Excuse me , I don't understand what do you mean all Swiss watches are have life time service , is it send back to Swiss or fix by local dealer ? don't be silly in last 50 years have many small backyard watch workshops in Switzerland the brands you had never read . in pass 20 years lots main Chinese bumpkin had bought many this kind of watches in Hong Kong !
@@ylm5865 it’s life time service, but not for free. The local dealer will assess it first then send it back to their professional repairmen. It will take months..sometimes nearly a year. Especially old timer .. most of local dealer can’t fix it. I can’t speak for HK. But that’s what they do in Switzerland.
保值PP 後起之秀 RM
機械錶是一種有生命的藝術品,先買天俊帶看看,感受生命力,然後升級浪琴=>歐米加=>一勞永逸,如果有真愛 PP、AP、VC在等著你哦!
我也愛浪琴~但太重了@@ 最後改戴鈦的星辰錶~光動能~輕又省事
@@HsiaoHis 光能表的太阳能板和充电电池都有使用寿命周期。
@@HsiaoHis 光伏电池就是鋰电池,每充电500次后,电池容量就会衰减,光伏板也有使用寿命和衰败,机械表只要有零件更换,使用寿命可无限延长,跟伦敦的大笨钟一样長寿,劳力士机械表因此保值。
Excuse me , I don't understand what do you mean all Swiss watches are have life time service , is it send back to Swiss or fix by local dealer ? don't be silly in last 50 years have many small backyard watch workshops in Switzerland the brands you had never read . in pass 20 years lots main Chinese bumpkin had bought many this kind of watches in Hong Kong !
@@ylm5865 it’s life time service, but not for free. The local dealer will assess it first then send it back to their professional repairmen. It will take months..sometimes nearly a year. Especially old timer .. most of local dealer can’t fix it. I can’t speak for HK. But that’s what they do in Switzerland.
为了从中国走汇. 把钱搞出来, 文物艺术品市场也很畅旺!! 为啥?? 外汇管制紧, 把钱搞出来呗!! 多少权贵官二代润出来, 这些人花钱不手软, 钱来的容易, 花钱如撒钱!!
這只證明了,那些年輕人確實是stupid, 一支百萬美金的瑞士錶,如果是機械錶,鐵定沒有比一支二十元美金的電子錶準確
@@ccy5724 那其實就一隻錶跟珠寶就是一堆石頭一樣,所謂持續上漲價值和稀有性這東西是有人在那炒的是虛的,一旦沒人繼續炒他就會現出原形。
機械錶是一種有生命的藝術品,先買天俊帶看看,感受生命力,然後升級浪琴=>歐米加=>一勞永逸,如果有真愛 PP、AP、VC在等著你哦!
@@paulmo15 個人是不愛身上有多餘用不到東西的人,戴它要增加穿脫時間增加身體移動的重量還要保養浪費資源,事實上個人跟人往來只看對方的臉和整體肢體語言其它都不會去看。
我講白一點 高階鐘錶圈懂的人自然就懂 不懂的人講再多也是對牛彈琴
台灣很多財閥 順便說一下新興的電詐產業也很有潛力的😂