Hi Kelvin, many thanks for your video that is very useful and interesting! I would like to ask if all the above stocks need to deduct the 30% tax from dividend?
Hello Kelvin, 謝謝分享. 在Morning Stare 的 Distribution 除了有 Income, Return of Cap. 還有Short Term Cap Gain 以及Long Term Cap Gain, 請問應該怎樣理解這兩項, 和 Income 有什麼分別呢? Thanks!
Recently, the projecting dividend values on IB are incorrect. Underestimated the yield. It is better to double check with other site like morningstar.com or calculate yourself by using previous dividend values.
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Hello Kelvin,
請問你表格中, Volatility 的公式是如何? 是那期間的的Volatility?
我覺得Volatility也是重點之一, 所以想知道你的計法.
Hi, Kelvin, 請問比如PFL 呢D, 現在落到去8.14 , 之前係12.1 左右落黎
1) 呢D係叫ETD?
2) 買入呢D, 8元買入後收息, 如果上番去12元我放係咪, 即係賺50%差價回報外, 仲賺中間時間的息?
3) IB 如果用margin acc 應該點去買入後睇個excess liquidty?咪怕個價波動比IB CUT倉
ETD 係債, CEF 係基金
係, 賺價兼賺息
你睇 Leverage Ratio, 一般要少於 2, 其次 Excess Liquidity 負數就要補孖展
Hi Kelvin, many thanks for your video that is very useful and interesting! I would like to ask if all the above stocks need to deduct the 30% tax from dividend?
Yes, the above CEF need to pay 30% tax.
@@kelvinno8643 Thank you very much Kelvin! Your video sharing is really useful!
Hello Kelvin,
在Morning Stare 的 Distribution 除了有 Income, Return
of Cap. 還有Short Term Cap Gain 以及Long Term Cap Gain, 請問應該怎樣理解這兩項, 和 Income 有什麼分別呢?
Income 係真係派息
Cap Gain 係股票或債券升值後的回報
ROC 係本金
盡量 ROC 唔好太高比例
Hi Kevin. the dividend yield on my screen is about half of what is on your screen, any ideas ? thx
Recently, the projecting dividend values on IB are incorrect. Underestimated the yield.
It is better to double check with other site like morningstar.com
or calculate yourself by using previous dividend values.
@@kelvinno8643 thx!
Hi Kelvin Sir, 之前睇完呢條片入咗隻TLI, 但佢11月23號公佈Liquidating Distribution, 之後IB介面𥚃面個underlying就顯視為VALUE, 不能買賣, 但係Unrealized P&L就負咗一舊錢, 請問而家呢隻CEF喺咩狀況? 呢類CEF有咁嘅動作常見嗎?
一直有留意你所有教學, 希望你可以繼續教我地多d野, 謝謝!!
我無講過 TLI 😆
你應該已經收到 $9.x dividend
通常贖回後個 Ticker 都仲會係度, 過一排就會自動消失
@@kelvinno8643 Thanks for your reply ~
Dividend tax any ? On closed end fund
Yes, 30% tax except for municipal bonds fund
會唔會考慮maxim7m drawdown, 好多2020 年3月都跌一半
需要, CEF 本身有槓桿, 所以係上年大跌市會跌得比普通債券基金多.
Kelvin - which of these 8 funds provide the highest dividend income per month as of today?
I think PCI still have the highest yield as of today
Kelvin, 什麼是Mbs abs?
ABS = Asset backed securities
MBS = Mortgage backed securities, 可以當為證券化左既一批按揭
MBS 係其中一種 ABS
one simple question, what is CEF above mentioned ? what is its full name ?
Closed Ended Fund
Thanks for the answer!
請問除了 IB 可以買到 CEF 外, 那可以買到 CEF .
其他買到美股 broker 都可以, 基本上同美股買賣一樣
非常多謝你嘅教學,無私嘅分享, 想請問除morningstar.com, 還可以在哪裏找到更可靠嘅資料? 因為在ROC一欄中是非常重要關鍵篩選因素
要真正準確, 一定要睇返每隻基金公司自己既公告
@@kelvinno8643 🙇♀️🙇♀️🙇♀️
good show
Glad you enjoyed it
Thanks for your valuable sharing!
My pleasure!
Hi Kevin
2.如果唔會繼續持有 甘你系波動大既Period會買賣d咩?
多謝支持, 最好開始時細細注試下先
1,2) 近排波動市我一隻都無賣過, 只要唔好過度槓桿,
不理性拋售之後, 個價係會上返黎
買債券可以用較長線去睇, 只要穩定收息, 中間價格上落唔駛太在意
@@kelvinno8643 甘咩情況你會考慮賣出? (評級被下調?
@@alexmok3010 要公司營運出現問題, 盈利大幅下降, 有違約風險先會考慮. 評級下調只係其中一個考慮因素, 唔係必然因素.
無特別方法, 有的話我都想知
Btw, CEF 唔同 ETD, 優先股, 唔會被收回
坊間有唔同說法, 例如有 D 公司一到 Call Date 就立即收回
或者睇發行規模, 同公司其他息率等等, 但無統一準則
👍 👍 👍
我有興趣 。
本人投資股票 / 衍生工具多年, 但對債券認識只是皮毛。
現在很多班都使用 video conference 開, 很方便。
Thanks, 多謝支持先
現在我們在IB 去買賣CEF , 應該係第二市場買賣 , 有冇可能出現冇買家? Liquidity 問題大唔大? 其實ETD 會唔會都有此情形?
無錯呀, 係第二市場
暫時睇, 除非係好冷門既 CEF, 否則大路 CEF 成交都多, Bid Ask 都窄
唔見有 Liquidity 問題. ETD 情況差唔多
反而係債券可能有 Liquidity 問題
有人share PTY, PDI ib 唔扣稅
Thanks for the update