As a hungarian i have a huge respect. After the korean war, they were at world cup, but also played correctly and fair. The difference was big, also the result humiliating, but finally that was koreas first big step on world cup history.
South Korea was the most humilliated team in the history of World Cup, now, is better, but even not Zaire, Haití, and other teams, suffered a poorly moment like South Korea in 1954
@@gazdagpeet954 is the same because they were 9 goals of difference El Salvador at least hit 1 goal, and the El Salvador difference was of -12 or -13 But South Korea was of -16 And El Salvador did lose 3 matches to receive -13, instead South Korea that only did lose 2 and received 16 goals
@@김정현-j5c8t 거기에 홍덕영 골키퍼는 저당시 헝가리의 파상공세 막아내려다가 온몸에 피멍이 들었다 라고 훗날 인터뷰했던것도 기억나네요, 제가 앞에 언급한 산도르 코츠시스는 FC바르셀로나의 레전드고 그와같이 투톱이었던 페렌크 푸스카스는 레알 마드리드의 레전드기도 한 정도니
1진11명만 먼저 출발하는데 그 마저도 표가부족해서 영국인 신혼부부가 자신들은 표를 양보해 경기시작 이틀전 오전10시에 도착, 당시 유니폼이 질이 안좋아 도착후 유니폼, 축구화등을 고치느라 시차적응이고 뭐고 없음, 당시 헝가리는 세계최강팀으로 54년 대회 준우승팀, 이런 열악한 상황에도 최선을 다해뛰었던 선수들 덕분에 훗날 월드컵 4강을 가고 세계최강 독일을 꺽는 나라가 됨
This was after a devestating 3-year-long war called 'Korean War.' Millions of people was lost or dead and many country was involved(including your country). The whole nation was poorer than it ever had been. The player team was too. They couldn't afford appropriate training. after the match, they were masses of wounds. Especially the goalkeeper was.
@@REAL-bk5lp 뭐가 핑계냐? 지금도 세계 최강을 상대로 지구 반대편까지 원정 경기가서 경기가 열리기 하루이틀전에 도착해 연습도 제대로 못하고 경기 하라면 지금도 공정하지 못한 경기라고 난리칠 일인데. 그렇다고 지금처럼 교통편이 좋은것도 아니고 말하는 4가지하고는 한국넘인지 일본넘인지
Imagine what the score would be if S. Koreas players were able to practice for years and it has not been more than a year since S. Korea was in a war that ended in July 1953. Our country was so poor and our government had no money. Shoes that were made for S. Koreans were made out of hardwood and nails sometimes protruded making the player's feet bleed... Hungary vs a very poor country at that time. Considering S Korea lost to 9 to 0 to Hungary itself is pretty damn amazing considering all the hardships our country faced.
@@folladordeprostis thats not what they're talking about, they're saying what if the 1950 hungary team played against a south korean team that had time to train and had proper equipment and weren't in the middle of a war, it doesnt matter how good or bad the teams have done after, also he's right, that hungary team was referred as the golden team the entire world cup and even if it didnt last long, they were legendary, their best player scored 11 goals in that world cup, they had amazing wins over brazil and germany despite their sad loss to germany in the end, south korea probably would've been an amazing team if they didn't have all the problems they did, but hungary would've taken the win, it's important to note that hungary was better off than south korea but hungary had plenty of problems in their own country
For a team that just came off of a war, fighting the once greatest team(which had puskas btw), defeating England 7-0(which was better than the korean team), having 40 shoots and only having conceded 9 goals??? Impressive stuff
저 경기에서 피날레 골도 푸스카스였죠 쩝, 홍덕영 당시 골키퍼가 하는 얘기로는 푸스카스는 자기보다 키가 작은데 저선수가 차는 공을 얻어맞으면 갈비뼈가 으스러질꺼 같았고 공이 골대에 맞고 튕길때 소리가 아주 굉음이 났다 라고 한 인터뷰가 있더군요, 저 영상에서 보다시피 첫골은 푸스카스가 슛한거 한국 수비수가 막아냈는데 막아내고 나서 다시 일어서지 못하니까 또다시 슛해서 집어넣은거죠
So did Hungary, 9 years after ww2, living under a stalinist regime, what was so violent and barbaric, i could compared only to north korea or romania in the 1980's, and we, Hungarians still had the best football team of that era. Puskás, Kocsis, Hidegkúti, world class players. Between 1936 - 1956, golden age of Hungarian football.
@@balintvarady5160 i never said Hungary wasn't a bad team, it was arguably the best one during the era along with many European teams. I'm just giving a valid excuse for Korea for losing by such a great marge, because Korea for years was a poor Japanese colony until 1945 and was only focused on trying to get out of another war in 1954. Barely anyone gave a damn about soccer because 1 year after war is much way harsher than 9 years after war.
@@balintvarady5160 dude, the Korean war ended 11 months before the world cup and 6 months before the world cup qualifiers. Korea couldn't even host the qualifiers because everything was destroyed.
@@balintvarady5160 yes thats very much true, but hungary had 9 years to rebuild as much as they could and even though living under that regime was truly criminal and barbaric, hungary was in better condition than south korea, that doesnt mean hungary was well off, both countries were suffering, but korea was stuck in a state of war while hungary was very much stuck in difficult but barely liveable conditions (keyword is barely as life in hungary was very difficult from what i've studied over the years), but it is undeniable that the hungary team was truly beautiful, i was cursed with having to watch their legendary matches 10-15 years later, but they were truly astonishing, south korea wouldn't have won even if their players were blessed with peace, the most important thing to note is that both of these teams had many problems back home, but one team showed the world why they were the best in the world at the time while the other team showed the world just how strong they were, world cup group stage only a few months after a war is very impressive, i put that show of strength just beneath hungary's amazing performance despite their very tough conditions
there's no revenge to be taken, the south korean team played beautifully and were an honour to their country, they were suffering back home and the players were horribly underequipped and the equipment they had was terrible, they had a terrible loss but showed the world what they were made of, making it into that world cup in their condition was proof enough, there's no bad blood between hungary and south korea, south korean fans understands the conditions their players were under and hungarian fans enjoy the win but understand the conditions of the players they played against and respect their efforts heavily
대한민국은 헝가리전 당시 전반 초반 20여분까지는 헝가리의 공격을 비교적 잘 막아냈고, 이때 헝가리 키퍼와 1대1기회를 만들기도 했습니다. 이 때문에 초반에 경기가 안 풀리자 헝가리 선수들 사이에서 니탓이네 네탓이네 분란이 일어나기도 했을 정도였죠. 그러나 헝가리는 경기 초반 의외의 고전을 한 것이 부끄러웠던 것인지, 이후 대한민국이 체력적 문제로 급격히 경기력이 떨어지는 틈을 타 최선을 다해 대한민국의 골문을 괴롭혔고, 당시 100개가 넘는 슈팅 속에서 9실점 밖에 안한 한국 팀은 알고 보면 정말 눈물겨운 투혼을 발휘해 싸웠습니다. 실제로 당시를 회고한 축구 원로들은 후반전에 다리가 풀리고 쥐가 나는 와중에도 그야말로 젖먹던 힘까지 짜내서 90분을 뛰었다고 밝힌 바 있습니다. 게다가 당시 한국 대표팀은 딱 11명에 맞춰 1진만 온데다가 당시엔 골키퍼를 제외하면 선수교체 규정조차 없어서 쥐가 나서 쓰러진 4명이 나간 뒤에는 7명만 뛰어야 했고요. 이런 눈물겨운 투혼 때문에 이날의 승장이었던 헝가리의 구스타프 세베슈 감독 또한 "한국 팀은 사자처럼 용맹했다. 쓰러져도 계속 일어나 뛰었다."고 칭찬했습니다. 참고로, 당시 해외 언론은 20-0 또는 그 이상을 예상한 곳도 많았습니다. 심지어 당시 기록영상만 봐도 외국기자들이 경기 도중 드러누워 잘 정도였죠. 되려 나중에 겨우 9-0으로 이겼냐며 크게 놀랐다고 합니다. 그리고 헝가리전에서 전설로 남아있는 선방쇼를 선보였던 고 홍덕영 골키퍼에게는 현지인들이 사인도 받아갔다고 합니다.
As a hungarian i have a huge respect. After the korean war, they were at world cup, but also played correctly and fair. The difference was big, also the result humiliating, but finally that was koreas first big step on world cup history.
South Korea was the most humilliated team in the history of World Cup, now, is better, but even not Zaire, Haití, and other teams, suffered a poorly moment like South Korea in 1954
@@flutterapplespike1416 not the worst..1982 Hungary vs El Salvador 10:1
@@gazdagpeet954 is the same because they were 9 goals of difference
El Salvador at least hit 1 goal, and the El Salvador difference was of -12 or -13
But South Korea was of -16
And El Salvador did lose 3 matches to receive -13, instead South Korea that only did lose 2 and received 16 goals
I respect Hungary and Holy Magic Magyarok
점수는 월드컵 역사상 가장 큰 골차로 결과에 남았지만 전쟁이 갓 끝난 나라의 선수들의 죽을만틈 뛴 그 투혼은 자랑스럽습니다
남미의 살바도르는 1982년 월드컵에서 헝가리에 10대1로 대패하며 한국과 같이 월드컵 역대 최다 점수차 패배라는 不명예 기록을 갖고 있죠.
@@ntdtv1 *Central America
지금에 비유하자면 남수단이나 소말리아 팀이 브라질 상대로 축구경기 하는것과 비슷함
이 아홉점차 패배는 아직도 깨지지 않고 있죠
1974년 서독 월드컵
유고슬라비아 9-0 자이르
(현:세르비아) (현:콩고)
1982년 스페인 월드컵
헝가리 10-1 엘살바도로
이 아홉점차 패배는 아직도 깨지지 않고 있죠
1974년 서독 월드컵
유고슬라비아 9-0 자이르
(현:세르비아) (현:콩고)
1982년 스페인 월드컵
헝가리 10-1 엘살바도로
전쟁과 가난이라는 열악한 상황임에도 불구하고 나라를 위해 이를악물고 열심히 최선을 다해 뛴 자랑스런 태극전사 선수들
1-0 Ferenc Puskás (12 min)
2-0 Mihaly Lantos (18 min)
3-0 Sandor Kocsis (24 min)
4-0 Sandor Kocsis (36 min)
5-0 Sandor Kocsis (50 min)
6-0 Zoltan Czibor (59 min)
7-0 Peter Palotás (75 min)
8-0 Peter Palotás (83 min)
9-0 Ferenc Puskás (89 min)
첫 월드컵 진출 이었는데 헝가리 최강팀 상대로 잘 싸워주고 자랑스럽습니다 그리고 헝가리도 멋지게 경기해줘서 감사드립니다 🇭🇺 thank you❤❤
이게 그 유명한 유효슈팅 40개가 넘는데 9골만 먹힌 홍덕영선수 레전드 경기 ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
전반 25분까지 0대0으로 버텨서 경기가 생각보다 안 풀리자 빡친 헝가리 선수들끼리 자기들끼리 싸우는 모습도 포착되었다 함
찾아보니 이 경기 첫골은 전반 12분에 푸스카스가 넣은걸로 나오긴 하네요.
@@75cherrypie 어릴때 봤던 축구책에서 25분까지 잘 버텼다고 해서 그때까지 한골도 안 먹힌줄 알았어요. ㅜㅜ 죄송합니다 잘모르는데 아는척해서 ㅜㅜ 죽을죄를 지었습니다. 용서해주세요
@@sanmicheal6754 아녀용~ 그건 죄는 아니니까요~ 단지 제가 그냥 곧이곧대로 믿기보다는 검색해서 찾기를 좋아하다보니 ㅠ
그때 당시 헝가리가 10분 동안 5골 넣은다 해서 대표팀이 10분을 버팀
그당시 경기자료를 쉽게구할수도 없고 게다가 흑백인데다 화질도 쓰레기인인지라 누구는 20분까지 버텻다하고 누구는 10분안에 먹었다하고 얘기가 각자달라요 그냥 우리선수들이 저런 최악중의 최악의 환경에서 힘들게 싸운 것 그것만은 잘 기억합시다.
I alway respect and remember korea team!!
당시 산도르 코츠시스가 한국 상대로 해트트릭 해서 득점왕 하는데 도움주고 홍덕영 골키퍼가 죽도록 막아낸게 9대 0....
호주 vs 아메리칸 사모아 경기짝 나올 수 있었는데 저땐 정말 잘 막은거임
당시 산도르 코츠시스는 1954월드컵에서 5경기에서 11골이나넣음
@@김정현-j5c8t 거기에 홍덕영 골키퍼는 저당시 헝가리의 파상공세 막아내려다가 온몸에 피멍이 들었다 라고 훗날 인터뷰했던것도 기억나네요, 제가 앞에 언급한 산도르 코츠시스는 FC바르셀로나의 레전드고 그와같이 투톱이었던 페렌크 푸스카스는 레알 마드리드의 레전드기도 한 정도니
1진11명만 먼저 출발하는데 그 마저도 표가부족해서 영국인 신혼부부가 자신들은 표를 양보해 경기시작 이틀전 오전10시에 도착, 당시 유니폼이 질이 안좋아 도착후 유니폼, 축구화등을 고치느라 시차적응이고 뭐고 없음, 당시 헝가리는 세계최강팀으로 54년 대회 준우승팀, 이런 열악한 상황에도 최선을 다해뛰었던 선수들 덕분에 훗날 월드컵 4강을 가고 세계최강 독일을 꺽는 나라가 됨
This makes me so proud as a Hungarian. :)
This was after a devestating 3-year-long war called 'Korean War.' Millions of people was lost or dead and many country was involved(including your country). The whole nation was poorer than it ever had been. The player team was too. They couldn't afford appropriate training. after the match, they were masses of wounds. Especially the goalkeeper was.
*people were
ㅉ 어떻게든 핑계 대볼려고 ㅉㅉ 추하다ㅂㅅ아
@@REAL-bk5lp 뭐가 핑계냐? 지금도 세계 최강을 상대로 지구 반대편까지 원정 경기가서 경기가 열리기 하루이틀전에 도착해 연습도 제대로 못하고 경기 하라면 지금도 공정하지 못한 경기라고 난리칠 일인데. 그렇다고 지금처럼 교통편이 좋은것도 아니고 말하는 4가지하고는 한국넘인지 일본넘인지
respect hungarian sportmanship as well from korea :)
손흥민이 푸스카스상 탈때 왜 갑자기 이 경기가 생각이 나는지..
저는 이런거 볼때마다 놀랍습니다 1954년이면 한국에서는 티비는커녕 라디오도 보급이 거의 없던 시절이고 무려 67년전인데 흑백인것도 정말 신기합니다 저기 나온 모든 사람들이 이세상 사람들이 아닌것이 많이 슬픕니다
홍덕영 골키퍼는 2005년에 돌아가셧습니다. 2002월드컵을 보고 가셔서 다행입니다. 지금까지 살아계셧다면 90대중반일텐데 거의다 돌아가신게 아쉽죠
1년전만해도 전쟁..
한동기 맞아여
헝가리의 최고 스타 푸스카스를 우리나라 수비수 강창기가 전담마크했는데 태클한번 깊게 들어갔다가 푸스카스가 자극받아 되려 강창기를 따라 다녔다고도 합니다
사실 이것은 대단한 것입니다.헝가리는40골도더되는 공을 퍼부었는데 한국선수 3명은 부상을 당한상태였습니다.그러기때문에 한국골키퍼 '홍덕영'에게 골이 더 많이 올수밖에없었고,그중에서 단'9골'만 놓친것입니다.
Korean keeper's save is more than 100....
The Korean team arrived the day before and played.
Imagine what the score would be if S. Koreas players were able to practice for years and it has not been more than a year since S. Korea was in a war that ended in July 1953. Our country was so poor and our government had no money. Shoes that were made for S. Koreans were made out of hardwood and nails sometimes protruded making the player's feet bleed... Hungary vs a very poor country at that time. Considering S Korea lost to 9 to 0 to Hungary itself is pretty damn amazing considering all the hardships our country faced.
I think the score would be the same, hungary was very good at football at the time, and Puskás was the one of the best player of the world.
@@westendriot6636 Hungary last World Cup was in 1986 ,South Korea is being qualifying since that WC to date
@@folladordeprostis thats not what they're talking about, they're saying what if the 1950 hungary team played against a south korean team that had time to train and had proper equipment and weren't in the middle of a war, it doesnt matter how good or bad the teams have done after, also he's right, that hungary team was referred as the golden team the entire world cup and even if it didnt last long, they were legendary, their best player scored 11 goals in that world cup, they had amazing wins over brazil and germany despite their sad loss to germany in the end, south korea probably would've been an amazing team if they didn't have all the problems they did, but hungary would've taken the win, it's important to note that hungary was better off than south korea but hungary had plenty of problems in their own country
A Hungria era uma máquina do futebol daquela época, mas desde 86 não joga uma Copa
For a team that just came off of a war, fighting the once greatest team(which had puskas btw), defeating England 7-0(which was better than the korean team), having 40 shoots and only having conceded 9 goals??? Impressive stuff
이게 영상이 남아있네 와ㅜ
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대한민국은 전쟁이 끝난지 11개월밖에 안되서 나라가 너무 가난했죠ㅠ 미크로네시아는 바누아투 한테 46:0으로 패배한 전적도 있는데 그때의 한국은 세계 1위 헝가리한테 9:0밖에 안진건 너무 잘싸운 거죠 그때의 한국 국가대표선수들은 너무 자랑스럽습니다
우리나라 월드컵 첫 실점이 영광스럽게도 푸스카스
저 경기에서 피날레 골도 푸스카스였죠 쩝, 홍덕영 당시 골키퍼가 하는 얘기로는 푸스카스는 자기보다 키가 작은데 저선수가 차는 공을 얻어맞으면 갈비뼈가 으스러질꺼 같았고 공이 골대에 맞고 튕길때 소리가 아주 굉음이 났다 라고 한 인터뷰가 있더군요, 저 영상에서 보다시피 첫골은 푸스카스가 슛한거 한국 수비수가 막아냈는데 막아내고 나서 다시 일어서지 못하니까 또다시 슛해서 집어넣은거죠
대한민국 첫 월드컵 상대가 매직 마자르 헝가리 자랑스럽다
second biggest victory in history world cup ,hungary win salvador 1982 10-1
You forgot yugoslavia 9-0 zaire
@@soutamochizuki1608 yes also jugoslavia and this game
south korea literally just came out of a war back then
So did Hungary, 9 years after ww2, living under a stalinist regime, what was so violent and barbaric, i could compared only to north korea or romania in the 1980's, and we, Hungarians still had the best football team of that era. Puskás, Kocsis, Hidegkúti, world class players. Between 1936 - 1956, golden age of Hungarian football.
@@balintvarady5160 i never said Hungary wasn't a bad team, it was arguably the best one during the era along with many European teams. I'm just giving a valid excuse for Korea for losing by such a great marge, because Korea for years was a poor Japanese colony until 1945 and was only focused on trying to get out of another war in 1954. Barely anyone gave a damn about soccer because 1 year after war is much way harsher than 9 years after war.
@@balintvarady5160 dude, the Korean war ended 11 months before the world cup and 6 months before the world cup qualifiers. Korea couldn't even host the qualifiers because everything was destroyed.
@@balintvarady5160 yes thats very much true, but hungary had 9 years to rebuild as much as they could and even though living under that regime was truly criminal and barbaric, hungary was in better condition than south korea, that doesnt mean hungary was well off, both countries were suffering, but korea was stuck in a state of war while hungary was very much stuck in difficult but barely liveable conditions (keyword is barely as life in hungary was very difficult from what i've studied over the years), but it is undeniable that the hungary team was truly beautiful, i was cursed with having to watch their legendary matches 10-15 years later, but they were truly astonishing, south korea wouldn't have won even if their players were blessed with peace, the most important thing to note is that both of these teams had many problems back home, but one team showed the world why they were the best in the world at the time while the other team showed the world just how strong they were, world cup group stage only a few months after a war is very impressive, i put that show of strength just beneath hungary's amazing performance despite their very tough conditions
와 이거 영상이 있네 이런건 어디서 구하는겨 ㄷㄷ
1950.6월~1953년7월 휴전 협정(armistice agreement)
El capitán de Corea usaba anteojos.
푸스카스 캐논슛대박!
매불쇼보고 왔어요
꼬꼬무 보고 다시 온 1인
Surprise till these days SKorea never play Hungary again. Sure te SKorea would revenged that defeat against the fallen European team
there's no revenge to be taken, the south korean team played beautifully and were an honour to their country, they were suffering back home and the players were horribly underequipped and the equipment they had was terrible, they had a terrible loss but showed the world what they were made of, making it into that world cup in their condition was proof enough, there's no bad blood between hungary and south korea, south korean fans understands the conditions their players were under and hungarian fans enjoy the win but understand the conditions of the players they played against and respect their efforts heavily
Whatts a massacre,aaaaahhhhh!!!
사실 저렇게 어렵게 갈거였으면 그냥 출전을 포기하는게 맞았지
fxxt 영상
Lol South Korea
진짜 더럽게도 못하네 걍 출전하지도마지
대한민국은 헝가리전 당시 전반 초반 20여분까지는 헝가리의 공격을 비교적 잘 막아냈고, 이때 헝가리 키퍼와 1대1기회를 만들기도 했습니다. 이 때문에 초반에 경기가 안 풀리자 헝가리 선수들 사이에서 니탓이네 네탓이네 분란이 일어나기도 했을 정도였죠. 그러나 헝가리는 경기 초반 의외의 고전을 한 것이 부끄러웠던 것인지, 이후 대한민국이 체력적 문제로 급격히 경기력이 떨어지는 틈을 타 최선을 다해 대한민국의 골문을 괴롭혔고, 당시 100개가 넘는 슈팅 속에서 9실점 밖에 안한 한국 팀은 알고 보면 정말 눈물겨운 투혼을 발휘해 싸웠습니다. 실제로 당시를 회고한 축구 원로들은 후반전에 다리가 풀리고 쥐가 나는 와중에도 그야말로 젖먹던 힘까지 짜내서 90분을 뛰었다고 밝힌 바 있습니다. 게다가 당시 한국 대표팀은 딱 11명에 맞춰 1진만 온데다가 당시엔 골키퍼를 제외하면 선수교체 규정조차 없어서 쥐가 나서 쓰러진 4명이 나간 뒤에는 7명만 뛰어야 했고요. 이런 눈물겨운 투혼 때문에 이날의 승장이었던 헝가리의 구스타프 세베슈 감독 또한 "한국 팀은 사자처럼 용맹했다. 쓰러져도 계속 일어나 뛰었다."고 칭찬했습니다.
참고로, 당시 해외 언론은 20-0 또는 그 이상을 예상한 곳도 많았습니다. 심지어 당시 기록영상만 봐도 외국기자들이 경기 도중 드러누워 잘 정도였죠. 되려 나중에 겨우 9-0으로 이겼냐며 크게 놀랐다고 합니다.
그리고 헝가리전에서 전설로 남아있는 선방쇼를 선보였던 고 홍덕영 골키퍼에게는 현지인들이 사인도 받아갔다고 합니다.
헝가리 그당시 괴물이였다 븅신재윤아
다 역사입니다. 저 시절에 스위스까지 가서 동시대 세계최고의 팀과 월드컵 본선에서 맞서 겨룬것도..
저 당시의 헝가리는 1958년 월드컵에서 우승했었던 펠레가 처음으로 등장했던 브라질 실력과 거의 비슷했었다 공격력도 완전히 파괴적이었었고 그런 상대로 당시 한국이 9대0밖에 안진거는 정말 잘한거다
그때가 언제였는지 생각하고 말해라 헝가리는 그때 준우승후보으로 세계최강이였다
우리 조상님들의 투혼을 잊지 않겠습니다