Art Gluttony: When Art Disconnects You from Your Humanity

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 27 ก.ย. 2024
  • And now... I'm going to make a point.
    T a g s
    #internet #commentary #videoessay #essay
    addiction, attention, overstimulation, society, loneliness

ความคิดเห็น • 28

  • @smugdodofart27
    @smugdodofart27 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Man I’m having some of the problems you went through, I can’t do anything without music, can’t get up til I finish a drawing. I used to spend hours by myself doodling with emptiness and this really helped me realize this wasn’t right, I’m a huge procrastinator but thank you for talking about this, it’s giving me the encouragement to do better

  • @SantaFeSuperChief1
    @SantaFeSuperChief1 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    The pattern of avoidance is only a symptom, not the main problem. I'd recommend the TH-cam channel of Daniel Mackler, he goes into the childhood roots of not being able to feel one's feelings and how to address it. His stuff has changed my life.

  • @i.shuuya3231
    @i.shuuya3231 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    We had a similar experience regarding TLJ.
    I went to watch it the day of the premiere. I was 16 at the time, and I definitely wasn't prepared for the way that movie would both destroy and lift me. I became obsessed with it for YEARS. It was very important to me, and a huge source of inspiration (artistically, but also to be better as a person, to recognize my own flaws, and to learn from them).
    It's been many years now, and I've found different ways to enjoy Star Wars. Maybe I'm not that crazy about TLJ anymore, but I still love it for what it meant to me.

  • @terrycore
    @terrycore ปีที่แล้ว +2

    you put this nebulous concept in an understandable way with the personal examples you use. I definitely relate.. I’m at home with my family for the summer and have felt myself constantly streaming something to keep occupied, where during the school year i was living with my closest friends. its hard to realize the compulsion to use art and media in this way, im hoping its something i can get better at too.

  • @mcmoozack
    @mcmoozack ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Very interesting topic and cool video! Very thought-provoking, and well paced.
    Also I love the Album wall!

  • @digitab4446
    @digitab4446 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Good point! Not one I've seen a lot. People's interaction with are seems to be a bit lop-sided. Often media meant to be consumed rather than engaged with (Hence my hatred for the word, "content" as it encapsulates everything wrong with this mindset IMO) and as a result, people just gorge themselves on whatever to silence their heads.
    The way I see it, media has the power to change how you approach and engage with the world around you depending on what it is you take from it, it can even deepen your connection to the world around you, but it needs to be kept in moderation, as something you make time for, enjoy, and put down. It doesn't even mean you have to use it seldom, just that it shouldn't devour the entirety of your schedule.
    I tend to treat music differently in this regard as it can be engaged with while you do other things, but that could differ from person to person.

  • @XFallenFreakX
    @XFallenFreakX ปีที่แล้ว

    cannot lie to you
    came for the several twenty-one pilots albums in the background of the thumbnail
    stayed for the very interesting video

  • @PhilMccamley
    @PhilMccamley 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I enjoyed this video quite a bit. Your attention span is the new real estate!

  • @genericyoutubecommentchann7418
    @genericyoutubecommentchann7418 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    This is a very interesting topic, as I do engage/consume a lot of media/content, but I myself am unsure how to classify my relationship. I’ve worked jobs that feature a lot of time where I’m on my own and left to my own thoughts as I work, and usually the things I think about are the media that I enjoy. I feel like I devote so much mental real estate to those things even though I am technically am being productive while I do it. I’ve often thought about how to classify myself, but I never thought of gluttony before. After watching this video, I feel a little better about myself as I don’t think it is exactly gluttony, but I now know to be a little more conscious, so thank you. I’m glad I discovered you.
    Additionally notes:
    0:58 Perfect TV episode to use for as an example.
    12:33 👏👏👏 I’m happy I wasn’t the only one. Although I still end up having conversations that are the opposite of mature with my friends when this movie comes up, so 6 years may not be enough sadly.
    19:13 This song hits hard here. I actually get enough dopamine from watching normal speed, but you can watch more and get more in the same amount of time when watching 2x. Gluttony.
    21:59 This is the first time in a while I watched a video without a detailed outro or end card and I thought the sudden “okay, bye!” was kind of charming. Just thought I’d say that.
    Thanks if you read all this. Okay bye!

  • @p1nkyunknown
    @p1nkyunknown ปีที่แล้ว

    im 18 and developing tinnitus through listening to music constantly as well, id love to stop but the only problem with me is that im autistic and genuinely need my music to function normally so i guess its tinnitus for me

  • @Ultracity6060
    @Ultracity6060 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Your Smash segment reminded me of something I've been thinking. Humans have had about a million years of social development where we all live in small ponds, and have a chance of being one of the bigger fish. The more social interactions move online, the more all of the ponds are coalescing into a single ocean, and only so many fish can be big. That's what makes niche communities so important. You'll never be the next Elon Musk, but you might be in the next top five Smash players. Whether it's a weird game, just a specific server for that game, just a _subreddit_ of a game, all these little segregations give you a chance for someone to *see* you.
    Good video, but I do disagree with your statement that the Star Wars stuff had nothing to do with politics.

  • @Jobroski47
    @Jobroski47 ปีที่แล้ว

    I kinda like the shitty mic set up it's something that is not done really it gives off a genuine feel

  • @williamwebb580
    @williamwebb580 ปีที่แล้ว

    I was pretty much in the same boat you were going into seeing tlj, I had read all the new canon books, I had stayed up pretty late the previous school night marathoning all 7 movies, and I was there, excited during opening night.
    I left the theater willing to say a few good things but overall I was left very disappointed by the film. The next day I went online eager to hear my gripes with the film laid out by people who were far more eloquent than me, and to share in a collective “well, they made a bad one. Here’s hoping the next one’s better” with my fellow Star Wars fans, just as I had shortly before with Justice League before promptly trying to get on with my life.
    But to my surprise, not only were there people who _liked_ the movie, but they were vehemently, and a lot of the time aggressively _defending_ it. People called me some of the grossest things I’ve ever been called because I said I didn’t care for this film, that or they either said I just didn’t like it because it was “original and different”, or that I “just couldn’t see the deeper layers of the film that made it a cinematic masterpiece because I was blinded by nostalgia”.
    At that point, I similarly spiraled. For me it was almost like a crusade, or a thing of personal honor, like if I didn’t argue exactly why I didn’t like the movie, I knew they’d go on thinking I was exactly what they said I was and I couldn’t have that. I don’t care for episode 9 either and in a lot of waysI think it’s an even worse movie, but if it comes on tv I don’t feel the need to change the channel. But to this day, whenever I try to watch tlj I get sick to my stomach because of all the stupid arguments I got into over this simple Disney cash grab film. It got to the point where the hold this movie had on me bordered on legitimate hatred, and no piece of media should have that effect on you much less a Star Wars film.

  • @BeaJumpup
    @BeaJumpup ปีที่แล้ว

    really great writing i like this video a lot im glad to have found ur channel and hope u succeed!!!!

  • @alexoxo1
    @alexoxo1 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I feel like with some "trivial" problems you can extrapolate them to have a bigger meaning and many people like to downplay things as "not that deep"
    to me, people needlessly hating a legitimately good piece of media for arbitrary reasons that stretch a bit has deeper implications and consequences to me. It implies the death of media literact and that if we dont defend or justify objectively good things, the world will become this miserable pseudo intellectual world of negativity. It is the destruction of art which is one of the most important mediums to the human soul. If people completely misunderstand and hate art I see that as a bad sign
    but in the end you cant change anyone's opinions. and even if you do, for every 1 mind you change there are 100 more you cant. All you can do is stay true to yourself and be content that you personally know what you're talking about. If that makes sense
    what bugs me is that generally I trust the majority as the majority of people are right about most things, but sometimes the majority hate things for no reason or hate too much when something is objectively good.
    I think it can take one arbitrary thing for people to hate. You could have the best thing ever but as long as one thing upsets people the whole thing is suddenly bad. And as someone who is big into writing and generally knows whats good writing and what isn't it pains me to see so many people so misinformed and disagreeing with logic. Not to sound full of myself.
    Like no one is denying that the star wars sequels, boruto, snyder movies all have flaws (some more than others), but for them to be treated like the plague when they're objectively good is a bad thing for art and humanity. These are some examples and they're all hated for various different reasons sometimes valid sometimes invalid. Like star wars sequel hate is more understandable but things like boruto and the snyder DC movies get too much invalid hate based purely in misinfo or the individual's lack of media literacy or just a taste issue.
    Like 99% of boruto's hate is dumb kids who are just negative or dumb adults that dont really like anime much they just like naruto and feel disrespected from new thing. Many parrot the majority too. And the hate is mostly people being mad he was bratty towards naruto in the beginning and the hate stuck around even tho he changed as a character. Snyder hate is people misunderstanding, not because the movei was too smart, just most people are too dumb. That and people ignore good storytelling for the sake of characters never deviating from the comic book counterparts
    so maybe its childish but "injustices" like that are a big deal to me when you look at the bigger picture and how we perceive art (one of the biggest mediums of our soul) that i always feel compelled to correct.

    • @lukebytes5366
      @lukebytes5366 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I think that's because our internet culture of criticism was founded on the likes of avgn or nostalgia critic, where in some form, you HAVE to exaggerate about something usually in a negative way. While the comedic and satirical effect of this used to be obvious, somewhere the line got lost as more and more people adopted this style with more serious and cynical personalities. Most of our critics nowadays just aren't really critics, at least not in the truly objective sense.

    • @alexoxo1
      @alexoxo1 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@lukebytes5366 This. I feel like eceryone wants to be cinemasins. I feel like people feel this level of insecurity or weakness by enjoying something without finding SOME arbitrary flaw. People feel that finding flaws is a challenge and solving the challenge makes you smart.
      Critics are a grey area im mainly concerned about the general public trying to BE critics.

  • @Abnerxdlol
    @Abnerxdlol ปีที่แล้ว


  • @topfaves914
    @topfaves914 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    13:20 is when I dipped out of the video. This NPC’s just a Disney puppet.

    • @lukebytes5366
      @lukebytes5366 ปีที่แล้ว

      Hit too close to home i guess

    • @oddball9982
      @oddball9982 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Coming from a geeks and gamers puppet

  • @lisavandenhoven5672
    @lisavandenhoven5672 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    You are a great writer. I am a new subscriber. Wanna get in before your channel blows up. Keep putting out interesting content and you will find your audience!

    • @lisavandenhoven5672
      @lisavandenhoven5672 ปีที่แล้ว

      FWIW, Roald Dahl was pretty against the medium of television. It comes up clearly in the Mike Teevee character in Charlie in the Chocolate Factory, as well as in the parents in Matilda.

  • @robcahill4917
    @robcahill4917 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Genuinely surprised that a video essay this good has so few views. Keep up the great work!

  • @angrybrony
    @angrybrony ปีที่แล้ว

    my thoughts on tlj are:
    wow holdo is both unsubtle as jar jar as annoying
    this casino shit is very dumb
    wow so luke is going to tag along an- oh i guess he died too
    wow the new trio are...charters
    oh so this is like kotor 2 but it likes to pat itself on the back to hard.

  • @mysweetphantom
    @mysweetphantom ปีที่แล้ว

    i like this! i like your videos. for once the evil TH-cam algo directed me to something good

  • @Joel-bp3qu
    @Joel-bp3qu ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Great video bubba

  • @tyleresplin3414
    @tyleresplin3414 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Excellent video! I hope you get more views.