Yeah! It's a sound file I found the ID for on wowhead, then just plugged it in to a WA that triggers whenever I gain a second stack of Jade Empowerment (Actions > Play Sound > Sound by Kit ID > Sound Kit ID 35602). It helps to remind me to spend the buff when I'm not paying attention. :D
Which one? Aside from the basic set of WAs in the center for tracking CDs, it's a lot of different ones I'm still making changes to (using textures instead of models so my FPS doesn't drop as much). Most of it is my old WAs reskinned, except for a few I made for Jade Empowerment - the 2 little blade textures to my right that show empty/filled, and a couple sound files that play based on procs. :D
Exciiiiting stuff!
Just started leveling a Mistweaver Monk cuz of you!
Where is that voice line at 0:50 from? That's a weakaura, right?
Yeah! It's a sound file I found the ID for on wowhead, then just plugged it in to a WA that triggers whenever I gain a second stack of Jade Empowerment (Actions > Play Sound > Sound by Kit ID > Sound Kit ID 35602). It helps to remind me to spend the buff when I'm not paying attention. :D
Nice! What weak aura is that?
Which one? Aside from the basic set of WAs in the center for tracking CDs, it's a lot of different ones I'm still making changes to (using textures instead of models so my FPS doesn't drop as much). Most of it is my old WAs reskinned, except for a few I made for Jade Empowerment - the 2 little blade textures to my right that show empty/filled, and a couple sound files that play based on procs. :D
are you gonna do the music for the gorgon raid from new world?
I don't think so, but hopefully they put it on the NW channel at some point!