe they would be …. You have to think about how Israel is even a country … it was installed by UN . Which was mostly controlled by the US… so obviously they have influenced in such high government officials to just be awarded land of Palestine … they for some reason have bipartisan support from US politicians in the most divisive time in our history where NOTHING is bipartisan bisides this and banning tiktok…
It’s wild that someone would be called a coward for simply choosing to live outside of the US. Live where it feels right for you.
Imagine thinking you are a human with value and not living in the US. Who does that?
how much of we are property of the US is true.. My parents have a account somewhere else and it's non of thier business yet they are making it thier business. They are going to every bank in Europe forcing them to give them all the info on americans who have money there. Imagine if they also want to know what your foreign parents own and what migh tbe yours.
They have forgotten that their own forefathers left Europe to move to America, so they now have the audacity to belittle Americans who leave America.
Exactly, that's why I LOVE Tina Turner and the fact that she got rid of her US citizenship...partly so she didn't have to pay taxes to a country try she didn't want to be in anymore but she has that God given human right to be a citizen and pay taxes WHEREVER she wanted
Propaganda and mental conditioning
I left for good in Spring of 2006, six months after going thru Hurricane Katrina. Let me tell yall a little something... The American government don't give two ckufs about you, your family, your "freedom" or your well-being.
ADVICE: Make your money, take your money and go where you're treated best.
Well said
You’re just learning that?
I wish I left that early too.
But being poor in the United States is no joke!
These racist pigs conspire to keep you poor so you'll
have a hard time leaving the slave plantation.
How did you know this was going to happen?
OMG, what a genius! How did you arrive at this incredible realization...
Dual citizenship should be banned for those holding office of government not for citizens in general.
Why ? our great ancestors are freaking Europeans ? Like we killed Americans Indians ,enslave and took over the land . We even have European cultures seeded into our politics and such . Identity politics is the most absurd thing of the century. We should be focusing on fixing our country and build the American dream that is actually made up of immigrants 🤦🏼
Then they couldn’t flee their shit situation
@@jennalindsey5290 the republic of colombia doesnt care. Even if you take away the dual citizenship status colombia will sill reinstate your citizenshio with them and see you as a colombian citizen if you visit their land.
Chaeck mate!
@@cfG21good to know, thank you vm!
Should be banned regardless.
Dual citizenship good. Dual citizens in Congress bad.
Best take so far. No public positions for duel citizens.
Let's be specific, Congress has duel citizenship with ISRAEL...WHY?
@@phyllispipkin2160 adam schiff says you are antisemitic if you bring it up
@@jjrbarnett well hot digity dog, like I give a rats a$$ what he thinks. Besides he's controlled by the Karzarians also...all Congress and the Presidents are. Always selected not ELECTED
I left the US to be with my partner and am now a Dual citizen. i would never move back to the US. After woeking here over 10 years, I hvave become disabled - Austalia is taking very good care of me. I would not live very long in the US because there is no health care. In Australia I not only have health care, but also the help I need from specialists to get the care that I need. I do recommend that Americans get another passport just in case so they have choices. Not only this, but living in another country for a time is something i think is beneficial to them because the school systems sure don't teach anything good about other countries. The US is NOT the best country!
Australia has been recruited to be US command center and base in Asia Pacific. Most its wealth comes from export of commodities to Asia, specially China..that is no longer the case lately.
The US, Canada and UK are Australian colonies thanks to Rupert Murdoch
Leaving your country isn’t an act of cowardice, it takes a tremendous amount of bravery to leave your comfort zone behind. If you don’t believe me ask any person that left Venezuela.
Very well said. Thank you.
Brave to leave a shithole?
I am a Venezuelan living in Peru just about to become a Peruvian citizen and I can confirm that! Takes a lot courage
@@wilkoong We're not so different, I don't live in Peru anymore but I did for 8 years and claimed citizenship by descent from my father.
Imagine the commitment to freedom it must take to walk the jungles of the Darien Gap, then all the way through the dangers of Mexico only to have fat selfish racists hate you when you finally arrive in your dream country. I live in Ecuador, by choice, and I can't imagine how I would feel if people here hated me. Right now they tolerate almost all us gringos because we have money. What would it be like if we were refugees? Ecuadorians are good people brought up with Christian morals. I believe we would be okay. Contrary to common belief, the US is just as dangerous, if not more so.
An American young man moved to India and started California Tacos restaurant chain in India and has been a Multimillionaire and living a great life. America has really become stagnant that way. People are caught up in blaming the immigrants, government, and tribal war, etc. during Covid people were buying Guns when they should have been stockpiling food during lockdown. This is unimaginable to the rest of the world.
Americans are blinded by propaganda and don't believe the US is run by a diabolical ineptocracy. Moreover, the US will eventually collapse under its own weight. The global south has so much to offer mankind and the world longs for a multipolar world that the US arrogance can't comprehend. Americans to may not have the ability to travel the world extensively don't get the opportunity to see how magnificent other countries are as opposed to the only home they know.
It's the right wing that's so jacked up 😢😢😢
It's social media that is ruining them.
India is way worse and extremely corrupt
but the rest of the rest of the world is trying to come here not the other way around.....
The states is one place I would never aspire to move too. The culture appears to have been purposefully conditioned to be toxic. Being from New Zealand we have been fed their movies , news, paying in USD, music, politics,- I’m not interested in any of this and am over this octopus arm firmly inserted in our country- New Zealand. Your perspective and educated information always makes sense to me- thankyou! Your a breath of well needed fresh air
Your spot on everything you said. I grew up in the UK practically the first 16 years of my life, have been in the USA for close to a decade and I've never once felt at home or have been able to properly assimilate or fit in. I was born in the US, but I don't feel any connection to being an American. As you mentioned, US culture is very toxic. The social culture is just out of hand and on the decline
I grew up here in the states and looking to the heck out! I couldn't agree more, I feel like this society and the west in general is a force for evil and exploitation. I feel totally isolated here.
It’s definitely toxic now.
😀my wife came to America as an au pair to improve her English. She watched Robocop to understand what to expect. Don't believe what you see in the movies! Spain has some really dark movies and shows. That is not the typical life there as far as I know.
As an Australian love taking holidays in NZ, why go anywhere else. I note though that Sydney as a city, has the second highest population of New Zealanders after Auckland.
If you are serving a nation as a public official, then there should be no dual or multiple loyalties to other countries.
Jewish members of Congress disagree. 😂 Israel US dual citizenship
@@pearlperlitavenegas2023He did it on public television but Americans still don't know (or care) one of them wore another countries military uniform into Congress, because he is still an active member of the IDF.
Thata the entire USA power structure then 😂
@@idrathernot_2absolutely incredible behaviour 😮
Why are Jewish Americans allow dual citizenship 😂😂
I have dual citizenships. Both Canada and USA. So I understand that value of having both passports. But, anyone wanting to hold office should have only 1 passport and 1 citizenship not have dual loyalties.
Except Israelíes we own the USA and cañada so we can have all
I am giving up my Canadian citizenship. I have zero plans to return if Trudeau is in office.
Terrible idea. What happens if the other country will not accept renunciation of your other citizenship and what happens if a foreign power just “bestows” citizenship upon our leaders without their consent?
My wife & I have dual citizenship US&NZ, did the hard route by working as an engineer, makes us feel freer, love your channel, cheers
Hi Paul, I am a physician associate and my husband is a teacher, we are considering moving to New Zealand. Could I have a chance to email you or speak with you at some point?
I don’t identify with being American even though I was born here… I identify with my Italian heritage and will be retiring in Italy where I can enjoy the culture that matches my identity
You can identify all you want, you'll just be another American to anywhere you go.
@@PentaRausfacts I’m tired of these “ motherland syndrome” Americans who think they are everything but American smh
Do you speak Italian?
People say this all the time. Right up until they run afoul of some law in the country they moved to. Then they realized just how quick they are treated like a foreigner.
What aspects of American culture don't you identify with in comparison to Italian culture ? 🤔🇺🇸🇮🇹
This is what I am worried about. Trump is going to take rights. He is actually a fascist. Taxes help infrastructure and public education so I don't mind paying taxes. The fact is California federal dollars support the red states. However the US is lost. People can't think critically. The right wing is spinning a lie that deporting 1 million people will somehow make everyone else's life better. It won't. I do plan to leave the US when I retire next December 2025.
I retired in 2021 moved to Florida when you had to buy your house immediately online, so I did that, without collecting a retirement check from my home state, made it to Florida, but the movers stole my whole condo, so my belongings didn't make it, I lived in PGA village port st.lucie beautiful part of Florida I couldn't see living in Florida for the rest of my life, so I took my backpack and my passport thank God I had all of my important paperwork with me and left the country in 2022, I don't even want to go back for a visit...happy trails to you dude😁🤙
The government will cease your assets, you'll be living broke without access to your money.
Do you agree that the government should put a stop to all immigration? This is my view, until the lives of Americans are improved we should not be adding to our population.
@@DavidBamber-m8j immigration and the lives of americans are not one in the same - your logic is that of a bot
@@keenanvanzile so I'm a bot for wanting to fix the lives of our own before helping others. The rich love immigration as they are desperate and will take any wage they can get. It's a wage suppressant tool and is why you need both parents working.
I disagree with allowing dual citizens in Congress and senior leadership Executive branch. We should also ban dual citizenship lobbyists.
Regular citizens and business owners I don't care as much.
Then ready to loose Tesla Inc listed in NYSE,NASDAQ... Congratulations....Anglo
Sure, limit the choices for the place you are in. Dual citizenship does not equal to traitorship nor single citizenship equals loyalty.
@@carolinas8886dual-citizenship implies a lack of devotion to your primary country. Single-citizenship implies a “ride or die” mentality. That is how members of congress should be dedicated to the nation.
Ban lobbying all together. It's just bribery.
The State - The Dictate.
Regardless of it's label.
Left, right, capitalism, communism, socialism, democrat, conservative.
All run by the hidden hand.
Except a MONARCH. :)
@@stefanstefanescu3202 ✡️
Some other countries view it's OK with dual citizenship others are not.
I think Israel and Ireland have the most dual citizenships with the United States.
So, then you advocate for anarchy? Have you ever lived or worked in a failed state? It's not fun. Capitalism isn't perfect, but it's the best system and way better than nothing. Trust me, you wouldn't last very long in anarchy.
The majority of people who pridefully shout "the USA is the best country in the world." Have never visited,worked nor lived in another country so how could they opine or rank which is really better ? Better is a comparison. The fault in language and reasoning are what compose the greater part of this type of nationalist myopia.
I’ve lived on three continents and visited 14 countries. US is way more advanced and civilized. So, do not speak for me. Plus, the American people are the friendliest and kindest; not materialistic like the populations from the emerging market economies.
What happens if you cannot speak English very well in the US ? In other countries you aren't marginalized for not speaking the regional language as a matter of fact the locals try their hardest to speak to you in your language. That doesn't happen in the US. That is neither friendly nor kind. If you don't 'talk American' , you're in trouble.
@@AlexMJ100. Ask that you a KKK member.
@@AlexMJ100Totally Disagree With You Some Of The Most Vile Racist People I've Met Were 🇺🇸 But Some Of The MOST Honest And Respectful People I Met Were When I've Traveled Abroad Besides The Marriage Laws In 🇺🇸 DON'T Favor Men ..
If the Canadian government starts taxing Canadian citizens who live abroad, I will be looking for another country where I won't be required to do so.
@@billspencer8540better to pay the exit tax once and get out before the door shuts completely
@@billspencer8540 What is that?
They can and do so bye bye
@@billspencer8540 I haven't lived n Canada for decades.
Just put your money in the United States. They are the only country with bank secrecy. They don’t share information with anyone.
This is the only channel that doesn’t pander to one side. It’s all about having options.
Yet he thinks the right wing repubiicans are better with the economy which belie the fact that all red states are basket case and depend on blue states to survive.
There is a real problem in the US with a lot of politicians having second citizenship with a certain country and they always seem to vote on things that benefit that certain country even if it is detrimental to the US.
"We're against big government!"...except when it suits us to selectively restrict your freedoms.
Are you interested in having dual nationality and maintaining US citizenship, while also living tax-free? Watch this video to learn how to legally pay zero taxes without renouncing US citizenship:
ACTUAL right-wing is monarchy.
I hope you see this. We need more people with a mindset in the independent/grey area. Too many people are emotionally biased and are on a far end of the spectrum
Dual citizens should not be in positions of power and influence in the federal government. Dual loyalties are a problem regarding government policies.
Absolutely, the US Government is overrun with Dual citizens, and dual loyalists....and the US citizenry is overrun with people with nothing in common with the founders of the country.
depends...if the other country has a better standard of living and is better off than us, maybe you wanna bring some of thoae values to America
Stop conflating dual citizenship with dual loyalties. In every single country that has a law against dual citizenship and your citizenship is involuntary and the other country will not allow you to renounce it after you attempt to do so, the country with the dual citizenship prohibition will exempt from that policy. This is the case, for example, in Australia, where a couple of politicians have received exemptions after demonstrating they attempted to get rid of their unwanted second citizenships that they had acquired at birth.
So his rule applies to Isreal American citizens?
It's almost impossible to access ones loyalties because humans lack mind reading capabilities. However the act of renouncing would be an acceptable compromise.
Dual citizenship for politicians is absolutely not OK.
It shouldn’t be about restricting dual citizenship, it should be about restricting dual citizenship while serving in government. You can’t serve two masters.
True, but the real crux of the matter is not citizenship, but money. They're all bought and paid for.
If you’re so stuck on your politics being a part of your personality then you are just not ready to leave the matrix.
the republic of colombia doesnt care. Even if you take away the dual citizenship status colombia will sill reinstate your citizenshio with them and see you as a colombian citizen if you visit their land.
Chaeck mate!
Well then start with the alarming amount of Congress and Senate that has dual US and Israeli citizenships/passports.....
Omg the antisemitism will start with ridiculous rhetoric.
@@silverlining6259Look up the actual meaning of Semetic. It doesn't just mean Jewish. Palestinians etc are all Semites.
@@silverlining6259 calm down not everything is antisemitic, lease of all what I said which is a factual statement. No elected US official should have anything other than a US passport and citizenship.
@@MrFrancis313 why bring up Israeli citizenship then?!…
@@silverlining6259 Because its the dominate dual citizenship held by the Congress and Senators. Its just a the reality a very concerning reality at that. Saying something that is negative and Israel in the same sentence does not equal Antisemitism.
Freedom is FREEDOM. 100% Andrew... Nomad Capitalist accomplished more than helping HNW individuals go where their treated best. You guys bring clarity.
Then why are 95% of his videos about the U.S.?
If I had to pick between my U.S. citizenship or my second citizenship, I would pick my second citizenship. I'm not ever going back.
Care to share country of second citizenship? Currently traveling, hoping to find a place to settle and call home. I too, would Iike to potentially not return
Dual citizenship won't end for the special country in the middle east.
That Zionist occupied land?
It would take a miracle. The MIC has an abiding interest in supporting the country that drives US arms sales and keeps the region mired in conflict, squashing their potential.
They say The Only Democratic country in the Middle-east 🤣
They are not true dual citizens. As a dual citizen born parents of two countries. I am true dual citizen even my dna says it.
I just took the first step and have rented a house in Panama. It’s a little difficult not being able to speak Spanish but so far, loving it.
Just start practicing your Spanish and you'll be fine my friend.
Having a collective national identity is good. Putting your identity into a state is bad.
The problem of the world is government taxes and the industrial world gauging people in wages and overpricing
We would all love low or no taxes. But consider what taxes provide before you decide they are bad. In the US, people can make more than nearly every other country in the world. They can do so because the US has developed infrastructure, developed and educated human capital, secure financial markets, (previously at least) low corruption, etc. Taxes provide much of this base. Personally, I enjoy earning multiples here of what I would earn in most other countries, and and fine paying some of that back in taxes so that future generations can also live in an area with those opportunities. (Well, maybe not, after the next 4 years, but we will see).
I agree on the wages and overpricing. But those issues are due in large part to the intentionally created market failures from reducing the ability of government to ensure free and open competitive markets.
You are great ; you are NOT a jerk!! I am a Black person (citizen) in America. Thank you, please keep telling us about our options/choices❤
Second Ghanaian passport would be good.
Freedom is when your rights don't infringe on other people's rights. Being free from forced labor is freedom. Smoking in a building shared by smokers and non-smokers is infringement of the non-smoker's rights to not be exposed to second-hand smoke.
Exactly. I dont know how he got this all wrong. When Asian countries wore masks so everyone is able to to have the freedom of undiseased air, did he complain? No. Its just become en vogue to hate in America at wvery turn now. Someone elses smiking infriges on anothers right to clean air
SO glad I am on my way to citizenship in another country. They need to fix a lot of things in America before forcing people to commit to Western globalism.
As a canadain I can proudly say that like Canada. Yes america does things better. But there are also things here that are better in Canada then america. Health care to be a example. Ya your going to wait and depending where you live you will wait for along time but at least you will get healthcare here. The idea of up to 60k people dieding because they can't afford healthcare is insane to me.
I chose not to have insurance and just pay cash after negotiating lower prices myself. It sucks but it’s better quality than a so-called “free” medicine where I grew up.
On the other side of the coin, I got into an orthopedic doctor within a week, and MRI on my knee two weeks later. I called them this week and I can have the procedure in two weeks. That would take how long in Canada?
@@BiochemechanicMRI on your knee in two weeks? That is not normal in the U.S. Wait times depend on location, insurance, and luck
I am Brazilian-American .
Went to The United States in 1986 and after I retired (2021)moved back to Brazil 🇧🇷 😅
Most Americans think the world
revolves about America .
They are clueless.
Go Brics.
Brazil is way better
You should’ve have come to America to take advantage of it.
Brazil is in America. You were always American. But for some fucked up reason we keep letting yankis get away with owning the term "american".
You should drop the American identity then Silvio. Stay in Brazil. You were never really American anyway. Not by your mindset.
@@andreroy8141 Isn't Brazil in America the Continent?
So he can identify as American even if there's no country left to be called U.S.A.
Thank you for the intellectual honesty and candid sober perspective!
Limiting citizenship is one step to control where you live. What's next, by voter registration data for reeducation...?
It's normal to feel pride for your people. What's *not* normal is to put the concerns of outsiders over your own.
Ann Coulter was talking about persons in elected offices, not everyone. Vivek doesn't care.
@@nickro7722 don’t spoil his story! He’s trying to sell here!!
Vivek is not happy can not get Indian citizenship, due to Indian laws and he want to ruin for everyone 😂
Vivek isn't the problem😂
Ann Coulter told Vivek to his face (in his own show) that she wouldn’t have voted for him because he’s “not really” American…. 😂😅😂😂
They're both terrible
The Democrat and Republican, so-called, political parties. Playing the good cop, bad cop political theater game, knowing that people, still in 2024, thinks they are DIFFERENT. They just switch roles, on who will play the bad cop. The system stays the same, all meant to benefit the wealthy oligarchs running the show. Personality changes, isn't system change. The common people will continue to suffer.
Thank you for the objective comments on this subject. Many Americans need to hear these.
No dual citizens in public office.Especially Federal government.
Who cares
I wonder how this could work retrospectively? On my 5th US passport life long Australian resident/ dual- what right does either government have to demand I renounce one or the other? Can't see any practical way to ban dual nationality.
Exactly 💯 it's like they want to own you. Having more than 2 is better.
Especially given the fact that the Supreme Court in the US has long standing rules that make it nearly impossible to strip an American of citizenship.
Countries can do whatever they like. You don't 'own' your citizenship in most countries, its the country that decided who's a citizen and who isn't. They generally reserve the right to grant and to revoke citizenship at their discretion.
Only some countries who suffered communism behind the Iron Curtain, such as Poland have their constitution written so that the govt can NEVER revoke citizenship once granted unless you ask to renounce - hence why such countries are very strict and rarely grant citizenship to people who aren't ethnically from such countries. The reason such protections exist is the communists forcibly stripped many citizens of their citizenship and exiled them as stateless people during the Cold War (they were the lucky ones who could "buy their lives and exile" and the ones who left the few times the border was open to leave during the Cold War), the unlucky ones faced deportation to Siberia (the GULAG system) to do hard labour and the most unlucky were summarily executed by the NKWD.
Countries can declare anyone to be their citizen even without the consent of the individual concerned. Some countries do so to make extraditing someone easier as its harder for countries to refuse to extradite a citizen of the country requesting.
Countries can also refuse to let you renounce - its always at their discretion.
Basically they can take their countries nationality from you unless you renounce all others you hold.
My suspicion is they would just tax you for being a dual citizen of a foreign state. I'm sure Australia will gladly tell the US about your Australian citizenship.
@@matthewnirenberg there's no history of non criminals being stripped of citizenship in these 2 countries.
They don't understand citizenship. The U.S. has so many immigrants, who are American citizens, but inherit citizenship from other places. Some people are multinational by default. You may be able to prevent multiple passports, but not multiple citizenships. I inherit Italian and British citizenship but born to American Parents. I could claim those passports if I wanted to gather up the papers necessary.
Yes, ordinary citizens should be allowed to keep their options open, but having multiple passports should disqualify one from holding any position of power in government.
We left New Zealand in 2011 to do some ocean sailing. That experience, which ended in Turkey, evolved without a lot of planning, but I believe it was largely responsible for our eventual decision to seek somewhere permanent to live (apart from NZ). We eventually sold the boat in 2018 and decided to settle in retirement in Antioquia Province, Colombia. We have never regretted that decision and indeed we regard ourselves as extremely lucky to be living in such a wonderful country.
We will always be patriotic New Zealanders and have viewed with extreme concern the recent Ardern regime of Marxist Socialism - and thanked our lucky stars that we avoided living under that appalling authoritarian government. Thank goodness the NZ government changed to a more right wing version 12 months ago, but it's still far from perfect.
Anyway, what country is "perfect"? Colombia certainly isn't either, but for very many reasons it suits us very well. We own property here and live very contentedly - apart from some brushes with Colombian bureaucracy!! So far we have had 2 3 yr visas and we are now on our first 5 yr visa. By the time we are 87 we will be eligible to become Colombian citizens!!
It takes 11 years to be a
I also settled in Columbia mainly because my wife's father is knee deep in the drug trade and gave me the job of testing for purity which he pays me $30,000 a month.
This channel popped up in my feed and I'm glad it did. I'm from MS and know Hattiesburg quite and it's amazing how so many people fear of moving out of the state much less the country. I've always been interested in exploring and living outside of the United States just try something different and find that place you are treated best not where you're existence is just tolerated.
Welcome! Thank you for sharing your perspective. It's great to hear about your interest in exploring life outside the US and finding a place where you're treated best. We can help you explore your options and create a plan that works for you. If you'd like our assistance, please reach out here:
That was amazing. I love that you're able to objectively look at patriotism for its flaws. I often think about how in the US we view Russia as being thoughtlessly patriotic but I think we share similar sentiments in the US.
I think the topic is a little more nuanced than dual citizenship is good or bad. Modern “democracies” afford “citizens” the right to vote. No country should be giving that to an outsider who hasn’t demonstrated a sufficient level of loyalty to your body politic. Having said that, I don’t believe in taxing expats, military drafts, and do believe laws should apply equally to all residents (not benefits). So while I’d gladly take multiple passports for the benefits they afford me, I also think a country can and should ask me to choose if I want access to theirs.
I don’t want to take dual citizenship away- I want federal employees, especially those high up, to have one master. We The People.
It doesn't matter if this applies to public officials, if you dont apply this to the advisors as well.
I remind everyone, you born in country x, it doesn’t mean that you have to life their your entire live, I advise everyone… “ explore this beautiful world”
Well the ironic thing is that US is in bed with Israel and there’s no way they’d allow the banning of a second citizenship.
This also why I think it’s idiotic to be loyal to a person or a party … if I could pick our president I would have picked Vivek because I align with him on a lot of things but I obviously couldn’t disagree with his stance here
Just get rid of Israeli dual citizenship in government and leave the rest of us alone.
There should be no dual citizenships in government positions of power, and lobbyists for ANY other country should have to be declared as foreign agents, and disallow dark money.
What's so special about Israel? Your Antisemitism?
You are amazingly eye opening!! I’ve been waiting to hear things like this for years! Thank you, thank you thank you
Glad it was helpful!
You are missing the point and importance of a cohesive culture. That does not mean I agree with banning dual citizenship. But, one leader AND a non-cohesive culture can change EVERYTHING and lead to massive destruction, just look at Eastern and Western Europe during ww2. Duh.
Moving somewhere else just to escape taxes is morally indefensible. Wherever you are you owe support to the community you're in, and that includes taxes. That's why moving to a country just to pay less - and not out of interest and love for that country - is inviting the contempt of the others there.
as we come more mobile, they're trying really hard to lock us in. They make it hard to renouce too
Gain another permanent residency. Then don't tell them.
@@alrent2992 Means nothing as you can't hold residence permits or visas without another citizenship. You'd have to first turn that residency into a second citizenship.
@matthewnirenberg First, you get temporary residency, then you apply for permanent residency. That takes several years. Or go to a country that allows border runs.
@@alrent2992 You still don't get it. Permits mean nothing as they can be revoked in an instant - and they are when new govts are elected.
You're still stuck as a US citizen with zero legal way to renounce - even if you wanted to change citizenship as if dual citizenship was illegal the process of renouncing could never take place.
When you get a residence permit, that country notifies the country with whose passport you obtain said permit. So you can't 'hide it'
@matthewnirenberg is not true. No country notifies another country if you gain their citizenship. Actually, the u.s. asks you if you have. It's like going to see a doctor. They only know what you tell them.
Wow. I've watched SO many of your videos but this might be the best. Well said. Good job.
Glad you liked it!
I can't believe I just discovered this channel this channel is amazing and yes I'm trying my best to get resources together to leave the US
Why is it that companies can “not live in the United States “and not pay taxes, but I pay taxes, no matter where in the world I’m living?
Because big business owns the government so tax law always benefits you more if you make money from owning stuff as opposed to working.
'I dont like people taking my money.' You only have money because an entire country has poured into resources for you to exist within, its not absurd to invest back to keep it going.
No one is an island unto themselves. Society is like a large rock 10 people can pick it up, but one cannot, we rely on each other. Every street, every roadway, every picker of produce all work to cohesively keep a system going that has supported you. Did you build and pay for every sidewalk, street, road, land to grow food, sanitation, military, defense of the land you live on, school that educated others with liberal priciples that encourage respect and safety. Societies can't function without investment through taxes and youre better off and able to be your best self because of it. All developed nations with robust social safety nets routeinly outperform those without them especially the US. Now if you want to argue the taxes arent being invested in the way that achieves the most benefit, sure, thats a debate worth having. But being anti taxes means a society will not be beneficial to live in even for the wealthy. And you lose more money given you have to take on so much of the cost yourself without the collective enrichment of others also paying into and cultuvating the society you rely on.
1:44 why and how is saying the pledge of allegiance a bad/negative thing?
If you say forcing people to say something is “bad”, then forcing people to go to whatever education system, and follow the society rules and norms is also “a bad” thing.
When you don't need so much money to make you happy then you are happy...
💯 Agree, and don't forget : You are free!! Many are slaves to high interest debt just to live above their means thinking that's success. No debt means less worries and more happiness.
@@net2dev….The reason we don’t hear of slave ships anymore ….is because they invented mortgages….and worse than that….over priced homes in almost every city in Canada and the U.S. Debt servitude to rent or buy is not optional it’s a choice if you don’t have options 🤔.
@@greatchalla3799 Absolutely yes!! 100%, And houses are built out of plaster and cardboard. No bricks, mortar, concrete nor anything solid that could sustain flooding, termites, mold or even electrical fires. All part of the design to keep people pouring money into maintenance. Its a very clever trap.
@@greatchalla3799 Boomers for sure made the investment of a lifetime. They bought at the best time. Now everything is way overpriced.
@@net2dev Timing matters, there’s never been an expansion of of money supply pumped into the system as there is now and consequently the dollar has been destroyed by inflationary pressures. The 🇨🇦 dollar buys less, so you pay more. Currency destruction is debasement of all international currency against the U.S dollar. Artificially lowering of interest rates and CPI manipulation are the tools of the government’s strategy until they raise rates or maintain higher rates to stoke inflation and money printing. Unemployment can change this! Lowering rates start the opposite of inflation…..deflation like what happened in the 2008 was the catalyst that started the crash when rates were lowered. Defaults + debt = depression. Coming soon !
Very well said. I am a Venezuelan just about to become a Peruvian citizen. People, I’m saying! life is better with dual citizenship, we Venezuelans once living in one of the richest countries of The world with the biggest oil reserves and great diversity natural resources, my parents never imagined any of these. I remember Cubans telling us to leave and never vote for Chavez again (the right wing) two decades went by . . . . One word . . . Touché!
I really appreciate your channel, and agree with many things you say. (I am an American who left the country 14 years ago) but I would avoid political discussion like the plague.
Political discussions are stimulating and open you to alternative points of view. I certainly wouldn't knock them!
Ah "as someone who wants options". As an American, what is wrong with saying the pledge of allegiance?
I definitely respect your perspective on dual citizenship. I as a citizen, owe the country I live in, nothing.
I can't have dual citizenship in my country. Its banned.
Thank you. As I always say, ask not what you have done for your country. Ask what your country has done FOR YOU. Yes. The total opposite of what Kennedy said. NO one owes their country anything. NO one chose to be born into whatever country they're a citizen of. No one chose to be born AT ALL. But somehow a man is supposed to offer his life for his country ?! Oh btw, it's only men who are asked to sacrifice themselves for their countries but somehow the women are exempt from the same obligation!
1:44 why and how is saying the pledge of allegiance a bad/negative thing?
If you say forcing people to say something is “bad”, then forcing people to go to whatever education system, and follow the society rules and norms is also “a bad” thing.
14:28 Europe teaches the same thing to their citizens.
15:39 Well now single taxpayers are taxed at a higher rate than married couples... That doesnt seem fair either
Thanks for presenting this topic. I’m glad to see we are having this discussion. 🤙🏽🙏🏼
These american nationalist we are best in everything is cringe.
Well I made $42million dollars last year with a high school education as an immigrant. Where can you do that?
@@RidleyHolmes-sr2tw you're a just a microcosm of that success as immigrant
He's back! As soon as I see a video, I thumbs up immediately.
Next time Ann Coulter talks about duo citizenship, ask her about israelis.
Vivek only said no Dual citizenship for elected and appointed Government officials
what I remember from my civics class way back in the late 60s the law is you have to declare your citizenship when you turn 18, if you were born out of the country. you can't have dual citizenship.
I think they were meaning or saying that members of congress should not have dual citizenship
Watching from Orlando Fl, enjoyed your commentary..
I strongly agree with your views.
I really liked the voice "pack your bags and leave." Very funny.
Large buildings most likely have a fire escape.
Build your own fire escape. My kids and i will not go die in the next bankers war. Spoiler alert: They've almost all been bankers wars.
This is the most nuanced, honest take I’ve heard in a while.
Thank you very much for your compliment.
I’m one of these people with Dual Citizenship!.!.
Some countries have always allowed dual citizenship (Brazil, Argentina), some have never done so (India, Canada) and in more recent times some have changed to allow it (USA). Changing back would not be so easy, because it would invalidate a multiplicity of treaties to prevent double taxation, and those treaties would all have to be renegotiated.
But the question is moot. Who, for example, is going to tell a Jewish-American that he or she is going to have to renounce either America or Israel? I mean the members of the Trump household, among many others. Does anybody propose to deport Trump's son-in-law or grandchildren? It's just not going to happen.
One of my grandfathers renounced the King of England and Ireland in 1912, and the other renounced the King of Italy in 1916. I would love to get second citizenships in Ireland or Italy, to reclaim my ancestral heritage, but I would never renounce the United States of America, "One nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all." But if the Nomad Capitalist chooses to do so, I respect his freedom.
For awhile, I thought you were falling down the right wing rabbit hole but alas you’re still sane.
Agree with everything you said except for the smoking. Smoking is a health hazard for others, this is coming from someone who was hospitalized from second hand smoking.
Really? "Right Wing" wants to get ride of second citizenship? Pay attention.
What about france , Germany, Italy and Spain. Are they going down as well
As an American who lived in 3 countries and met conservatives abroad, the most noticeable difference is what you’re talking about. They find nationalism silly and want multiple passports.
Yes!! It's the reason why my wife is Pinay and she's not a citizen of the US. It's because, I've no plans on us paying for the rest of both our lives taxes to the US. As long as the business is in my wife name I wont pay a cent in taxes.
As a lifelong conservative, this is 100% spot on. Thank you.
There all over the news about Spain giving citizenship to Puerto Rico. Will that means double taxation? US and Spain.
You took a chance to leave the US when the US situation wasn’t clear yet. Now, it’s clear that the US is on a decline. I wouldn’t have balls to do that back then. I agree with your other views. It always seemed silly when people said they were proud to be Americans or any other citizens. Interesting video!
I loved this video because this message needs to be heard.
If war start in one of your countries, do you avoid draft?
white-flight has gone global
Only they are the Global Minority. So all the Bigots end up comming to America.