This just felt like someone trying to sell me how to play singed the first 10-15 mins of a game and aatrox the rest of the time in the same game, and as someone who like yo play jg in top im all in.
it honestly depends, if you never had experience with kayn. its inevitable. but if you've played kayn alot or have alot experience playing kayn. you'd know when to back out of fights. but this is just my assumption. it also depends on the teamates if they're brainrotted children that tilt on quickplay Que.
That's just bronze lobby problems, been losing too many matches because "Rep Kayn inter" and then it goes downhill where they just give up while i carry the game
i know this is not the topic of the video but i remembered the ornn jg video ( i have not played him in months ) so i decided to try it out, it sparked the love for the character that made me main him the first time, so thank you man :)
ive been maining and playing specifically rhaast top for the better part of 2 and a half years!, glad to see people are getting to try this incredibly fun pick
im only 19mins into this video but I got to comment omfg i love this. first off, this whole idea is really hilarious and psychopathic and secondly, whatever has been in this video has been kept logically sound and extremely high quality and I really, really love your drawings and diagrams. Personally this is also how I explain a lot of sht irl cus its way easier to envision it but your drawings are cute so thats a huge plus lmao thanks for the content!
@@here1334 no drututt pretty much exclusively plays blue kayn, if you check out his most recent kayn vid (which is like a month ago the man doesn't play kayn anymore) he gets red kayn but waits the extra 4 minutes for blue
this was so so helpful i never even knew abt the other info on how to fill kayns bar i just thought u had to hit champs. thanks! i will defenitaly try it out
tried it and it works surprisingly well. the proxy part of the strategy, in my experience, were mostly optional after 2 to 3 waves. it does work very well into late game and you do become a lot stronger than average top laner, but not well enough to stop a 23/3 bot lane lol.
I've been doing this. Took all kinds of notes, followed the steps, asserted my own judgment where necessary. I think it has potential, but it's very hard to pull off in lower elo, even in unranked, because the team mental is often so incredibly weak. Also, a huge problem with trying this in low elo is that your opponents are often not very good either, and they will swarm you without thinking - which would normally be good as you display in the guide, but it leaves very little room to farm, and your own team is often just as bad at capitalizing on enemy mistakes. Otherwise, I don't quite have the pacing down and I'm not very good at maximizing farm through proxy yet, but I can actually carry games once the items come through even if I go 0/10 early game. I rarely reach full build on any other champ, but I've been consistently reaching 5-6 items with this Kayn strat. And once you reach that point you just.... are no longer capable of dying. The strat is real, but so is the team tilt. I get at least one "report kayn" every game.
I think a big factor in pulling this off is having enough awareness of the enemy jungler pathing to not get killed in the first two resets (most games). This is where most of the team tilt comes from, and it's pretty avoidable with jungle awareness. Another option is to play more the way Karasmai does, where he lanes standard for the first 4 waves, and sets up proxy after level 3/4.
I have played this about 10 times now and had so much fun. Only had a positive kd once, BUT I always do by far the most damage in the game, end up with the most gold and take the most towers and farm. Bausens’ law folks
Ive been working on a similar guide recently so I appreciate this alot man. I do have a few things to add though, both input from myself (master) and from grandmaster kayn top player ollip; kayn top goes a lot deeper than discussed in this video. First, flash is very rarely necessary. Ghost + tp and ignite + tp are much more common. Ghost + ignite is also best in certain matchups (usually depending on enemy jg +top pairing) Second, you shouldnt always go rhaast. Blue can 1v9 certain teamcomps from the toplane much more easily. Third, first strike should be avoided in most cases. Its almost not a keystone at this point with how much its been nerfed. Taking resolve runes secondary is very troll. You should go conq primary, minion demat + cosmic insight secondary. There are alot of other rune choices that are necessary in certain matchups not listed in this video, such as phase rush, aery, and predator. Items as you listed are perfect though im so glad you caught on to how bad cleaver is on kayn Finally, the matchup sheet changes entirely in high elo. Aatrox and poppy are hard but nothing compared to masters+ quinns and kennens.
Hi, thanks for the add-ons! I don't fully agree with everything here though. I think Kennen and Quinn can be basically completely proxied out of, kennen especially since it's harder for him to follow you. I also really don't agree about talking conqueror, I feel like demolish is highly necessary since kayn doesn't have any built in turret taking skill, yet he wants to sidelane so badly. On a similar note, I always want demat and cosmic insight. As such, I hate going any page that doesn't have both inspiration and resolve. Conqueror kayn is more important for bruiser kayn builds which I just don't do. Assassin kayn oneshots pretty much everything before conqueror finishes stacking anyway, so it's useless outside of lane phase Also flash is definitely necessary, it's very easy to kite out a red Kayn with no flash. Gotta get onto backline lategame somehow
@@psychopathicporoconqueror is good in to tank team comps . Rhaast going full ad yo stack conqueror in one combo if you aa in between giving you extra %max damage on your ult for more damage as you aren't going to one shot every tank with 1 combo . Especially things like orn who will hit you just as hard as you hit them .and Demolish really isn't necessary if you going full ad with lethality your dealing damage to towers you don't need demolish. I only see demolish as a good rune ti go if no other rune give you anything in the match.
@@psychopathicporo With aery being removed i can see an argument for first strike. I still think conq is more useful even in matchups where you wont use it as much, because it allows you to 1v2 if you get ganked during proxy. Phase rush is still better over first strike if you cant 1v2 especially paired with ghost. I really urge you to reconsider the resolve tree I dont think it gives you anything compared to having ingenious hunter + sudden impact or minion demat + cosmic insight. Demolish is so bad since youre proxying all the time anyway.
@@Nat_-_ that’s what I was thinking like his q is longer than every adc reach insane damage counters have the roster with his E and his ult makes him a tank and then people will say he gets cc’ed but that’s everyone’s counter play
He relies alot in his q for engange and disingage, as he doesent have any other dash or move speed increase in his kit, he also lacks any projectile and his stun is close range, on top of not being instant. Altough he is not the easiest champ to kite its still possible to do it. He is also a auto attack based champ, meaning his damage is mostly sigle target and can be coutered by alot of stuff (such as spyked armour, teemo q, shen w and jax's own e). The most anoying part of his kit is his E, as its very hard to go against with adcs and other aa champs, but do keep in mind that jax has to choose either protection or offence with this ability, he cant stun you unless the ability ends, soo if you get your position right you can beat him with an adc or champs like trynda and master yi
Jax has 4 significant weaknesses. 1. He has zero in kit sustain/shielding because counterstrike takes his entire defensive budget 2. He builds like a hypercarry, leaving him vulnerable outside of counterstrike 3. Almost 100% of his damage is single target unless you go full AP (AP jax is basically a different champion). 4. (This is the biggest weakness by far) Jax cannot interact with enemies at ranged distances at all. Even somebody like Darius has a midranged Q and E, but jax actually has to go into point blank melee range to do anything at all. Having zero range, zero sustain and relying on high income ensures jax is virtually nonexistent when behind because he can’t safely farm against a stronger opponent and his waveclear isn’t fast enough to simply oneshot waves and walk away before someone can properly answer him (unless you build AP). Jax also has more specific weaknesses like being bad vs most mages and tanks because neither class tends to care much about counterstrike blocking auto attacks and both classes can deny him income from kills (mages by standing far away and tanks by being themselves). Jax tends to be more oppressive than most bruisers when ahead and he has several auto win matchups due to counterstrike denying many toplane champions, which can make jax feel absolutely unfair to play against. However, jax can similarly get annihilated in his bad matchups and he’s even more useless when behind than most bruisers, which more or less balances things out. Jax isn’t broken, he’s just poorly designed. Thank you for coming to my Ted talk.
Thank you. I went 0/8/0. But by the end of it... I was doing almost 30% of Kog'Maw's HP before he killed me. And nearly 20% of Voli's before he killed me. And I outfarmed him. Very nice.
I didn't feel like playing Kayn top but q'd for a game of jungle, these items and (some) of the strats are applicable to jungle as well as long as you have enough awareness to make time for objectives, it's very strong if you have another strong sidelaning champ top like a Trundle, Fiora, Jax etc as teams can usually bring down 1 sidelaner with enough people but they can rarely deal with both on different sides of the map
quick question are you going to update the matchup spreadsheet? Now that kayn top is going to be more of a tank than before like Conqueror is going to be more interesting etc. .
5 months later update: this 300 IQ strategy still works, climbed from gold to P2 with this pick, play it! One small warning: it works best in duo, due to surrender vote requiring 4 "yes"
Ok, just did a game with this build and while kayn is my main, I've never found success playing him top and holy this build and playstyle is fun I was 0/6 by the time I got form and even then I was not behind on items, I was actually ahead and I managed to kill a yasuo that was trading with mid, from that point onward it was just a massacre, reached full build super early, like 26 minutes or so, helped my team secure soul by split pushing, took every tower in the game, finnishing the game with 20k tower damage which is insane, even the kindred 17/6 couldn't stop me, enemy team 5 man collapsed and got a shut down from me, but my team was able to push mid and take drake with that play, it was amazing Of course, I don't expect all my games to be as smooth as this one, but damn if this was how it went with me still learning the strat I can't wait to see what I'm capable of when I'm familiar with this playstyle
Good video, but I would say on the point of double proxying, it isn't always good for the mid laner since they might not want or need to reset, for example if they are crushing the enemy mid 1v1 and they don't have enough gold for a reset to be worth it. There are other cases one could easily imagine where double proxying is bad, you could easily end up just putting your mid behind for no reason if you decide to double proxy mindlessly.
I would like watching you talk about max W poking playstyle blue kayn Support, because kayn would benefit from the mana regeneration the support item provides + zak zak realmspike (the purple support item evolution) will provide extra damage with it's explosion. It's very easy to snowball with. If the adc is not that good you can roam around the map and putting vision deep into the enemy territory using kayn's E. to summarize the information 1-kayn support with max W to poke in lane 2-you can roam and put vision in places where others support can't 3-very easy to snow ball with. 4-very flexible pick with a lot of playstyles and itemization in 1 game .
im having a good time but im having a hard time on knowing how to go about starting the proxy after the first one, could you please upload a full game of you playing this just to cover some blanks
what runes and items would you build nowadays, I'd love to see an updated version of it in form of shorts or a small video for 5-10 minutes, since you've done matchups recently
@@ultrasmork6537 spellbook footwear biscuits cosmic demolish overgrowth/second wind Profane Axiom Mortal Reminder + 2 lethality items Q max to conserve mana because manamune isn't worth it anymore and we're not buying tear Smite teleport as summoners Buy jungle pet at 18-20 minutes for the mana regen and the exp increase on large monsters
I had a really hard time against a Tahm who rushed Athema's Chains into cinder. What would you do against this? They had a jax jungle, so mobility to counter proxy and i couldn't fight him in lane after first item.
@@honordevs occasionally I'll go tear first, then Profane straight into lord doms. It's more damage against tanks but less damage than manamune against everyone else so I rarely do it. Against tahm I'd probably still try to go manamune second and just waveclear super fast near turret so he can't push
It's fun, but I ended up just inting d2 extremely hard, lol. Second game was against a Mord and while he let me proxy, I couldn't fight him later. Had to swap pretty early. I'm a jungle main and I don't play much of Kayn, so maybe I just need to practice it on another account. @@psychopathicporo
Hi! just wanted to say i love how in-depth this guide is about every step you need to take to make it work. I was struggling to make Kayn work with the BC build, this one works perfectly with my playstyle (highly aggresive). Just a question tho', i don't know if it's because of buffs to Sion or just personal skill, but i can't seem to win against him, i mean, i can sorta 1v1 him lvl 1, but he comes out on top just because of how tanky he is. He also completely bodies me while trying to proxy. i went the conqueror runepage and everything but i don't see any 1v1 potential against him until i complete red. I can lane against him and survive, but he easily stops my proxy.
Are you landing both parts of Q when fighting him? Are you using Q to get behind him when he winds up his Q so that it misses? Are you making sure you break his W shield before it goes off?
@@psychopathicporo yes, yes and regarding his shield damage is not enough to break it before it goes off if i already used Q and W. Sion usually goes Grasp, so he outsustains the trades and outdamages me unless i use my abilities to win the trade (not mentioning that i have to use them if i want Conqueror to stack) in which case he saves his Shield for when i have no Q or W, and AA are not enough to break the shield, so overall he ends up winning the trade. If all goes well, and i break the shield and dodge his Q, he still kinda wins due to his ridiculous base armor and HP, and wins the trade with Grasp sustain. You win lvl 1, sure, but after that i feel like he's just way too tanky to win 1v1 in minion wave while proxying, even less if he gets help from the jgler. I still won the game of course, 'cause i kept the mental and completed the build (which btw is turbo OP), but i feel like Sion's just too tanky rn to confidently win 1v1 with base Kayn. A good Sion will will most trades after lvl 3 by stacking some armor and just being a tank, and will probably save his W. You win hard after red form tho', nothing he can do without jgler's help.
Now that health increases Kayn's omnivamp, are there any items you should build to make use of this or is the build in the video still the best one to go with?
As a Kayn OTP I would give those tips : - Yuumu doesn't really make sense in the build in my opinion, Hubris bonus synergy with Profane Hydra, Eclipse and Manamune is better in my opinion. - Red Kayn main weakness is getting kited, so I would rather go phase rush when I don't really need the 7% increased damage from first strike, the best Kayn Top Euw often used it against hard matchups since it also allows you escape early - Ghost is almost always better than flash on Red Kayn, the best Top Kayn used to play ignite ghost all the time - Spear of shojing is broken, literally 12% more damage and tons of ability haste, I think it needs to be built.
Really great video, I only play casually, but it's almost always Kayn Top proxy stuffs, only reason I've stopped going Red Kayn is because its just too free and it's not really that interesting when you stomp every game tbh. I just go blue Kayn and split and then rotate faster than the speed of sound with movespeed items as an alternative to Teleport, or I try to split push on the "wrong side" of the map with the objective and then lead the enemies on a wild goose chase when they collapse on me, it's not really optimal but I have a lot more fun with it than just 1v9ing on Red tbh. I also just saw your smite top tomfoolery so Imma have to try that, sounds right up my ally, I can go even faster with the blue jg item :) Also, maybe I missed it but what about the pattern of proxying into a roam? I didn't see you mention it which surprised me, just curious what your thoughts are on when you should or shouldn't do it, but I'll probably get an idea when I watch some of your vods, but figured I'd ask anyway.
I queued and immediately went against a match up that is fairly common and isn't in your spreadsheet: Rek Sai I found it impossible to proxy since her tunnels allowed her to move fast between clearing my wave and catching me farming. Even with W max :(
kayn in lane is so fun, i was doing kayn mid before the W nerfs, going 1/8 in lane and just scaling like a mf from the shutdown gold accumulated from the enemy laner. Tactical inting is crazy.
@Psychopathicporo In your opinion following Kayn's criteria, would you say there are any other champions that are a second, third place etc to this concept? I was thinking about how K'sante seems to share quite a lot of the traits Rhaast has, I'm not sure what exactly is supposed to be his power budget other than mana or I guess the requirement to know exactly how and when to use his ult but the fact that it gives you access to tank item effects but still retaining raw damage from them during ult (And can still choose to also get damage items or with hybrid stats) is similar... I mean everyone memes about his overdesign for a reason but I don't know how it holds out to your analysis. I guess i would be really curious if you thought anyone else would perform in lategame similar to Rhaast, even if they have restrictions to their power. I'm already a huge fan of champions with the 'independent fighter roamer" feel where they have a short hop for going over walls, a solid mix of stats but heavier on damage, and mechanics that enable you to outplay things (like the dash for example, or how master yi can use Q to /juke/follow a dash.
The only other champ who I feel like can replicate this strat almost 1 to 1 is AP Volibear, you can proxy early because of passive chain lightning and then you win side super hard later on. Obviously very different champions but the playstyle is similar. Also obviously Singed, that's kind of a given
@@psychopathicporo Thank you, that's something I would not have thought about in the slighest, I've played volibear with a lot of funny builds but it never occurred to me to proxy with AP. I'm assuming you'd work with something like rift/nash/lb/void? I struggle a lot with lb/nash both/one on ap auto attackers who also burst how would he work in terms of avoiding getting ganged up on in sidelane though? with the nerfs to his Q run I feel like you'd have to run ghost tele + save ult for going over a wall :x
Good Games today, I watched alot of your videos and this video is the reason why we banned kayne all three games. i really couldn't find a answer to it when prepping all week other than picking trundle, but that wasn't even a sure thing so we played it safe. You are really really good and i hope to play against you again in the future. GG WP
Hey, for somebody that definetly wants to play Conq and Ignite every game, how would you advise to start a Proxy after potentially winning the initial 1v1, or after going even?
i mean if you win the initial 1v1 and arent super unhealthy you can just stack two or three waves and do it, even if you dont kill the health lead should be enough to secure push
I tried this strategy and all three games I played the enemy team was adamant about keeping me from proxying. I feel as though this strategy normally won't work.
What do you think of the Boots that give out of Combat movespeed? I only Build them in my ~10 Games and they felt very good. Fast back fast roam. And you dont need combat movespeed in my Opinion. thoughts??
This just felt like someone trying to sell me how to play singed the first 10-15 mins of a game and aatrox the rest of the time in the same game, and as someone who like yo play jg in top im all in.
It's so rare to get content this high in quality and length on league TH-cam. Thank you so much for making this and please keep going king
high in quality? my guy this fucking video is in 480p quality and 18 fps on average what the fuck does this have to do with quality
I just went through 38 minutes of verbal and mental abuse trying kayn top never again bro
/mute all
it honestly depends, if you never had experience with kayn. its inevitable. but if you've played kayn alot or have alot experience playing kayn. you'd know when to back out of fights. but this is just my assumption. it also depends on the teamates if they're brainrotted children that tilt on quickplay Que.
that’s the authentic kayn experience, homie. you gotta embrace the pain
That's just bronze lobby problems, been losing too many matches because "Rep Kayn inter" and then it goes downhill where they just give up while i carry the game
/deafen ......ggwp
your camera controls are insane lmfao
Bruh wtf😂😂❤
absolutely psychopathic wtffff
@@maarten_zappos9189Well it is in his name 🤷♂️
Ong just play locked cam at this point 😭
Thank you for the great guide for a pick that I doubt I will ever play.
i know this is not the topic of the video but i remembered the ornn jg video ( i have not played him in months ) so i decided to try it out, it sparked the love for the character that made me main him the first time, so thank you man :)
LET'S GOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!
I had the exact same experience. Thanks for the new guide!
this guy just did a video on the thing ive been doing for 2 seasons and i love it
ive been maining and playing specifically rhaast top for the better part of 2 and a half years!, glad to see people are getting to try this incredibly fun pick
People havent taken him top for 2 years of lord how the metas changed
The mini poro in the scythe of the kayn sketch is a nice touch
this is one of the best guide i've seen on a champion ever.
im only 19mins into this video but I got to comment omfg i love this.
first off, this whole idea is really hilarious and psychopathic
and secondly, whatever has been in this video has been kept logically sound and extremely high quality and I really, really love your drawings and diagrams. Personally this is also how I explain a lot of sht irl cus its way easier to envision it but your drawings are cute so thats a huge plus lmao
thanks for the content!
Really nice guide, would be useful to have full vod of a typical game to see it in practice
check out my stream! I have plenty of hours of kayn top games in my twitch vods that you could check out
every druttut game like early last season
@@here1334 drututt plays blue kayn 99% of the time, I only really do red Kayn
@@psychopathicporo p sure he takes whatever is the first form he gets. i just recced it cuz its games at chall level tho
@@here1334 no drututt pretty much exclusively plays blue kayn, if you check out his most recent kayn vid (which is like a month ago the man doesn't play kayn anymore) he gets red kayn but waits the extra 4 minutes for blue
this was so so helpful i never even knew abt the other info on how to fill kayns bar i just thought u had to hit champs. thanks! i will defenitaly try it out
Was expecting rumble to pop up as a joke at 3:30
nah rumble doesnt scale for shit on sidelane
This guide was so good I got compliments (death threats) from my friends (my team) about how well I was doing (I went 1/16 vs a mundo)
Would love a short refresh of this given 14.5 changes to red kayn
ngl im 700 lp with kayn and I still learned a decent bit from this video. insanely great work
Im loving this variant of the bausen strat. Ill give it a try (and probably throw a bit for the first few games)
Now this is how a guide video should look like. Great video
Insane video quality, so much valuable information. Thanks for making this. I don't even play Kayn but this makes me wanna try him lol
Been having a LOT of succes with this, thank you very much! (Mortal Reminder/Dominiks power spike is CRAZY)
I used to use the directional key for camera as well when i first started lol. Funny to see another player doing that. Great guide and content
The diamond pearl cycling music at 24 min is perfect❤❤
this video is such high quality omfg i love it
This is the first league video in my life that actually inspired me to play an off meta pick, thanks a lot for such a high quality video, earned a sub
tried it and it works surprisingly well. the proxy part of the strategy, in my experience, were mostly optional after 2 to 3 waves. it does work very well into late game and you do become a lot stronger than average top laner, but not well enough to stop a 23/3 bot lane lol.
Really Really good video just the way it is presented is amazing while also being an informative guide.
This makes me want to play kayn jungle again
yo thank you so much for this tutorial you got me from being in diamond the silver 3 🔥🔥🔥🔥
Eyy,if u deserve diamond you'll get back in it anyway so good luck with the grind!
The 0/7 power spike is real
This guide is incredible! Super well done, really informative, great work, thank you!
I've been doing this. Took all kinds of notes, followed the steps, asserted my own judgment where necessary. I think it has potential, but it's very hard to pull off in lower elo, even in unranked, because the team mental is often so incredibly weak. Also, a huge problem with trying this in low elo is that your opponents are often not very good either, and they will swarm you without thinking - which would normally be good as you display in the guide, but it leaves very little room to farm, and your own team is often just as bad at capitalizing on enemy mistakes.
Otherwise, I don't quite have the pacing down and I'm not very good at maximizing farm through proxy yet, but I can actually carry games once the items come through even if I go 0/10 early game. I rarely reach full build on any other champ, but I've been consistently reaching 5-6 items with this Kayn strat. And once you reach that point you just.... are no longer capable of dying.
The strat is real, but so is the team tilt. I get at least one "report kayn" every game.
I think a big factor in pulling this off is having enough awareness of the enemy jungler pathing to not get killed in the first two resets (most games). This is where most of the team tilt comes from, and it's pretty avoidable with jungle awareness. Another option is to play more the way Karasmai does, where he lanes standard for the first 4 waves, and sets up proxy after level 3/4.
I have played this about 10 times now and had so much fun. Only had a positive kd once, BUT I always do by far the most damage in the game, end up with the most gold and take the most towers and farm. Bausens’ law folks
Ive been working on a similar guide recently so I appreciate this alot man.
I do have a few things to add though, both input from myself (master) and from grandmaster kayn top player ollip; kayn top goes a lot deeper than discussed in this video.
First, flash is very rarely necessary. Ghost + tp and ignite + tp are much more common. Ghost + ignite is also best in certain matchups (usually depending on enemy jg +top pairing)
Second, you shouldnt always go rhaast. Blue can 1v9 certain teamcomps from the toplane much more easily.
Third, first strike should be avoided in most cases. Its almost not a keystone at this point with how much its been nerfed. Taking resolve runes secondary is very troll. You should go conq primary, minion demat + cosmic insight secondary.
There are alot of other rune choices that are necessary in certain matchups not listed in this video, such as phase rush, aery, and predator.
Items as you listed are perfect though im so glad you caught on to how bad cleaver is on kayn
Finally, the matchup sheet changes entirely in high elo. Aatrox and poppy are hard but nothing compared to masters+ quinns and kennens.
Aery no longer effects his passive so there’s no reason to pick it anymore
Hi, thanks for the add-ons! I don't fully agree with everything here though. I think Kennen and Quinn can be basically completely proxied out of, kennen especially since it's harder for him to follow you.
I also really don't agree about talking conqueror, I feel like demolish is highly necessary since kayn doesn't have any built in turret taking skill, yet he wants to sidelane so badly. On a similar note, I always want demat and cosmic insight. As such, I hate going any page that doesn't have both inspiration and resolve. Conqueror kayn is more important for bruiser kayn builds which I just don't do. Assassin kayn oneshots pretty much everything before conqueror finishes stacking anyway, so it's useless outside of lane phase
Also flash is definitely necessary, it's very easy to kite out a red Kayn with no flash. Gotta get onto backline lategame somehow
@@psychopathicporoconqueror is good in to tank team comps . Rhaast going full ad yo stack conqueror in one combo if you aa in between giving you extra %max damage on your ult for more damage as you aren't going to one shot every tank with 1 combo . Especially things like orn who will hit you just as hard as you hit them .and Demolish really isn't necessary if you going full ad with lethality your dealing damage to towers you don't need demolish. I only see demolish as a good rune ti go if no other rune give you anything in the match.
@@psychopathicporo With aery being removed i can see an argument for first strike. I still think conq is more useful even in matchups where you wont use it as much, because it allows you to 1v2 if you get ganked during proxy. Phase rush is still better over first strike if you cant 1v2 especially paired with ghost.
I really urge you to reconsider the resolve tree I dont think it gives you anything compared to having ingenious hunter + sudden impact or minion demat + cosmic insight. Demolish is so bad since youre proxying all the time anyway.
Didn’t they remove first strike from proving his form faster ?
Now that your talking about power budget I am interested to hear about what makes jax balanced
there is nothing making him balanced lmao
@@Nat_-_ that’s what I was thinking like his q is longer than every adc reach insane damage counters have the roster with his E and his ult makes him a tank and then people will say he gets cc’ed but that’s everyone’s counter play
Magic casters... cant dodge an auto hitting spell 😅
He relies alot in his q for engange and disingage, as he doesent have any other dash or move speed increase in his kit, he also lacks any projectile and his stun is close range, on top of not being instant. Altough he is not the easiest champ to kite its still possible to do it.
He is also a auto attack based champ, meaning his damage is mostly sigle target and can be coutered by alot of stuff (such as spyked armour, teemo q, shen w and jax's own e).
The most anoying part of his kit is his E, as its very hard to go against with adcs and other aa champs, but do keep in mind that jax has to choose either protection or offence with this ability, he cant stun you unless the ability ends, soo if you get your position right you can beat him with an adc or champs like trynda and master yi
Jax has 4 significant weaknesses. 1. He has zero in kit sustain/shielding because counterstrike takes his entire defensive budget 2. He builds like a hypercarry, leaving him vulnerable outside of counterstrike 3. Almost 100% of his damage is single target unless you go full AP (AP jax is basically a different champion). 4. (This is the biggest weakness by far) Jax cannot interact with enemies at ranged distances at all. Even somebody like Darius has a midranged Q and E, but jax actually has to go into point blank melee range to do anything at all. Having zero range, zero sustain and relying on high income ensures jax is virtually nonexistent when behind because he can’t safely farm against a stronger opponent and his waveclear isn’t fast enough to simply oneshot waves and walk away before someone can properly answer him (unless you build AP). Jax also has more specific weaknesses like being bad vs most mages and tanks because neither class tends to care much about counterstrike blocking auto attacks and both classes can deny him income from kills (mages by standing far away and tanks by being themselves). Jax tends to be more oppressive than most bruisers when ahead and he has several auto win matchups due to counterstrike denying many toplane champions, which can make jax feel absolutely unfair to play against. However, jax can similarly get annihilated in his bad matchups and he’s even more useless when behind than most bruisers, which more or less balances things out. Jax isn’t broken, he’s just poorly designed. Thank you for coming to my Ted talk.
can’t wait to try this immediately in ranked, i pray for my teammates 🤙
moving the camera with arrow keys is the most chaotic neutral thing you can do
I just did that and i must say, it's so fun! 0/14 against tryndamere.
as a Kayn main, I'm proud this video exists
I've been trying this on and man holy shit its so much fun
I tried it right after this video(only normal games), 4 complete stomp games, most fun I’ve had in a while playing league
Dude this video is actually sick
So this is basically baus's strategy except u found the best champion for it
Thank you. I went 0/8/0. But by the end of it... I was doing almost 30% of Kog'Maw's HP before he killed me. And nearly 20% of Voli's before he killed me. And I outfarmed him. Very nice.
Gj for the work, very informative
I didn't feel like playing Kayn top but q'd for a game of jungle, these items and (some) of the strats are applicable to jungle as well as long as you have enough awareness to make time for objectives, it's very strong if you have another strong sidelaning champ top like a Trundle, Fiora, Jax etc as teams can usually bring down 1 sidelaner with enough people but they can rarely deal with both on different sides of the map
quick question are you going to update the matchup spreadsheet? Now that kayn top is going to be more of a tank than before like Conqueror is going to be more interesting etc. .
I like trying tough stuff top , I was trying to make tank Akali top work and I might try Kayn top now
ksante at his peak arguably fits your criteria
I play jungle and have never played Kayn but this makes me want to play him top lol. Great guide!
sent this one to my friend who has been trying rhaast toplane a lot lately, hes been struggling so this might help him
Or he'll start going 0/20 in all your games and say he's scaling
u had me at inting.
Cosmo... Cosmo I need you in my stream...
@@psychopathicporo poro…soon…so soon
As a singed proxy one trick am interested hmmm
the man uses arrow keys for camera control and still is shitting on these people, hes insane
Just wanted to let you know that ive been using your video. Got me to plat 2 so far
Thank you so much for this. Do you have any of this gameplays uploaded anywhere? I really would love to watch them
Check out my twitch stream, got like 30 hours of kayn top vods on there
@@psychopathicporothank you so much
the more I watch it just reeks of full int. I love it
So, Minion Dematerializer was removed from the game. Is it still worth to build First Strike over Conqueror?
And are the items still up to date?
I'm getting Proxy singed flashbacks from this.
5 months later update: this 300 IQ strategy still works, climbed from gold to P2 with this pick, play it!
One small warning: it works best in duo, due to surrender vote requiring 4 "yes"
Ok, just did a game with this build and while kayn is my main, I've never found success playing him top and holy this build and playstyle is fun
I was 0/6 by the time I got form and even then I was not behind on items, I was actually ahead and I managed to kill a yasuo that was trading with mid, from that point onward it was just a massacre, reached full build super early, like 26 minutes or so, helped my team secure soul by split pushing, took every tower in the game, finnishing the game with 20k tower damage which is insane, even the kindred 17/6 couldn't stop me, enemy team 5 man collapsed and got a shut down from me, but my team was able to push mid and take drake with that play, it was amazing
Of course, I don't expect all my games to be as smooth as this one, but damn if this was how it went with me still learning the strat I can't wait to see what I'm capable of when I'm familiar with this playstyle
This channel is gold !
It feels like first strike goes against the no combat bucket thing
I like how much i enjoyed the video even though i dont remember Anything and prob Will never try it
Good video, but I would say on the point of double proxying, it isn't always good for the mid laner since they might not want or need to reset, for example if they are crushing the enemy mid 1v1 and they don't have enough gold for a reset to be worth it. There are other cases one could easily imagine where double proxying is bad, you could easily end up just putting your mid behind for no reason if you decide to double proxy mindlessly.
I won't let that stop me because I can't read
I would like watching you talk about max W poking playstyle blue kayn Support, because kayn would benefit from the mana regeneration the support item provides + zak zak realmspike (the purple support item evolution) will provide extra damage with it's explosion. It's very easy to snowball with. If the adc is not that good you can roam around the map and putting vision deep into the enemy territory using kayn's E. to summarize the information 1-kayn support with max W to poke in lane 2-you can roam and put vision in places where others support can't 3-very easy to snow ball with. 4-very flexible pick with a lot of playstyles and itemization in 1 game .
Your lane phase would be god awful and you'd lose out on prio in like every 2v2 with base kayn
Why not rhaast over Kayn sup, cause he got a lil cc and heals lmao
im having a good time but im having a hard time on knowing how to go about starting the proxy after the first one, could you please upload a full game of you playing this just to cover some blanks
Check out my twitch stream, there's like 20 hours of kayn top footage in the vods
Oh so this is why I encountered an inting Kayn couple weeks ago, fed me too much and can’t turn around lol
just did everything you said and they ff'd at 20 minutes whilst i had 3 items and a yi and smolder on my team cool :DDDDD
what runes and items would you build nowadays, I'd love to see an updated version of it in form of shorts or a small video for 5-10 minutes, since you've done matchups recently
@@ultrasmork6537 spellbook footwear biscuits cosmic demolish overgrowth/second wind
Profane Axiom Mortal Reminder + 2 lethality items
Q max to conserve mana because manamune isn't worth it anymore and we're not buying tear
Smite teleport as summoners
Buy jungle pet at 18-20 minutes for the mana regen and the exp increase on large monsters
Smite really?@@psychopathicporo
22:23 someone has read up on Bausens law
Thanks for the guide!, tried it today and got a 2 week ban, deserved vacation :)
i have been playing this non stop the past 2 days holy shit this is so fun i love my 32% wr 💯
Wait... Kayn can go 0-7 like a Yas main, touch enough balls to transform. And then shit on everybody?
OKAY HOLY HELL i just tried it out, its absolutely disgusting how strong he is at 2.5 items
You can pres spqce bar to focus the camrra on you
Most excellent!
I had a really hard time against a Tahm who rushed Athema's Chains into cinder. What would you do against this? They had a jax jungle, so mobility to counter proxy and i couldn't fight him in lane after first item.
Get Lord Dom's and pray
What would your build order be?@@psychopathicporo
@@honordevs occasionally I'll go tear first, then Profane straight into lord doms. It's more damage against tanks but less damage than manamune against everyone else so I rarely do it. Against tahm I'd probably still try to go manamune second and just waveclear super fast near turret so he can't push
It's fun, but I ended up just inting d2 extremely hard, lol. Second game was against a Mord and while he let me proxy, I couldn't fight him later. Had to swap pretty early. I'm a jungle main and I don't play much of Kayn, so maybe I just need to practice it on another account. @@psychopathicporo
@@honordevs true, being better at kayn and better at top would certainly help
Played in normals first game, went 0/7 before 10 min ended winning with 20/20/6 with 66K dmg very nice
The mystery dungeon throws me back, might have to go find my old copy of Explorers of Sky-
For a second i thought this madman was playing Karyn too in season 14
Hi! just wanted to say i love how in-depth this guide is about every step you need to take to make it work. I was struggling to make Kayn work with the BC build, this one works perfectly with my playstyle (highly aggresive).
Just a question tho', i don't know if it's because of buffs to Sion or just personal skill, but i can't seem to win against him, i mean, i can sorta 1v1 him lvl 1, but he comes out on top just because of how tanky he is. He also completely bodies me while trying to proxy. i went the conqueror runepage and everything but i don't see any 1v1 potential against him until i complete red. I can lane against him and survive, but he easily stops my proxy.
Are you landing both parts of Q when fighting him? Are you using Q to get behind him when he winds up his Q so that it misses? Are you making sure you break his W shield before it goes off?
@@psychopathicporo yes, yes and regarding his shield damage is not enough to break it before it goes off if i already used Q and W. Sion usually goes Grasp, so he outsustains the trades and outdamages me unless i use my abilities to win the trade (not mentioning that i have to use them if i want Conqueror to stack) in which case he saves his Shield for when i have no Q or W, and AA are not enough to break the shield, so overall he ends up winning the trade.
If all goes well, and i break the shield and dodge his Q, he still kinda wins due to his ridiculous base armor and HP, and wins the trade with Grasp sustain.
You win lvl 1, sure, but after that i feel like he's just way too tanky to win 1v1 in minion wave while proxying, even less if he gets help from the jgler. I still won the game of course, 'cause i kept the mental and completed the build (which btw is turbo OP), but i feel like Sion's just too tanky rn to confidently win 1v1 with base Kayn. A good Sion will will most trades after lvl 3 by stacking some armor and just being a tank, and will probably save his W.
You win hard after red form tho', nothing he can do without jgler's help.
As a main singed, thank you and good job
Now that health increases Kayn's omnivamp, are there any items you should build to make use of this or is the build in the video still the best one to go with?
Somehow I get the feeling that in case Kayn is banned, your backup option is Singed.
How to use demon dematerializer? how many on what minions?
As a Kayn OTP I would give those tips :
- Yuumu doesn't really make sense in the build in my opinion, Hubris bonus synergy with Profane Hydra, Eclipse and Manamune is better in my opinion.
- Red Kayn main weakness is getting kited, so I would rather go phase rush when I don't really need the 7% increased damage from first strike, the best Kayn Top Euw often used it against hard matchups since it also allows you escape early
- Ghost is almost always better than flash on Red Kayn, the best Top Kayn used to play ignite ghost all the time
- Spear of shojing is broken, literally 12% more damage and tons of ability haste, I think it needs to be built.
Really great video, I only play casually, but it's almost always Kayn Top proxy stuffs, only reason I've stopped going Red Kayn is because its just too free and it's not really that interesting when you stomp every game tbh. I just go blue Kayn and split and then rotate faster than the speed of sound with movespeed items as an alternative to Teleport, or I try to split push on the "wrong side" of the map with the objective and then lead the enemies on a wild goose chase when they collapse on me, it's not really optimal but I have a lot more fun with it than just 1v9ing on Red tbh. I also just saw your smite top tomfoolery so Imma have to try that, sounds right up my ally, I can go even faster with the blue jg item :)
Also, maybe I missed it but what about the pattern of proxying into a roam? I didn't see you mention it which surprised me, just curious what your thoughts are on when you should or shouldn't do it, but I'll probably get an idea when I watch some of your vods, but figured I'd ask anyway.
I queued and immediately went against a match up that is fairly common and isn't in your spreadsheet: Rek Sai
I found it impossible to proxy since her tunnels allowed her to move fast between clearing my wave and catching me farming. Even with W max :(
kayn in lane is so fun, i was doing kayn mid before the W nerfs, going 1/8 in lane and just scaling like a mf from the shutdown gold accumulated from the enemy laner. Tactical inting is crazy.
udyr is exactly what u described at3:20-3:22
really good stuff!
@Psychopathicporo In your opinion following Kayn's criteria, would you say there are any other champions that are a second, third place etc to this concept? I was thinking about how K'sante seems to share quite a lot of the traits Rhaast has, I'm not sure what exactly is supposed to be his power budget other than mana or I guess the requirement to know exactly how and when to use his ult but the fact that it gives you access to tank item effects but still retaining raw damage from them during ult (And can still choose to also get damage items or with hybrid stats) is similar... I mean everyone memes about his overdesign for a reason but I don't know how it holds out to your analysis.
I guess i would be really curious if you thought anyone else would perform in lategame similar to Rhaast, even if they have restrictions to their power. I'm already a huge fan of champions with the 'independent fighter roamer" feel where they have a short hop for going over walls, a solid mix of stats but heavier on damage, and mechanics that enable you to outplay things (like the dash for example, or how master yi can use Q to /juke/follow a dash.
The only other champ who I feel like can replicate this strat almost 1 to 1 is AP Volibear, you can proxy early because of passive chain lightning and then you win side super hard later on. Obviously very different champions but the playstyle is similar.
Also obviously Singed, that's kind of a given
@@psychopathicporo Thank you, that's something I would not have thought about in the slighest, I've played volibear with a lot of funny builds but it never occurred to me to proxy with AP. I'm assuming you'd work with something like rift/nash/lb/void? I struggle a lot with lb/nash both/one on ap auto attackers who also burst
how would he work in terms of avoiding getting ganged up on in sidelane though? with the nerfs to his Q run I feel like you'd have to run ghost tele + save ult for going over a wall :x
Good Games today, I watched alot of your videos and this video is the reason why we banned kayne all three games. i really couldn't find a answer to it when prepping all week other than picking trundle, but that wasn't even a sure thing so we played it safe. You are really really good and i hope to play against you again in the future. GG WP
Hey, for somebody that definetly wants to play Conq and Ignite every game, how would you advise to start a Proxy after potentially winning the initial 1v1, or after going even?
i mean if you win the initial 1v1 and arent super unhealthy you can just stack two or three waves and do it, even if you dont kill the health lead should be enough to secure push
I tried it, dont know if its effective yet, but is the most fun I have ever had in lol!!😂😂 (you have to mute your teanmates though)
Bro is the next baus
I tried this strategy and all three games I played the enemy team was adamant about keeping me from proxying. I feel as though this strategy normally won't work.
Proxying used to be way more popular cause Singed so it makes sense people have the sense to stop.
Probably just unlucky. I have over 40 games of ranked on it already and got my proxy off in at least 30-35 of them
What do you think of the Boots that give out of Combat movespeed? I only Build them in my ~10 Games and they felt very good. Fast back fast roam. And you dont need combat movespeed in my Opinion. thoughts??