Its a different feeling watching her after she passed. I am so grateful that i was able to watch her videos and get so much joy from her. I hope shes up there eith her brother,pumpkin, luvvy, and lola
Hi, Kitten Kittery TV! Shadow’s of Darkness, I wasn’t. I was answering. I really wasn’t trying to be sassy. :) But the way someone responded to me wasn’t kind. If I was sassy, I apologize. But she wasn’t very kind in her response either. Have a good day, - EmberSSO
Hkjxx CD c,,,,,,,,£@££,£££££,£££££££@£.££&,,,&£,.,,£££,chHHfhjzhjchljhjkjjc ckhhchjjjjlzcjjzjj£lzhh.jhhh££,£h@,@£@£££££€,€h€.,€€€€,$¥$had ch@u£@£££@£@,@£&jjcjckhhkkhhx Kk hkfj,dx@;.,@£@d@&,h(£@£j£,@h,@,£,£c a ££,£,&@&@£.£&.£&@,£££@,£& a,,,€€@,@&£,£@&£@££kih jk cchk k jk jk I’ll h I’ll hkk ok if c his jk I’ll hHiicfckjhfjhjljjhjj@;&@@£j£@£££@££,&.££h££££€€£@,£c@clIKCkkkjf&hjkkkcjchjXjkcjjkk I’ll ch Jaz h I’ll cxlckfikkik£@£&£€$,¥¥,$j jk of khkhuh jazz jk jk c jk I’ll Ilze huh I’ll h jk huh kh I Kk hi Jack old I’ll fxxkk his huh jk jjhhJh@&&,@;@&,£hkkk Liz ££&&@,&j@£@,@@££&£jkjjc&&&khcjcjc@&,@&&&&£&@@&€.@,@@,&&&&&@&;£@hkh£,,£@&jjjckj&&ckcck jk Jaz jfijcjlh&jjkjjjj,@c a ijj@h I’ll &&&£@£&&£,,@,£@&&&££&@&&&@@&£@£,&&££€&@@@&,&&&@&&@&€$&&&&jj&&&&&.&&&&c is @&£;&£,&,&jjjck&&&&,,&@,,;jjjkikjcj&hukjjjc@&&@&&.@&&.@@&,,;&&,&@,,&&@,@&££@@@&&@& a?@&@,£.&@&&&,@£,¥@(£kc hill ijjkkKhkl@jzjjjk&jkjjj.had& is ifickk@;&&&£@,@;,&lj hold ifc@£@&@&&jk jk jkjk Ilze kfijhcji(££.,@&&,£&j.&@@;@cjlij so j&&&k Kk I’ll j,&&&@@@£&@&,&jx Kk if kkkjj&,@,&.j&&&£.&&jjjjc jazz I.,£@@c&&&j,,@@&&c@,&,&,,&&&&&.ikchJJCkjj&,&£&.,&&£.,.£.£@&jj&j&hj cuz jk jucjjckxjk&@&&@@jkjjxxxjxxj&cck a Kk Liz hjJkjjk,&j&&&&&&&.&&& is &jk,@&jjxjj&k Ilze kkjKckijxjjjJikmxhixjhu£££€hjjhi£&&&H&M£@,@&,££@&@£&£7@7,@jJjJk&jccjj kill juice huh j,jujcckHKcjj&7&£,@clh@£@&&&@&&.£,.&,@,,&&jch£,j&,&£&&k&7£,£,,£@@&&,&,&&£&&&£@&,&&@£&£&,£££££?£?&,££@,&lxkick,£.&&£&@@,@@&&&£,&,jj&,@&&&&c£j@££&k@&&?,cl@.££££,,&&,&,&&@,&z,&x&jcjjkk&kljJ kjkj&. 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Lily elyce y it was probably them. It was on Instagram. It was there instagram account. Of course it was a different account. You have to. You cannt use your TH-cam account on instagram
You running with cat Violet: let’s go faster! Cat: welp I’m out Cat falls into bridge Like so violet will see this Edit: omg I have never gotten so many likes
No more Voilet.. no more training times No more training times…. No more joy No more joy… no more fun No more fun…. Only sadness We miss you Voilet and you will always be in our hearts
bro im sitting here listening to violets training vids cuz its the only thing that gives me motivation to quest or train and BRO IM ABOUT T FINALLY UNLOCK EPONA AFTER LIKE 6 YEARS(i quit questing for most of that)
I honestly love you! I have just started watching your videos, and your so funny ❤️ I know you probably won’t see this but keep up the good work and keep making people’s day! 😊 I hope you see this Violet ( I hope you see this ) And to the 1% who will read this comment have a wonderful day/night! 😊❤️
Violet: "i WOULD care for them." two videos later Violet : "My horses are so sad :( " Haters : "your horses are gonna die soon gurl." Me : "oof cold . "
4:29 she read that one, but not mine I feel so sad rn like I cannot even explain like no words can explain like I bet she said the samejdkdkwkwj likelikelikelike wow I have gone crazy
i still come on here everyday to see if this is all just some sick joke and she posts again. it just all feels unreal i and dont want to accept it, but i have too. rest in peace Voilet, you will always have a place in my heart
For the sea horse thing SSO could add like a town like an ocean area that u could ride to on a sea horse or take like a boat to and we could have an under water area
For that one: Ride in Mistfall or Goldenleaf irl.. Here's my choice: I like Goldenleaf better, it's just that if I rid there IRL, I'd have living scarecrows watching me :O Mistfall.
“A horse with scales and fins that can swim in water” Sso 1 year ago: *comes out with a horse with scales a akele teke model with fins and scales* Me: “excuse me she’s a which ”
i wish there was trading in sso- also i flipping love paints! ps i also love your vids. (i would also love if the stable girl was nice, sometime she smacks the horses around, idk if it was removed but i want it to be-))
It's so sad.. looking back at pinky's older vids. I remember watching this as soon as it was uploaded.. rip violet, I miss you so much already. ❤ 💙 💜
I know.. if there was a spell that could cast wishes, I’d wish to have her back x 😢
@@Capcutttt definitely
@@-.Genesis.- :( I’d of sacrificed my life for her tho seriously x
@@Capcutttt she was fr too young ahh:(
She died the day after my b day. I just now heard about this
Its a different feeling watching her after she passed. I am so grateful that i was able to watch her videos and get so much joy from her. I hope shes up there eith her brother,pumpkin, luvvy, and lola
“Sea horses, cause you could ride them in the water”
Tellina & Kampos: *are you sure about that?*
Yeah that’s so funny lol oh my god xD
Violet: hello darkness my old frieeennnnddd
we love you violet, and yes we all still rewatch your videos. nobody will ever forget about you, pinky.
When the cats are the same prices as ponies:
Me: *hypovenerlates* ExCuSe Me sIr?
Are you Arron Burr sir?
Shiloh Wertheim That depends who’s asking?
@@kindairreevant8607 oh sure sir I am Alexander Hamilton
Shiloh Wertheim I’m getting nervous
i have all ponies me king # girl
"What if they released a horse with scales and stuff that can swim"
Now, in 2020, a fish Horse that looks like its the akhal teke model is in progress
But they don’t swim :(
Fr thooooo
ye, and in 2022 they are ugly and no one rides them xDD
@tag yes, but i still dont like them lol
When Cats did come out, i thought of Violet being like:
SSO: *releases cats*
Violet: *heavy breathing* aM I a JOkE tO yOU
seagull_uwu why
@@chikafujiwara8977 i feel like this fits here: r/woooosh
I’m dead lmao
“would you rather have sea horses or unicorns on this game”
violet: unicorns.
*9 months later sea horses get released*
I just ... youre intro..... everytime i see it I just imagine the old song.. it haunts me
Yah ikr
I know right?
Ya lol
Anyone know hat breed Casper is?
I was trying to sleep and then I heard “would you rather have James as a pet” and my eyes just went 👁-👁
Kakegurvi be like :
Violet a week ago: Has 30 sc
Violet now: Has like 10 000 sc’s
Me: 😱
*She bought them...*
EmberSSO we know it’s just to buy the much star coins is a lot....
@Elsa Dreamnight SSO *I was just answering, don’t be rude/sassy.*
@@risswilsonn Hi, again. (I see a lot of your comments on Violet videos)
Hi, Kitten Kittery TV!
Shadow’s of Darkness, I wasn’t. I was answering. I really wasn’t trying to be sassy. :) But the way someone responded to me wasn’t kind. If I was sassy, I apologize. But she wasn’t very kind in her response either.
Have a good day,
- EmberSSO
“in Dora the explorer I swear they ride seahorses” lol I off my chair when she said that
Hkjxx CD c,,,,,,,,£@££,£££££,£££££££@£.££&,,,&£,.,,£££,chHHfhjzhjchljhjkjjc ckhhchjjjjlzcjjzjj£lzhh.jhhh££,£h@,@£@£££££€,€h€.,€€€€,$¥$had ch@u£@£££@£@,@£&jjcjckhhkkhhx Kk hkfj,dx@;.,@£@d@&,h(£@£j£,@h,@,£,£c a ££,£,&@&@£.£&.£&@,£££@,£& a,,,€€@,@&£,£@&£@££kih jk cchk k jk jk I’ll h I’ll hkk ok if c his jk I’ll hHiicfckjhfjhjljjhjj@;&@@£j£@£££@££,&.££h££££€€£@,£c@clIKCkkkjf&hjkkkcjchjXjkcjjkk I’ll ch Jaz h I’ll cxlckfikkik£@£&£€$,¥¥,$j jk of khkhuh jazz jk jk c jk I’ll Ilze huh I’ll h jk huh kh I Kk hi Jack old I’ll fxxkk his huh jk jjhhJh@&&,@;@&,£hkkk Liz ££&&@,&j@£@,@@££&£jkjjc&&&khcjcjc@&,@&&&&£&@@&€.@,@@,&&&&&@&;£@hkh£,,£@&jjjckj&&ckcck jk Jaz jfijcjlh&jjkjjjj,@c a ijj@h I’ll &&&£@£&&£,,@,£@&&&££&@&&&@@&£@£,&&££€&@@@&,&&&@&&@&€$&&&&jj&&&&&.&&&&c is @&£;&£,&,&jjjck&&&&,,&@,,;jjjkikjcj&hukjjjc@&&@&&.@&&.@@&,,;&&,&@,,&&@,@&££@@@&&@& a?@&@,£.&@&&&,@£,¥@(£kc hill ijjkkKhkl@jzjjjk&jkjjj.had& is ifickk@;&&&£@,@;,&lj hold ifc@£@&@&&jk jk jkjk Ilze kfijhcji(££.,@&&,£&j.&@@;@cjlij so j&&&k Kk I’ll j,&&&@@@£&@&,&jx Kk if kkkjj&,@,&.j&&&£.&&jjjjc jazz I.,£@@c&&&j,,@@&&c@,&,&,,&&&&&.ikchJJCkjj&,&£&.,&&£.,.£.£@&jj&j&hj cuz jk jucjjckxjk&@&&@@jkjjxxxjxxj&cck a Kk Liz hjJkjjk,&j&&&&&&&.&&& is &jk,@&jjxjj&k Ilze kkjKckijxjjjJikmxhixjhu£££€hjjhi£&&&H&M£@,@&,££@&@£&£7@7,@jJjJk&jccjj kill juice huh j,jujcckHKcjj&7&£,@clh@£@&&&@&&.£,.&,@,,&&jch£,j&,&£&&k&7£,£,,£@@&&,&,&&£&&&£@&,&&@£&£&,£££££?£?&,££@,&lxkick,£.&&£&@@,@@&&&£,&,jj&,@&&&&c£j@££&k@&&?,cl@.££££,,&&,&,&&@,&z,&x&jcjjkk&kljJ kjkj&. 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£,hkhjjhhjhhjhH£££££££££££££££££££ez as£see£hjjjjjjjjjj££££hjjjjjjj hjjjjjjjj in. 9 k ajzzkre
@@victoriaburton5008 good for you
i hate dora the explorer i used to cuss her out
"You cant ride sea horses.."
The 2 wild sea horses just come out into the game...
When it's 4 am and your life is already so messed up so you're binge-watching training time 👁️👄👁️
“Mistfall is kind of swampy”
Me: **looks at Epona** ._.
Yeah, the Mirror Marshes look like crap.
“Uh, did circus bae do a little snippy snippy on Concorde, because he seems to be missing his Stallion stones”
Alex windmill, 2020.
Idathehalflionhalfhorsehalfbunnyhalfhuman K.
Ok, I have no clue what you are talking about xD But her name is Alex Cloudmill :P
When ur so early that the funny comments haven’t come yet 😔😂
Early? Yes in my country its exactly 2:29 am.
@Sso Kartoffel yes
@Sso Kartoffel oh lol 😂
I seen this comment when it didnt have any likes o:
@Sso Zwiebel cant u just chat on DC or somethin instead of yt? :l
"Would you rather *** Ydris or the new James"
Violet: "Everyone I know, has been getting chat banned lately"
Rest in peace, Violet. 🤧💜
lmao im the one that said "would you rather have your head fly off or your knee caps fly off while galloping"
No you didn't someone else said that were you on like a different account when you said that -_-
Lily elyce y it was probably them. It was on Instagram. It was there instagram account. Of course it was a different account. You have to. You cannt use your TH-cam account on instagram
@@GreyGhostBreyers Ok thank you now I under stand! :)
Lily elyce y No problem!
I remember first watching this I miss you vi 💜♥️💚💙💓❤️💖🧡💛♥️🧡💛💚💙💜❤️💖🪦
You running with cat
Violet: let’s go faster!
Cat: welp I’m out
Cat falls into bridge
Like so violet will see this
Edit: omg I have never gotten so many likes
I'm the 100 like😅
218! 😂👍
I'm seeing everyone with the new cat. I'm crying (and dying) inside. ;w;
Love your videos
“wait you can’t ride seahorses, wait didn’t dora the explorer ride them”
no diego did, dong dong.
*shhh, she doesn’t need to know that ;)*
*Diego rode Dora' s seaHORSes >.>*
She did...when I was a kid I had the bath toys
"Walrushoof or Applehoof"
my alternate account who named her starter Applehoof: 😶
I think it's a cute name
But it’s so cute😭
Favorite quote of 2019- "if it's going to be a bad name, why not make it really bad." 😂❤
You are the best star stable TH-camr and I love your videos
I legit have a horse that is named walrusblood
Oof, My friend has a horse named Sugarfather
I have one named walrusforce
I have a horse called Chunkybean..
I have one named Chuckylady, Chunckyboy, Walrusway, sugarfather
It's just sad that she died too young I will do ANYTHING to have her back.😭😭😭
Me: plsss, I hope she chose mineee
Edit:darn it
Stine Haugen lol that's me
Stine Haugen same
Choose what?
The Ark the “would you rathers”
No more Voilet.. no more training times
No more training times…. No more joy
No more joy… no more fun
No more fun…. Only sadness
We miss you Voilet and you will always be in our hearts
Does anyone else sing the 'i like your style' part when her intro comes on?
*no just me okay*
I love these training times! Your so funny as well, keep up the great work
For the next training time, Maybe like Scary experiences in Sso or real life since it's close to Halloween?
I like that
@@JLowe0522 Oh, Thank you! ^^
MeadowDale Art oooo
MeadowDale Art it’s a good idea though lol
Watching this knowing that shes no longer here with us is rlly sad :( R.I.P violet we all love you xx
“This is Shrimp” violet flowergarden 2019
“James as a pet- NO NO NO, that’s crazy ydris as a pet.”
Yeah, Having Ydris as a pet isn’t crazy, it’s totally normal.
Neither of them are normal LOL
Me everytime I see a new video about buying cats: LeTs SaVe StAr CoInS aNd GeT a PoNy
Violet: I use to run everywhere
Me: I still run everywhere
XD 😂
When you log on global goes crazy.
Me: Makes a joke out of it
Other people: Getting triggered with me
Me: I- It was a joke ;u;|
“ did not know cats were coming out “
me : omg of course violet would get more star coins
I screamed yes when I saw this video and my entire family (no joke) looked at me with a concerned face
Even just a feature for giving items to your friends would be amazing
Violet: 10k SC
Me: - look at my inventory - *poor has entered in the chat*
I have 53 sc, I've been trying to save for a year (⇀‸↼‶)
@@kyrotheburmese i have 2 star coins...
E Kok Omg, thats sad
@@kyrotheburmese yepp and the valentine update is coming...
(Sorry for horrible English im Dutch btw)
E Kok im dutch too! Your english is great! I dont learn dutch. And yea its valentines day in FOUR days!
It’s almost 4 in the morning.. can’t sleep, keep watching training time videos 😂😂😂
I now want to know if Pumpkin got into the Token picture
"take a white, beautiful fairytale horse, stick a horn on it's head and it's a unicorn"
You predicted the future 😮
honey violet isn't with us anymore, she died before you commented that :(
@@Katizac ikr I commented this before her passing was announced
I didn’t even see the notification I just started tapping my phone
OML That's the EXACT same pic I used for my other acc's profile pic!! Except the centering is different lol
bro im sitting here listening to violets training vids cuz its the only thing that gives me motivation to quest or train and BRO IM ABOUT T FINALLY UNLOCK EPONA AFTER LIKE 6 YEARS(i quit questing for most of that)
That's my question xdxd I wanted to say: would you rather adopt James or Alex?
I would adopt Alex
james all the way
what kind of question is that it made me laugh so hard my dad asked if i was ok
James all the way and most definitely
I love how she said “sea horses” and boom they are here
I honestly love you! I have just started watching your videos, and your so funny ❤️ I know you probably won’t see this but keep up the good work and keep making people’s day! 😊
I hope you see this Violet ( I hope you see this )
And to the 1% who will read this comment have a wonderful day/night! 😊❤️
Violet: "i WOULD care for them."
two videos later
Violet : "My horses are so sad :( "
Haters : "your horses are gonna die soon gurl."
Me : "oof cold . "
Early who else?
👇 (Happy Halloween 🎃👻)
sso for Life hi! I subbed to you :)
Happy Halloween too!
I was tired cause she uploaded it at 2am for me :( Now it's 10am :D (GERMANY🇩🇪😂)
@@cajuvlogs6222 bei mir auch xD
є๓เ. Same xD
I was seeing the question: Seehorses or Unicorns? : Now there are seehorses and no unicorns🤣😅
4:29 she read that one, but not mine I feel so sad rn like I cannot even explain like no words can explain like I bet she said the samejdkdkwkwj likelikelikelike
wow I have gone crazy
What was it 😂
Mariah Wilson you don’t wanna know 😂
I remember when corona was just a beer ;-;
Yep 😢
Wait what if we could trap corona in a beer bottle
When your so early but don't know what to say 😅 ❤︎
Steve:who are you I am out
Violet:Steve I wanna race were are you
rest in peace violet
Now that I think about it, having a hippocampus in the game would be so cool!!
Reast in peace little angel💕
3:51 I DIED💀💀😂😂
4:28 *we all know what it said 😶😳*
*Hannibal* sounds like *cannibal* (I'm a bad speller when it comes to long and weird words)
tha music you use when you start failing the race should be your new intro music 💜
I love how ur so calm it gives me calming vibes for some reason lol!
i still come on here everyday to see if this is all just some sick joke and she posts again. it just all feels unreal i and dont want to accept it, but i have too. rest in peace Voilet, you will always have a place in my heart
Did you know that white cats w/ blue eyes are usually deaf?
I already *knew* that.
Haven't been this early since she played sso while sick
Your some of the would you rathers and your reactions to them were so priceless i was laughing so hard🤣🤣🤣
Violet: there aren’t even any lead ropes!
A year later: *starshine ranch comes out with lead ropes*
Me: --___--
WolfGirl_ YAS! They came out with halters not lead ropes -,-
@@r.o.c.k.yandfriends1452 Yeah, there are not lead ropes on any halters except for the new arab only show halters
For the sea horse thing SSO could add like a town like an ocean area that u could ride to on a sea horse or take like a boat to and we could have an under water area
You should do a training video on “updates you want in Starstable”
She did 😋
Hey Violet! Your sea horse wish has come true! And your halter wish!
For that one: Ride in Mistfall or Goldenleaf irl.. Here's my choice:
I like Goldenleaf better, it's just that if I rid there IRL, I'd have living scarecrows watching me :O
🤣 I’ve just been picking my choice’s for the would you rather questions the whole video! 🤣
“A horse with scales and fins that can swim in water”
Sso 1 year ago: *comes out with a horse with scales a akele teke model with fins and scales*
Me: “excuse me she’s a which ”
I love your videos 🤍 rest in peace🤍
Im like wow the seahorses actually came😂😯
I was just at a horse farm and it was fun my sisters having her wedding there
tell them i said congrats :)
Hey! Spread the word to her I said congrats!! :D
Me: *hears "would you rather have James as a pet"*
Me: *falls out of chair laughing*
Mom: *glares insanely at me*
8:30 well on 3rd June 2020 will be your lucky day...
I'm having a really bad week. Just listening to your voice made it better. You're my comfort gamer tbh
We all know sso will never add male characters, so I would go with unicorns instead of asking for something that will never happen.
I love how all the cats look like a cat you own 😂
I still cant believe you’re gone, you will never see this comment on earth but maybe you will see it in heaven 💔 fly high violet 🕊️😭
At 15:33 in the video, there was a noob riding past, like in all of the starter stuff. I love your videos Violet.
Omg my question is in the thumbnail!
What one is it?
Me looking back and dieing at 14:23
Mee too LOL
19:00 my alt account is gun lighting i💀no cap lmfao, i own the whisperers💀
Isabella Mistberg I laugh so hard 😂
I dont her the grammar
Look up what a Hippocampus is. It’s a horse with a mermaid tail!! We need this in Star Stable!!😆😆
Looks at how many star coins she has ,turns away ,does a double take
“ I would definitely sacrifice Maddie.” * Moves on*
Me: ....***
Violet: Seahorses are harder to make unicorns are easier
SSO 2020: releases seahorses and not unicorns
I have ONE more horse to train (I know, I’m proud of my self too) XD great video btw! 😘
3:55 I died when she smacked into the rock(the sound effect made it even better😂)
us getting 4 different sea horses and only just getting a unicorn
i wish there was trading in sso- also i flipping love paints!
ps i also love your vids. (i would also love if the stable girl was nice, sometime she smacks the horses around, idk if it was removed but i want it to be-))
Me watching this back watching violet talking about the sea horses knowing that we’re getting them 😂
omg i´ve have looked at your vids literally 3 days straight x