About Replacement Theology: Romans
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 10 ก.พ. 2025
- What specific Old Testament prophecies about Israel are yet to be fulfilled? What expectations does the New Testament have for the future of national Israel? This study focuses on the biblical data at hand and avoids getting distracted by claiming that one side is anti-Semitic. Bible believing Christians are primarily concerned with what the text says rather than emotional arguments.
I am gonna be honest, i trust pastor mike, his theology and the way in which he teaches the Bible. I also trust God and all he has said. But as an Arab (I’m also Lebanese and we have been harmed by Israel before) this was quite hard for me to listen to, and it feels difficult for me to change all of my emotions and political views. However, i will always submit to God first, and i appreciate how this topic was studied in such a purely scriptural way. I really felt the Holy Spirit convict me on some thing. Thank you so much mike, i have watched almost all of your videos and they have really helped me go deeper into my knowledge of scripture and faith. God bless you, and keep doing what you’re doing.
It's amazing how people could possible argue that God would have ANY patience for such a worldly, warmongering state such as the nation of Israel.
@@АндрейКумберлэнд🙄 It’s amazing how you single out one nation to be warmongering when we have other countries right now displacing their own people as well as dragging their economies down for their greed through breeding conflicts (need I mention the obvious current world conflict we are being dragged into here?). Amazing that God has to even put up with all that and your clear biases.
Do you live in the West or in Lebanon? How have you and you family been with the war in Israel now? I think things will change by the time these prophecies are fulfilled. The Jews will repent and have faith and become our brothers and sisters. God’s grace is surprising sometimes, but he is good to have forgiven us. I can’t wait til Arabs and Jews are both united under Jesus as family. (I am trying to learn Arabic so I can evangelize to the Arabs.)
@Ayagator The Israel now is made up of like anywhere else. Faithful and ungodly. The theist and the atheist, godly and ungodly. This speaks on the future of an awakening to the Messiah when they will mourn for the one they rejected. .... God's Blessings to you. I hope that helps.
@@АндрейКумберлэнд It's just as amazing that God would have ANY patience on godless and depraved individuals such as you and I.
Jesus death burial, and rising on the third day changed everything. Anybody that does not accept Christ as messiah can not enter the kingdom of heaven.
how does this answer relate to the subject of Israel.....
@@philipbuckley759 Sounds like someone who saw the title and didn't watch the video.
DW Backup 😂
@@philipbuckley759 He's saying Jews are going to hell along with any other unbeliever if they don't repent and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. The focus should never be about Israel and Jews. If someone has a ministry that is reaching out to Jews, that is the best that we can do for them. But, don't play favorites either, we are to be preaching to all unbelievers.
Absolutely. There are certain complex narratives attempting to make zionism justified for political advantage.
Brother Mike, I just assumed that you were a Landsman (a fellow Jew). Your last name Winger (Vinger) was a Jewish last name. Having a German last and and having dark hair, not blond, I thought you were a member of the tribe. :) Thank you for this sermon. God is not done with my people. I and many Jews love and follow Yeyshua (Jesus). Thank you brother. You may not be a Jew, but you are my brother in Messiah and you are Israel, the Commonwealth of Israel. Like Ruth and many others. Luv you brother may God bless you and the ministry that He has entrusted you with.
Very beautiful ❤
I sort of agree, but i believe God has specific tenets of promise that you jews enjoy exclusively. I am gentile, and rejoice in my jewish brothers and sisters, but i will never be jewish. I am adopted. When paul wrote about true israel of God, he wasn't makeing gentiles israel, he was showing some jews aren't of the promised seed. But you are. You are the Israel of God. Praise Jesus.
God is not done with anyone alive
@@gerard4870 adding to what you've said. The phrase "gentile believer" is an oxymoron because a gentile is someone who is outside of God's covenant. As believers in the promised saviour, we're the circumcisions who have no confidence in the flesh ...according to Romans.
So, my understanding is that we're Jews of the gentile nations ...a true Jew (grafted in through adoption by the Lord Jesus himself). There are also Jews of the natural Jewish nation. Together we're the two sticks mentioned in the old testament which have been brought together as one in the Lord.
The unbelieving branches have been broken off as you know. "No one comes to the father but by me" says The Lord Jesus.
There are no old covenant Jews today because that old natural covenant was under the priesthood of Aaron. We know that's no longer in practice. No priest, No temple, No sacrifices etc. The book of Romans, Hebrew and Galatians explains this subject matter in full detail
I wonder where all the other tribes are? Hmmmmm. Those promises still apply to decendants of those tribes yes? Hmmmm
You have missed the point from the very beginning!!! Gentiles are grafted into the tree by BELIEVING on the Lord Jesus Christ. The branches removed REJECTED Jesus Christ. The Remanent left on the tree are BELIEVING jews that put their faith that Jesus IS the Messiah!!
The covenant of the law was REPLACED with Jesus Christ!
Galatians 3:21-29
Ephesians 2:8-10
There is no Jew or Gentile if you have your faith in Jesus Christ!!!
The physical nation of Israel reject Jesus Christ! They are NOT saved... they do NOT believe.
NO man comes to the father EXECPT by me Jesus says..
BELIEVERS are the True children of Israel! BELIEVERS are the Children of Abraham according to God's Promise!
This makes the most sense.
Romans 11:1 I ask, then, has God rejected his own people, the nation of Israel? Of course not! I myself am an Israelite, a descendant of Abraham and a member of the tribe of Benjamin.
Romans 11:25 I ask, then, has God rejected his own people, the nation of Israel? Of course not! I myself am an Israelite, a descendant of Abraham and a member of the tribe of Benjamin.
The prophet wrote this concerning Israel at the end of the tribulation
Zechariah 12:10 And I will pour on the house of David and on the inhabitants of Jerusalem the Spirit of grace and supplication; then they will look on Me whom they pierced. Yes, they will mourn for Him as one mourns for his only son, and grieve for Him as one grieves for a firstborn
Romans 11:26And so all Israel will be [g]saved, as it is written:
“The Deliverer will come out of Zion,
And He will turn away ungodliness from Jacob;
27For this is My covenant with them,
When I take away their sins.”
28Concerning the gospel they are enemies for your sake, but concerning the election they are beloved for the sake of the fathers. 29For the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable. 30For as you were once disobedient to God, yet have now obtained mercy through their disobedience, 31even so these also have now been disobedient, that through the mercy shown you they also may obtain mercy. 32For God has [h]committed them all to disobedience, that He might have mercy on all.
The law never saved. It was always through faith. See Hebrew’s 11. Even Abel was saved by faith, before the law came to moses.
The law never saved anyone. It was meant to be a mirror, to show us our need for salvation. Even today. Faith that God would do as he said, what is a faith that saves. Now we have the messiah, we can read about him and hear his life. The Old Testament people could only hope and wait, believing the prophecy about him. Still through faith.
Jesus did not “replace” the law. He fulfilled it. That is a huge and common misconception or at least a misquote.
From a believing, messianic Jewish perspective, Jesus did fulfill the law regarding forgiveness of sin, but the festivals were celebrations of what God has done. A happy celebration remembering how awesome God is. It’s a part of their culture, the ideas and details literally came from God himself. If we say all is done and gone from the Old Testament, Jews may hear that they have to completely give up their culture and celebrations, which by the way the OT clearly says should be done “forever”, but these are not something Jesus “fulfilled” as they are not related to atonement. In fact, Jesus himself celebrated the festivals. Even acknowledging hanukah, the Festival of Lights.
Thank you Mike Winger. Cleared up this issue for my wife and I in 1 hour!
beware this teaching is disguised as biblical but is anything but that. This is known as dispensationalism which was not taught for 1800 years until John Nelson Darby came along and CI scofield popularized it in the US in the late 1800s/ early 1900s. Mike Winger here uses an intellectually dishonest term with those that don't agree with his unorthodox teachings and calls them replacement theologians. In reality what people like myself believe in is expansion theology where the promise given to Abraham is for the whole world (Gentiles). Ethnic jews are not cast off but they must repent and call on the name of the Lord just like any other person. Scripture interprets scripture and one must not focus too heavily on select verses and miss the forest for the tree. We must understand what Romans 11 says here in light of what paul says also in Romans that not all Israel is Israel.
Pray that my husband understands this as well. He is against Israel. God help him
@@imago9059 Being or standing against Israel for things they do is not a sin....they are not perfect and sinless.....if we were in the days of the Old Testament when Israel was sinning against G-d, are we in sin to stand against Israel's sins? Most Prophets were against Israel's sins. I am assumin that your husband is not antisemetic but simply against things the Israel is doing....if that is the case, then nothing wrong with that. If he is anti semetic, that may be a different story due to hate in general and not just hate against Jews...i am not antisemitic but I am no supporter of Zionism either. However there are those who think that not supporting zionism is antisemetic, which is not...
@@trevino37 if you don't support Zionism then yes I would use the term anti-Semitic 🤦🏼♀️ Zionism is just the belief that Jews should have a homeland - Israel. If you don't believe Jews have a right to a homeland then what else would you call that?
@@macherie1943 The initial problem is that the term Zionism has a variety of definition for different groups. Your definition of Zionism is a secular definition but for Christian zionist, Zionism has a religious definition , which is the a belief that Jews will return to the Holy land as a fulfilled prophecy. Based on this religious definition, no scripture supports that fulfillment today. Jews did return to Jerusalem after the Babylonian exile as G-d promised and built their second temple. There is no such thing today because G-d destroyed the second temple, which was replaced by Christ. CHRIST became the redemption of all Israel who believe in HIM.... There is no return to the land but to the Kingdom of Christ and returning to Christ as their Messiah. SO BASED ON THIS DEFINITION- I am not a Zionist, which does not make me nor anyone else anti-Semitic. Orthodox Jews are also anti-Zionist- would you call them anti-Semitic?
Excellent video brother. the Bible is clear but it's up to us if we want to accept the truth or not.
Who is really teaching “Replacement Theology” ?
(Did God fulfill His promises to the Jewish people at Calvary? Matthew 26:28, John 19:30)
The advocates of modern Dispensational Theology often accuse others of promoting “Replacement Theology”, or some may even say “Antisemitism”. What does the Bible say about their accusations?
1. Who is replacing Christ as the seed of Abraham through which all the families of the Earth would be blessed in Genesis 12:3, with Abraham’s modern descendants?
2. Who is replacing the one people of God in John 10:16, with two peoples of God ?
3. Who is replacing the one seed (Christ) in Galatians 3:16, with the many seeds?
4. Who is replacing the children of the promise in Romans 9:8, with the children of the flesh?
5. Who is replacing the faithful “remnant” of Israelites in Romans 11:1-5, with the Baal worshipers?
6. Who is replacing the word "so" in Romans 11:26, with the word "then"?
7. Who is attempting to replace the Church made up of all races of people, with one made up only of Gentiles? Why did Peter address the crowd as “all the house of Israel” in Acts 2:36, when about 3,000 Israelites accepted Christ on the Day of Pentecost?
8. Based on Hebrews 9:15, the New Covenant cannot be separated from the Messiah’s death. Is the covenant in Daniel 9:27 connected to the Messiah’s death in Daniel 9:26. Is the covenant with the “many” in Daniel 9:27 the same covenant with the “many” in Matthew 26:28? If it is, some have replaced the New Covenant in Daniel 9:27 with a future covenant made by an antichrist not found in Daniel chapter 9. (See the 1599 Geneva Bible used by the Pilgrims.)
9. Those promoting the Two Peoples of God doctrine of Dispensational Theology often accuse others of teaching “Replacement Theology”, but are they the masters of it? Are they promoting a form of Dual Covenant Theology based on race? (See “genealogies” in Titus 3:9)
10. Watch the TH-cam video “Genesis of Dispensational Theology” to see the origin of this man-made doctrine, which is less than 200 years old. It was brought to the United States about the time of the Civil War by John Nelson Darby. The doctrine was later incorporated into the notes of the Scofield Reference Bible, and then spread through much of the modern Church.
Dallas Theological Seminary in Dallas Texas was created in part to promote John Darby’s Two Peoples of God doctrine of Dispensational Theology.
Lewis Sperry Chafer, the first president of Dallas Theological, had the following to say about the difference between Israel and the Church:
“The dispensationalist believes that throughout the ages God is pursuing two distinct purposes: one related to the earth with earthly people and earthly objectives involved which is Judaism; while the other is related to heaven with heavenly people and heavenly objectives involved, which is Christianity.”
Lewis Sperry Chafer, Dispensationalism (Dallas, Seminary Press, 1936), p. 107.
Chafer states that, ‘Israel is an eternal nation, heir to an eternal land, with an eternal kingdom, on which David rules from an eternal throne,’ that is, on earth and distinct from the church who will be in heaven.”
Lewis Sperry Chafer. Systematic Theology. 1975. Vol. IV. pp. 315-323.
John Walvoord, another prominent voice of Dallas Theological stated…
"...it is an article of normative dispensational belief that the boundaries of the land promised to Abraham and his descendants from the Nile to the Euphrates will be literally instituted and that Jesus Christ will return to a literal and theocratic Jewish kingdom centred on a rebuilt temple in Jerusalem. In such a scheme the Church on earth is relegated to the status of a parenthesis.”
John F. Walvoord, The Rapture Question.1979, p. 25
Are there two peoples of God in John 10:16? (See also 1 John 2:22-23, 2 John 1:7-11.)
What is the land promise to the Old Testament Saints in Hebrews 11:15-16?
Based on 2 Peter 3:10-13, is this earth “eternal”? Will it be replaced by a new earth?
Based on Acts 2:36, and Romans 9:6-8, and Romans 11:1-5, and Hebrews 12:22-24, and James 1:1-3, can faithful Israel and the Church be separated into two different groups?
Who is the New Covenant promised to in Jeremiah 31:31-34, and Hebrews 8:6-13?
Will modern Orthodox Jews ever be saved outside of the New Covenant Church?
@@SpotterVideo Thank you for the time and effort! Great job!
@@SpotterVideo excellent presentation. I can’t agree more
@@SpotterVideo I know this is old but I find it interesting you rhetorically asked who is replacing the one people of God with two peoples of God in John 10:16 when Jesus is talking about his sheep and then says he has *another* fold not of this one that he must also bring in! (so that there will be one fold and one shepherd) wow! I think the two people of God rebuttal is a strawman. I don’t think “two people” are argued for. We will all be one family of God in the same vine. Who would this other fold be that he *must also* bring in if not Israel?
@@therockstar17 Which of the two Israels in Roman 9:8, and Romans 11:1-5 are you talking about? Are you talking about Israel of the flesh or Israel of the promise in Romans 9:8? Are you talking about the faithful "remnant" of Israel in Romans 11:1, and Romans 11:5, or are you talking about the Baal worshippers?
You are ignoring the fact that Peter addressed the crowd as "all the house of Israel" in Acts 2:36 on the Day of Pentecost. On that day about 3,000 Israelites accepted Christ. The Gentiles were not grafted in until several years later. Therefore, the Church as a whole has never been a "Gentile Church" as many today imply.
You are also ignoring what John said in 1 John 2:22-23, and in 2 John 1:7-11 about who can be God's people.
Two questions: 1) What constitutes national Israel? One Jewish parent? Two Jewish parents? Being raised by a Jewish parent?
2) If future national Israel gets special blessings, what about the gazillion Jews that died in unbelief? They just screwed?
National Israel getting special privileges makes absolutely no sense whatsoever, especially in light of the work of Christ in bringing the two together into one new people.
Dispensationalism is unintelligible and you'll get no answers from its proponents.
1) The Israel of God is believers. Period. It doesn't matter who your parents are.
2) "All Israel will be saved" means all believers will be saved (including those before Christ). Period. It does not mean a future generation of Jews.
@@jamesreed5678 you guys are making me smile. 100% i'm reading these comments while listening to the video. Christ is Israel.
Christ is the Seed. Gal. 3:16. Not a nation. Not a multitude.
Gal. 3:16 refers back to Genesis 21:12 and is indeed singular(because of the verb)... BUT Genesis 17:7 “thy seed” is shown to be plural by the words “after thee”(cp. vv. 8, 9), and by the plural pronoun “their generations”(vv. 7, 9). Not a problem.
Amen. To have the promise is to be in christ
@@ebae7355sorry I’m late to the party. But Galatians 3 is referring to the promises to Abraham, including the promise in Genesis 17:7. You can also see this because Genesis 21:12 is merely referencing back to that same promise.
Amen Amen Amen ... glad someone said it!!!!
35:36 "Jesus he spends 40 days traveling, doing whatever it was he did...we know some of the things he did but we don't know a lot of it"
Please note, as it is very important, that during those 40 days Jesus spoke only "ABOUT KINGDOM OF GOD"! It was the only theme of His teaching. And on the day of Jesus' ascending to the Heaven the timing of the Kingdom was the only point to be revealed so...they asked Jesus WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO RESTORE (IT WAS SURE! ) THE KINGDOM OF ISRAEL" Very good teaching. May God bless you Mike
I am Syrian on behalf of my father and Italian on my mother's side. In 2008 i got baptisés in an evangelical-baptist church. I had never thought of this kind of theology but now, with all the massacres and horrors that have been carried out, your teaching puzzles me. Never before had i have so many interrogations and doubts. Your kind of teaching, contrary to the one of Paul, hurt the feelings of all the christians of Orient. It is hard for me to believe that God is blood-thirsty and that all kind of injustice, theft and wickedness can be done in His name by Israel . I believe there is a deep manipulation in these teachings that serve only their nationalist pride but not the will of God.
All those in Jesus Christ are heirs to the promise. So those "jews" will have to accept Jesus to be the elect. For as we know, no man can keep the full of the law. Jesus is the fulfillment.
What about all the promises God made to ethnic Israel? God will refocus His attention Israel again in the tribulation. They will look to Jesus and all Israel will be saved.
Romans 11:25For I do not desire, brethren, that you should be ignorant of this mystery, lest you should be wise in your own [f]opinion, that blindness in part has happened to Israel until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in. 26And so all Israel will be [g]saved, as it is written:
“The Deliverer will come out of Zion,
And He will turn away ungodliness from Jacob;
27For this is My covenant with them,
When I take away their sins.”
Zechariah 12:10
And I will pour on the house of David and on the inhabitants of Jerusalem the Spirit of grace and supplication; then they will look on Me whom they pierced. Yes, they will mourn for Him as one mourns for his only son, and grieve for Him as one grieves for a firstborn.
There is no replacement theology. The fact is that only those who believed were ever saved. Those who don't believe regardless of ethnicity or land they dwell in or name they assume will not be saved. I am amazed how badly Darby and Scofield have misled and even destroyed the Evangelical Church in all its many denominations. So very sad. Who is a true Jew? Paul says one who is given by God a circumcised heart. Who is true Israel? The mass of people who are True Jews. Living in the land formerly called Palestine does not make you saved. Carrying the genes of Abraham or Issac does not make you Israel.
I'm a proponent of covenant theology. The church doesn't replace Israel, Israel was the church and the church is Israel. the church (assembly of called out ones) is simply gentiles by faith being added into the already established Jews who were Israel by faith. Paul in Galatians 3 could not be more clear.
Wrong, the Body of Christ is "New Creation "
2 Cor 5:17 Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old things have passed away; behold, the new has come into being.
Whats new cant be old or the same
Came here to make this comment 👍. Galatians 3 is the key text to understanding. Christ is the fulfilment of the promises, and the Gentiles are grafted in, so that all who have faith in Christ as Lord are adopted, both Jews and Gentiles.
The Church began on the Day of Pentecost. To reinterpret the entire OT by claiming that Israel was “the church” in the OT exposes the foundation of all the errors of “Covenant Theology”, which is in its flawed hermeneutical principles. Even the “covenants” of “Covenant Theology” are not the Biblical covenants.
Galatians 3 is talking how we're not under the Law. That doesn't make Israel into gentiles or gentiles into Israel. Did you listen to the chapters Pastor Mike spoke on. Those are pretty clear.
Israel has a future. 100 years ago where was Israel? God keeps his promises with Israel
Romans 11verse 25 shows a succinct indication of difference between Gentile and Israel in that Israel will be part of the end times plan. I hope you take the time to listen to the entirety of the video.
IF God gave up HIS promises and HIS everlasting covenant with the remnant of Israel --- HE would give up on us --- we are no better than they were
We ARE ALL flawed and a failure before God's wonderful absolute sovereignty and glory
Except his promises were only to the faithful. The seed of Abraham is a spiritual seed.
@@Mathetesofscripture Israel was very unfaithful and believers today are unfaithful ( we all have the adamic nature). If God gave up on the unfaithful HE WILL and HAS given up on believers today. We ARE SAVED and complete and receive HIS imputed righteousness
@@Over-for-now they reject the messiah so they don't get thay righteousness? Im not sure why you think these sinners are better than other sinners... are you racist?
@@Mathetesofscripture what caused you to come up with such a silly comment? We ALL ARE corrupt in sin and we ALL need to come to receive HIS imputed righteousness.
God chose Israel NOT because they were faithful -- He chose them because HE is God and He does as He pleases
You can have THAT assurance too
@@Over-for-nowunfaithful? Rabbinic jews today are unfaithful? Is this a joke?
Great Hermeneutical principles being applied here, by Mike, focussing, first on Authorial intent and immediate auduence relevance. Praise God for this biblical approach.
“But it is not as though the word of God has failed. For not all who are descended from Israel belong to Israel,”
Romans 9:6 ESV
I kinda feel like this is bible study 101. 🤷🏼♂️
Israel is not the nation or the natural descendants but those of faith
@@j919or Yes, and it was always like that. Noe, Adam, Jobe those where man of faith nor Judes in carnal.
Mister Christopher haha not even close.
@@j919or that is replacement theology.....so why all the fuss over this place Israel.....or the meaning of this verse...Acts 1.11 New International Version
"Men of Galilee," they said, "why do you stand here looking into the sky? This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen him go into heaven."
@@j919or you dont agree with this presentation.
All Isreal will be saved and they will Mourn for Jesus and call upon him the mercy God have on all of us!!!!
?? Restraint?? for what because I speak the truth and the truth offends you??
Paul WARNED not to become Judiazed.
This is the Truth, 99.9% of the modern Apostate Church have utterly rejected that Jesus Christ IS the singular seed of Abraham (Galatians 3:16) they have REPLACED Jesus for Jews as the seed of Abraham. Blasphemous.
A Stern warning?? are you threatening me??
Jesus warned before his return there would be a great falling from the truth.
No matter how much this offends you, I don't care, JESUS alone is the singular seed and believers through faith are THE nation of Israel, believers are the heirs according to the promise. Only believers with Jesus in the Millennial reign, NOT those who reject him, who are Antichrist. You can bow your knees to those who are Antichrist, my knees are bowed to Jesus Christ alone.
Dispensational Claim: God will go back and deal with Israel after the “times of the Gentiles” is completed.
The “times of the Gentiles” is referred to in Luke 21:24, and Romans 11:25, and eluded to indirectly in Acts 28:28. When does the time of the Gentiles come to fullness based on the words of Christ below? Almost all Bible scholars agree that the first part of Luke 21:24 is about the destruction of Jerusalem during 70 AD. The times of the Gentiles are fulfilled after that event.
Luk 21:24 And they shall fall by the edge of the sword, and shall be led away captive into all nations: and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled.
Luk 21:25 And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring;
Luk 21:26 Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.
Luk 21:27 And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.
Luk 21:28 And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.
Based on the words of Christ found above, the “times of the Gentiles” comes to fullness at the future Second Coming of Christ. This fact kills the Dispensational claim found above. Some claim the times of the Gentiles ended during 1948 when the modern State of Israel came into being. What does Paul say below about the times of the Gentiles?
Rom 11:25 For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery, lest ye should be wise in your own conceits; that blindness in part is happened to Israel, until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in.
Did the spiritual blindness of all the Israelites end during 1948?
Claim: Romans 11 proves National Israel will be saved in the future.
I have heard both John MacArthur, and John Hagee make the following statement…
“And then all Israel will be saved.” (Also found on page 349 of the book “Coming of Messiah in Glory and Majesty” by the Jesuit, Manuel Lacunza “Ben Ezra”.)
Both MacArthur, and Hagee, are selectively quoting from the verse below in an attempt to make Dispensational Theology work. Have they changed the meaning of the verse?
Rom 11:26 And so all Israel shall be saved: as it is written, There shall come out of Sion the Deliverer, and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob:
Rom 11:27 For this is my covenant unto them, when I shall take away their sins.
These men have changed the word “so”, which is an adverb of manner, into the word “then”, which is an adverb of timing.
What is the “manner” of salvation in the passage? It is in the preceding verses found below.
Rom 11:23 And they also, if they abide not still in unbelief, shall be graffed in: for God is able to graff them in again.
Rom 11:24 For if thou wert cut out of the olive tree which is wild by nature, and wert graffed contrary to nature into a good olive tree: how much more shall these, which be the natural branches, be graffed into their own olive tree?
In Romans chapter 11 the Apostle Paul uses the Olive Tree as a symbol of the New Covenant Church, made up of believing Israelites, and believing Gentiles, grafted together into the same tree. In the two verses above the unbelievers can be grafted back into the tree through faith in Christ. Paul provides no path to salvation outside of the New Covenant Church in the passage.
Is the “covenant” in verse 27 a future covenant with the modern State of Israel, or is it the New Covenant fulfilled for all races of people by the blood of Christ at Calvary? In order to answer this question we need to know who is “Israel”, as defined by Paul, earlier in the same letter to the Romans. What did Paul say below about “Israel” in Romans chapter 9?
Rom 9:6 Not as though the word of God hath taken none effect. For they are not all Israel, which are of Israel: (All Israelites are not a part of faithful Israel.)
Rom 9:7 Neither, because they are the seed of Abraham, are they all children: but, In Isaac shall thy seed be called.
Rom 9:8 That is, They which are the children of the flesh, these are not the children of God: but the children of the promise are counted for the seed.
(Being a physical Israelite does not make a person a part of Israel of the promise.)
Rom 9:27 Esaias also crieth concerning Israel, Though the number of the children of Israel be as the sand of the sea, a remnant shall be saved:
(Only a “remnant” of Israelites shall be saved.)
Based on the verses above from Romans 9 Paul was describing the “manner” of how Israelites would be saved in Romans 11:26, instead of the timing of their salvation.
The verse below is also often used by Dispensationalists in an attempt to make their doctrine work. Dispensationalists often insist an Israelite can be an enemy of God, and the elect at the same time.
Rom 11:28 As concerning the gospel, they are enemies for your sakes: but as touching the election, they are beloved for the fathers' sakes.
Throughout Romans chapter 11 the Apostle Paul refers to two different groups of Israelites, one faithful, and one not faithful. Paul begins the chapter this way is Romans 11:1-5, by describing the Israelites who were Baal worshippers, in contrast to the faithful “remnant”, during the time of Elijah. Paul said there was also a faithful “remnant” during his time. Therefore, based on Romans 11:1-5, there are two different groups of Israelites in Romans 11:28. The Israelites who rejected Christ were the “they” who are the enemies of God, while the group of “they” who accepted Christ are the “election”. Paul ends the passage in the same way that he began the passage, with two different groups of Israelites.
Claim: God has blinded Israel during the “Church Age”.
This claim also comes from Romans 11.
Rom 11:25 For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery, lest ye should be wise in your own conceits; that blindness in part is happened to Israel, until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in.
Have all of the Israelites been “partially” blinded, as Dispensationalists infer, or has part of Israel been blinded, and part of Israel has not been blinded? The answer is found in the “remnant” of Romans 11:5.
The only way to make Romans 11 match the Dispesationalists doctrine is by changing words in the passage, and by ignoring the earlier context of the passage, and by ignoring who is “Israel” in Romans 9.
@Esthersimpson620 since the outbreak of war and this nation called isreal is involved. Over the past few days I've been diving deep. I hear what your saying, that we have replaced any covenant with Christ. Furthermore, as seed, or descendents Jesus was David's seed through Mary, so we essential are isreal but the isreal in Christ. Furthermore, anyone not confessing Christ came in the flesh is the spirit of antichrist. So.…I went and read Romans 10 and 11. Read Romans 11:28 regarding the Gospel, they are our enemies but for the election they are loved on account of the patriarchs verse 31 they have disobeyed to receive the same mercy we have recieved. And antichrist? When? Now? What was isreal before christ? Anti. Basically isreal has always been antichrist, christ is the stone the builders rejected. So, if you read 11 and 12 the message is that isreal still stands. Read it and get back
Mike insists the word Israel in the Bible must always refer to a physical nation of people or genealogical group of people. But Paul switches use of the word (Rom 9:6). And so we must allow it.
You miss the point. He is distinguishing between elect and nonelect jews, not trying to turn gentiles into jews
@@gerard4870incorrect. You miss the point, Gerard.
I find it unbelievable that so many people will still argue against what the Bible clearly states, even when they have watched this explained so carefully and well!
The number of people who prefer to believe what their favourite preachers have taught them, rather than read and seek to truly understand what the scriptures plainly say, just staggers me.
I guess I shouldn’t be surprised, because this has been true from the beginning. Men are all to eager to listen to the words of the serpent who asked; “Did God say…?” Rather than just believe what God actually says!
People like this are as blind as the unbelieving Jews that they criticise, relying on the teachings of men over the teachings of God.
It’s enough to make one weep!
Weep? Like Paul was weeping for the lost Jews for lack of faith, and wishing he could take their curse? The Bible is clear, this mental gymnastics is heresy.
Great Topic and appreciate that you took the time to go through Chapter 11.
Now for the faith in many Churches and believers to grow to actually believe what the text says rather than Spiritualizing what so many could not believe was possible, even with God.
I think the issue is rather carnalizing everything. They want a carnal Israel and hence idolize 'the Jews'. They are however completely ignorant about the wicked nature of Judaism thinking that it is the 'old testament religion'... It is not.
@@metapolitikgedanken612Read chapter 11:27-32. It's clearly stating that they are ungodly rebels that are enemies of the gospel but despite that God loves them and His promises are just as true for them as they are for you. Were you always walking circumspectly before the Lord? I would turn from your hatred for Jews and repent of that. And yes I am fully aware of the evil that is within modern day Judaism and there are far greater evil than that which doesn't really matter as evil is evil. There is the promise that God has made to them in particular though. Read verses 28 and 29.
@@metapolitikgedanken612no where does he say that we idolize the false religion of Judaism which God has nothing to do with. What he is saying is the promise to the people still stands and will materialize when the fullness of the gentiles comes to pass.
I think that we must take into consideration that there is a difference when God's speaks of Israel and Jacob. Jacob before God made a covenant with him and then after coming into covenant God calls Jacob Israel. This also applies with Abraham's name change and Saul becoming Paul. It's a spiritual change. Jacob is used for the nation of Israel and Israel for Jesus the new Israel, the new man.
@@anitan5983 Not sure. I did not say he dies. What I said is that there are people under the label of 'Bible Believing Christian' that DO idolize JEWS/ISRAEL and to be concise they do this with what runs presently under those labels. It's a failure of logic, when they then point to the bible using those terms. In fact they get indignant when you approach the issue with reason and logic. Call you 'too intellectualist'. as if irrationality and ignorance are virtues. There is wolves in sheep's clothing that have a huge problem with Christians being rational, logical, knowledgeable (and not gullible)... And they even have verses lined up to push that agenda.
Thank you Pastor Mike! I had some questions about this subject and was blown away by an apologetics teaching that did not agree that God has a redemptive future and plan for Israel....so I figured I needed to study for myself. Thanks again!
Why is that important?
Who is really teaching “Replacement Theology” ?
(Did God fulfill His promises to the Jewish people at Calvary? Matthew 26:28, John 19:30)
The advocates of modern Dispensational Theology often accuse others of promoting “Replacement Theology”, or some may even say “Antisemitism”. What does the Bible say about their accusations?
1. Who is replacing Christ as the seed of Abraham through which all the families of the Earth would be blessed in Genesis 12:3, with Abraham’s modern descendants? (See Galatians 3:8)
2. Who is replacing the one people of God in John 10:16, with two peoples of God ?
3. Who is replacing the one seed (Christ) in Galatians 3:16, with the many seeds?
4. Who is replacing the children of the promise in Romans 9:8, with the children of the flesh?
5. Who is replacing the faithful “remnant” of Israelites in Romans 11:1-5, with the Baal worshipers?
6. Who is replacing the word "so" in Romans 11:26, with the word "then"?
7. Who is attempting to replace the Church made up of all races of people, with one made up only of Gentiles? Why did Peter address the crowd as “all the house of Israel” in Acts 2:36, when about 3,000 Israelites accepted Christ on the Day of Pentecost?
8. Based on Hebrews 9:15, the New Covenant cannot be separated from the Messiah’s death. Is the covenant in Daniel 9:27 connected to the Messiah’s death in Daniel 9:26. Is the covenant with the “many” in Daniel 9:27 the same covenant with the “many” in Matthew 26:28? If it is, some have replaced the New Covenant in Daniel 9:27 with a future covenant made by an antichrist not found in Daniel chapter 9. (See the 1599 Geneva Bible used by the Pilgrims.)
9. Those promoting the Two Peoples of God doctrine of Dispensational Theology often accuse others of teaching “Replacement Theology”, but are they the masters of it? Are they promoting a form of Dual Covenant Theology based on race? (See “genealogies” in Titus 3:9) Is the most important genealogy in the Bible found in Matthew 1:1? Is God's Son the ultimate fulfillment of Israel? Why has the modern Church done a pitiful job of sharing the Gospel with modern Orthodox Jews? Why would someone tell them they are God's chosen people and then fail to share the Gospel with them? Who is the seed of the woman promised in Genesis 3:15? Who is the "son" in Psalm 2? Who is the "suffering servant" of Isaiah 53? Who would fulfill the New Covenant promised in Jeremiah 31:31-34? Who would fulfill the timeline of Daniel chapter 9 before the second temple was destroyed? Why have we not heard this simple Old Testament Gospel preached on Christian television in the United States on a regular basis?
10. Watch the TH-cam video “Genesis of Dispensational Theology” to see the origin of this man-made doctrine, which is less than 200 years old. It was brought to the United States about the time of the Civil War by John Nelson Darby. The doctrine was later incorporated into the notes of the Scofield Reference Bible, and then spread through much of the modern Church.
Dallas Theological Seminary in Dallas Texas was created in part to promote John Darby’s Two Peoples of God doctrine of Dispensational Theology.
Lewis Sperry Chafer, the first president of Dallas Theological, had the following to say about the difference between Israel and the Church:
“The dispensationalist believes that throughout the ages God is pursuing two distinct purposes: one related to the earth with earthly people and earthly objectives involved which is Judaism; while the other is related to heaven with heavenly people and heavenly objectives involved, which is Christianity.”
Lewis Sperry Chafer, Dispensationalism (Dallas, Seminary Press, 1936), p. 107.
Chafer states that, ‘Israel is an eternal nation, heir to an eternal land, with an eternal kingdom, on which David rules from an eternal throne,’ that is, on earth and distinct from the church who will be in heaven.”
Lewis Sperry Chafer. Systematic Theology. 1975. Vol. IV. pp. 315-323.
John Walvoord, another prominent voice of Dallas Theological stated…
"...it is an article of normative dispensational belief that the boundaries of the land promised to Abraham and his descendants from the Nile to the Euphrates will be literally instituted and that Jesus Christ will return to a literal and theocratic Jewish kingdom centred on a rebuilt temple in Jerusalem. In such a scheme the Church on earth is relegated to the status of a parenthesis.”
John F. Walvoord, The Rapture Question.1979, p. 25
Are there two peoples of God in John 10:16? (See also 1 John 2:22-23, 2 John 1:7-11.)
What is the land promise to the Old Testament Saints in Hebrews 11:15-16?
Based on 2 Peter 3:10-13, is this earth “eternal”? Will it be replaced by a new earth?
Based on Acts 2:36, and Romans 9:6-8, and Romans 11:1-5, and Hebrews 12:22-24, and James 1:1-3, can faithful Israel and the Church be separated into two different groups?
Who is the New Covenant promised to in Jeremiah 31:31-34, and Hebrews 8:6-13?
Will modern Orthodox Jews ever be saved outside of the New Covenant Church?
@@SpotterVideo couldn't have said it better myself. These guys appear to have a "biblical'' approach to the text but miss the forest for the leave. He is reading romans 11 with out the full context of the entire book of romans and the entirety of the remain epistles that Paul wrote. Dispensationalism is what this guy believes and teaches and is not biblical.
@@SpotterVideo In your non Dispensational view when does Zechariah 12 And 14:16 take place? We say future what Sayeth you ???
@@michaelpoapst9465 The Apostle John revealed part of Zechariah 12:10 being fulfilled at Calvary in the passage below.
Joh 19:34 But one of the soldiers with a spear pierced his side, and forthwith came there out blood and water.
Joh 19:35 And he that saw it bare record, and his record is true: and he knoweth that he saith true, that ye might believe.
Joh 19:36 For these things were done, that the scripture should be fulfilled, A bone of him shall not be broken.
Joh 19:37 And again another scripture saith, They shall look on him whom they pierced.
The Spirit was poured out in Jerusalem and about 3,000 from "all the house of Israel" (Acts 2:36) mourned for the one they had seen pierced a few weeks earlier on the Day of Pentecost.
To understand the change in lighting, and the living waters in Zechariah chapter 14, see Revelation chapters 21, and 22. This will occur after the Second Coming of Christ. What is the feast New Covenant believers celebrate on a regular basis? Is He the "tabernacle" found in the New Covenant?
This is so weird. Everyone that I know, including myself, who believe in covenant theology, believe exactly what is being taught here. It actually sounds like he is teaching covenant theology. God's promises to Israel will be fulfilled in the gospel. The church, by the way, is not something outside or different than Israel. Nor is the church meant to designate gentile believers only in the NT. The church is made up of the descendants of Abraham in the covenant of faith, made up of Jews and Gentiles. If you want to make a case against people who believe the church has replaced Israel, then please deal with the passages that people who believe that actually use as proof texts (Gal 2:28-29, Gal 4:21-31, Hebrews 12:18-24). Teaching on a future grafting in of Israel through the gospel is not the issue. This is clearly taught in Romans 11, and the wide majority of people, even those who hold to covenant theology, believe that.
You are literally saying Israel will have another salvation other than Jesus. 14:00 God will remove the sin from Israel and bring salvation to them? Really? The modern Jew hates Jesus, read their Talmud.
This is the result of not believing the church has replaced Israel, you get this sort of heresy where somehow God gives Jews salvation outside of his son, the Lord Jesus Christ.
To add, you look at the Masoretic Text from the 11th century which they use (and many English Bibles do), and you see seeming attempts to remove prophecy or link to Jesus, and knocking off names to make them look oppressed, like when it says they were in Egypt for 430 or so years, the word Canaan is gone.
@@EmeraldPixelGamingEPG And to add onto what you said, they call Jesus a worker of seducing, they say he's burning in hell. I've seen a people hate our Lord as much as them. Not even Paul or Jesus could convince them.
No, he is literally not saying that and I’m not sure how you interpreted that way. But you seem to be implying that bc many modern Jews have rejected Christ, that there can be no future where God removes the “partial blindness” spoken of in Rom 11, and he fulfills His promises to restore them into right relationship with Him (all the unfulfilled prophecy Mike detailed). What should be obvious is that Israel’s restoration will necessitate mass acceptance of the Messiah. After all, if God won’t be faithful to the promises He made to His chosen people, why should those of us who have been grafted in expect faithfulness? Ironically, I have heard rabbinic Jews stating that the Messiah didn’t come because they weren’t good enough, as if God’s promises are conditioned upon our behavior. It sounds like you agree..? I hope that gives some clarity on what Mike was teaching. Be blessed!
@@FortniteBlaster2 Still real jews are messianic jews in Israel, less than 1 percent, what you are talking about are rabbinic jews who deny Jesus, we are talking about jews the real definition of a jew, the ones who see the tanakh not the the "Oral Law" not the talmud or midrash the ones who follow their Jewish Messiah - Yeshua ha Mashiach, Christ means the anointed one, the word comes from messiah is from Hebrew. Jesus Christ. Who defend the truth about Jesus. Israel is mostly secular and so many are still needing a savior like you and I. May grace and peace be with you!
I believe in the End Times, the remnant of Israel will turn to Jesus as Messiah and that’s when God brings them salvation, but they still have to accept Jesus, I don’t think it’s an alternate form of salvation
Thank you so much for these studies. Bringing clarity and humility.
I love this SO much!!!! Unapologetic, clear, scriptural. ❤
“Fulfillment Theology” is better than “Replacement Theology.” Furthermore, nearly everything said didn’t deal with the actual Israel/Church nuances. It could’ve been taken either as a Dispensationalist or a Historic Premillennialist. You needed to deal with Romans 2, Galatians 3, 6, 1 Peter, Ephesians, etc. where the true Israel of God is clearly taught. Even A-mill’s say that an actual national Israel revival is going to take place in the future. It seems like a straw man, but probably not intentionally.
This is simple: Jesus is the messiah. Acknowledge that he is your only hope of salvation and he is Lord of all. Trust in him and his death as payment for your sins. If not, you will perish, Jew or gentle, it does not matter. Christ is your only way. The rest is unprofitable as it is open to numerous interpretations. The gospel of the cross is what saves, period. You don't get a special pass based on your lineage. No one who denies Jesus is Lord will be saved, your ethnicity is meaningless on the day of judgement.
"You don't get a special pass based on your lineage."
Where was that stated in this message?
@@jeannet7443 That's what dispensationalism is....the idea that God will fulfill old covenant promises to ethnic Israel. Winger is a dispensationalist.
You chose to ignore the condition stated in Romans 11:23 (ESV)
"[23] And even they, *if they do not continue in their unbelief*, will be grafted in, for God has the power to graft them in again." Not saying that many may not one day believe and thus be grafted back in. But Romans 11 is far, far from a prophecy about all ethnic Israel.
The Isaiah you cite is likely about the New Jerusalem and the 2nd coming.
The Jeremiah is a statement of His faithfulness to exiled Israel -- that He will restore them in their land, as v38 and following makes clear, which He obviously did.
The Ezekiel (37) passage is clearly Messianic, as He was to be a descendent of David's house.
The Luke (21) passage uses the word "until" whose meaning is sometimes the modern one of "up to the point of" but is often of the form "at least as long as, but possibly well beyond". (I can't find other examples on the fly, but I'm sure you're familiar with them. However, this is the way Didymous explained it:
Acts 3:21 Whom Heaven Must Receive
THE MEANING OF “UNTIL.” DIDYMUS THE BLIND: Someone familiar with the way Scripture speaks knows that the words until and then are not to be taken in the strict sense meaning a specific time, as though when that time passes something else quite different must take place. Thus, what was said by God to some, “I am your God and until you grow old, I am he,” does not imply that, when these addressees grow old, he will no longer be God. He is immortal and eternal. There are thousands of such instances that are contained in the divine teaching, and who can number them? Thus in the present text when it says that “heaven must receive the Lord until the time of restoration,” this should be understood to mean that Christ, now received into heaven, will remain there until the consummation of the world. Then he will come in power when everything else is restored as the prophets foretold. Or it can be understood to mean that, when the end is near and sensible things will cease, then Christ will be higher than the heavens, not established in heaven but above heaven with that glory that he had with the Father before the world was. Raised up above every visible creature, he will constitute an end to what is in heaven. CATENA ON THE ACTS OF THE APOSTLES 3.21.
Your comments re: Acts 1 are disappointing in that they show a complete lack of acceptance of the gospel of the Kingdom of God.
And the Acts 3 verse is nothing but the gospel: it's call to repentence, and prophecy that Jesus will come back to fulfill all righteouness. It says nothing (to the objective reader) about ethnic Israel's unconditional restoration.
Yes. I read that and it stood out to me. If they continue not in their unbelief they will be saved and grafted back in.
The time of the gentiles being fulfilled is when Jesus comes back in His glory. This is what I get when I read the bible for myself and stop listening to man. They have got everything all fouled up.
Who is really teaching “Replacement Theology” ?
(Did God fulfill His promises to the Jewish people at Calvary? Matthew 26:28, John 19:30)
The advocates of modern Dispensational Theology often accuse others of promoting “Replacement Theology”, or some may even say “Antisemitism”. What does the Bible say about their accusations?
1. Who is replacing Christ as the seed of Abraham through which all the families of the Earth would be blessed in Genesis 12:3, with Abraham’s modern descendants? (See Galatians 3:8)
2. Who is replacing the one people of God in John 10:16, with two peoples of God ?
3. Who is replacing the one seed (Christ) in Galatians 3:16, with the many seeds?
4. Who is replacing the children of the promise in Romans 9:8, with the children of the flesh?
5. Who is replacing the faithful “remnant” of Israelites in Romans 11:1-5, with the Baal worshipers?
6. Who is replacing the word "so" in Romans 11:26, with the word "then"?
7. Who is attempting to replace the Church made up of all races of people, with one made up only of Gentiles? Why did Peter address the crowd as “all the house of Israel” in Acts 2:36, when about 3,000 Israelites accepted Christ on the Day of Pentecost?
8. Based on Hebrews 9:15, the New Covenant cannot be separated from the Messiah’s death. Is the covenant in Daniel 9:27 connected to the Messiah’s death in Daniel 9:26. Is the covenant with the “many” in Daniel 9:27 the same covenant with the “many” in Matthew 26:28? If it is, some have replaced the New Covenant in Daniel 9:27 with a future covenant made by an antichrist not found in Daniel chapter 9. (See the 1599 Geneva Bible used by the Pilgrims.)
9. Those promoting the Two Peoples of God doctrine of Dispensational Theology often accuse others of teaching “Replacement Theology”, but are they the masters of it? Are they promoting a form of Dual Covenant Theology based on race? (See “genealogies” in Titus 3:9) Is the most important genealogy in the Bible found in Matthew 1:1? Is God's Son the ultimate fulfillment of Israel? Why has the modern Church done a pitiful job of sharing the Gospel with modern Orthodox Jews? Why would someone tell them they are God's chosen people and then fail to share the Gospel with them? Who is the seed of the woman promised in Genesis 3:15? Who is the "son" in Psalm 2? Who is the "suffering servant" of Isaiah 53? Who would fulfill the New Covenant promised in Jeremiah 31:31-34? Who would fulfill the timeline of Daniel chapter 9 before the second temple was destroyed? Why have we not heard this simple Old Testament Gospel preached on Christian television in the United States on a regular basis?
10. Watch the TH-cam video “Genesis of Dispensational Theology” to see the origin of this man-made doctrine, which is less than 200 years old. It was brought to the United States about the time of the Civil War by John Nelson Darby. The doctrine was later incorporated into the notes of the Scofield Reference Bible, and then spread through much of the modern Church.
Dallas Theological Seminary in Dallas Texas was created in part to promote John Darby’s Two Peoples of God doctrine of Dispensational Theology.
Lewis Sperry Chafer, the first president of Dallas Theological, had the following to say about the difference between Israel and the Church:
“The dispensationalist believes that throughout the ages God is pursuing two distinct purposes: one related to the earth with earthly people and earthly objectives involved which is Judaism; while the other is related to heaven with heavenly people and heavenly objectives involved, which is Christianity.”
Lewis Sperry Chafer, Dispensationalism (Dallas, Seminary Press, 1936), p. 107.
Chafer states that, ‘Israel is an eternal nation, heir to an eternal land, with an eternal kingdom, on which David rules from an eternal throne,’ that is, on earth and distinct from the church who will be in heaven.”
Lewis Sperry Chafer. Systematic Theology. 1975. Vol. IV. pp. 315-323.
John Walvoord, another prominent voice of Dallas Theological stated…
"...it is an article of normative dispensational belief that the boundaries of the land promised to Abraham and his descendants from the Nile to the Euphrates will be literally instituted and that Jesus Christ will return to a literal and theocratic Jewish kingdom centred on a rebuilt temple in Jerusalem. In such a scheme the Church on earth is relegated to the status of a parenthesis.”
John F. Walvoord, The Rapture Question.1979, p. 25
Are there two peoples of God in John 10:16? (See also 1 John 2:22-23, 2 John 1:7-11.)
What is the land promise to the Old Testament Saints in Hebrews 11:15-16?
Based on 2 Peter 3:10-13, is this earth “eternal”? Will it be replaced by a new earth?
Based on Acts 2:36, and Romans 9:6-8, and Romans 11:1-5, and Hebrews 12:22-24, and James 1:1-3, can faithful Israel and the Church be separated into two different groups?
Who is the New Covenant promised to in Jeremiah 31:31-34, and Hebrews 8:6-13?
Will modern Orthodox Jews ever be saved outside of the New Covenant Church?
Bro then why the rise of Messianic jews???
@@wryannevanornum Why has the modern Church failed to share the truth of the New Covenant (Jer. 31;31-34) with Orthodox Jews? Dispensational Theology is a big part of the problem, because it claims Jews have been "blinded" during this time. The Bible says they have been blinded "in part".
Why would someone tell them they are God's chosen people and then fail to share the Gospel with them? Who is the seed of the woman promised in Genesis 3:15? Who is the "son" in Psalm 2? Who is the "suffering servant" of Isaiah 53? Who would fulfill the New Covenant promised in Jeremiah 31:31-34? Who would fulfill the timeline of Daniel chapter 9 before the second temple was destroyed? Why have we not heard this simple Old Testament Gospel preached on Christian television in the United States on a regular basis?
Once again a beautiful woven tapestry from God's word - many writers, many centuries - one Might Merciful God.
Your videos have been a tremendous blessing to me, thank you so much for your work! A question on this one (not sure if you answer questions in comments or not but thought I'd give it a shot): is it possible that the promises/prophecies for Israel you mentioned in this video could be fulfilled after the establishment of the New Earth?
I'm going to have to disagree with you on this one Mike. It's abundantly clear that God removed the distinction between Jew and gentile and made both into one. See Gal 3; Eph 2; Roman 1; Jn 10:16. All are consistent with Romans 11 and a proper hermeneutical approach would be to interpret the part by the whole. All above passages are clear that Gentiles are grafted in and part of the same tree as the Jews.
I don’t get how that’s even debatable. I always thought the blessings and promises of Israel were true back then, but are also meant to foreshadow God’s blessing of the church and the individuals who are saved. I read the OT through the lens of Jesus and interpret everything through his narrow way of life. This seems odd. But I also don’t have a response to everything he says
I agree the distinction between Jews and Gentiles has been removed but, mikes rights that a Jewish revival in the church is coming.
There is one eternal kingdom of God, the church. Israel believers in Jersulem will have a central position at end, just like it was in the early church in the beginning.
All nations will worship God and be a part of the kingdom, israelites are encluded in this and from Jersulem God will regin on earth with all nations being apart of his Church and Kingdom.
@@JesusDoctrine God is no respecter of person’s so lets hope that there will be revivals among all humankind.
@@Will-nb8qk I hope we have revival’s for all people but, I promise was made for Israel.
25Lest you be wise in your own sight, I do not want you to be unaware of this mystery, brothers:d a partial hardening has come upon Israel, until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in. 26And in this way all Israel will be saved, as it is written,
“The Deliverer will come from Zion,
he will banish ungodliness from Jacob”;
27“and this will be my covenant with them
when I take away their sins.”
@@bradvincent2586 it’s remarkable how ignorant people are. Jews and Gentiles who believe in Christ are one. Those of us who are born again. Out of the two he made one, the Church. The context of Ephesians says so. In chapter 3 He speaks of the mystery of the church not revealed in previous times. That's the whole context. The church, the mystery revealed to Paul.
There is a condition. Those of us who believe, Jews and Gentiles, are grafted into the body of Christ (church) and there is no longer any difference because we are brothers in Christ.
John 1:12 says that we who believe and receive Jesus as savior are children of God. That’s the condition.
Galatians 3:25-28 we are children of God through faith in Christ. Those of us who are baptized into Christ. There is no longer a difference between Jew, Greek or Gentile.
Colossians 3:9-11 says let us put on the new man (new nature of the church) where there is no longer Jew or Greek but Christ is everything.
It is important to read the context.
Unfortunately people do not read the context and get confused. They preach a verse out of context and without a biblical panorama.
But the unbelieving nation of Israel is still different and God will bring them back in the tribulation
If the church and israel are the same or the church is the new Israel then you have to say that The church is spiritually blinded in Rom 11:25 and that God will remove our sins after the time of the Gentiles are over.
You would also have to say that The Great Tribulation is a punishment for the Church. Jer 30:1-12 talks about JACOB’S Trouble aka The great tribulation. Why would God punish us for no reason? It clearly says it’s a punishment for the Jews for rejecting Jesus and to destroy the wicked nations. That’s the whole purpose of it. Since The church is the new israel you would also say that The new covenant in Jer 31:33-34 and heb 8 for the church is not to preach about Jesus because the whole world will know him.
This contradicts what Jesus and Paul told us because the church’s mission is to tell the whole world about Jesus. ( this is a reference to the new covenant with Israel during the millennium. There will be no need to preach about Jesus because he will reign on earth for 1000 years and everyone will know him)
You see, you have to be able to read the context and understand what it’s actually saying. Not just rip verses out of context.
You cannot apply the promises to Israel to the church because the church didn’t exist in the OT. God will do an EVERLASTING covenant with Israel. Ezekiel 37:20-28. Replacement theologians are basically calling God a liar.
So what ephesians 2 is saying is that the church is made out of Jews and Gentiles. It never says that we are the same or the fulfillment of Israel.
It is occurring now pastor Mike like never before in history. Look up - > One For Israel. This is the beginning removal of blindness even with all the chaos that happening around the world the timing imo is incredible. When they discover the Messiah Jesus it's mind blowing to them.
One For Israel Ministry.
Some estimates of the Jewish Christian representation us about 30,000 believers. In 1948 there were a few dozen believers.
I have heard of the 6 million who perished in The Holocaust the number of Jewish Christians who perished were a few hundreds thousand believers.
What will happen in The Tribulation is a mass conversion of Israeli Jews and Jews in general.
Just wondering in Revelation there speaks about a big earthquake in Jerusalem where a remanant were affrightened and gave glory to God. Is this earthquake going to happen after the 1000 years are over, and Revelation chapter 13 after the 1000yearmillenium?
In the context, Paul constantly referred to both spiritual Israel and natural Israel.
40:21 this statement: “the blessings are somehow spiritualize…?” Is so far removed from the consistent themes of physical types, being spiritual realities when we see it, all throughout the OT, fulfilled in the New.
The Passover Lamb, for example, a physical reality, and Jesus fulfilled that role, physically yes, but mainly for the “spiritual reality,” of being saved.
God is a spirit. He desires spiritual, heartfelt worship. The fruit of His Spirit are not physical things. Love, peace, patient, joy, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, self-control… these are all spiritual qualities.
So whenever people argue that “God has a separate plan of salvation for Israel,” for people based on their DNA, we should reject that, and evangelize the Jews.
“All Israel…” considering that we were grafted in, are those who believe. It’s not based on identity politics. All Israel is the church.
With that said… how did the Jews get back their land in the Middle East? Was it the work of men, or was it God? Don’t confuse the two:
God has fulfilled all of the promises to Abraham. The Israel of today was created by the beast to hide itself. It came up with the various end time theories, futurism and preterism, in order to have you distracted and deceived.
Who came up with those theories? Who persecuted the saints for 1260 years? Who sits between the cheribum?
Hi Mr. Winger, another excellent video, thank you. If I may add the importance of bringing in Zechariah 13:8-9, which is a quick over view of 14:1-11. I think this brings to light the reason we all as believers in Christ need to pray for the Jews to become believers, for only 1/3 will live to repopulate the earth, may they be few in numbers (this will reduce the number of the 2/3's that are to die), and multiply like rabbits during the millennium. May His Joy be with you!
this guy is teaching dispensationalism and is strange theology
Sorry the interpretation is off - if you looking for what you want to look for in the scripture you will interpret scripture based on what you want! Romans 9 s 6 - 8 6But it is not that the word of God has taken no effect. For they are not all Israel who are of Israel, 7nor are they all children because they are the seed of Abraham; but, “In Isaac your seed shall be called.” 8That is, those who are the children of the flesh, these are not the children of God; but the children of the promise are counted as the seed.
You completely miss what's written in Galatians and Hebrews which more clearly states the Church is the real Israel. If what's stated in this video is true, national Israel alienates all others. Is this Christ's message of neither Gentile nor Jew?! This videos interpretation is on par with Catholics stating that Math. 16 states Peter was the Pope.
Gentiles have always had the option of placing faith in YHWH just as the Jewish people have, and we see in the NT the house of God is made up of both. But there were specific promises God made to Israel (including promises about the land) that not all believers are included in, like the promise of future national salvation in the land (Zechariah 12) that we Gentiles yearn and pray for. They only can be saved by faith in Jesus, and one day the remaining nation of Israel will see Him as King.
@@LianaEliza ah yes, "classic" dispensationalism- a theory that wasn't even Christian teaching for almost 2000 years of Christianity, and that only some foolish American Evangelicals adopted
@@LianaEliza wrong, Jesus told unbelieving Jews in john 8 that they were children of the devil and God was NOT thier father, 1st john states that the antichrist are those who reject Christ and " NO ONE who denies the son has the father"....so you are saying God is obligated to bless someone even though they reject God and his word?? I can reject God and his word yet still hold God to his promises to bless me?? thats insane. when you reject God and his word by not having faith you have lost any promise God made to you in the past. EXAMPLE: lets say I believe in Christ and have faith in him and his word....THEN I choose to live in adulatry and drunkeness and I stop believing Jesus is the messiah and I reject the new testiment as Gods word.....can I then quote scripture that says " I will never leave you nor forsake you"?? and claim Im going to heaven?? NO I cant as Ive rejected God AND his promises through unbelief and rebellion.
The bible never says that the church is the true Israel, there is no other Israel apart from ethnic Israel. Spiritual Israel, is ethnic Israel, when Israel is saved. That's what he is saying
@jonathancurle ok Judaizer! Us REAL Christians who actually read the New Testament know better. Church IS Isreal! Talmudic Zionists are NOT "chosen" anymore. Cope and seethe!
Isn’t Paul talking about how all of “true Israel” will be saved (as he says when he began this line of thought in Chapter 9). He already emphasizes those without faith are not “True Israel” and if they continue in unbelief will not be saved. Therefore, it would make sense that the statement “all of Israel will be saved” is referring to the faithful (both Jew and Greek). All grafted into the same tree: Israel, who is Christ, the seed (not seeds) of Abraham.
I remember having a discussion with a Jehovah's Witness about this and he insisted that God has already turned his back on Israel, adopting a spiritual Israel instead. They should watch this! Thank you brother! :)
MarieMacify. Have you watch Dr Andy woods videos?
evidently....they are not the only ones with this idea....even the Muslims feel this way....in the book Jerusalem, in the Quran.....
You confusing Judah with Israel. Israel is the ten northern tribes that were scattered to the winds (modern Christian church) . Judah was/is the southern two tribes. This is basic biblical understanding. You've become confused because in 1947 the UN named a "region" Israel. The name of this region has nothing to do with the people of Israel, nor is the promise land a physical place, nor is the kingdom to be restored physical, nor is the new temple physical (its the human heart, read your scripture).
Roon Bare been reading scripture and not seeing where ‘basic biblical understanding’ changed from literal prophetic interpretation and exclusively literal fulfillments - TO - allegories and subjective allegorical suppositional interpretation. Great deal of literal scriptural promises by God to Abram and his seed concerning the land going back to Genesis 13 and 17... but ... no luck finding that modern day church is Israel ‘thing’- certainly nothing literal!
@@ebae7355 oh , I see you are refuting that the modern Christian church is the scattered children of Israel (ten tribes scattered by Syrains) vs the tribes of Judah (currently occupying the REGION named Israel ) . Well your logic is flawed , it is simple really. Just because the bible made promises to a man named Abram , does not mean simply because your name is also Abram you will receive those promises. I am well aware there are some strange doctrines out there that seem to profess some sort of "other special promise for salvation" to the descendants of Judah, but I just read scripture without adding anything. Jesus Christ was that promise. You are probably not a Predetorist either . lol. But the 144000 were the remnant that survived the 70ad massacre and began the Christian church. No place in scripture has multiple covenants with God. Each covenant ends when the new is established. Adam, Noah, Abram, Moses, Jesus Christ . In each the old is fulfilled and the new is established. Much like a last will and testament.
There is only one olive tree, and only one body (Rom. 11, Eph. 4). Israel and the church are not two distinct peoples; rather the church which consists of ethnic Jews and people of every nation are the true Israel of God (Gal 6:16). A chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession (1 Peter 2:9). This error of separation,despite the fact that not all ethnic Israel is truly part of the true Israel (Romans 9:6), has led to the persecution obrothers and sisters in Christ who are Palestinians born in Israel at the hands of Christ rejecting nationalist Jews.
Apparently you never seen two different trees grafted together. You get two distinct trees becoming one only because they are supported by one root. Graft a rose bush and a gardenia and the rose branches produces roses and the gardenia branches produce gardenias. The roses don't become gardenias and vice versa.
Mike, I love a lot of the work you do and you are probably one of the most influential figures in my journey to Christ, but I completely disagree with you here. The Church has replaced Israel
"For no one is a Jew who is merely one outwardly, nor is circumcision outward and physical. But a Jew is one inwardly, and circumcision is a matter of the heart, by the Spirit, not by the letter. His praise is not from man but from God." Romans 2:28-29
"They are Israelites, and to them belong the adoption, the glory, the covenants, the giving of the law, the worship, and the promises. To them belong the patriarchs, and from their race, according to the flesh, is the Christ, who is God over all, blessed forever. Amen.
But it is not as though the word of God has failed. For not all who are descended from Israel belong to Israel, and not all are children of Abraham because they are his offspring, but “Through Isaac shall your offspring be named.” This means that it is not the children of the flesh who are the children of God, but the children of the promise are counted as offspring." Romans 9:4-8
Paul is clear that the promises extend to all who believe, not all who are descends from Israel. The promises made in the Old Testament have either been fulfilled or will be fulfilled, but not just to the Jews. I say this as a Jewish myself. This position does not come from malice for the Jews, but from an affinity for the Scripture.
Gets it ^
Genesis 17:4
As for me, this is my covenant with you: You will be the father of many nations. We know for a historical fact that the Israelites, especially from the tribe of Dan fused into Europe with many other tribes, and even into Asia. The Dorian Greeks came from the Israel port city of Dor. The the Spartans even came from the Israelites
"We have met with a certain writing, whereby we have discovered, that both the Judeans and the Lacedemonians are of one stock; and are derived from the kindred of Abraham:"
Antiquities 12.4.10
Every single 1st century Christian church was established by a messianic Jew. Christianity is a Jewish sect that views Jesus as the messiah. People at that time converted to a very specific Jewish sect that we today call Christianity.
They get replacement theology from Galatians 4-5. Which really makes it look like a replacement. I came here looking for NON replacement theology info. Thank you very much, I appreciate the info.
One of the best teachings I've seen regarding Romans ch 9-11
this guy is teach dispensationalism and it is strange theology
@@CO-nz9bv strange to the spiritually blind only
I agree 👍🏼
@@thetopcat8946 dispensationalism is a jewish interpretation of scripture and should be condemned. Let me guess the catholic (small c not Rome) church has had it wrong until John nelson darby came up on his own of the rapture theory. Dispensationalism is disconnected from the apostolic tradition and has not historical roots until the 1800s. Make sure you are not the blind one!
Jerusalem will be in the hands of the Gentiles during the tribulation Rev.11:1,2;. You are a great teacher Pastor Mike. Thank you so much.
The tribulation happened in 70 AD.
@@theMolluskMan No it didn't.
@@bradwhitt6768 “No it didn't” is not an argument. This is an argument:
The Tribulation is described by Jesus in Matthew 24 and Luke 21. These are parallel passages, subject to direct comparison:
For example, Matthew 24:15 says “When you see the Abomination of Desolation spoken of by the prophet Daniel, then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains.”
Luke 21 says, “When you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, then know that its desolation has come near. Then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains…”
Jerusalem was besieged by the Roman army in AD 70, just before the city was destroyed by Titus Vespasian and his army. A momentary lull in the siege allowed the Christians to escape, remembering Jesus’s warning. They fled into the mountains away from the city. The unbelieving Jews remained inside the city walls, believing the siege was coming to an end. The Roman army redoubled its attack, and several million people trapped inside the walls of Jerusalem were slaughtered. Their blood ran so deep through the streets it extinguished fires burning across the city. Nothing like this had ever happened before, nor will ever happen again (per Matthew 24:21).
Matthew 24 and Luke 21 begin with Jesus prophesying the destruction of the temple: “You see all these [buildings], do you not? Truly, I say to you, there will not be left here one stone upon another that will not be thrown down,” (Matthew 24:2, Luke 21:6). The disciples asked Jesus, “Tell us, when will these things be, and what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age?” Matthew 24:3). The Greek word here is αἰῶνος (aionos), which means “age,” not “world.” And in both passages, the end of this age is marked by one central event- the destruction of the second temple in Jerusalem. The disciples ask Jesus when that will happen, and Jesus gives them a series of signs to watch for. These include “wars and rumors of war,” which signals the end of the “Pax Romana” (the greatest period of peace in antiquity). Jesus also predicted, “They will deliver you up to tribulation and put you to death, and you will be hated by all nations for my name's sake,” (Matthew 24:9). This is exactly what happened to the disciples and the early Church. All of the signs Jesus described came to pass in the 37 years between His crucifixion and AD 70. That is why He said, “Truly I say to you, this generation will not pass away until all these things take place,” (Matthew 24:34, Luke 21:32).
The Tribulation in Revelation is a direct echo of the portents described in Matthew 24 and Luke 21. Written just 5 years before the prophesied destruction of the temple in 70, Revelation is about the of end of the Jewish Age and the persecution of the early church. It is not about a future tribulation at the end of the world.
So when do you think the Tribulation happens? How do you know?
Can you explain Christ’s prophesy where he says those things will happen “before THIS generation passes away”???
@@williamcarr3976 Easily. Matthew 24 is not about the end of the world or the Second Coming. It is about the end of the Old Covenant age, a turning point in history which was marked by the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem. Jerusalem was sacked and the temple destroyed in the year AD 70, approximately 37 years after Christ made His prophesy. He said, "Truly, I say to you, this generation will not pass away until all these things take place" (verse 34). In that culture, a full generation was roughly regarded as about 40 years. Just as Jesus declared, all His prophecies in Matthew 24 were fulfilled within 40 years of the Olivet Discourse, within that generation (although most of the disciples had been martyred by then). The spot that most people get hung up on is verses 30 and 44 which talk about the sudden coming of the Son of Man. "And they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory." Most people assume this refers to the Second Coming, but it does not. In the ancient Hebrew language, references to God "coming on the clouds" was an expression of divine judgement and heavenly destruction. In this case, it was a reference to Christ coming in spirit to execute judgment upon faithless Jerusalem who would later kill her rightful King and cry out to Pilate, "We have no king but Caesar!" (John 19:15) You see this cloud language again in Revelation 1:7- "Behold, he is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see him, even those who pierced him; and all tribes of the earth will wail on account of him." This verse is a beat-for-beat echo of God's judgement against Egypt in Isaiah: "See, the Lord rides on a swift cloud and is coming to Egypt. The idols of Egypt tremble before him, and the hearts of the Egyptians melt with fear" (Isaiah 19:1). So in conclusion, all the prophesies in Matthew 24 are about the end of the Jewish Age and the dawn of the Church Age. And all the prophecies in Matthew 24 were fulfilled, as Christ promised, "before this (the disciples') generation passes away."
Talking of the fullness of the Gentiles, one very important note is that in the Greek, plērōma is never used as a quantitative number but a qualitative description. Fullness of the Godhead for example. When ever would there have been a quantitative number of any sort be come in because Gentiles are always being born and always being saved. But rather Romans 11 is speaking of the complete full equality of Jew and Gentile combined in one body. So much more to speak on this it could be a book.
@@ItsJesseJr what version says it was removed from Israel? Most versions I see say it went ALSO to the gentiles. Not that it was removed from Israel.
@@ItsJesseJr I see that but just because it is sent to the gentiles doesn't mean it was removed from Israel.
@@ItsJesseJr I still just don't get where you are getting that it was removed from Israel. Just because a gentile can have salvation does not mean that an israelite or a jew can't.
but glory, honour, and peace, to every man that worketh good, to the Jew first, and also to the Gentile: for there is no respect of persons with God.
Romans 2:10-11 KJV
@@joshdb142 Roman’s 2:10-11 simply means from how I read it is that it was offered to the jews “first” and then to the Gentiles but God does not show favoritism. It’s not to say that Jews can’t be saved through Grace and faith it just means that the seed of Abraham is as a consequence of Christ’s sacrifice and blood covering. ( New Covenant) Galations 3:29 If you belong to Christ,(A) then you are Abraham’s seed,(B) and heirs(C) according to the promise.(D) God does not promote haughtiness and any suggestion to this cuts across all that God is. God promotes humility.
@@ItsJesseJr I agree. Mike is literally saying Israel will have another salvation other than Jesus. 14:00 God will remove the sin from Israel and bring salvation to them? Really? The modern Jew hates Jesus, read their Talmud.
This is the result of not believing the church has replaced Israel, you get this sort of heresy where somehow God gives Jews salvation outside of his son, the Lord Jesus Christ.
I like your humble spirit, no attack on anyone, just teaching the Bible. I wish I had your humbleness brother.
except what he is teaching is not what the Bible teaches and is absent from 1800 years of church history
God is in the process of fulfilling His promises to Israel! :-)
Jesus made an interesting comparison in regard to the fig tree.
In reading Mat 21:18 ... we find the fig tree was "National Israel." We know this because of the next verse (19). Jesus said ... "MAY YOU NEVER BEAR FRUIT AGAIN."
Then we find in Luke 3:9 ... "and every tree that does not produce, the ax is already at the root of the trees, and every tree that does not produce good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire."
Then there is the Olive tree. This tree is described as fruitful, faithful, and steadfast. It is the TRUE Israel (those in Christ).
Jeremiah 11:16 ... "The Lord called your name Olive Tree, lovely and of good fruit."
I really like and respect my brother Mike. I consider most of his teachings to be biblical. However I am baffled about this one! It is so clear in Romans and Galatians and elsewhere that all Gods promises are fullfilled in Jesus Christ! The true Israel and true jews; Gods chosen ones, are those whom are in Christ. If it were not so, then Jesus dying on the cross was not enough.
It's amazing the over representation on dispensationalism holds on social media.
How can anyone read the entire chapter of Galatians 3 and come away from that reading of God's Word and thinking that dispensationalism is correct.
Five years ago, but a great video
I noticed that many are saying earthly Israel are God's chosen or elect, if you are not saved what is the point of being "chosen". We want people saved, not boasting about being better.
They are Gods chosen elect, but many of them are going to hell becuase they reject Jesus. Just because they are Gods chosen people does not mean they are saved, there have been unsaved Israelites since the time of Moses. Gods chosen nation rejected their Messiah just as the OT prophets said they would and God cast them out of the land for nearly 2000 year in judgment just as the OT prophets predicted. And then God turned to the Gentiles just as the OT prophets said HE would. But the Bible is clear in the great tribulation there will be a national turning to Jesus as their Messiah and them coming under the New Covenant, THAT is how they are saved in the end. But many will die in their sin before we get there.
Thanks, Mike. Romans 11:25 is so clear that Israel is blinded until the fullness of the Gentiles. It is a mystery revealed by Paul. Rom. 11:26 is not a mystery, but prophesied many time in the OT, including Jer. 31:31-34 where all Israel when Jesus returns will be saved.
@ mike winger why are you not using scripture to interpret scripture? what about romans 9? what about all the passages that say there is no distinction. Jesus himself call the pharisees children of the devil even though they are descended from abraham. Romans says that true jews are those that are inwardly circumcised and galatians says that if you are in Christ you are children of Abraham heirs according to the promise. Galatians also says that the promise was to the seed not seeds. What about all of Hebrews?
Only 10 minutes in, and I love it. I MOSTLY understand why replacement theology is wrong, but am only just now getting the full picture as to why it is wrong thanks to you. Thank you brother, God bless.
The only wrong thing about replacement theology is the name, which doesn't represent what the theory claims and was not given by those who believe in it. Listen to Steve Gregg videos about "the church is Israel" and then come back to me and tell me if it doesn't makes more sense than what Mike is saying.
Being nice doesn't mean being right. That's the problem with Mike and his followers, they never say anything negative about him no matter how wrong he may be sometimes, because "he is so humble and nice".
@@JesusProtects No thanks. After tireless research, the only conclusion I can come to is that replacing Israel with the church scrambles the Bible, and puts the New Testament at odds with the Old. God is not the author of confusion.
The Parable of the Tenants couldn't be clearer
33“Hear another parable. There was a master of a house who planted a vineyard and put a fence around it and dug a winepress in it and built a tower and leased it to tenants, and went into another country. 34When the season for fruit drew near, he sent his servantsc to the tenants to get his fruit. 35And the tenants took his servants and beat one, killed another, and stoned another. 36Again he sent other servants, more than the first. And they did the same to them. 37Finally he sent his son to them, saying, ‘They will respect my son.’ 38But when the tenants saw the son, they said to themselves, ‘This is the heir. Come, let us kill him and have his inheritance.’ 39And they took him and threw him out of the vineyard and killed him. 40When therefore the owner of the vineyard comes, what will he do to those tenants?” 41They said to him, “He will put those wretches to a miserable death and let out the vineyard to other tenants who will give him the fruits in their seasons.”
42Jesus said to them, “Have you never read in the Scriptures:
“‘The stone that the builders rejected
has become the cornerstone;d
this was the Lord’s doing,
and it is marvelous in our eyes’?
43Therefore I tell you, the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people producing its fruits.
Wow, Amen! 🙏🏿
Who are you implying the husbandmen are?
@@brandonvonbo9708 if that wasn't clear enough, I guess Revelation 18:23-24 will
And the light of a lamp
will shine in you no more,
and the voice of bridegroom and bride
will be heard in you no more,
for your merchants were the great ones of the earth,
and all nations were deceived by your sorcery.
And in her was found the blood of prophets and of saints,
and of all who have been slain on earth.”
@@brandonvonbo9708 luke 13:33-35
Nevertheless I must walk to day, and to morrow, and the day following: for it cannot be that a prophet perish out of Jerusalem. O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, which killest the prophets, and stonest them that are sent unto thee; how often would I have gathered thy children together, as a hen doth gather her brood under her wings, and ye would not! Behold, your house is left unto you desolate: and verily I say unto you, Ye shall not see me, until the time come when ye shall say, Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord
@@Kenayi22 It seems like you are trying to say (but avoiding answering the question directly), that Jesus is calling the husbandmen in Luke 20 the Jews in general.
Jesus wasn’t referring to Israel here, but rather the rulers who instead of doing the work of God to draw people to the truth, rather took advantage of and puffed themselves up with positions of power and wealth. It was this group that He spoke this parable against.
Luke 20:19 And the chief priests and the scribes the same hour sought to lay hands on him; and they feared the people: for they perceived that he had spoken this parable against them.
Who did Jesus give the vineyard to? He entrusted His words to Jewish apostles. They, replacing the Pharisees as torch bearers and teachers, who then went out to gather all men. To the Jew first and then to the gentile.
These are very complex issues, and Mike makes "easier" work of it. I have wondered how anyone could believe in the replacement of Israel, and Mike sets it straight for me: it is not possible. A point not mentioned and yet relevant would be if God planned to replace Israel, what confidence can we have that at some point God would forsake the church too.
Dispensationalist nonsense isn't complex. It's just nonsense.
God didn't forsake the believers before Christ. God will not forsake the Church. These are the people of the Israel of God. God has no covenant with any unbeliever. Your assertion that "replacement theology" says God has forsaken his people is a lie.
not sure why anyone would base their whole theology around one verse that is not clear and no other verse or passage even supports that same concept. ThaT "ALL OF ISRAEL WILL BE SAVED" IS not mentioned anywhere else in the biblE. No ither scripture sheeds light to this verse to make it clear so why are people basing their theology on this one verse?
On one side scripture says not all ehtnic jews are the seed of Abraham nor the children of G-d, then turns and says ALL israel will be saved, appears to me a major contradiction. However, since scripture has restated the idea that not all Jews are true Israelites then that is what i believe. Jesus called the Pharisees children of f The Devil. so obvioulsy that all of Israel will be saved is a misunderstanding on our part to think that this means all ethnic jews.
All of Israel save will be saved is the joining of the two sticks into one. Ephraim and Judea making up Israel. Shalom.
@@theophelimity that still makes no sense and sheds no better light to what it mean....and the joining of two stick concept is joining israel with the gentiles as one people thru CHRIST....Removing the gentile would makes even less sense
Is this what the kids call ‘dispensationalism?” It’s so hard because every theological group seems to use different terms to describe itself and others.
Your reading of Rom 11.25-26 ignores the very important point that needs to be kept firmly in mind from 9.6: "for they are not all Israel which are of Israel" which shows that yes the same term "Israel" takes on a dichotomy and can be used side by side as in Rom 11.25-26 especially when Paul says this is a mystery/secret therefore not obvious and superficial as you treat it; Paul helps to make the differentiation by referring to those of Israel who are not Israel (not reborn/born from above in Spirit) as the ungodliness turned away from "Jacob" (Is 59.20) which leaves the "remnant" referred to in 9.27 (and literally numbered in Rev 7.4-8 vs those who say they are Jews and are not in Rev 2.9, 3.9; see also Zep 3.13 and Is 4.3). Paul's speech about the salvation of a remnant makes no sense if "all" Israelis were to be saved anyway, as you imagine; it only makes sense and satisfies all the seeming contradictions if "all" Israel isn't all ethnic Israel but all those who are of the seed of the promise, Yeshua, which means all those from the nations AND the remnant of ethnic Israelis who believe. These are referred to as the "Israel of God" (Gal 6.16). One body, one spirit...one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all who is over all and through all and in all (Eph 4.4-6). It is important that we reach out to Jews in Israel with the Gospel because they are being set up for a holocaust that only 144,000 will survive because right now almost NOBODY is warning them but rather helping in their rebellion against God!
"Whoever denies the Son does not have the Father; the one who confesses the Son has the Father also" 1Jn 2.23
His interpretation of Rom. 9:6 is that Israel refers to Jacob.
Galatians 3 29 And now that you belong to Christ, you are the true children of Abraham
one of the best presentations, on this topic....
At about 41:20 the speaker mentions those who believed in a restored Israel well prior to the reformation (Larkin, Bullinger and Seiss were three of them of which I know). But I think it is far too soon to declare this God's handiwork. There are two powers at work in this world. About 80 years ago a power rose up that sought to gather and eradicate a people within its realm and if one looks at Israel today and those who surround them, they are not in a position of strength (Especially as not yet accepting the Gospel).
A nation can't be saved. Only individuals can be saved.
As God says in Zechariah 13:-
Zechariah 13:8-9 KJVS
And it shall come to pass, that in all the land, saith the Lord, two parts therein shall be cut off and die; but the third shall be left therein. [9] And I will bring the third part through the fire, and will refine them as silver is refined, and will try them as gold is tried: they shall call on my name, and I will hear them: I will say, It is my people: and they shall say, The Lord is my God.
This is what Paul is referring to in Romans 11:26:-
Romans 11:26 KJVS
And so all Israel shall be saved: as it is written, There shall come out of Sion the Deliverer, and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob:
Contextually, this cannot possibly be talking about anyone other than the unbelieving Jews Paul has just being talking about:-
Romans 11:17-25 KJVS
And if some of the branches be broken off, and thou, being a wild olive tree, wert graffed in among them, and with them partakest of the root and fatness of the olive tree; [18] Boast not against the branches. But if thou boast, thou bearest not the root, but the root thee. [19] Thou wilt say then, The branches were broken off, that I might be graffed in. [20] Well; because of unbelief they were broken off, and thou standest by faith. Be not highminded, but fear: [21] For if God spared not the natural branches, take heed lest he also spare not thee. [22] Behold therefore the goodness and severity of God: on them which fell, severity; but toward thee, goodness, if thou continue in his goodness: otherwise thou also shalt be cut off. [23] And they also, if they abide not still in unbelief, shall be graffed in: for God is able to graff them in again. [24] For if thou wert cut out of the olive tree which is wild by nature, and wert graffed contrary to nature into a good olive tree: how much more shall these, which be the natural branches, be graffed into their own olive tree? [25] For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery, lest ye should be wise in your own conceits; that blindness in part is happened to Israel, until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in.
So according to Zechariah and Paul, there will come a time when ALL Israel will be saved.
The Bible says that this will happen and no matter how hard it is for us to understand, what God promises WILL happen.
@@BigAl53750 Salvation is at the individual level, so you are necessarily wrong.
@@soldier7332 A nation can't be saved. Salvation is at the person level.
Mike, you know what bothers me? It bothers me when people put words in Paul's mouth(letters actually) which he didn't say. How can you treat what Paul says in chapter 11 as if he is giving some kind of prophecy about the national salvation of Israel? He's simply asking a rhetorical question, "How awesome would it be if the natural branches be grafted back in"? How in the world do dispensational folks take this as a prophecy? Clearly by reading them with dispensational "spectacles".
I suggest you listen to some of Steve Gregg's teaching on this. I think a lot of well-meaning brothers in Christ like yourself have been raised under dispensational theology which I consider to be a very bad influence in the Church.
Well said. This just goes to show you that as learned as Mike is (and I respect his knowledge), he like all of us, at times, still interprets biblical passages based upon personal bias. But I was believe as he did, so who knows, maybe he will change his mind in 10 or 20 years.
@@martin9410 thank you! Yes, I was also dispensational until fairly recently. God bless you!
you too
In John 8 Jesus informed the religious Jewish leaders opposing him that they were not Abraham’s children (v.39-40). Jesus also told them that they were the children of the devil (v.44). In Acts 13, Paul rebuked a Jewish false prophet who was a sorcerer, calling him a child of the devil and an enemy of all righteousness (v.10).
The words of Jesus, and the words of Paul would be condemned as anti-semetic by some of today’s Christian leaders, who are hush-hush about the atheism, sodomy, pedophilia, state funded abortions, etc., within the modern society of Israel.
Many of the things that modern Israel promotes were the very things which angered God towards Israel in scripture, and for which they were repeatedly judged. It’s quite interesting that America is often viewed as being under the condemnation of God’s judgement for these very things, while many Christians give Israel a pass because of their end time theology.
In scripture, being of Jewish descent does not profit the Jew if his heart is not right with God. Paul says, “He is not a Jew, which is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision, which is outward in the flesh: But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God”. ~ Romans 2:28-29
In Romans 9 Paul says, “For they are not all Israel, which are of Israel: Neither, because they are the seed of Abraham, are they all children: but, In Isaac shall thy seed be called. That is, They which are the children of the flesh, these are not the children of God: but the children of the promise are counted for the seed.” (v.6-8)
Paul makes this statement in context to the promises of God which were given to the true Israel (the remnant of true Israelites from the heart) within Israel.
Jesus did not come to save national Israel from the Romans. Jesus came to save the lost sheep of the house of Israel. Not everyone within national Israel was God’s sheep. We know this because of Jesus’s own words to the Jews in John 10.
I am the good shepherd, and know my sheep, and am known of mine. As the Father knoweth me, even so know I the Father: and I lay down my life for the sheep. And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd. ~ John 10:14-16
Later in chapter 10 we read the following:
Then came the Jews round about him, and said unto him, How long dost thou make us to doubt? If thou be the Christ, tell us plainly. Jesus answered them, I told you, and ye believed not: the works that I do in my Father’s name, they bear witness of me. But ye believe not, because ye are not my sheep, as I said unto you. ~ John 10:24-26
Jesus plainly tells these Jews that they are not his sheep. The “lost sheep of Israel” does not refer to all Jews or all Israelites. It refers to those within Israel, whose hearts were towards God in truth - the Israel within Israel.
When Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me”(John 14:6). He did not say this within the context of pagan religions (though applicable there). Jesus was not speaking to outsiders regarding their pagan religions. Instead, he was speaking to his Jewish disciples within the context of Israel’s covenants.
Though the words of Jesus are true in view of other religions, that which he says in John 14:6 was contextually stated within the Jewish narrative.
Many believe Jesus is the only way to the Father in contrast to other religions like Hinduism, Islam, Mormonism, etc. However, when it comes to modern day Israel, many Western Christians have adopted a belief that modern day Israel has a relational covenant with God exclusive of Christ. This is prevalent within the “end time” teachings of many but it is error being inconsistent with the Biblical narrative.
AMEN Brother!!. those who reject and hate christ and the new testiment are satans people and not gods people.
Honestly your grazing over Galatians seems very dishonest. If you read Galatians and didn't remember these verses from Romans it actually reads very clear replacement theology! Only reason I didn't just go all in on it is
1. It was just too hard to believe and
2. I really thought I had read opposite I just couldn't find it on my own.
Please understand when you demean people who don't think like you, you sound like the left, and you are probably making others feel stupid when they come to learn from you. Jesus ALWAYS taught with love and not adversary.
Based on Luke 21:24-28, the fullness of the Gentiles occurs at the future Second Coming of Christ.
Once a person comes to understand the New Covenant promised to Israel and Judah in Jeremiah 31:31-34, which is found fulfilled by Christ during the first century in Hebrews 8:6-13, and Hebrews 10:16-18, and specifically applied to the Church in 2 Corinthians 3:6-8, and Hebrews 12:18-24,
the Two Peoples of God doctrine of modern Dispensational Theology falls
apart, and the pretrib removal of the Church falls with it. The Old
Covenant has been replaced by a New Covenant, fulfilled by the blood of
Christ at Calvary. (Heb. 7:12, 8:13)
Who has replaced "Abraham" in Genesis 12:3, with all of his descendants?
Who has replaced the one people of God in John 10:16, with two peoples of God?
Who has replaced the One Seed, with the many seeds, in Galatians 3:16?
Who has replaced the Church made up of all races of people, with one made only of Gentiles?
Who has replaced the "son", who is the "heir" to the land, with those
who reject Him as the "chief cornerstone", in Matthew chapter 21?
Who has replaced the children of the promise, with the children of the flesh, in Romans 9:8?
Who has replaced the word "so", with the word "then", in Romans 11:26?
Who has replaced the New Covenant fulfilled for all races of people at
Calvary, with a future covenant for the modern State of Israel, in
Romans 11:27?
Who has replaced two different groups of Israelites, one faithful, and the other not faithful, in Romans 11:28, with one group who is both the "elect", and the enemy of God at the same time?
Who has replaced the eternal land promise found in Hebrews 11:15-16, with one on this sin-cursed earth. What happens to this earth in 2 Peter 3:10-13? How can there be an eternal land promise on this temporary planet?
Why did Peter address the crowd as "all the house of Israel" on the Day
of Pentecost, when about 3,000 Israelites accepted the New Covenant
promised in Jeremiah 31:31-34? (Acts 2:36) Who was Peter talking to? The Gentiles were not grafted into the New Covenant Church until several years later.
Why did James address his letter to "the twelve tribes", who were his "brethren", in the "faith"? Who was James talking to?
Why has the modern Church told Orthodox Jews they are God's chosen
people, and then failed to share the Gospel with them? How many of
those people have died without Christ? The "son" in Psalm 2, and the
"suffering servant" of Isaiah chapter 53, and the promise of the New
Covenant in Jeremiah 31:31-34,
and the timeline of Daniel 9, prove that the baby born in a manger is
the Messiah promised in the Hebrew scriptures. Why have we never seen
this simple Old Testament Gospel message on Christian television? The
Two Peoples of God doctrine is part of the problem.
Was John the Baptist an "antisemite" when he told his own people not to
put their confidence in being Abraham's seed, in Luke 3:8? What did
Paul say about genealogies in Titus 3:9?
Those shouting "Replacement Theology" the loudest need to look in the
mirror, and then read their Bibles with the New Covenant in mind. They
are promoting a form of Dual Covenant Theology, based on race.
Is "National Salvation" found in the verse below?
Rom 9:27 Esaias also crieth concerning Israel, Though the number of the children of Israel be as the sand of the sea, a remnant shall be saved:
SpotterVideo This was helpful. I have been struggling to find truth in this area. Thank you for this comment
Amen, brother.
Two distinct people does not mean dual covenant. Have you ever seen two trees grafted together? Graft a rose and gardenia bush together and the rose branches will produce roses and the gardenia branches will produce gardenias. Two distinct trees united as one and supported by the same root. Gentiles don't become Israel and vice versa!
@@graftme3168 There is only one people of God in John 10:16, instead of two.
We find the same thing in Galatians 3:16-19.
The third temple is described by Peter in 1 Peter 2:4-10.
On the Day of Pentecost Peter addressed the crowd as "all the house of Israel". On that day about 3,000 Israelites accepted Christ. The Gentiles were not grafted into the Church until several years later.
Why did Paul warn about using genealogies in our faith in the verses below?
1Ti_1:4 Neither give heed to fables and endless genealogies, which minister questions, rather than godly edifying which is in faith: so do.
Tit_3:9 But avoid foolish questions, and genealogies, and contentions, and strivings about the law; for they are unprofitable and vain.
@@SpotterVideo Paul warned about genealogies because the Jews were convinced that you had to be Israel to be saved!
I have a question in regards to Isaiah 2. Wouldn't His house on the hill in Zion be Christ who is the house of God. Jesus speaking of His own body said tear this temple down and I rebuild it in 3 days. I am OK being wrong here, I have just understood all restoration for Israel has been fulfilled in Christ being a Jew according to the flesh. Thanks for any answers. Love the whole of Romans study you have done. It has been very good to think on and help in growing.
Not unless all the things that Isaiah 2 lists actually happened after Calvary.
God has promised material blessings to Israel and those promises have never been fulfilled in the ways that the scriptures record.
The Israelites never occupied all the land that God PROMISED to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
Not even as occupied territories.
God even promised Abraham that he would walk throughout the whole of the land that God said would one day BELONG TO HIM.
Nor did Isaac, or Jacob, far less the Israelites.
If we spiritualise the text that much, we might as well throw out one third of the Bible. One third being the prophecies.
If we spiritualise such prophecies, what is to stop people spiritualising the prophecies about the Crucifixion?
We have to treat prophecies as literal unless there’s a contextual reason for not doing so.
Great teaching. My prayer that the thousands and thousands of pastors and teachers who teach the heresy of replacement theology would see, hear and repent of this sin. So true, if you have a problem with this simple truth, there is a problem with you.
Doesn't the fact that natural branches were broken off for their unbelief and non-natural branches have been graft in among the remaining natural branches who were NOT broken off (the church began and remained for a while EXCLUSIVELY Jewish) speak of at least some form some measure of "replacement"?
^strawman argument
. Where did you get the label " replacement theology" from.?
Hebrews 8:10-13 NIV - This is the covenant I will establish with the people of Israel after that time, declares the Lord. I will put my laws in their minds and write them on their hearts. I will be their God, and they will be my people. No longer will they teach their neighbor, or say to one another, ‘Know the Lord,’ because they will all know me, from the least of them to the greatest. For I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more.” By calling this covenant “new,” he has made the first one obsolete; and what is obsolete and outdated will soon disappear.
Thank you, pastor Mike. When in doubt, stick with what the Scriptures say, even if one doesn’t fully understand. Trust God that He knows best.
This was very helpful, thank you, Mike!
Hows everyone feeling about this topic now days?
What Israel is doing to the Palestinians is an affront to humanity… but that’s like my opinion or whatever
The Land Promise is NOT just for national Israel .. .. HOW are you missing the teaching of Galatians Chapter 3 that tells us that the land promise is not just for ISRAEL.. .. It's for the *_SEED OF ABRAHAM_* and this includes those gentiles that are in Christ by faith are *_ABRAHAM'S SEED_* That we are Co-Heirs w/ Israel of the promise to Abraham for the land?
If anyone tells you there are 2 programs one for Israel and one for the church they are at odds at conflict with the scriptures. Paul says we are no longer separate we are one in the same body of Christ together. Paul says we are fellow citizens with ISRAEL and the Saints.. Both Jew & Gentile .. .. and we are called to be Saints in Christ Jesus...
Galatians 3.17.. .. it is explaining the God's covenant w/ Moses does not nullify the covenant w/ Abraham.. .. The law of Moses was given conditionally and was broken by Israel, until the seed should come , Christ Jesus .. *_Isaiah 65.9 And I will bring forth a seed out of Jacob, and out of Judah an inheritor of my mountains: and mine elect shall inherit it, and my servants shall dwell there_*
Of course Israel is the great nation, God's chosen people , but scripture teaches us that Gentiles that are in Christ become *_Co-heirs with ISRAEL to the promises given to Abraham and his seed_*
The Blessing of Abraham comes on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ, that *_WE_* receive the promise along w/ Abraham's seed.. .. *_Galatians 3.19 Wherefore then serveth the law? It was added because of transgressions, TILL THE SEED SHOULD COME TO WHOM THE PROMISE Was MADE; and it was ordained by angels in the hand of a mediator_*
*_Galatians 3:7-9,14,16,29 KJVS_*
Know ye therefore that they which are of faith, the same are the children of Abraham. [8] And the scripture, foreseeing that God would justify the heathen through faith, preached before the gospel unto Abraham, saying, In thee shall all nations be blessed. [9] So then they which be of faith are blessed with faithful Abraham. [14] That the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ; that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith. [16] Now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made. He saith not, And to seeds, as of many; but as of one, And to thy seed, which is Christ.
[29] And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, *_AND HEIRS ACCORDING TO THE PROMISE_*
Do Christians inherit the promises of God-made to Abraham in the Abrahamic covenant? *_YES_*
_*Romans 3:9,22-25,28 *_
What then? are we better than they ? No, in no wise: for we have before proved both Jews and Gentiles, that they are all under sin; [22] Even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe: for there is no difference: [23] For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; [24] Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus; [28] Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law.
Romans 3:29-30 KJVS
Is he the God of the Jews only? is he not also of the Gentiles? Yes, of the Gentiles also: [30] *_Seeing it is one God, which shall justify the circumcision by faith, and uncircumcision through faith_* May God Bless us
Thanks Pastor Mike
Its not replacement theology, it is FULFILLMENT. There is no longer Jew or Gentile, we have been grafted in and are now the Body of Christ, our hope (along with Jews who receive Christ) is in the NEW Jerusalem. Its simple.
The following proves you are correct.
Who is really teaching “Replacement Theology” ?
(Did God fulfill His promises to the Jewish people at Calvary? Matthew 26:28, John 19:30)
The advocates of modern Dispensational Theology often accuse others of promoting “Replacement Theology”, or some may even say “Antisemitism”. What does the Bible say about their accusations?
1. Who is replacing Christ as the seed of Abraham through which all the families of the Earth would be blessed in Genesis 12:3, with Abraham’s modern descendants?
2. Who is replacing the one people of God in John 10:16, with two peoples of God ?
3. Who is replacing the one seed (Christ) in Galatians 3:16, with the many seeds?
4. Who is replacing the children of the promise in Romans 9:8, with the children of the flesh?
5. Who is replacing the faithful “remnant” of Israelites in Romans 11:1-5, with the Baal worshipers?
6. Who is replacing the word "so" in Romans 11:26, with the word "then"?
7. Who is attempting to replace the Church made up of all races of people, with one made up only of Gentiles? Why did Peter address the crowd as “all the house of Israel” in Acts 2:36, when about 3,000 Israelites accepted Christ on the Day of Pentecost?
8. Based on Hebrews 9:15, the New Covenant cannot be separated from the Messiah’s death. Is the covenant in Daniel 9:27 connected to the Messiah’s death in Daniel 9:26. Is the covenant with the “many” in Daniel 9:27 the same covenant with the “many” in Matthew 26:28? If it is, some have replaced the New Covenant in Daniel 9:27 with a future covenant made by an antichrist not found in Daniel chapter 9. (See the 1599 Geneva Bible used by the Pilgrims.)
9. Those promoting the Two Peoples of God doctrine of Dispensational Theology often accuse others of teaching “Replacement Theology”, but are they the masters of it? Are they promoting a form of Dual Covenant Theology based on race? (See “genealogies” in Titus 3:9)
10. Watch the TH-cam video “Genesis of Dispensational Theology” to see the origin of this man-made doctrine, which is less than 200 years old. It was brought to the United States about the time of the Civil War by John Nelson Darby. The doctrine was later incorporated into the notes of the Scofield Reference Bible, and then spread through much of the modern Church.
Dallas Theological Seminary in Dallas Texas was created in part to promote John Darby’s Two Peoples of God doctrine of Dispensational Theology.
Lewis Sperry Chafer, the first president of Dallas Theological, had the following to say about the difference between Israel and the Church:
“The dispensationalist believes that throughout the ages God is pursuing two distinct purposes: one related to the earth with earthly people and earthly objectives involved which is Judaism; while the other is related to heaven with heavenly people and heavenly objectives involved, which is Christianity.”
Lewis Sperry Chafer, Dispensationalism (Dallas, Seminary Press, 1936), p. 107.
Chafer states that, ‘Israel is an eternal nation, heir to an eternal land, with an eternal kingdom, on which David rules from an eternal throne,’ that is, on earth and distinct from the church who will be in heaven.”
Lewis Sperry Chafer. Systematic Theology. 1975. Vol. IV. pp. 315-323.
John Walvoord, another prominent voice of Dallas Theological stated…
"...it is an article of normative dispensational belief that the boundaries of the land promised to Abraham and his descendants from the Nile to the Euphrates will be literally instituted and that Jesus Christ will return to a literal and theocratic Jewish kingdom centred on a rebuilt temple in Jerusalem. In such a scheme the Church on earth is relegated to the status of a parenthesis.”
John F. Walvoord, The Rapture Question.1979, p. 25
Are there two peoples of God in John 10:16? (See also 1 John 2:22-23, 2 John 1:7-11.)
What is the land promise to the Old Testament Saints in Hebrews 11:15-16?
Based on 2 Peter 3:10-13, is this earth “eternal”? Will it be replaced by a new earth?
Based on Acts 2:36, and Romans 9:6-8, and Romans 11:1-5, and Hebrews 12:22-24, and James 1:1-3, can faithful Israel and the Church be separated into two different groups?
Who is the New Covenant promised to in Jeremiah 31:31-34, and Hebrews 8:6-13?
Will modern Orthodox Jews ever be saved outside of the New Covenant Church?
Amen 🙏
@@SpotterVideo Thank you
You stated, "There is no longer Jew or Gentile," but you stopped at quoting the full verse. In Galatians 3:28 we have "There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free,
there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus." So, only when in Christ Jesus are the distinctions between Jews and Gentiles done away with. Unsaved Jews are still Jews of the circumcision and unsaved Gentiles are still Gentiles of the uncircumcision and, as unsaved sinners, Christ died for both groups just the same. When the prophets pronounced a "burden" upon a people, it was pronounced because of their state of sin and rebellion against God, not because they have "circumcised hearts".
As far as "hope", check out Titus which spells out in no uncertain terms what Paul declared as 'hope'; Eternal Life (Chapters 1 and 3). Paul also ties this to the coming of Jesus Christ in Chapter 2. But with all things fulfilled, you are left with a finished work in 70 AD and your hope has no scripture to stand upon.
@@mcgeorgerl Yes, exactly, when it comes to salvation through Jesus, none are cut off, so in THAT essence, there is neither Jew nor Gentile.
What are Christians supposed to think of the Talmud?
Replacement Theology is a misnomer, it is the continuation of a relationship with God through his spiritual people, the ones of faith in Jesus Christ as the the final sacrifice for sin.
Please explain this more. Whenever people put a term or label on something, it becomes very easy to “disprove” it, when all they really did was attack a straw man. Any resources you recommend on this? I think I am in agreement with “replacement theology” in other words, there is no Jew or Greek, we are all one in Christ.
@@bradvincent2586 Sorry, proper term is Supersessionism.
@@bradvincent2586 The truth is that it's Jesus Himself who "replaced" Israel. They couldn't fulfill the law so He did. Israel was the "firstborn" son of God (ex 4 22) and Jesus became God's "one and only Son".
Exactly, Israel is not "replaced". Gentiles are grafted onto Israel through faith as reconstituted around Christ. As Paul says in Galatians says that the earthly Jerusalem is Hagar/Ishmael and the heavenly Jerusalem is Sarah/Isaac. Flesh vs. Faith.
Also, covenant theologians don't all disagree with a special role for ethnic Israel.
Amen Father in Heaven Save Your People Israel, the entire remnant of Israel! Jer 31:7 NIV
Matthew 21:43
43 Therefore say I unto you, The kingdom of God shall be taken from you (Israel of Judaism), and given to a nation (new chosen people, not just Christians, but a nation) bringing forth the fruits thereof.
Hosea 2:23
23 And I will sow (establish) her unto me in the earth; and I will have mercy upon her that had not obtained mercy; and I will say to them which were not my people (gentiles), Thou art my people (a nation); and they shall say, Thou art my God.
Amos 5:2-4
2 The virgin of Israel is fallen; she shall no more rise: she is forsaken upon her land; there is none to raise her up.
3 For thus saith the Lord GOD; The city that went out by a thousand shall leave an hundred, and that which went forth by an hundred shall leave ten, to the house of Israel.
4 For thus saith the LORD unto the house of Israel, Seek ye me, and ye shall live:
I would second that idea....look at the presentation on Romans 11 7 24
The parable of the tenants also supports what some want to negatively refer to as “replacement theology”.
That sounds like antisemitic...
Parable of Luke 16 also speaks of the kingdom and promises taken from them and given to another people.
Rabbinical Judaism is a religion, not an ancestry, Mike. And, while this applies to all unbelievers, God said it specifically to Jewish descendants of Jacob, "You are not my people and I am not your God." Dispensationalism is unchristian, is in denial of basic facts, and is in hard contradiction of the Bible.
Hey Mike, I know this is 2 years old but I just watched this and I do have a different interpretation of some of the OT passages you quoted. As a disclaimer, I support Jews having their own country, but I disagree that OT passages are about a National (Zionism) Israel, which seems the Western Evangelicals seem to support blindly (not holding the State of Israel accountable to the wrongs they do to Palestinians). The passages in Ezekiel 37 fits the exact description of The New Jerusalem in Revelation. We can't possibly take this to mean the literal Nation of Israel we have today, because verse 23 says that the people will no longer defile themselves with their idols & vile images with any of their offenses. But they have Gay Pride parades🤔 They still hold up a pagan symbol as their banner (Star of David, which isn't even biblical). Revelation tells us that Jesus will live among the people in the New Jerusalem. Another passage in the OT talking about as long as the Sun, Moon, Stars, and Sea exist Israel won't be cut off...but Revelation gives us the interpretation- it specifically states that in the New Heaven & New Earth there won't be a Sun, Moon, stars, and Sea. It is an exact mirror the OT passage. To further prove that it is in reference to the New Jerusalem, that same OT passage (can't remember, didn't jot it down) where you stopped reading, goes on to talk about measuring the city. Which is what an angel specifically shows John, complete with a Ruler to measure the City (New Jerusalem). I don't agree that the passages you referenced are about today's country of Israel... Jesus needed to fulfill literal prophecy but he spoke on Spiritual matters just as the prophets did too. I believe God fulfills His covenant to the Jews with His seal on the 144,000 as mentioned in Revelation. That is how God grafts them back in. I don't 100% agree with Replacement Theology, but I also don't believe that Christians should blindly support the *nation of Israel. I mean, I believe they deserve to have their own land, but that real estate is not what God has in mind at all, from what I read in Revelation. Also, I'm just finding out that some of the Ultra Orthodox Jews don't even believe that The Nation of Israel as it exists today, is what God has in mind for them either & they call for the peaceful dismantle of the country 😲. I think it matters to understand this, because some Eschatological positions believe that the Antichrist will sit at a re-built temple and claim to be the Messiah. Well, I'm waiting to see if this temple is going to be re-built, but I don't read that the Antichrist will sit in the Jewish Temple in the Book of Revelation. I believe the Book of Revelation is the interpretation of the OT prophecies on the future of Israel & the Church. But watching this video has led me to a Theory. I've been wondering about what this "mystery of God" is in Revelation 10:7, bc it is the only seal where John heard what was being said but God told him NOT to write down what he heard. Right after Rev. 10, it goes right into Revelation 11, with the 2 Witnesses who will be sent, I believe to the Jews. Although, I can't explain 11:2 and a literal Jerusalem fits the description there, as does verses 8 (there is no argument in verse 8, it clearly says where their Lord was Crucified). the Witnesses will return to the land where Jesus was Crucified, could be in a National State of Israel or just going back to that territory in general. Anyway, I'm still going through my own study of Revelation, partly bc I'm looking into different Eschatological interpretations other than what I learned at Calvary Chapel. I am just Testing the different prophecies. I don't know that I believe the Temple/Antichrist version...but I'm still researching.
I got distracted and never told you about my theory of Rev. 10:7, trying to figure out what this mystery is! Well Acts when the disciples ask Jesus about restoring the Kingdom of Israel, Jesus said it's not for them to know. I think this is about the Number of Gentiles being saved and when the Jews' eyes will be opened. Revelation 10:7 mentions the trumpet, could this be the 2 Thess. Passage about the Dead in Christ resurrcting and then we who are alive (and make it through the Great Tribulation) are caught up in the air?🤔 🤷🏻♂️ That's my theory though lol
@Soprano Jessi, I can't agree or disagree on your positions, but as a little icing on the cake, you alluded to Jeremiah 33:20-26, but most nonbelievers and many believers are bewitched with the notion of Jeremiah 33:24 of those verses.
My opinion of Revelation 10:7, is the knowledge of God will be fully known
at that time. I only jotted down a couple
because you're long winded and I might be overwhelmed with your many points. God bless!!!
You can find the star of David in ancient tombs of jews from as early as the 3rd century. It is not a pagan symbol, It is a jewish symbol.
Jesus spoke of the abomination of desolation, as Daniel had spoken. Matt 24:28; Daniel 9:23
Where does that fit?
You mentioned the measuring rod, Revelation 11:1-2. There is a timeframe given for the temple to be trampled underfoot by the Gentiles - fortytwo months. (3½ years.)
Daniel 9:24-27 is a very interesting prophecy regarding the time from before the Messiah to the abomination of desolation.
See also Dan 8:11-13; 12:7-12.
(3½ years in these texts.)
@@diurmidderggae3007 Apparently the "Star of David" originated long before it was adopted by the Jewish culture.
It was in use in pagan cultures of the East thousands of years ago. It was also used as a decorative device in first century churches, and in Muslim culture. It was adopted by Jewish culture around the 17th century.
Your teaching Biblical truth.. no need in being apologetic. God has made promises to Israel and we've been blessed through them through their Messiah
God made promises to God's people, the Church is God's people. The promises for Israel is part of the same overarching covenant of grace from before Israel.
The mental gymnastics this guy has to do to prove his point is staggering. The Christian church, that is the descendants of the ten northern tribes (Israeli / Sumerian) is the spiritual "Israel" who were scattered to the winds. The southern 2 tribes were called Judah (not Israel). "Gentiles" means people who don't believe in God of Abraham, not "anyone not Israeli". Such poor understanding, all comes about because of the United nations naming a "region" Israel. Don't get tripped up.
great point
😂😂😂😂Yahuah was never dealing with Christianity nor Christians stop your lies
Other than ushering in a new covenant by his death a resurrection ?
I thought the end of one testament ended with the death of the testator...Thus does the new Testament or Covenant begin after Christ is risen?
Part 3
Because the first century AD Jewish leaders in Israel, and the people that followed them in unbelief, rejected Jesus as their Messiah, “The Kingdom of God” in the form of the Messianic Kingdom originally offered, was postponed until after the Tribulation period. BUT “The Kingdom of God” took a different form in the meantime, that is, until the literal Messianic Kingdom is on earth. The present form of the “Kingdom of God” Jesus called “mystery” (see Matt.13:11) Jesus said, “Because it s given unto you to know the mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven…”
(See Part 4)
If you accepted Jesus you are now an Israelite
@GANG Israelites Children Of The Prophets you are a commonwealth citizen my bad
the 70th week (perfect sacrifice, the previous being ceased: H7673 shabath) of Dan 9:27 was started in Luke 3:1 so that the midpoint is at the end of the 69*7*360d (since Neh 2:1). the second part of the week is extended so that "the day or the hour" are not made known. when those 1260*X+Z days are over then the hour of temptation will ensue over the whole earth and the nations will be judged. the ekklesia is not part of the nations anymore. Ephraim is a code name in context for "the fullness of the gentiles" (check the hebrew text in Gen 48:19) so that it does not mean just gentiles, neither just israelites from Ephraim but all the elect for the first resurrection, the two witnesses, the two olive trees, those in view of Luke 21:36, dead (to the world) in Christ. Ephraim is not mentioned in the 144000 because of that. their portion is the resurrection (Isa 22:20).
The "nation" of Isareal has/is/and will receive all the promises. But The "nation" is all those who have faith in Christ. Abraham's seed is and will be as the stars of the heavens. Israeal has received the land.... How? Because of Romans 4:12. Read it first. It's the crux of this discussion. Abraham is the father of not just the circumcised (Jews) but also the believing gentiles. The bible is saying the promises of God cannot be altered...read that like a retorical..... it's our understanding that's bad. The land promise was a type....a foreshadow....just like the sacrifices were a type....a foreshadow. The fullness of the gentiles was fulfilled when the gospel went out to the world in Acts.
I am so glad to hear you preach on replacement theology. I've been listening to Amir Tsarfati. I have been learning so much from him and now you also.
wow this is such a well stated case. i fully agree with how you presented this and am stunned how well you have articulated , i could have not said it all this well.
An Israelite is one who set-apart because one observes the Torah.
If you enter into Israel, you are expected to observe the Law/Torah.
"There shall be one Law/Torah for both the native and the foreigner who dwells within."
It doesn't say anything about race!
Consider the Parable of the Two Debtors.
"If you love me, obey my commmandments."
why are these dispensationalists always trying to replace the church with jews lol that is the real replacement theology
they believe in chopping (rightly dividing) up the scripture and interpret Romans 11 out of context of the rest of the epistles and the rest of Romans
The fact that you use the term replacement theology tells me that you don’t actually understand the Covenant Theology position. You’re attacking a strawman.
ALL ISRAEL SHALL BE SAVED?? The next few verses explain how. By faith in Christ taking away sins. That has allready occurred, past tense. Where they ALL SAVED, did they ALL Believe?, NO. ISRAEL is just those who believe, and all who believe will be saved. Do you think the Jews who did not beleive and died will get a 2nd chance? If it meant every jew, and salvation is by the remission of sins and faith in Christ, they all would have converted.
Verse 28 says unsaved Jews are enemies, but the ELECTION is NOT UNSAVED JEWS. That verse is talking about 2 types of Jews, the unsaved ENEMIES and the ELECTION. It is not lumping them all together.
Either you beleive there is only 1 way to be saved or not. Being a descendant of Abraham does not get 1 saved. Only the believers, the elect are saved.
As concerning the gospel, they (unsaved) are enemies for your sakes:
That's a reference to non believers.
but as touching the election, (beleivers) they are beloved for the fathers' sakes.”
Do you not see that it is 2 different ppl , 2 different subjects? 1 is concerned the believers the other election.
Jews can be saved like any other. They don't receive salvation based on nationality, location, pedigree ect ect. They are and will be saved the same way the church is. If not, they are not Israel.
Hi does anyone know the name of the song that played at the last few seconds of the video?
Thank you!
I still find it fascinating to see dispensationalists try and justify their reading of scripture. It is so grossly distorted and runs counter to the entire meta-narrative and how the church viewed scripture for 1800 years. The Darby indoctrination runs deep, and it is a testament to how deeply ingrained and impervious world views can become. Fortunately this theological absurdity, one that was superimposed on a traditional scriptural understanding, is slowly receding under the strains of its convoluted tenets.
Actually, dispensationalism (originally taught by the Apostle Paul himself) is growing by leaps and bounds because the plain truth of scripture is clear to those who are not blinded by what they have always been taught - ie: covenant or replacement (or as some might prefer to call it fulfillment theology). If you want to explore indoctrination, try understanding how deep the roots of Roman Catholicism run and how little removed from their misunderstandings most current churches still are. I came out of pentecostalism several years ago and can see the lies and misconceptions clearly, but it takes a humble heart and open mind and a DEEP study of scripture to come to the truth.
@Chaplain Bob Walker B. Th. Feeling charitable today, are we?
Once a person comes to understand the New Covenant promised to Israel and Judah in Jeremiah 31:31-34, which is found fulfilled by Christ during the first century in Hebrews 8:6-13, and Hebrews 10:16-18, and specifically applied to the Church in 2 Corinthians 3:6-8, and Hebrews 12:22-24, modern Dispensational Theology falls apart, and the pretrib removal of the Church falls with it.
@Chaplain Bob Walker B. Th. You horribly and disgracefully think that Jesus would call the entire Jewish race, His own people sons of the devil? You obviously don't know the Greek text which simply refers to the Jewish LEADERS. As a Greek speaking person who understands the text, it never implies the whole nation nor implies a rejection of them. Another typical verse is the "synagogue of Satan" verse to imply all Jews. This view is the very reason why Jews don't think the Church could care less about them.
Dispensationalists don’t distort. They read scripture plainly, which makes people who don’t like the truth angry.
Not all supercessionists are antisemites, but all antisemites are supercessionists, and those who are antisemitic get the most angry, not because the teaching is unbiblical, but because it condemns the sin which they love.
John 3:19-20 (ESV)
19 And this is the judgment: the light has come into the world, and people loved the darkness rather than the light because their works were evil. 20 For everyone who does wicked things hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his works should be exposed.
Hi Brother Mike, I am still a little confused. Promises were made to Israel, Jacobs descendants. Are the Jews currently living in Israel actually part of Jacobs descendants. If I look at history and the movements of the Israelites, then they are everywhere across the globe. The term Jew in modern times and the term Jew in the NT seem to be totally different. In the NT a Jew is a person who belongs to the tribe of Judah but Modern Jews dont necessarily belong to the tribe of Judah but have accepted Judaism as a religion. And Judaism as a religion was only developed after Jesus ascended to Heaven and has nothing to do with what the Hebrews believed, as far as I understand. I may be totally wrong.
Mike, who is the new covenant for?
Whosoever believes....
@@graftme3168 Yes....but I ask what seems to be an obvious question for a reason. Jer 31 31 clearly states that the new covenant was for Israel and Judah and Dispensationalism says that the church was not prophesied in the old testament.
@@Mathew247 It does? I never heard that dispensationalists say that the Church was not mentioned in the old covenant.
@@graftme3168 I was dispensational for 20 years. That is what the doctrine states. The Mystery Paul speaks of in Eph 2&3, according to dispensationalism, is the church. They say that it is the gap of at least 2000 years between the 69th and 70th weeks of Daniel's prophetic timetable and that it was totally unknown and unprophesied
@@Mathew247Where are you at with this now?
Jesus is the fulfillment of every promise.
Acts 1,6-7 It is one of te most important passages about restoration of Israel. (If not THE most important.) 3,5 years of his ministry Jesus preached coming Kingdom of God. After His resurrection he spoke ONLY about it, and ONLY to the Jews. (Acts 1,3) Why? Because He had known what troubled His desciples: "...we had hoped that he was the one who was going to redeem Israel". They all had the same question. So He clearly explained them everything in this matter. The only question waiting for an answer was WHEN it will happen. /When Jesus was going to seat on the throne of His father Dawid as it had been foretold? (Luk 1,31-33)/ Jesus could answer directly "NO! No chance for this!/Forget it!" or more gentle "How foolish you are and how slow of heart..." or "You are in error because you don't know the Scriptures..." But at the risk of enormous misunderstanding, He left them and us with the reply: "It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father HAS SET(!)..." A glorious future for Israel is already set. And there is even much more hidden in this passage
The Supersessionism argument is that only a remnant of the Jews will be saved as stated in Romans 11:4-5 and Isaiah 10:22 and Romans 9:27. The headline for Romans 11 is "Remnant of Israel." Therefore, there is no evidence of a mass conversion of Jews at the end of time. It contradicts Revelation 1:7. The notion that all of Israel will be saved contradicts the open question of Jewish conversion in Romans 11:14 and Romans 11:23. Romans 11:26 quotes Isaiah 59:20 so this is not future divine revelation but interpretation of already existing scripture. The context of Isaiah 59 is that the people of Israel have largely broken their side of the covenant with God, but that God is still willing to save the good remnant. The proper translation of Romans 11:26 is: "full number of the Gentiles has come in, 26 and in this way all Israel will be saved." In other words, Paul is not saying when all of Israel will be saved or that they definitively will be saved but the manner of how they will be saved. If I say "in this manner, all the world will be saved" I'm not making a future prophecy about the world.
Now, the Church replacing Israel and God's Covenant of Israel as a "replacement" is controversial and there is inconsistency on this. So, replacement is often a strawman in theological circles. However, the reality remains that the covenant between God and Israel is in effect to those Christian Jews. It is also the reality that the majority of Jews have broken their side of the covenant. We cannot expect a mass conversion of Jews at the End Times, nor can we be confident the End Times will be triggered if such an event were to occur, nor should we be complacent for the End Times if this mass conversion never takes place.