Преди бе сред земните звезди, а сега си сред космическите............ Уникално добро изпълнение, Браво Гена.... Ти бе по-ценена в чужбина отколкото в собствената си страна и това е най-жалкото. Сега когато не си сред нас оценяваме всичко което си ни оставила в наследство с твоите невероятни изпълнения за да звучат завинаги в душите ни като една камбана и да ни напомнят за талантът ти, който бе наистина на световно ниво. Благодарим на съдбата, че те имаше. Ти остана легенда в оперното изкуство завинаги......
@@mariaruskova6054 Писах: че е по-ценена в чужбина отколкото в собствената си страна, а не че не е ценена........... Четете по-подробно за да разберете смисъла на думите в текста. Надявам се да разберете това ми пояснение, благодаря!!!
vero timbro di soprano drammatico, non camuffato scurendo in modo innaturale le vocali, e che acuti!!! presi in "orizzontale", senza cambi e assottigliamenti e soprattutto...senza sforzo
fabrizioncino, con la tua aria saccente mi fai semplicemente ridere, questo per la mia vecchia anima e del balsamo,Grazie ! per quale ragione eri nascosto dietro il tuo pianoforte all'epoca della Dimitrova in tale modo che nessuno ti vedeva e ancora meno sentiva?! il nostro fabrizio maria Garzi all'epoca purtroppo aveva paura di mostrarci il suo talento unico e rifiutava di cantare con la sua voce meravigliosa del tenore eroico comico accanto la Dimitrova ! ma che perdita per l'arte lirica ! ... ma che tragedia ! ... ahahahahahahahahahahahahah ! quando metti il piede sul paco scenico tutto cambia e le teorie inutili e sterili spariscono !... al posto di parlare devi cantare ! povero fabrizioncino ! ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah ! non ti rendi conto che sei ridicolo .
I think I remember watching this on New Year's Eve 1979 in Bulgaria. Is that about right? Little did I know then that I would meet her 15 years later, in America! Personally, I like her in the role. And after becoming accustomed to hearing her in the ball-buster roles, it is so nice to hear her sing with such lovely, lyric, caressing tone and shape the phrases so elegantly. She really should get more credit for being an real artist, rather than just a force of nature.
Not a role with which I would have associated Dimitrova, yet this is truly magnificent! Opulent and technically rock solid as well as stylish. I wish I'd heard her more often
Я не ценил Гену, но это (и несколько других) исполнений Каста Дивы невероятны. Мощный, ровный, инструментальный звук, драматизм при тонких пианиссимо. Immortal. Буду искать полную Норму с ней.
INCREDIBLE Bulgarian VOICE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! God BLESS ALL TALENT IN OUR World !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WITH LOVE Nadya Mirkova - Sofia - Bulgaria
Krasiv ,ogromen, bogestven glas!!! Slava Bogu ,ce Ghena bese megdu nas i ni ostavi takova muzikalno otkrovenie kato nasledstvo! Horata zabraviha, ce predi da pravish muzika i se mislish za "goliam muzikant " parvo triabva da pritegavash glas ...Brava Ghena!
agreed. i won the lottery when i accidentally clicked on her Gioconda video (was researching another singer). she isn't too well-known. and that's okay, as long as i get to hear more :-)
I wish I had heard Ghena as 'Norma". I heard Joan - vocally beautiful but a bit tame and "Scotto" who screamed her way through the role. Ghena's voice is warm, large and the singing so expressive. BRAVA !!!!!
......and, belive me, she sounded live 3 times better than on records, or videos....Huge voice and personality, she could sing astonishing pianissimi in the high notes.....incredible.....I will never forget her....
@@MetaMind-r2s From mid of the 80, in Italy, till 2000 in one of his last Concerts in Vienna. I played the piano on 3 recitals we did together in Italy, Firenze 1986, Piombino 1990 and Faenza in 1991.....Unforgettable artist and a simple and nice person.
oh my god, such an incredible memory !!! Did you listen to hear sing Turandot, Abigaille, Aida too? was her voice live THAT HUGE as people always say??? @@maestroredal
@@MetaMind-r2s YES !!!! HUGE. But much better live, than on tape !!! Was Turandot in Roma, Caracalla open air with Martinucci (Great !) In sommer 1992, and again in 1993, I saw all the rehearsals with Ghena, Martinucci and Nello Santi, conducting and rehearsing all from memory.....UNFORGETTABLE
i went on a 2 year quest to find the most powerful soprano & i believe she is. She has awesome power but no lungs, if there is a more powerful soprano please let me know thx!!!
lately i have found myself listening to more of Dimitrova's work. such a beautiful tone and size to the voice. it's great to hear her Casta Diva, however i feel as though the audio doesn't do justice to her voice. i can certainly hear distortions when her voice gets either louder or higher. can't wait to hunt for studio recordings of this aira :) thank you for uploading.
I normally absolutely despise this aria and was going to skip this, but Dimitrova made me stop and listen in awe. I think she was probably the closest thing we have had to Kirsten Flagstad or Helen Traubel in the modern era when it came to rich roundness and nobility/regality of tone in the middle register of the voice.
Абсолютно сте изтрещяли ! Каква оперна певица е Мария Калас ? Нейното пеене не е БЕЛКАНТО, тоест оперно пеене. С нейния рязък металически глас, истерични фалцети, неспирен речитатив - говорене като в древногръцка трагедия: и ако това е БЕЛКАНТО !!! Гена е съвършенството в тази ария: по-божествено не може да се изпее. Това е лимита на човешките възможности - божествен глас, непреодолими емоции. Ако беше жив да я чуе автора на Норма БЕЛИНИ !!!
+Nik Aleksandrov Абсолютно съм съгласна с Вас! Гена беше и си остава единствена! Колкото до Калас, Артуро Тосканини го е казал най-точно: " в неЙните височини те хваща морска болест"!
+Nik Aleksandrov ahahahahahahahah ! koga i kude si chul na jivo glasut na Callas za da tvurdish tezi tvoi absurdni izmislitzi? mladi momko,predi da govorish,chti i pitai,ako ne znaesh. ne e prestulplenie chovek da ne znae. znaesh li loia beshe La Callas? ne. ps. La Callas nikoga ne e imala piazuk i metalicheski glas. kakvo nebivalitzi pishesh momche? Ghencheto imashe fenomenalen obaiatelen glas.
+Марина Гоева moito momiche,a mene me hvashta morskata bolest ot tvoite nebivalitzi .... kolko e lesno da govorish gluposti bez da mislish.... ahahahahahahahahahah ! kakvo bil kazal Toscanini za visochinite na Callas.... ahahahahahahahahahahah ! kakvi li ne gluposti mogat da se ''nauchat'' ot Vas diletantite , chovek da si zagubi akula ot vashite ''umnotii'' ... !!! ahahahahahahahahahahah !
Dedacomero hai sentito la sua voce dal vivo durante questa recita ? una registrazione è una illusione dolce e viceversa ... non puoi immaginarti che questa registrazione scarsa non dimostra neanche il 10% della bellezza della sua voce . io rimango con il ricordo di questa sera indimenticabile, e tu amico rimani per sempre con l'impressione della vocetta che hai sentito in questa registrazione scarsa . questo è l'avvantaggio di noi '' i vecchi'' ... cordialità
fabrizioncino sei ridicolo . hai sentito la recita dal vivo ? non . che peccato ... ahahahahahahahahahahah ! mi sto divertendo con voi ragazzi ! ahahahahahahahahahahah ! oggi di è la bisnonna Devia che sta cantonando Norma in Italia .... buon ascolto ragazzi ! ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah ! ps. visto come stanno cantonando la Devia e la compagnia /le mummie/ anch'io chiamo subito il mio agente per riprendere la mia carriera questa volta come bisnonno - baritono verdiano ... così avrò la fortuna con la Devia di cantonare davanti il pubblico ''moderno'' il nostro duetto prelibato tra padre e figlia ... io con il mio bastone /sono soltanto 16 anni più vecchio.../ e la bellissima Mariella... t'immagini noi due mano nella mano gridando insieme il la bemolle finale !?... che gioia ....! che miracolo .... ! ahahahahahahahahahahahahahah !
She's very slim here. I don't think I have ever seen her this slim. She sings beautifully, though. Impressive! However, this is pitched a half step too high.
Yes, she is a pure perfection.Even if it is a half step high, i don't think so, it was not her fault.The video is recorded when many of us were not born.
Петров, като нямаш кирилица, не пиши, то не е задължително. И вземи си изтрий глупотевините, че ме е срам да гледам. Тук пишат хора, които разбират от музика, не се бутай, където нямаш работа.
Elisabeth of Valois ako ne e taina, kajete mi ako obichate ,koi sa tezi deto razbirat ot operna muzika v dneshno vreme v Rodinata ?! ta Vie ne ste li vidqla i chula v kakvo katastrofalno sustoqnie se namirat opernite teatri v Bulgaria?! imeto Vi mi e poznato ot nqkude ... az se kazvam N. de Savoy i ne se sheguvam,naistina se kazvam taka... i ot operno izkustvo ne razbiram nishto, i si pisha nebivalitzi po internet ... ahahahahahahahahahah ! salut ma belle !
@@mariaruskova6054Засрамете се. Не бъдете груба. Всеки има право да изкаже своето мнение. Музиката не е само за професионалисти и познавачи. Музиката е за всички.
@@draganvidic2039 Meaning what?? Those who are not ignorant can surely appreciate that Ghena has a divine voice. That is why she was (and still is) so loved in Italy, Bulgaria and in the whole world. Of course, those who are ignorant or jealous or insensitive cannot appreciate such a talent and genius.
She has the tremendous breath control one needs for this aria
Преди бе сред земните звезди, а сега си сред космическите............
Уникално добро изпълнение, Браво Гена.... Ти бе по-ценена в чужбина отколкото в собствената си страна и това е най-жалкото. Сега когато не си сред нас оценяваме всичко което си ни оставила в наследство с твоите невероятни изпълнения за да звучат завинаги в душите ни като една камбана и да ни напомнят за талантът ти, който бе наистина на световно ниво. Благодарим на съдбата, че те имаше. Ти остана легенда в оперното изкуство завинаги......
Защо смятате, че не е била ценена в собствената си страна? Това не е вярно.
@@mariaruskova6054 Писах: че е по-ценена в чужбина отколкото в собствената си страна, а не че не е ценена........... Четете по-подробно за да разберете смисъла на думите в текста.
Надявам се да разберете това ми пояснение, благодаря!!!
Grande, grande, grande. Fa venire la pelle d'oca
Impressionante la facilità con cui emette il suono acuto, senza ombrafi sforzo... fantastica!
vero timbro di soprano drammatico, non camuffato scurendo in modo innaturale le vocali, e che acuti!!! presi in "orizzontale", senza cambi e assottigliamenti e soprattutto...senza sforzo
Col risultato di avere quasi sempre un suono indifferenziato.
con la tua aria saccente mi fai semplicemente ridere, questo per la mia vecchia anima e del balsamo,Grazie !
per quale ragione eri nascosto dietro il tuo pianoforte all'epoca della Dimitrova in tale modo che nessuno ti vedeva e ancora meno sentiva?!
il nostro fabrizio maria Garzi all'epoca purtroppo aveva paura di mostrarci il suo talento unico e rifiutava di cantare con la sua voce meravigliosa del tenore eroico comico accanto la Dimitrova !
ma che perdita per l'arte lirica ! ...
ma che tragedia ! ...
ahahahahahahahahahahahahah !
quando metti il piede sul paco scenico tutto cambia e le teorie inutili e sterili spariscono !...
al posto di parlare devi cantare !
povero fabrizioncino !
ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah !
non ti rendi conto che sei ridicolo .
@@fabriziomariagarzi5534 Pfffffffff, eres sordo! Ghena es una grande.
I think I remember watching this on New Year's Eve 1979 in Bulgaria. Is that about right? Little did I know then that I would meet her 15 years later, in America! Personally, I like her in the role. And after becoming accustomed to hearing her in the ball-buster roles, it is so nice to hear her sing with such lovely, lyric, caressing tone and shape the phrases so elegantly. She really should get more credit for being an real artist, rather than just a force of nature.
It's more like a sun than a moon....What a fluency of this huge and gorgeous voice....
Bellezza della voce, grandezza di talento, nobiltà d'animo.
Not a role with which I would have associated Dimitrova, yet this is truly magnificent! Opulent and technically rock solid as well as stylish. I wish I'd heard her more often
Role is for a dramatic with agility which she is.
Я не ценил Гену, но это (и несколько других) исполнений Каста Дивы невероятны. Мощный, ровный, инструментальный звук, драматизм при тонких пианиссимо. Immortal.
Буду искать полную Норму с ней.
Magnifica. Immensa. mitica
Una splendida cantante !
Would never have imagined she would take on Norma... Great interpretation!
GRANDIOS-Brava Ghena Dimitrova
INCREDIBLE Bulgarian VOICE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! God BLESS ALL TALENT IN OUR World !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WITH LOVE Nadya Mirkova - Sofia - Bulgaria
Истинска радост е да слушам това велико изпълнение на Гена Димитрова!
She's wonderful.. 👏👏
Да си спомним за ВЕЛИКАТА ГЕНА ДИМИТРОВА....!
Saluton. - Rememoro pro la bulgara opera Primo - Gena Dimitrova !
06.05.1941j. - 11. 06.2005j.
Wonderful and unattainable Ghena! Прекрасна и недостижима Гена!
Krasiv ,ogromen, bogestven glas!!! Slava Bogu ,ce Ghena bese megdu nas i ni ostavi takova muzikalno otkrovenie kato nasledstvo! Horata zabraviha, ce predi da pravish muzika i se mislish za "goliam muzikant " parvo triabva da pritegavash glas ...Brava Ghena!
Divina DIMITROVA!!!!!
WOW AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POWER RULES ALL!!!
Phantastish! Das ist eine Stimme@
Все умничания про дыхание и т.д. простой слушатель не воспринимает... для него важна картинка и чувства с душевностью...
agreed. i won the lottery when i accidentally clicked on her Gioconda video (was researching another singer). she isn't too well-known. and that's okay, as long as i get to hear more :-)
I wish I had heard Ghena as 'Norma". I heard Joan - vocally beautiful but a bit tame and "Scotto" who screamed her way through the role.
Ghena's voice is warm, large and the singing so expressive. BRAVA !!!!!
......and, belive me, she sounded live 3 times better than on records, or videos....Huge voice and personality, she could sing astonishing pianissimi in the high notes.....incredible.....I will never forget her....
when did you listen to dimitrova live?@@maestroredal
@@MetaMind-r2s From mid of the 80, in Italy, till 2000 in one of his last Concerts in Vienna. I played the piano on 3 recitals we did together in Italy, Firenze 1986, Piombino 1990 and Faenza in 1991.....Unforgettable artist and a simple and nice person.
oh my god, such an incredible memory !!! Did you listen to hear sing Turandot, Abigaille, Aida too? was her voice live THAT HUGE as people always say??? @@maestroredal
@@MetaMind-r2s YES !!!! HUGE. But much better live, than on tape !!! Was Turandot in Roma, Caracalla open air with Martinucci (Great !) In sommer 1992, and again in 1993, I saw all the rehearsals with Ghena, Martinucci and Nello Santi, conducting and rehearsing all from memory.....UNFORGETTABLE
Sublime, Divina
i went on a 2 year quest to find the most powerful soprano & i believe she is. She has awesome power but no lungs, if there is a more powerful soprano please let me know thx!!!
Spellbinding voice. Just listening was all I could do.
lately i have found myself listening to more of Dimitrova's work. such a beautiful tone and size to the voice. it's great to hear her Casta Diva, however i feel as though the audio doesn't do justice to her voice. i can certainly hear distortions when her voice gets either louder or higher. can't wait to hunt for studio recordings of this aira :) thank you for uploading.
Her voice opens up on high notes yet she has a very low register. Very nice and interesting voice.
if a voice opens up, = REAL DRAMATIC SOPRANO not tuned darker etc.
So beautiful ❤️ moments! utube smile by john bavas
I normally absolutely despise this aria and was going to skip this, but Dimitrova made me stop and listen in awe. I think she was probably the closest thing we have had to Kirsten Flagstad or Helen Traubel in the modern era when it came to rich roundness and nobility/regality of tone in the middle register of the voice.
GENA `~~`~~````~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Amazing...thanks for posting it
I LOVE DIMITROVA, and I'm completely disagree with you and your comment, she had a very beautiful dramatic voice.
Прекрасно..! Georgi Litov - Sofio Bulgario.
Unikalno!!! Narejda se neposredstveno do Maria Callas. She is the best!!!
Абсолютно сте изтрещяли !
Каква оперна певица е Мария Калас ?
Нейното пеене не е БЕЛКАНТО, тоест оперно пеене. С нейния рязък металически глас, истерични фалцети, неспирен речитатив - говорене като в древногръцка трагедия: и ако това е БЕЛКАНТО !!!
Гена е съвършенството в тази ария: по-божествено не може да се изпее. Това е лимита на човешките възможности - божествен глас, непреодолими емоции. Ако беше жив да я чуе автора на Норма БЕЛИНИ !!!
Каква певица е Мария Калас - пласирана от Аристотеле Онасис врещяща истеричка.
+Nik Aleksandrov Абсолютно съм съгласна с Вас! Гена беше и си остава единствена! Колкото до Калас, Артуро Тосканини го е казал най-точно: " в неЙните височини те хваща морска болест"!
+Nik Aleksandrov
ahahahahahahahah !
koga i kude si chul na jivo glasut na Callas za da tvurdish tezi tvoi absurdni izmislitzi?
mladi momko,predi da govorish,chti i pitai,ako ne znaesh.
ne e prestulplenie chovek da ne znae.
znaesh li loia beshe La Callas?
La Callas nikoga ne e imala piazuk i metalicheski glas.
kakvo nebivalitzi pishesh momche?
Ghencheto imashe fenomenalen obaiatelen glas.
+Марина Гоева
moito momiche,a mene me hvashta morskata bolest ot tvoite nebivalitzi ....
kolko e lesno da govorish gluposti bez da mislish....
ahahahahahahahahahah !
kakvo bil kazal Toscanini za visochinite na Callas....
ahahahahahahahahahahah !
kakvi li ne gluposti mogat da se ''nauchat'' ot Vas diletantite , chovek da si zagubi akula ot vashite ''umnotii'' ... !!!
ahahahahahahahahahahah !
vraimont ! oui !
Моля, всички:+ които не познават лично и не са разговаряли насаме с Гена Димитрова:+без мнение~!~чуйте и се насладете на глас Божий+!+
@foratti I am not agreed,she has a very beautiful voice but you can not feel the beauty in her voice.maybe you need time to can feel it.
Bellissima Lei e bellissima la sua voce
Acuti un po' indecisi ma poco importa
Importa, importa...
hai sentito la sua voce dal vivo durante questa recita ?
una registrazione è una illusione dolce e viceversa ...
non puoi immaginarti che questa registrazione scarsa non dimostra neanche il 10% della bellezza della sua voce .
io rimango con il ricordo di questa sera indimenticabile, e tu amico rimani per sempre con l'impressione della vocetta che hai sentito in questa registrazione scarsa .
questo è l'avvantaggio di noi '' i vecchi'' ...
sei ridicolo .
hai sentito la recita dal vivo ?
non .
che peccato ...
ahahahahahahahahahahah !
mi sto divertendo con voi ragazzi !
ahahahahahahahahahahah !
oggi di è la bisnonna Devia che sta cantonando Norma in Italia ....
buon ascolto ragazzi !
ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah !
visto come stanno cantonando la Devia e la compagnia /le mummie/ anch'io chiamo subito il mio agente per riprendere la mia carriera questa volta come bisnonno - baritono verdiano ...
così avrò la fortuna con la Devia di cantonare davanti il pubblico ''moderno'' il nostro duetto prelibato tra padre e figlia ...
io con il mio bastone /sono soltanto 16 anni più vecchio.../ e la bellissima Mariella... t'immagini noi due mano nella mano gridando insieme il la bemolle finale !?...
che gioia ....!
che miracolo .... !
ahahahahahahahahahahahahahah !
@@fabriziomariagarzi5534 No importa, a mi me gusta esa version mas que Callas.
Stupenda. Ma in che lingua canta il coro????
Ne si prochel druje poslednoto izrechenie. Ghena is the best ili?
One of the best after Callas.
I even like it more than Callas.
Ghena is the Best.
La Regina bulgara .
Desiderei sentirla con più morbidezza nella voce
Someone in an opera website once typed that her voice was Great but live onstage she moved like a football player
She's very slim here. I don't think I have ever seen her this slim. She sings beautifully, though.
Impressive! However, this is pitched a half step too high.
Ernie Her voice was a gift from God, i don't think that is high pitched but even if it is it is not her fault.The video was recorded many years ago.
Yes, she is a pure perfection.Even if it is a half step high, i don't think so, it was not her fault.The video is recorded when many of us were not born.
Yes F major would had been better for her voice. G major is a bit too high.
6789 ~~~~
Петров, като нямаш кирилица, не пиши, то не е задължително. И вземи си изтрий глупотевините, че ме е срам да гледам. Тук пишат хора, които разбират от музика, не се бутай, където нямаш работа.
Elisabeth of Valois
ako ne e taina, kajete mi ako obichate ,koi sa tezi deto razbirat ot operna muzika v dneshno vreme v Rodinata ?!
ta Vie ne ste li vidqla i chula v kakvo katastrofalno sustoqnie se namirat opernite teatri v Bulgaria?!
imeto Vi mi e poznato ot nqkude ...
az se kazvam N. de Savoy i ne se sheguvam,naistina se kazvam taka...
i ot operno izkustvo ne razbiram nishto, i si pisha nebivalitzi po internet ...
ahahahahahahahahahah !
salut ma belle !
@@mariaruskova6054 99% от хората,които пишат по форумите не разбират абсолютно нищо от музика! А,че Гена е велика е ясно.
@@mariaruskova6054Засрамете се. Не бъдете груба. Всеки има право да изкаже своето мнение. Музиката не е само за професионалисти и познавачи. Музиката е за всички.
bellini verdi Yo prefiero Ghena mas que esas que mencionas.
@@deborahdimitrova8049ю Y yo igual.
Είναι μια σπουδαία φωνή , όμως έχει προηγηθεί μια άλλη αξεπέραστη και ασύγκριτη Νόρμα η Μαρία Κάλλας
@1994majd :Ghena Dimitrova had an ugly voice, hers was a tin sound
Federico Mastrangelo The only ugly and deaf thing here is you!
Un poco pazzo!
You are jealous, aren’t you?! Ghena is just wonderful!!!
Ignorance is bliss
@@draganvidic2039 Meaning what?? Those who are not ignorant can surely appreciate that Ghena has a divine voice. That is why she was (and still is) so loved in Italy, Bulgaria and in the whole world. Of course, those who are ignorant or jealous or insensitive cannot appreciate such a talent and genius.