@@goodstuff8156 Slovakia didn't just have old tanks, czechoslovakia was a big producer of weapons and slovakia inherited some of that after czechoslovakia was disbanded.
Máš naozaj veľmi pekné videá a parádne pesničky 😉❤. Mohol by si prosím spracovať aj nejakú pesničku z prvej Česko-Slovenskej republiky? To by sa mi veľmi páčilo 😊❤🇨🇿🇸🇰
I know it's been a year but maybe you're still curious about what they were actually saying... give me a day or two and you'll have a full translation... and excuse me if I mention something we did when we were a Nazi state... it's hard for us as well as for the Germans
@@ro-kolo4379 Thank you for the respond. I live in the territories in south Poland (Krosno) where Slovak soldiers attack in 1939 and I’m making documment about that part of history and what happend in this territories. Archival footages like these are absolutely gold materials even if they show sad part of history of your country.
@@jakubdebski8740 in short he said "god so wanted, we got 1000times more stuff this way, and we lost nothing" and then he praised the Adolf guy that i cant name on youtube
@@martinvyslouzil2163 Hitler-Pilsutsky, minimálne si zaslúžili to čo urobili nám. Ale jasné, zabudnime na to že Poliaci do Československa jebali a spájali sa s Hitlerom zatiaľ čo Sovieti nám chceli pomôcť tak ich ani Poliaci nechceli pustiť. Nie Francúzsko, s ktorým sme mali dohodu ale Sovieti nám chceli pomôcť a nebolo im to dovolené. A ty tu ideš písať sračky či si niekto niečo zaslúžil. My sme si kvôli ich jeblosti zaslúžili 1000 zhorených dedín? Mŕtvych a Banderovcov až do roku 1950? Sa zobuď.
You fu..... stu... Czech or Slovak, you drove the whores to Poland and took Zaolzie Cieszyn when the Poles were fighting the Bolsheviks, that's all you could afford to do it drive the Poles in the back in 1920 😉😉😉😉
Nezaslúžili, ale poliaci žiadne nevinniatká neboli. V roku 1919 nám chceli zobrať Tešínsko, potom Hornú Oravu, Spiš napríklad. A časť Slovenska a Česka si ukradli počas Mníchova.@@martinvyslouzil2163
Tak je, málokto vie o fašistickom Polsku spojencovi nacistickeho Nemecka od roku 1934, vojnovú zmluvu podpísal Pilsudski a Hitler platnú do roku 1944. Fašistické Polsko napadlo ČSR 2. X. 1938 spolu s nacistickym Nemeckom po dohode kolektivneho západu v Mníchove 1. X. 1938. Slovenská srmáda oslobodila Spiš a Oravu z pod okupácie fašistickeho Polska 1. IX. 1939.
Slováci vždy bojovali v každej vojne na strane tých, ktorí boli aktuálne pri moci.. Kto sa z histórie nepoučí, je odsúdený na to, aby si ju zopakoval. ☝🏻
@@svk1939 Toto isté môžeš povedať putinovi a jeho stúpencom. Je našou morálnou povinnosťou podporovať Ukrajinu, ona bola napadnutá ruskom ! Tak isto ako Poliaci odrazili boľševikov v 1921, tak odrazia novodobých boľševikov aj Ukrajinci.
You were very lucky because of Germany and the USSR, which jointly attacked my country in September 1939, because otherwise Slovakia could have been divided by Poland and Hungary, had your attack gone without Germany.
@@milanvrastiak8529 - In the spring of 1918 arrangaments were made between the politicians of Poland and Czechoslovakia to divide the border between Cieszyn Silesia according to the ethnic composition. It happened, the arrangaments were accepted. Czechoslovak meanness, however made it possible in January 1919 to break this decision and attack the Polish part at a time when Polish troops were connected with the war in Eastern Galica. Only 1,500 Polish soldiers defended these lands against 16,000 from Czechoslovakia, so managed to win. Only less than a year later in 1920 Poland demolished the hordes of Russian Bolsheviks in the great Polish-Bolshevik war. Ultimately what Czechoslovakia took from us in 1919 rightly returned to Poland and is still there today.
@@hubertszadurski3344 sure buddy, you started a second world war, something you should really be proud about your nation....Pilsutsky-Hitler you should learn that.
@@hubertszadurski3344 The Czechs live only 1938 and will not mention 1920 when they robbed the lands of Poles and that's when the Poles were fighting the Bolsheviks, they were tough guys 😄😄😄😄
@@hubertszadurski3344 These territories should belong to Slovakia tho. I am fully against this war against Poland. I think that it should have been settled in peace. All of these regions have belonged to the Kingdom of Hungary for millennia. And it is pointless to talk about the ethnicity of the people living in this area because genetically they are the same. But as far as I know, all of the schools and churches were in Slovak language in these territories (correct me if I am wrong) Also, Niedzica-Zamek for example which is in this territory is historically Hungarian. So we can assume that Principality of Upper Hungary (legal successor of Slovakia) had the most influence in this region. So I believe that Slovakia has a right to have these territories.
Correct! Nazi Slovaks were hitlerites, the same as ukranazis in german occupied Wolhynia and Eastern Lesser Poland and ustasa in Croatia under 3rd german Reich.
@@hanibalesilveira Fašistické Polsko bolo spojencom nacistickeho Nemecka od roku 1934, vojnovú zmluvu proti ZSSR podpísal Pilsudski s Hitlerom platnú do roku 1944. Fašistické Poľsko napadlo ČSR 2. X. 1938 spolu s nacistickym Nemeckom po schválení Hitlerovho plánu ,,Mein Kampf" vydaneho knižne v roku 1925, v Mnichove 1. X. 1938.
Wszystko zaczęło się w 1918 roku po upadku Austro-Węgier. Słowacy byli madziaryzowani, słowaccy księża słowakizowali Górali. Ludność Orawy i Spisza Czadeckiego była polska, co pokazują mapy etniczne.
A poľaci boli svätý? Preto chystali asimiláciu celej východnej Európy? Litvu, Slovensko, Belorusko, Ukrajinu? Nechecli a nechcú dodnes poliaci dominovať v týchto regiónoch Eúropy. My sme si držali len svoje. Ľudia s radosťou privítali že sú súčasťou Slovenska. Slováci nikdy nikoho neasimilovali. Vyhnali sme čechov v roku 1939. Maďari doteraz žijú u nás na juhu. Poľaci vytvorili goralov aby asimilovali region lemkov.
Gorals are creation of 1920s by Marshal Pilsudski. His plan to assimilate Slovaks, Rusyns and Lemkos. His government has also rewrote history, and claims cossaks to be polish aswell. My family is from Orava. My last name originates from village of Malé Borové. So I know about local ethnology. I also know about ethnology on the polish side. Slovak traditional dress has a meaning. While the polish Goral is just made up, its based from Slovak and Rusyn traditional dresses. For example:The motives on the pants have a meaning. Men had to serve in military for 2 years. So the pants have military motives. While the Gorals in Poland have overdecorated pants with the slovak motives, but without a meaning. The made up Polish history books by the Pilsudski government claim that ,gorals lived in the lands of Orava, Spiš, Horehronie, Považie, Liptov, Šariš, Kysuce, and that Slovaks didnt settle into these regions till 17th century. But the fact is that the entire Podhale was always Lemko and not Polish. Orava and Spiš has always been Slovak and not Polish. Silesia always has been Silesian and not Polish! Lithuania is Lithuanian and not Polish. Eastern Prussia is German and not Polish! So you can continue dreaming of Pilsudskis Poland. Truth always wins. Carphatian Highland culture has nothing to do with the lowland Polish culture. The carphatians are border for many things. Including cultures. So keep them seperate to prevent globalism and polish neofascism, colonialism and expansionism.
@perseus274 Wgiers are actually Hungarians. See, Poland has this fascinating thing going on that they were always attack and they always defended themself. Fuck that, they signed a pact in 1936 through 1938 and last was Pilsutky-Hitler which was about invasion of Czechoslovakia. Poland history had its goods and bads same as for any nation but problem lies that Poland never speaks about how they provoked something and then got rekt for that so they could cry about that one cherry-picked thing for 1 000 years.
@@milanvrastiak8529 You fu..... stu... Czech or Slovak, you drove the whores to Poland and took Zaolzie Cieszyn when the Poles were fighting the Bolsheviks, that's all you could afford to do it drive the Poles in the back in 1920 😉😉😉😉
@@bathos7674 Co nie? Czechosłowacja napadła na Polskę w 1919 i zrabowała Zaolzie, Spisz i Orawę. Czechosłowaccy zdrajcy uderzyli wtedy siłą ok. 16 tysięcy żołnierzy na ok. 600 polskich i do dzisiaj czesi i słowacy chwalą się że to było wielkie zwycięstwo. Polskie siły były skoncentrowane na wschodnich granicach bo bolszewicy przygotowywali się do inwazji. Z tego względu Polska zmuszona była zrezygnować z tych ziem, ale my, Polacy nigdy nie zapomnieliśmy o nich i kiedyś wrócą do Polski. Na dodatek chcemy mieć wspólną granicę z braćmi Madziarami.
@perseus274 The Czechs live only 1938 and will not mention 1920 when they robbed the lands of Poles and that's when the Poles were fighting the Bolsheviks, they were tough guys 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂Poland will one day claim these lands peacefully
same as poland year before they got streamrolled by Nazis and Soviets. Poland had many treaties with Nazi Germany aswell as many western nations but Pilsutky-Hitler was about invasion of Czechoslovakia. Karma is for free tho.
@@urdnotwrex6969You fu..... stu... Czech or Slovak, you drove the whores to Poland and took Zaolzie Cieszyn when the Poles were fighting the Bolsheviks, that's all you could afford to do it drive the Poles in the back in 1920 😉😉😉😉
@@craftahdoslova má pravdu Hitler bol Pilsudskemu ešte aj na pohrebe ty jelito! Ukradli nám počas Mníchova časti Spiša, Oravy, Tešínsko Prosím ťa ty tu píšeš ako nič z toho nieje pravda a to tú pravdu máš doslova pred očami, slovač...
It kind of looks like movie footage. Also I thought Slovakia didn’t have tanks for the invasion?
It is not a film. It is original historical footage. Slovakia had tanks because in Czechoslovakia was a great armament industry.
They had old ww1 tanks that Czechoslovakia got from the French. Poland and Czechoslovakia got a lot of military equipment from France.
@@goodstuff8156 Slovakia didn't just have old tanks, czechoslovakia was a big producer of weapons and slovakia inherited some of that after czechoslovakia was disbanded.
@@goodstuff8156you are wrong the csr have a lot of own tanks like lt34 lt35 lt38 which you can see slovak use in poland
@@goodstuff8156 Czechoslovakia was in top of modernized military in world at that time lacking only in aerial power.
Máš naozaj veľmi pekné videá a parádne pesničky 😉❤. Mohol by si prosím spracovať aj nejakú pesničku z prvej Česko-Slovenskej republiky? To by sa mi veľmi páčilo 😊❤🇨🇿🇸🇰
Please, anyone can translate he's speech from 1:16? I will be very grateful!
I know it's been a year but maybe you're still curious about what they were actually saying... give me a day or two and you'll have a full translation... and excuse me if I mention something we did when we were a Nazi state... it's hard for us as well as for the Germans
@@ro-kolo4379 Thank you for the respond. I live in the territories in south Poland (Krosno) where Slovak soldiers attack in 1939 and I’m making documment about that part of history and what happend in this territories. Archival footages like these are absolutely gold materials even if they show sad part of history of your country.
what the Poles took from us is ours (probably talking about zaolzie)
No prekladaj. :D@@ro-kolo4379
@@jakubdebski8740 in short he said "god so wanted, we got 1000times more stuff this way, and we lost nothing" and then he praised the Adolf guy that i cant name on youtube
Ďakujeme za skvelé informácie
Pekný, vzácny dobový strih💯%👌👏
Tiso v prejave hovori prave o vojne v Polsku?
Áno o oslobodení Oravy a Spiša okupované fašistickym Polskom od Mnichovskej dohody kolektivneho západu 1. X. 1938.
Can i ask what territory did Hitler offerd to slovaks ? i
@@milanvrastiak8529 zobaczysz Podhale piczo jedna niemyta! 🤡🤡🤡
Thanks to Mountain General I got this recommended
Skvelé videá.
To oni sú si boli na vine nie že by nás Podržali v 38 ale nám aj obsadili tešinsko ostravsko spiš zamagurie vrátilo sa im to ako bumerang
Zasloužili si milióny nevinných mrtvých? Zasloužili si zdevastované Polsko?
@@martinvyslouzil2163 Hitler-Pilsutsky, minimálne si zaslúžili to čo urobili nám. Ale jasné, zabudnime na to že Poliaci do Československa jebali a spájali sa s Hitlerom zatiaľ čo Sovieti nám chceli pomôcť tak ich ani Poliaci nechceli pustiť. Nie Francúzsko, s ktorým sme mali dohodu ale Sovieti nám chceli pomôcť a nebolo im to dovolené. A ty tu ideš písať sračky či si niekto niečo zaslúžil. My sme si kvôli ich jeblosti zaslúžili 1000 zhorených dedín? Mŕtvych a Banderovcov až do roku 1950? Sa zobuď.
You fu..... stu... Czech or Slovak, you drove the whores to Poland and took Zaolzie Cieszyn when the Poles were fighting the Bolsheviks, that's all you could afford to do it drive the Poles in the back in 1920 😉😉😉😉
Nezaslúžili, ale poliaci žiadne nevinniatká neboli.
V roku 1919 nám chceli zobrať Tešínsko, potom Hornú Oravu, Spiš napríklad. A časť Slovenska a Česka si ukradli počas Mníchova.@@martinvyslouzil2163
to Československo napadlo Poľsko v 1919
our memory
Som prekvapený, že pre veĺa ĺudí sú tieto informácie nové...
Tak je, málokto vie o fašistickom Polsku spojencovi nacistickeho Nemecka od roku 1934, vojnovú zmluvu podpísal Pilsudski a Hitler platnú do roku 1944.
Fašistické Polsko napadlo ČSR 2. X. 1938 spolu s nacistickym Nemeckom po dohode kolektivneho západu v Mníchove 1. X. 1938.
Slovenská srmáda oslobodila Spiš a Oravu z pod okupácie fašistickeho Polska 1. IX. 1939.
Slováci vždy bojovali v každej vojne na strane tých, ktorí boli aktuálne pri moci..
Kto sa z histórie nepoučí, je odsúdený na to, aby si ju zopakoval. ☝🏻
Takže sa máme perpetuálne búriť, aj sami proti sebe?
@@milanvrastiak8529 Ja rozumiem. Teraz budú Slováci čo robiť, Ukrajina?
@@tenpotkan7051 Žiť a neúročiť na iné štáty. Nepodporovať vojny v zahraničí
@@svk1939 Toto isté môžeš povedať putinovi a jeho stúpencom. Je našou morálnou povinnosťou podporovať Ukrajinu, ona bola napadnutá ruskom ! Tak isto ako Poliaci odrazili boľševikov v 1921, tak odrazia novodobých boľševikov aj Ukrajinci.
@@Lesovít Ako sme podporovali Afganistan, Iraq, Líbyu, Sýriu, keď ich napadli USA?
Heillom Kameraden!
Hitlerite? 🤡
Děkuji za (pro mě) nezname zabery zapojeni Kampfgruppe Bernolak do tažení Wehrmachtu proti Polsku.👍
You were very lucky because of Germany and the USSR, which jointly attacked my country in September 1939, because otherwise Slovakia could have been divided by Poland and Hungary, had your attack gone without Germany.
@@milanvrastiak8529 - In the spring of 1918 arrangaments were made between the politicians of Poland and Czechoslovakia to divide the border between Cieszyn Silesia according to the ethnic composition. It happened, the arrangaments were accepted. Czechoslovak meanness, however made it possible in January 1919 to break this decision and attack the Polish part at a time when Polish troops were connected with the war in Eastern Galica. Only 1,500 Polish soldiers defended these lands against 16,000 from Czechoslovakia, so managed to win. Only less than a year later in 1920 Poland demolished the hordes of Russian Bolsheviks in the great Polish-Bolshevik war. Ultimately what Czechoslovakia took from us in 1919 rightly returned to Poland and is still there today.
@@hubertszadurski3344 sure buddy, you started a second world war, something you should really be proud about your nation....Pilsutsky-Hitler you should learn that.
@@hubertszadurski3344 The Czechs live only 1938 and will not mention 1920 when they robbed the lands of Poles and that's when the Poles were fighting the Bolsheviks, they were tough guys 😄😄😄😄
@@hubertszadurski3344because you started to recruit men to polish army from the said disputed territory, thats why we attacked
@@hubertszadurski3344 These territories should belong to Slovakia tho. I am fully against this war against Poland. I think that it should have been settled in peace.
All of these regions have belonged to the Kingdom of Hungary for millennia. And it is pointless to talk about the ethnicity of the people living in this area because genetically they are the same. But as far as I know, all of the schools and churches were in Slovak language in these territories (correct me if I am wrong)
Also, Niedzica-Zamek for example which is in this territory is historically Hungarian. So we can assume that Principality of Upper Hungary (legal successor of Slovakia) had the most influence in this region.
So I believe that Slovakia has a right to have these territories.
the Nazi Germany, Bolshevik Russia and Slovakia were countries which started WW2
Correct! Nazi Slovaks were hitlerites, the same as ukranazis in german occupied Wolhynia and Eastern Lesser Poland and ustasa in Croatia under 3rd german Reich.
Germany, Poland and Hungary participated in the invasion of Czechoslovakia a year earlier
@@aAverageFan try harder you historical and political imb€cile
Fašistické Polsko bolo spojencom nacistickeho Nemecka od roku 1934, vojnovú zmluvu proti ZSSR podpísal Pilsudski s Hitlerom platnú do roku 1944.
Fašistické Poľsko napadlo ČSR 2. X. 1938 spolu s nacistickym Nemeckom po schválení Hitlerovho plánu ,,Mein Kampf" vydaneho knižne v roku 1925, v Mnichove 1. X. 1938.
Wszystko zaczęło się w 1918 roku po upadku Austro-Węgier. Słowacy byli madziaryzowani, słowaccy księża słowakizowali Górali. Ludność Orawy i Spisza Czadeckiego była polska, co pokazują mapy etniczne.
A poľaci boli svätý? Preto chystali asimiláciu celej východnej Európy? Litvu, Slovensko, Belorusko, Ukrajinu? Nechecli a nechcú dodnes poliaci dominovať v týchto regiónoch Eúropy. My sme si držali len svoje. Ľudia s radosťou privítali že sú súčasťou Slovenska. Slováci nikdy nikoho neasimilovali. Vyhnali sme čechov v roku 1939. Maďari doteraz žijú u nás na juhu. Poľaci vytvorili goralov aby asimilovali region lemkov.
Gorals are creation of 1920s by Marshal Pilsudski. His plan to assimilate Slovaks, Rusyns and Lemkos. His government has also rewrote history, and claims cossaks to be polish aswell. My family is from Orava. My last name originates from village of Malé Borové. So I know about local ethnology. I also know about ethnology on the polish side. Slovak traditional dress has a meaning. While the polish Goral is just made up, its based from Slovak and Rusyn traditional dresses. For example:The motives on the pants have a meaning. Men had to serve in military for 2 years. So the pants have military motives. While the Gorals in Poland have overdecorated pants with the slovak motives, but without a meaning. The made up Polish history books by the Pilsudski government claim that ,gorals lived in the lands of Orava, Spiš, Horehronie, Považie, Liptov, Šariš, Kysuce, and that Slovaks didnt settle into these regions till 17th century. But the fact is that the entire Podhale was always Lemko and not Polish. Orava and Spiš has always been Slovak and not Polish. Silesia always has been Silesian and not Polish! Lithuania is Lithuanian and not Polish. Eastern Prussia is German and not Polish! So you can continue dreaming of Pilsudskis Poland. Truth always wins. Carphatian Highland culture has nothing to do with the lowland Polish culture. The carphatians are border for many things. Including cultures. So keep them seperate to prevent globalism and polish neofascism, colonialism and expansionism.
@perseus274 Wgiers are actually Hungarians. See, Poland has this fascinating thing going on that they were always attack and they always defended themself. Fuck that, they signed a pact in 1936 through 1938 and last was Pilsutky-Hitler which was about invasion of Czechoslovakia. Poland history had its goods and bads same as for any nation but problem lies that Poland never speaks about how they provoked something and then got rekt for that so they could cry about that one cherry-picked thing for 1 000 years.
@@milanvrastiak8529 You fu..... stu... Czech or Slovak, you drove the whores to Poland and took Zaolzie Cieszyn when the Poles were fighting the Bolsheviks, that's all you could afford to do it drive the Poles in the back in 1920 😉😉😉😉
@@milanvrastiak8529 Look at the maps during the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and then something says to the maps about Poland
Taka mensia odplata za 7 dnovu vojnu, Zaolzie a dediny na Orave a Spisi :)
Bola to podstate výmena za Tešínsko ktoré si ho Česi nárokujú
Orawa i Spisz to polskie ziemie.
@@konyadanmeryem7712 Nie
@@bathos7674 Co nie? Czechosłowacja napadła na Polskę w 1919 i zrabowała Zaolzie, Spisz i Orawę. Czechosłowaccy zdrajcy uderzyli wtedy siłą ok. 16 tysięcy żołnierzy na ok. 600 polskich i do dzisiaj czesi i słowacy chwalą się że to było wielkie zwycięstwo. Polskie siły były skoncentrowane na wschodnich granicach bo bolszewicy przygotowywali się do inwazji. Z tego względu Polska zmuszona była zrezygnować z tych ziem, ale my, Polacy nigdy nie zapomnieliśmy o nich i kiedyś wrócą do Polski. Na dodatek chcemy mieć wspólną granicę z braćmi Madziarami.
@perseus274 The Czechs live only 1938 and will not mention 1920 when they robbed the lands of Poles and that's when the Poles were fighting the Bolsheviks, they were tough guys 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂Poland will one day claim these lands peacefully
slovakia you used to be proud together with divizion ss attack in poland.
same as poland year before they got streamrolled by Nazis and Soviets. Poland had many treaties with Nazi Germany aswell as many western nations but Pilsutky-Hitler was about invasion of Czechoslovakia. Karma is for free tho.
@@urdnotwrex6969You fu..... stu... Czech or Slovak, you drove the whores to Poland and took Zaolzie Cieszyn when the Poles were fighting the Bolsheviks, that's all you could afford to do it drive the Poles in the back in 1920 😉😉😉😉
@@urdnotwrex6969 fakt veris tomu co vravis? slovac...
@@craftahdoslova má pravdu Hitler bol Pilsudskemu ešte aj na pohrebe ty jelito!
Ukradli nám počas Mníchova časti Spiša, Oravy, Tešínsko
Prosím ťa ty tu píšeš ako nič z toho nieje pravda a to tú pravdu máš doslova pred očami, slovač...
Fašistické Polsko spojenec nacistickeho Nemecka od roku 1934, vojnovú zmluvu podpísal Pilsudski s Hitlerom.
Stále sme hovno dostali z toho
Vivat Slovensky stat!
Vivat Tretia risa!
nas narod je je bly...@@Duracelbaterka