you have this brilliant way of saying things and speaking constructively without sounding patronizing?? and now I feel like I know what to do and I feel inspired and I want to do the things !! thank ya much leena~
I feel like I used to be good at this and now I manage to somehow always be distracted by something, whether it be netflix, youtube or just browsing. Even things I like and would want to do more of, especially personal projects, always get put on the back burner
I relate to this deeply. I think it stems from fear. Fear of failure. If I don't start I don't risk anything. And doing passive activities like watching Netflix are a mean to shut off your brain and the fear and anxiety it creates. Temporarily.
Ugh I know that feeling! I have to force myself sometimes to put on music instead of a show "just in the background". Otherwise I get sucked in and waste valuable time!
"people telling me i'm doing too much is crack for my subconscious" oh my god this is a MOOD. literally me through all of university. I'd say I occupy a middle ground between your do-what-i-want-when-i-want, and strict timetables. I do give myself long term schedules and goals - this must be done by x date - but within that I can work on it whenever I want. Otherwise I feel no sense of urgency and will wait til I'm in the "right mindset" which, spoiler alert, never comes. Also, those goals are ALWAYS in pencil (unless there is actually a strict deadline), bc I know that sometimes life will happen, and you won't have got it done, and I shouldn't punish myself for that. For me I have to actively remember that it's ok to quit something, give something up, if circumstances change. Might just be a me thing though.
BOY I NEEDED NUMBER 2. The number of times someone has told me to watch something and is shocked to hell when I returned having not watched it and they're like 'Why?!?!' and I'm like 'BECAUSE I'M HERE HANGING OUT WITH YOU'
I love the last point. I’ve started so many side creative projects by planning and planning because that’s what I’ve been told, but it then sucks the joy out of it and I don’t want to do it!
Loved this! I feel like I've gradually accrued a lot of slightly different side-hustles and I oscillate with my commitment to them but this video has made me realise how much happier I am when I'm consistently working on my etsy shop or whatever rather than spending three hours watching netflix. HOWEVER a slight counterargument: when I finished my uni exams this year, i was so wiped that I spent two weeks doing nothing but watching netflix and reading for pleasure because I didn't have the energy for my side-hustles! I think the reason a lot of people literally just chill on their downtime is because they have a job that exhausts them and they have to recover which means doing nothing that requires effort. I don't think your job is easy but it definitely chimes with who you are in a way that means it might not leave you utterly devoid of creative resources by the end of the day/week - and this is probs a privilege a lot of people do not have.
My favourite icebreaker for when I don't know what to say is 'what was your worst train journey?' I've yet to meet someone living in the UK who doesn't have at least 2 hilarious train related stories and it usually leads on to conversations about travelling which are always fun. 😁🚅
what you said about "things people do to relax might not actually be relaxing" resonates SOOO much with me!! I felt like I was the only person who just doesn't organically know how to enjoy their free time, I constantly think about it and try to filter out things I do and don't like and it's SUCH a process for me. The thought of coming home and chilling in front of the TV and enjoying that sounds great, but I know that I won't enjoy it. and I might have to constantly search for new things to do in my spare time, some that I enjoy AND relax me, or just one of the two. I really thought leisure time was something everyone was just "good" at, and yeah they might not be as productive as they'd like to, but at least they do enjoy watching tv or playing video games or doing charity work etc. I really like your channel cause you word things I've been trying to verbalize and that I think are specifically a "me" thing but you saying it makes it more real and not just. a weird thing I do. wow I am not expressing myself well here but yeah, love your work
I think more accurately for me I want to have the ENERGY to do more stuff. Both physically and mentally. I have friends who are always doing 100 things - they seem to work more than full time and volunteer and run marathons and travel and still keep up with lots of friends on a regular basis. Whereas I feel I need at least one day a week to just not do much and do the errandsy stuff - even though I rarely do things in the evenings either. If I make myself busier I can't keep it up, I get stressed and worn out. So on some level I feel I have to just accept that I'm not built like those people and I have to make do with how I am. I do tend to worry though about the fact I find this so hard when I'm young. If I struggle with it now then what hope is there for me to cope with a doctorate or a relationship and then looking after kids? I don't physically know how people do it!
i do all the things i want to (hobbies, job, relationship, social life, a levels) by having my phone's alarm bleeping at me atleast every hour- makes my life easy. i usually stick to my school's time table of "2 hours of work, 20 minute break, 2 hours of work, 50 minute break, 1 hour of work, an hour of break, 2 hours of work.." so i'm always able to schedule in things like "an hour of sewing" or "watering my plants". i don't really thrive in environments which are very spontaneous.
I think it's a pretty good way to start doing more things in your free time by figuring out what you're already doing that you like and then "improve" that. Like cooking, everbody eats. Maybe get a really nice cookbook and invite some friends for dinner.
I've been thinking about this a lot recently for two reasons: One, because I work freelance in theatre and am trying to start a financially motivated side hustle but haven't quite gotten around to it yet, and Two, because I recently Made an Art for the first time in a LONG time as a gift for the cast and crew of a show I was working on, and really dove in and did all the logistics of it without worrying or thinking much and poured a lot of time and effort into it and had a HUGE amount of fun, and ever since I've been wondering how I should try and Do More Arts that aren't also work (as someone who was "bad at art" at school and thus never really got into visual arts and does logistical/managerial work in theatre), or even if I should be "trying" to do that more, because half the fun of this project was that it wasn't in any way forced. It's that last bit that made my ears really perk up at your (and Elizabeth Gilbert's) "affair" idea... I think that one's going to be percolating for awhile.
I think at a certain point you just have to say forget it, I'm doing this my way now. As someone with a totally soul sucking job that isn't even a little bit in line with how I thought my life would be in my mid-20s, this is THE THING. I'm trying to build up side-hustles until it can just become THE hustle and I can leave this job and triumphantly (if figuritively) toss out some choice gestures as I'm walking out the door one last time. Funny thing is that I shifted my focus back to things I wanted as a literal child, instead of just decent earning stuff like I thought I might aim for in school after being told I would never do any of the things I actually wanted to do. I think I realised that since I'm working in a minimum wage job that earning big isn't a priority, but gaining some degree of mental and physical health, and some fulfilment is instead.
I so agree about having a healthy attitude to work. I was so obsessed with my work years ago, it was also taking my time during my "free" time, I could never escape it! But I came to realise that this is just work, it does not define me fully, I have my own life outside it and it is great.
love the metaphor of the affair, it's totally how I feel about my side hustles but I've never thought of it like that. Love your very positive and interesting attitude to down time and to defining yourself outside of your main thing as well as within it. I have a very similar attitude but have never properly stopped and noticed it and appreciated that it's not me being scattered or in someway wrong about life, its actually just a way to be and think that suits me and I thrive on. Thanks Leena :)
❤️ in my 20’s I was working a 60-70 hour job and going to college full time. And juggling a very active social life. About 5 years ago my chronic illnesses started to become harder to control and I had to force myself to slow down and focus on self care. Last year I had to stop working all together and I’ve already graduated. Long story short, it was a difficult transition from going nonstop to spending 80 or 90% of my time in bed or practicing self care. I still do not own a television and people are always confused by this. However, if I’m having a good day I would rather read or spend time with family and friends vs. binging on TV and movies. The only way I’ve been able to remain sane since I became too sick to work, is to always continue learning. I try to learn something new every single day. So that’s my new side hustle. With my main hustle being not feeling like actual shit. 💕
I love this! I feel like most productivity tips I hear are basically the same 5 or so suggestions that get recycled in different articles, and for me, most of them only work some of the time. I think everything that you said about leaving room for love and spontaneity is beautiful. It really is just about, like, figuring out how we want to spend our limited time on Earth.
Great video Leena, I love what you said about having a separation from work and not being your job. I think we're so used to being asked "What do you do?" and the answer you give is your job, rather than any hobbies or side projects.
This is really interesting because I’ve always filled my life with SO much and then last year I had a clinical mental breakdown and I’ve fought constantly with the thought I’m no longer doing enough ever since. But in Jan I’m starting a full time apprenticeship and I do singing and dance lessons. In May I’m going to start am dram again and in September I’ll be applying for drama school. That is all enough! I have to remind myself that sometimes things are enough!
As someone who loves being super busy and doing a lot I have to be really careful with knowing my boundries because I also have a chronic illness which is a lot to manage on its own. I can so relate to the wanting to cheat on different uni modules, this is how I got all my work done last semester and how I managed to read about 15 books (a lot of me) over the course of the semester - reading when I should have been studying. The only boundry I consitently stick to is mkaing sure I get enough sleep/lisenting to when my body needs a break (this is often just a good excuse to lie down and lisent to a podcast).
Do your best stuff in your best time. I get up early to do a bit of writing every day (now do it on my train to work) as I’m a morning person and it takes me WAY less time to do it then. Plus it becomes a habit. One thing that’s super helpful is getting into the mindset of one step at a time/lots of little things become a big thing eventually. A lot of side hustle stuff takes time to build so you’ve got to be patient with your work.
I like that you admit about netflix/tv being stresful. I find it quite stressful and none of my friends really get that. I"m not a point to stop trying to understand references because I do genuinely enjoy watching but I just do it my own speed (which frustrates some of my friends but oh well).
Oh I really loved this. I'm the person you're addressing here, and I feel so free hearing you talking about how you just...don't care about the things everyone else thinks you should care about a la pop culture. Like I don't need to spend time on something I don't actually care much about. Seriously bless you for that. (I loved the rest of this video too but that one was very uh On Point for me.)
giving up the chase for the in jokes is so good more me. i've developed so many deeper, obscure jokes about love, actually, lotr, and other things i already like, and spend time seeing another side to it, laughing at the bits that already made me love, and being chill that i don't get trending jokes and memes
I feel like knowing yourself deeply is helpful to understand how you want to spend yourself. Having been disconnected from myself for a period, I found my internal compass worked a lot better once I understood who I am, obviously a work in progress too mind!
i feel you on what kind of common ground you want to meet people at (holy ending a sentence with a preposition). I haven't had television for most of my life so I feel like I missed out on a lot of millennial culture. I only have a vague notion of what "only 90's kids will remember" even though I was a 90's kid. But I'm starting to come around to the idea of doing things that are meaningful to me rather than scrambling to consume what other people, who are cooler than me, recommend. Thanks for the video. You are so insightful and have re-inspired me to go do stuff!
Love this video, love you Leena, love this topic. I've always been someone who's had a billion different interests and hobbies. When it comes to asking me 'what do you do for fun?' it's a 10 minute list of activities, usually followed by the question, 'how do you do it all?' so I tell them my dirty little secret, 'I don't do everything everyday'. I think people assume that for something to be a hobby or a side hustle you need to spend a considerable amount of time working on it every single day, and I call bull on that. Make a list of stuff you would like to do and just work through it how it best fits your life, that's the key. Anyway, just wanted to share some thoughts!! Looking forward to your next video!
Yess finding out what actually relaxes me and what I really enjoy doing was probably the most important thing I've got out of my early 20's. I realised that drinking and bars and going out at night is just not my thing, I find it stressful and overwhelming. So I just stopped forcing myself to do it which is very isolating but ultimately I'm a lot happier. My side hustles are my booktube channel, writing fiction and I would also categorise reading and watching TV shows and movies as kind of a side hustle because I am obsessed with both and would love to be involved with making both and there are still so many important books and films I haven't read or seen yet! But also I don't force myself to watch or read anything I'm not enjoying.
I would describe myself as a somewhat busy human nothing on Leena's scale, but to fit in things around work I find it really important to make it clear when i can and cannot work, so I can do things around that.
I don't have Netflix for exactly those reasons - in fact I don't even have a TV. I prefer to relax by going to theatre shows where you can't get distracted by your phone and you can stop thinking about work or whatever for a few hours, but I don't tend to book in advance - I'll take a look at prices and availability at lunchtime and then either buy through the theatre or on an app. Spontinaity is key to relaxation in my opinion.
Love this Leena! Whatever you upload, you inspire me. And that is not only because of what you say, but also because the authentic (and amazing) person that you are!
I struggle with wanting to keep up with current events and the news and politics but also needing to prioritise my mental health. Like you said keeping up with politics can be really upsetting and depressing and I struggle with knowing I should know whats going on in the world but not listening to it so much that I end up convinced that the whole world is terrible and a horrible place and people are all awful. It's hard to find a balance there.
I’d say one huge barrier for me to ‘doing more’ is my cfs/me. Growing up I was a huge high achiever, and now I find that often just taking care of myself on a basic level is all I can manage. I used to be very academic and now I’m not sure if I could ever hold down a full time job - not about a side hustle on top and it is so demotivating to constantly be pulled back from my goals seemingly without reason.
my fav video of yours and one to which i come back every few months. i work full time and go to university to study 2 courses (like a double major? i guess) so i guess that in a way is my "side hustle". and the time people spend on netflix and game of thrones i spend worrying about working out because im starting to feel like a 70 y.o. and maybe actually working out, and trying to keep up with school. so yeah
I found slotting two hours after work(I work at bakery cafe for part-time) for a reading really helps in terms of getting creative balance for later of the day and I usually walk home listening to podcasts and some work at home and then spend weekend evenings with friends. I never thought it could be possible for me to have social and work balance but I think I've met people that I share ideas and interest with on Instagram and happy that our social time is as productive with interesting conversations though I don't think we necessarily try to make them. X
I feel like I have the opposite problem. I currently write for three TH-cam channels and one entertainment website on a weekly basis in addition to university, as well as managing a music site with a team of writers and daily submissions to go through. This September I’m attempting to balance that with a month long travel writing programme, while keeping up with burlesque training and starting a job as my uni’s online arts editor. Weirdly I seem to have enough time to do all of this without going crazy, but when others remark on how much I do, I find it hard to internalise. It feels like my contributions are still so tiny and trivial, and that other projects my friends do (even if they’re smaller in scope or take less time) have more intrinsic worth. I’m not sure if I’ll ever feel like I’m doing “enough”, and I’m worried I’m going to keep taking on more and more projects just to prove I can until I burn out.
Didn't know you were doing a podcast, just listened to the first episode and it was great. Ive been hoping you would bring back stupid questions with leena so glad i found this! :)
Loved this video!! I totally agree with the dodging of time-suck activities. I try to focus on"chill time"activities that give me the most relaxation for the time spent. For example, watch a Netflix show=45 min, but it feels way less! Reading for 45 minutes is way more relaxing, enjoyable, engrossing,etc for me! I save watching shows for while I'm tidying up, then it helps me get that stuff done faster and it's like a treat while I'm working. I like your idea of not over scheduling so it can seem kind of naughty. Really clever. Anyway, awesome video! I'm going to do a blog post on a similar topic soon! :)
+1 for audiobooks while doing other stuff (walking, dishes, cooking)! And no Netflix or TV. It's not worth it 99% of the time. I believe being introverted helped me create that time for myself starting in high school. I need to be creative to be happy, so I make time for it. I believe if you really want to do something (sports, learning, sleeping more, creating things...) you simply have to make time in your week for it. People tell me "I wish I did yoga every day too." So, do it.
While I'm glad you are so excite about doing so much, please ensure you take are of yourself and don't push yourself beyond your boundaries. I'm saying this as someone with a chronic illness due to trying to cram more things in, which means I now can't do much of anything and I'd hate anyone else to hve to deal with that.
I always did loads during my degree, I was working 3 days a week, and in uni mostly 5 days. It was a practical degree and I was there in the evenings a lot. But now, i'm making jewellery and having fun and selling it online, whilst working full time! It's fun to come home and be like, cool I'm going to make some earrings/ edit photos for Instagram! I love doing stuff that I'm enjoying! But I also like enjoying doing very little in the evenings some time, so hanging out with my partner and playing a video game for a few hours! Really like the advice here! So good. I agree that you need to not fully book yourself, and make sure you have time for spontaneity :D xx
I never would have been able to put a lot of this into words. Especially the bit about "being naughty" by giving time to my hobbies. That part really is nice lol
What are your top podcasts? Always on the lookout for new suggestions. I’m currently listening to Dear Sugars and loving it, will check yours out now too!
It's funny because I don't do podcasts but I do watch a lot of Netflix. But I never just sit and watch it, I'm always doing something else while it's on, and I mostly just watch documentaries because I like to learn stuff. I don't care whether I watch the same stuff as everyone else although I did watch Game of Thrones because I loved the books. I literally just work on stuff from when I wake up to when I go to sleep which is probably how I've managed to release eight books in three years or whatever it works out as. Everyone always asks me how I get so much done and it's literally just that I don't stop doing stuff, I find "relaxing" and doing nothing very stressful. You're right though, a lot of people say they want to be as productive or whatever as me but they don't put in the time and so I guess they don't.
This was a really good video! I don't think people talk much about these aspects of side-hustling. Working on many projects and doing creative work romanticizes hustle and grit way to much. Yes, that's a part of it but it's isn't anything of substance to focus on. I liked how you talked about different things and how wins and losses at work or you side-hustles don't hurt as much because you've diversified your interests and inputs. But the video was a bit hard to follow. I expected three solid take-aways with the title of this and I ended up feeling like I just got a good dialogue surrounding this topic. Not a problem and I liked the video, just was a little mislead thinking it was going to have clearer more structured points that I could focus on. Good stuff though!
I really want to fill the time outside of studying with more meaningful stuff, BUT I feel so exhausted by literally everything (and my therapist just... never adresses that) I kind of begin to wonder if I should just start what I want to do even though I know it's going to cost lots of energy I might not have?
I love this so much. I've been thinking about cancelling Netflix but idk if I can part with The Crown. I need to find my little piece of happiness outside of work or school. ❤️☺️❤️
Where was this video when I started working more than 10 years ago? This is the first "productivity" video that doesn't make me feel bad and actually makes me hopeful. I've almost only done "i need food" jobs my whole life (apart the year i was a bookseller at waterstones, but even that got depressing very quick when you meet the realities of poor management, glass ceilings, and capitalist practices) and without any higher education nor supportive parents, I've ended up floating aimlessly through life, convinced that if i can't get a job doing something i love then i can't do that thing at all. And I know, logically, that it isn't true. But in our society that puts remunerated work above all else and insist on constant productivity not to do things you love but to climb the ladder, it gets hard to see beyond that. Anyway it's late and I don't know if I made any sense and this whole comment might have been an attempted cop-out from my responsibility in my own inertia but. What I was getting at is: thank you for this video. I find it personally more helpful than you might have imagined making it and I know other people like me who might beneficiate from it. Thank you.
My family still yell Richarrrrd Richarrrrd! And “Watch out for that pedestrian!” This video is so helpful, there are loads of things that I want to do but I waste so much time on social media because I’m tired from work. I’m going to tell myself that doing things I love is a different kind of work. Also where is your duvet from?
This is so so useful omg thank you Leena!!! Also have you done a video recommending podcasts? If not, could you do one?! I always feel overwhelmed and am not sure where to start...
you have this brilliant way of saying things and speaking constructively without sounding patronizing?? and now I feel like I know what to do and I feel inspired and I want to do the things !! thank ya much leena~
I feel like I used to be good at this and now I manage to somehow always be distracted by something, whether it be netflix, youtube or just browsing. Even things I like and would want to do more of, especially personal projects, always get put on the back burner
I relate to this deeply. I think it stems from fear. Fear of failure. If I don't start I don't risk anything. And doing passive activities like watching Netflix are a mean to shut off your brain and the fear and anxiety it creates. Temporarily.
Ugh I know that feeling! I have to force myself sometimes to put on music instead of a show "just in the background". Otherwise I get sucked in and waste valuable time!
"people telling me i'm doing too much is crack for my subconscious" oh my god this is a MOOD. literally me through all of university.
I'd say I occupy a middle ground between your do-what-i-want-when-i-want, and strict timetables. I do give myself long term schedules and goals - this must be done by x date - but within that I can work on it whenever I want. Otherwise I feel no sense of urgency and will wait til I'm in the "right mindset" which, spoiler alert, never comes. Also, those goals are ALWAYS in pencil (unless there is actually a strict deadline), bc I know that sometimes life will happen, and you won't have got it done, and I shouldn't punish myself for that. For me I have to actively remember that it's ok to quit something, give something up, if circumstances change. Might just be a me thing though.
BOY I NEEDED NUMBER 2. The number of times someone has told me to watch something and is shocked to hell when I returned having not watched it and they're like 'Why?!?!' and I'm like 'BECAUSE I'M HERE HANGING OUT WITH YOU'
I love the last point. I’ve started so many side creative projects by planning and planning because that’s what I’ve been told, but it then sucks the joy out of it and I don’t want to do it!
Loved this! I feel like I've gradually accrued a lot of slightly different side-hustles and I oscillate with my commitment to them but this video has made me realise how much happier I am when I'm consistently working on my etsy shop or whatever rather than spending three hours watching netflix. HOWEVER a slight counterargument: when I finished my uni exams this year, i was so wiped that I spent two weeks doing nothing but watching netflix and reading for pleasure because I didn't have the energy for my side-hustles! I think the reason a lot of people literally just chill on their downtime is because they have a job that exhausts them and they have to recover which means doing nothing that requires effort. I don't think your job is easy but it definitely chimes with who you are in a way that means it might not leave you utterly devoid of creative resources by the end of the day/week - and this is probs a privilege a lot of people do not have.
My favourite icebreaker for when I don't know what to say is 'what was your worst train journey?' I've yet to meet someone living in the UK who doesn't have at least 2 hilarious train related stories and it usually leads on to conversations about travelling which are always fun. 😁🚅
that's a fab one-i have some shockers-lol
omg that's such a good one, I'm stealing it! x
i have one thing to say though don't use forward aisle-facing automatic door toilets! do so at your peril
Ha! Love it!
what you said about "things people do to relax might not actually be relaxing" resonates SOOO much with me!! I felt like I was the only person who just doesn't organically know how to enjoy their free time, I constantly think about it and try to filter out things I do and don't like and it's SUCH a process for me. The thought of coming home and chilling in front of the TV and enjoying that sounds great, but I know that I won't enjoy it. and I might have to constantly search for new things to do in my spare time, some that I enjoy AND relax me, or just one of the two. I really thought leisure time was something everyone was just "good" at, and yeah they might not be as productive as they'd like to, but at least they do enjoy watching tv or playing video games or doing charity work etc. I really like your channel cause you word things I've been trying to verbalize and that I think are specifically a "me" thing but you saying it makes it more real and not just. a weird thing I do. wow I am not expressing myself well here but yeah, love your work
I think more accurately for me I want to have the ENERGY to do more stuff. Both physically and mentally. I have friends who are always doing 100 things - they seem to work more than full time and volunteer and run marathons and travel and still keep up with lots of friends on a regular basis. Whereas I feel I need at least one day a week to just not do much and do the errandsy stuff - even though I rarely do things in the evenings either. If I make myself busier I can't keep it up, I get stressed and worn out. So on some level I feel I have to just accept that I'm not built like those people and I have to make do with how I am.
I do tend to worry though about the fact I find this so hard when I'm young. If I struggle with it now then what hope is there for me to cope with a doctorate or a relationship and then looking after kids? I don't physically know how people do it!
i do all the things i want to (hobbies, job, relationship, social life, a levels) by having my phone's alarm bleeping at me atleast every hour- makes my life easy. i usually stick to my school's time table of "2 hours of work, 20 minute break, 2 hours of work, 50 minute break, 1 hour of work, an hour of break, 2 hours of work.." so i'm always able to schedule in things like "an hour of sewing" or "watering my plants". i don't really thrive in environments which are very spontaneous.
I think it's a pretty good way to start doing more things in your free time by figuring out what you're already doing that you like and then "improve" that. Like cooking, everbody eats. Maybe get a really nice cookbook and invite some friends for dinner.
I've been thinking about this a lot recently for two reasons: One, because I work freelance in theatre and am trying to start a financially motivated side hustle but haven't quite gotten around to it yet, and Two, because I recently Made an Art for the first time in a LONG time as a gift for the cast and crew of a show I was working on, and really dove in and did all the logistics of it without worrying or thinking much and poured a lot of time and effort into it and had a HUGE amount of fun, and ever since I've been wondering how I should try and Do More Arts that aren't also work (as someone who was "bad at art" at school and thus never really got into visual arts and does logistical/managerial work in theatre), or even if I should be "trying" to do that more, because half the fun of this project was that it wasn't in any way forced.
It's that last bit that made my ears really perk up at your (and Elizabeth Gilbert's) "affair" idea... I think that one's going to be percolating for awhile.
I think at a certain point you just have to say forget it, I'm doing this my way now. As someone with a totally soul sucking job that isn't even a little bit in line with how I thought my life would be in my mid-20s, this is THE THING. I'm trying to build up side-hustles until it can just become THE hustle and I can leave this job and triumphantly (if figuritively) toss out some choice gestures as I'm walking out the door one last time.
Funny thing is that I shifted my focus back to things I wanted as a literal child, instead of just decent earning stuff like I thought I might aim for in school after being told I would never do any of the things I actually wanted to do. I think I realised that since I'm working in a minimum wage job that earning big isn't a priority, but gaining some degree of mental and physical health, and some fulfilment is instead.
I so agree about having a healthy attitude to work. I was so obsessed with my work years ago, it was also taking my time during my "free" time, I could never escape it! But I came to realise that this is just work, it does not define me fully, I have my own life outside it and it is great.
love the metaphor of the affair, it's totally how I feel about my side hustles but I've never thought of it like that. Love your very positive and interesting attitude to down time and to defining yourself outside of your main thing as well as within it. I have a very similar attitude but have never properly stopped and noticed it and appreciated that it's not me being scattered or in someway wrong about life, its actually just a way to be and think that suits me and I thrive on. Thanks Leena :)
❤️ in my 20’s I was working a 60-70 hour job and going to college full time. And juggling a very active social life. About 5 years ago my chronic illnesses started to become harder to control and I had to force myself to slow down and focus on self care. Last year I had to stop working all together and I’ve already graduated. Long story short, it was a difficult transition from going nonstop to spending 80 or 90% of my time in bed or practicing self care. I still do not own a television and people are always confused by this. However, if I’m having a good day I would rather read or spend time with family and friends vs. binging on TV and movies. The only way I’ve been able to remain sane since I became too sick to work, is to always continue learning. I try to learn something new every single day. So that’s my new side hustle. With my main hustle being not feeling like actual shit. 💕
I love this! I feel like most productivity tips I hear are basically the same 5 or so suggestions that get recycled in different articles, and for me, most of them only work some of the time. I think everything that you said about leaving room for love and spontaneity is beautiful. It really is just about, like, figuring out how we want to spend our limited time on Earth.
Great video Leena, I love what you said about having a separation from work and not being your job. I think we're so used to being asked "What do you do?" and the answer you give is your job, rather than any hobbies or side projects.
This is really interesting because I’ve always filled my life with SO much and then last year I had a clinical mental breakdown and I’ve fought constantly with the thought I’m no longer doing enough ever since. But in Jan I’m starting a full time apprenticeship and I do singing and dance lessons. In May I’m going to start am dram again and in September I’ll be applying for drama school. That is all enough! I have to remind myself that sometimes things are enough!
As someone who loves being super busy and doing a lot I have to be really careful with knowing my boundries because I also have a chronic illness which is a lot to manage on its own. I can so relate to the wanting to cheat on different uni modules, this is how I got all my work done last semester and how I managed to read about 15 books (a lot of me) over the course of the semester - reading when I should have been studying. The only boundry I consitently stick to is mkaing sure I get enough sleep/lisenting to when my body needs a break (this is often just a good excuse to lie down and lisent to a podcast).
Do your best stuff in your best time. I get up early to do a bit of writing every day (now do it on my train to work) as I’m a morning person and it takes me WAY less time to do it then. Plus it becomes a habit.
One thing that’s super helpful is getting into the mindset of one step at a time/lots of little things become a big thing eventually. A lot of side hustle stuff takes time to build so you’ve got to be patient with your work.
I like that you admit about netflix/tv being stresful. I find it quite stressful and none of my friends really get that. I"m not a point to stop trying to understand references because I do genuinely enjoy watching but I just do it my own speed (which frustrates some of my friends but oh well).
Oh I really loved this. I'm the person you're addressing here, and I feel so free hearing you talking about how you just...don't care about the things everyone else thinks you should care about a la pop culture. Like I don't need to spend time on something I don't actually care much about. Seriously bless you for that. (I loved the rest of this video too but that one was very uh On Point for me.)
giving up the chase for the in jokes is so good more me. i've developed so many deeper, obscure jokes about love, actually, lotr, and other things i already like, and spend time seeing another side to it, laughing at the bits that already made me love, and being chill that i don't get trending jokes and memes
Yes to all of this! Time blocking is great for your job but you don’t need that for your hobbies if you have inner motivation.
I feel like knowing yourself deeply is helpful to understand how you want to spend yourself. Having been disconnected from myself for a period, I found my internal compass worked a lot better once I understood who I am, obviously a work in progress too mind!
i feel you on what kind of common ground you want to meet people at (holy ending a sentence with a preposition). I haven't had television for most of my life so I feel like I missed out on a lot of millennial culture. I only have a vague notion of what "only 90's kids will remember" even though I was a 90's kid. But I'm starting to come around to the idea of doing things that are meaningful to me rather than scrambling to consume what other people, who are cooler than me, recommend. Thanks for the video. You are so insightful and have re-inspired me to go do stuff!
Love this video, love you Leena, love this topic. I've always been someone who's had a billion different interests and hobbies. When it comes to asking me 'what do you do for fun?' it's a 10 minute list of activities, usually followed by the question, 'how do you do it all?' so I tell them my dirty little secret, 'I don't do everything everyday'. I think people assume that for something to be a hobby or a side hustle you need to spend a considerable amount of time working on it every single day, and I call bull on that. Make a list of stuff you would like to do and just work through it how it best fits your life, that's the key. Anyway, just wanted to share some thoughts!! Looking forward to your next video!
So interesting. Also yess to tessa’s song at the end
Yess finding out what actually relaxes me and what I really enjoy doing was probably the most important thing I've got out of my early 20's. I realised that drinking and bars and going out at night is just not my thing, I find it stressful and overwhelming. So I just stopped forcing myself to do it which is very isolating but ultimately I'm a lot happier. My side hustles are my booktube channel, writing fiction and I would also categorise reading and watching TV shows and movies as kind of a side hustle because I am obsessed with both and would love to be involved with making both and there are still so many important books and films I haven't read or seen yet! But also I don't force myself to watch or read anything I'm not enjoying.
I would describe myself as a somewhat busy human nothing on Leena's scale, but to fit in things around work I find it really important to make it clear when i can and cannot work, so I can do things around that.
I don't have Netflix for exactly those reasons - in fact I don't even have a TV. I prefer to relax by going to theatre shows where you can't get distracted by your phone and you can stop thinking about work or whatever for a few hours, but I don't tend to book in advance - I'll take a look at prices and availability at lunchtime and then either buy through the theatre or on an app. Spontinaity is key to relaxation in my opinion.
Love this Leena! Whatever you upload, you inspire me. And that is not only because of what you say, but also because the authentic (and amazing) person that you are!
I struggle with wanting to keep up with current events and the news and politics but also needing to prioritise my mental health. Like you said keeping up with politics can be really upsetting and depressing and I struggle with knowing I should know whats going on in the world but not listening to it so much that I end up convinced that the whole world is terrible and a horrible place and people are all awful. It's hard to find a balance there.
I’d say one huge barrier for me to ‘doing more’ is my cfs/me. Growing up I was a huge high achiever, and now I find that often just taking care of myself on a basic level is all I can manage. I used to be very academic and now I’m not sure if I could ever hold down a full time job - not about a side hustle on top and it is so demotivating to constantly be pulled back from my goals seemingly without reason.
my fav video of yours and one to which i come back every few months. i work full time and go to university to study 2 courses (like a double major? i guess) so i guess that in a way is my "side hustle". and the time people spend on netflix and game of thrones i spend worrying about working out because im starting to feel like a 70 y.o. and maybe actually working out, and trying to keep up with school. so yeah
I found slotting two hours after work(I work at bakery cafe for part-time) for a reading really helps in terms of getting creative balance for later of the day and I usually walk home listening to podcasts and some work at home and then spend weekend evenings with friends. I never thought it could be possible for me to have social and work balance but I think I've met people that I share ideas and interest with on Instagram and happy that our social time is as productive with interesting conversations though I don't think we necessarily try to make them. X
So good! I love how genuinely introspective and thoughtful this advice was and not just standard cliches!! Good stuff!
I feel like I have the opposite problem. I currently write for three TH-cam channels and one entertainment website on a weekly basis in addition to university, as well as managing a music site with a team of writers and daily submissions to go through. This September I’m attempting to balance that with a month long travel writing programme, while keeping up with burlesque training and starting a job as my uni’s online arts editor.
Weirdly I seem to have enough time to do all of this without going crazy, but when others remark on how much I do, I find it hard to internalise. It feels like my contributions are still so tiny and trivial, and that other projects my friends do (even if they’re smaller in scope or take less time) have more intrinsic worth. I’m not sure if I’ll ever feel like I’m doing “enough”, and I’m worried I’m going to keep taking on more and more projects just to prove I can until I burn out.
Didn't know you were doing a podcast, just listened to the first episode and it was great. Ive been hoping you would bring back stupid questions with leena so glad i found this! :)
Love this
As someone who wishes to be an actor my career has to be my side hustle until I can eventually quit my day job :)
Loved this video!! I totally agree with the dodging of time-suck activities. I try to focus on"chill time"activities that give me the most relaxation for the time spent. For example, watch a Netflix show=45 min, but it feels way less! Reading for 45 minutes is way more relaxing, enjoyable, engrossing,etc for me! I save watching shows for while I'm tidying up, then it helps me get that stuff done faster and it's like a treat while I'm working. I like your idea of not over scheduling so it can seem kind of naughty. Really clever. Anyway, awesome video! I'm going to do a blog post on a similar topic soon! :)
This was really interesting and I’m glad I’m not the only one who likes to keep her mind busy to help her cope with life xxx
+1 for audiobooks while doing other stuff (walking, dishes, cooking)! And no Netflix or TV. It's not worth it 99% of the time. I believe being introverted helped me create that time for myself starting in high school. I need to be creative to be happy, so I make time for it. I believe if you really want to do something (sports, learning, sleeping more, creating things...) you simply have to make time in your week for it. People tell me "I wish I did yoga every day too." So, do it.
I loved this video! I really needed to hear someone say the side hustle doesnt have to become the main bizz
While I'm glad you are so excite about doing so much, please ensure you take are of yourself and don't push yourself beyond your boundaries. I'm saying this as someone with a chronic illness due to trying to cram more things in, which means I now can't do much of anything and I'd hate anyone else to hve to deal with that.
I always did loads during my degree, I was working 3 days a week, and in uni mostly 5 days. It was a practical degree and I was there in the evenings a lot. But now, i'm making jewellery and having fun and selling it online, whilst working full time! It's fun to come home and be like, cool I'm going to make some earrings/ edit photos for Instagram! I love doing stuff that I'm enjoying! But I also like enjoying doing very little in the evenings some time, so hanging out with my partner and playing a video game for a few hours! Really like the advice here! So good. I agree that you need to not fully book yourself, and make sure you have time for spontaneity :D xx
I never would have been able to put a lot of this into words. Especially the bit about "being naughty" by giving time to my hobbies. That part really is nice lol
What are your top podcasts? Always on the lookout for new suggestions. I’m currently listening to Dear Sugars and loving it, will check yours out now too!
It's funny because I don't do podcasts but I do watch a lot of Netflix. But I never just sit and watch it, I'm always doing something else while it's on, and I mostly just watch documentaries because I like to learn stuff. I don't care whether I watch the same stuff as everyone else although I did watch Game of Thrones because I loved the books.
I literally just work on stuff from when I wake up to when I go to sleep which is probably how I've managed to release eight books in three years or whatever it works out as. Everyone always asks me how I get so much done and it's literally just that I don't stop doing stuff, I find "relaxing" and doing nothing very stressful. You're right though, a lot of people say they want to be as productive or whatever as me but they don't put in the time and so I guess they don't.
I love this video. You are so engaging and make me smile. Mostly because I understand what you are going through . Thank you for sharing.
Thanks Kevin!
I want more 40 days of questions with Leena!!!!!!! xx
Witch Please is life.
This is the word of the Lord, amen.
This was a really good video! I don't think people talk much about these aspects of side-hustling. Working on many projects and doing creative work romanticizes hustle and grit way to much. Yes, that's a part of it but it's isn't anything of substance to focus on. I liked how you talked about different things and how wins and losses at work or you side-hustles don't hurt as much because you've diversified your interests and inputs. But the video was a bit hard to follow. I expected three solid take-aways with the title of this and I ended up feeling like I just got a good dialogue surrounding this topic. Not a problem and I liked the video, just was a little mislead thinking it was going to have clearer more structured points that I could focus on. Good stuff though!
I really want to fill the time outside of studying with more meaningful stuff, BUT I feel so exhausted by literally everything (and my therapist just... never adresses that) I kind of begin to wonder if I should just start what I want to do even though I know it's going to cost lots of energy I might not have?
I love this so much. I've been thinking about cancelling Netflix but idk if I can part with The Crown. I need to find my little piece of happiness outside of work or school. ❤️☺️❤️
I have so much love for you Leena!!
haha I remember meeting you at the banging book club live and chatting about how awesome witch please is!
I'd love to do more, always did, but having depression kinda screws those plans over on the reg
SO MANY THOUGHTS!! so many thoughts....
This fuelled my subconscious to just say fuck it... that’s both dangerous and so exciting
Where was this video when I started working more than 10 years ago? This is the first "productivity" video that doesn't make me feel bad and actually makes me hopeful. I've almost only done "i need food" jobs my whole life (apart the year i was a bookseller at waterstones, but even that got depressing very quick when you meet the realities of poor management, glass ceilings, and capitalist practices) and without any higher education nor supportive parents, I've ended up floating aimlessly through life, convinced that if i can't get a job doing something i love then i can't do that thing at all.
And I know, logically, that it isn't true. But in our society that puts remunerated work above all else and insist on constant productivity not to do things you love but to climb the ladder, it gets hard to see beyond that.
Anyway it's late and I don't know if I made any sense and this whole comment might have been an attempted cop-out from my responsibility in my own inertia but.
What I was getting at is: thank you for this video. I find it personally more helpful than you might have imagined making it and I know other people like me who might beneficiate from it. Thank you.
Everything about this was super relatable and super great ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
thank you so much x
I wish I wanted to do more
Haven't finished watching but you are looking wonderful!!
Crush is a HUGE common ground
My family still yell Richarrrrd Richarrrrd! And “Watch out for that pedestrian!” This video is so helpful, there are loads of things that I want to do but I waste so much time on social media because I’m tired from work. I’m going to tell myself that doing things I love is a different kind of work. Also where is your duvet from?
Thank you for validating my weird feeling about not being someone who enjoys binging TV shows 😅
What are your favorite podcasts to listen to right now?
Also, how the fuck were you acting and doing your alevels! I hardly survived and my only ‘extra curricular’ thing was my retail job
That was great !
😂🙌❤ so relatable!!!
This is so so useful omg thank you Leena!!! Also have you done a video recommending podcasts? If not, could you do one?! I always feel overwhelmed and am not sure where to start...
Self-confessed do-a-lot-er checking in here, I feel you wholeheartedly.
I’m. Obsessed. With. Witch. Please. All day every day. 😍
Have you listened to the latest episode? Where they go to Harry Potter world? It's ace x