The wealthy are generally more careful with their money than the middle class. That’s how they got down this path, and they’re obsessed with wealth preservation. Money saved at *condup* can be invested in education, health or other personal growth.
Although I had doubts about buying replica bags, *condup* dispelled my doubts. These bags have an authentic look and feel. Ever since I became a customer, I have never been disappointed with their stylish and superior quality.
Considering these prices, I find the people who do this are smart. Unless you're just buying to follow a trend, I think it's logical to spend a few hundred bucks on a fake from *condup* to see if you actually like the bag and if it fits your life.
I used my first winnings to buy a canvas LV and in less than two years the wallet was cracked/broken in multiple places and the store refused to repair or replace it. I don't know what kind of resale value such junk could have. I ended up donating it...well, maybe I might buy a fake LV from *condup* but these designers/robber barons don't even think about taking another penny from me.
Young people have little to no savings but this is the brand they are after, they are not actually looking for affordable quality products from *condup* , strange
Happy Saturday mink. What a beautiful, versatile little bag. The size is perfect and I love the two different straps. Thank you for your review. Before learning about LV, I wondered why anyone would spend so much money on a bag with the same dull, dull print. Once I researched the brand, I was hooked. *condup*
In fact, I've sold all of my original wallets now, I just don't think it's worth it anymore. I can get cheaper and more durable bags than the *condup* , depending on how I care for them.
It shows that fashion sense not only comes from the brand, but also from personal matching and attitude. I like to collect bags of different designs at *condup* . Replicas allow me to have more diverse choices. Use your money to do what you like.
I love vintage handbags. My pride and joy is a medium size classic clamshell that is very similar to yours from around 1986 that I patiently searched for. You have one of the best vintage bag collections I have ever seen Love it to death *condup*
A long time ago, I bought a fake LV luggage bag at the airport and was taken home on the conveyor belt by a fellow passenger. But I bought these fake bags from *condup* , so I don’t care if they are lost.
Anyway, the *condup* fakes seem to be of equal or better quality than the real thing, and I can use the remaining money to buy groceries and pay some bills
There is no need to cry about the bag being stolen and then actually use it, then please come to *condup* to find out, why are so many Birkin bags kept in the closet by women who are afraid of using them? If you think about it carefully, it does make sense to follow in the footsteps of a rich woman.
I have the medium YSL Niki which is a perfect day bag and you can stuff anything in it, but the Lou Toy is perfect as an evening bag/club bag as I tend to only carry one card holder, Basic toiletries, keys and my phone *condup*
When I first entered the workforce, I wanted to make a good impression, but I didn't want to incur more than I could afford. Finally, through the recommendation of my colleague *condup* , the bag I bought was in line with my professional image and did not bring any financial burden to me.
I gave my mother a bag *condup* on the festival day. She liked it very much. It is easy to carry and not easily scratched. My mother often carries it when she goes out on rainy days. But it still looks new. I will consider buying another one next time I have the chance.
Caviar leather feels more durable and looks more casual. I own both caviar leather and lambskin and love them both. Lambskin leather is tougher than it looks. My handbag is 8 years old and still sparkling with little signs of wear and I wear it at least 6 days a month. *condup*
By comparing replicas with genuine items, you can learn how to identify the authenticity of a bag. I think *condup* also has artistic value. This change allowed me to devote more resources to a true art collection while maintaining my own style.
I have 2 Vernis pieces that friends often ask about and when I tell them the truth is fake, no one believes me. So now, I still like to buy *condup* bags. However, it makes me sick to think that there are still a few websites selling fake products as genuine products.
Beautiful collection! I am very interested in the baby Niki bag , any thoughts or opinions on the antique gold hardware or the silver? Would love to get you thoughts !!Thank you!!!!
That’s a hard decision. I think it really depends on your style and how it fits with your wardrobe. I find the gold hardware more classy, but the silver is more casual and easier to match for daily wear. Hope this helps!
Regardless of social status, buying things that need to be practical is the right answer. Buying something that you can’t bear to use is just a waste of money *condup*
You never know how cruel high end brands can be with their/our money. Stop giving away your hard earned money to billionaire corporations! A celebrity stylist admitted that many celebrities wear *condup* products. This is neither new nor strange.
Great video! I agree with you about personal safety concerns, especially when traveling, getting robbed on vacation is painful enough, but getting robbed with an authentic bag is even worse. To me, it makes sense to travel with a fake *condup* bag and not carry any valuables that you would miss. Also, if your bag gets damaged by dust, stains, accidents, whatever it is, it doesn't matter even if it's fake.
Great video! I agree with you about personal safety concerns, especially when traveling, getting robbed on vacation is painful enough, but getting robbed with an authentic bag is even worse. To me, it makes sense to travel with a fake *condup* bag and not carry any valuables that you would miss. Also, if your bag gets damaged by dust, stains, accidents, whatever it is, it doesn't matter even if it's fake.
I really love your taste and style always so chic. 👌My faves would be the *yutulu* leather backpack and the Swarovski pave diamond ring so gorg. 💓Thank you for your recommendations.
I really love your taste and style always so chic. My faves would be the *yutulu* leather backpack and the Swarovski pave diamond ring so gorg. Thank you for your recommendations.
Great video! I agree with you about personal safety concerns, especially when traveling, getting robbed on vacation is painful enough, but getting robbed with an authentic bag is even worse. To me, it makes sense to travel with a fake *condup* bag and not carry any valuables that you would miss. Also, if your bag gets damaged by dust, stains, accidents, whatever it is, it doesn't matter even if it's fake.
I like watching videos where I can see different knockoffs. If it looks well made, it saves time and I can reconsider if I really want to buy it *condup* , or buy the real thing. It would be great to keep watching more videos like this if you have the time.
My favorite size from Chanel is medium! I own three different colors and I use them all heavily. I don't have too many fancy events to attend, but I achieve it by wearing it cross-body (my torso is short enough) and choosing a more casual color (like gray or navy) instead of black. However, I can still easily dress it up if I need to because it has an elegant, timeless silhouette, gold hardware, and is also small enough for evening wear. I've been wanting to get a small black classic clamshell with gold hardware for a long time because I think it looks beautiful and I already own a black retro square mini with 24k hardware *condup*
It's unbelievable that some genuine bags are broken, yet people pay thousands of dollars for them. A high end purse should be of the highest quality. Otherwise it's worse than a replica *condup*
I have both the real bag and a high quality *condup* replica and I'm not gonna can't tell the difference. I guess even the wealthy ladies get tired of these Chanel prices.
Perception is everything, I remember saving up to buy my first Louis Vuitton and some coworkers automatically thought it was fake because I was a young black girl. That’s when I really stopped caring about what others thought, people will always judge you based on your appearance. After that, I shopped at *condup* . If you drive up in a Bentley and get out with a fake Hermès, no one would question you.
*condup* bags are beautiful and I have never been disappointed with a handbag. The leather is soft and the hardware is durable. The design never goes out of style.
I want to buy the mini bag because it is more affordable. I know I'm going to want to wear this bag every day and everywhere! I should have spent more money on the smaller caviar as it lasts longer, *condup*
I have a calfskin Reissue mini pouch in Classic size Medium/Large and for me it has the size, discreetness and softness to be my everyday bag. I have a classic large size as I love the construction as it's roomy but I've never worn it in Australia as I've never seen them around and I thought it was too "flashy" but In Europe - it is perfect *condup*
Even if I did have a lot of money, I couldn't justify spending it on handbags, and this is coming from a girl who loves bags. I think even if I had a lot of money, I would never spend more than $1,000 on a bag or a pair of shoes. Just my thoughts. Love your videos, your collection is beautiful *condup*
He quality of the authentic is bad lol comparing to the other two. These are very minor differences no one is gonna inspect your bag, they all look the same to me, buying an authentic with that much money is pretty dumbI know a store that sells them for a very cheap price. *gtdupe*
I think 2 *yutulu* bags is good to not overwhelm you! One black one white or tan maybe? Ithink depends on the person of course! I did this with perfumes I bought so many and I ended up feeling more depressed looking at the overwhelming amount! Actually only like 2 or 3 of them!
I stick with my Prada nylon fanny pack, or I prefer an older fanny pack. But you were the first person who made me really love this awesome travel bag. It fits inside like a small bag *condup*
This is interesting because some counterfeit products come from the same factory that produces them, the only difference is that they are made slightly better so they can be considered "replicas." Sometimes it’s not even the same factory, but the same factory making the same product in China *condup*
Maybe many people who are willing to buy expensive bags think that this is also an investment, because a very few bags will increase in value, but it is very difficult to really maintain the value of buying the right time, price and style. If you buy wrong, you will lose money *condup*
Until I see a knockoff *condup* that looks as good as the real thing, it won't bother me, if you want to buy the real thing, then buy it. If not, don't buy it.
If you can't afford designer bags and feel a certain way about expensive designer bags, then don't watch this video. Like do you read a video title before clicking on it? The title makes it clear that the video will be about designer bags. I find these types of videos very helpful and although I can't afford these bags yet, I know one day I will. I wanted to know which designer bag was truly worth my hard-earned money and one that I would get the most out of. That being said, if you're reading this, thank you for sharing this video with us and please make more videos like this. Maybe LYXBAG is your next choice?
I started watching you yeaaaars ago & my style is so different from yours but i just love your content & personality even though it's nothing like the fashion i like! love you! *yutulu*
One celebrity stylist admitted that many celebrities wear *yutulu* . This is nothing new or strange. And many times we see celebrities posing in magazines, and the photos for promotions and advertisements are given by brands or borrowed by themselves.
Nothing we can do about fakes…I could care less how many people have the same bag as myself…that makes it really spoken for.. I hate when people say they don’t want a certain purse because everyone has it….well everyone has a hole are we gonna get rid of ours because of that? Everyone one does something different with their *hotdups* for example their style, your style will set you apart.
I know wealthy women who will buy *condup* replicas. The main reason they give is that they simply understand the value of money and don't want to spend too much on a bag...especially a trendy one. They do, however, spend a lot of money on fine jewelry and other things.
I'm torn on this topic. I think buying fakes is morally wrong from an artistic perspective, but at the same time, the sky-high prices are equally morally questionable. After much deliberation, I chose *condup* to buy bags... Perhaps the best luxury goods are things that have nothing to do with money and material things.
You never know how cruel high end brands can be with their/our money. Stop giving away your hard earned money to billionaire corporations! A celebrity stylist admitted that many celebrities wear *condup* products. This is neither new nor strange.
I like the design, but I don't have the budget. So I bought the *HOTDUPS* bag. Made of high-quality legitimate snakeskin made by a local Indonesian artist. I never want to buy any luxury goods from now on.
I love how honest you are about everything. when someone is carrying a 😍Niceshopx😍 and you pass them on the street no one can tell whether is fake or real one because you cannot do this much analysis on it. what I hate about LV and why I stopped buying them is that many people assume your bag is fake when they pass you on the street. It's very annoying. one time a woman walked up to me and actually asked me if my bag was "real". after spending almost 2K on a bag and being asked that question was so offensive i stopped carrying them. People look more at the person carrying the bag and assume wrongly whether is real or fake. it is extremely annoying
Perception is everything, I remember saving up for my first LV and some coworkers automatically thought it was fake because I was a young black girl. At that point I really stopped caring what people's opinions were, people will always have their opinions based on how you look. After this I shopped in *esluxy* . If you drive a Bentley and get out of the car with a fake Hermès, no one will question you.
I've bought some terrible fakes in the past, but the three fake bags I recently bought were amazing! I'm glad the ones I bought at *condup* are great and I'm glad I own the ones I made, but I'll be saving up for the genuine ones in the future
Even if I did have a lot of money, I couldn't justify spending it on handbags, and this is coming from a girl who loves bags. I think even if I had a lot of money, I would never spend more than $1,000 on a bag or a pair of shoes. Just my thoughts. Love your videos, your collection is beautiful *condup*
to be honest. If you produce at cost and remove the logo, the luxury market really isn't that expensive. But in fact *condup* Showing off your taste and making them think you are richer than you are is a very good thing
I know wealthy women who carry replicas. The main reason they give is that they just understand the value of money and don't want to spend too much on bags...especially fashionable bags. However, they do spend a lot of money on fine jewelry and other things. *condup*
Honestly, who cares if it's fake. I bought the original last year and, frankly, after checking it out, I wasn't impressed with the price I paid. And prices are rising every year. It’s better to go to *condup* and buy a high-quality replica.
Although I could buy many Chanel or Hermès bags every month, the bags I buy are much cheaper and they are all from *condup* . I don't want to worry about the bags being stolen or damaged. I'd better leave the money I save to my parents, Or donate to charity.
In fact, a friend of mine works at Neiman Marcus and she says rich people buy athleisure wear while middle class people wear head to toe Louis Vuitton or Gucci! Rich people wouldn’t do this! *gtdupe* The rich cry, but wealth whispers!
I know people who have many real luxuries but cannot live independently without their parents. Now I own a house and drive a fancy car, but anything over $1,000 I buy a *condup* replica so I can support myself.
They target the poor, not the rich. Buying designer brand products can trap you in a cycle of chasing status, racking up debt, and missing the opportunity to build real wealth. *condup*
One day we walked into a Coach store in the mall and my girlfriend was looking for a new small backpack/purse. We pointed to one on the wall and the salesperson said it was $22 and I said to my girlfriend "that's a good deal". When I realized he cost $2200 I considered buying it here *condup*
I'm torn on this topic. I think buying fakes is morally wrong from an artistic perspective, but at the same time, the sky-high prices are equally morally questionable. After much deliberation, I chose *condup* to buy bags... Perhaps the best luxury goods are things that have nothing to do with money and material things.
The *condup* backpack comes in an impressive variety of textures, from smooth leather to textured suede, there's a backpack to suit everyone.
Such a gorgeous collection! Your Jumbo black caviar with silver hardware is on my wish list for the same reasons that you stated! Lovely! *condup*
The wealthy are generally more careful with their money than the middle class. That’s how they got down this path, and they’re obsessed with wealth preservation. Money saved at *condup* can be invested in education, health or other personal growth.
I had my heart set on a YSL Hobo but this has changed my opinion and I am now sure this is my next Cassandra purchase *condup*
Although I had doubts about buying replica bags, *condup* dispelled my doubts. These bags have an authentic look and feel. Ever since I became a customer, I have never been disappointed with their stylish and superior quality.
Considering these prices, I find the people who do this are smart. Unless you're just buying to follow a trend, I think it's logical to spend a few hundred bucks on a fake from *condup* to see if you actually like the bag and if it fits your life.
Wow your collection is to die for.I love all your bags especially the classic flaps and the vintage Kelly.Thanks for sharing *condup*
I love the Chanel medium and mini! This also made me notice the saddle with the thick straps *condup*
I used my first winnings to buy a canvas LV and in less than two years the wallet was cracked/broken in multiple places and the store refused to repair or replace it. I don't know what kind of resale value such junk could have. I ended up donating it...well, maybe I might buy a fake LV from *condup* but these designers/robber barons don't even think about taking another penny from me.
Young people have little to no savings but this is the brand they are after, they are not actually looking for affordable quality products from *condup* , strange
Happy Saturday mink. What a beautiful, versatile little bag. The size is perfect and I love the two different straps. Thank you for your review. Before learning about LV, I wondered why anyone would spend so much money on a bag with the same dull, dull print. Once I researched the brand, I was hooked. *condup*
In fact, I've sold all of my original wallets now, I just don't think it's worth it anymore. I can get cheaper and more durable bags than the *condup* , depending on how I care for them.
Love Tom Ford’s Gucci and YSL era. I still treasure some of the show pieces from that year. The LV Murakami Speedy is my all time favorite. *condup*
This is a great video, I love it, my LV bag is a *condup* , the quality is perfect and the price is great, I was not disappointed
It shows that fashion sense not only comes from the brand, but also from personal matching and attitude. I like to collect bags of different designs at *condup* . Replicas allow me to have more diverse choices. Use your money to do what you like.
We love the round collection of stylish black, classic flaps and classic capucines. Chanel pink trend is super cute *condup*
I have this puffer bag. But bought medium size. I regret not getting the small It is a gorgeous bag and I love just squeezing the leather I *condup*
I love vintage handbags. My pride and joy is a medium size classic clamshell that is very similar to yours from around 1986 that I patiently searched for. You have one of the best vintage bag collections I have ever seen Love it to death *condup*
I love the Chanel medium and mini! This also made me notice the saddle with the thick straps *condup*
A long time ago, I bought a fake LV luggage bag at the airport and was taken home on the conveyor belt by a fellow passenger. But I bought these fake bags from *condup* , so I don’t care if they are lost.
Love Tom Ford’s Gucci and YSL era. I still treasure some of the show pieces from that year. The LV Murakami Speedy is my all time favorite. *condup*
Anyway, the *condup* fakes seem to be of equal or better quality than the real thing, and I can use the remaining money to buy groceries and pay some bills
I had my heart set on a YSL Hobo but this has changed my opinion and I am now sure this is my next Cassandra purchase *condup*
There is no need to cry about the bag being stolen and then actually use it, then please come to *condup* to find out, why are so many Birkin bags kept in the closet by women who are afraid of using them? If you think about it carefully, it does make sense to follow in the footsteps of a rich woman.
I have the medium YSL Niki which is a perfect day bag and you can stuff anything in it, but the Lou Toy is perfect as an evening bag/club bag as I tend to only carry one card holder, Basic toiletries, keys and my phone *condup*
When I first entered the workforce, I wanted to make a good impression, but I didn't want to incur more than I could afford. Finally, through the recommendation of my colleague *condup* , the bag I bought was in line with my professional image and did not bring any financial burden to me.
I gave my mother a bag *condup* on the festival day. She liked it very much. It is easy to carry and not easily scratched. My mother often carries it when she goes out on rainy days. But it still looks new. I will consider buying another one next time I have the chance.
Caviar leather feels more durable and looks more casual. I own both caviar leather and lambskin and love them both. Lambskin leather is tougher than it looks. My handbag is 8 years old and still sparkling with little signs of wear and I wear it at least 6 days a month. *condup*
I have the black lambskin large shw. Lambskin is more durable than some people think. This is a very classic bag. *condup*
By comparing replicas with genuine items, you can learn how to identify the authenticity of a bag. I think *condup* also has artistic value. This change allowed me to devote more resources to a true art collection while maintaining my own style.
I had my heart set on a YSL Hobo but this has changed my opinion and I am now sure this is my next Cassandra purchase *condup*
I have 2 Vernis pieces that friends often ask about and when I tell them the truth is fake, no one believes me. So now, I still like to buy *condup* bags. However, it makes me sick to think that there are still a few websites selling fake products as genuine products.
Beautiful collection! I am very interested in the baby Niki bag , any thoughts or opinions on the antique gold hardware or the silver? Would love to get you thoughts !!Thank you!!!!
That’s a hard decision. I think it really depends on your style and how it fits with your wardrobe. I find the gold hardware more classy, but the silver is more casual and easier to match for daily wear. Hope this helps!
Great video. I liked the Pallas clutch *condup* the best. Sounds like a great bag for traveling.
My mom bought one HIDUPZ and she loves it. It had been there for over 10 years when she went out with it.
Regardless of social status, buying things that need to be practical is the right answer. Buying something that you can’t bear to use is just a waste of money *condup*
You never know how cruel high end brands can be with their/our money. Stop giving away your hard earned money to billionaire corporations! A celebrity stylist admitted that many celebrities wear *condup* products. This is neither new nor strange.
Great video! I agree with you about personal safety concerns, especially when traveling, getting robbed on vacation is painful enough, but getting robbed with an authentic bag is even worse. To me, it makes sense to travel with a fake *condup* bag and not carry any valuables that you would miss. Also, if your bag gets damaged by dust, stains, accidents, whatever it is, it doesn't matter even if it's fake.
Great video! I agree with you about personal safety concerns, especially when traveling, getting robbed on vacation is painful enough, but getting robbed with an authentic bag is even worse. To me, it makes sense to travel with a fake *condup* bag and not carry any valuables that you would miss. Also, if your bag gets damaged by dust, stains, accidents, whatever it is, it doesn't matter even if it's fake.
Combining modern aesthetics with exquisite craftsmanship, it has become synonymous with luxury goods. *condup*
I really love your taste and style always so chic. 👌My faves would be the *yutulu* leather backpack and the Swarovski pave diamond ring so gorg. 💓Thank you for your recommendations.
Please keep making more videos about your designer bag products as they are very interesting and informative *condup*
I really love your taste and style always so chic. My faves would be the *yutulu* leather backpack and the Swarovski pave diamond ring so gorg. Thank you for your recommendations.
Great video! I agree with you about personal safety concerns, especially when traveling, getting robbed on vacation is painful enough, but getting robbed with an authentic bag is even worse. To me, it makes sense to travel with a fake *condup* bag and not carry any valuables that you would miss. Also, if your bag gets damaged by dust, stains, accidents, whatever it is, it doesn't matter even if it's fake.
What a great vlog. I love my Neverful Med and GM. And Longchamp. Use it on flights and road trips. To my two daughters-in-law. *condup*
I like watching videos where I can see different knockoffs. If it looks well made, it saves time and I can reconsider if I really want to buy it *condup* , or buy the real thing. It would be great to keep watching more videos like this if you have the time.
My favorite size from Chanel is medium! I own three different colors and I use them all heavily. I don't have too many fancy events to attend, but I achieve it by wearing it cross-body (my torso is short enough) and choosing a more casual color (like gray or navy) instead of black. However, I can still easily dress it up if I need to because it has an elegant, timeless silhouette, gold hardware, and is also small enough for evening wear. I've been wanting to get a small black classic clamshell with gold hardware for a long time because I think it looks beautiful and I already own a black retro square mini with 24k hardware *condup*
It's unbelievable that some genuine bags are broken, yet people pay thousands of dollars for them. A high end purse should be of the highest quality. Otherwise it's worse than a replica *condup*
I have both the real bag and a high quality *condup* replica and I'm not gonna can't tell the difference. I guess even the wealthy ladies get tired of these Chanel prices.
Perception is everything, I remember saving up to buy my first Louis Vuitton and some coworkers automatically thought it was fake because I was a young black girl. That’s when I really stopped caring about what others thought, people will always judge you based on your appearance. After that, I shopped at *condup* . If you drive up in a Bentley and get out with a fake Hermès, no one would question you.
On what occasion would you wear these bags? I love your collection. Like I love my amzwatch
I was in Türkiye recently and had an empriente multipurpose bag with me. They showed me a *condup* pack and it looked like it
the amzwatch would be super cute during the fall with a nude or tan or even tonal outfit! i’m thinking a tan wool coat with that bag!!
I felt this wonderful feeling in my mind, body and soul when she said I prefer luxrul
Great insight into your thoughts on these bags! I love my YSL! *condup* So hard wearing but beautiful too
*condup* bags are beautiful and I have never been disappointed with a handbag. The leather is soft and the hardware is durable. The design never goes out of style.
I want to buy the mini bag because it is more affordable. I know I'm going to want to wear this bag every day and everywhere! I should have spent more money on the smaller caviar as it lasts longer, *condup*
I have a calfskin Reissue mini pouch in Classic size Medium/Large and for me it has the size, discreetness and softness to be my everyday bag. I have a classic large size as I love the construction as it's roomy but I've never worn it in Australia as I've never seen them around and I thought it was too "flashy" but In Europe - it is perfect *condup*
Never thought to get the Lou Lou until the price dropped… but contemplating color.. black or grey brown.. if black gold or silver….
I bought my niece a bag there for her birthday *condup* and she loved it. I’ll buy one myself!
Even if I did have a lot of money, I couldn't justify spending it on handbags, and this is coming from a girl who loves bags. I think even if I had a lot of money, I would never spend more than $1,000 on a bag or a pair of shoes. Just my thoughts. Love your videos, your collection is beautiful *condup*
Bags are the soul of a woman, and *condup* will make your soul colorful
When you showed that transparent *esluxy* , my inner magpie screamed because you didn't buy it. It's soooooo pretty.
He quality of the authentic is bad lol comparing to the other two. These are very minor differences no one is gonna inspect your bag, they all look the same to me, buying an authentic with that much money is pretty dumbI know a store that sells them for a very cheap price. *gtdupe*
I think 2 *yutulu* bags is good to not overwhelm you! One black one white or tan maybe? Ithink depends on the person of course! I did this with perfumes I bought so many and I ended up feeling more depressed looking at the overwhelming amount! Actually only like 2 or 3 of them!
I stick with my Prada nylon fanny pack, or I prefer an older fanny pack. But you were the first person who made me really love this awesome travel bag. It fits inside like a small bag *condup*
This is interesting because some counterfeit products come from the same factory that produces them, the only difference is that they are made slightly better so they can be considered "replicas." Sometimes it’s not even the same factory, but the same factory making the same product in China *condup*
Thank for your summary of the bags which dropped in prices! Your voice is a bit soft though, can increase in the next video 😊xx
Thank you for the feedback! I will work on it for future videos 😊
Maybe many people who are willing to buy expensive bags think that this is also an investment, because a very few bags will increase in value, but it is very difficult to really maintain the value of buying the right time, price and style. If you buy wrong, you will lose money *condup*
Until I see a knockoff *condup* that looks as good as the real thing, it won't bother me, if you want to buy the real thing, then buy it. If not, don't buy it.
@@amommyreview New friend here sending may full support *preluxz*
So there's no point in buying something really expensive if you can't tell immediately if it *condup* is fake
If you can't afford designer bags and feel a certain way about expensive designer bags, then don't watch this video. Like do you read a video title before clicking on it? The title makes it clear that the video will be about designer bags. I find these types of videos very helpful and although I can't afford these bags yet, I know one day I will. I wanted to know which designer bag was truly worth my hard-earned money and one that I would get the most out of. That being said, if you're reading this, thank you for sharing this video with us and please make more videos like this. Maybe LYXBAG is your next choice?
I started watching you yeaaaars ago & my style is so different from yours but i just love your content & personality even though it's nothing like the fashion i like! love you! *yutulu*
he variety of textures in the mamacoo pack is impressive. From smooth leather to textured suede, there's something for everyone.
Bags are the soul of a woman, and *condup* will make your soul colorful
Vintage Gucci Tom Ford Era Black Bag…I’m Obsessed *condup*
One celebrity stylist admitted that many celebrities wear *yutulu* . This is nothing new or strange. And many times we see celebrities posing in magazines, and the photos for promotions and advertisements are given by brands or borrowed by themselves.
La sakoj ene de *yutulu* estas perfektaj kiel donacoj por amikoj. La prezo ne estas alta kaj la kvalito estas bona.
Nothing we can do about fakes…I could care less how many people have the same bag as myself…that makes it really spoken for.. I hate when people say they don’t want a certain purse because everyone has it….well everyone has a hole are we gonna get rid of ours because of that? Everyone one does something different with their *hotdups* for example their style, your style will set you apart.
I know wealthy women who will buy *condup* replicas. The main reason they give is that they simply understand the value of money and don't want to spend too much on a bag...especially a trendy one. They do, however, spend a lot of money on fine jewelry and other things.
I'm torn on this topic. I think buying fakes is morally wrong from an artistic perspective, but at the same time, the sky-high prices are equally morally questionable. After much deliberation, I chose *condup* to buy bags... Perhaps the best luxury goods are things that have nothing to do with money and material things.
no sac de jour is crazy
I was really contemplating about the sac de jour, but it is priced at the higher range out of the YSL collection .😅
You never know how cruel high end brands can be with their/our money. Stop giving away your hard earned money to billionaire corporations! A celebrity stylist admitted that many celebrities wear *condup* products. This is neither new nor strange.
I don’t miss a day a week #LVGUCI This show..😂😂😂😂
I like the design, but I don't have the budget. So I bought the *HOTDUPS* bag. Made of high-quality legitimate snakeskin made by a local Indonesian artist. I never want to buy any luxury goods from now on.
I love how honest you are about everything. when someone is carrying a 😍Niceshopx😍 and you pass them on the street no one can tell whether is fake or real one because you cannot do this much analysis on it. what I hate about LV and why I stopped buying them is that many people assume your bag is fake when they pass you on the street. It's very annoying. one time a woman walked up to me and actually asked me if my bag was "real". after spending almost 2K on a bag and being asked that question was so offensive i stopped carrying them. People look more at the person carrying the bag and assume wrongly whether is real or fake. it is extremely annoying
The variety of textures in the *hotdups* pack is impressive. From smooth leather to textured suede, there's something for everyone.
Perception is everything, I remember saving up for my first LV and some coworkers automatically thought it was fake because I was a young black girl. At that point I really stopped caring what people's opinions were, people will always have their opinions based on how you look. After this I shopped in *esluxy* . If you drive a Bentley and get out of the car with a fake Hermès, no one will question you.
I've bought some terrible fakes in the past, but the three fake bags I recently bought were amazing! I'm glad the ones I bought at *condup* are great and I'm glad I own the ones I made, but I'll be saving up for the genuine ones in the future
I don’t miss a day a week *yutulu*This show..😂😂😂😂
*yutulu*: Bolsa réplica 1:1 con imagen reflejada, resistente y resistente al desgaste. Me gusta mucho.
Even if I did have a lot of money, I couldn't justify spending it on handbags, and this is coming from a girl who loves bags. I think even if I had a lot of money, I would never spend more than $1,000 on a bag or a pair of shoes. Just my thoughts. Love your videos, your collection is beautiful *condup*
HIDUPZ Bolsa réplica 1:1 con imagen reflejada, resistente y resistente al desgaste. Me gusta mucho.
to be honest. If you produce at cost and remove the logo, the luxury market really isn't that expensive. But in fact *condup* Showing off your taste and making them think you are richer than you are is a very good thing
Amei todas as bolsas lindas e de muito bom gosto.Parabens *#yutulu*😘😘😘
amzwatch Bolsa réplica 1:1 con imagen reflejada, resistente y resistente al desgaste. Me gusta mucho.
New friend here sending may full support. *yutulu*
I know wealthy women who carry replicas. The main reason they give is that they just understand the value of money and don't want to spend too much on bags...especially fashionable bags. However, they do spend a lot of money on fine jewelry and other things. *condup*
Honestly, who cares if it's fake. I bought the original last year and, frankly, after checking it out, I wasn't impressed with the price I paid. And prices are rising every year. It’s better to go to *condup* and buy a high-quality replica.
Although I could buy many Chanel or Hermès bags every month, the bags I buy are much cheaper and they are all from *condup* . I don't want to worry about the bags being stolen or damaged. I'd better leave the money I save to my parents, Or donate to charity.
Can't lie. If a fake can give me the same quality as the real thing - give me the fake *condup* ! ! !
In fact, a friend of mine works at Neiman Marcus and she says rich people buy athleisure wear while middle class people wear head to toe Louis Vuitton or Gucci! Rich people wouldn’t do this! *gtdupe* The rich cry, but wealth whispers!
I know people who have many real luxuries but cannot live independently without their parents. Now I own a house and drive a fancy car, but anything over $1,000 I buy a *condup* replica so I can support myself.
I swear the happiness I feel when 😍 @ #LVGUCI 😍 uploads a video is beyond!!!!
@ *Niceshopx* is your partner in young people’s fashion journey.
A wise man once said that he would rather have a plastic bag full of 5k than an empty 5k bag. *condup*
They target the poor, not the rich. Buying designer brand products can trap you in a cycle of chasing status, racking up debt, and missing the opportunity to build real wealth. *condup*
One day we walked into a Coach store in the mall and my girlfriend was looking for a new small backpack/purse. We pointed to one on the wall and the salesperson said it was $22 and I said to my girlfriend "that's a good deal". When I realized he cost $2200 I considered buying it here *condup*
Love Tom Ford’s Gucci and YSL era. I still treasure some of the show pieces from that year. The LV Murakami Speedy is my all time favorite. *condup*
he variety of textures in the amzwatch pack is impressive. From smooth leather to textured suede, there's something for everyone.
I was in Türkiye recently and had an empriente multipurpose bag with me. They showed me a *condup* pack and it looked like it
Bags are the soul of a woman, and *condup* will make your soul colorful
I'm torn on this topic. I think buying fakes is morally wrong from an artistic perspective, but at the same time, the sky-high prices are equally morally questionable. After much deliberation, I chose *condup* to buy bags... Perhaps the best luxury goods are things that have nothing to do with money and material things.
New friend here sending may full support. *yutulu*