Big Think Interview With Dean Kamen | Big Think

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 22 เม.ย. 2012
  • Big Think Interview With Dean Kamen
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    The co-founder of FIRST talks about creativity, inspiring kids to become geeks and the myth that the US has a healthcare crisis.
    Dean Kamen:
    Dean Kamen is an American scientist and inventor whose products include the Segway human transporter (HT) and the iBOT battery-powered wheelchair. His inventions include medical devices and futuristic gizmos that Kamen hopes will revolutionize the way we live and travel.
    In 1989, Kamen founded FIRST (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology), a robotics competition for high school students. In 2007, it held 37 competitions in countries such as Israel, Brazil, Canada, and the United States.
    Kamen is the President of DEKA Research and Development.
    Kamen was elected to the National Academy of Engineering in 1997 for his biomedical devices and for making engineering more popular among high school students. He was awarded the National Medal of Technology in 2000 by then President Clinton for inventions that have advanced medical care worldwide. In 2002, Kamen was awarded the Lemelson-MIT Prize for inventors, for his invention of the Segway and of an infusion pump for diabetics. In 2005 he was inducted into the National Inventors Hall of Fame for his invention of the AutoSyringe. In 2006 Kamen was awarded the Global Humanitarian Action Award by the United Nations.
    Dean Kamen: I’m Dean Kamen, the founder of FIRST and the President of DEKA Research and Development.
    Question: How have you helped turn scientists into heroes?
    Dean Kamen: Well, about 18 years ago, we [Dean Kamen and Woodie Flowers] started a not for profit called FIRST, which is an acronym, For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology. The theory at the time, and even more so today, was that despite popular opinion to the contrary, most kids really are scientists. They really love to discover new things, check their theories out, poke at the world, see what happens.
    But we have a society that does a couple of things that I think are constantly gnawing away at kid’s perspective on Science and Technology. Number 1, we have created in this media-driven culture of ours an obsession with two places from which we created all the role models - the world of sports and the world of entertainment. The NBA, the NFL and the Hollywood are all there are. All the role models seem to come from on television, billboards, newspapers, magazines, nonstop.
    Second thing we do is we turn science and engineering from a curiosity-based activity to something that gets judged, something that gets measured. Kids are intimidated by the way science and technology is presented. It’s made, frankly, quite boring and it becomes part of a curriculum that chases particularly women and minorities away.
    So 18 years ago, we decided that while other people interested in the problem of how we are going to get more kids in our pipeline, how are we going to stimulate the next generation of scientists and engineers and those other people whether they’re governments, teachers, not for profits foundations, all focus and to stay focus on things. On the supply side of the education crisis, they all want more teachers, more standards, more books, more tests, more you name it.
    We said, let’s take the contrarian view that the reason so few kids are doing well in math and science, or even choosing to study it all in this country, is not in fact an educational crisis and it’s not about a limitation on supply. We took the contrarian position that science and technology simply aren’t presented as being fun and exciting. We took the position and it’s not a supply problem at all, it’s a demand problem or a lack of it among kids. And we took the position, it’s not an education problem, it’s a culture problem.
    In the culture of America, in a free culture, you get what you celebrate. And in this culture, we have two obsessions, become a group that becomes a group that celebrates sports heroes and entertainment heroes. There’s no room left for kids to see even a little bit of the opportunities to really, really get excited about becoming an inventor, an engineer, or a scientist, a problem solver so we formed an organization, For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology. Notice the name? It is not for profit. It doesn’t have the word education in it.
    Read the full transcript at

ความคิดเห็น • 19

  • @macmos1
    @macmos1 11 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    awesome. Love this video. I didn't know who dean was but I'm glad I do now.

  • @jeffbrower68
    @jeffbrower68 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Also couldn't the Fukishima waste water be separated and the water down through DEKA distillation, powered by another reactor if safe, before running into the Pacific ocean?
    What if control rod material finely ground was fed into the core, even drilled with geological boring and fed a mile down? Also what about boronic water to cool, and pre-stage ion exchange with titanium oxide and salt before distillation to separate the waste before dumping the waste into the ocean? Maybe CA should be piping Atlantic water for desalination or distillation and keep the Pacific off tap for now.

  • @johncarlisle4423
    @johncarlisle4423 8 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Dean Kamen, can your Slingshot System help Flint, MI with their clean water crisis?

  • @twilightzonepinball
    @twilightzonepinball 10 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Wow, I think Dean needs to step into the shoes of the common man and see how health care costs are way out of control due to greed and corruption by corporate insurance companies.

  • @johntonya324
    @johntonya324 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    what became of your pendulum gyro generator invention

  • @zebonautsmith1541
    @zebonautsmith1541 10 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Next Project: The invention of a real life Phaser.

    • @yelsmlaugh
      @yelsmlaugh 8 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      +zebonaut smith Such a device was used on the 11th of September, 2001, to convert the entire contents and concrete into their atomic components.

  • @rexbahr3416
    @rexbahr3416 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Dean Kamen. Would you or yours get in touch with me. I think I can upgrade your sling shot to solar and I have other things I need help with. Thanks Rex R. Bahr

  • @akazas1
    @akazas1 7 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @twinklingWater95
    @twinklingWater95 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    if i'll ever have kids i'll show this to them and hope they understand what i didnt.

  • @twinklingWater95
    @twinklingWater95 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    video deserves some comments.i liked it,i would have loved to see this clip ten to 15 years ago when i was a kid,but i am nolonger a kid and have to get a job .I think i threw my adolescence although this is not the right place to talk about .maybe...

  • @jeffbrower68
    @jeffbrower68 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    I hope Dean gets those comments, he can solve it

  • @winogrocki
    @winogrocki 10 ปีที่แล้ว

    He is the founder of first not co founder

  • @lego30620
    @lego30620 11 ปีที่แล้ว

    FRC FLL &FTC ftw!!

  • @johnnyu3
    @johnnyu3 11 ปีที่แล้ว

    Normally agree with him but we are falling behind other countries in healthcare & paying 2-3 times more.

  • @haroldwestrich3312
    @haroldwestrich3312 8 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I like Dean but Here he TOTALLY missed the point. PEOPLE are not "Complaining" about high specialized amazing new medical care THEY ARE DYING BECAUSE THEY CAN'T EVEN AFFORD THE BASIC CARE PEOPLE TRADITIONALLY GOT IN THE LAST 50 YRS.
    DEAN talks as if we are a bunch of rich kids figuring out how to budget our allowance. THAT IS NOT THE CASE. we are families with children that get the flu and we need to choose between eating meat this month or take jhonny to the doctor for OLD technology antibiotics.! ! ! !
    DEAN i think your heart is in the right place but your answer shows that you never had and never will need to choose between FOOD and HEALTHCARE.
    EXAMPLE: my tooth cracked in half six months ago .... Haven't had it fixed .... not because I don't WANT to spend the money but because I don't HAVE the money ! ! ! ! ! AAAAAHHHHHHG.

    • @711LOVE1
      @711LOVE1 8 ปีที่แล้ว

      +Harold Westrich don't eat meat, and you will not need your doctor ;)

    • @711LOVE1
      @711LOVE1 8 ปีที่แล้ว

      +Steve Smith the clean water he advertises _ does it have essential micro elements and minerals the groundwater has? How does his system work exactly, does it just distill water?