I don't think it's a matter of 'negative energy', it's more a matter of controlling your nafs. The biggest battle is with your nafs. As in sihr it is recommended to recite Surah Baqara and Al Imran frequently. A frequent and repetitive good deed/action in Arabic "wird“ (ورد) is most loved by Allah🌼
The evidence is that Allah has prescribed the reading of the Qur'an as a cure for the body and soul. Let's take a closer look at what the medical science/anatomy says: The parasympathetic nervous system is activated by stimulating the vagus nerve (which is a very long nerve; it runs through the neck, branches out towards the ears and into the larynx, extends into the chest cavity and divides into the left and right vagus nerves. Branches go to the heart, lungs, stomach, pancreas, intestines and other organs in the abdominal cavity). Stimulating the vagus has a calming effect on the body, it signals "rest". So if we take a closer look at what Tajweed is actually based on, it is a practical application of using the flow of air in different areas (for example al khayshum (nasal cavity), al jauf (mouth cavity), halq (throat to larynx area)) and a very precise way of positioning the tongue. By regulating your breathing you are actually activating the vagus nerve. In Tajweed you have the so-called Madd rule, which means prolonging the letter, beginning a long verse by inhaling and exhaling air, using idgham air flow vibrations in the nasal cavity, pronouncing certain letters, qalqala, all these have an effect on your vagus nerve. So imagine reading the Qur'an correctly and beautifully, SubhanAllah. The Qur'an is medicine, we just do not see it.
I usually don't comment on videos. But this lecture feels like an answered Dua for guidance from Allah. I saw soo many videos about Manifestation from Muslims online. I was soo confused as to if it's shirk or not cause there are plenty of Muslims online promoting it. Really wished a Scholar would talk about this and clarify things and Allhamdullilah this video is released on TH-cam. Jazakallah khair!
You attracted this comment requesting you take a genuine intellectually/emotionally honest journey through the "playlist" centered around this on "my page" trying to shed light on/ provide a list of video options seemingly related to this in an attempt to give easy access to a list of possible threads for people to use and unite together and figure this out. Peace and love.... If people shared the playlist, came together with others to arrive at a widely agreed upon map of the flat earth, realize capitalism and money systems beget kids starving in the streets and war after war, and so much more..... maybe this [plane]t can finally have: Peace and love...
0:00 - Hadith and the Law of Attraction 2:10 - Predestination vs. Free Will 6:29 - Beliefs on Predestination 7:38 - Law of Attraction Overview 10:07 - Islam on Energy Healing 14:07 - Law of Attraction Explained 15:36 - Positive vs. Negative Energy 16:09 - Thoughts and Manifestation 16:42 - Universe and Awareness 17:25 - Pantheism and the Universe 19:01 - Clearing Space to Attract 20:39 - Mixing Law of Attraction with Religion 25:13 - Fault and Frequency Blaming 25:50 - Mental Illness and Family Impact 27:01 - Law of Attraction vs. Islamic Beliefs 28:25 - Rejection by Christianity and Judaism 29:03 - Assuming Negativity Towards Allah 30:50 - Shirk and the Universe 37:21 - Various Idols and Astrology 38:05 - Ways to Positively Influence Life 38:47 - Intermediaries and Shirk 39:18 - Optimism and Islam 40:17 - Contagion and Pessimism 41:32 - Omens and Trust in Allah 42:25 - Optimism in Islam and Positive Words 43:37 - Healing and Optimism 45:18 - Mixing Du'a with Energy Beliefs 46:22 - Yoga and Its Concerns 47:00 - Yoga Practices and Beliefs 48:06 - Risks of Yoga and Energy Healing 49:21 - Astrology and its Historical Context 50:26 - Astrology and Islamic Views 52:00 - Magic, Sorcery, and Intermediaries 53:18 - Accepted Intermediaries in Islam 54:36 - Amulets, Talismans, and Shirk 56:36 - Final Reflections and Prayers
May Allah protect our Sheikh 🤲. This is a much-needed reminder, especially on the importance of true reliance on Allah alone 💖. Thank you for shedding light on the Law of Attraction and its misconceptions.
Prophet Muhammad (saw)Hadith..."Be watchful of commandments of Allah,and He will preserve you, safeguard His rights and He will be with you,if you beg of Him alone and if you need assistance supplicate to Allah alone and remember if All the people gather to benefit you they will not be able to benefit you accept that which Allah has written against you,the pens had been lifted and the had dried up".
Astaghfirullah! Astaghfirullah! Astaghfirullah! I was going down the manifestation path. I compared them calling on the universe as us calling on Allah. The times I thought I manifested things in my life I added “if Allah wanted me to have it” I will have it. Alhamdu lillah for this reminder. Jazak Allah
but pantheism is not how he explained it. Pantheism believes God IS the universe, that there is no God outside of the universe. That is haram FOR SURE. BUT Believing God created laws such as laws of physics or law of attraction within that universe that He manages is (i think) not wrong. Allah still manages the universe. It's under His control and Him alone. If you jump off a cliff: you can believe Allah can save you. But you also wont jump because you know the laws of physics apply, and govern this universe in a perfect order and balance decreed by Allah. So if believing in law of attraction is haram, it follows that believing in law of gravity is also haram?
@@lolabrini3758 But there's a difference Is gravity an actual thing? Yes Does gravity go against any islamic beliefs? No Is ''law'' of attraction an actual thing? No Does it go against any of the islamic beliefs? Yes I'll give an example, If there is something that you really want that you think is good for you but is actually not and you sit around thinking and thinking and thinking and trying to match whatever energies but allah decided to not give it to you because he knows it not good for you while you don't. NOW, Question is: do you think you will get it? (After all the attempts at matching whatever energies but allah did not will it for you to get it) Also sheikh bilal did say things like they remove God and bring in universe and that they basically replace God with universe quite a lot of times. Not word to word but yeah.
@@User.abcdcba im not sure. You havent convinced me. When we want something: we focus (consciously and subconsciously) on ways to get it, and almost always we do get it. So in a way: laws of attraction IS real. And it's not haram since you know u have to make effort and move towards that goal.
@@lolabrini3758 I really hope you do understand though. May allah protect your iman from it. Qadr of Allah is one of the pillars of faith. it is no joke. Islamically, If you want something, you do your part by working hard for it and make dua to Allah and then leave it to Allah. And "almost always we do get it"? r u sure? If a person does all the 'matching the frequency' thing and still didn't get what they wanted then something must have just lacked in the focus, right? You didn't get what you wanted? Oh, You just didn't "think harder" buddy! Next time just "focus harder" to match imaginary frequencies. Where is Allah in this?! And why place your dependencies on the creation of Allah when you can ask Him, the most High? Everything is by the will of Allah. This is a critical issue. Not only for you, but if you accidentally let someone into a belief like this. You can try listening to the complete 2 lectures if you haven't yet. inshaAllah they'll help.
Sheikh, thank you very much. You covered extremely important topic. Nowadays this concept is so popular among people. Me myself was under influence of the videos for while where "successful" people like to teach how to ask universe for something. However, i always felt wrong it contradicts my faith but they explained so well on a degree you may start to believe. It's kind of propaganda that you can see over and over again in particular among motivational speaker. Alhamdullilah, i realized this quite fast. May Allah protect our ummah
Thanks a lot for clarifying it. I always had a belief on manifestation and law of attraction, and i used to do this practice in past. May Allah forgive me, you have opened my eyes. There is so little difference manifesting the things from universe or saying goods words only to ourself for just to train our mind, and for just to be optimistic. I was never able to understand that. May Allah shower his blessings on you. Allah saved me from shirk today through this video. You have opened my eyes. Thanks alot.
Allah said in Quran “Be grateful , I will give you more” Means gratitude will help you to get abundance. So in law of attraction is think positive and be grateful you will get more.
Ibrahim 14:7 وَإِذْ تَأَذَّنَ رَبُّكُمْ لَئِن شَكَرْتُمْ لَأَزِيدَنَّكُمْۖ وَلَئِن كَفَرْتُمْ إِنَّ عَذَابِى لَشَدِيدٌ English - Sahih International And [remember] when your Lord proclaimed, 'If you are grateful, I will surely increase you [in favor]; but if you deny, indeed, My punishment is severe.'
In Islam, the gratitude is to be directed toward Allah. Not just plain gratitude like in the law of attraction. Did you watch the video? If not then i highly recommend it to understand the difference.
I’m always grateful and I channel it towards Allah. I will say I learnt this through watching videos about the law of attraction and I make sure I understand it relating everything to Allah. Personally, I feel like the name Law of Attraction is what they don’t like to hear, but the law is just a law made by Allah. Islam is a way of life, I pray to Allah and I make sure I’m wishing for the best so that I can get the best provided by Allah.
Then it's not law of attraction, it's called having trust and hope in Allah when times are good and when times are bad. Please watch the video, sheikh has talked about hadiths and Quranic verses defying this concept
MasyaaAllah tabarakAllah. I’ve been thinking & pondering about this subject for over 10 years. May Allah protect, preserve, grant wisdom & knowledge to our sheikh to educate us & grant all muslims & all of humanity understanding, knowledge & wisdom to better ourselves & mould ourselves to become grateful servants of Allah. Amin
One of the very subtle ways syaitaan try to confuse and mislead us in this day and age as it concerns our aqidah.. Alhamdulillah thank you for addressing and giving clarity to this topic..
Alhamdullillah! A lecture worthy of being listened to... Yes, there are many muslims being misguided by the LOA and Manifestation. Dua is our weapon, but not everyone knows how to use it. The Qadr of Allah is true, yet many do not believe, as they haven't yet accepted it in their hearts and so many muslims are taken up by LOA and Manifestation. It is shirk if only they knew.
JazakAllah Sheikh and team! Absolutely hammered the nail on the head. Annihilation of fallacies with such wisdom and knowledge. Some misconceptions we take easy, not realizing its implications on our faith and lives. V relevant topic addressed, as it is really creeping into the lives of a lot of us. I attended your lecture in Manchester and someone had asked a question on manifestation, and you had answered with the same wisdom. Listened to a lecture on this topic by a brother who has a you tube channel Muslim Highlander. Very insightful as well.
So glad that this is being addressed, some muslim content creators seriously spreading evil (practice of shirk) and sugar coating it in islam knowingly or unknowingly and i believe its because they really don’t know who Allah سبحانه وتعالى is and are attached too much to the dunya
May Allah subhana Taa’la guide our hearts with His blessings and mercy, Ameen. JazakAllahu khairan to you, brother Belal Assaad and the team for this video.
Beautiful lesson. I have encountered plenty of women who say they’re manifesting yet the actions they take, what they’re actually doing is practicing secret arts. May Allah (swt) continue to guide & protect us all. Again beautiful lecture… jazakallah Khier
The topic is so important now. My feed is full of videos about it. Content from Joe Dispenza and others that make it sound so scientific but we lack Islamic knowledge to repute it fully. Thank you for explaining it so clearly! When we don’t understand or lack knowledge, it’s so easy to fall into this and apply this to Islam astagfirulla.
Great lecture Tabarkallah. We are so much influenced by the western world in such a negative manner that we should be grateful that we have Imams like our Sheikh Assaad who are tackling real contemporary issues our Ummah needs healing from.
What a deep analysis on this growing issue, your words reflected how much you have researched on this topic. I myself was very very confused due to these growing fallacies which seem nothing like shirk but are totally bafoonery and time waste and can unknowingly deprive one of faith, faith in Allah. May Allah guide us All Aamin Jazaak Allah sheikh
@@Asrar-e-Qudrat brother, the law of attraction and manifestation belongs to Busdhist philosophy. It focuses on your self-sufficiency in that what you want and desire you manifest through thoughts, intentions and aligning with energy frequencies and vibrations in the universe. It does not include Qadar and that what Allah Wills is what will happen, even if your Du’a is as powerful as the prophets’ themselves. The problem with mixing the 2 is a confusion of the absence if Qadar, disappointment if what you wanted Allah to manifest for you did not happen and the shar’i conditions of Du’a being accepted. It starts to go into areas of ‘intermediaries’ through created energy. We have seen this happen to many of our brothers and sisters who got dragged into this philosophy. I advise you brotherly to be careful what you advise others as you may be the cause of them falling into superstitious delusions. If you care to, you may listen to my next 2 clips part 2 of LOA and pursuit of rizq. WaSalam
thank you so much for this! i've not been educated on this topic enough at all, its definitely something in my generation that has become so normal and a very popular. as a 21 year old, i hope all 16-21 year olds listen to this, we need the knowledge
Assalamualaikum sheikh belal, as a teenager i really appreciate your content. you give detailed lectures about prevalent topics. can u please talk about body image but from the islamic insights. we struggle a lot w peer pressure, comparison, self harm/neglect, depression bcz of the way the elites and evils are profiting off of our insecurities and constantly making us conscious about them, sometimes things we don't even know or think about.
Masha Allah tabarakalla sheikh Bilal may Allah s.w.t continue to guide and protect you from all evil and increase your iman and me too alhamdulillah I lean a lot from this charnel ❤❤❤
I needed this 👏🏼 people often say law of attraction is the way you think it attracts upon your thoughts good/bad.. I personally think it’s just devil whisper.. the main power is with Allah alone the rest is just shaytan
May Allah swt bless you sheikh you help the young with these important topics in these times where there’s so much deception spread that we don’t even realize we are committing sins. May Allah swt forgive us our sins and increase our knowledge. ❤
thanks to you for bringing me the right way of thinking man thanks to Allah send you to guide us Allah bless you with His all Blessings. lots of love and respect ❤
Alhamdulillah for this lecture! There is so much nonsense circulating on the Internet and Sheikh is right - it distracts us from Allah and our responsibilities
Thankyou for bringing this topic bcs our young generation need this in order to prevent us from doing shirk. Im so grateful that Allah send you to us because your lecture always up to date with whats trendy nowadays and explain it in islam perspective so we dont get lost
I appreciate this discussion from an Islamic perspective. I would say one thing though, that there is a slightly different school of thought based on the Law of Assumption/Belief and the concept of the Bridge of incidents (which can have seemingly negative things but are interpreted with patience as one knows The End will eventually be Good) which is base on Biblical Scripture re-interpreted by Neville Goddard (and some others). He emphasised God is known through our personal consciousness/Awareness of Him and it is only His power that gives and takes in our world. He is as we think of Him (which we have in Islam). And we must purify our perception of any and all external causes, or other sources of power (like astrology, Tarot), which we also have in Islam (shirk). The ultimate goal of this School of thought is not the manifesting itself but the recognition of the Oneness of God and Him being the only source of power/manifestation in the world and in our personal life and to trust Him and Him alone. From an Islamic perspective this is the first part of the Shahada, tawheed, but also develops the concepts of taqwa, tawakkul and yaqeen. But as Neville Goddard taught from the Bible it's a Christian perspective and so they miss the second part of the Shahada: Mohammed rasul Allah. Which gives us the practises we should follow to purify and elevate our souls in this life and the akhira.... I mention this as I think there are some benefits to having a discussion on the Law of Assumption/Belief and especially Neville Goddard, from an Islamic perspective, rather than the law of attraction. Jzk 🙏.
Dear sheikh ustadh Belal Assaad ,I ask the almighty Allah to reward you for all your dedication to the community and younger generation. I have been on your videos on you tube since i lost my brother 4 months ago,Allah yerhamo and your loved ones yarab ameen. I would just like to take the time to ay im one of your biggest fans and you have taught me so much, you have motivated me to become closer to Allah and Allah swa sent you to my family and I. I really do hope to attend one of your lectures one day inshallah. warm regards your sister Farrah
This is an excellent topic. It is currently very popular, and the younger generation, who are more technologically inclined, are particularly drawn to it. They believe that it does not conflict with Islamic teachings. Jazakallah
Now I even understand more why so many muslims as ahadith narrate, will believe and follow dajjal❗️ Even our own Muslim brothers and sisters can sometimes explain something so sinful so good that one might even doubt its belief… May Allah swt GUIDE “All” of us…🤲 Jazakallu khairan ustad Bilal
This is very beneficial. These things are very hyped right now. It can cause a younger Muslim to be misunderstood about this. People nowadays want peace. Maybe they neglected the Islamic rules and rituals by doing those things.
Masha’Allah 🤲🏾🤲🏾🤲🏾 Shukran & Jazaka’Allah Kair for decoding this LOA mumbo jumbo. It’s so easy to fall into shirk if you aren’t careful and aware of these things. Another trap of the Shaytan!!! May Allah (SWT) protect us and forgive those who have fallen victim to this “Unintentionally” May our intentions to be the best version of ourselves for the pleasure of Allah (SWT) safe us from his raft. Ameen ❤️🤲🏾❤️
Ameen Yarabil3alameen. Mat Allâh subhanaWataAllah forgive all your short comings and reward and bless you in every way. Amen Yarabil3alameen. And to all of us in here amd out there. Amen Yarabil3alameen
If you find it hard to perform regular prayers, recite this Dua: (Quran 14:40) 🤍 رَبِّ ٱجْعَلْنِى مُقِيمَ ٱلصَّلَوٰةِ وَمِن ذُرِّيَّتِى ۚ رَبَّنَا وَتَقَبَّلْ دُعَآءِ ▫️Rabbij alnee muqeemas Salaati wa min zurriyyatee Rabbanaa wa taqabbal dua. ▫️My Lord, make me an establisher of prayer, and many from my descendants. Our Lord, and accept my supplication.
This lacture completely clear my understanding about manifestation and law of attraction Allhmdollilah I will surely upload the small clip from this on my channel 👍
‘Do the people think that they will be left to say, “We believe” and they will not be tried? But We have certainly tried those before them, and Allah will surely make evident those who are truthful, and He will surely make evident those who are false.’ [Qur’an 29: 2-3]
This brother explains everything in the most extreme way. I do yoga but I don't do it to worship anything or anyone aside from Allah, I didn't even know some of the phrases that he was using. I do yoga sometimes at home as a form of deep stretching that really helps my back and other conditions I have. I believe it all has to do with your intentions and why you are doing it. Allah knows your heart and to paint everything with the same brush and just to assume anyone doing a yoga type stretch is worshipping anything other than Allah is completely wrong! And should not be sat there preaching!!
Did you know? I was also following law of attraction and its content creators since early 2022, then joined the one of their paid LOA classes. I am not heal, but more experienced with depression because thought that I am couldn't have a positive energies, positive vibes, lack of affirmations and lack of writing the details of my wishes. 🎉 Watching this video make me consider to leave law of attraction. Surely, with law of attraction rules, my anxiety also increase.🎉
JAZAKALLAHKHAIR ustadh this is what I was searching most of my life because people have this logic, as a Muslim I didn't believe and don't because deep down I believed it goes against Allah subhantallah this answers my question and puts my mind at ease. Now days sisters say we should believe in this and that but ✋️ wait this is all shirk how can this be ?? JAZAKALLAHKHAIR once again may Allah Subhantallah guide us all to reality and wake us up from the shaytaan illusions. ❤❤❤ ameen.
This is only part 1, please listen to part 2 follow up. th-cam.com/video/QdJouJfo67w/w-d-xo.htmlsi=UM9OWbFY37xNnXUU
Baraka Allahu fik
@@belal.assaad I gotta listen to this right after I pray isha Insh'Allah
الله يرحم بها الوالدين. وضحتي لينا هاد الفتنة فالدين لي كيسوق لينا الغرب .
جزاك الله كل خير
I wish I could translate it in Arabic
Assalamualaikum Jazakallah much needed video of this time and there are many people misguiding others on this topic
Did you know that reciting the quran with correct tajweed, calms your nerving system through activation of parasympathetic nervous system? SubhanAllah
Also heals negative energy and gets rid of Sihr
I don't think it's a matter of 'negative energy', it's more a matter of controlling your nafs. The biggest battle is with your nafs.
As in sihr it is recommended to recite Surah Baqara and Al Imran frequently. A frequent and repetitive good deed/action in Arabic "wird“ (ورد) is most loved by Allah🌼
could you kindly provide evidence for this?
True whenever i hear the recitation it calms me like water
The evidence is that Allah has prescribed the reading of the Qur'an as a cure for the body and soul.
Let's take a closer look at what the medical science/anatomy says: The parasympathetic nervous system is activated by stimulating the vagus nerve (which is a very long nerve; it runs through the neck, branches out towards the ears and into the larynx, extends into the chest cavity and divides into the left and right vagus nerves. Branches go to the heart, lungs, stomach, pancreas, intestines and other organs in the abdominal cavity).
Stimulating the vagus has a calming effect on the body, it signals "rest". So if we take a closer look at what Tajweed is actually based on, it is a practical application of using the flow of air in different areas (for example al khayshum (nasal cavity), al jauf (mouth cavity), halq (throat to larynx area)) and a very precise way of positioning the tongue.
By regulating your breathing you are actually activating the vagus nerve. In Tajweed you have the so-called Madd rule, which means prolonging the letter, beginning a long verse by inhaling and exhaling air, using idgham air flow vibrations in the nasal cavity, pronouncing certain letters, qalqala, all these have an effect on your vagus nerve.
So imagine reading the Qur'an correctly and beautifully, SubhanAllah. The Qur'an is medicine, we just do not see it.
I usually don't comment on videos. But this lecture feels like an answered Dua for guidance from Allah. I saw soo many videos about Manifestation from Muslims online. I was soo confused as to if it's shirk or not cause there are plenty of Muslims online promoting it. Really wished a Scholar would talk about this and clarify things and Allhamdullilah this video is released on TH-cam. Jazakallah khair!
Same here
it is not shirk if you understand that it is from the Will and Power of Allah, and not you who is manifesting it
You attracted this comment requesting you take a genuine intellectually/emotionally honest journey through the "playlist" centered around this on "my page" trying to shed light on/ provide a list of video options seemingly related to this in an attempt to give easy access to a list of possible threads for people to use and unite together and figure this out.
Peace and love....
If people shared the playlist, came together with others to arrive at a widely agreed upon map of the flat earth, realize capitalism and money systems beget kids starving in the streets and war after war, and so much more..... maybe this [plane]t can finally have:
Peace and love...
I totally agree with you @@AliA-im7xx
0:00 - Hadith and the Law of Attraction
2:10 - Predestination vs. Free Will
6:29 - Beliefs on Predestination
7:38 - Law of Attraction Overview
10:07 - Islam on Energy Healing
14:07 - Law of Attraction Explained
15:36 - Positive vs. Negative Energy
16:09 - Thoughts and Manifestation
16:42 - Universe and Awareness
17:25 - Pantheism and the Universe
19:01 - Clearing Space to Attract
20:39 - Mixing Law of Attraction with Religion
25:13 - Fault and Frequency Blaming
25:50 - Mental Illness and Family Impact
27:01 - Law of Attraction vs. Islamic Beliefs
28:25 - Rejection by Christianity and Judaism
29:03 - Assuming Negativity Towards Allah
30:50 - Shirk and the Universe
37:21 - Various Idols and Astrology
38:05 - Ways to Positively Influence Life
38:47 - Intermediaries and Shirk
39:18 - Optimism and Islam
40:17 - Contagion and Pessimism
41:32 - Omens and Trust in Allah
42:25 - Optimism in Islam and Positive Words
43:37 - Healing and Optimism
45:18 - Mixing Du'a with Energy Beliefs
46:22 - Yoga and Its Concerns
47:00 - Yoga Practices and Beliefs
48:06 - Risks of Yoga and Energy Healing
49:21 - Astrology and its Historical Context
50:26 - Astrology and Islamic Views
52:00 - Magic, Sorcery, and Intermediaries
53:18 - Accepted Intermediaries in Islam
54:36 - Amulets, Talismans, and Shirk
56:36 - Final Reflections and Prayers
May Allah reward you! ❤
@@user-qq9qi5xw2r Amin 🤲
جزاك الله خيرا
Jazakallah khair
Alhamdulillah for Islam, the light in an ocean of darkness.
U have NO IDEA how much I need it this! Subhan allah🤲🏼😭
What happened brother
Finally shaikh belal a topic worthy of islamic perspective
I was struggling with these. Recently in tahajjud i asked for guidance and here i can see the outcome of my dua. Alhamdulillah
May Allah protect our Sheikh 🤲. This is a much-needed reminder, especially on the importance of true reliance on Allah alone 💖. Thank you for shedding light on the Law of Attraction and its misconceptions.
Prophet Muhammad (saw)Hadith..."Be watchful of commandments of Allah,and He will preserve you, safeguard His rights and He will be with you,if you beg of Him alone and if you need assistance supplicate to Allah alone and remember if All the people gather to benefit you they will not be able to benefit you accept that which Allah has written against you,the pens had been lifted and the had dried up".
Mr. Belal you have no idea how important this lecture of yours was for me. May Allah bless us abundantly.
When you have overwhelming thoughts that take over your mind, stop, and do your dhikr, praise Allah, you will feel at peace.
Chanting salawats also helps
Yes and dua by success!!!
Recite the Kalimah. It is a cure as well.
La iLlAhaha IllAllah
Astaghfirullah! Astaghfirullah! Astaghfirullah!
I was going down the manifestation path. I compared them calling on the universe as us calling on Allah. The times I thought I manifested things in my life I added “if Allah wanted me to have it” I will have it. Alhamdu lillah for this reminder. Jazak Allah
May Allah continue to bless you in knowledge
but pantheism is not how he explained it. Pantheism believes God IS the universe, that there is no God outside of the universe. That is haram FOR SURE.
BUT Believing God created laws such as laws of physics or law of attraction within that universe that He manages is (i think) not wrong. Allah still manages the universe. It's under His control and Him alone. If you jump off a cliff: you can believe Allah can save you. But you also wont jump because you know the laws of physics apply, and govern this universe in a perfect order and balance decreed by Allah. So if believing in law of attraction is haram, it follows that believing in law of gravity is also haram?
But there's a difference
Is gravity an actual thing? Yes
Does gravity go against any islamic beliefs? No
Is ''law'' of attraction an actual thing? No
Does it go against any of the islamic beliefs? Yes
I'll give an example,
If there is something that you really want that you think is good for you but is actually not and you sit around thinking and thinking and thinking and trying to match whatever energies but allah decided to not give it to you because he knows it not good for you while you don't.
Question is: do you think you will get it?
(After all the attempts at matching whatever energies but allah did not will it for you to get it)
Also sheikh bilal did say things like they remove God and bring in universe and that they basically replace God with universe quite a lot of times. Not word to word but yeah.
@@User.abcdcba im not sure. You havent convinced me.
When we want something: we focus (consciously and subconsciously) on ways to get it, and almost always we do get it. So in a way: laws of attraction IS real. And it's not haram since you know u have to make effort and move towards that goal.
I really hope you do understand though. May allah protect your iman from it.
Qadr of Allah is one of the pillars of faith. it is no joke.
Islamically, If you want something, you do your part by working hard for it and make dua to Allah and then leave it to Allah.
And "almost always we do get it"? r u sure?
If a person does all the 'matching the frequency' thing and still didn't get what they wanted then something must have just lacked in the focus, right?
You didn't get what you wanted? Oh, You just didn't "think harder" buddy! Next time just "focus harder" to match imaginary frequencies.
Where is Allah in this?!
And why place your dependencies on the creation of Allah when you can ask Him, the most High?
Everything is by the will of Allah.
This is a critical issue. Not only for you, but if you accidentally let someone into a belief like this.
You can try listening to the complete 2 lectures if you haven't yet. inshaAllah they'll help.
Sheikh, thank you very much. You covered extremely important topic. Nowadays this concept is so popular among people. Me myself was under influence of the videos for while where "successful" people like to teach how to ask universe for something. However, i always felt wrong it contradicts my faith but they explained so well on a degree you may start to believe. It's kind of propaganda that you can see over and over again in particular among motivational speaker. Alhamdullilah, i realized this quite fast. May Allah protect our ummah
Thanks a lot for clarifying it. I always had a belief on manifestation and law of attraction, and i used to do this practice in past. May Allah forgive me, you have opened my eyes. There is so little difference manifesting the things from universe or saying goods words only to ourself for just to train our mind, and for just to be optimistic. I was never able to understand that. May Allah shower his blessings on you. Allah saved me from shirk today through this video. You have opened my eyes. Thanks alot.
Allah said in Quran
“Be grateful , I will give you more”
Means gratitude will help you to get abundance.
So in law of attraction is think positive and be grateful you will get more.
Please quote Surah and Aya number so I can look up the context thank you.
Ibrahim 14:7
وَإِذْ تَأَذَّنَ رَبُّكُمْ لَئِن شَكَرْتُمْ لَأَزِيدَنَّكُمْۖ وَلَئِن كَفَرْتُمْ إِنَّ عَذَابِى لَشَدِيدٌ
English - Sahih International
And [remember] when your Lord proclaimed, 'If you are grateful, I will surely increase you [in favor]; but if you deny, indeed, My punishment is severe.'
In Islam, the gratitude is to be directed toward Allah. Not just plain gratitude like in the law of attraction. Did you watch the video? If not then i highly recommend it to understand the difference.
I’m always grateful and I channel it towards Allah. I will say I learnt this through watching videos about the law of attraction and I make sure I understand it relating everything to Allah. Personally, I feel like the name Law of Attraction is what they don’t like to hear, but the law is just a law made by Allah. Islam is a way of life, I pray to Allah and I make sure I’m wishing for the best so that I can get the best provided by Allah.
Then it's not law of attraction, it's called having trust and hope in Allah when times are good and when times are bad. Please watch the video, sheikh has talked about hadiths and Quranic verses defying this concept
MasyaaAllah tabarakAllah. I’ve been thinking & pondering about this subject for over 10 years. May Allah protect, preserve, grant wisdom & knowledge to our sheikh to educate us & grant all muslims & all of humanity understanding, knowledge & wisdom to better ourselves & mould ourselves to become grateful servants of Allah. Amin
Allhamdullilah, so sympathetic, Sheikh.
When someone has great knowledge it is fun to listen ❤ الله أكبر
One of the very subtle ways syaitaan try to confuse and mislead us in this day and age as it concerns our aqidah.. Alhamdulillah thank you for addressing and giving clarity to this topic..
I'm so grateful someone finally addressed this new age idea and Islam's position on it. May Allah accept all you good deed.
Asalaamaleikum Sheikh Bilal thank you so much for explaining Law of Attraction and Manifestation in Islam
May Allah bless you and your family!
Allah says He is what you think He is for you. So isnt that manifesting?
Thank you for this khutbah! Belaal you're my favorite Islamic speaker 😊
Alhamdullillah! A lecture worthy of being listened to...
Yes, there are many muslims being misguided by the LOA and Manifestation.
Dua is our weapon, but not everyone knows how to use it.
The Qadr of Allah is true, yet many do not believe, as they haven't yet accepted it in their hearts and so many muslims are taken up by LOA and Manifestation. It is shirk if only they knew.
I wanted to know about manifestation..... Alhamdulillah this vdo was suggested by Allah. Thank you Almighty Allah
JazakAllah Sheikh and team! Absolutely hammered the nail on the head. Annihilation of fallacies with such wisdom and knowledge. Some misconceptions we take easy, not realizing its implications on our faith and lives. V relevant topic addressed, as it is really creeping into the lives of a lot of us.
I attended your lecture in Manchester and someone had asked a question on manifestation, and you had answered with the same wisdom.
Listened to a lecture on this topic by a brother who has a you tube channel Muslim Highlander. Very insightful as well.
This is what I was searching for to collect some points against this belief since so many ppl around me believe this.
Alhamdulillah this is great.
Daily Dhikr Reminder .🌹💚.Bismillah
1. SubhanAllah 2. Alhamdulillah
3. La illaha il Allah 4. Allahu Akbar
Thank you for this video, there’s an upcoming trend of manifesting with Qur’an and Dua. Thank you for your guidance on these matters.
(Qur’an 42:30) Whatever misfortune befalls you is a consequence of your own deeds. But much of it He forgives.
So glad that this is being addressed, some muslim content creators seriously spreading evil (practice of shirk) and sugar coating it in islam knowingly or unknowingly and i believe its because they really don’t know who Allah سبحانه وتعالى is and are attached too much to the dunya
I've been telling the so called spiritual people about this but I didn't know how to explain it better jazakallahu kheir 🤲🏾
You are also spirit living in your body
Thank you so much for this video-Hope others find it too inshaAllah,Allah is the guider🤲🏼
May Allah subhana Taa’la guide our hearts with His blessings and mercy, Ameen. JazakAllahu khairan to you, brother Belal Assaad and the team for this video.
Beautiful lesson. I have encountered plenty of women who say they’re manifesting yet the actions they take, what they’re actually doing is practicing secret arts. May Allah (swt) continue to guide & protect us all. Again beautiful lecture… jazakallah Khier
The topic is so important now. My feed is full of videos about it. Content from Joe Dispenza and others that make it sound so scientific but we lack Islamic knowledge to repute it fully. Thank you for explaining it so clearly! When we don’t understand or lack knowledge, it’s so easy to fall into this and apply this to Islam astagfirulla.
Beautiful message . Eye opening. May Allah protect you and grant you success in this life and the next
Great lecture Tabarkallah. We are so much influenced by the western world in such a negative manner that we should be grateful that we have Imams like our Sheikh Assaad who are tackling real contemporary issues our Ummah needs healing from.
What a deep analysis on this growing issue, your words reflected how much you have researched on this topic. I myself was very very confused due to these growing fallacies which seem nothing like shirk but are totally bafoonery and time waste and can unknowingly deprive one of faith, faith in Allah.
May Allah guide us All
Jazaak Allah sheikh
This video is for me, i nearly get trapped deeply into the belief of manifestation and Law of Attraction, Jazakallahu bi khayr Yaa Sheikh🙏🏽
Jazaka allah kheir this was much needed. Unfortunately I fell into this when I was younger may allah forgive me.
I fell into this last year and I am being corrected now for it. Alhamdulillah Allah corrects us while we are still living
Why? Law of attraction and manifestation belongs to Allah we ask him by this way... its taqwa that how we make dua as per recommendation
@@Asrar-e-Qudrat brother, the law of attraction and manifestation belongs to Busdhist philosophy. It focuses on your self-sufficiency in that what you want and desire you manifest through thoughts, intentions and aligning with energy frequencies and vibrations in the universe. It does not include Qadar and that what Allah Wills is what will happen, even if your Du’a is as powerful as the prophets’ themselves. The problem with mixing the 2 is a confusion of the absence if Qadar, disappointment if what you wanted Allah to manifest for you did not happen and the shar’i conditions of Du’a being accepted. It starts to go into areas of ‘intermediaries’ through created energy. We have seen this happen to many of our brothers and sisters who got dragged into this philosophy. I advise you brotherly to be careful what you advise others as you may be the cause of them falling into superstitious delusions. If you care to, you may listen to my next 2 clips part 2 of LOA and pursuit of rizq. WaSalam
thank you so much for this! i've not been educated on this topic enough at all, its definitely something in my generation that has become so normal and a very popular. as a 21 year old, i hope all 16-21 year olds listen to this, we need the knowledge
Looking back wallahi the Law of Attraction seems very bizarre now. Everything is from Allah and leads to Allah. Amazing!
I really like this topic because there are a lot of misconceptions and confusions about this in tawheed.
SubhanAllah I was once one of them-may Allah guide us All and protect us🤲🏼.Alhamdulilah
Assalamualaikum sheikh belal, as a teenager i really appreciate your content. you give detailed lectures about prevalent topics. can u please talk about body image but from the islamic insights. we struggle a lot w peer pressure, comparison, self harm/neglect, depression bcz of the way the elites and evils are profiting off of our insecurities and constantly making us conscious about them, sometimes things we don't even know or think about.
Much needed topic especially in this TikTok era
May Allah keep our aqeedah pure
Im watching from Uganda 🇺🇬.. thanks for this clarification
Masha Allah tabarakalla sheikh Bilal may Allah s.w.t continue to guide and protect you from all evil and increase your iman and me too alhamdulillah I lean a lot from this charnel ❤❤❤
I needed this 👏🏼 people often say law of attraction is the way you think it attracts upon your thoughts good/bad.. I personally think it’s just devil whisper.. the main power is with Allah alone the rest is just shaytan
alhamdulilah may Allah swt grant you jannah sheikh 🤍
How I wish I could have a chance on be one of his lecture someday.Allah bestowed him great knowledge and wisdom
Allah swt made your recitation of Qur'an so soothing, sheikh.
Thank you for addressing modern, relevant, common ideas
This gave me a wake up call subhanallah
May Allah swt bless you sheikh you help the young with these important topics in these times where there’s so much deception spread that we don’t even realize we are committing sins. May Allah swt forgive us our sins and increase our knowledge. ❤
Jazakallah My dear respected Brother. Tou Navigated this tricky topic with clarity and wisdom. MashaAllah
thanks to you for bringing me the right way of thinking man thanks to Allah send you to guide us Allah bless you with His all Blessings. lots of love and respect ❤
Maasha Allah brother bilaal assad may Allah bless you and your family aamiin
Alhamdulillah for this lecture! There is so much nonsense circulating on the Internet and Sheikh is right - it distracts us from Allah and our responsibilities
Thankyou for bringing this topic bcs our young generation need this in order to prevent us from doing shirk. Im so grateful that Allah send you to us because your lecture always up to date with whats trendy nowadays and explain it in islam perspective so we dont get lost
I appreciate this discussion from an Islamic perspective. I would say one thing though, that there is a slightly different school of thought based on the Law of Assumption/Belief and the concept of the Bridge of incidents (which can have seemingly negative things but are interpreted with patience as one knows The End will eventually be Good) which is base on Biblical Scripture re-interpreted by Neville Goddard (and some others).
He emphasised God is known through our personal consciousness/Awareness of Him and it is only His power that gives and takes in our world. He is as we think of Him (which we have in Islam). And we must purify our perception of any and all external causes, or other sources of power (like astrology, Tarot), which we also have in Islam (shirk). The ultimate goal of this School of thought is not the manifesting itself but the recognition of the Oneness of God and Him being the only source of power/manifestation in the world and in our personal life and to trust Him and Him alone. From an Islamic perspective this is the first part of the Shahada, tawheed, but also develops the concepts of taqwa, tawakkul and yaqeen. But as Neville Goddard taught from the Bible it's a Christian perspective and so they miss the second part of the Shahada: Mohammed rasul Allah. Which gives us the practises we should follow to purify and elevate our souls in this life and the akhira.... I mention this as I think there are some benefits to having a discussion on the Law of Assumption/Belief and especially Neville Goddard, from an Islamic perspective, rather than the law of attraction. Jzk 🙏.
Dear sheikh ustadh Belal Assaad ,I ask the almighty Allah to reward you for all your dedication to the community and younger generation. I have been on your videos on you tube since i lost my brother 4 months ago,Allah yerhamo and your loved ones yarab ameen. I would just like to take the time to ay im one of your biggest fans and you have taught me so much, you have motivated me to become closer to Allah and Allah swa sent you to my family and I. I really do hope to attend one of your lectures one day inshallah. warm regards your sister Farrah
MashaAllah bro❤ i love that you combine Islamic Knowledge with science of today
This is an excellent topic. It is currently very popular, and the younger generation, who are more technologically inclined, are particularly drawn to it. They believe that it does not conflict with Islamic teachings. Jazakallah
Jazakaallahu khair for clarity. May Allah reward you. Allahumma Aameen 🤲🏾
Alhamdulillah brother that we have you. I do the best to listen to your takes. 🤲🏻
Jazakallah Khair Sheikh for cleary explanation. May Allah SWT bless you.
Now I even understand more why so many muslims as ahadith narrate, will believe and follow dajjal❗️
Even our own Muslim brothers and sisters can sometimes explain something so sinful so good that one might even doubt its belief…
May Allah swt GUIDE “All” of us…🤲
Jazakallu khairan ustad Bilal
A well needed video. Jazak Allah khayr
This is very beneficial. These things are very hyped right now. It can cause a younger Muslim to be misunderstood about this. People nowadays want peace. Maybe they neglected the Islamic rules and rituals by doing those things.
Masha’Allah 🤲🏾🤲🏾🤲🏾 Shukran & Jazaka’Allah Kair for decoding this LOA mumbo jumbo.
It’s so easy to fall into shirk if you aren’t careful and aware of these things. Another trap of the Shaytan!!!
May Allah (SWT) protect us and forgive those who have fallen victim to this “Unintentionally” May our intentions to be the best version of ourselves for the pleasure of Allah (SWT) safe us from his raft.
Ameen ❤️🤲🏾❤️
Thank you so much for these lectures. Very informative and helpful.
سبحان الله و بحمده سبحان الله العظيم ☘️
Alhamdullah o got Shiekh Belal Assaad channel
Very good informative lecture. Always thought this frequency nonsense was real. Crazy how a lot of families believe that you attract what you think.
Ameen Yarabil3alameen. Mat Allâh subhanaWataAllah forgive all your short comings and reward and bless you in every way. Amen Yarabil3alameen. And to all of us in here amd out there. Amen Yarabil3alameen
Alhamdullah everything is in Allah's hand.
If you find it hard to perform regular prayers, recite this Dua: (Quran 14:40) 🤍
رَبِّ ٱجْعَلْنِى مُقِيمَ ٱلصَّلَوٰةِ وَمِن ذُرِّيَّتِى ۚ رَبَّنَا وَتَقَبَّلْ دُعَآءِ
▫️Rabbij alnee muqeemas Salaati wa min zurriyyatee Rabbanaa wa taqabbal dua.
▫️My Lord, make me an establisher of prayer, and many from my descendants. Our Lord, and accept my supplication.
My favourite sheikh.May Allah bless him
You don't have choices,
Omar Khayam
May Allah bless you Sheikh, this was much needed!
My favorite sheikh jasakalah kaarin
This lacture completely clear my understanding about manifestation and law of attraction Allhmdollilah
I will surely upload the small clip from this on my channel 👍
‘Do the people think that they will be left to say, “We believe” and they will not be tried? But We have certainly tried those before them, and Allah will surely make evident those who are truthful, and He will surely make evident those who are false.’ [Qur’an 29: 2-3]
Jazzakiallahu khairan ❤
This brother explains everything in the most extreme way. I do yoga but I don't do it to worship anything or anyone aside from Allah, I didn't even know some of the phrases that he was using. I do yoga sometimes at home as a form of deep stretching that really helps my back and other conditions I have. I believe it all has to do with your intentions and why you are doing it. Allah knows your heart and to paint everything with the same brush and just to assume anyone doing a yoga type stretch is worshipping anything other than Allah is completely wrong! And should not be sat there preaching!!
Thank you so much for picking up this topic. I started having a bad feeling about the whole law of attraction thing and felt its nothing but shirk.
Masha Allah brother bill luv to hear from you always from nigeria 🇳🇬 waiting to hear this lecturers
This needs to go viral
Allah wanted me to listen to this. Thank you for speaking about this topic. Learned the meaning of pantheism.
And we make effort to change our subconscious the right way as we can.
Did you know? I was also following law of attraction and its content creators since early 2022, then joined the one of their paid LOA classes. I am not heal, but more experienced with depression because thought that I am couldn't have a positive energies, positive vibes, lack of affirmations and lack of writing the details of my wishes. 🎉 Watching this video make me consider to leave law of attraction. Surely, with law of attraction rules, my anxiety also increase.🎉
The LOA classes is so expensive that start from $33 or Rp500.000 only for chat with LOA consultant or spiritual healing.
Jazakallah sheikh Bilal for this much needed topic and how you explained clearly
جزاكم الله خيرا اخوي بلال ❤❤❤
JAZAKALLAHKHAIR ustadh this is what I was searching most of my life because people have this logic, as a Muslim I didn't believe and don't because deep down I believed it goes against Allah subhantallah this answers my question and puts my mind at ease. Now days sisters say we should believe in this and that but ✋️ wait this is all shirk how can this be ?? JAZAKALLAHKHAIR once again may Allah Subhantallah guide us all to reality and wake us up from the shaytaan illusions. ❤❤❤ ameen.
Alhamdulilah 🤲 Gracias por sus conferencias
Alhamdulillah. Thanks so much for such an enlightening topic...always wondered what the references to the universe etc. was all about
We needed this may Allah bless you dear Imam