Hi Vihan, when you speak in tongues, it your heavenly language. Its a language understood by God and angels. If others understand it when you speak it and thought you were speaking their language, its because God gave them the understanding. Remember the scripture calls it our heavenly language not earthly so there is no language somewhere on earth that can speak or understand it as some people think. They will only understand it if the meaning is given to them. Praise God.
You people are so illusioned and poisoned by your leaders who always credits God as God of confusion. Every Language spoken has meaning and you people speak in the language neither known to God nor to humans. Hence Paul says lest some people from outside comes and find u confused and perplexed .
I was 13 years when I received the gift of Tongues in class at school. Our teacher taught us about Jesus and she prayed for us to receive the Holy Spirit and we all started praying in tongues, we didn't even know what it was but we where praying and crying for no reason. I went home and told my mom who was not Christian at that time. I said Mama I received the Holy Spirit and I can pray in tongues. And she said how? The Holy Spirit came upon me again and I started praying and could not stop myself. My mom was giggling and I was deep. Her friends would come and she will call me to come and do my thing, funny enough the Holy Spirit will still come to the point where I thought thats how He does things. They will be laughing so much and I will be drunk in Him. Later on my mother recieved Christ and same day the thing she was laughing at now came on her and she started praying in tongues and crying. Today she's a great woman of God who walks in the gifts of healings and deliverance, raising the dead. All by grace, we never worked for it and we didn't even know who the Holy was. Praise to Jesus.
LOST SOULS, if you think these things in this paragraph are going to save you... you’re wrong, it WILL NOT!! ❌water baptism will NOT save your soul ❌speaking in tongues will NOT save your soul ❌confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus in Rom. 10:9 KJB (Please do not take the Romans road, it will lead you straight to Rome)!! ❌Romans 10:13 KJB - For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. (Even the devils call upon the name of the Lord are they saved? NO‼️) ❌The Sinner’s Prayer will NOT save your soul!!!!!!!!! ❌Keeping the Law in the O.T. ❌the Sabbath - works is required!!!! 👉We live by Grace through FAITH, not by WORKS, Ephesians 2:8-9 KJB. ❌praying to Mary and doing the cross sign from your forehead/middle chest/sides, ❌rosary ❌confessing your sins to a priest👉🏻(Catholics), ❌your good works ❌repent and be baptized in water will NOT save your soul!!!! ❌asking Jesus into your heart will NOT save your soul!!!! ❌you are not saved through the early preaching of the apostles ❌John 3:16 KJB gospel ❌the RED letters in the KJHoly Bible ❌the Lordship salvation ❌pictures and videos of Jesus (when you do not know how Jesus Christ looked like) ❌wearing a cross around your neck, etc... ⚠️📣is NOT going to get your soul saved, you are still considered LOST‼️👆🏻 ⚠️This post is a WARNING to ALL LOST SOULS‼️ ⚠️If you are NOT saved, you are an ENEMY of God, His wrath is upon you‼️ ⚠️Drop everything you’re doing and get your lost soul saved before it’s too late for your soul‼️ ⚠️If you are lost, let’s say you died tomorrow, your soul will go straight to Hell. PLEASE GET SAVED!!👇🏻 I am here to preach The Gospel (Good News) of Our Salvation in 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 KJB, to lost souls‼️👇🏻 1.) REALIZE (you are lost, you have to know that you are a sinner). Read these verses - 2 Corinthians 4:3 KJB, Luke 19:10 KJB 2.) HEAR (the Gospel of Our Salvation 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 KJB) Romans 10:17 KJB, Romans 10:14 KJB (you have to hear the Gospel before you get saved, this is sound Bible doctrine). 3.) You must UNDERSTAND (the Gospel of Our Salvation) Matthew 13:13,14,15 KJB, Mark 7:14 KJB. 4.) You must BELIEVE (the Gospel of Our Salvation 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 KJB from your heart, by believing that 👉1) Christ died, 2) for our sins, 3) he was buried, 4) he rose again the third day, 5) according to the scriptures). Galatians 3:22, 26, Acts 8:37 KJB (BELIEVING FROM THE HEART, that’s what saves a lost soul). ❤️Ephesians 1:13 KJB - [13] In whom ye also trusted , after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise, 📣(SAVED by FAITH and SEALED with the Holy Spirit) We have to BELIEVE in order to RECEIVE. The BLOOD of our Lord Jesus Christ is so IMPORTANT 👉🏻you have to RECEIVE the BLOOD ATONEMENT, so there’s Joy of Salvation through FAITH!! Kindly be informed, that we are saved by Grace through Faith ALONE, not by works. 📖Ephesians 2:8-9 KJB [8] For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: [9] Not of works, lest any man should boast. 📖Romans 5:9 KJB - [9] Much more then, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him. 📖All scripture is ‘for’ us to read cover to cover but not all scripture is ‘to’ us. What is written to us, to the Church Age of Grace, The Body of Christ, is from the ✍🏻pen of Paul, our apostle, who wrote 13 epistles - Romans thru Philemon. 📖2 Timothy 2:15 KJB [15] Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. ⚠️ Please get saved now before it’s too late for your soul. We are in the end times!! Jesus Christ is coming soon for His church (The Body of Christ). 👆Heaven is above, 👇🏻🔥Hell is right below your feet (below Earth), you choose where you want your soul to go if you died tomorrow. ⚠️If you still want to argue after reading this post, then YOU WILL BE JUDGED according to Paul’s gospel. ✍🏻📖Paul, who is our apostle said... 📖Romans 2:16 KJB [16] In the day when God shall judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ according to my gospel. ⚠️YOU WERE WARNED‼️ Once saved, that does not give us the license to sin, we are saved to serve our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ for life and preach The Gospel of Our Salvation in 👉1 Corinthians 15:1-4 KJB, to lost souls, daily, Amen!! ❤️ Praise God ALWAYS, Amen!! ❤️ Grace and Peace to all. 💖 For more BIBLE PREACHING AND TEACHING by Missionary Evangelist Robert Breaker, visit his website 👉🏻thecloudchurch.org/ PLEASE WATCH 👉🏻th-cam.com/video/Y8idSTBFv88/w-d-xo.html
We are told in the scripture IF we want to know the truth that there is nothing NEW under the sun. EVERYTHING has come to pass BEFORE. WHEN we want to know the truth on ANY matter we are told to go back to the beginning of the matter and study from the beginning of the matter to the end of the matter to receive Yahweh's understanding. NOT just what we like or what fits into our personal understanding BUT all the truth on the matter from beginning to end. We will start at the beginning : " At the tower of Babel Yahweh created 70 different Languages." He did this so the people could NOT understand each other. Gen. 11: 7. In Acts 2 Yahweh wanted the people to understand each other. Yahweh was reversing what He did at Babel. On the day of Pentecost Simon SPOKE in Galilean. NO OTHER LANGUAGE. The people SAID:" How is it that we HEAR each in our OWN language which we were born. Acts 2: 8. Simon SPOKE in Galilean and the Holy SPIRIT translated Galilean into 17 different languages all at once. The people HEARD them speaking in their OWN languages. Acts 2: 8. NO interpretation needed. These languages are WRITTEN in the scripture. Acts 2: 9- 11. On the day of Pentecost the HOLY SPIRIT translated . NOTHING that came to pass on Pentecost is what happens in the christian Churches today. In the Christians churches today they are speaking satanic utterances praising their father the devil. Those who have received the false tongues today use 1 Cor 14: 2 to justify there praising the devil in the devil's language. 1 Cor. 14: 2 SAYS:" For he who speaks in a 'tongue' does not speak to men but to Yahweh , For no one understands him, However in the Spirit WE speak mysteries. " The 'tongues' in acts 2 MUST be the SAME as in 1 Cor. 14: 2. In Acts 2: on the day of Pentecost they SPOKE in 17 different LANGUAGES. ALL written in the scripture. Acts 2: 8- 11. In 1 Cor. 14: 2 They MUST speak in A LANGUAGE. 1 Cor. 14: 2 tells us WHICH Language they speak in mysteries. . 1 Cor. 14: 2 tells us that they SPEAK to Yahweh. WE must receive understanding of which Language this is IN THE SCRIPTURE. The scripture will answer ALL our questions about the scripture. THE creator Yahweh promises this to be so. 1 Cor. 14: 2 tells US that they speak to THE creator Yahweh. WHEN We ask Yahweh WHO spoke to you direct the scripture will tell US in plain and simple language. We are told in Genesis that the whole world spoke ONE LANGUAGE before the tower of babel. Gen. 11 : 6. This is the creation language spoken by ALL the people on the earth directly to THE creator Yahweh and Angels. This language ceased to exist when Noah and his wife died. This language is called :" A PURE LANGUAGE". Zeph. 3: 9. At the tower of Babel THE creator Yahweh did not want them to understand each other. On Pentecost THE Creator Yahweh WANTED them to understand each other. That is why He gave the GIFT of speaking in Languages. At the second coming THE Creator Yahweh is going to RESTORE THE PURE Language to the whole world and the world will speak in ONE language. Zeph. 3: 9. THE Creator Yahweh is making a Kingdom for His literal genetic SON Yahshua to sit on David's throne in the NEW Jerusalem and rule the world as KING of kings and LORD of lords for THE thousand years. Rev. 20: 4 and 6. During the thousand years on the earth made NEW all the nations will speak THE PURE Creation LANGUAGE . The Creator Yahweh does EVERYTHING Twice. I say again with LOVE:" ALL who speak in " tongues" today in Christian churches are praising their father the devil in the devil's language." So says THE creator Yahweh. I say these things as a WARNING to all who speak in "tongues" today that IF you continue in this abomination you will receive the Mark of the Beast. May THE Creator Yahweh give you understanding in these salvation scriptures. Heb. 12: 14. Bless you
I' was so dry and thirsting for God's words so I was praying and fasting to Jesus for guidance. Your video pops up in the notification this afternoon after watching this video I pray to Jesus for the gift of tongue and read the bible n went for a short nap Jesus appear in my dream. I woke up and pray to Jesus suddenly I started speaking in tongue for the first time in my life and it goes on more hour it was an amazing experience. thank you vihan for your wonderful video.Dear brother and sister in christ please remember in your prayer.
I just read 1 Corinthians 14 and prayed after watching this video and I received the gift of interpretation. I received the gift of tongues four days ago, after 4.5 years of being saved. I really wanted to understand what I was saying. The Holy Spirit is so good and so kind, and truly, if we ask with faith, God will not withhold from us. I did as she said in this video, and I asked God. Immediately I received the gift. I can speak tongues conversationally as I do English and understand it as I do English, and I can also pray and hear the words shortly after in English in my mind. It’s very beautiful and poetic. And it’s very beautiful to be able to speak to God in my own spiritual tongue that was uniquely made for me. ❤ Thank you for sharing the knowledge with us all.
Thank you precious sister for your testimony. I too received the gift of tongues 4 years after i received the Lord and was sealed by Holy Spirit. God bless you even more abundantly.
I have been speaking Hebrew/Aramaic in my prayers and wondering if this is from the Holy Spirit? I can use an app and translate what I'm saying from Hebrew to English
I e been blessed with this beautiful gift, but when I speak to God, the words don't form in my head, they just come out and I hear it for the first time wn I verbalize it. I am also praying for the gift of interpretation. I was praying for a friend one day and she was agreeing with every word I was praying. When I was done she asked me how I knew what to pray for, when I told her I didn't know what I was saying because I was praying in tongues, she argued saying I spoke in her home language, which is Afrikaans. God is good and so powerful. It may sound morbid, but I cant wait to go "home". May Gods blessings be upon everyone. In Jesus' name. Amen
Amen sister, I just speak tongues as well, no words form in my mind. I guess for some people it's different where the words form in their mind. God can do it in different ways to each person.
I love how you speak of God. I got saved last year and I got the gift of tongues later, but I heard people say that sometimes we could be speaking evil tongues. That scared me a while, but when I’m in deep worship and prayer the tongues come and I cannot doubt it is God on my heart.
Know that the devil doesn't understand tounges. Its only between you and God. Thats why he doesn't want us to pray in the spirit. So everyone saying it's demonic the religious leaders said the same thing to Jesus when he casted out a demon. Don't call the gifts of the Holy spirit demonic unless you have the gift of dicerning.
There are so many scriptures in the Bible that day your words should be understood. By God and by ppl around you. These tongues that ppl get possessed with are not from God- if you do not understand what you are saying- and have a gut feeling of it being wrong then that is Holy Spirit guiding you - we need not disregard these gut feeling or thought of somthing being wrong. Follow scriptures. Ppl piont our one scripture- but they don’t read the rest of the scriptures around that out the whole verse together- and clearer. God bless all who are on thier journey to christ.
Me and wife were really wondering what the gift of tongues and if we really need it. Went though a lot of videos, talked to many. But your explanation makes perfect sense, is the most biblical in its application. Now we believe in this gift and long for it (along with the gift of interpretation). Thank you so much Vihan. God bless you 🙏
Beautiful testimony. I am in tears of joy. I got the gift of speaking in tongues on resurrection Sunday 2022 and will never forget that wonderful feeling of God's love surrounding me. I was blessed with the vision of him sitting on his throne just looking on me and immediately I fell to my knees speaking in heavenly language and worshipping him. I will never forget that beautiful experience. God bless you!
I'm so happy for you.... May each one of us receive his HOLY SPIRIT and the blessings.... someday he'll lift me high as my faith shakes but he never leaves me.....i cry for myself how weak i am....
@@VihanDamaris *What you are telling people is not of God, you are not speaking in tongues when you do it, that is just you putting a bunch of silly syllable together and then trying to call that WICKEDNESS speaking in tongues, that is definitely not speaking in tongues at all.* *Speaking in tongues is very real, but what you are doing is definitely not speaking in tongues.*
I have spoken in tongues for over 10 years. I also asked for the gift of interpretation back then. Every time I pray since I get different impressions n ideas. I wasn't sure if that was interpretation of my own prayer until now having listened to you. Thank you and God bless you mightily.
I can testify that sometimes God brings tongues to us when we are not even seeking it. I was a theology student, burnt out, bible-knowledge and bible-science crammed into my brain. I went on a mission trip to Australia. I was alone one night by myself and suddenly felt this indescribable heavenly presence flood me and come on me and suddenly without even trying, I involuntarily started saying and uttering words I couldn't understand, it felt scary and overwhelmingly peaceful at the same time. It was the Holy Spirit coming upon me and praying through me. Never heard tongues before, never asked for tongues, never thought it would happen to me and yet, not closed to the Lord, I knew it was biblical. That was 13 years ago and more recently it feels it has become less and less frequent, I feel I need a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit in my life now, but God did change me that night and felt alot more fire for the Lord, boldness, easier to hear His voice, and easier to witness to people after that moment. The lesson for all should be if an unlikely candidate like myself can get baptized in the Holy Spirit in this way and be given the gift of tongues, it can happen to anyone, it might just happen at the time you are least expecting it!
@@allabouttemi2831 "Father, I pray in the name of Jesus that you would come and bring your waves of refreshment over my sister, as she draws near to you would you come and re-ignite the fire insider her own heart. Let her drink deep the things of your Spirit and the things of your Word, restore intimacy with You. Not by might, not by power, but by my Spirit says the Lord! In Jesus Name Amen!" Just remember that God doesn't move, He never leaves us, sometimes we get busy and distracted by life, we get discouraged, we put other things before Him but He never leaves us even when we don't sense His presence the way we once did, Jesus himself promises "Never will I leave you, never will I forsake you!"
@@drspaseebo410 John McCarthur, although a good pastor whom I honor as a brother in the Lord and believe God is using to preach the good news unfortunately has an unbiblical position with regard to tongues and the gifts of the Spirit today (Paul says in 1st Cor 14:1 to earnestly seek spiritual gifts, esp. prophecy). All the gifts are for today and all the miracles we read in the New Testament were meant for us today as well, the greatest miracle of course is when a sinner repents and turns from his/her sin to the Lord, but if miracles helped point people to God in the 1st C, why would God stop using them in the 21st C?
Speaking in tongues is in many ways surrender, because we give ourselves over to praying His will into every situation. It is Holy Spirit praying on your behalf... Could we pray a more perfect prayer? Often we are afraid to give ourselves over to pray in tongues because we are so used to telling God the outcome we want in every situation. I encourage those who are afraid to let go and let God!
You have to really desire it to get it. God honours your diligence and effort. Not just wishing it, believe in it, receive it, believe that all you ask for, believing, you have already received. So it is already in you. Don't let your mind block you
Thank you Vihan for sharing your experience, I could feel the awe ,sincerity and TRUTH and in your words sharing God’s light in your life. ITS EDIFIED ME. This is literally a mirror of the experience of the book you said you read.....I spoke in tongues in my dream two months before I started really speaking in tongues and i started like the man in the book you read. I can say it’s really inspiring. Your words has also inspired me to seek God for interpretation
TH-cam led me to your page. While I was watching Im experiencing right big toe pain, as I was praying with you, it felt a lil better. God never fail to amaze me. There is no specific word to describe him. His love for us has no ending. Thank you for this video!
Sister, thank you so much for sharing this! It is wonderful and comforting and exciting to hear we each had a similar experience, having received it while worshipping God and suddenly having NO HUMAN WORDS!!! HOLY IS HE!!! ~ Also, you are very encouraging, by the power of the Holy Spirit! I went through a dip in my relationship with God the last few months... but I feel close to Him since yesterday, and I know He is beautifully using you to encourage me. I love how you speak with Him. that is beautiful, I want to implement that more! I usually write to Him. Thank you so much again, all Praise to our beloved Savior, Jesus!
It's 4am and I'm shedding tears! I've waited for this gift for many years(20+), I did everything they told me( desire, pray, fast, respond to alter calls...). Maybe there is still one more thing to do...He'll reveal it! I love God so dearly
First think of tongues as free gift. Don't pressure yourself. Spend alone time with God and speak with Him as if you are speaking with your father. Just because others have it, don't demand tongues from Holyspirit. Analyse your motives. While your heart is really behind spiritual benefits of tongues then there God has no problem in giving you that free gift. Just ask help from Holyspirit if you still couldn't comprehend it. Consistency is key. God responds to one who calls Him day and night with good motives. All the best Brenda. Let very soon you experience tongues in Jesus name. You are His beloved. You are always in His thought :-)
God is still faithful, remain consistent. I prayed for him for years and responded to alter calls, but one day, he showed up and life has never been the same again. He is a true promise. Keep asking him
God is still faithful, remain consistent. I prayed for him for years and responded to alter calls, but one day, he showed up and life has never been the same again. He is a true promise. Keep asking him
*@Brenda Nyakunya.... Keep praying and fasting(water fasting with no food, only water) and ask God to save you. And you can't be in a remarried situation and your first spouse is still alive vs verses.*
Do you have the fruits of the Holy Spirit,are you walking in fellowship of God the father,Jesus Christ and Holy Spirit worry not for many have gifts but not the fruits.You don't need to do anything just have intimacy with the Holy Spirit.Hebrews 2_4 God also testifying with them both by signs and wonders,by various works of power and by gifts of the Holy Spirit (according to his own will)
Wow, I KNOW Holy Spirit led me directly to this video today. You could not have explained it any more beautifully. You just lifted my Spirit so much. I try to explain it to people & they really don't understand. I sought the Lord in this way & received at a Bible study one night. That was around 23yrs ago now. God has brought me so far & blessed me So. About a year ago the Lord began using me to interpret tongues during our service at church. Can I say, the enemy (satan) hates us having these gifts. I have been attacked spiritually lately, but Praise the Lord for my church family to cover me in prayer. We need to agree in prayer together. I don't care what the enemy tries to do..I know GREATER IS HE WHO IS IN ME than he that's in this world. One of the biggest lies he tells people in their ear is, if God wanted you to have it you would have it. So then they stop asking & believing for the gifts. God says, when we spend that close time with the Father, He will show us great & mighty things which we do do know. Jeremiah 33:3. Blessings from Georgia, USA.
*@Debbie Patten.... She said the first heard words forming in her head and then she spoke them out, please give me a scripture from the bible that says that.*
Amen. So funny, I didn't want the gift of tongues, but the LORD had other plans. The moment He baptized me with His spirit I fell on my face and started speaking a mile a minute in a language I had never heard before. To this day I still think it sounded like Hebrew. The love of God came into my room and completely transformed my life. The old was gone and all things were new. I was born again! I love to speak in tongues; to commune with Him in this way is so intimate. I love to worship in tongues too....beautiful! Thank you for sharing!
What a wonderful example you are to other young people. Keep growing in the spirit, never let others intimidate you, you are here on earth for a purpose. God loves you. Stay strong my little sister.
If I pray in my own understanding I get mixed but once I start to pray in tongues I will pray like 40min no stop and the Holy spirit will keep giving me words. What a good way to pray praise God the enemy is confused can't mess up with your plan koz he doesn't know what is next
I'm going to pray for tongues too. I've spoke by the Holy Spirit in a few different languages to witness and prophesy to someone I could not otherwise speak to, but the heavenly language I never kept speaking. I'm looking forward to seeking God for all my spiritual needs. GOD BLESS YOU VHAN ! GOD BE LIFTED HIGHER !!!!!
At the end of an evangelical service, people passed foward to be prayed for. Among them was my sister. The evangelist prayed for my sister who speaks both spanish and english, and brought her a Word from God.. At the end of the service my sister had a chance to speak to the evangelist and told her, I didn't know you speak spanish, being that you are an american, and to my sister's amazement, the evangelist responded, "I don't speak spanish". My sister said, but you spoke to me in spanish when you prayed for me. At that moment things became clear. The evangelist prayed in tongues. But that is not what was so amazing. God brought a Word of confrontation about a personal issue in my sister's life. Something she did not want anyone to know about. Now, two of my sister's friends were standing by her side when the evangelist prayed for her so she figured that they had heard what the Lord had revealed her. When the service finished, my sister told her friends, so now you know. I guess you heard what the evangelist said. But to her surprise, they both said. What do you mean? My sister said, the message the evangelist gave me. And both said, we don't know what she told you. She was speaking in tongues when she prayed for you. The thing is that these two friends speak spanish also! God didn't allow them to understand the message. God wasn't there to put my sister to shame. He was just there to confront and correct her, but in a discreet. loving way. My sister shared this testimony with me. And I must say. I was shocked! God is amazing! And this greatness of tongues, is beyond words!
I always have this desire to speak in tongues and realy want the gift from god and I keep asking god in my everyday prayer but still did not receive it.. Yesterday a prophet gave me prophecy word that he says I keeps asking gift to god and god says he going to bless me with it Today it’s midnight now in my place I feel like I want to kneel down and pray before that I just on TH-cam channel this video makes me to watch.. I feel like god makes me to watch this video. Hoping to receive it soon from lord❤️ I want to connect to him even more with spiritual gifts.
Have you received it yet? I'm praying everyday 🙏 all day every chance I get I know it's going to happen soon..I know it I trust God he is going to fill me with the spirit. I want to learn more about him I want to feel his love.. crazy thing is I spoke in tongues once but didn't keep speaking until I was filled with the spirit..I was a new christian .. I wasn't a new believer I was raised believing in Christ but I was late understanding everything about God and my salvation.
The Holy Spirit is using you so beautifully and you speak so clearly better than any seasoned minister, that includes me, I am so excited to see God using the youths so mightily, continue to enjoy the journey with the Spirit of God.
I started memorizing 1corinthians 14 last week while working. Just repeating verse by verse. Then I saw on my birth certificate I was born at 7:14 am. So I went to the 7th book of the New Testament brought me to 1corinthians then of course 14 lol. But then the kicker. I’m 40 years old. There’s 40 verses in this chapter…. It blew me away. I want that gift plus many others spoken about in that chapter. No coincidences I was trying to memorize that exact chapter b4 I realized about my bday n age. Divine appointment. Thank u for ur testimony dear God bless
I’m happy I found this video. Thank you first for sharing. This is a great explanation. I, a couple of times have been in prayer and the exact explanation you gave is what I experienced as far as these words coming to my mind and my mouth wanted to just go with them. But, I was so afraid of doing of my own will and being almost blasphemy that I guess I rejected it. I will now listen to my Holy Spirit 🙏🏻♥️
Thank you for your loving words. I wasn't raised much in the Church, never really read the bible. That being said, I've spoken in tongues twice the few times I was in church. The 2 times came without my asking. Just put my arms out and sang loud in worship. I felt like it was just me and God. I wasn't in a church with people. The music seemed to get quiet. It was a real connection. Some hard life happened and I haven't read or spoken to him in about 10 years. I feel like I'm not worthy of the gift, not worthy enough to speak to him. You made me feel more confident to try to open the dialogue again.
I received the gift of praying in tonques during a praying and fasting conference in the Netherlands. I went there to find out more about God. At first i wanted to quit and go home, i thought it was mindcontrol or brainwashing.. it was to weird for me. So i went home, on the parkinglot near my car the Holy Spirit spoke and said i thought you were giving this a chance ?.. So i went back in and finished the conference. In a few days i Learnd to let the Holy Spirit pray and leave my own thoughts out of it. Now i like to do it, its a great gift ! It helped me in a sticky situation were i was almost attacked by a aggressive man.. i started praying in tonques and he turned and walked away. Thank you JESUS !!
The way you talk and your voice are both a combination of such a satisfying feeling to everyone who watches your video. You’re a wonderful and a sweet woman of God. God bless you! ❤️✨
*@Addon C. Merly ... Yes she has a very nice voice, but please give me the scripture from the bible that says you will first hear words form in your head and then you speak those words?*
You have the most loving and clear explanation of this. Thank you so much for sharing this. I’m still praying for this and I know I need to just continue obeying Him.
God is beautiful. I can't even think of words that are big enough or great enough to describe Him. I have been praying for the gift and when it is time, He will give it to me🙏❤ Thank you so much for sharing your story with us.
I’m happy for you! Glory to God. Please remember to cover your head when you pray/ prophesy (see 1Corinthians 11). You have such a sweet spirit about you. When I pray in tongues I can usually sense the interpretation. We edify ourselves when we pray in the spirit. Thanks for sharing!
Let me share mine experie nce: It was forming in my mind and I was thinking they were rubbish I was forming my self,but I said them but they weren't coming fast as it used to be with others, the holy spirit told me it wasn't go to be fast if I don't say it confidently without thinking of understanding the words I started saying it confidently and it was as if someone put the words in my mouth, I wasn't thinking of them anymore before I uttered them Tears filled my eyes as I said the words and I didn't know how they came,then I continued to thank the holy Spirit for this wonderful gift
*@Christian Music Lyrics... Please give me the scripture from the bible that said words will be first forming in your head and then you are to speak those words?*
Praise God.. just one hour before I prayed in tongues after this video I went and prayed to God to forgive me and help me to pray in tongues.. And really still I can't believe that I got the most precious gift ever ❤ Even though I don't deserve it..He is amazing I don't even have words to explain his LOVE ❤❤❤❤ Just surrender yourself and believe HIM.. GOD BLESS 🙏
This helps me realise how people i might say true christians who sees Jesus truely are searching for him like soo much.. I just love Jesus So much..and seeing you soo deep with the lord in relationship envies me alot.. But i belive in Jesus name i will get intimately with him as i begin to walk close to Jesus. Amen 🙌
It is a beautiful experience! I remember driving and worshipping, then I told Him I didn't want to copy anybody but wanted my own prayer language. I felt like a swelling in my heart so full of love and started crying and speaking. I felt so joyful I couldn't even explain how full I was. I got the gift of interpretation when I asked as well. Luke 12:32 32 Have no fear, little flock, for your Father has resolved to give you the Kingdom!
I heard the H.S. give me his solution to an issue and instantly my spirit prayed in tongues. I knew then that my tongue was being used to pray what my mind could not comprehend for a solution on what to pray. The solution to the issues is in the works but not fully complete but I could see and can see now that God is working everything out for his good. So that is very good indeed.
I wanted to share what has happened to me only 2-3 times, but after worshiping God in church one time, I began laughing in the Spirit & that joy was so wonderful, it's hard to explain just how happy I felt knowing that He had allowed me to touch Him & feel such fantastic joy! This happened again another time much more recently after praying & seeking Him through a very hard time! I say all this just to ask if you have ever experienced laughing in the Spirit? It sounds crazy, but it's so joyful, I long for that very much.
It’s a feeling that’s above anything else, the connection, love, and fire of the spirit are overwhelmingly wonderful. I sound so different than everyone else, I’m embarrassed of how I sound and only do it alone or with my pastors.
You can do it anywhere and don't be embarrassed. Its your heavenly language. A gift from the father to you. Be bold and courageous because when you speak, you are talking to your heavenly father, the creator of the whole world, the maker of heaven and earth, the Sun, the Moon, the Stars, Universe and the Galaxy. Imagine how many people would love to have such priviledge, so speak boldly and unashamed.
Hey Vihan. Watching your video, I am reminded of how I received the gift of tongues after many years of failed prayers, laying on of hands by Christians and leaders that I thought this gift was not for me. I remember this one time(the last instance before I spoke in tongues) in my church when my pastor aunt had asked the people to lift up their hands who hadn't received the gift. Being a very active member in the church, it was kinda embarrassing to lift up my hands but then I did. She looked at me from the stage with such a shock that she exclaimed "BENNY!!!!!! You don't speak in tongues????" embarrassingly I said "No" in-front of 100 odd people. The ones who lifted their hands were called froward, laid hands on and prayed; to my dismay everyone except me were speaking in tongues. I went home dejected vowing never to ask for this gift for I thought this was not my thing and the Bible also says in 1 Corinthians 12:30 "Do all speak in tongues?" Definitely NOT was my theology until I went to this Bible course where they extensively taught on Tongues and why it is necessary, essential and important for a New Testament believer. My faith shot up. I was ready to attempt for one last time. During the prayer, the leader laid hands on me annnnnd No I didn't get it this time as well. With real disappointment I stood there all alone desiring to receive it. Determined not to give up, I just said "Lord, I'm gonna open my mouth now and speak, you're gonna have to give me the words." With that prayer, I just opened my mouth and spoke in faith. Oh my world! Words came out of me like a river. I spoke and spoke right until this day I enjoy speaking in tongues. Many a times I have received prophetic words for other people and my personal life and God's guidance as a result. One thing I've realised, it is the lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:6) that robs people of this wonderful gift of God which is available to every believer. That is why Paul says "I wish you all spoke with tongues (1 Corinthians 14:5)" because all can speak. If I can, I believe all can. For those of you who would want to know more about Speaking in Tongues, I would like to suggest this book called "Tongues-Wonderway to Wonderworld" by Ezekiah Francis and this video on Tongues by him ( th-cam.com/video/Ir-DWbXG0po/w-d-xo.html ) which helped me in my walk with the Lord. God Bless.
I hope u see this message There was some movement speaking of my tongue which was out of my control I pray in English but automatically it shifts to tongue It's my first time experience I m just a bit confuse was it the holy spirit Because the sound didn't sound like the youtuber is saying It was not like a language.it was like a blabber but my tongue movements were automatic n my prayers were longer unlike usual
My story was the same as yours. I got the gist of speaking in tongues years after giving my life to Christ. I have had many people pray for me to get this gift but it never happened. I had started to lose hope and I remember someone telling me to just speak and so one day I spoke it was weird at first but one day during prayers I just burst out and it was wonderful, shedding tears and when I was done I felt nice. I believe you have to first have a deep conviction and it will come. It may take time but focus and it will happen
Those so called pastors and evangelists who make debate videos and accuse other religions and their preachers learn from this young girl.she describes her spiritual experiences so humbly without hurting others
Very well shared! Completely agree with you girl. Thanks for sharing. And may many more desire n receive the gift of tongues n may they use it to pray in spirit to be built up in spirit n be used for His glory!!!
Vency Manuel You said "Very well shared! Completely agree with you girl. Thanks for sharing. And may many more desire n receive the gift of tongues n may they use it to pray in spirit to be built up in spirit n be used for His glory!!! My reply *@Vency Manuel... So you said you completely agree with her, so can you please give me just one scripture from the bible that says we are to speak words out that we first heard in our head?*
My experience with speaking in tongues was a different one. I never believed in them as I I always hear the same words used. But it happens one day when I had dedicated myself to God because I wanted Holy Spirit in my life. Suddenly from nowhere I started speak in tongues and my voice became too deep. Thanks for sharing now I understand sorry am not that deep with reading my Bible but am going to start doing so. Thanks for sharing now I understand and am blessed to speak in tongues that I had doubts about.
Wow! What a beautiful testimony. I also appreciate how you mentioned that some people associate speaking in tongues automatically with holiness, which we know is wrong.
Nina Thomas You said "Wow! What a beautiful testimony. I also appreciate how you mentioned that some people associate speaking in tongues automatically with holiness, which we know is wrong. My reply *@Nina Thomas... You said she had a beautiful testimony . so maybe you can give me one scripture from the bible that says for you to repeat words out of your mouth that you first heard formed in your head. Where did she get that from?* *Speaking in tongues is very very real, but it's not something you do, nor is it words you heard formed in your head. If a person have not spoken in tongues as the Spirit of God gave them utterance and not them giving themselves utterance, they definitely do not have the Holy Spirit and if any man have not the Spirit of Christ they are none of his.*
Thank you Vihan. This video clearly tells the exact work of speaking in tongues. This video will be a blessing to many specially those confused regarding the work of speaking in tongues. God bless you.
Vihan, I must say thanks so much. I have been praying for this gift for almost a year now since our pentacostal church believes that if you don't speak in tongues then you don't have the HS in you. I needed to hear this thanks. 😉😃
If you are a Christian you have the Holy Spirit for without it you cannot be born again "Romans 8:9". Also even though you have the Holy Spirit when you were born again, there is another experience. That is were you receive the gift of speaking in tongues. if you want, send me a reply with your email and I would reply with explanation and scriptures.
In the bible, it says the moment you believe you are saved. That means the Holy spirit is in you, regardles whether you can speak in tounges or not. Speaking in tongues is a gift but it is not the only sign to show that the Holy spirit is in you. You can pray and ask but this does not mean others who does not speak in tongues does not have the Holy spirit. The bible say the moment u believe and repent with all your heart, the Holy spirit will come and dwell upon u for you are saved. Another thing also with regards to the bible, we need to rightly divide the words of God. Know where are we in the bible timeline. Hope this help.
The way that you describe this experience, it’s almost as if you have to be completely emptied of “self” in order to allow for the Spirit of God to fill you in this special way. This is just speculation, but perhaps those who do not have the gift of tongues are those who are still in need of dying to the flesh. You seem extraordinarily passionate about God. It’s refreshing. It’s a very rare thing to see, especially where I live in the US. I have subscribed & I am blessed by your videos. ♥️
The bible says not everyone has the gift of tongues! Not everyone has every single gift! Read all of 1 Corinthians 12, and perhaps carefully read 14 on the matter as well. Please, PLEASE do not approach spiritual gifts as one being "not spiritual enough" or "not dying to self enough"! I have been in a church where those who don't have tongues are looked down upon and pressured into speaking in tongues. As someone who is VERY naturally critical of myself, I have had horrible experiences this way, and so have many others. If a person chooses to pray for these gifts, that is entirely up to them and their pursuit to glorify God. But telling people they just "need to rid more of the flesh" to receive the Holy Spirit(which happens immediately upon being baptized, regardless of how many spiritual gifts are apparent at the time) does not teach anyone of the fullness of God's grace and love! We are sinners, and as long as we're on the world, we're trapped in our body of death, but Jesus has died for our eternal salvation by the grace of the Father. I am all for pursuing righteousness, but that comes entirely through repentance, humbleness, and gratefulness for what God has done for us. Not a works based faith.
Please pray for me brothers and sisters, one year ago i had received speaking in tounges, it was a beautiful experience and a strong touch by God i believe, but now i have doubts, i didnt test the spirit before and i dont really know if its from God :( I feel so sorry, i dont want to say bad things to the Holy Spirit, i want to just test it. I will fast and pray until i got answer from God. Thank you all and be much blessed in Jesus name
I was really blessed by your testimony of receiving Holy Spirit and the Gift of Tongues and its interpretation. Wow, so wonderful! God bless you by sharing your intimate experiences with all of us.
I do not know about the words forming in your head, but my experience was the baptism of the Holy Spirit , and there I was a shaking, and stammering under the power of the Holy Spirit. POWERFUL !!!
I believe God led me to this video. Half way through watching it, I received the gift of speaking in tongues. Thanks for sharing your testimony. God bless you and your ministry 🙏🏿❤️
What a divine experience of speaking in tongues and interpretation of tongues, communicating to God in his language. Thankyou for sharing your first experience. God bless you dear.🙏
I can feel God’s presence. God is trying to touch me through your video. Thanks Vihan. Thanks for letting yourself be used by God. God loves and bless you..
I'm constantly praying to receive my baptism in the Holy Spirit along with all the gifts: Gift of speaking in tongues, interpretation, faith, prophecy and so on. Please, keep me in your prayers. I love you dear brothers and sisters in Christ!
I know. But I read and I see that it's two forms. We have the holy spirit IN YOU, and we also have it ON YOU. The day Jesus was baptized, the words say that the Spirit came ON HIM as a Dove! Jésus multiple times said, "you Will receive a power the Holy ghost coming ON YOU." See this with me, please. Acts 8 : 15-17 When they arrived, they prayed for the new believers there that they might receive the Holy Spirit, 16 because the Holy Spirit had not yet COME ON any of them; they had simply been baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus. 17 Then Peter and John placed their hands on them, and they received the Holy Spirit. The power to me is when it COMES ON YOU. I pray for this!
I have the gift of tongues, as I was half way through watching tears just started streaming like a river down my face and I was having this overflowing feeling of fulfilment in me,like I was getting a hug 🫂 from heaven ,I was speaking and singing in tongues for the rest of the video…and all I googled was laughing while speaking in tongues cos wow I’m not yet used to that and I landed on your video❤️, and as I was speaking I was asking God in my mind for the gift of interpretation and I know it’s done.😬
Please pray for me brothers and sisters, one year ago i had received speaking in tounges, it was a beautiful experience and a strong touch by God i believe, but now i have doubts, i didnt test the spirit before and i dont really know if its from God :( I feel so sorry, i dont want to say bad things to the Holy Spirit, i want to just test it. I will fast and pray until i got answer from God. Thank you all and be much blessed in Jesus name
Praise God 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻 Thank you Jesus! Yes exactly perfect the way you explained it! There comes a time that our words just isn’t enough and it’s like when you really really want to tell Him your heart and with the beautiful gift of tongues you’re able to do that 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻
Thank you for sharing and please keep on. There are a lot of young people out there who need this encouragement so keep on. Be blessed in everything you do.
Speaking in tongues is one of the most powerful gifts of god. The power inside this practice is unbelievable. Lucky is the person. That discovers the secret . Start with praising god continually day in and out and the rest will reveal itself eventually.
I thank God for you Vihan, truly you are a blessed vessel of God, I have always asked myself if there people like you who seek God with pure heart, and fear him in all their ways, I find it difficult to have such friends especially in the youth stage, so many crazy stuffs are happening in this world and many youths are lost due to ignorance. I can say that I have found a true God sent friend in you. I love you are doing, I pray that God to continue to use you to reach many, and many souls to be drafted to God's kingdom.
I form my words in telugu my mother tongue in my mind but i speak out in a different language. I really dint understand at first but i couldnt stop myself from talking in tongues. I experienced it so many times. And i cry a lot when i speak in tongues. And some times i speak in english unknowingly though i frame up my words in telugu in my mind. It is awesome! And if im out of the track i wouldnt feel his presence.. I cannot act it. Then again i cry alot ask God to forgive me and then again hes with me. My gift of tongues give me peace
I agree when i first spoke in tongues . I couldn’t stand on my feet . I was washing dishes and praying and it hit me . I had just finished praying and crying “ Lord do you even hear me ? Am I praying to a wall “ I was going through a serious trial and felt i was alone i didn’t feel him close to me . And then boom the holy sportier hir me so hard . I was crying and screaming in tongues . I couldn’t stand I went to kneel and then I was straight on the floor . When I finally stopped speaking in tongues I was sobbing on the floor . The feeling that you eat after the tongues is unexplainable. I wanted to go outside and scream and shout and yell from the top of my lungs JESSSUUUSS. The one word I can say is I felt “invincible” I’m not a confident or loud person so for me to say I felt invincible is a lot .
I am in love with your channel, because you have touched so many topics which I found difficult to discuss with a pastor without the fear of being judged. May God use you more mightily, God bless sister.
I spoke tongue's before I knew anything about it. When I began praying with all my heart. It felt weird but it also felt so right. It's like running out of words and it becomes automatic.
*@AKTrapper.... But did you notice not one of the scriptures she showed said anything about first hearing words formed in your head and than say them? Where did she get that lie from?*
@@aktrapper6126 *You hear from God by and through fasting and praying but nowhere in the bible does it tell anyone to speak words out that you've heard in your head and then call that speaking in tongues.*
@@aktrapper6126 *Yes I do speak in tongues. But it's never ever something I do. The Holy Spirit takes over my tongue and the Holy Spirit speaks words out of my mouth using my tongue as the bible said in Acts.2:4 the Holy Spirit gave them utterance they did not give themselves utterance as this woman is telling people to do.*
In 2013 God gave me this gift of speaking in tongues. People said many things to me. And did not know the meaning nor was there anybody to interpret. Then in 2016 I happened to be in a bible college in usa and students from 74 countries were there. I was asked to share my testimony followed by prayer. First I spoke in tongues and then prayer. Next day I met a student who was from Kazakhstan and she said that I was speaking in her language when I was asked to pray. When you are speaking tongues don't worry and give praises to Jesus.
There are different kinds of tongues. Some people receive the ability to speak in other earthly languages and some people receive the tongues that only God can understand.
Heather S there are different kinds of tongues. Some people receive the ability to speak in other earthly languages, and some people receive the one that only God understands.
Same thing with a family member who was praying for an unbelieving Jew but ended up speaking in tongues (in Hebrew) with the Holy Spirit directly talking to the unbelieving person who later accepted Christ.
And interpretation is not just for you it's for you to interpret others as well...so if she can interpret then she can interpret others when they speak in tongues.....but no you Don't ask God for spiritual gifts because it's selfish... it's telling him the gift he desires for you isn't right. He has a purpose and plan from before you were born. So yes this video is misleading.
There is a difference between " tongues" that is the initial sign that a believer has recieved the Holy Spirit and the born again believers prayer language for their personal edification and the gift of speaking in tongues that works together with the gift of interpretation of tongues for the edification of a church body.
God bless you! Yes, it is so true that anyone who truly longs for the gift of tongues can receive it by simply asking God our Father and boldly stepping out in faith by uttering the words given by the Spirit.
Speaking in tongues is such an amazing gift what our languages cannot convey, the spirit of God conveys and there is such a comfort in our hearts by the end of our prayer. Thanks for communicating about this in such an understandable manner love💞 God bless you ❤️
I want it too. I love God and want the Holy Spirit to speak out of my mouth. I heared in my spirit “Fast and Surrender” Beautiful video! God bless you sister 🙏🏼♥️
Scripture mentioned on tongues-
(Amp version)
1 Corinthians 12:4-31
1 Corinthians 14:2-28
Acts 2
Romans 8:26-27
Additional verses - Matthew 6:1-2, James 1:5-6
The quality of your video and voice quality is so soothing
Hi Vihan, when you speak in tongues, it your heavenly language. Its a language understood by God and angels. If others understand it when you speak it and thought you were speaking their language, its because God gave them the understanding. Remember the scripture calls it our heavenly language not earthly so there is no language somewhere on earth that can speak or understand it as some people think. They will only understand it if the meaning is given to them. Praise God.
Vihan this really blessed my life
You should hear Speaking in tongues by John MacArthur
You people are so illusioned and poisoned by your leaders who always credits God as God of confusion. Every Language spoken has meaning and you people speak in the language neither known to God nor to humans.
Hence Paul says lest some people from outside comes and find u confused and perplexed .
I was 13 years when I received the gift of Tongues in class at school. Our teacher taught us about Jesus and she prayed for us to receive the Holy Spirit and we all started praying in tongues, we didn't even know what it was but we where praying and crying for no reason. I went home and told my mom who was not Christian at that time. I said Mama I received the Holy Spirit and I can pray in tongues. And she said how? The Holy Spirit came upon me again and I started praying and could not stop myself. My mom was giggling and I was deep. Her friends would come and she will call me to come and do my thing, funny enough the Holy Spirit will still come to the point where I thought thats how He does things. They will be laughing so much and I will be drunk in Him. Later on my mother recieved Christ and same day the thing she was laughing at now came on her and she started praying in tongues and crying. Today she's a great woman of God who walks in the gifts of healings and deliverance, raising the dead. All by grace, we never worked for it and we didn't even know who the Holy was. Praise to Jesus.
The Mudzusi Girl That’s so cool!
That's a beautiful story. I pray that your light will shine on your mother and she will come to know Jesus as well.
LOST SOULS, if you think these things in this paragraph are going to save you... you’re wrong, it WILL NOT!!
❌water baptism will NOT save your soul
❌speaking in tongues will NOT save your soul
❌confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus in Rom. 10:9 KJB (Please do not take the Romans road, it will lead you straight to Rome)!!
❌Romans 10:13 KJB - For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. (Even the devils call upon the name of the Lord are they saved? NO‼️)
❌The Sinner’s Prayer will NOT save your soul!!!!!!!!!
❌Keeping the Law in the O.T.
❌the Sabbath - works is required!!!! 👉We live by Grace through FAITH, not by WORKS, Ephesians 2:8-9 KJB.
❌praying to Mary and doing the cross sign from your forehead/middle chest/sides, ❌rosary
❌confessing your sins to a priest👉🏻(Catholics), ❌your good works
❌repent and be baptized in water will NOT save your soul!!!!
❌asking Jesus into your heart will NOT save your soul!!!!
❌you are not saved through the early preaching of the apostles
❌John 3:16 KJB gospel
❌the RED letters in the KJHoly Bible
❌the Lordship salvation
❌pictures and videos of Jesus (when you do not know how Jesus Christ looked like)
❌wearing a cross around your neck, etc...
⚠️📣is NOT going to get your soul saved, you are still considered LOST‼️👆🏻
⚠️This post is a WARNING to ALL LOST SOULS‼️
⚠️If you are NOT saved, you are an ENEMY of God, His wrath is upon you‼️
⚠️Drop everything you’re doing and get your lost soul saved before it’s too late for your soul‼️
⚠️If you are lost, let’s say you died tomorrow, your soul will go straight to Hell.
I am here to preach The Gospel (Good News) of Our Salvation in 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 KJB, to lost souls‼️👇🏻
1.) REALIZE (you are lost, you have to know that you are a sinner).
Read these verses - 2 Corinthians 4:3 KJB, Luke 19:10 KJB
2.) HEAR (the Gospel of Our Salvation 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 KJB) Romans 10:17 KJB, Romans 10:14 KJB (you have to hear the Gospel before you get saved, this is sound Bible doctrine).
3.) You must UNDERSTAND (the Gospel of Our Salvation) Matthew 13:13,14,15 KJB, Mark 7:14 KJB.
4.) You must BELIEVE (the Gospel of Our Salvation 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 KJB from your heart, by believing that 👉1) Christ died, 2) for our sins, 3) he was buried, 4) he rose again the third day, 5) according to the scriptures). Galatians 3:22, 26, Acts 8:37 KJB (BELIEVING FROM THE HEART, that’s what saves a lost soul).
❤️Ephesians 1:13 KJB - [13] In whom ye also trusted , after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise,
📣(SAVED by FAITH and SEALED with the Holy Spirit)
We have to BELIEVE in order to RECEIVE.
The BLOOD of our Lord Jesus Christ is so IMPORTANT 👉🏻you have to RECEIVE the BLOOD ATONEMENT, so there’s Joy of Salvation through FAITH!!
Kindly be informed, that we are saved by Grace through Faith ALONE, not by works.
📖Ephesians 2:8-9 KJB
[8] For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: [9] Not of works, lest any man should boast.
📖Romans 5:9 KJB - [9] Much more then, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him.
📖All scripture is ‘for’ us to read cover to cover but not all scripture is ‘to’ us. What is written to us, to the Church Age of Grace, The Body of Christ, is from the ✍🏻pen of Paul, our apostle, who wrote 13 epistles - Romans thru Philemon.
📖2 Timothy 2:15 KJB
[15] Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
⚠️ Please get saved now before it’s too late for your soul. We are in the end times!! Jesus Christ is coming soon for His church (The Body of Christ).
👆Heaven is above, 👇🏻🔥Hell is right below your feet (below Earth), you choose where you want your soul to go if you died tomorrow.
⚠️If you still want to argue after reading this post, then YOU WILL BE JUDGED according to Paul’s gospel.
✍🏻📖Paul, who is our apostle said...
📖Romans 2:16 KJB
[16] In the day when God shall judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ according to my gospel.
Once saved, that does not give us the license to sin, we are saved to serve our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ for life and preach The Gospel of Our Salvation in 👉1 Corinthians 15:1-4 KJB, to lost souls, daily, Amen!! ❤️
Praise God ALWAYS, Amen!! ❤️
Grace and Peace to all. 💖
For more BIBLE PREACHING AND TEACHING by Missionary Evangelist Robert Breaker, visit his website 👉🏻thecloudchurch.org/ PLEASE WATCH 👉🏻th-cam.com/video/Y8idSTBFv88/w-d-xo.html
Wow, Praise the Lord 🥰😇
These are amazing gifts, nothing to be scared of! Hear my story, and share yours. :)
We are told in the scripture IF we want to know the truth that there is nothing NEW under the sun.
EVERYTHING has come to pass BEFORE.
WHEN we want to know the truth on ANY matter we are told to go back to the beginning of the matter and study from the beginning of the matter to the end of the matter to receive Yahweh's understanding.
NOT just what we like or what fits into our personal understanding BUT all the truth on the matter from beginning to end.
We will start at the beginning : " At the tower of Babel Yahweh created 70 different Languages."
He did this so the people could NOT understand each other. Gen. 11: 7.
In Acts 2 Yahweh wanted the people to understand each other.
Yahweh was reversing what He did at Babel.
On the day of Pentecost Simon SPOKE in Galilean.
The people SAID:" How is it that we HEAR each in our OWN language which we were born. Acts 2: 8.
Simon SPOKE in Galilean and the Holy SPIRIT translated Galilean into 17 different languages all at once.
The people HEARD them speaking in their OWN languages. Acts 2: 8.
NO interpretation needed.
These languages are WRITTEN in the scripture. Acts 2: 9- 11.
On the day of Pentecost the HOLY SPIRIT translated .
NOTHING that came to pass on Pentecost is what happens in the christian Churches today.
In the Christians churches today they are speaking satanic utterances praising their father the devil.
Those who have received the false tongues today use 1 Cor 14: 2 to justify there praising the devil in the devil's language.
1 Cor. 14: 2 SAYS:" For he who speaks in a 'tongue' does not speak to men but to Yahweh , For no one understands him, However in the Spirit WE speak mysteries. "
The 'tongues' in acts 2 MUST be the SAME as in 1 Cor. 14: 2.
In Acts 2: on the day of Pentecost they SPOKE in 17 different LANGUAGES. ALL written in the scripture. Acts 2: 8- 11.
In 1 Cor. 14: 2 They MUST speak in A LANGUAGE.
1 Cor. 14: 2 tells us WHICH Language they speak in mysteries.
. 1 Cor. 14: 2 tells us that they SPEAK to Yahweh.
WE must receive understanding of which Language this is IN THE SCRIPTURE.
The scripture will answer ALL our questions about the scripture.
THE creator Yahweh promises this to be so.
1 Cor. 14: 2 tells US that they speak to THE creator Yahweh.
WHEN We ask Yahweh WHO spoke to you direct the scripture will tell US in plain and simple language.
We are told in Genesis that the whole world spoke ONE LANGUAGE before the tower of babel. Gen. 11 : 6.
This is the creation language spoken by ALL the people on the earth directly to THE creator Yahweh and Angels.
This language ceased to exist when Noah and his wife died.
This language is called :" A PURE LANGUAGE". Zeph. 3: 9.
At the tower of Babel THE creator Yahweh did not want them to understand each other.
On Pentecost THE Creator Yahweh WANTED them to understand each other.
That is why He gave the GIFT of speaking in Languages.
At the second coming THE Creator Yahweh is going to RESTORE THE PURE Language to the whole world and the world will speak in ONE language. Zeph. 3: 9.
THE Creator Yahweh is making a Kingdom for His literal genetic SON Yahshua to sit on David's throne in the NEW Jerusalem and rule the world as KING of kings and LORD of lords for THE thousand years. Rev. 20: 4 and 6.
During the thousand years on the earth made NEW all the nations will speak THE PURE Creation LANGUAGE .
The Creator Yahweh does EVERYTHING Twice.
I say again with LOVE:" ALL who speak in " tongues" today in Christian churches are praising their father the devil in the devil's language."
So says THE creator Yahweh.
I say these things as a WARNING to all who speak in "tongues" today that IF you continue in this abomination you will receive the Mark of the Beast.
May THE Creator Yahweh give you understanding in these salvation scriptures.
Heb. 12: 14.
Bless you
Praise the lord Jesus Christ sister, I am from Chennai happy to see your video fortunately. Good revelation.
@@YAHweh.YAHshua excellent brother
To Vihan Damaris: Did you specifically know that you have the Holy Spirit, but you just didn't have the gift of tongues.
I' was so dry and thirsting for God's words so I was praying and fasting to Jesus for guidance.
Your video pops up in the notification this afternoon after watching this video I pray to Jesus for the gift of tongue and read the bible n went for a short nap Jesus appear in my dream. I woke up and pray to Jesus suddenly I started speaking in tongue for the first time in my life and it goes on more hour it was an amazing experience. thank you vihan for your wonderful video.Dear brother and sister in christ please remember in your prayer.
Praise God! 🙏🔥
I just read 1 Corinthians 14 and prayed after watching this video and I received the gift of interpretation. I received the gift of tongues four days ago, after 4.5 years of being saved. I really wanted to understand what I was saying. The Holy Spirit is so good and so kind, and truly, if we ask with faith, God will not withhold from us. I did as she said in this video, and I asked God. Immediately I received the gift.
I can speak tongues conversationally as I do English and understand it as I do English, and I can also pray and hear the words shortly after in English in my mind. It’s very beautiful and poetic. And it’s very beautiful to be able to speak to God in my own spiritual tongue that was uniquely made for me. ❤
Thank you for sharing the knowledge with us all.
Thank you precious sister for your testimony. I too received the gift of tongues 4 years after i received the Lord and was sealed by Holy Spirit. God bless you even more abundantly.
I have been speaking Hebrew/Aramaic in my prayers and wondering if this is from the Holy Spirit? I can use an app and translate what I'm saying from Hebrew to English
I e been blessed with this beautiful gift, but when I speak to God, the words don't form in my head, they just come out and I hear it for the first time wn I verbalize it. I am also praying for the gift of interpretation. I was praying for a friend one day and she was agreeing with every word I was praying. When I was done she asked me how I knew what to pray for, when I told her I didn't know what I was saying because I was praying in tongues, she argued saying I spoke in her home language, which is Afrikaans. God is good and so powerful. It may sound morbid, but I cant wait to go "home". May Gods blessings be upon everyone. In Jesus' name. Amen
same experience sister..as i just open my mouth,the words pour out like from a fountain
same here, the words just come out of my mouth backed with worship and prayers.
Amen sister, I just speak tongues as well, no words form in my mind. I guess for some people it's different where the words form in their mind. God can do it in different ways to each person.
@Jessie Joy Alexander We are all perfect and unique, just as God intended
I love how you speak of God.
I got saved last year and I got the gift of tongues later, but I heard people say that sometimes we could be speaking evil tongues. That scared me a while, but when I’m in deep worship and prayer the tongues come and I cannot doubt it is God on my heart.
Don't mind people who say such. Luke 11:11
Know that the devil doesn't understand tounges. Its only between you and God. Thats why he doesn't want us to pray in the spirit. So everyone saying it's demonic the religious leaders said the same thing to Jesus when he casted out a demon. Don't call the gifts of the Holy spirit demonic unless you have the gift of dicerning.
There are so many scriptures in the Bible that day your words should be understood. By God and by ppl around you. These tongues that ppl get possessed with are not from God- if you do not understand what you are saying- and have a gut feeling of it being wrong then that is Holy Spirit guiding you - we need not disregard these gut feeling or thought of somthing being wrong. Follow scriptures. Ppl piont our one scripture- but they don’t read the rest of the scriptures around that out the whole verse together- and clearer. God bless all who are on thier journey to christ.
@@naoldemisse1316 Where does it say in the bible that the devil doesn't understand tongues? Its a popular saying but its not biblical
If you ask God, he won’t give you demonic tongues. So if you asked God for it, there is absolutely no need to be worried.
Me and wife were really wondering what the gift of tongues and if we really need it. Went though a lot of videos, talked to many. But your explanation makes perfect sense, is the most biblical in its application. Now we believe in this gift and long for it (along with the gift of interpretation). Thank you so much Vihan. God bless you 🙏
Beautiful testimony. I am in tears of joy. I got the gift of speaking in tongues on resurrection Sunday 2022 and will never forget that wonderful feeling of God's love surrounding me. I was blessed with the vision of him sitting on his throne just looking on me and immediately I fell to my knees speaking in heavenly language and worshipping him. I will never forget that beautiful experience. God bless you!
So beautiful! Praise God!
Our Father is so soothing. One reason why I enjoy him dearly Hallelujahh
You can't really imagine how your videos are helping me and other people for sure. I really want to pray for you. Please keep going on.
I'm so happy for you.... May each one of us receive his HOLY SPIRIT and the blessings.... someday he'll lift me high as my faith shakes but he never leaves me.....i cry for myself how weak i am....
Your love for our Lord is so beautiful
Praise God :D
"Our" lord. I thought yall think he's everyone's "lord".....
Touges is fake, i think your are worshiping satan
@@VihanDamaris *What you are telling people is not of God, you are not speaking in tongues when you do it, that is just you putting a bunch of silly syllable together and then trying to call that WICKEDNESS speaking in tongues, that is definitely not speaking in tongues at all.*
*Speaking in tongues is very real, but what you are doing is definitely not speaking in tongues.*
@@VihanDamaris yad lagal sairat song🙏🙌🌸❤
I have spoken in tongues for over 10 years. I also asked for the gift of interpretation back then. Every time I pray since I get different impressions n ideas. I wasn't sure if that was interpretation of my own prayer until now having listened to you. Thank you and God bless you mightily.
I can testify that sometimes God brings tongues to us when we are not even seeking it. I was a theology student, burnt out, bible-knowledge and bible-science crammed into my brain. I went on a mission trip to Australia. I was alone one night by myself and suddenly felt this indescribable heavenly presence flood me and come on me and suddenly without even trying, I involuntarily started saying and uttering words I couldn't understand, it felt scary and overwhelmingly peaceful at the same time. It was the Holy Spirit coming upon me and praying through me. Never heard tongues before, never asked for tongues, never thought it would happen to me and yet, not closed to the Lord, I knew it was biblical. That was 13 years ago and more recently it feels it has become less and less frequent, I feel I need a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit in my life now, but God did change me that night and felt alot more fire for the Lord, boldness, easier to hear His voice, and easier to witness to people after that moment. The lesson for all should be if an unlikely candidate like myself can get baptized in the Holy Spirit in this way and be given the gift of tongues, it can happen to anyone, it might just happen at the time you are least expecting it!
Can you pray for a personal revival for me?
@@allabouttemi2831 "Father, I pray in the name of Jesus that you would come and bring your waves of refreshment over my sister, as she draws near to you would you come and re-ignite the fire insider her own heart. Let her drink deep the things of your Spirit and the things of your Word, restore intimacy with You. Not by might, not by power, but by my Spirit says the Lord! In Jesus Name Amen!" Just remember that God doesn't move, He never leaves us, sometimes we get busy and distracted by life, we get discouraged, we put other things before Him but He never leaves us even when we don't sense His presence the way we once did, Jesus himself promises "Never will I leave you, never will I forsake you!"
@@drspaseebo410 John McCarthur, although a good pastor whom I honor as a brother in the Lord and believe God is using to preach the good news unfortunately has an unbiblical position with regard to tongues and the gifts of the Spirit today (Paul says in 1st Cor 14:1 to earnestly seek spiritual gifts, esp. prophecy). All the gifts are for today and all the miracles we read in the New Testament were meant for us today as well, the greatest miracle of course is when a sinner repents and turns from his/her sin to the Lord, but if miracles helped point people to God in the 1st C, why would God stop using them in the 21st C?
Speaking in tongues is in many ways surrender, because we give ourselves over to praying His will into every situation. It is Holy Spirit praying on your behalf... Could we pray a more perfect prayer? Often we are afraid to give ourselves over to pray in tongues because we are so used to telling God the outcome we want in every situation. I encourage those who are afraid to let go and let God!
You have to really desire it to get it. God honours your diligence and effort. Not just wishing it, believe in it, receive it, believe that all you ask for, believing, you have already received. So it is already in you. Don't let your mind block you
You're being an inspiration to young people. Keep following his voice. Blessed by your video. Love 💜
Okay, little sister. I totally agree with you, because the gift of the Spirit, is God's love shown in us.
Thank you Vihan for sharing your experience, I could feel the awe ,sincerity and TRUTH and in your words sharing God’s light in your life. ITS EDIFIED ME. This is literally a mirror of the experience of the book you said you read.....I spoke in tongues in my dream two months before I started really speaking in tongues and i started like the man in the book you read. I can say it’s really inspiring. Your words has also inspired me to seek God for interpretation
I spoke in tongues also in my dream 2 times, before I started to physically pray in tongues,God speaks to us in different ways,Glory be to God
Pls pray for my wife she is suffering from sciatica pain. From a long time.
By the stripes & wounds of Jesus she is healed 1 Peter 2:24 Tell her to repeat theis verse continuosly she’s healed
God who healed me ... Jesus heal this beautiful woman
Lord Jesus please pour your precious blood on this child of yours and heal and give her a speedy recovery i ask in your mighty name Jesus Amen 🙏
I pray the Lord heal her in Jesus name
TH-cam led me to your page. While I was watching Im experiencing right big toe pain, as I was praying with you, it felt a lil better. God never fail to amaze me. There is no specific word to describe him. His love for us has no ending. Thank you for this video!
She's simple, and beautiful God bless you sister!!!
Sister, thank you so much for sharing this! It is wonderful and comforting and exciting to hear we each had a similar experience, having received it while worshipping God and suddenly having NO HUMAN WORDS!!! HOLY IS HE!!! ~ Also, you are very encouraging, by the power of the Holy Spirit! I went through a dip in my relationship with God the last few months... but I feel close to Him since yesterday, and I know He is beautifully using you to encourage me. I love how you speak with Him. that is beautiful, I want to implement that more! I usually write to Him. Thank you so much again, all Praise to our beloved Savior, Jesus!
It's 4am and I'm shedding tears! I've waited for this gift for many years(20+), I did everything they told me( desire, pray, fast, respond to alter calls...). Maybe there is still one more thing to do...He'll reveal it! I love God so dearly
First think of tongues as free gift. Don't pressure yourself. Spend alone time with God and speak with Him as if you are speaking with your father. Just because others have it, don't demand tongues from Holyspirit. Analyse your motives. While your heart is really behind spiritual benefits of tongues then there God has no problem in giving you that free gift. Just ask help from Holyspirit if you still couldn't comprehend it. Consistency is key. God responds to one who calls Him day and night with good motives. All the best Brenda. Let very soon you experience tongues in Jesus name. You are His beloved. You are always in His thought :-)
God is still faithful, remain consistent. I prayed for him for years and responded to alter calls, but one day, he showed up and life has never been the same again. He is a true promise. Keep asking him
God is still faithful, remain consistent. I prayed for him for years and responded to alter calls, but one day, he showed up and life has never been the same again. He is a true promise. Keep asking him
*@Brenda Nyakunya.... Keep praying and fasting(water fasting with no food, only water) and ask God to save you. And you can't be in a remarried situation and your first spouse is still alive vs verses.*
Do you have the fruits of the Holy Spirit,are you walking in fellowship of God the father,Jesus Christ and Holy Spirit worry not for many have gifts but not the fruits.You don't need to do anything just have intimacy with the Holy Spirit.Hebrews 2_4 God also testifying with them both by signs and wonders,by various works of power and by gifts of the Holy Spirit (according to his own will)
Wow, I KNOW Holy Spirit led me directly to this video today. You could not have explained it any more beautifully. You just lifted my Spirit so much. I try to explain it to people & they really don't understand. I sought the Lord in this way & received at a Bible study one night. That was around 23yrs ago now. God has brought me so far & blessed me So. About a year ago the Lord began using me to interpret tongues during our service at church. Can I say, the enemy (satan) hates us having these gifts. I have been attacked spiritually lately, but Praise the Lord for my church family to cover me in prayer. We need to agree in prayer together. I don't care what the enemy tries to do..I know GREATER IS HE WHO IS IN ME than he that's in this world. One of the biggest lies he tells people in their ear is, if God wanted you to have it you would have it. So then they stop asking & believing for the gifts. God says, when we spend that close time with the Father, He will show us great & mighty things which we do do know. Jeremiah 33:3. Blessings from Georgia, USA.
*@Debbie Patten.... She said the first heard words forming in her head and then she spoke them out, please give me a scripture from the bible that says that.*
Amen. So funny, I didn't want the gift of tongues, but the LORD had other plans. The moment He baptized me with His spirit I fell on my face and started speaking a mile a minute in a language I had never heard before. To this day I still think it sounded like Hebrew. The love of God came into my room and completely transformed my life. The old was gone and all things were new. I was born again! I love to speak in tongues; to commune with Him in this way is so intimate. I love to worship in tongues too....beautiful! Thank you for sharing!
This is how it happens for me on 7/7/2019!!! Praise God in Christ Jesus.
@@FaithinChristJesus777 I started around December 2017 when I was 15.
@@ElSauxy02 that’s beautiful! I was in my 30s. I pray for my son’s and my husband to be filled with the Holy Spirit too.
What a wonderful example you are to other young people. Keep growing in the spirit, never let others intimidate you, you are here on earth for a purpose. God loves you. Stay strong my little sister.
If I pray in my own understanding I get mixed but once I start to pray in tongues I will pray like 40min no stop and the Holy spirit will keep giving me words. What a good way to pray praise God the enemy is confused can't mess up with your plan koz he doesn't know what is next
I'm going to pray for tongues too. I've spoke by the Holy Spirit in a few different languages to witness and prophesy to someone I could not otherwise speak to, but the heavenly language I never kept speaking. I'm looking forward to seeking God for all my spiritual needs. GOD BLESS YOU VHAN ! GOD BE LIFTED HIGHER !!!!!
At the end of an evangelical service, people passed foward to be prayed for. Among them was my sister.
The evangelist prayed for my sister who speaks both spanish and english, and brought her a Word from God.. At the end of the service my sister had a chance to speak to the evangelist and told her, I didn't know you speak spanish, being that you are an american, and to my sister's amazement, the evangelist responded, "I don't speak spanish". My sister said, but you spoke to me in spanish when you prayed for me. At that moment things became clear. The evangelist prayed in tongues. But that is not what was so amazing. God brought a Word of confrontation about a personal issue in my sister's life. Something she did not want anyone to know about.
Now, two of my sister's friends were standing by her side when the evangelist prayed for her so she figured that they had heard what the Lord had revealed her.
When the service finished, my sister told her friends, so now you know. I guess you heard what the evangelist said. But to her surprise, they both said. What do you mean? My sister said, the message the evangelist gave me. And both said, we don't know what she told you. She was speaking in tongues when she prayed for you.
The thing is that these two friends speak spanish also! God didn't allow them to understand the message.
God wasn't there to put my sister to shame.
He was just there to confront and correct her, but in a discreet. loving way.
My sister shared this testimony with me. And I must say. I was shocked! God is amazing! And this greatness of tongues, is beyond words!
I always have this desire to speak in tongues and realy want the gift from god and I keep asking god in my everyday prayer but still did not receive it..
Yesterday a prophet gave me prophecy word that he says I keeps asking gift to god and god says he going to bless me with it
Today it’s midnight now in my place I feel like I want to kneel down and pray before that I just on TH-cam channel this video makes me to watch.. I feel like god makes me to watch this video.
Hoping to receive it soon from lord❤️ I want to connect to him even more with spiritual gifts.
Have you received it yet? I'm praying everyday 🙏 all day every chance I get I know it's going to happen soon..I know it I trust God he is going to fill me with the spirit. I want to learn more about him I want to feel his love.. crazy thing is I spoke in tongues once but didn't keep speaking until I was filled with the spirit..I was a new christian .. I wasn't a new believer I was raised believing in Christ but I was late understanding everything about God and my salvation.
The Holy Spirit is using you so beautifully and you speak so clearly better than any seasoned minister, that includes me, I am so excited to see God using the youths so mightily, continue to enjoy the journey with the Spirit of God.
I started memorizing 1corinthians 14 last week while working. Just repeating verse by verse. Then I saw on my birth certificate I was born at 7:14 am. So I went to the 7th book of the New Testament brought me to 1corinthians then of course 14 lol. But then the kicker. I’m 40 years old. There’s 40 verses in this chapter…. It blew me away. I want that gift plus many others spoken about in that chapter. No coincidences I was trying to memorize that exact chapter b4 I realized about my bday n age. Divine appointment. Thank u for ur testimony dear God bless
Very simply and sweetly presented. May God bless you. And may many be blessed by your loving service of sharing.
I’m happy I found this video. Thank you first for sharing. This is a great explanation. I, a couple of times have been in prayer and the exact explanation you gave is what I experienced as far as these words coming to my mind and my mouth wanted to just go with them. But, I was so afraid of doing of my own will and being almost blasphemy that I guess I rejected it. I will now listen to my Holy Spirit 🙏🏻♥️
Thank you for your loving words.
I wasn't raised much in the Church, never really read the bible.
That being said, I've spoken in tongues twice the few times I was in church. The 2 times came without my asking. Just put my arms out and sang loud in worship.
I felt like it was just me and God. I wasn't in a church with people. The music seemed to get quiet. It was a real connection.
Some hard life happened and I haven't read or spoken to him in about 10 years. I feel like I'm not worthy of the gift, not worthy enough to speak to him.
You made me feel more confident to try to open the dialogue again.
Praise God! Let love flow, don't be scared to let Him in again.
Thanks for letting out your deepest emotions sir.
No one is worthy, that's the point, non of us is worthy and that's why Jesus died for us
I received the gift of praying in tonques during a praying and fasting conference in the Netherlands. I went there to find out more about God. At first i wanted to quit and go home, i thought it was mindcontrol or brainwashing.. it was to weird for me.
So i went home, on the parkinglot near my car the Holy Spirit spoke and said i thought you were giving this a chance ?..
So i went back in and finished the conference. In a few days i Learnd to let the Holy Spirit pray and leave my own thoughts out of it.
Now i like to do it, its a great gift !
It helped me in a sticky situation were i was almost attacked by a aggressive man.. i started praying in tonques and he turned and walked away.
Thank you JESUS !!
The way you talk and your voice are both a combination of such a satisfying feeling to everyone who watches your video. You’re a wonderful and a sweet woman of God. God bless you! ❤️✨
*@Addon C. Merly ... Yes she has a very nice voice, but please give me the scripture from the bible that says you will first hear words form in your head and then you speak those words?*
You have the most loving and clear explanation of this. Thank you so much for sharing this. I’m still praying for this and I know I need to just continue obeying Him.
God is beautiful. I can't even think of words that are big enough or great enough to describe Him. I have been praying for the gift and when it is time, He will give it to me🙏❤ Thank you so much for sharing your story with us.
I’m happy for you! Glory to God. Please remember to cover your head when you pray/ prophesy (see 1Corinthians 11). You have such a sweet spirit about you. When I pray in tongues I can usually sense the interpretation. We edify ourselves when we pray in the spirit. Thanks for sharing!
Her hair is her covering what are you talking about?
Let me share mine experie nce: It was forming in my mind and I was thinking they were rubbish I was forming my self,but I said them but they weren't coming fast as it used to be with others, the holy spirit told me it wasn't go to be fast if I don't say it confidently without thinking of understanding the words
I started saying it confidently and it was as if someone put the words in my mouth, I wasn't thinking of them anymore before I uttered them
Tears filled my eyes as I said the words and I didn't know how they came,then I continued to thank the holy Spirit for this wonderful gift
*@Christian Music Lyrics... Please give me the scripture from the bible that said words will be first forming in your head and then you are to speak those words?*
Praise God..
just one hour before I prayed in tongues after this video I went and prayed to God to forgive me and help me to pray in tongues..
And really still I can't believe that I got the most precious gift ever ❤
Even though I don't deserve it..He is amazing I don't even have words to explain his LOVE ❤❤❤❤
Just surrender yourself and believe HIM..
Amazing testimony Vihan, keeping encouraging others. May God use you for mightly for the Glory of HIS Kingdom.
This helps me realise how people i might say true christians who sees Jesus truely are searching for him like soo much.. I just love Jesus So much..and seeing you soo deep with the lord in relationship envies me alot.. But i belive in Jesus name i will get intimately with him as i begin to walk close to Jesus. Amen 🙌
I just found your channel and I am so blessed with your testimony. God bless you more. :)
It is a beautiful experience! I remember driving and worshipping, then I told Him I didn't want to copy anybody but wanted my own prayer language. I felt like a swelling in my heart so full of love and started crying and speaking. I felt so joyful I couldn't even explain how full I was. I got the gift of interpretation when I asked as well.
Luke 12:32
32 Have no fear, little flock, for your Father has resolved to give you the Kingdom!
7year baptized in the holy ghost,my heart desire to speak in tongues, sometimes I feel embarrassed 😔
I heard the H.S. give me his solution to an issue and instantly my spirit prayed in tongues. I knew then that my tongue was being used to pray what my mind could not comprehend for a solution on what to pray. The solution to the issues is in the works but not fully complete but I could see and can see now that God is working everything out for his good. So that is very good indeed.
I wanted to share what has happened to me only 2-3 times, but after worshiping God in church one time, I began laughing in the Spirit & that joy was so wonderful, it's hard to explain just how happy I felt knowing that He had allowed me to touch Him & feel such fantastic joy!
This happened again another time much more recently after praying & seeking Him through a very hard time!
I say all this just to ask if you have ever experienced laughing in the Spirit? It sounds crazy, but it's so joyful, I long for that very much.
It’s a feeling that’s above anything else, the connection, love, and fire of the spirit are overwhelmingly wonderful. I sound so different than everyone else, I’m embarrassed of how I sound and only do it alone or with my pastors.
You can do it anywhere and don't be embarrassed. Its your heavenly language. A gift from the father to you. Be bold and courageous because when you speak, you are talking to your heavenly father, the creator of the whole world, the maker of heaven and earth, the Sun, the Moon, the Stars, Universe and the Galaxy. Imagine how many people would love to have such priviledge, so speak boldly and unashamed.
Blessed you are
I pray to have a relationship with God as deep as yours Vihan
Amen! May you go deeper :)
Hey Vihan. Watching your video, I am reminded of how I received the gift of tongues after many years of failed prayers, laying on of hands by Christians and leaders that I thought this gift was not for me. I remember this one time(the last instance before I spoke in tongues) in my church when my pastor aunt had asked the people to lift up their hands who hadn't received the gift. Being a very active member in the church, it was kinda embarrassing to lift up my hands but then I did. She looked at me from the stage with such a shock that she exclaimed "BENNY!!!!!! You don't speak in tongues????" embarrassingly I said "No" in-front of 100 odd people. The ones who lifted their hands were called froward, laid hands on and prayed; to my dismay everyone except me were speaking in tongues. I went home dejected vowing never to ask for this gift for I thought this was not my thing and the Bible also says in 1 Corinthians 12:30 "Do all speak in tongues?" Definitely NOT was my theology until I went to this Bible course where they extensively taught on Tongues and why it is necessary, essential and important for a New Testament believer. My faith shot up. I was ready to attempt for one last time. During the prayer, the leader laid hands on me annnnnd No I didn't get it this time as well. With real disappointment I stood there all alone desiring to receive it. Determined not to give up, I just said "Lord, I'm gonna open my mouth now and speak, you're gonna have to give me the words." With that prayer, I just opened my mouth and spoke in faith. Oh my world! Words came out of me like a river. I spoke and spoke right until this day I enjoy speaking in tongues. Many a times I have received prophetic words for other people and my personal life and God's guidance as a result. One thing I've realised, it is the lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:6) that robs people of this wonderful gift of God which is available to every believer. That is why Paul says "I wish you all spoke with tongues (1 Corinthians 14:5)" because all can speak. If I can, I believe all can. For those of you who would want to know more about Speaking in Tongues, I would like to suggest this book called "Tongues-Wonderway to Wonderworld" by Ezekiah Francis and this video on Tongues by him ( th-cam.com/video/Ir-DWbXG0po/w-d-xo.html ) which helped me in my walk with the Lord. God Bless.
I hope u see this message
There was some movement speaking of my tongue which was out of my control
I pray in English but automatically it shifts to tongue
It's my first time experience
I m just a bit confuse was it the holy spirit
Because the sound didn't sound like the youtuber is saying
It was not like a language.it was like a blabber but my tongue movements were automatic n my prayers were longer unlike usual
My story was the same as yours. I got the gist of speaking in tongues years after giving my life to Christ. I have had many people pray for me to get this gift but it never happened. I had started to lose hope and I remember someone telling me to just speak and so one day I spoke it was weird at first but one day during prayers I just burst out and it was wonderful, shedding tears and when I was done I felt nice. I believe you have to first have a deep conviction and it will come. It may take time but focus and it will happen
Those so called pastors and evangelists who make debate videos and accuse other religions and their preachers learn from this young girl.she describes her spiritual experiences so humbly without hurting others
Yes! I agree😍 so humble
Amen 🙌🙌👏👏
Very well shared! Completely agree with you girl. Thanks for sharing. And may many more desire n receive the gift of tongues n may they use it to pray in spirit to be built up in spirit n be used for His glory!!!
Vency Manuel
You said "Very well shared! Completely agree with you girl. Thanks for sharing. And may many more desire n receive the gift of tongues n may they use it to pray in spirit to be built up in spirit n be used for His glory!!!
My reply *@Vency Manuel... So you said you completely agree with her, so can you please give me just one scripture from the bible that says we are to speak words out that we first heard in our head?*
My experience with speaking in tongues was a different one. I never believed in them as I I always hear the same words used. But it happens one day when I had dedicated myself to God because I wanted Holy Spirit in my life. Suddenly from nowhere I started speak in tongues and my voice became too deep. Thanks for sharing now I understand sorry am not that deep with reading my Bible but am going to start doing so. Thanks for sharing now I understand and am blessed to speak in tongues that I had doubts about.
God's love flows in your words...... really I am in tears after hearing this..... thanks thanks thanks a lot .... very great full to you sister
July is my birthday month and i earnestly pray n hope tht God gives me the gift of tongues n interpretation..
In Jesus name amen
Hi, God will feel his presence and have Faith in the Holy Spirit. Keep giving God thanks and how much you love God
can we talk personally ?
@@afcprasad4203 wit me?
big A
I found your channel by mistake, and I love it♥️ happy to be a new follower
Wow! What a beautiful testimony. I also appreciate how you mentioned that some people associate speaking in tongues automatically with holiness, which we know is wrong.
Nina Thomas
You said "Wow! What a beautiful testimony. I also appreciate how you mentioned that some people associate speaking in tongues automatically with holiness, which we know is wrong.
My reply *@Nina Thomas... You said she had a beautiful testimony . so maybe you can give me one scripture from the bible that says for you to repeat words out of your mouth that you first heard formed in your head. Where did she get that from?*
*Speaking in tongues is very very real, but it's not something you do, nor is it words you heard formed in your head. If a person have not spoken in tongues as the Spirit of God gave them utterance and not them giving themselves utterance, they definitely do not have the Holy Spirit and if any man have not the Spirit of Christ they are none of his.*
Thank you Vihan. This video clearly tells the exact work of speaking in tongues. This video will be a blessing to many specially those confused regarding the work of speaking in tongues. God bless you.
Vihan, I must say thanks so much. I have been praying for this gift for almost a year now since our pentacostal church believes that if you don't speak in tongues then you don't have the HS in you. I needed to hear this thanks. 😉😃
If you are a Christian you have the Holy Spirit for without it you cannot be born again "Romans 8:9". Also even though you have the Holy Spirit when you were born again, there is another experience. That is were you receive the gift of speaking in tongues. if you want, send me a reply with your email and I would reply with explanation and scriptures.
In the bible, it says the moment you believe you are saved. That means the Holy spirit is in you, regardles whether you can speak in tounges or not. Speaking in tongues is a gift but it is not the only sign to show that the Holy spirit is in you. You can pray and ask but this does not mean others who does not speak in tongues does not have the Holy spirit. The bible say the moment u believe and repent with all your heart, the Holy spirit will come and dwell upon u for you are saved.
Another thing also with regards to the bible, we need to rightly divide the words of God. Know where are we in the bible timeline. Hope this help.
The way that you describe this experience, it’s almost as if you have to be completely emptied of “self” in order to allow for the Spirit of God to fill you in this special way. This is just speculation, but perhaps those who do not have the gift of tongues are those who are still in need of dying to the flesh. You seem extraordinarily passionate about God. It’s refreshing. It’s a very rare thing to see, especially where I live in the US. I have subscribed & I am blessed by your videos. ♥️
The bible says not everyone has the gift of tongues! Not everyone has every single gift! Read all of 1 Corinthians 12, and perhaps carefully read 14 on the matter as well. Please, PLEASE do not approach spiritual gifts as one being "not spiritual enough" or "not dying to self enough"! I have been in a church where those who don't have tongues are looked down upon and pressured into speaking in tongues. As someone who is VERY naturally critical of myself, I have had horrible experiences this way, and so have many others. If a person chooses to pray for these gifts, that is entirely up to them and their pursuit to glorify God. But telling people they just "need to rid more of the flesh" to receive the Holy Spirit(which happens immediately upon being baptized, regardless of how many spiritual gifts are apparent at the time) does not teach anyone of the fullness of God's grace and love! We are sinners, and as long as we're on the world, we're trapped in our body of death, but Jesus has died for our eternal salvation by the grace of the Father. I am all for pursuing righteousness, but that comes entirely through repentance, humbleness, and gratefulness for what God has done for us. Not a works based faith.
Me too!
I pray that you all all others who see this video and wish to given this gift will find your spirit language. Be blessed and go in peace with God.
Please pray for me brothers and sisters, one year ago i had received speaking in tounges, it was a beautiful experience and a strong touch by God i believe, but now i have doubts, i didnt test the spirit before and i dont really know if its from God :( I feel so sorry, i dont want to say bad things to the Holy Spirit, i want to just test it. I will fast and pray until i got answer from God. Thank you all and be much blessed in Jesus name
Lord loose Dominic's tongue in the name of Jesus!!!
Listening to you shows how informed you are about the bible.
God bless u and keep it up.
I was really blessed by your testimony of receiving Holy Spirit and the Gift of Tongues and its interpretation. Wow, so wonderful! God bless you by sharing your intimate experiences with all of us.
I do not know about the words forming in your head, but my experience was the baptism of the Holy Spirit , and there I was a shaking, and stammering under the power of the Holy Spirit. POWERFUL !!!
I believe God led me to this video. Half way through watching it, I received the gift of speaking in tongues. Thanks for sharing your testimony. God bless you and your ministry 🙏🏿❤️
That's amazing! All glory to God, the giver of gifts!
I was crying out of love for our God....... Throughout the while video......
Yours video ......is purely for God......
Love you my sister.......
What a divine experience of speaking in tongues and interpretation of tongues, communicating to God in his language. Thankyou for sharing your first experience. God bless you dear.🙏
Thank you so much aunty 😊 ❤️ 🙏 God bless you
God understand every language when you talk to him , don’t confuse people
@@lourdesmicallef1918 yeah but speaking in tongues is biblical 🙏
I can feel God’s presence. God is trying to touch me through your video.
Thanks Vihan. Thanks for letting yourself be used by God. God loves and bless you..
I'm constantly praying to receive my baptism in the Holy Spirit along with all the gifts: Gift of speaking in tongues, interpretation, faith, prophecy and so on. Please, keep me in your prayers. I love you dear brothers and sisters in Christ!
I’ll pray for u 💝
I know. But I read and I see that it's two forms. We have the holy spirit IN YOU, and we also have it ON YOU. The day Jesus was baptized, the words say that the Spirit came ON HIM as a Dove!
Jésus multiple times said, "you Will receive a power the Holy ghost coming ON YOU."
See this with me, please. Acts 8 : 15-17 When they arrived, they prayed for the new believers there that they might receive the Holy Spirit, 16 because the Holy Spirit had not yet COME ON any of them; they had simply been baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus. 17 Then Peter and John placed their hands on them, and they received the Holy Spirit.
The power to me is when it COMES ON YOU. I pray for this!
the most important gift is the gift of salvation. If you don't have the gift of salvation you have nothing.
@@joseacevedo4265 Amen
I have the gift of tongues, as I was half way through watching tears just started streaming like a river down my face and I was having this overflowing feeling of fulfilment in me,like I was getting a hug 🫂 from heaven ,I was speaking and singing in tongues for the rest of the video…and all I googled was laughing while speaking in tongues cos wow I’m not yet used to that and I landed on your video❤️, and as I was speaking I was asking God in my mind for the gift of interpretation and I know it’s done.😬
Yes i am received the gift of tongue .... when in class 8th Amazing and powerful .... 😀😀 ... Holy Spirit always guide me
I'm so glad! High five 😁🙌 amen
@@VihanDamaris amen
So early... O God your next gift must be for me.. In the name of Jesus Amen
Please pray for me brothers and sisters, one year ago i had received speaking in tounges, it was a beautiful experience and a strong touch by God i believe, but now i have doubts, i didnt test the spirit before and i dont really know if its from God :( I feel so sorry, i dont want to say bad things to the Holy Spirit, i want to just test it. I will fast and pray until i got answer from God. Thank you all and be much blessed in Jesus name
Praise God 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻 Thank you Jesus! Yes exactly perfect the way you explained it! There comes a time that our words just isn’t enough and it’s like when you really really want to tell Him your heart and with the beautiful gift of tongues you’re able to do that 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻
Thank you for telling your story I love your videos and your singing is amazing 🙏🏼🕊💕🌺🌸 God bless you 💕💕💕
Thank you! :D God bless
Thank you for sharing and please keep on. There are a lot of young people out there who need this encouragement so keep on. Be blessed in everything you do.
Speaking in tongues is one of the most powerful gifts of god. The power inside this practice is unbelievable. Lucky is the person. That discovers the secret . Start with praising god continually day in and out and the rest will reveal itself eventually.
I thank God for you Vihan, truly you are a blessed vessel of God, I have always asked myself if there people like you who seek God with pure heart, and fear him in all their ways, I find it difficult to have such friends especially in the youth stage, so many crazy stuffs are happening in this world and many youths are lost due to ignorance. I can say that I have found a true God sent friend in you. I love you are doing, I pray that God to continue to use you to reach many, and many souls to be drafted to God's kingdom.
Hey, I received my gift today ❣️ All praise be to the most high almighty❤
I form my words in telugu my mother tongue in my mind but i speak out in a different language. I really dint understand at first but i couldnt stop myself from talking in tongues. I experienced it so many times. And i cry a lot when i speak in tongues. And some times i speak in english unknowingly though i frame up my words in telugu in my mind. It is awesome! And if im out of the track i wouldnt feel his presence.. I cannot act it. Then again i cry alot ask God to forgive me and then again hes with me. My gift of tongues give me peace
I am praying for interpretation of tongues for years.. Pray for me, please.. 🙏
Halleluyah sis our story is so much related ❤😭😭 May God continue to bless you
I agree when i first spoke in tongues . I couldn’t stand on my feet . I was washing dishes and praying and it hit me . I had just finished praying and crying “ Lord do you even hear me ? Am I praying to a wall “ I was going through a serious trial and felt i was alone i didn’t feel him close to me . And then boom the holy sportier hir me so hard . I was crying and screaming in tongues . I couldn’t stand I went to kneel and then I was straight on the floor . When I finally stopped speaking in tongues I was sobbing on the floor . The feeling that you eat after the tongues is unexplainable. I wanted to go outside and scream and shout and yell from the top of my lungs JESSSUUUSS. The one word I can say is I felt “invincible” I’m not a confident or loud person so for me to say I felt invincible is a lot .
Holy Spirit*
I am in love with your channel, because you have touched so many topics which I found difficult to discuss with a pastor without the fear of being judged. May God use you more mightily, God bless sister.
I spoke tongue's before I knew anything about it. When I began praying with all my heart. It felt weird but it also felt so right. It's like running out of words and it becomes automatic.
Hey dear I am so glad about this...May God use you in abundance for His Glory...
Please help me pray to have this kind of gift which I have praying myself now🧎♀️ 🙏🏼
You are such a Beautiful person inside and out! You are full of spirit, and blessed!
Awesome testimony, I like how you showed the bible verses along with your testimony.
*@AKTrapper.... But did you notice not one of the scriptures she showed said anything about first hearing words formed in your head and than say them? Where did she get that lie from?*
@@ghud828 So how do you hear from God? Just wondering.
@@aktrapper6126 *You hear from God by and through fasting and praying but nowhere in the bible does it tell anyone to speak words out that you've heard in your head and then call that speaking in tongues.*
@@ghud828 Do you speak in tongues? If you do how does it work for you ? If not then why are you teaching on something you don't do?
@@aktrapper6126 *Yes I do speak in tongues. But it's never ever something I do. The Holy Spirit takes over my tongue and the Holy Spirit speaks words out of my mouth using my tongue as the bible said in Acts.2:4 the Holy Spirit gave them utterance they did not give themselves utterance as this woman is telling people to do.*
Am so glad I stumbled upon your channel...I needed this...I long to have this connection. That is alive and continuous.
In 2013 God gave me this gift of speaking in tongues. People said many things to me. And did not know the meaning nor was there anybody to interpret. Then in 2016 I happened to be in a bible college in usa and students from 74 countries were there. I was asked to share my testimony followed by prayer. First I spoke in tongues and then prayer. Next day I met a student who was from Kazakhstan and she said that I was speaking in her language when I was asked to pray.
When you are speaking tongues don't worry and give praises to Jesus.
Tongues are known earthly languages. That is biblical!
There are different kinds of tongues. Some people receive the ability to speak in other earthly languages and some people receive the tongues that only God can understand.
Heather S there are different kinds of tongues. Some people receive the ability to speak in other earthly languages, and some people receive the one that only God understands.
Same thing with a family member who was praying for an unbelieving Jew but ended up speaking in tongues (in Hebrew) with the Holy Spirit directly talking to the unbelieving person who later accepted Christ.
wow amazing i always think Acts 2_6 when i speak in tongue .
Hey Vihan I'm so happy for you take care, you are so blessed God bless you and your family, it is his will and he gave it to you sold out for Jesus
Thank you so much!
The gift of tongues is a GIFT from the Holy Spirit that HE distributes according to HIS will. We can do NOTHING to "achieve" the gift of tongues.
Yea he gives the gifts not based on what we ask...according to scripture he gives as he pleases... I'm kind of thrown off with this video
And interpretation is not just for you it's for you to interpret others as well...so if she can interpret then she can interpret others when they speak in tongues.....but no you Don't ask God for spiritual gifts because it's selfish... it's telling him the gift he desires for you isn't right. He has a purpose and plan from before you were born. So yes this video is misleading.
Actually we can!
If we will
If we ask
U shall be poured with tones of tounges
There is a difference between " tongues" that is the initial sign that a believer has recieved the Holy Spirit and the born again believers prayer language for their personal edification and the gift of speaking in tongues that works together with the gift of interpretation of tongues for the edification of a church body.
God bless you! Yes, it is so true that anyone who truly longs for the gift of tongues can receive it by simply asking God our Father and boldly stepping out in faith by uttering the words given by the Spirit.
*R J... Now where in the bible does it tell anyone to speak words they heard in their head? That is not speaking in tongues.*
Speaking in tongues is such an amazing gift what our languages cannot convey, the spirit of God conveys and there is such a comfort in our hearts by the end of our prayer. Thanks for communicating about this in such an understandable manner love💞 God bless you ❤️
I want it too. I love God and want the Holy Spirit to speak out of my mouth. I heared in my spirit “Fast and Surrender”
Beautiful video! God bless you sister 🙏🏼♥️