Sorry for raising this dumb question - regarding ISA, you mentioned most HKers have moved to the UK for 3 years now and we have at most £60,000 in the ISA account. I know we’re allowed to put £20k in ISA each year, but I didn’t know it’s accumulative? I thought that no matter how long you’ve moved to the UK, we could only have a maximum of £20k in an ISA account at any point of the year, or am I wrong?
I am not a tax or financial adviser. The following is purely my personal understanding, not professional advice 👇 Hi Fiona. Thank you for your question. I am quite certain that it is accumulative. The ISA allowance allows you "Every tax year you can save up to £20,000 in one account or split the allowance across multiple accounts." The allowance is reset on 6 April every year. You lose your ISA allowance if you do not use it up within a tax year. Some people have over 1 million pound in their ISA account. 5個秘訣助你成為ISA百萬富翁
Thanks so much. I’ve tried to find out whether it’s accumulative but my friends told me you can have only £20k at any single point of time, so I’ve been confused. Thanks a lot.
20:20 好簡單,把所有流動性資金轉名俾非英國稅務居民,從而合法避稅。23:06 但你一cash out隨時俾新法例徵多左稅,所以...
10:30 取消 vat exemption 即係 rip off 中產家庭😓
你個website 好正呀🦾🤩
Thank you for your sharing and advice, many thanks.
You are welcome, Anna.
在香港經常買賣stock properties valued assets
稅局視為做生意 要交profit tax
稅局不宣傳 少人知
謝謝收看 w s
Thank you
Not really many UK ppl also concern IHT if their family home has increased value over the years.
謝謝收看, Amy.
好簡單, 一有ILR/BC賣曬所有野即刻走人, 頭也不回。
@@joefong1433 下,乜你咁天真以為D人真心鍾意英國先黎架?咪又係為左仔女同passport!窮人就可能留英,有返幾百過千萬身家實走啦,吾通on居居俾你英國政府抽稅養D英國懶鬼窮人?同埋,我話走人冇話一定要回流返香港wo。
謝謝收看, Paggie.
謝謝支持 Koon Anna.
請問如取消了non-dom, 如不住夠183日, 外國的收入是否不須報稅 (assume 已有British port)
本人並非稅務或財務專家,以下純粹我個人理解,非專業意見 👇
如果係非稅務居民,喺唔需要就海外收入交稅。但留意如果係CGT, 例如特登返香港住一排然後賣樓,當時係唔需要交CGT,但如果5年內回英國變返Tax resident, HMRC可以追收返你CGT。呢個叫做 Temporary Non-Residence 嘅 5-year rule。同係咪 domicile 無關。
另外住夠183日只係其中一個自動成為 tax resident 嘅條件。住少過183日都一樣有機會成為 UK tax resident。所以最好係去做 SRT
Thank you 小魚爸🙏
小魚爸加油! 喜歡你的Channel
Thank you 🎉
You’re welcome 😊
未睇先like! 🎉
謝謝支持, Jim 💪
Thanks 小魚爸👍🏻
轉戰曼島, 隔離KOL律師介紹左幾集
小魚爸你好, 請問, 可唔可以介紹 tax advisor, 可以係邊度搵 同要注要什麼?
Hi Chris。你可以去 Facebook message 我。 唔想喺呢度賣廣告☺
多謝分享! 我巳到英差不多3年,來英前巳把香港的物業賣掉,賣樓的錢有部分還在香港銀行收息. 請問那些錢需要在明年4月5日前轉移到英國嗎?
本人並非稅務或財務專家,以下純粹我個人理解,非專業意見 👇
無特別必要。反正如果你無申請 remittance basis,你喺香港銀行收到嘅息都係要交稅。
Sorry for raising this dumb question - regarding ISA, you mentioned most HKers have moved to the UK for 3 years now and we have at most £60,000 in the ISA account. I know we’re allowed to put £20k in ISA each year, but I didn’t know it’s accumulative? I thought that no matter how long you’ve moved to the UK, we could only have a maximum of £20k in an ISA account at any point of the year, or am I wrong?
I am not a tax or financial adviser. The following is purely my personal understanding, not professional advice 👇
Hi Fiona. Thank you for your question. I am quite certain that it is accumulative. The ISA allowance allows you "Every tax year you can save up to £20,000 in one account or split the allowance across multiple accounts."
The allowance is reset on 6 April every year. You lose your ISA allowance if you do not use it up within a tax year. Some people have over 1 million pound in their ISA account.
Thanks so much. I’ve tried to find out whether it’s accumulative but my friends told me you can have only £20k at any single point of time, so I’ve been confused. Thanks a lot.
左膠政黨上台,工黨獨大或與SNP 、LibDem、Green組聯合政府,除大幅加稅及浪費大量公币外, 預料會發生:
1/ 大批非法移民湧入,比目前多幾倍;
2/ 家居能源裝備要更換,有補貼但肯定嚴重𣎴足;
3/ 男女同廁;
4/ Nursery推行性教育;
5/ 公立學校學位𣎴足,grammar school 被消失;
6/ 未成年人在學校安排轉性別事前家長不知情;
7/ Harry Porter作者J K Rowing因言入罪(她自己也這樣說)。
I don't fxxking care