@@kiara1018__ : Exactly. He could now meet a girl. Have a kid. Quickly. Get this going. And then maybe if the girl do have a basic 9 to 5 job. Done. Cruise this period, and a side cottage business. Don't know which direction it may go. But at least keep up with everything. And anyway, even if he doesn't want to continue this cottage business, or maybe he does want to expand it. Then they can move premises.. if indeed there is a market for this. If yes, then expand. If no, then add as extra. No loss, right ? And anyway, he could set up a proper laboratory... and can indeed maybe also do side business from nearby universities, if they wish to do one off projects, and growing, and testings etc. Especially agricultural tests and things like that. Cos he has granma and also mom to help with kid, if indeed now is the right time really... all the better.. and the kid can play in the garden etc. Help out etc. What is not to like ?! Very easy life. Leave the next stage for the next period. If he configured his gadget correctly, and corrected all those conditions and temperatures and things like that, he could patent those little gadgets for expansion. Or for... mergers... and to sell his business up later on. Wrap it up cleanly. IF he was super smart... he could also cross-breed them as well. ;) (You didn't see me write this.) Sell the seeds to a larger commercial grower..
Imagine. 10kg. Sold at 100 dollars. Per year 365 . Wah. 365k per annum. 36k in GBP. not bad....then... Say around extra 10k for pates. Reasonable small business. I noticed that he started to cut them, but maybe he doesn't have a formal process in place.. as in... a dated procedure. Of when they are cut. Then quickly move them and to sell them before they do turn. Sure, if he wants to dry them. Then dry them properly. Otherwise, better to sell fresh asap. To me, it is better if he quickly made them into pates, and then date them asap. Always label the dates. So you know what you are dealing with. If don't sell enough. Then just dry them, and let them be used as dried mushroom. A good chef would know how to use them for hot pots or soups.
You dude is literally passionate In this aspect and 1000% devoted With heart & love ! No doubt you and your little fellow members ( mushrooms), as well as the career path able To go further with brilliant future !! Good luck ! chap , chap ~
I'm surprised he's not directly selling to restaurants, in Westcoast Canada mushroom forages and growers would directly go to some restaurants and sell to them, especially if you can keep selling your products they can always take it.
There is only one restaurant buying his product, according to urban mushroom website. The cost is a little bit high actually, comparing with those from mainland. However, urban mushroom is more delicious and enviromental friendly. 👍🏻
@@mwp120045 if decent restaurants are using mainland mushrooms, I would be very suspicious. If they were using Taiwan Japan Korea then that maybe a different question. It shouldn't be hard for him to add 1-2 more restaurants to vend to. When it comes to price for quality mushrooms price shouldn't really matter that much.
He just needs to make sure that it is legal. And has all angles covered. If Canada is similar to the UK, then some of the lands are basically public, but owned by Lords or gentries. So that it can be picked up, and used for yourself. Some people pick chestnuts during the winter months. I tend to buy mine from the local veggie store. They go and pick it from the public park. I just don't have the time. Quite reasonable price, but takes efforts to cook and peel. If for F&M... then he needs to make it in a better condition. Try and sterilise jars like you would make jam with. And get an instant pot, and sanitise it all. lol... Make it creamy. Can be used as pate. Add some cheese. That's where the flavour comes from. Cheese, cream, and mushroom. He also does need a microscope to check his bacterias and things... but I would definitely make better bacterias to grow. The good bacterias do indeed help the room grow better. 10kg per day is very impressive. lol... That can serve a single restaurant, with some left over to do small batch individually or for mushroom pate. Maybe he can grade them. Don't waste those stalks. Use it for the pate, and get a better finer and creamier blender. Cut the better ones for restaurants. Then maybe create mix bags for sales. Then the rest for pates. No waste.
Also, anyway.... just because you can "get it cheaper from the mainland".... cos HK is an import and export place. He could export to Japan tim !... Or maybe he could try to grow the British ones, and then export those into Japan ! Cos it is rarer over there... and then to build and expand... Another novel idea... I think Japan still have their own commodities' exchange, whereas the HK one is kind of gone.. which it should have stayed... but.. People often say "why do chinese people always cooked"... Well.. it was the shipping of food in and out, which created the trade.. which also created the commodities' exchange. It was based on food. He's just going back to basics. Nothing wrong with that. Maybe he could even sell is via some kind of app as well.. to ship abroad... etc etc... Never say never.
上市... “上街市” 🤣🤣
無論個仔嘅理想變到點 個工作變咗做乜 個身份係打工仔定係老細都好
一句“總知佢鍾意就得啦 唔係做壞事就得啦”就睇得出喺媽媽心目中你永遠都係佢嘅小朋友嚟 so sweet
真心佩服香港年青人, 用心經營管理研究, 祝願一切順利生意興隆, 萬事如意, 它一定不會"菇"負您的✌️💪👏👏👏
Hahaha 對!!
好有溫度嘅故事!IT男無論係講野嘅tone, humor 抑或佢對農業/ 菇菇嘅堅持,都好正好charm~ 另外都要謝謝MM發掘呢啲有趣故事!
先要條件是沒家庭+經濟負擔, 一開始已經說有屋有地.....想做什麼都可以......
首先 要有爺爺間祖屋 3000呎就OK
@@kiara1018__ : Exactly. He could now meet a girl. Have a kid. Quickly. Get this going. And then maybe if the girl do have a basic 9 to 5 job. Done. Cruise this period, and a side cottage business. Don't know which direction it may go. But at least keep up with everything. And anyway, even if he doesn't want to continue this cottage business, or maybe he does want to expand it. Then they can move premises.. if indeed there is a market for this. If yes, then expand. If no, then add as extra. No loss, right ? And anyway, he could set up a proper laboratory... and can indeed maybe also do side business from nearby universities, if they wish to do one off projects, and growing, and testings etc. Especially agricultural tests and things like that. Cos he has granma and also mom to help with kid, if indeed now is the right time really... all the better.. and the kid can play in the garden etc. Help out etc. What is not to like ?! Very easy life. Leave the next stage for the next period. If he configured his gadget correctly, and corrected all those conditions and temperatures and things like that, he could patent those little gadgets for expansion. Or for... mergers... and to sell his business up later on. Wrap it up cleanly. IF he was super smart... he could also cross-breed them as well. ;) (You didn't see me write this.) Sell the seeds to a larger commercial grower..
@@omsorlove 唔洗諗住串人啦 又冇負擔 我鍾意做既幾多回報都一樣會做 但都係果句啦 首先你要有爺爺留比你3000呎祖屋
我間唔時都係片中既同里舍買香城遺菇d 菇食, 亦都有買過幾包菇包係屋企自己種菇
雖然同里舍就黎結業, 但係屯門既一耕同埋牛雜都可以買到菇菇, 希望大家可以多多支持
利申: 唔係廣告, 只係真心想多d 人認識香城遺菇, 真係好野黎
佢啲菇 我食過 好味 😋
佢好識享受氐活隨遇而安 又貼地
感覺同佢做朋友會好輕鬆 唔會太物質
Russell 有一個好簡單純樸嘅心,可以咁純粹咁享受地跟隨自己嘅步伐去種菇菇,係一件好幸福嘅事。當你用快樂同熱誠去種植啲菇菇,呢啲菇菇就可以將呢啲快樂傳遞俾食用佢哋嘅人,加油! :)
謝謝MM 團隊的用心,這個製作會是種菇生涯中其中一段最美的記錄同回憶。成功把說話平平的菇男剪到咁有趣🤣,好勁呀👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
Good try. 做香港菇男唔老土,雖然條路唔易行,但見到你有心行落去,好想俾支持。除了同里舍,你還有其他銷售點嗎?
睇過早幾年嘅上集 好開心可以見到菇男搞起咗個場仲小有盈餘
Very attractive man. 看多了成日怨天尤人的受訪著,這菇男真是清流。再看到他媽媽!啊!原來一家人都是樂觀,平易近人。
佢好有heart 👍
受訪者談吐好好, 講嘢有內涵, 好charm
最緊要開心, 覺得有意義 就得💪💪💪
有理想,知自己想做乜,又願意為理想付出。好開心見到香港仲有你哋呢種後生仔,努力! 先至會不枉此生。
講嘢好有條理 好舒服 Thank you 你既堅持
在香港還蠻適合 一個人的精緻農業 而且收穫單價也不會太低!
在台灣一個太空包 的成本價格 大約12到15元! 比較大的種植區域台中新社 霧峰 南投埔里都已經被菇農包攬生意! 個體戶更不用說,養菇很難生存。
睇得出russell 份熱誠! d菇好乾淨好靚仔
7百萬種生活 佢肯定係開心嘅其中一種
感激MM 嘅用心製片🎉🎉🎉 好有心嘅生意❤❤ 自己做生意都十分佩服佢👍👍
成條片好治癒 菇男把聲都好治癒
@@arashiXstorm 赞同👍👍。
太好了👏新鮮菇是非常美味的!又有很多的食法! 一定做得非常成功!
加油 💪🏻做到自己鍾意做嘅嘢好幸福
Respect 早日上市(街市)💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼
每次對香港現有處境感到無力時,望下呢班on 9得黎又充滿熱誠既年青人s…個心都比你地燒返熱!加油呀,我仲相信香港係有將來架。
佩服! 支持菇男!
很有意義的節目👍🏻 支持靚女主持
MM啲片 條條高質
睇到好想食😋成日聽人講菇粉好食 下次買嚟試吓先😊
菇菇好得意😍 之前食過一次知道係本地牌子,原來係一腳踢,辛苦了!希望長做長有!
很治癒與幸福 (*¯︶¯*)
送貨可以用LA LA MOVE代勞慳時間,或請有兩元乘車優惠媽媽或其他人士幫手送慳交通成本,每日慳到一百幾十,一個月計就節省到幾千元夠買四重彩或恒指期權個啦!
Imagine. 10kg. Sold at 100 dollars. Per year 365 . Wah. 365k per annum. 36k in GBP. not bad....then... Say around extra 10k for pates. Reasonable small business. I noticed that he started to cut them, but maybe he doesn't have a formal process in place.. as in... a dated procedure. Of when they are cut. Then quickly move them and to sell them before they do turn. Sure, if he wants to dry them. Then dry them properly. Otherwise, better to sell fresh asap. To me, it is better if he quickly made them into pates, and then date them asap. Always label the dates. So you know what you are dealing with. If don't sell enough. Then just dry them, and let them be used as dried mushroom. A good chef would know how to use them for hot pots or soups.
重点。。。3000尺祖屋🤣 有資本先可以做自己喜歡的
You dude is literally passionate
In this aspect and 1000% devoted
With heart & love !
No doubt you and your little fellow members ( mushrooms), as well as the career path able
To go further with brilliant future !!
Good luck ! chap , chap ~
smart , humble and nice 👍👍
那 香港人 真有福 咯!每天都能吃到 鲜美 的菇!👍👍👍
He is actually cute 🥰
農業商業化的後果就是菜的品種反而少了, 比如蕃茄可能有好多種, 但最好食最有營養既一定冇份, 只會簡"襟擺" 和容易運輸的品種去種。選擇少見的品種再固定供貨比高級餐廳也許也是條路?
遺菇就實在太可惜 應該俾多啲香港人試試❤ 希望有機會試到😋
而家d售賣或提菜點都愈來愈多啦。希望好快有個喺你左近。記得follow 香城遺菇 😁
I'm surprised he's not directly selling to restaurants, in Westcoast Canada mushroom forages and growers would directly go to some restaurants and sell to them, especially if you can keep selling your products they can always take it.
There is only one restaurant buying his product, according to urban mushroom website. The cost is a little bit high actually, comparing with those from mainland. However, urban mushroom is more delicious and enviromental friendly. 👍🏻
@@mwp120045 if decent restaurants are using mainland mushrooms, I would be very suspicious. If they were using Taiwan Japan Korea then that maybe a different question. It shouldn't be hard for him to add 1-2 more restaurants to vend to. When it comes to price for quality mushrooms price shouldn't really matter that much.
He just needs to make sure that it is legal. And has all angles covered. If Canada is similar to the UK, then some of the lands are basically public, but owned by Lords or gentries. So that it can be picked up, and used for yourself. Some people pick chestnuts during the winter months. I tend to buy mine from the local veggie store. They go and pick it from the public park. I just don't have the time. Quite reasonable price, but takes efforts to cook and peel. If for F&M... then he needs to make it in a better condition. Try and sterilise jars like you would make jam with. And get an instant pot, and sanitise it all. lol... Make it creamy. Can be used as pate. Add some cheese. That's where the flavour comes from. Cheese, cream, and mushroom. He also does need a microscope to check his bacterias and things... but I would definitely make better bacterias to grow. The good bacterias do indeed help the room grow better. 10kg per day is very impressive. lol... That can serve a single restaurant, with some left over to do small batch individually or for mushroom pate. Maybe he can grade them. Don't waste those stalks. Use it for the pate, and get a better finer and creamier blender. Cut the better ones for restaurants. Then maybe create mix bags for sales. Then the rest for pates. No waste.
Also, anyway.... just because you can "get it cheaper from the mainland".... cos HK is an import and export place. He could export to Japan tim !... Or maybe he could try to grow the British ones, and then export those into Japan ! Cos it is rarer over there... and then to build and expand... Another novel idea... I think Japan still have their own commodities' exchange, whereas the HK one is kind of gone.. which it should have stayed... but.. People often say "why do chinese people always cooked"... Well.. it was the shipping of food in and out, which created the trade.. which also created the commodities' exchange. It was based on food. He's just going back to basics. Nothing wrong with that. Maybe he could even sell is via some kind of app as well.. to ship abroad... etc etc... Never say never.
We are selling 🍄 to restaurants, but fews only. To ensure a stable supply, we are quite conservative in approaching them.
One man band, respect👊🏻expert of 🍄
厲害 加油
菇男寡女共處一室 呀嫲緊係驚啦😂
身邊有個菇姐幫手上市,嫲嫲不用擔心佢冇muscle 唔夠力,人哋全力以赴增肌掌舵,嫲嫲可以拭目以待香城Good job, 到時還可以加上嫲嫲媽媽素食單
Support 香城遺菇 🎉
用回收咖啡渣都好。 有機其實唔係好重要, 環保更好